Why is WoW dying?

Why is WoW dying?

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  1. 9 months ago

    because it sucks

  2. 9 months ago


  3. 9 months ago

    going steadily downhill for 13 years now

  4. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      >raped by thousands

    • 9 months ago

      Dragons being hierarchical makes sense, they're dragons. They get stronger as they get older.

      • 9 months ago

        they're ripped off dragonborn, and their whole deal is being dragon simps so i don't know why they'd want equality

        • 9 months ago

          they didnt rip off skyrim lmao. they are both games about being the chosen one.

    • 9 months ago

      >Alexstrasza decides that if she had to be raped nonstop for years on end then every other dragon and dragon-adjacent creature does too, for equality's sake
      >including the males

  5. 9 months ago

    Metzen will save us

    • 9 months ago

      israeli feminism


  6. 9 months ago
  7. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      That makes sense, since Blizzard bend the knee to them because of their fee-fees hurt.

  8. 9 months ago

    It's a subpar and ancient game with outdated graphics, outdated combat, that isn't even played or liked by the people still working on it, and every new iteration of it is worse than the one before it to the point where the most popular versions of the game are reversions to a 10+ year old model. There's nothing to do in the game but grind the same mindless content on repeat while the class balance, dungeon design, raid design, and affix design grows ever more stale and broken because no one who's working on the game even cares to maintain or fix it.

    They instead spend all their time pushing their Californian politics with every new character, every new storyline, while still taking time to emasculate, girlboss up or destroy every remaining legacy character left in the game. You cannot name a single male character of worth or value left in the lore, they're all pathetic cucks, homosexuals, simps, or dead, while every position of worth or importance is occupied by the aforementioned girlboss. For fricks sake they had Thrall, the guy who brought Shamanism back to his people, be replaced as the spirtiual leader of the Orcs by his wife.

    The social aspect of the game is dead, the community is so twisted, warped, bitter and antagonistic to each other they make League Of Legends players look friendly. What little socialization still exists are a bunch of deviant furries and coomers ERPing in Goldshire on trial accounts, with other 30+ year old men who are too technologically illiterate and socially moronic to realize there's about a million other games or apps they could be using for a much better experience for what they're after.

    Whether it's gameplay, story, or social engagement, WoW is in the absolute worst state it's ever been in, and it's only going to get worse from here. You shouldn't be asking why it's dying, you should be asking why the mind broken addicts who still play it won't just let it die the death it deserves.

    • 9 months ago

      Beautifully formulated. Couldn't have said it better.

      • 9 months ago

        I wish human females were real

    • 9 months ago

      Ok pack it up this is literally it, there is nothing to add

    • 9 months ago

      Saving this post. You explained it a lot easier than I could have.

    • 9 months ago

      keep seething

      • 9 months ago

        Stay pissed that hes correct troony

    • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago

        >t. frog posting troony

    • 9 months ago

      >You shouldn't be asking why it's dying, you should be asking why the mind broken addicts who still play it won't just let it die the death it deserves.
      Why do you Black folk care so much about this game?
      I swear you moronic haters are so invested in this game is kinda sad, move on with your life.

      • 9 months ago

        What life?

      • 9 months ago

        They want wow to die so they can b***h and complain about how wow 2 is a downgrade compared to shadowlands

    • 9 months ago

      Yeah, that's about right.
      If there's one thing I would add it's that it could be argued the people still playing it don't even like it anymore. They just continue to play out of habit, or they're addicted to this genre but there's "nothing else" on the market that scratches the same itch.
      Which is nonsense, with the social aspect dead it's just a mediocre pseudo action RPG and there's many other titles you could play that would give you a better experience.

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Literally everyone I know who still plays it actively shits on it and doesn't even recommend others play it. They all say the same thing about sunk cost fallacy where they've played for like 8 years so for some reason they feel the need to keep playing. You actively need mental issues to want to play Retail WoW, for fricks sake its a subscription game where you have to buy the game and it has microtransactions and pay to win elements everywhere, the people playing it are freaks with too much expendable money or people on welfare who do nothing else with it.

    • 9 months ago

      trust me bro, as a longtime wow player. its not the graphics that turn people away. wow being able to run on a wide variety of machines is a benefit despite it looking jankier, its a part of the charm. but what sucks about wow is LFG finder ruined the social elements and its pay to win since they added tokens. watch the pandoras box vid for a good history

      you HAVE to make a discord and find a group of friends to play with
      otherwise the game is genuinely unplayable and boring as frick

      ALSO, why the FRICK are they instancing everyone now??? its a mmo don't u want people on the same shard, dumbasses.

      I just don't have as much interest in the game as I used to. the obvious treadmills are there and I as a hamster dont feel like running in them. Dragonflight is an acceptable xpac but the game needs more social activity to be a good MMO.

  9. 9 months ago

    The only thing it's got going for it is that Night Elfs used to be hot.

    • 9 months ago

      No. Night Elves used to be badass. They were like Warhammer Fantasy's Asrai but cranked up to 11 and with stuff that made them stand out from generic Wood Elf archetypes.
      Then WoW came and made them closer to generic Elves (doesn't help the fact they got mages despite the fact how that magic stuff went well for them...).

      >WarCraft IV

      SILENCE. A man can wish and dream about something that will never happen. And I refuse to believe the rumors that not only StarCraft III is in production, but also that WarCraft IV is too. Just because Microsoft managed to buy Acti-Blizz doesn't mean jack.

  10. 9 months ago

    Just two more weeks

  11. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      Weird sex thing

    • 9 months ago

      this always gets a little chuckle out of me
      they're obviously trying to emulate the vanilla/tbc cinematics where they showcase the player classes looking cool but it just keeps going instead of cutting after the first bit
      then the scalie goes up like he's going super sayian and just shoots 3 tiny sperms towards the camera
      the whole rainbow energy thing looks so goofy and out of place too
      I love this cinematic, I think it's really funny, full of tiny shit details, like an onion, the more you look at it and start peeling it it only gets shittier

  12. 9 months ago

    WoW is almost 20 years old

  13. 9 months ago

    About one hour into this Dragonflight reveal was the final nail in the coffin.


    I wonder if they regret the troony showcase. I watched it live and the chat was hilarious!

    • 9 months ago

      Why would they regret it, what's wrong with it?

  14. 9 months ago

    its a 18 year old game. it has its peak.
    im suprised blizzard hasn't made a newer MMORPG to replace it.
    just endlessly milking the cow of a 2004 engine of whoever is left.
    everyone who was responsible for wows success and peak has left the company. I hope you know this.

    • 9 months ago

      They were going to, but they had internal disagreements about what kind of game Titan was going to be and in the end they just turned it into a mediocre team shooter.
      Wrath was going to be the final expansion but after Titan was cancelled they figured out people would just keep playing WoW forever so long as they kept shitting out low effort updates. Which they did, for the next decade, after MoP it felt like each expansion and update was less effort than the last.

      • 9 months ago

        people are very divided or even hate Legion, but Legion is the final expansion to me where they legit gave us everything they could give.
        WoD and every expansion after legion (BFA onwards) is just awful.

        • 9 months ago

          i liked bfa. it was basically legion 2.0. never got why people hated it.

          • 9 months ago

            legion was dogshit

          • 9 months ago

            i liked it too, i think its just because the island expeditions and warfronts were really, really bad. the dungeons and leveling and alliance city were top-notch, though.

  15. 9 months ago

    because they STILL haven't canonized that draenei have 20 inch futa horsewieners.

    even with how israeli and woke the company is now i can't beieve they dont just accept it and count it as 'trans inclusion'

  16. 9 months ago

    >Shadow lands literally and I mean LITERALLY made every single choice ever made before or after completely pointless and irrelevant
    >So the story is shit because of that
    >The gameplay is overbloated as frick
    >M+ dungeons take too long 30+ mins per dungeon with a single mistake making the whole thing pointless is tired design at this point
    >We're likely under 2.5m subs at this point lol
    >Players need to be buffed and combat as a whole needs to be nerfed and made easier to get new people to stay

    Theres more of course but ya know

    • 9 months ago

      They should revamp the leveling process, you can't just make someone do like 100 quests from 1 to 60 and not give proper equipment to the player for when they go to the expansion, you can clearly see the problem when leveling because you start as some sort of demigod and progressively you deal less and less damage to the point even a single creature can beat you to death.

  17. 9 months ago

    I actually tried Dragonflight and my druid ferald and guardian plays really fun and I enjoyed it. The community however, is nothing but boosting and m+/raid selling so there is noone to actually play with. Moreover the lack of permanence of your gear and even your spec/character is a turnoff to investing time in the game

    • 9 months ago

      it's unfortunate the core of the game (casual raiding) is totally pointless because M+ give better gear for a fraction of the effort

      mop perfected casual raiding, i don't know why they immediately threw it away

      • 9 months ago

        I think it has more to do with each patch invalidating every prior patch and expansion. in classic wow if you were a hunter in full tier 1 your gear was not automatically worthless just because BWL was released. In modern WoW however when patch X.2 drops patch X.1 and all items you got from it are useless. If patches are released every 6 months and we are 4 months into patch X.1 there is no reason to grind because your progress is lost 2 months so might as well wait. but the same thing happens each xpac too so might as well wait for the next xpac. but seeing this pattern why bother with the game at all? and that is what happened to me. tbh my friends and I are playing classic HC because the higher stakes makes it a little more interesting but when I get to 60 I will definitely quit since there is not much waiting for you. if you die you get sent to classic normal servers which are just GDKP and boosting too. I think the gameplay in both classic and retail can be really fun but the community has done everything in its power to thwart blizzard from saving the game

  18. 9 months ago

    Forgetting what made it good in the first place killed it.

  19. 9 months ago

    The games almost 20 years old. Expansions and patches can only do so much

  20. 9 months ago

    >Keep chasing those loot drops that are 0.00002 percent! You want that ILVL increase don't you?? Number go up!

  21. 9 months ago

    Because it will soon be 20 fricking years since the game came out. It's time to let fricking go.
    90% of people who worked on it when it came out, don't anymore, and there is a high chance of there being people in the team who WEREN'T EVEN FRICKING BORN when WoW came out.

    Obviously the game will change, and obviously for the worse.

  22. 9 months ago

    I still love wow but it has become noticably worse than it used to be, you have to go out of your way to find the fun in it.

  23. 9 months ago

    I wish pvp twinks were still easy to make

  24. 9 months ago

    >Why is WoW dying?

    TL;DR: Too many dirty dishes, continued to pile them up, and never clean them.

    Too much prep time to actually be involved the current expansion
    Neglected previous expansions and treated as backwash filler
    No real side content that doesn't make you question whether you should even log in
    Races getting ugly additions literally no one that plays video games asked for
    Furry Races
    Furry Races that are ugly
    No body shape customization
    LGBTQLMAOBBQ+ quota needs to be filled
    Continuously breaking promises
    No entertaining minigames
    Wasting dev time on pointless shit (Spying on ERPers to 'correct them', while letting bots basically inflate the blizzcuck fun coin)
    Being so vile that China doesn't even like them
    Other cornerstone games flopping as hard as they did
    No custom emote system
    BIG CONTENT (raiding) is their main goal to pander to 3% of the population, other content is literally ignored
    Rep grinds still exist, don't have any function besides dailies and timegating content
    Invalidating progress of people that had gone through the content already
    Trying to force people to make 'permanent decisions' in an mmo
    Going back on their word in the next patch because of meta gaming
    Literally take a whole new expansion each time to introduce a mechanic they experiement with, and then drop the very next expansion


  25. 9 months ago

    All the problems are immediately apparent with the first expansion, and just continued to compound.
    >Make a surprise hit MMO that is extremely new player friendly and has very low complexity.
    Then they realize they actually have no ideas or ways to innovate so they just try to capture the people that were shitsocking the game.
    >First "expansion" BRAND NEW Continent, gear reset and all the previous content and world is made invalidated.
    What is the focus of the new first expansion and every one after? Raids. Instanced raids. They never had any ideas on how to make this game an MMO or expand on people's abilities to create their own fun/adventure and have communities. The only ideas they have are releasing instanced pve content that got progressively more complex year after year as people who only play WoW got good at playing WoW (crazy!).

  26. 9 months ago

    I would play WoW forever if it had just kept the style and philosophy of vanilla intact. Still has the best art design and combat of any MMO, somehow (begone with your kslop action combat).
    It literally just got worse every expansion excluding MAYBE MoP because cata was just that bad

  27. 9 months ago

    focus to much on FOMO content why forcing dailys as 90% content
    to much focus on alphabet people content shoved in your face why classic characters killed off one by one as the lore continues to be raped to make why for their special new diversity friendly characters

  28. 9 months ago

    Because the developers who work on WoW actively hate the WoW playerbase.

  29. 9 months ago

    People try it, beat all the content and quit for good. Zoomers don't own PCs. Go figure.

  30. 9 months ago

    >Lore went to shit
    >Character assassinations
    >Race changes that kill off what made a race unique in the first place (see Night Elves in WCIII and compare them with WoW NElves)
    >Execs always choose the most moronic plots and most moronic gameplay changes
    >Class homogenization
    >Simplifying maps
    >Player finders and shit
    >Insertion of woke garbage
    All I want is a WarCraft IV. But this is sadly in the realm of impossibility. Not with current Blizzard. Not as long as WoW is around.

    • 9 months ago

      >WarCraft IV

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