Why is STELLAR BLADE mindbreaking western journalists so much?

Why is STELLAR BLADE mindbreaking western journalists so much?

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    Sterrar Brade make yur pp farr off

  2. 4 weeks ago

    americans are afraid of pretty girls for some reason

    • 4 weeks ago

      american culture has been based on extreme christian puritanism from its founding, and it's seeped into every aspect of our culture. Modern liberals fancy themselves as having overcome this cultural programming but they actually haven't at all. They've just shifted to using different excuses to fear and hide the female form

      • 4 weeks ago

        >UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM It's da Christian's fault!!!
        Typical braindead fricking redditor, even when faced with the most anti-Christian regime in modern times, this soijak motherfricker still finds a way to blame le Christians. Protestantism aside, porn is bad and you know it. There is a line that separates genuine beauty, and pornography.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You mean ugly women and ugly "women."

    • 4 weeks ago

      Its just the kind of gays who write about games news, regular people do not behave like that.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    >Stellar Blade doesn't understand What Made Nier Automata A Masterpiece
    But it was the ass! that's why they made stellar blade entirely centered about ass fetish!
    Everyone knows americans love big asses!

    • 4 weeks ago

      only the muttified ones. inb4 all americans are mutts

    • 4 weeks ago

      this thread
      and this image

      name a more spammed and constantly reposted duo

    • 4 weeks ago

      >But it was the ass!
      it was just a couple of days ago you were saying that 2B didn't have a focus on her ass like SB kek

  4. 4 weeks ago

    Leftists hate beauty.

    • 4 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago

        it's so cool how you added pronouns to your poxt

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Can some determined autist look up game journo articles and/or neoseeker posts kvetching about Bayonetta from back when her game(s) were first releasing? I'm constantly annoyed by the attempts to rewrite history saying that there is no war on attractive characters because 'people were always cool with Bayo'.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I mean I'll still say Bayonetta is a dumb as shit design and I will forever mock that one render of hers that's so poorly done it looks like her torso is on backwards,

      • 4 weeks ago

        I don't really give a shit Anon. I just want proof that these lying Black folk weren't 'totally fine' with Bayonetta back in the day and whined about her being a misogynistic piece of eye candy.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    >Be dying media
    >Need people to click site
    >Drum up nonsense to keep self relevant
    >Bunch of morons take the bait and they get traffic
    If you morons ignored these gays, they would die out.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >The Gamer
      >Game Radar
      Why do you guys keep giving attention to these websites? You already know what they're all about but you love talking about them knowing full well they're putting articles like this out constantly. They're essentially a Kotaku 2 and 3, so what the frick is going on with that? I've been seeing it way too much on Ganker, it's weird as shit.

      You guys work for them or something?

      It's about maintaining a faux sense of superiority which is necessary in a post-Chud meme internet dialectic.

      Back before then the right was seen as even more "Cool" than it is now.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >It's about maintaining a faux sense of superiority
        Let them waste their lives being a sad pathetic c**t online, so that their real life can slip away. Engaging will result in you sharing the same fate.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Wow, I can't believe it. I think the last time I saw pictures of her at a wedding was when she was seen with Elliot Rodger's mom at a wedding. It was the night he killed a bunch of fricking people. He wanted to kill his parents and had to settle for a bunch of innocent college kids because they went to his cousins wedding that she was also at. Never forget this. This is 100% real, those two were family and she never commented on it after it happened or tried to reach out and fix things before it happened.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    >Hades 2
    >a rogue-like dungeon crawler
    Why is shovelware even a part of the discussion?
    Should we compare it to character art from every visual novel and gachashit too?

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Why is shovelware even a part of the discussion?
      Because the same trannies trashing Eve for being too sexy is thirsting over the naked troony in pic related

  8. 4 weeks ago

    i think shes kinda ugly lol
    weird small head, ass looks flat from half the angles
    2b was hot though g gh
    i dont rlly like asians though

  9. 4 weeks ago

    >The Gamer
    >Game Radar
    Why do you guys keep giving attention to these websites? You already know what they're all about but you love talking about them knowing full well they're putting articles like this out constantly. They're essentially a Kotaku 2 and 3, so what the frick is going on with that? I've been seeing it way too much on Ganker, it's weird as shit.

    You guys work for them or something?

  10. 4 weeks ago

    leftists are the worst creaturea that have crawled the planet

  11. 4 weeks ago

    >nobody cares
    >writes an essay about it and posts it on the internet for the entire world to see

  12. 4 weeks ago

    Shit Up will never be Japanese

  13. 4 weeks ago

    I can’t wait for this to come out so everyone stops talking about it

  14. 4 weeks ago

    Journalist outlets are getting axed in the tech layoffs and they desperately need to do something to attract clicks.

  15. 4 weeks ago

    These thteads are going to be so funny if this game gets anything less than an 8/10. The shills have set this game up for disaster

    • 4 weeks ago

      Honestly i do think it'll get 8/10 reviews over all. Unless they really don't fix the input lag issues.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I'm thinking 7 to 7.5, the game looks really cheap and I'm talking about its ideas too

  16. 4 weeks ago

    >Jade King

    • 4 weeks ago

      Lol troons always have a cartoon as their pic to deflect the horrifying reality of their appearance. And why are there so many troonys writing about games in the first place?

  17. 4 weeks ago

    You know, for people who want to push gamers out, they sure as frick seem to rely on them reading their stupid articles

  18. 4 weeks ago

    The most disturbing thing in that image is journalists coming around on Nier Automata. They're weaponizing that game a decade later to destroy the next thing. It's like how Kotaku is trying to pretend to be on the gamer's side after their near death experience. Literally no journalistic integrity.

  19. 4 weeks ago

    it's shit like this on why you don't let girls in a male-centered hobby, they'll ruin it plain and simple.

    • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      This isn't even about girls. Frick, girls enjoyed the frick out of tomb raider back in the day.
      This is just about woke nonsense and the politics of control.

    • 4 weeks ago

      There's very little actual women involved in this. It is like 80%-90% trannies/male feminists.

  20. 4 weeks ago

    Eve gives the gamers what they want.

  21. 4 weeks ago

    I don't think any of those articles sound "mindbroken" at all.

    >Stacey Henley
    Likes Stellar Blade but feels embarrassed over all the brainfried coomers screeching about it. (I get the feeling this will be the most normie opinion on Stellar Blade)

    >Mike Drucker
    Thinks the culture war is stupid. If you read the review, he likes Stellar Blade or what he's seen of it.

    >Tessa Kaur
    Says that Hades 2 shows a diversity in hot characters, so when chuds whine that diversity is making women less hot, they aren't being honest

    >Jade King
    Thinks Stellar Blade isn't as good as Nier Automata and also thinks the "uncensored" thing is just nonsense. Not as in it should be censored, but as in, who was trying to "censor" it in the first place? (Note that Korea actually bans pornographic games unlike most of the Western world--if anything it was censored there). If you look at her reviews she likes Stellar Blade.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >I don't think any of those articles sound "mind

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Likes Stellar Blade but feels embarrassed over all the brainfried coomers screeching about it. (I get the feeling this will be the most normie opinion on Stellar Blade)
      Here's the problem, the average normie IS a coomer.

      • 4 weeks ago

        1) Disagree, I think you are conflating "sex drive" with "being a coomer"
        2) The average coomer is not a brainfried coomer buying into culture war shit. That is who Stellar Blade is currently associated with

        • 4 weeks ago

          >The average coomer is not a brainfried coomer buying into culture war shit.
          Correct, that's why they'll buy the game for looking like a fun time with some sex appeal, and never hear a word of this very online "debate".

        • 4 weeks ago

          I think you are pretending "normies" are represented by these type of article writers.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I think they are more normal than the average culture war dumbass screeching over Stellar Blade. Right wing culture warriors are the biggest group of freaks on the planet, bar none.

            • 4 weeks ago

              They ARE the average culture war dumbass screeching over Stellar Blade. Two sides of the same coin.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >>I think they are more normal than the average culture war dumbass screeching over Stellar Blade
                Yes so normal they write article after article whining about Stellar Blade

                Not a single person in the OP is upset over Stellar Blade, at most they are annoyed by the culture war itself, or think that Stellar Blade is lacking in some areas. Most of them enjoyed Stellar Blade.

                >let me endlessly throw shade, complain, and make entire articles about this but then say "eh to each their own. I mean be a disgusting peverted weirdo, whatever"

                It's called passive aggressiveness you homosexual. Of course they can't say it outright. They still have at least some self awareness.

                OK so there is no "full meltdown". You feel she was "passive aggressive" over it. Or maybe you're just oversensitive because you can't actually rebut any of her points, and none of them were angry over stellar blade.

              • 4 weeks ago

                "Tessa Kaur" 100% is mad about Stellar Blade, her articles having a seething undercurrent all over them, and a constant comparison to other "correct" games with no concessions given. "Stacey Henley" by contrast is actually praising the game itself but has articles complaining about it being co-opted for the culture war.

                However, none of them have anything to say about the people holding Stellar Blade up as literally Satan come to destroy all women, who are just as hysterical.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >100% is mad about Stellar Blade,
                Where? Quote her angriest, most seething line. Please. I think you are projecting your own undercurrent of seethe onto others.

                >Stellar Blade up as literally Satan come to destroy all women,
                Probably because they are such a tiny contingent not even OP could snatch a headline from them. And he was desperately trying.

                >No its not.

                Yes, it is. All the major feminists post 60's are lesbians who think that heterosexuality is a massive conspiracy by power structures because they rehahsed Foucault's ideas.


                >All the major feminists post 60's are lesbians who think that heterosexuality is a massive conspiracy by power structures because they rehahsed Foucault's ideas.
                Nope. And again, there are straight characters in Hades. So.

            • 4 weeks ago

              They all have the same vaguely light-colored ethnic flavor to 'em. No wonder Biden is trying to build up that wall.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >>I think they are more normal than the average culture war dumbass screeching over Stellar Blade
              Yes so normal they write article after article whining about Stellar Blade

              • 4 weeks ago

                You will never be Japanese

      • 4 weeks ago

        If you really think about it, the average normie is a porn addict and coomer.
        >Sees attractive women
        >thinks of porn
        >all the tv shows they watch have sex scenes
        >some even go to the homosexual fetish festivals where gays do their gay furry roleplay
        >listen to songs about sex.
        For a real mindtrip
        The average normalgay is autistic as frick, they can't read social cues and can't empathize with anyone different to them

    • 4 weeks ago

      >who was trying to "censor" it in the first place? (Note that Korea actually bans pornographic games unlike most of the Western world--if anything it was censored there). If you look at her reviews she likes Stellar Blade.
      The censorship has nothing to do with the sex appeal, it's about the violence, which Japan is strict on.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Says that Hades 2 shows a diversity in hot characters
      why is this guy complaining about dishonesty without a shred of irony, this is probably the most dishonest statement out of all the articles

      • 4 weeks ago

        You do see a lot of right wingers try to claim it's "DEI"'s fault for characters not being sexy enough. It's stupid but there you go.
        Hades 2 shows DEI and sexy aren't at odds.

        >Says that Hades 2 shows a diversity in hot character
        And yet the article revolves entirely around Aphrodite and attacking Stellar Blade. The so called diverse hot characters get a sentence at the end.

        >attacking Stellar Blade
        She doesn't attack Stellar Blade at all, she says Eve is sexy ("a slim thick Asian baddie") but her type of attractiveness doesn't appeal to everyone.

        >However you feel about Eve’s design, the fact is that not everybody finds the same body type attractive. Not everybody is a butt guy, or a boob guy, or even attracted to women, for that matter. That’s where Hades 2 comes in.
        Is that an "attack"? Are you sure?

        • 4 weeks ago

          >but her type of attractiveness doesn't appeal to everyone
          Ok, fair. So why did she go on a full meltdown over men liking something that appealed to them? She got something for her tastes, men got something for theirs. So why was she so mad ONE game catered to someone that wasn't her?

          • 4 weeks ago

            >So why did she go on a full meltdown over men liking something that appealed to them?
            Where's the "full meltdown"? Where? Show me. Quote the "full meltdown". Please. She says "to each their own", that Eve is pretty but not her type of pretty.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >let me endlessly throw shade, complain, and make entire articles about this but then say "eh to each their own. I mean be a disgusting peverted weirdo, whatever"

              It's called passive aggressiveness you homosexual. Of course they can't say it outright. They still have at least some self awareness.

        • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      >Says that Hades 2 shows a diversity in hot character
      And yet the article revolves entirely around Aphrodite and attacking Stellar Blade. The so called diverse hot characters get a sentence at the end.

    • 4 weeks ago

      They are mindbroken and so are you.

    • 4 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago

        I don't think any of those articles sound "mindbroken" at all.

        >Stacey Henley
        Likes Stellar Blade but feels embarrassed over all the brainfried coomers screeching about it. (I get the feeling this will be the most normie opinion on Stellar Blade)

        >Mike Drucker
        Thinks the culture war is stupid. If you read the review, he likes Stellar Blade or what he's seen of it.

        >Tessa Kaur
        Says that Hades 2 shows a diversity in hot characters, so when chuds whine that diversity is making women less hot, they aren't being honest

        >Jade King
        Thinks Stellar Blade isn't as good as Nier Automata and also thinks the "uncensored" thing is just nonsense. Not as in it should be censored, but as in, who was trying to "censor" it in the first place? (Note that Korea actually bans pornographic games unlike most of the Western world--if anything it was censored there). If you look at her reviews she likes Stellar Blade.

        they can't say "I hate this game because it has a sexy lady in it", so they have to play some game of pretending to be a moderate. They have to play lip service at least to critique it and any fans who might like a sexy lady because officially HETEROSEXUALITY IS A CONSPIRACY THEORY CREATED BY MEN. THIS IS WHAT LEFTISTS ACTUALLY THINK.

        If the game had explicit sex scenes with gay men and ugly dykes, they'd gush about it. It's heterosexuality.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Anon think about how much energy it takes for you to pretend that you're a chad, and for your average person it takes EVEN more energy from them to be pretentious. I highly doubt these people are all that offended at Stellar Blade. It's just that shills KNOW that outrage bait morons like to gawk at and feel superior to a bunch of schizos that are overly paid attention to because well it inflates the egos of the people who watch over them and yet all these anti-SJW types are hardly lookers themselves. Which would not be an issue if they weren't also plainly DYELS

          • 4 weeks ago

            They're like any ideological shill online. It's easy to think the Ben Shapiros, and the evaneglicals, are all making it up. That they go home, smoke cigars, and drop all the conservative talking points. That's naive. The people who do ideological shilling as a full time job are the true believers who believe everything.

            They believe that Eve is dangerous and something they need to at least make some effort complain about. It's not a game.

            Not a single person in the OP is upset over Stellar Blade, at most they are annoyed by the culture war itself, or think that Stellar Blade is lacking in some areas. Most of them enjoyed Stellar Blade.

            OK so there is no "full meltdown". You feel she was "passive aggressive" over it. Or maybe you're just oversensitive because you can't actually rebut any of her points, and none of them were angry over stellar blade.

            >endless semantic debates and shifting definitions

            Arguing like a typical disingenuous leftist I see.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >"She is ATTACKING Stellar Blade"
              >"No she isn't. She just says that Eve's not for everyone"
              >"She had a MELTDOWN"
              >"No she didn't"
              >"Well she was PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE"
              >"No she wasn't, you just can't address her points"

        • 4 weeks ago

          Hades has straight characters in it.

          No its not.


          Where is the attack? Quote it.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >No its not.

            Yes, it is. All the major feminists post 60's are lesbians who think that heterosexuality is a massive conspiracy by power structures because they rehahsed Foucault's ideas.


  22. 4 weeks ago

    troony artstyle, no wonder the left like it

    • 4 weeks ago

      right looks way better than left though

      • 4 weeks ago

        >right looks way better than left though
        if you're into men then yeah

    • 4 weeks ago

      Nice try Doigay. Right looks better.

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's easy to fix that hideous shit on the right but the artist 100% wanted to draw a naked man with breasts

    • 4 weeks ago
      • 4 weeks ago

        I'm right wing and this shit is starting to feel fake now because it's cherry picking and it's the same couple characters with a bad frame. This is starting to feel like well poisoning to me because both sides go to far to extremes to prove a point and I think western game devs are worse but the eastern cultures benefit and overcompensate from this moronic culture war.

        • 4 weeks ago

          hello fellow right-winger

          • 4 weeks ago

            I denounce the Talmud, believe in private property and think black culture is a plague on civilization and non white immigration is a death sentence for white countries what more do you want from me I'm just being honest.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I don't give a shit about left or right Aloy is ugly as frick, especially in the second game
          She is still one of the prettiest girls from a Western game in the last 5 years that's how shit they all look

          • 4 weeks ago

            I don't think every girl in a video game needs to be hot I just think it's moronic to not make them hot considering the demographic buying the game.

    • 4 weeks ago

      This is another example of the problem. Japanese people draw 14 year old faces with 25 year old latina bodies and yes this is an attractive, exceptionally rare combination so I see why left wing people get mad to a degree but most of it is literally just to make a fake culture war scenario to prove the other side is ruining everything. We let extremists drive the conversation because social media content is free and engagement is all that matters so controversy creates the most engagement. It's ripping society apart and now the people that don't give a frick about this are being dragged in and forced to pick a side it's sad.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Japanese people draw 14 year old faces with 25 year old latina bodies
        not saying 14 years old anime girls aren't hot but in what world this is 14

        • 4 weeks ago

          For Americans, if women don't look like this, they're underage

    • 4 weeks ago

      Be careful not to have a nice day on the foot, moron.

  23. 4 weeks ago

    Culture war relevance. Eve is as safe horny as the Hades character, but by convincing people that they're sticking it to the other side, people are clicking on articles, buying games, and talking about it all more.
    I'll get excited when we get more teen panty-shots and romances in games.

  24. 4 weeks ago

    how much do you think they make?

  25. 4 weeks ago

    Moonie curt say prease buy Sterrar Brade white piggu and niggu

  26. 4 weeks ago

    Why do you advertise so much?

    • 4 weeks ago

      moonie curt have rots of advertising money from decades rong partnership with CIA

  27. 4 weeks ago

    All this saga has proven to me is that nobody cares on either side about anything but social media engagement. Sonic might be trans in the next game because there is no such thing as bad publicity and even anonymous people on the internet can't wait to fight the culture war regardless of their opinion. Every midevial village has black people and if you get mad about it you are a bigot and the other side just has more demand for racism than supply so we all get stuck in this stupid fricking loop that it took years for me to escape during my /misc/ timeline.

    Video games shouldn't be political. Everyone here can fricking agree on that. If you add black people to Slavic middle age lore it's just as moronic as pretending they don't exist in a far future Sci fi franchise. Why do you do things that aren't logical just to own the people you hate when all of this is created by 5% of terminally online Twitter people.

    >inb4 israelites
    Its capitalistic people in the west that know it's all free advertising and yes many of them are israeli.

    • 4 weeks ago

      games should be political, but not stupid about it
      Stupidity is the main issue.

      • 4 weeks ago

        It's a double edged sword in certain ways. Certain games benefit from the politics of that world adding to the depth of the gameplay but now everything is
        >what did they mean by this
        It should be escapist and explore issues in real life through another lens that makes sense in the universe like it used to always be.
        Now adays it feels more like "this will really piss them off" is the formula instead of something that's more like how helldivers 2 did it in a satirical way that made everyone feel welcome to the larp.

        • 4 weeks ago

          It's a safe strategy with a hard ceiling. I don't really think Stellar Blade is really trying to do that though. It's just kind of a probable mid game.

  28. 4 weeks ago

    Because they want more troony shit like pic related
    Now you understand why they praise shit like Hades

    • 4 weeks ago

      Your asiaticslop gacha shit will never be a fraction of the game Hades is

      • 4 weeks ago

        You will never be Japanese

        I see you just dropped the pretense.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Would an SJW ever call someone a asiatic? These people prefer to hide under euphonious.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Absolutely, if given anonymity.

      • 4 weeks ago

        at least the games I like aren't as hideous

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Trannies see this and start rubbing their axe wound furiously

          • 4 weeks ago

            They don't actually give a shit about the fat guy, they just want to be seen praising it. Look at


            , despite the headline, the article revolves around Aphrodite, the most conventionally attractive female there, and Stellar Blade. The fat god and muscle woman get one sentence at the end.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >The fat god and muscle woman get one sentence at the end.
              of course, she is the only one pass as a female there

        • 4 weeks ago

          Do they want me to believe this shit is a woman?
          also what's wrong with his right arm? can't they hire a better artist?

  29. 4 weeks ago

    I say this with my deepest sincerist, please lay off the rage engagement based metrics of social media. Not that Stellar Blade is good or bad, just that for your mental health this type of shit is not good for you bro. Negative culture war fighting nonstop. No one cares outside of marketers.

  30. 4 weeks ago

    you tell me
    i dont use social media or read games journalism

    honestly please just tell me you make ten thousand fricking threads a day just tell me what it is that'll get you to stop making these godforsaken EvW threads every single fricking day

  31. 4 weeks ago

    >mindbreaking western journalists so much?
    It's not, they're outrage baiting to try and make some money off their dying platforms. They don't honestly care, they perform like clowns to try and get you to

  32. 4 weeks ago

    what garbage site even is this? they are all contradicting each other

    • 4 weeks ago

      >they are all contradicting each other
      Different writers have different opinions, news at 11.
      That said, they dont really contradict at all, see

      I don't think any of those articles sound "mindbroken" at all.

      >Stacey Henley
      Likes Stellar Blade but feels embarrassed over all the brainfried coomers screeching about it. (I get the feeling this will be the most normie opinion on Stellar Blade)

      >Mike Drucker
      Thinks the culture war is stupid. If you read the review, he likes Stellar Blade or what he's seen of it.

      >Tessa Kaur
      Says that Hades 2 shows a diversity in hot characters, so when chuds whine that diversity is making women less hot, they aren't being honest

      >Jade King
      Thinks Stellar Blade isn't as good as Nier Automata and also thinks the "uncensored" thing is just nonsense. Not as in it should be censored, but as in, who was trying to "censor" it in the first place? (Note that Korea actually bans pornographic games unlike most of the Western world--if anything it was censored there). If you look at her reviews she likes Stellar Blade.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >no archived link
      Don't look for it, that's what they want you to do

  33. 4 weeks ago

    >Nobody cares about Stellar Blade
    >makes 6+ and more click bait articles on Stellar Blade to promote more attention to Stellar Blade
    What does this mean?
    Capcha: Y8NBAW

    • 4 weeks ago

      Reminder even chinks are laughing about it

    • 4 weeks ago

      The rest of the line was "'s character design" and that the "culture war" aspect of it is largely manufactured.

      >But Eve fits Stellar Blade’s world. Sure, she’s overdesigned and very exaggerated, but that’s the sort of game this is. There may be specific things to critique in her character once we see the whole game, but just because you don’t like quote-unquote ‘ugly’ women doesn’t mean everyone else hates beautiful women. See again: 2B, Bayonetta, Tifa. If you’re counting Stellar Blade as a victory, it’s clear you have no idea what you’re actually angry about, because no one sees Stellar Blade as a loss.
      >I think the game looks cool. I’m worried it will devolve into the sort of motivationless nonsense we saw in Scarlet Nexus, which the cybertronic aesthetics of the combat remind me of. But mostly, I’m pretty hopeful. One of my most anticipated games of the year is Lollipop Chainsaw: RePop. You got me all wrong if you think Stellar Blade is going to offend my sensibilities because of jiggle physics.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >and that the "culture war" aspect of it is largely manufactured.
        Maybe they should equally reprimand their incestous game journo pals instead of always targeting those damn ch*ds

        • 4 weeks ago

          when will you gays ever take accountability for anything?

      • 4 weeks ago

        The internet made niches unacceptable. Don't play the fricking game if you think it's hypersexualized. I have no interest in playing a game just because the main char looks like a stripper but there are thousands of gacha and porn games and millions of incels and I'm married and 38 with kids. I don't give a frick if a studio targets people that aren't me. What's happening now is studios are pretending like sex doesn't sell and ignoring the millions of examples of busy internet prostitutes that make a living off spreading their butthole for incels and young dudes that haven't really sewed their oats yet. I used to go to titty bars when I was single what's the fricking difference? gays, women and trannies getting dei jobs is fricking this all up and Ganker is dead without the ip tracker.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >I'm married and 38 with kids
          proof? post kids

  34. 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago


      This thread is free promotion for Kotaku. Don't like it, don't talk about it and ignore it, a bunch of companies ignore them already and the israelites love money.

  35. 4 weeks ago

    They hate it but the fricking game feeds them every month

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