Why should any gamer care what difficulty setting another gamer plays their games on?

Why should any gamer care what difficulty setting another gamer plays their games on?

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  1. 3 years ago

    if someone reads War and Peace Abridged Edition for Kids I don't expect them to hold the same level of conversation or speak to the same kind of experience as someone who read the full thing.
    It degrades the medium.

    • 3 years ago

      Gatekeeping is dead and has been dead for at least 6 years, anon.

      • 3 years ago

        Gatekeeping is essential for communities to retain their identity. A large influx of people who only passingly care about a piece of medium will poison the well and degrade discussion to the most basic levels, usually overused memes and meaningless praise for something they don't fully understand leading to the core audience feeling alienated and pushed out.

      • 3 years ago

        You say that to a gatekeeper actively keeping a gate. You're moronic. Dumb memer

    • 3 years ago

      >It degrades the medium.


  2. 3 years ago

    >gamer culture is trannies with cat ear headsets

    They got that part right

  3. 3 years ago

    Choose easy mode if you want but don't whine on twitter about Sekiro being difficult because you don't have the balls to actually try at something.

    • 3 years ago

      Hell yeah. Playing video games is the true mark of a man

  4. 3 years ago

    Casuals get the rope.

    If you don't start a game on it's highest difficulty then you are a homosexual.

  5. 3 years ago

    No one should care what difficulty you played the game on I support the "sekiro should have an easy mode" crowd and I beat the game 2 times I played normally for the first run and got all the side bosses then I started a New Game Plus without corros charm and with the bell demon Awakened so I don't want the easy mode for myself I want the easy mode for disabled people or for people with accessibility issues

    • 3 years ago

      Not every game should be played by everyone. I'm sorry but if you're shit at games get better and then come back. By trying to appeal to everyone you end up making a shit game. One of the appeals of Sekiro is the challenge, it contributes to enhance the experience by drawing you into a brutal and unforgiving world, if you take that away you end up with a mediocre japan themed button masher.

    • 3 years ago

      But unfortunately you're also trans so your entire opinion has to be discarded lol

  6. 3 years ago

    Definitely not a raid. YWNAW

  7. 3 years ago


    • 3 years ago

      I always mod all these games to make them easier. Sometimes just something as simple as not losing progress upon death. Eat my ass.

      • 3 years ago


      • 3 years ago

        You did not grow up
        You did not improve

  8. 3 years ago

    Because if devs cater to the lowest-skilled players, then you're going to reach a point where the game exists not as a challenge, but something you just use to occupy time.
    >people didn't want the trouble of actually collecting Pokemon, so we just start you with a PC full of them
    >players were upset that certain cosmetics are unlocked at higher difficulty levels, so we turned them all on by default
    >soccer moms can't spend all day grinding to the level cap, so now the game just starts you at level 99
    >finding all 6 ingots for the secret weapon was hard for a couple kids with short attention spans, so now you get a full inventory from the start

    • 3 years ago

      I feel like difficulty mode isn't always 100% descriptive of a game's difficulty anyway. A game can make mass appeal compromises and be casualized in ways that are too ingrained in the design to be adjusted by difficulty mode. Plus, morons forget that normal mode in 80% of games caters to them to begin with.

      • 3 years ago

        >morons forget that normal mode in 80% of games caters to them to begin with
        That's one of the big offenders right there. The clearly-not-a-gamer crowd coming in and expecting the "normal" mode to not have any difficulty at all. Not saying that every game needs to induce controller-throwing rage with impossible bullshit, but there needs to be some sort of skill curve as the game progresses.

        If someone doesn't want to be challenged by a game, they're better off watching a Let's Play rundown of the thing.

  9. 3 years ago

    Not everyone should, but anyone who plans on holding a serious opinion about a game should. It's embarrassing seeing people complaining how shallow or dull a game is while making it very clear they didn't ever struggle and had to use every mechanic available because they just brainlessly skimmed the game due to ultra easy difficulty not even requiring you to adapt to anything.

    If you just want to play for fun and story or whatever, yeah go for it. But if you want to later go on some discussion board of the game afficionados spout dumbass opinions don't get butthurt when people rightfully tell you to frick off.

  10. 3 years ago

    no but it's cringe to act if easy modes are an accessibility feature for muh tired working gamers instead of cope for people who don't actually like video games but play them to be trendy.

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