Why SC6 died ?

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  1. 5 months ago

    shitty netcode

    • 5 months ago

      Ignore people saying CaS and Reversal Edge. Any drooling moron knew to sidestep a very obviously telegraphed vertical attack and CaS is no worse than the vomit you're forced to play against in Tekken 7 custom costumes.

      It died because Bamco had little faith in the success of the game since it's inception and was more focused on golden boy Tekken and new kid on the block Dragonball FighterZ. Soul Calibur has always had a smaller audience so it was never going to compare. Despite that it had a good running at EVO and some other tournaments and Bamco gave it some love with DLC and was even preparing to give it a world tour.

      Then Covid happened. That's what killed the game; it took an eternity to get the rest of Season 2 dlc out and Bamco had no plans for the game after they finished with Hwaorang and no presence in tournaments. Then Okubo, the guy that was responsible for SC6 even existing left Project Soul and that was that.

      • 5 months ago

        >CaS is no worse than the vomit you're forced to play against in Tekken 7 custom costumes.
        Except Tekken is hugely popular so when people who hate that gay shit leave, Tekken is still fine.

        CaS doesn't belong in ranked online for Soulcalibur. Real homies who's souls truly burn don't want it.

        nah homie you b***hing in an mongolian basket weaving forum just shows how you're just an irrelevant b***h who will never steer any part of the game ever
        you dont even have the balls/money/connections to even steer the game in any direction and you can just stay outta it

        >who will never steer any part of the game ev
        I don't want to. I've got a life to live.

        Frick off pathetic wannabe Nerdy Tate

      • 5 months ago

        Reversal Edge was a dumb mechanic that had no place in the game, but yeah it's not what killed the game. Bad netcode didn't help, but the real killer is that Bamco plainly just doesn't give a frick about the series or its fans. Soulcalibur 6 was so close to being perfect that it actually infuriates me further knowing that we're probably never going to see a Soulcalibur 7 because it's not Tekken. I also agree that people b***hing about CaS are just salty homosexuals who look for any excuse to complain about why they got bodied.

        >Soul Caliber

        >Dead or Alive

        >Virtua Fighter

        >Bloody Roar

        >2nd best selling fighting series after Mortal Kombat
        What sort of unjust world do we live in where the shittiest 3D fighter is the only one left on the market?

        Because Tekken is slop for normies in the same vein that Mortal Kombat is despite it not having been good since like the fricking PS2 era.

        • 5 months ago

          >people b***hing about CaS are just salty homosexuals who look for any excuse to complain about why they got bodied.
          You're a moron then. Nobody thinks CaS made them lose. They think it's UGLY AND GAY.

          I don't want to look at your special fricking trannoid fingerpaintings of waifus. I want to look at sexy powerful heroes and villains from a storied and beloved game franchise. If I win, I want to beat SC characters. If I lose I want to lose to SC characters. Guests get a pass

      • 5 months ago

        Truth. The reality is always that Bamco is incompetent.

      • 5 months ago

        CaS online is absolute shit with the kinds of moronic combinations being leagues worse than shit like headgear, pitch black dragunov, blinding white outfits, and character move obfuscating outfits.

        • 5 months ago

          Nothing quite like fighting some guys miniature waifu using Knightmare’s moveset.

      • 5 months ago

        >Then Okubo, the guy that was responsible for SC6
        Okubo was the producer, not god. He was just one person of many who brought the shelved IP back. SC5's failure was also around the same time as TTT2's failure. It was just a bad time for Bamco fighters, but SC6 and T7 sold well beyond their expectations with T& now being the most successful entry in the series to date.

  2. 5 months ago

    >CaS abominations overwhelmingly popular in ladder matches
    >No good casual matchmaking option
    >Small userbase

    The netcode and game balance were decent. Especially after S2.

    • 5 months ago

      >>CaS abominations overwhelmingly popular in ladder matches
      >>No good casual matchmaking option
      Tekken is both of these things too and yet it's the most alive fighting game with Street Fighter.
      It's just Bamco handling of things that fricks online longevity for their other games other than Tekken.

      • 5 months ago

        >Tekken is both of these things too and yet it's the most alive fighting game with Street Fighter.
        Yes but Tekken and SF are just mainstream slop for normies. No offense but it takes being an actual serious fightan or gaming player to advance beyond the two mainstream "Muscled Karatemen kick each other" games. SC needs to keep a relatively autistic and dedicated core fanbase happy and having to memorize which combos drop against which kinds of custom characters and even just TOLERATE millions of moronic memes and trannoid waifu abominations rather than the BELOVED CAST OF HEROES AND VILLAINS THEY BOUGHT THE GAME TO EXPERIENCE.

        I bought SC6 to play SC6. I was forced to play against dildoBlack folk and moronic heterochomatic waifus and shit.

      • 5 months ago

        Tekken customizations while annoying, pale in comparison to some of the bullshit you could get away with in SC6. The only thing I can think of being SC6 tier in Tekken 7 is when players made Drag’s skeleton costume all black to make him damn near impossible to see.

  3. 5 months ago

    Bamco didn't market it for shit.

    Just port SC2 to PC. Even if the meme characters don't make it, SC2 will always be the peak.

  4. 5 months ago

    For me the gameplay is just too quick. I went back and played SC1 on Dreamcast and the speed of the moves is very natural, but each sequel made it faster and faster with no hope of reacting. Not to mention the visual hit effects are way too flashy, can't see shit.

    • 5 months ago

      >but each sequel made it faster and faster with no hope of reacting.
      You slower. SC4 was like wading through mud. SC2 was fast and felt perfect

    • 5 months ago

      Not true, SC4 was slow as syrup. and people complain so it got much better by SC5.

    • 5 months ago

      >For me the gameplay is just too quick. I went back and played SC1 on Dreamcast and the speed of the moves is very natural, but each sequel made it faster and faster with no hope of reacting.

      This is an outright lie. The games kept on getting slower until SC5. SC6 is without a doubt the fastest entry in the entire series, and I personally think the speed is perfect. God I hope they don't change it for SC7.

  5. 5 months ago


  6. 5 months ago

    >Why SC6 died ?

    >Dude how about we make every single female character (and lot of male ones too) STILL look like she suffers from Down syndrome, instead of properly following the artwork chara?
    >Dude how about we take this single worst RPG mechanic ever (shitty sidequests) and put it into a genre where it has zero reason to exist?
    >Dude how about we tell most the story through boring textwalls written in such a microscopic font that you need to smash your head into the screen in order to be able to read it?
    >Dude how about we make a shockingly low number of arenas, most of which are generic as frick, and never put new ones, not even in DLCs?
    >Dude, how about we make a lame-ass gallery mode ever, with no exhibitions, and that doesn't even let you zoom-in the pictures?
    Gee, I really wonder.

    • 5 months ago

      >never put new ones, not even in DLCs?
      >every single female character (and lot of male ones too) STILL look like she suffers from Down syndrome,
      lmao, not even true. Literally moronic poster

    • 5 months ago

      >Dude how about we make every single female character (and lot of male ones too) STILL look like she suffers from Down syndrome, instead of properly following the artwork chara?
      In the game's defense SC6 was made on a shoestring budget and the same engine as Soul Calibur 5. Tekken 7 looks similar and that has no excuse.

  7. 5 months ago

    >people complaining about CAS ruining ranked
    behold a super popular youtuber who will make sure it will NEVER die

    • 5 months ago

      I literally won't buy SC7 if they don't make a nice clean matchmaking pool where you can only play main roster characters. Dress up your main cast characters as moronic as you want but DO NOT subject me to a million ugly waifu prostitutes and silly memes.

      • 5 months ago

        then just beat them and win
        recent match making has problem that from the start that "character recognition silhouette" is complete bull shit and you're just being a salty mf

        • 5 months ago

          >character recognition silhouette
          Don't care.

          >then just beat them and win
          No. Frick that. I bought SOULCALIBUR not DONKEY KONG WITH A BIG BANANA DICK

    • 5 months ago

      >keeping your dead game relevant

      No one cares about this vtuber homosexual shit and it does nothing for the franchise

      • 5 months ago

        >constantly beats tournament watcher numbers
        >actually speak's devs language
        >everyone involved having fun
        looks like we gotta salty b ranker who lost like a little b***h to some one enjoying their game

        • 5 months ago


          All she's doing is harming the fanbase by drawing morons into it.

          • 5 months ago

            who gives a shit about you're irrelevant antifun shit which no one gives a shit about except salty gay homies who keep whining about how they keep losing and cant keep up

            • 5 months ago

              >who gives a shit about you are irrelevant

              nah homie you b***hing in an mongolian basket weaving forum just shows how you're just an irrelevant b***h who will never steer any part of the game ever
              you dont even have the balls/money/connections to even steer the game in any direction and you can just stay outta it

              >you b***hing in an
              Oh, it's a brown ESL moron, opinions can safely discarded.

              • 5 months ago

                Your exaggerated pathetic rant is enough to invalidate every post you made about the game.

        • 5 months ago

          >constantly beats tournament watcher numbers
          Yeah there's always a ton of literal npcs around to watch slop
          >actually speak's devs language
          >everyone involved having fun
          Nice list padding moron.

          Tekken customizations while annoying, pale in comparison to some of the bullshit you could get away with in SC6. The only thing I can think of being SC6 tier in Tekken 7 is when players made Drag’s skeleton costume all black to make him damn near impossible to see.

          There were people who made their characters nearly unintelligible but there were rare. For every person trying to scam wins by making it hard to see his character, there was 99 disgustingly badly made waifus and 100 more stupid memes and pop culture references.

          who gives a shit about you're irrelevant antifun shit which no one gives a shit about except salty gay homies who keep whining about how they keep losing and cant keep up

          >keep losing and cant keep up
          lmao, nobody said anything like that.

          • 5 months ago

            nah homie you b***hing in an mongolian basket weaving forum just shows how you're just an irrelevant b***h who will never steer any part of the game ever
            you dont even have the balls/money/connections to even steer the game in any direction and you can just stay outta it

    • 5 months ago

      Vtumors with millions of views playing it is as much of an argument for "being alive" as Xrd animation videos with millions of views. Not at all.

    • 5 months ago

      huh, I thought Koro-san was the only one that played fighting games

  8. 5 months ago

    Ivy is op

  9. 5 months ago

    >keeping your dead game relevant

    • 5 months ago

      All she's doing is harming the fanbase by drawing morons into it.

  10. 5 months ago

    >no single player content
    >shitty mechanics like Reversal Edge, Lethal Hits, and GI (counters almost everything, even fricking throws)
    >shit netcode
    >not enough marketing

    • 5 months ago

      >tales of the sword returned
      >no single player content
      anon pls, the problem with singleplayer is you can't unlock new gear for your guy.

  11. 5 months ago

    SoulCal barely has a place in the 3D fighting game space even when its a brand new game they should've been following Dead or Alive yeeeears ago (which is already sad to even have to say out loud) and had a free version up and ready

    • 5 months ago

      >SoulCal barely has a place in the 3D fighting game space even when its a brand new game
      Except for SC1 being a killer app for Dreamcast and the second game being a high selling multiplat hit.
      >should've been following Dead or Alive yeeeears ago
      Be an even deader franchise that also insults its audience by removing the only thing it's known for (breasts and ass)?

  12. 5 months ago

    Supers don't belong, throw em in the trash.

    • 5 months ago

      I think doubling down and making the supers more nuanced is the way to go. Give us some choice of which super to take or an option to not have one in exchange for some sort of benefit.

  13. 5 months ago

    >Soul Caliber

    >Dead or Alive

    >Virtua Fighter

    >Bloody Roar

    >2nd best selling fighting series after Mortal Kombat
    What sort of unjust world do we live in where the shittiest 3D fighter is the only one left on the market?

    • 5 months ago

      Tekken was always the normalgay Japanese fighter besides maybe SF since Tekken 3 in 1998. It was kinda predestined, with VF and SC being flukes of success (outside of Japan that is, where Tekken was somewhat mocked i favor of VF). Bloody Roar was always niche even in its prime.

      DoA is sad because it had a steady fanbase, albeit of coomers, that Tecmo forsook for social justice points. The was straight up developer self sabotage.

  14. 5 months ago

    Played it with my cousins. It's fun just like second game.

  15. 5 months ago

    >Poor netcode in COVID year
    >No rollback when that was getting hot
    >SP content was lacking for a SC game
    >Obviously game was quite low budget
    >All the new mechanics are divisive
    >Updates were slow
    >CAS in ranked
    >Didn't have anyone really praising the game not even content creators

  16. 5 months ago

    It died because it didn't have a proper matchmaking system like Tekken.

  17. 5 months ago

    i unironically recently bought sc6 with all dlcs
    also why we have now two chapta layers

  18. 5 months ago

    Horrible netcode and RE + super cinematics were way too long and disruptive.

  19. 5 months ago

    sc6 is that good, it just needs rollback to be perfect and stand the test of time but noooooo those homosexuals won't bother. Not even sc2 the og classic. Let's just keep an historical series completely fricking unplayable meanwhile arcsys and snk are retrofitting with rollback everything in their catalog. But for bamco it's all about tekken TEKKEN TEKKEN, can't have people with different taste no sir you will only play TEKKEN TEKKEN TEKKEN whether you like it or not.
    Fricking c**ts

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