Why no more AARs?

Is it the lack of attention span from paradrone zoomers? Even the subr*ddits used to have good ones but I haven't seen any amount of effort put into one in literal years at this point.

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  1. 2 years ago

    The majority audience now is zoomers who want to do epic meme challenges and play the game for the gameplay and don’t know or care about history, the old audience used to be history nerds

    • 2 years ago

      I tried making one for eu4 once but I had to ignore or correct the game so much to make things even somewhat plausible, that at this point I was simply writing an AH scenario and the game could just be replaced by paint.

      what the frick is an AAR???

      • 2 years ago

        I decided not to be lazy and to google it. "After Action Report"
        ok cool
        shit thread btw

        • 2 years ago

          >t. confused adhd zoomie

    • 2 years ago

      They exist now in video form

    • 2 years ago

      This tbh. Average pdx zoomer literally has "learned" more from epic wikipedia screenshot memes than books or classes, or even documentaries (animated map videos don't count).

  2. 2 years ago

    Why dont you do them then anon?

    • 2 years ago

      If he did one literally no one would care. The reason they stopped is evident if you look at the forums or subreddits. Over the years they just stopped getting any type of attention or interaction. Maybe like 13 upvotes and one comment that says “nice” for hours and hours of the writers time and hard work.
      t. Guy who’s been around for a long ass time and liked to read aars

    • 2 years ago

      I'm doing a megacampaign atm and haven't gotten bored yet so I might, just testing the waters first

  3. 2 years ago

    I tried making one for eu4 once but I had to ignore or correct the game so much to make things even somewhat plausible, that at this point I was simply writing an AH scenario and the game could just be replaced by paint.

    • 2 years ago

      >that at this point I was simply writing an AH scenario and the game could just be replaced by paint.
      Pretty much this. I wanted to write an alt-his and the game was getting in the way lol

  4. 2 years ago

    It is shame. I remember some nice AAR's, there was even a mega-campaign one that did ck1 and jumped through paradox's games until it ended in nuclear annihilation in hoi2.

    People don't do them anymore because the people that use and play games have changed. It's all fast-paced videos or boring trite video essays. Also, the ability to write well has declined and people don't interact on forums anymore. Forum culture itself is dead.

    • 2 years ago

      We've had multiple wargame AARs posted here in /vst/.

      >Forum culture itself is dead.
      True. It's all messengers and media feeds these days.

    • 2 years ago

      tbf Paradox Forum's culture died due to the arbitrary rules and brand cult they created. It drove off all the people who are actually interested in the game and now it's full of people sucking PDX's wieners and simps

  5. 2 years ago

    Why do an AAR if you post do a series of during-action screenshots with short descriptions in /gsg/, /v2g/, /big/ or whatever general is respective to your game? That's way less tryhardy and autistic than an aar premade over the course of weeks and I personally find it more interesting, because you get to engage with the people posting those screens, ask them questions, recommend them a course of action.

    • 2 years ago

      Because the tryhardy ones are fun sometimes. Also if you're posting here you're at least somewhere on the spectrum.

    • 2 years ago

      Because the AAR with character(s) tend to be 100% better.
      The CK1 roleplay AARs and EU3/HOI2 AARs were fantastic, and while it is fun to name anon #1121333's children and provinces after slurs and jokes, they don't beat someone sitting down and writing out the results of his game as a story, especially when the AAR takes the form of the character's diary/thoughts.

      • 2 years ago

        >Because the AAR with character(s) tend to be 100% better.
        tell me you've never read a book without telling me you've never read a book
        those character-based, role-playing, and everything related AARs were always extreme cringe
        every single one goes
        >"my king we must conquer neighbour"
        >"no we will not conquer neighbour the time is not yet right, advisor"
        >the king then longingly glanced out the window facing eastwards and dreamt of an empire spanning all the way to the sun
        >"but one day, maybe not in my lifetime, we will conquer neighbour", he said wistfully

        • 2 years ago

          lel, disturbingly accurate
          9/10 times character AARs are unfathomably cringe with the exception being character driven games or perhaps content by someone that can actually write and only uses them for momentary impressions

        • 2 years ago

          I read several books a year homosexual, you having such shit taste that you could only pick bad AARs is your problem.

          • 2 years ago

            >I read several books a year homosexual
            Just in here to tell you I found this phrase hilarious.
            God bless your soul, anon.

  6. 2 years ago
    /gsg/ Ambition

    I'm writing one for Nobunaga's ambition on /gsg/


    AARnon posts on weekends when he's not fighting in Syria or piloting oil tankers that he captured off the coast of Zanzibar

  7. 2 years ago

    Because AARs are more for actual grognard wargames with strategy. Paracuck games aren't strategy.

    • 2 years ago

      Reading AARs about the various Gary Grigsby games is a trip. Though if it's against AI I find it dull. One of the best things i've seen is someone getting the ARD Dewey out of the Philippines in War in the Pacific. It was initially treated as a joke with "oh it survived" and then went serious as it actually managed to live.

      • 2 years ago

        >got a floating drydock out

        • 2 years ago

          A bigger floating drydock.

    • 2 years ago

      They can be fun for CK2, for dynastic history type of deal.

  8. 2 years ago

    Because the maturity level of Paradox players has gone down drastically since those days.

    I never thought it could happen to these kind of games but it did.

    • 2 years ago

      And all it took was HoI4 and Discord.

  9. 2 years ago

    It's been replaced by campaign posting, which is better imo because it's more "during action" and people will sometimes participate and give advice
    I did it a bunch of times here and it's fun when people interact with you but a lot of times people just ignore those posts

  10. 2 years ago

    1) Too much work is the main reason. Also Utube has replaced AARs.
    2) Concerns over security when posting screen shots means having to scrub data from every pic, adding another level of work
    3) Declining literacy and attention levels means less available writers and a smaller audience who is capable of understanding polysyllabic words ( this sentence has already filtered half of /vst/ )
    4) Even in the heyday of AARs too many were stillborn. Too many people would enthusiastically launch an AAR, usually with far too much detail and way too many screen shots, most of which no one cared about, and then the AAR would just die after a while when they lost interest. Too much effort for readers to invest in a story that never gets past the first few chapters.
    5) Too many shitty casualized games now. Resulting in the dedicated and intelligent gamers shrinking as a total percentage of total gamers, the space has been filled with casuals and children. For example hoi3 used to attract a dedicated AAR user base, but who the frick can be fricked writing an AAR about their game in the clusterfrick of hoi4?

    • 2 years ago

      5 is a good point. i remember reading a lot of hoi3 AARs because the game naturally made them intense, but hoi4 feels way too casualized for me to give enough of a shit about. i see someone bragging about some meme shit in hoi4, i immediately register them as some kid 16 and under who thinks people give a shit about some exploit or console commands he used. for hoi3, you know the player is getting into it for an intense fight, regardless of whether its over a short or long duration.

      i could afk on 5 speed to form whatever meme shit i want in hoi4 (which leads to people not giving a shit), but hoi3 requires at least some amount of effort and concentration to pull things off, especially with certain things being railroaded. i may have way more hours in 4 due to multiplayer than 3, but 3 will always be the one i prefer.

    • 2 years ago

      5 is a good point. i remember reading a lot of hoi3 AARs because the game naturally made them intense, but hoi4 feels way too casualized for me to give enough of a shit about. i see someone bragging about some meme shit in hoi4, i immediately register them as some kid 16 and under who thinks people give a shit about some exploit or console commands he used. for hoi3, you know the player is getting into it for an intense fight, regardless of whether its over a short or long duration.

      i could afk on 5 speed to form whatever meme shit i want in hoi4 (which leads to people not giving a shit), but hoi3 requires at least some amount of effort and concentration to pull things off, especially with certain things being railroaded. i may have way more hours in 4 due to multiplayer than 3, but 3 will always be the one i prefer.

      Can relate to this. I probably spent as much time reading the hoi3 AARs as I did playing the game. The effort some people put into creating some their AARs was amazing. Maps, photos, quotes, page after page of descriptions, sometimes serious, sometimes hilarious. There was always a lot of positive feedback from other posters. Sometimes I still visit to read them and view discussions. Its quiet, as you might expect for such an old game, but there are still a steady number of regular users.

  11. 2 years ago

    I just don't know how to write one.

  12. 2 years ago

    >Mein Fuhrer...
    >Steiner... Steiner...
    >Steiner's offensive achieved all of it's objectives ahead of schedule and annihilated two Soviet army groups in the process.
    >Der Fuhrer slowly removes his reading glasses with a firm, steady hand.
    >The following men will stay here: Keitel, Jodl, Krebs unt Burgdorf.
    This is what passes as an AAR in the year 2022.

    • 2 years ago


  13. 2 years ago

    Vicky2 players have largely moved on
    HoI4 games all play the same
    EU4's Leviathan update pushed everyone away from the game in disgust
    CK3 is just a reddit meme generator
    just not worth the effort, paradox games are getting worse every new release

  14. 2 years ago

    I've seen these in the comments of a few youtube videos.
    Funny autism.

  15. 2 years ago

    Asking why AARs are dead is like asking why letsplays are dead

    • 2 years ago

      Letsplays are dead?

      • 2 years ago

        have you ever tried watching a let's play nowadays? It's just not the same feeling of enjoyment anymore.

        • 2 years ago

          Anon... you're just old.

          • 2 years ago

            I am despair

        • 2 years ago

          There's only one letsplay Youtuber that's I like

  16. 2 years ago

    >video-making is now far more popular than blogposting
    >there's not much room for new and interesting AARs due to the decline of RTS
    >challenge runs are now far more popular than roleplaying
    That's the gist if it IMO.

  17. 2 years ago

    >tfw currently working on a Serbia EU3/Vicky2 AAR

  18. 2 years ago

    I think primarily AARs segued into videolog playthroughs or livestreams. Also I think fewer people care about reading an AAR. I certainly stopped because I've seen/read most of the content you're going to find in one and if someone actually tries to create something unusual in an AAR it comes off as very forced and artificial now.

  19. 2 years ago

    > woah, another -5% for 10 months event, let's write a 10 pages story with no connection to the actual game
    > which will be contradicted in the next event
    just play the game, save screenshots and after action write a report about interesting things which happened in the game, i don't care about your delusions

  20. 2 years ago

    AAR is autism shit

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


      semi-literate subhumans detected

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Playing video games other than sportsball 20XX and whatever shooter is popular right now means you most likely have autism. Using Ganker to talk about those other games especially means you have autism. Is calling stuff "autism shit" a coping mechanism for you, an autistic shit?

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