Why is this mediocre game so praised? >Rushed shit story. >0 roleplaying elements. >0 companions

Why is this mediocre game so praised?
>Rushed shit story
>0 roleplaying elements
>0 companions
>Repetitive gameplay

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  1. 4 months ago

    because its fun

  2. 4 months ago

    >shit story
    Anon, I...

    • 4 months ago

      clearly OP is trolling, i'm a story based gay and FFT has the best by far of any (imho 3/6 is a second place)
      FFT also can be pretty hard, and it's damned fun. Also you never feel so OP as when you first unlock ninja or better, get Cid.

  3. 4 months ago

    It's got soul and the story is good
    The forced grinding is shit though

  4. 4 months ago

    Shut the frick up zoomer. If you never played it on the PS1 back in the day you'll never understand how amazing this game was when it came out.

    • 4 months ago

      Bugo demon da

    • 4 months ago

      >Rushed shit story
      Um what? It had a rather intereting story filled with thrills and chills
      >0 roleplaying elements
      no self insertion and white cope if that's wat you mean
      >0 companions
      the unique units have their own tales
      >Repetitive gameplay
      This game keeps you on your toes,


      So it's a bait thread but how would you guys fix the dumb shit in fft without losing the sovl

      Like there are obvious technical limitation improvements like raising the 24 unit cap limit, no one is against that right? What else is stuff no one would complain about. Checkpoints before softlock battles?

      >would you guys fix the dumb shit in fft without losing the sovl
      Let me think.....
      >only give us three generic units a the beginning
      that's honestly all we need, we will be better actual unique units later on and we will have to get rid of some to make room
      >Move JP up is automatic
      >no perma death
      I had some close calls, but no one ever died on me shit didn't need to be implemented, it's annoying more so that anything
      >monster are useless
      we didn't need any of them to begin with.
      >maybe explore some towns like arc the lad2
      > see the odd jobs we send our generics on
      >give Mustadio more abilities support or attacking.

      • 4 months ago

        its a simple reddit "right wingers are evil" story that then turns the white people into actual demons and socialism and trannies win the day. Its a joke.

        • 4 months ago

          you've been on /misc/ too long, there weren't any trannies in that game, nor was there any socialism

    • 4 months ago

      >you'll never understand how amazing this game was when it came out.
      This is the key problem with TO, OB & FFT.
      When they came out.
      Time moved on, SRPGs moved on and they didn't.
      Vagrant Story aged fine though.

      They still have amazing visuals, music, story & worldbuilding though.

      • 4 months ago

        What's a srpg that moved on? Triangle Strategy? Fire Emblem whatever?

        • 4 months ago

          Jagged Alliance

          • 4 months ago

            >Jagged Alliance
            Is several years older than FFT, anon.

            • 4 months ago

              when people say Jagged Alliance they usually mean JA2

          • 4 months ago

            OK so we have FFT in 1998 and JA2 in 1999.
            What came later that improved on either of those classics? Preferably a well-made, well-rounded game that's actually fun to play not some obscure difficulty-maxxxing autism project.

          • 4 months ago

            PS inb4
            >moving goalposts
            No the goalposts never moved you just didn't understand where they were in the first place if you think Jagged Alliance (1 or 2) is a valid answer to the question.

          • 4 months ago

            JA is just an xcom ripoff the same way every step pyramid battlefield srpg is a ripoff of TO

            • 4 months ago

              doesn't really matter what ""rips off"" what if the takes the idea and executes it exceptionally well.

    • 4 months ago


  5. 4 months ago

    It's unironically a toddler game for kids who never played anything other than 4 Black person in a row games. That's the only reason.

  6. 4 months ago

    So it's a bait thread but how would you guys fix the dumb shit in fft without losing the sovl

    Like there are obvious technical limitation improvements like raising the 24 unit cap limit, no one is against that right? What else is stuff no one would complain about. Checkpoints before softlock battles?

    • 4 months ago

      Retype your post in a way that isn't reddit and I'll give you an answer.

      • 4 months ago

        Sorry, force of habit. Here you go:
        So it's a bait thread but how would you guys fix the dumb shit in fft without losing the SOVL
        Like there are obvious technical limitation improvements like raising the 24 unit cap limit, no one is against that right? What else is stuff no one would complain about. Checkpoints before softlock battles?

      • 4 months ago

        Given that everybody who tried to answer his post so far came up with nothing but terrible ideas, I'm betting you've got nothing.

        more maps
        being able to move freely in towns and other locations such as the mythical places you find by sending your guys in explorations (but still in a grid to keep it consistent)
        more side quests and MORE hidden characters, like a frick ton more
        disregard any voice acting
        obviously more jobs
        more weapons
        two-handed weapons having their own animation
        weapons can be seen equiped on your characters (every single weapon and item had its own unique sprite already, should be easy to program)

        None of these are fixes. Sure more maps would be great but FFT already has lots of fantastic maps. "More maps" is what people wanted from a real FFT sequel that was never made.
        >being able to move freely in towns
        Bloat, distraction. Not needed for this style of game.
        >obviously more jobs
        >more weapons
        Like what? You can trivially modify weapons and classes with FFTPatcher and see what the game would be like with different weapon stats. FFT already has more weapons than a typical player will use in a playthrough.
        The most obvious gap is the lack of any normal swords stronger than the Rune blade, which severely limits the late game value of "Equip Sword."

        FFT has solid coverage of the fundamental mechanics in classes and weapons. There's room for more, but not tons more and certainly not to the point where "fixes" are really necessary.

    • 4 months ago

      >Like there are obvious technical limitation improvements like raising the 24 unit cap limit
      Why does it matter? You may as well level the same characters throughout since everyone levels job XP at the same rate.

    • 4 months ago

      more maps
      being able to move freely in towns and other locations such as the mythical places you find by sending your guys in explorations (but still in a grid to keep it consistent)
      more side quests and MORE hidden characters, like a frick ton more
      disregard any voice acting
      obviously more jobs
      more weapons
      two-handed weapons having their own animation
      weapons can be seen equiped on your characters (every single weapon and item had its own unique sprite already, should be easy to program)

    • 4 months ago

      Dungeons are a big part of early final fantasy, so I would definetely add grid based dungeons exploration to go along the small skirmish combat format.
      This is something I found really lacking as well in the dungeons of Tactics Ogre (the Temples), in which you are just traversing a map and having skirmishes, which can get easily repetitive.
      Having an exploration phase would definetely make It more enjoyable, and the isometric grid based style would be great for It.

  7. 4 months ago

    >Rushed shit story
    >0 roleplaying elements
    homosexual troony.
    >0 companions
    You get a whole squad
    Literally every game ever

    • 4 months ago

      >homosexual troony.
      Can you rewrite your post, but provide an actual argument instead of buzzword ad hominems?
      And elaborate on this while you're at it.
      To be clear, I agree with you overall, but the delivery really rubs me (and likely anyone else who would be reading it) the wrong way.

      • 4 months ago

        >Can you rewrite your post
        He doesn't have to. Your failure to OP means he can write anything he wants and win.

      • 4 months ago

        No, you're just a homosexual with a shit tier opinion par for the course from your societal rot. Get a new hobby, go ruin something else other than gaming.

  8. 4 months ago

    >Rushed shit story
    >0 roleplaying elements
    >0 companions
    >Repetitive gameplay
    Not sure how to respond to this, RPGs don't seem like your kinda genre

  9. 4 months ago

    To this day, I still don’t know how to use the calculator class.

    • 4 months ago

      Even if you know how to use them manually you just set them to AI and they'll kill everything on the map in the first turn. They'll kill a lot of your own dudes unless you have a self-immunity setup but it doesn't matter because the fight will be over.

  10. 4 months ago

    >Why is this mediocre game so praised?
    It was millenial baby's first exposure to a more gounded geopolitical conflict in JRPGs (along with Suikoden), and baby's first exposure to SRPGs. Also some people didn't like the Nomura aesthetics that had begun to dominate the franchise (supplanting Amano's artwork), so people clung to Akihiko Yoshida's art. Also, church = bad was all the rage for the reddit athiest generation.

    FFTA2 has more indepth and rnjoyable gameplay, but the lack of a MATURE story keeps anons away. The sad reality is that most people don't play SRPGs for the merits of their gameplay, but because they want anime game of thrones.

    • 4 months ago

      FFT has deeper gameplay than FFT. Always funny to see arrogant shitposters out themselves as clueless.

    • 4 months ago

      >church = bad
      If you saw that then you missed the point of the story. Ramza is a foil to Delita. The former lost all of his material wealth and reputation but kept his faith and actually saved the world, whereas the latter lost his faith and his morality but received material wealth and reputation.

      It's different from Game of Thrones because Delita didn't change the status quo through his scheming. The person who tried reporting the truth in the epilogue was executed for it.

      • 4 months ago

        I never got the impression delita did nothing to make reforms or that it was in any way for his own personal benefit. The picture painted at the start of and during the civil war makes it sound beyond nightmarish for regular people and delita at least ended all that. The main church was cynical but they weren't doing the zodiac demon shit.
        The way I took the post credits scene with ovelia is that delita willingly let orran durai be burned by the church to maintain his status quo and that was really the last straw for both ovelia and his own self respect, he basically killed teta himself.

        • 4 months ago

          Also incidentally I hate the ramza survived thing because they didn't rescue orran. Hell, if ramza survived then cid should have survived

  11. 4 months ago

    By roleplaying elements do you mean romance with party members through which you can have fully animted sex with them?
    Just asking.

    • 4 months ago

      I think OP is upset he can’t customize the characters genital

  12. 4 months ago

    Story is really good but the combat goes to shit after chapter 3 I think.
    >you are not allowed to grind because random enemies will become stronger
    >but you have to grind at some point because you will be underleveled for certain fights
    >certain fights can softlock you out of the game forcing you to restart the entire campaign

    • 4 months ago

      Ive seen a complete crack smoking idiot beat FFT just spamming Ninja/Monks and for variety Monk/Ninjas. Yeah theres a lot of cool shit you can do but you can train a chimp to beat it

      • 4 months ago

        >Ive seen a complete crack smoking idiot beat
        This is never an interesting thing to say about a JRPG where it's possible to outlevel the content.

  13. 4 months ago

    i played this after divinity original sin 2 because someone praised its gameplay, lol.
    coming from dos2 i found tactics to be barebones and extremely shallow in comparsion.
    but its not a shit game, i'd give it a solid 6.9/10

    • 4 months ago

      It's babbies' first tactical rpg so it gets a lot of unwarranted praise for the gameplay. The story is good though, I can't argue against that.

      • 4 months ago

        I don't know about western tactical rpg but all other Japanese tactical rpgs has much more bare bones gameplay and systems

  14. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      *nods* yes yes, for a kusoge

  15. 4 months ago

    Why does FFT even have character levels, what does it add

    • 4 months ago

      Progression and simulated relative power level like any RPG, and a soft difficulty setting like most JRPGs. I could fill multiple posts debating the pros and cons of this, but I don't sense you're actually interested.

      • 4 months ago

        I was sincereposting
        I like the fft system but it's so cumbersome and has so many conflicting elements

        Also it's funny how simple and tabletopish a lot of the rules are, like all the weapon damage formulas being so easy to calculate in your head, with no complicated armor formula (like guns just being WP squared for example). But the fricking game doesn't tell you any of them even thought they're so human readable

  16. 4 months ago

    Did you even play the game? The story and mechanics are dense and there are absolutely companions - Agrias, mustadio, Orlandeau, not to mention the fully customizable soldiers you can recruit at any point in the game. you’ve truly revealed your ignorance this time anon…

    • 4 months ago

      >dense and there are absolutely companions
      Yeah companions that get a few dialogs every once in a blue mom with no quest or anything. This game is 99% grinding and 0& substance. Fake gameplay before it was popular.

  17. 4 months ago

    back in the day jrpgs (indulge me) were relatively obscure in the states. people who followed gaming with some enthusiam, such as those who bought magazines and stuff, knew about their existence, but there wasn't any easy market to obtain them, and translation was far out of the question except for people who emulated. translations for emulated games weren't extremely common in the 90s, and emulation itself was still pretty niche and taxing on hardware (many people with <166mhz CPUs and no gpu or even math coprocessor).

    when fft was released in the states it was a big deal, because people had been nursing mostly unfulfilled desires for these games. also consider that this was a period of dominance for square as a Japanese advertiser in the States. no other Japanese company was as present in US media as square in the psx era. fft had great looking art that was a throwback to SNES aesthetic people still loved, but also unique to itself with it's sort of saga style down syndrome faces.

    so, it was a good lightning strike for square. right place, right time, right circumstances, and right level of gameplay sophistication to be satisfying among its contemporaries.

  18. 4 months ago

    It's too slow. The cutscenes need to run at 3-5x speed and have skippable dialog, and enemy actions should perform faster. I like the battles and party-building, but playing it 20+ years later I can't last more than 10 battles or so because the game moves so slowly and I get bored.

    • 4 months ago

      One of the few legit criticisms of the game.

    • 4 months ago

      I haven't played a jrpg without a fast forward key in 10 years

  19. 4 months ago

    My only complain about the orignal game is that it's very easy to break under optimal setup. I think FFT 1.3 is the perfect, best game I've ever played. so far. The additional fight (1vs 1 with Vormav is also brilliant).

  20. 4 months ago

    I stopped playing after I upgraded my PC, but I have the itch to return. Apparently, I stopped just before warjalis and according to a guide, I've over-leveled by 10 levels. I just like tactics combat and wanted to experiment and unlock all of the new abilities.

    • 4 months ago

      This is very stupid, but you can get a random encounter on a map with a degenerate trap and step on it a few times to lower your levels.
      Fft making it such a pain in the ass to experiment with jp stuff without ruining the game is a killer. I've replayed it without grinding (as in, I try to win every encounter without wasting moves) and it's not difficult, but it's not how someone would naturally play when they see so much stuff to play with in the class skills

  21. 4 months ago

    It's a pretty bad game but now you are learning how powerful marketing is.

    • 4 months ago

      funny how many people are moronic enough to believe this.

      • 4 months ago

        Most people will not believe the truth because they cannot perceive it, largely because they want for a king and so they find it in a marketing piece.
        >10 best games!
        >These games are for RPG aficionados!
        Same principle as Michelin stars and the lack of quality in many of the choices. Michelin, of course, being a tire company originally. This is how things happen, a man makes a list and a million men subscribe it to it.

        • 4 months ago

          Problem is no one can ever actually produce a game that's supposedly better than FFT with the same appeal. That includes Tactics Ogre and FFTA.

          Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced is a better game than Final Fantasy Tactics

          No, FFT is better than FFTA and FFTA2.

          • 4 months ago

            It's an obvious troll
            Ffta has a law system which can permanently deduct stat points from a unit and an exclusionary job-race system, where some races are objectively superior because of the jobs and skills that they unlock (humes and viera) while others are objectively inferior (bangaa).

            • 4 months ago

              How does that make it a more-enjoyable game?

              • 4 months ago

                not that guy but here are the main reasons why FFT is just a flat-out better game than FFTA
                1. 3D rotatable map. This means environments can be more interesting, which makes ability variety more meaningful.
                2. Weapon formulas with different stat scaling for different types of weapons. This enables a better variety of weapons overall as well as a more interesting and subtle dynamic when it comes to cross-class equipment abilities.
                3. Faith modifiers for standard magic, making for a compatibility dynamic rather than a generic defense mechanic.
                4. Zodiac compatibility system, enabling fight-to-fight variety without increasing per-turn randomness. (Admittedly, this one has some downsides).
                5. No race-based class restrictions meaning the player has full ability to mix and match classes as desired. Instead, gender fills the role of "race" where females have better MA and males have better PA. But neither gender is restricted by class so if you want a high-MA knight you can make a female knight, and you can make a low-MA wizard with a male if you want.

                Finally, I'm listing this separately since it's somewhat subjective, but FFT has a more mature, serious tone (and by tone I mean overall, one edgy line about escapism doesn't change that). Not every game has to be as bleak and depressing as FFT, but FFTA and FFTA2 goes the complete other kid-oriented direction, with child protagonists, Isekai framing, silly gimmicks like clans and judges, and of course the art style.

                In short, FFT > FFTA and always will.

              • 4 months ago

                >not that guy but here are the main reasons why FFT is just a flat-out better game than FFTA
                they both suck
                they aged like milk

                not like milk aged over a couple of weeks or a month in a lovely container with chunks
                like milk in an open air trough in a dry environment over 31 years
                If you like crusty yoghurt flakes that have more galvanised steel in them and only contain fat then these are the games you should play.

                FFT should never be played or recommended to anyone at this stage unless they're also down to play ronde while fondling my balls between animations playing out

              • 4 months ago

                That whole rambling food analogy to cover the fact that you have no argument.

              • 4 months ago

                FFT is fricking based. I might just go replay it right now.

              • 4 months ago

                >they both suck
                exactly my thoughts, incredible how tards here can discuss which turds smells better

          • 4 months ago

            Any and every fire emblem > fft

            • 4 months ago

              Too different to compare directly

  22. 4 months ago

    Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced is a better game than Final Fantasy Tactics

  23. 4 months ago

    >0 roleplaying elements
    It's a fricking strategy game and you pick classes level up and mix and match skills from several classes. Are you just bored and make lame bait threads just to feel something

  24. 4 months ago

    Not a TO thread but I just wanted to say I finally got around to playing the game and it is fricking amazing, easily one of the best games ever made. I like Tactics too but me gushing over TO just isn't threadworthy. It is crazy how little I see this game talked about elsewhere and how few games even now are able to live up to it. Truly something special.

    • 4 months ago

      I need to make this game ready to play. I downloaded it ages ago and totally forgot about it in the bajillion archived files from a torrent.

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