why the frick are people all of a sudden playing vanilla wow again

why the frick are people all of a sudden playing vanilla wow again

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    >a sudden

  2. 1 year ago

    In all seriousness, all those homosexuals are searching for that little, tiny speck of happiness they had 20 years ago.

    • 1 year ago

      No, it's because there's this new permadeath fad going on. It's a whole new community and addon that drives and connects it all.
      Why do people just talk completely out of their ass like this?

      • 1 year ago

        Most of the HC players are on Bloodsail.
        Whitemane is the PvP Cluster (multiple servers all connected so you can quest, group, guild, shared AH)
        Mankrik is the PvE Cluster (same as above)

        Mankrik/Whitemane still have /some/ Hardcore people, but like I said 99% of HC went to Bloodsail.
        Mankrik/Whitemane are popping off for one main reason: Wrath Classic is an abject failure and people finally, after fricking years of being told it's true and them denying it, realized that Wrath casualized the absolute frick out of the game.
        And when Cata came along and tried to make dungeons hard again, the community was already too infected by normies and wrathbabies for the Hard Heroics to stick around.

        Now don't get me wrong, I don't think Classic raiding is hard. It's more tedious. But the leveling experience is long, arduous, and you fricking learn your class. There are elite quests in every zone and grouping is needed at times, and since leveling is slow you end up running into the same people routinely.

        Wrath is a cakewalk. Exp nerfs, class power gains, I was a level 10 hunter pulling 7+ mobs at a time. Serpent Sting doing insane amounts of damage. And my mana pool barely moves.
        The old world is dead because nobody is leveling alts because they already leveled all the classes they want.
        Classic Era is comfy. People still buff each other. It was 3am on a Wednesday night and my Classic Era warrior found 4 other people to do the Elite quests in Wetlands. 2 others also joined us outside the group and 3 of us stuck around to help them clear it out too.

        Wrath? I can't even get guildies to help me do the arena in Zuldrak. People just skip it nowadays to get to max sooner because the 3-4 levels can be blown through and the weapon from the quest will be replaced within a day.

        Will I have fun returning to Classic if I'm not interest in hardcore mode and have no respect for those that are?

        Avoid Bloodsail. Whitemane for PvP, Mankrik otherwise.
        Both clusters seem to have good Horde:Alliance ratios, but Mankrik/PvE leans more Alliance heavy.

        /who will tell you.

        • 1 year ago

          Only ever played the classic rereleases and I have to say that they all sucked in terms of leveling. Classic had horrible raids except for BWL and ZG. TBC had horrible raids except Sunwell. Now in Wrath Naxx was boring as frick but Ulduar has been fun.

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        I tried classic back when they released it and it was bad, really bad, everyone who's having fun with this game are terminally online try hards who play vidya for 12 hours a day.

        • 1 year ago

          zoom zoom

          • 1 year ago

            >zoom zoom
            I've used to play worse games back in the day, but this game has aged like milk, I could pass some QoL shit that wasn't a thing in 2004, but that wouldn't make the game enjoyable at all, the thing back when it released is that there were like 10 try hard overly complicated games, so you basically had no choice but bend the knee if you wanted to play an mmo, nowadays I can just hop into whatever gaymen I want and have a miles better experience than this game, that's the very own reason why it became a wasteland within a month of release.

            • 1 year ago

              zoom zoom

  3. 1 year ago

    Will I have fun returning to Classic if I'm not interest in hardcore mode and have no respect for those that are?

    • 1 year ago


  4. 1 year ago

    If anything this just paints retail in a worse light. People have to wait until May 2nd to fight these super important characters.

    • 1 year ago

      It's wild how much the art direction has changed incrementally over the years into whatever the frick this is. Although I do kind of like the middle one

    • 1 year ago

      these look like fricking action figures

  5. 1 year ago

    can you pk classic wow hardcore players that would be the only thing bringing me back

  6. 1 year ago

    They've realised that Wrath is dogshit

  7. 1 year ago

    >been playing over 10 years
    >involved in theory crafting in 06
    >been playing private vanilla servers before nost
    >mfw newbies who are just getting into vanilla now try and tell me how my class works
    >they argue what the best specs for leveling are based on what their fav youtube celeb told them
    >do hardcore and tank dungeons and new players are playing like shit threatening to ruin 50 hours of my playtime in this shitty mode

    Heres my hardcore review: You cant trade with other hardcore people, you can only do a dungeon once. It makes the game feel more like a single player game. I understand limits within your level bracket but no tradingat all is lame.
    Also If you play a healer you should never die unless a patrol surprises you. Many people are new to the game, dont understand how casters work, and are actually dying as healing classes just regularly questing which makes me terrified to even group with people as a tank.

    Once im 60, if i dont frick it up before then, im quitting.

    • 1 year ago

      >Heres my hardcore review: You cant trade with other hardcore people, you can only do a dungeon once. It makes the game feel more like a single player game
      That sounds fricking gay. Why do people think removing the multiplayer aspects of the game is hardcore?

      • 1 year ago

        Being able to get twinked is soft as frick, bro. All you need is friends and you can skate through the game.

        The point of hardcore is the challenge. If the challenge is rendered meaningless for some people then it doesn't really mean anything as something to strive for.

        • 1 year ago

          >Being able to get twinked is soft as frick, bro.
          Trading in an mmo =/= getting twinked

      • 1 year ago

        Not that anon but most of the restrictions seem to prevent gaming the system
        >You can't just form a 5 man-group 24/7
        >You can only run a dungeon once so you can't boost your lower level friends through most of the game
        >You can't use most class self-resurrect abilities to prevent everyone picking Warlock and only playing when their soulstones are up
        >You have to choose professions carefully and can't just use the Auction House / Trading to always have potions + the best gear

        The restrictions honestly sound like a gigantic pain in the ass, but considering how many fricking losers are out there I'm not surprised they had to be implemented. A lot of people are going to default to the easiest method, especially when the stakes are relatively high, which everything that isn't banned will be abused as much as possible. It's similar to how most "achievement hunters" play through the game with a guide telling them where every collectible is, while doing the cheesiest strategies possible so that they can minimise the time spent doing the thing they supposedly enjoy doing.

        TL;DR the restrictions are necessary because most gamers are min-maxing homosexuals

        • 1 year ago

          >the restrictions are necessary
          They aren't necessary. It's just a bunch of morons playing pretend and acting like it's hardcore not being able to trade or do dungeons in an mmo. If you want to do autistic solo grinding go play runescape, the good thing about classic wow is how it actually necessitates people playing together

      • 1 year ago

        hardcore is just a giant autistic timesink

    • 1 year ago

      Fear God and keep his commandments is the whole duty of man.

      World of warcraft leads to eternal hellfire.

    • 1 year ago

      Twinking with trade would make it too easy and people would have overpowered shit at level 2.

  8. 1 year ago

    Almost lvl 40 mount here I come baby

  9. 1 year ago

    Players are so bored with the game they’ve resorted to playing hardcore ironman mode

    • 1 year ago

      I don't blame them. Let them have fun.

  10. 1 year ago

    I don't understand why it's suddenly popular due to a mod that came out during season of mastery. I thought everyone who wanted to do hardcore, did it then

  11. 1 year ago

    This is just getting sad. Play FFXIV or frick off already.

    • 1 year ago

      FFXIV is so far removed from vanilla WoW they shouldn't be compared in any way shape or form

    • 1 year ago

      Played it. Dropped it after Heavensward.

    • 1 year ago

      FFXIV isn't an MMO though, why would I play it as an alternative to vanilla wow?

  12. 1 year ago

    lmao what kind of a reject would play permadeath in an MMO
    even arpgs done it way better and that's saying something, though for the real deal you have to stick to roguelikes of course (to the real ones not the gay ones)
    I have no idea why anyone would pick wow over poe or diablo if they were into one life concept

  13. 1 year ago

    Cause unlike 90% of MMOs and current WOW and WotLK, it's actually addicting.

    • 1 year ago


      No, it's because there's this new permadeath fad going on. It's a whole new community and addon that drives and connects it all.
      Why do people just talk completely out of their ass like this?

      blizz classic was dead before this

  14. 1 year ago

    Bunch of streamers decided to do hardcore challenges and their sheep follow.

    • 1 year ago

      It doesn't work that way. People left to Classic first and grifting streamers followed.

  15. 1 year ago

    I play on private servers from time to time, it's a good game

  16. 1 year ago

    Retail is pretty much dead. So the retails are going to play wow with an alive community.

  17. 1 year ago


  18. 1 year ago

    ive met like 30 people playing hard core classic WoW who I still keep in contact with. Ive met 0 in WoW since BFA.

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