Why the FRICK is everyone playing MHW again suddenly?

Why the FRICK is everyone playing MHW again suddenly?

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  1. 5 months ago

    some famous streamer.

    • 5 months ago

      Wasnt me.

      • 5 months ago

        Honey came in and she caught me red-handed

      • 5 months ago

        Saw me bangin' on the sofa

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        Nah, he got into the renewed interest when he saw everyone else playing it. He literally followed the trend

        • 5 months ago

          disney liar

          • 5 months ago

            >game's popularity is on the Rise
            >jump on the trend
            >claim responsibility for the rising trend

            • 5 months ago

              Asmongold himself says he's only riding the wave and that he didn't create it. It's his fanbase doing it.

          • 5 months ago

            >Black person anon doesnt understand what 'bigger' means
            fricking moron lmao

        • 5 months ago

          Same thing as FFXIV. He didn't get into it until six months after everyone else was already cashing in.

        • 5 months ago

          Literally This

          • 5 months ago

            >start watching
            >immediate namielle
            why the frick did his viewers spoil a game he already said he was going to play for him

            • 5 months ago

              literally who

            • 5 months ago

              Most twitch streamer viewers are moronic.

          • 5 months ago

            Yeah I think he was planning on playing World regardless due to him being interested in Dragon's Dogma, him hearing that World was getting a resurgence of players led to him playing it a little earlier.

      • 5 months ago

        He only played it because it was already blowing up.

      • 5 months ago

        Just how much divine blessing is this homie running? Barioth was practically tickling him.

        • 5 months ago

          I have to admit that in the tail end of Iceborne I became a Divine Blessing 5 enjoyer because that shit was so fricking broken. Like what the frick were they thinking?

      • 5 months ago

        Didn't he commit charity fraud or something

        • 5 months ago

          Nah, that was this guy.

          • 5 months ago

            Idk I was reading the last thread and someone post this

            As far as I'm aware he worked with a 3rd party nonprofit that "specialises" in working with online personalities for some charity thing and they (legally) did the thing all nonprofits do, which is (legally) take most of the money in expenses.

            It's legal? Still sounds kinda scummy

            • 5 months ago

              Yes to both.
              It's basically what they all do, and it is scummy. 90% of the big charities you know have a CEO on 6-figures before bonuses.
              This is different to Jirard's nonprofit though, because these ones actually donate the money that's left after expenses.

              • 5 months ago

                Damn, my family used to donate because my cousin had cancer
                To think it's been this bad is really sad to me

            • 5 months ago

              His response is pretty terrible.
              It's as easy as saying "we won't work with softgiving again" and it's done and dusted.

              • 5 months ago

                The crazy thing is that the original thread apparently got deleted, idk if it's sketchy mod homosexualry or just moronation

              • 5 months ago

                Probably sketchy mod homosexualry.
                It's not even a huge deal. They worked through a middleman so that they'd not be touching any of the money themselves to avoid a Jirard situation, and the middleman did the scummy shit 90% of charity nonprofits do.
                Like I said, I dunno why they don't just say "we won't work with these guys again after learning this" and be done with it.

              • 5 months ago

                I think he's got an ego and just can't concede that he fricked up pairing with them

              • 5 months ago

                True, but finding a middleman that DOESN'T do this shit is the exception, not the rule.
                It's pretty much the default behaviour for a charity nonprofit.

              • 5 months ago

                I'm glad I learned this now because of recent events so I can convince others at least
                Hopefully we can all learn from it

              • 5 months ago

                The best way to do charitable giving is to give it to small local organisations where you can literally see what it's being spent on. Even better if it's non-monetary donations.

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah, I used to work at a food bank for church stuff and it felt good, maybe I'll give it a shot again even though I don't attend there anymore

              • 5 months ago

                >The crazy thing is that the original thread apparently got deleted, idk if it's sketchy mod homosexualry or just moronation
                It got deleted because OTk literally tries to blackmail and threaten r/livestreamfail mods imto censoring threads critical of them. NMPlol even claimed to have "FBI connections" that he would "leverage" against the mods. So if you had any suspicion that Asmon and co are literal glow in the darks, consider your suspicions possibly justified


              • 5 months ago

                >NMPlol even claimed to have "FBI connections" that he would "leverage" against the mods. So if you had any suspicion that Asmon and co are literal glow in the darks, consider your suspicions possibly justified
                Bro what is this rabbit hole

              • 5 months ago

                >our FBI friends have found people pretty easy online

              • 5 months ago

                Imagine having things you can be blackmailed about, couldn't be me lol, I'm clean, no child grooming discord allegations, no twitter account so people don't think I'm hitler for saying "moron", no nothing.

              • 5 months ago

                We live in a post AI world and theirs is significantly more advanced than what exists in the public sector
                If they don't have evidence to blackmail you with, they can simply make some. They can create video, sound, images of you doing and saying whatever they want and you won't be able to prove it's fake

              • 5 months ago

                name one instance of this happening.

                Of course, CIA and all that might kill reporters and journalists who investigate and uncover politically or economically "inconvenient" information, I do get that.

                But discord frickers with FBI friends? FBI making an AI generated vid of you killing a child or something with their secret superior AI because you made a reddit post where you point out charity fraud made by some shitass streamer? That's another level, you gotta frick with the government a LOT for this to happen and even thne I doubt they'd pull off a stunt like that, you gotta be on the wrong place at the wrong time and get dissappeared.

              • 5 months ago

                Holy shit

              • 5 months ago

                Why does a twitch streamer org have FBI connections?

                And how long until janny deletes this?

              • 5 months ago

                Asmon has stated he worked for the IRS before he started becoming more successful on youtube.
                2012-2013. His viewers started going up pretty quickly as of 2014.
                Probably just a coincidence.

              • 5 months ago

                >The IRS is hiring basement goblins and wheelchair bound cripples
                What the frick is going on in my country

              • 5 months ago

                >So if you had any suspicion that Asmon and co are literal glow in the darks, consider your suspicions possibly justified
                Reminder that anyone who became a successful eceleb after 2013~ did not do so organically.

                What's an FBI "connection" even gonna do to someone just for pointing out obvious charity fraud and inmoral behavior?

                I might just be naive but people on the internet telling me shit has never been an issue for me, is an FBI 50 year old man gonna come to my house and shit on my entrance door?

              • 5 months ago

                >What's an FBI "connection" even gonna do to someone just for pointing out obvious charity fraud and inmoral behavior?
                It means he might accidentally shoot himself in the back of the head. If you catch my drift.

              • 5 months ago

                for a reddit post calling out Asmongold?
                If it was because a journalist has uncovered a conspiracy where a dozen politicians commit tax fraud and control the oil market and shit like that to frick us over I'd believe you but this is not in that level is it?

              • 5 months ago

                >So if you had any suspicion that Asmon and co are literal glow in the darks, consider your suspicions possibly justified
                Reminder that anyone who became a successful eceleb after 2013~ did not do so organically.

              • 5 months ago

                hey. I was planning on doing that in a few years time. Frick you, how dare you ruin my content creation about the videogames in the future business/idea? I didn't even start yet.

              • 5 months ago

                >So if you had any suspicion that Asmon and co are literal glow in the darks, consider your suspicions possibly justified
                Reminder that anyone who became a successful eceleb after 2013~ did not do so organically.

                Today, I will remind them

        • 5 months ago

          As far as I'm aware he worked with a 3rd party nonprofit that "specialises" in working with online personalities for some charity thing and they (legally) did the thing all nonprofits do, which is (legally) take most of the money in expenses.

          • 5 months ago

            So basically another case of people who don't know how charities work finding out that not all of their money went to the cause?

            • 5 months ago

              Pretty much. Although this one is a little spicier because the middleman nonprofit in question (softgiving) allegedly was playing appearance fees to some streamers then not disclosing who was being paid for participation and who wasn't.

              • 5 months ago

                Yes XQC claimed he got paid $90k for an event this charity ran that only raised $60k

                Which is fricked.

          • 5 months ago

            There are still npcs who believe secular NGOs are helping people with their money? That's amazing, what a nice racket.

            • 5 months ago

              Don't worry. The religious ones are fricking thieves too. Lutheran Services in America CEO takes home over a million bucks a year.

        • 5 months ago

          No but he killed his mom by blowing her oxygen tank up

          • 5 months ago


            • 5 months ago

              His mother was close to death from smoking every day for decades and had an oxygen tank that she nearly blew up with her cigarettes. It didn't blow up she just got burned a bit. She died shortly after. Anons converted this story into him blowing her up.

        • 5 months ago

          Asmon is one of the most drama free Streamers.
          Mostly because he is so antisocial so its hard for gold diggers to accuse him of anything controversial because he interacts whit real people in real life so rarely.

          • 5 months ago

            I wonder who could POSSIBLY BE behind this post

          • 5 months ago

            lmao frick no, have you even watched some of his recent trainwreck streams where he's so obsessed with being right that he literally argues with his chat for half the stream until he gives up and plays his fotm dogshit game?
            he is literally the worst streamer to watch right now because chances are you're going to sit through one of his little ego meltdowns right after he gives the 10,000th shit take this month

          • 5 months ago

            He literally has a nervous breakdown once every 2 months lmao.

        • 5 months ago

          No, that's a different guy. He's the one that killed his mother.

        • 5 months ago

          >Didn't he commit charity fraud or something




          >Asmon's org OTK had a charity event for terminally sick kids or something trhough some Charity
          >Turns out charity was fradulent and pocketed at least half the donations, while secretly paying streamers like Asmon and co off with parts of the donation money
          >They didn't disclose they would be getting some of the donos
          >Jacob Wolf, journalist who investigated this 2 years ago contacted other streamers who were involved and they all immediately spoke to him
          >Asmon and his OTK buddies have, for the past 2 years, refused to respond to him
          >He's brining this up again now
          >Asmon responded in the most mentally moronic way imaginable by first banning any mention of the charity fraud from his subreddit, then blacklisting Jacob's website from his sub, then blocking the Jacob Wolf's name and even the word Charity from his twitch channel, then having a sociopathic response to a viewer who managed to somehow ask him about it on stream, saying he "doesn't give a frick" and banning the person then coping by saying that people are mad at him only becuase his youtube videos are "doing well"
          >This all comes IMMEDIATELY after Jirard the Completionist charity fraud scandal.

          Also r/livestreamfail mods nuked a thread abou Asmon's response to all this, then someone made a new thread that's remained up yesterday and it's gotten double the views, upvotes, and comments. Something something Streisand Effect


          • 5 months ago

            >Booba Awooga
            Also i didn't realize how many streamers were behind all this

            • 5 months ago

              >Didn't he commit charity fraud or something




              >Asmon's org OTK had a charity event for terminally sick kids or something trhough some Charity
              >Turns out charity was fradulent and pocketed at least half the donations, while secretly paying streamers like Asmon and co off with parts of the donation money
              >They didn't disclose they would be getting some of the donos
              >Jacob Wolf, journalist who investigated this 2 years ago contacted other streamers who were involved and they all immediately spoke to him
              >Asmon and his OTK buddies have, for the past 2 years, refused to respond to him
              >He's brining this up again now
              >Asmon responded in the most mentally moronic way imaginable by first banning any mention of the charity fraud from his subreddit, then blacklisting Jacob's website from his sub, then blocking the Jacob Wolf's name and even the word Charity from his twitch channel, then having a sociopathic response to a viewer who managed to somehow ask him about it on stream, saying he "doesn't give a frick" and banning the person then coping by saying that people are mad at him only becuase his youtube videos are "doing well"
              >This all comes IMMEDIATELY after Jirard the Completionist charity fraud scandal.

              Also r/livestreamfail mods nuked a thread abou Asmon's response to all this, then someone made a new thread that's remained up yesterday and it's gotten double the views, upvotes, and comments. Something something Streisand Effect


              >Believing in charities
              >Giving money to youtubers

              In this world it's get rich or die trying, poor people are fricked and it's not your responsibility to help them unless they are your loved ones, don't look behind you, look out for yourself, don't worship e-celebes.

              My final message goodbye.

              • 5 months ago

                I knew charities can't be trusted but I didn't realize how pervasive they were

          • 5 months ago

            >Turns out charity was fradulent and pocketed at least half the donations
            This is actually pretty great charity because there is anti cancer charity that pocket 90% off all donations but they do so legally so apparently it's ok.

          • 5 months ago

            what kind of an idiot trusted that butthole with charity money? I can understand Completionist fooling people because he at least pretended to be a heckin' wholesome dude you can parasocially trust. What made people trust Asmond with their money?

        • 5 months ago

          Don't they all?

        • 5 months ago

          kek feminists are hard at work trying to cancel him because of the feminist lozalizer he called out on stream in front of 40k people

          • 5 months ago

            >kek feminists are hard at work trying to cancel him because of the feminist lozalizer he called out on stream in front of 40k people


            >Didn't he commit charity fraud or something




            >Asmon's org OTK had a charity event for terminally sick kids or something trhough some Charity
            >Turns out charity was fradulent and pocketed at least half the donations, while secretly paying streamers like Asmon and co off with parts of the donation money
            >They didn't disclose they would be getting some of the donos
            >Jacob Wolf, journalist who investigated this 2 years ago contacted other streamers who were involved and they all immediately spoke to him
            >Asmon and his OTK buddies have, for the past 2 years, refused to respond to him
            >He's brining this up again now
            >Asmon responded in the most mentally moronic way imaginable by first banning any mention of the charity fraud from his subreddit, then blacklisting Jacob's website from his sub, then blocking the Jacob Wolf's name and even the word Charity from his twitch channel, then having a sociopathic response to a viewer who managed to somehow ask him about it on stream, saying he "doesn't give a frick" and banning the person then coping by saying that people are mad at him only becuase his youtube videos are "doing well"
            >This all comes IMMEDIATELY after Jirard the Completionist charity fraud scandal.

            Also r/livestreamfail mods nuked a thread abou Asmon's response to all this, then someone made a new thread that's remained up yesterday and it's gotten double the views, upvotes, and comments. Something something Streisand Effect


            • 5 months ago

              >redpills Japan about what leftist localizers are doing
              >they're all gonna get fired and replaced by AI because of a twitch streamer
              kek no u

      • 5 months ago

        i hope his shitty lifestyle caught up to him soon and kills him

        • 5 months ago

          >i hope his shitty lifestyle caught up to him soon and kills him
          Let's talk about the games on Ganker, anon, what do you think about it? Also, no, it's a great lifestyle. He will live a very long and a happy life, while you seethe, cope, and most likely dilate. Until you'll raise the stats ofc.
          If you think that IRL stress, overworking, pressure, serious situations do not kill you, then you're delusional.

          • 5 months ago

            i think world is fun but decoration farming is not.

        • 5 months ago

          Holy autism, so this is what Anti Worldgays are like.

          • 5 months ago

            Anon he's literally bleeding from the gums, eats fast food and drinks soda exclusively and has mold in his house it's gonna happen sooner than later

            • 5 months ago

              even if he doesn't, shitty habits like that aren't a good life, he might be content with it but I wouldn't, I'd rather live to 70 and have a more boring job but actually be physically and mentally healthy and have no mold in my house and no online brainrot.

              • 5 months ago

                I don't get how people watch him either, he's clearly unhealthy and terminally online 24/7
                Granted this is the guy who gave his mother on oxygen cigs so I can't be that shocked

    • 5 months ago

      It's CAPCOM's SNS campaign first.
      THEN the streamers hopped on the bandwagon.

    • 5 months ago

      >moron is still spouting this shit
      He only started playing it after the game picked back up in popularity. There were threads about World's insane numbers before the freakish goblin started playing it.

      • 5 months ago

        It blew up a day or 2 after this video went out

        • 5 months ago

          It was already at about 350k peak by then.

          • 5 months ago

            that was 6 years ago. Wilds trailer was on the 8th so i guess that was it

            • 5 months ago

              You btfo yourself by posting that chart. His video came out the 27th, and the chart clearly shows it was already well on the rise before then, and actively checking said chart yourself would show that it already had 24-hour peaks of over 100,000 players several days before the video you mentioned.
              I'm sure you'll find some way to cope and claim that those numbers suddenly don't count.

              • 5 months ago

                >You btfo yourself by posting that chart
                Read my post again. I literally said i was wrong

        • 5 months ago

          >(I finally watched Keep Saying It video)

      • 5 months ago

        sorry pal

        It blew up a day or 2 after this video went out

        has you dead to rights.
        You aren't just wrong, you're provably wrong, with facts supported by evidence. That makes you the loser and that will never change. You were beaten, fair and square,

        It blew up a day or 2 after this video went out

        is the better man here and you will have to live with your objective inferiority to him. Every time you go to sleep, one of the last thoughts before another restless slumber takes you, you will remember how one anon completely, totally, and irreversibly blew you the frick out for all of time. I'd honestly be embarassed to even be a monster hunter fan right now, knowing i would have to share mutual interests with someone so proven wrong. Get off Ganker. Ganker. The internet in general. Theres nothing left for you here other than unforgettable shame.

    • 5 months ago

      No its not
      Stop associating mh with that white inbred streamer

    • 5 months ago

      homie this was happening way before Asmon started playing

    • 5 months ago

      New game announcement has generated hype so alot of people are playing it alot of people play the old game has drawn the attention of new blood who end up playing a great fricking game and staying further drawing more attention

      Asmon literally said "i didnt create the wave im just riding it" he helped the numbers im sure but he admitted to not being the reason for the comeback

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago


      Why the FRICK is everyone playing MHW again suddenly?

      Yes, soulsborne streamers decided to promote World

    • 5 months ago

      The trend was starting before he jumped on, that's the reason he started playing it now.

  2. 5 months ago

    Because Rise is depressingly bad and ugly

    • 5 months ago

      but Rise never had that many players to begin with for them to be migrating back to World. The vast majority of the new players that came to world in the last months never played Rise to begin with. So Rise being bad doesn't answer why there are so many new players coming to World whatsoever.

      • 5 months ago

        >people ask should they start with world or rise
        >everyone says world is better
        its that simple

        • 5 months ago

          You guys are obsessed with Rise. The important question is why are people only now starting to ask what MHW to start with. The game has been out for almost 6 years. Why is World only now getting such a huge influx of new players and not say 3 or 4 years ago before Rise was even out?

          • 5 months ago

            Well if you want a real answer and not just trollin. Then it’s a few reasons

            1.Capcom themselves started a #BacktoWorld campaign on Twitter because unlike before the next mainline game is a semi direct sequel to the previous one. So hey go play MHW so you’re ready for WILDS

            2. Many people didn’t even try RISE or like based solely on its graphics because ppl are shallow children without critical thinking skills. Though I’ll admit RISE doesn’t grab me as much as world but it’s still fun MH game

            3. Streamers are latching on to the hype, popular being WOW degenerate Asmongold, is playing the game so it’s getting even more coverage

            4.More people started with World overrall but we’re shit and stopped, plus sales going on. So it’s a mainly ppl you got walked by LR anjanath coming back because it’s the recent FOMO, plus vets coming back because they’re addicts, and small percent of actual new players

            • 5 months ago

              To add to 2, console warriors are a problem too. If Rise had released on everything at the same time, people wouldn't have given it such a hard time. I also fully believe that if Wilds somehow got a Switch 2 port later down the line, the amount of people saying it was always shit would increase.

            • 5 months ago

              >Capcom themselves started a #BacktoWorld campaign on Twitter because unlike before the next mainline game is a semi direct sequel to the previous one. So hey go play MHW so you’re ready for WILDS
              It feels pointlessly early if they plan release year(s)+ from now

              • 5 months ago

                It's the perfect time. Wilds was just announced. There's plenty of time between now and then, so getting people on World again gives players time to keep Monster Hunter fresh in their mind in the downtime, without being so close to Wilds as to burn out before getting to it. Not to mention it hypes people up for the 20th anniversary where they surely have no new games to announce, so having people just play World is good.

              • 5 months ago

                They don't want you to play World up until Wilds release. They want you to have MonHun in mind up until summer, where they said they will have more news about Wilds, and hopefully they will take consumers on the at least half a year ride to hype them for release of Wilds.
                It doesn't make sense otherwise.

              • 5 months ago

                Trust the remasters plan anon and together we can manifest our destiny

              • 5 months ago

                Please no. Stop wasting dev time on remasters.

              • 5 months ago

                It cant take that much time compared to the resources going to Now

                I struggle to care about it cause I know they're going to be morons like they were with GU and make it exclusive to Switch. I could emulate but why would I even bother when I could just play the originals?

                For me it's mostly because emulation and multiplayer is a bit finicky, and the fact Cemu can't run online 3U doesn't help

              • 5 months ago

                >For me it's mostly because emulation and multiplayer is a bit finicky, and the fact Cemu can't run online 3U doesn't help
                But the alternative is playing on the Switch which I refuse to do.

              • 5 months ago

                I doubt they'll just plop it on switch given the amount of sales Capcom gets from just PC

              • 5 months ago

                Porting at least GU HD from Switch to PC should be piece a cake

              • 5 months ago

                I was thinking the other day I kinda miss the touch screen panels from the 3DS games. But then I realized stuff like the Radial Menu and Rise's Action Bar are the modern equivalent. If they do port any of those games I hope they include those.

              • 5 months ago

                I struggle to care about it cause I know they're going to be morons like they were with GU and make it exclusive to Switch. I could emulate but why would I even bother when I could just play the originals?

          • 5 months ago

            Big marketing push for the semi-sequel wilds. Also, Rise simplified the flow so much that there isn’t much of a long term hook. I’m not a worlds fan, but I can see playing it much longer term over Rise.

      • 5 months ago

        because the player base was larger and simply returned.
        Rise being bad explains it because Wilds hype won't go to Rise. It will go toward world; the game with the larger audience.

  3. 5 months ago

    they're too shit at games to play rise

  4. 5 months ago

    every friendgroup went back to play world and oldgen
    I'm all alone playing rise...

    • 5 months ago

      I went back to MHW too but after getting to Iceborne again I realized why I quit in the first place. People are looking MHW with rose tinted glasses, remembering the old game from 2018. The clutch claw ruined absolutely everything that game used to be. It's just not fun to play Iceborne. Rise doesn't have as good graphics and the wirebugs are a bit overpowred, sure, but at least it doesn't have any gimmick system that completely ruins the actual hunting experience.

      • 5 months ago

        >but at least it doesn't have any gimmick system that completely ruins the actual hunting experience.
        wyvern riding

        • 5 months ago

          It's not nearly as annoying and you can completely ignore the wyvern riding mechanic without having any disadvantage in a hunt, even in master rank it's not mandatory whatsoever. The clutch claw and tenderize on the other hand are mandatory in Iceborne. You can't finish hunts without it in any timely manner. Iceborne doesn't even feel like a monster hunter game to be honest, it fundamentally changes the gameplay to something else entirely. Rise feels like a faster paced game for sure, but it is still a Monster Hunter game where you use your actual weapon as the main tool to take down a monster as opposed to Iceborne where your main tool is the clutch claw and the weapon is just your support tool to get the clagger.

          • 5 months ago

            Listen dude, you sound like it’s a skill issue. Does CC help? Yes it’s honestly does and to deny that is disingenuous. But do you NEED to use it otherwise you fail or it takes Forever to hunt? No. I’d say the difference between CC and no CC runs is 1-4 mins longer for the average non shit player

            • 5 months ago

              After the WEX nerfs, kinda, yeah.
              Having said that, I like Iceborne still. I like Rise too.

              • 5 months ago

                Personally I think WE should be removed from the game, like it’s kinda hard to balance MH in the sense like why would I go for other skills like EE or MM of LP or anything else that doesn’t directly up my damage? Like if you get to the point you can consistently dodge attacks and hit the monsters at least semi reliably then the only skills you need are damage ones, HB, and and free meal

            • 5 months ago

              I played Iceborne on release and back then, CC was 100% mandatory for every Iceborne hunt if you didn't want the hunt to take forever. It's been years since I properly played Iceborne so maybe they have patched many of the issues with CC since then, in that case I might be wrong. But if the CC is still the same as it used to be back during release, then you are absolutely full of shit saying it's only a difference of 1-4 minutes.

              • 5 months ago

                First off they did nerf WEX about a year after IB came out I wanna say, I played at release too and im not gonna be revisionst frick and lie and say “oh there wasn’t a difference at all” there definitely was, BUT I will maintain if you autistic refused to use it then you’re not gimping yourself as much as your projecting to. I’d say the only fight it’s absolutely required is fatalis

            • 5 months ago

              There are plenty of monsters that have absolutely shit hitzones. It's definitely not 1-4 minutes. A shitzone monster taking 20 minutes would be 10 minutes easy with wallbangs, maybe even less. It's not just hitting the monster, it's getting multiple free knockdowns + WEX/critboost synergizing.

              I went back to MHW too but after getting to Iceborne again I realized why I quit in the first place. People are looking MHW with rose tinted glasses, remembering the old game from 2018. The clutch claw ruined absolutely everything that game used to be. It's just not fun to play Iceborne. Rise doesn't have as good graphics and the wirebugs are a bit overpowred, sure, but at least it doesn't have any gimmick system that completely ruins the actual hunting experience.

              They definitely are. The game has no variety in the endgame. It's really just Fatalis and his gear, with the same few monsters you farm in the guiding lands to augment your armor. The launch Iceborne reception to crutch claw was about the most disastrous I've ever seen a MH game.

          • 5 months ago

            >The clutch claw and tenderize on the other hand are mandatory in Iceborne. You can't finish hunts without it in any timely manner.
            Asmongold disproved this cope last night however.

            • 5 months ago

              Not really. His hunts are super slow. He's still doing well for a new player though.

      • 5 months ago

        clutch claw and wirebugs is equally shit
        clagger, tenderizing, wirefall and CD moves don't belong in monster hunter.
        difference is that there is a better game hiding behind the dumpster fire in world.
        frick I'm gonna cheat and mod out clutch claw and its mechanics from world and do a playthrough that way, I don't see a way to fully remove bugs from rise.

        • 5 months ago

          you are absolutely delusional if you think clutch claw and wirebugs are equally bad. Sure, in a perfect world, we'd be getting a new Monster Hunter game without any shitty gimmick system whatsoever, but if I had to choose between clutch claw or wirebugs, I'd instantly choose wirebugs as the token gimmick.

          • 5 months ago

            >wirefall recovery
            >trivialization of movement
            >trivialization of movement in combat
            >access to CD moves which is even more offensive than hunting arts
            >said CD moves are some of the most disgusting moves the franchise has ever had to offer to the point where I refuse to use them
            playing rise right now and having fun trying to use as little wirebug shit as possible but it's always there, impossible to ignore and some specific fights and moves requires you to use it lest you just fall over dead by game design.
            I hate both clutch claw and wirebugs equally, clutch claw is a shit in-fight mechanic and wirebugs is such a fundamental mechanic that changes too much for the worse.

            • 5 months ago

              wirefall isn't nearly as big of a deal as people initially made it out to be. Sunbreak in particular has lots of monsters that punish players for using wirefall without paying attention. It's often times much safer to fall normally and wait for the regular recovery animation because if you use wirefall carelessly, the monster goes apeshit on a follow-up attack and will cart you. At the end of the day though, it makes the game slightly easier and more fast paced. It errs on the side of being too fun to use and too easy, whereis the claw is strictly tedious.
              I don't know what your issue is with the new moves though, I think they add a lot of depth to each weapon and are generally pretty fun to use. I agree that Rise makes it too easy for every weapon to go airborne though, I'm not a big fan of greatsword or Hammer having as easy access to aerial attacks as the insect glaive or SnS.

            • 5 months ago

              >it trivializes movement
              >but wehh I get punished for spamming it
              The difference is clutch claw ruined the entire game, but Rise was made entirely for wirebugs down to the monster movesets and environments. I see the same cope every time about Rise and honestly people just want to play the same game with the same movesets because World was their first MH and their monkey moron brain goes schizo when it tries to process two game movesets. I went back to World after months of Rise and I did not once try to wirebug because I'm a fricking functional human being. I did not try to clutch claw in Rise either.

              MHW's LR/HR/MR, if it wasn't obvious by the streamer, as much of a joke game in terms of difficulty than Rise LR/HR/MR. You just don't know how to play Rise.

      • 5 months ago

        >quit the game twice
        >thinks his opinion matters at all
        Just go play something you actually enjoy.

      • 5 months ago

        >at least it doesn't have any gimmick system that completely ruins the actual hunting experience
        What are:
        >wyvern riding

  5. 5 months ago

    It was $10 for base game & iceborne during the holiday sale
    Better graphics will always attract the normalgays
    Big streamer playing World probably due to the above two reasons

  6. 5 months ago

    >steamworks gave me sublime prints at the X10 output
    thats the good shit

  7. 5 months ago

    Sales and everyone now has cards good enough to run it

    • 5 months ago

      the main playerbase is on consoles and they have been able to run World at 60 fps since the current gen came out in 2020. Surely the average PC gamer's hardware didn't just now catch up to 3 year old console hardware.

      • 5 months ago

        People didn't bother with World for a long time due to the card shortages and prices because of crypto bullshit. That relented, prices became more reasonable. Then steam sales happened. That and people wanted something that would sort of scratch the same itch after they were done with Elden Ring. There are a bunch of gays out there that think MH is the new Souls like

  8. 5 months ago

    Wild Hearts is better

    • 5 months ago

      It’s honestly so sad how hard it fell off. Like it died faster than dauntless

      • 5 months ago

        that's what you get for releasing a game with completely unacceptable optimization and performance issues.

    • 5 months ago

      I enjoyed Wild Hearts but it gets shittier and shittier the more you understand how to play optimally.
      The CC karakuri are like Clutch Claw x1000.
      The difference between a fight taking 2mins or 20mins in Wild Hearts is literally how well your first CC opening works out because your windows for doing significant damage are so small and the damage you do in those windows is absolutely obscene.

  9. 5 months ago

    a bunch of homosexuals in here got it gifted during xmas and now are playing it (i wanted it too but I got skipped)

  10. 5 months ago
  11. 5 months ago

    >friend considers playing again after quitting at barioth
    >some streamer starts playing so he does
    >other friend buys iceborne because of first friend + good sale

  12. 5 months ago

    Between all the renewed interest for MHW and Wilds announcement I got the urge to play again and decided to start a fresh save. Everyone sees to shit on the clutch claw and Capcom seems to have added it retroactively to the base game too BUT only if you actually have Iceborne too.
    I've still not bought Iceborne so the game is mostly the same as it was before altho you do start with the overpowered guardian set and can craft the defender weapons which just completely trivializes LR. As I've already played the game before I don't mind this too much but for new players this must serve as a complete moronation setup for once they hit HR/Iceborne when monster damage scaling catches up to your defense and Divine Blessing and I can't imagine that's an enjoyable experience be it for single player or multiplayer. And clutchclaw is only present if you actually have the expansion but everything I hear about it just sounds like ass that I still don't wanna get Iceborne.

    • 5 months ago

      the only annoying thing is that Capcom retroactively added the clagger mechanic to MHW base game monsters, even if you don't have Iceborne installed. That mechanic was made as an opening to use the clutch claw and kind of makes the flow of a hunt feel worse for most weapons if you don't have the claw. It's really annoying when you play a slow weapon and try to time a combo and the monster waddles away several feet every time it claggers. So the clutch claw made even the base game worse. Not nearly as bad as Iceborne, but still.

      • 5 months ago

        Base game now has both clagger and WEX nerf. It's pretty annoying.

        • 5 months ago

          >WEX nerf
          I thought that was untouched?
          who's telling the truth?

          • 5 months ago

            Iceborne brought it down to 30% at lvl3 from 50% (unless you clutch soften).
            This change applies to the base game as well, even if you don't have Iceborne.

      • 5 months ago

        >It's really annoying when you play a slow weapon and try to time a combo and the monster waddles away several feet every time it claggers.
        So that's what it is, I did think it was weird how monsters keep fricking doing that but since I'm a bowgay it hasn't bothered me too much unless it did so out of the limited horizontal aiming range you have with Dragon Piercer. All I take from it is that I'm forever glad I never got IB and even now with replaying the game I still don't think I'll wanna get it by the time I reach the AT hunts in the base game.

  13. 5 months ago

    Capcom told people to play it again. Thats literally it. I don't get it either, but I'm remembering why I stopped playing it. The only thing it does better than Rise is graphics, combat feels way too slow and unresponsive in comparison

  14. 5 months ago

    Some streamer play the game
    Ship are now playing this game
    Gaming is dead indead

  15. 5 months ago

    >start fresh save files every now and again to play through the main story with different weapon types
    >3 full playthroughs from start to finish
    >logged over 300 hours
    >start a new playthrough a month ago
    >decide to take some time and explore the maps a little bit more this time around
    >just now discover you can get different gadgets for your palico other than vigorwasp spray

    holy shit what the frick

    • 5 months ago

      see this is why we need those annoying dime a dozen vids of shitty youtubers going "these are 12 things you DIDN'T know about MONSTER HUNTER: WORLD"

      • 5 months ago

        >watch one earlier today
        >it was someone describing various settings in the options menu
        >all ten things you didn't know
        Granted, I'm sure some player didn't know what those options did and may have neglected to check.

    • 5 months ago

      yeah, you can do "quests" and increase "rep" with various wild palico tribes in each map. through that you get new gadgets, they can trade you some stuff and in some cases get special perks like using the shortcut tunnels in Elder Recess
      the more you know

    • 5 months ago

      If you befriend them even further, you will also unlock a quick travel spot at their camp.
      This isn't really useful for most locations, but really useful for Elders Recess as the gajalakas camp is directly next to the crystal den.
      Also they have some optional riddle sidequests if you care about that

    • 5 months ago

      If you can you should definitely get the boaboa tool, it lets you instantly summon a lynian + lizard buddy

  16. 5 months ago

    Grim but Rise is the only Monster Hunter I've sunk less than 200 hours into. MH1, 300 hours, MHFU 2000 hours, MHW 1500 hours. It just feels like there's nothing to do. Nothing in Rise motivates me to grind for the better gear

    • 5 months ago

      Opposite for me.

      MHW had siege weapon rng/deco rng but the overall build variety was shit due to Fatalis armor. Bow/DB and maybe one other weapon used ele weapons but it was a 1 armor meta. And because of the deco rng, you could never really get a build going that wasn't the same Raging brach/safi/whatever up until you were doing Alatreon/Fatalis.

      MHR had element/status/raw be viable for a ton of weapons and for those types of build, you could have a great deal of different kind of tetris block loadouts. On top of Charms/Qurious Augmenting being wholly unique to you so you could get some interesting cope builds even as early as HR going into late MR.

  17. 5 months ago

    Maybe it's Stockholm syndrome but I actually enjoy hunting rathalos these days, even in the gu and older games.
    As long as he doesn't do that annoying shit where he changes area every 5 seconds the fight isn't that bad.
    Hunting used to make me want to throw my controller when I first started with 3u.

    • 5 months ago

      Rathalos is one of those monsters that gets far less annoying once you know its moveset and how to more easily control it. I think the only really annoying thing it can do is decide to insta-run back and forth in place like a lot of other monsters also can but rarely do because it's not really an attack (even tho it knocks you around, deals damage and can cart you if you get caught in it).

  18. 5 months ago

    The frick do you mean again? I just bought during the winter sale. Basicly free gayme. The game raises some questions tho. For example, why is the handler b***h so weird? You know when you're eating at camp little skipable cutscene? They way she is looking at you eating is sooo disturbing. b***h is legit mental.

    • 5 months ago

      She'll take partial credit for the shit you do throughout the game, b***h is a psycho homie

    • 5 months ago

      Well she a braindead moron that actually believes you and her are a "team" together, so its not too much of a shock she looks at you weird. The only thing in her head is food and how to be the biggest liability she possibly can be.

  19. 5 months ago

    I'm not

  20. 5 months ago

    Too bad Clutch Claw ruined monster hunter world though.

    • 5 months ago

      Too bad Hunter Arts and Wirebugs ruined Monster Hunter Generations and Rise.

      • 5 months ago

        >Too bad Hunter Arts and Wirebugs ruined Monster Hunter Generations and Rise.
        >fun mechanics makes the game too easy!!
        Your favorite streamer is bulldozing MHW:IB understanding like 20% of the mechanics in the game. Also beat the "wall" Barioth that all the shitters kept hyping up.

        • 5 months ago

          >fun mechanics
          Immense cope, anon. Every single aspect of Wirebugs are dogshit. Wyvern Riding, Wirefall, the fricking Hunter Arts rebranded, all of it. Its dogshit just like the Clutch Claw.
          >goes on a random tangent about some streamer
          lmao, looks like you're not only stupid, you're a schizo too.

          Hunter Arts didn't have much effect on the game at all and the amount of times you can do Hunter Arts are overblown by Worldbabs.
          In world you can do hunter art tier moves constantly without charging up a bar.
          Wirebugs I'll give you that though.
          World and Rise really are dogshit.

          Nah, Hunter Arts are still trash that doesn't belong in Monster Hunter no matter how you try and excuse it.

          • 5 months ago

            The ultimate cope is acting like clutch claw is in any way comparable to wirebugs. It's clear you just didn't play both games.

            Clutch claw is the most unforgiveable shit stain in MH history, your opinion is worthless just like your post.

            • 5 months ago

              Anon Wyvern Riding is literally just clutch claw minus tenderizing. Its still braindead gimmick mechanic that shouldn't be in Monster Hunter. Same with Hunter Arts, same with Wirefall, and same with clutch claw.

              what's wrong with hunter arts/switch skills? It just adds more variety to the weapons and allows for different playstyles for each weapon. I'm not playing that many weapons so I don't know if the switch skills are making some less fun to play, but I loved what the switch skills added to SnS and Hammer playstyles in Rise.

              Cooldowns+Big flashy anime move. There are some Switch skills that ARE good and fun options (Rage Slash or Surge Slash Combo for example), but ALL of the cooldown ones don't belong.

              • 5 months ago

                You are missing the whole reason why so many people hate the claw. Yes wyvern riding is mechanically similar, but the main difference is that it is not mandatory. you do not NEED to use wyvern riding to finish any hunt just as easily as if you had used it. In fact, most pro players will intentionally ignore wyvern riding openings to get in weapon damage as it is usually more time efficient to do so. Nobody would be complaining about the claw if it worked the same as wyvern riding does in Rise and was just a fun option that you could use if you wanted to, but could also be ompletely ignored without any disadvantage.

              • 5 months ago

                You forgot that Wyvern Riding activated by literally tapping the monster with your weapon before Sunbreak unfricked it.
                Also, you could easily beat the entirety of Iceborne without touching the clutch claw before Fatty dropped. I know because I personally did so. Doesn't mean its not a dogshit mechanic, but you morons need to stop pretending it was required to actually beat the game.

              • 5 months ago

                >You forgot that Wyvern Riding activated by literally tapping the monster with your weapon before Sunbreak unfricked it.

                That's not true, you always had the option to disable that in the settings to make wyvern riding a manual button prompt you had to do even in base Rise. Kinda stupid that Capcom had automatic wyvern riding enabled by default, but stupid and unintuitive default settings are kind of a tradition in Monster Hunter games.

              • 5 months ago

                No, you didn't. Not on the initial Switch release. Nice job outing yourself. You can even find information about this with ease with a cursory google search.

              • 5 months ago

                The setting for "Buttons for Wyvern Riding" was not added until Sunbreak.

              • 5 months ago

                >Wyvern Riding is literally just clutch claw minus tenderizing.
                You can literally ignore it if you want to and it did not double your dps by 100% even if you did Wyvern Ride. Monster hit zones were not calculated with Wyvern riding. Monster did not clagger 5x a fight because of Wyvern Riding, You could not just wallbang a monster into the wall 5 times a fight for free dps with Wyvern Riding, at most it happened once per hunt unless you were shit.

                You want to talk about broken mechanics that are in World but not in Rise? You can't wear a fricking magical cloak that ignores knockdowns and roars for you like you're a fricking baby. You can't wear a fricking magical dodge cloak that avoids hits for free for you. Get Tool Specialist, wow now you can wear both magical super mantles 24/7. The amount of game-breaking bullshit that was obviously not playtested in World is much more egregious than anything wirebugs did. Wirebugs are routinely punished by monster movesets, the entire game focuses around that mechanic, for better or worse. Only like two monsters, rajang and AT velk deliberately punish clutch latching with mantles.

              • 5 months ago

                yea, i unironically had a harder time beating sunbreak than iceborne, somehow even with the amount of counters rise has, the monsters also were more punishing.

              • 5 months ago

                >pre-nerf Temporal mantle dodging hits for 90 seconds for free
                holy frick that was fricking hilarious.

              • 5 months ago

                You'll wyvern ride maybe once a quest and even then it's not required
                Silkbinds aren't even that flashy and over the top either, not compared to DmC that people love to compare Rise to

          • 5 months ago

            Launch clutch claw had a duration of 90s, light weapons needed two to hit with no shaver deco. They "fixed" clutch claw by extending the duration to 3 minutes and adding the Shaver deco.... at the end of the game with the Fatalis patch.

            Couple this with the obvious bandaids like the rock/temporal mantle, it's clear which one was more of a random poorly thought out addition to the game's formula. Everyone says clutch claw made World base worse for a reason.

      • 5 months ago

        Hunter Arts didn't have much effect on the game at all and the amount of times you can do Hunter Arts are overblown by Worldbabs.
        In world you can do hunter art tier moves constantly without charging up a bar.
        Wirebugs I'll give you that though.
        World and Rise really are dogshit.

        • 5 months ago

          Frick off larper. HA's are worse than both clutch claw and wirebugs were. GU secondaries are the actual fricking worst. I know it was your first MH but that doesn't mean you can be forgiven for ignoring it's faults.

          • 5 months ago

            No need to out yourself as a Worldbab anon.

      • 5 months ago

        what's wrong with hunter arts/switch skills? It just adds more variety to the weapons and allows for different playstyles for each weapon. I'm not playing that many weapons so I don't know if the switch skills are making some less fun to play, but I loved what the switch skills added to SnS and Hammer playstyles in Rise.

    • 5 months ago

      Too bad Hunter Arts and Wirebugs ruined Monster Hunter Generations and Rise.

      why do you guys hate fun things?

      • 5 months ago

        Clutch Claw isn't fun though.
        I shouldn't have to use a gimmick to do my true dps.

        • 5 months ago

          Hammer and Lance CC are the tightest things ever dawg

        • 5 months ago

          lol, i barely use it, i only use it whenever i want to get a specific part of the monster, its not that game breaking.

  21. 5 months ago

    Serious handler my beloved...

    • 5 months ago

      what mod

  22. 5 months ago

    It's just a streamer fad like FFXIV was a year or two ago

  23. 5 months ago

    >Noooo World is classic MH! It's hard I swear
    >Streamer that still doesn't understand the mechanics is in Iceborne beating the "wall" Barioth you guys hyped up

  24. 5 months ago


  25. 5 months ago

    >play world for the first time
    >wonder why the frick do monsters sometimes stagger all the way to the other side of the map
    >apparently it's a thing so the clutch claw is easier to pull off
    just frick my combo up senpai, what a terrible mechanic

    • 5 months ago

      Worldbabs need their hand held.

  26. 5 months ago

    >tendies STILL can't cope with World's success
    jesus christ
    it's been 6 years, let it go already, it's just fricking sad at this point

    • 5 months ago

      sunbreak is on pc, i own both and world definitely has its flaws.

      • 5 months ago

        Both have flaws anon.

        • 5 months ago

          i wasn't trying to imply Rise didnt have any flaws, i was implying that world definitely deserves some criticism too and shouldn't be treated as the perfect game.

          • 5 months ago

            >and shouldn't be treated as the perfect game.
            Who is treating it as a perfect claim? The issue is people harping on all of World's flaws while giving Rise a free pass for literally everything. Risegays are literally incapable of taking criticism.

            • 5 months ago

              lol, literally just read the chain of replies, that's not the point.

              • 5 months ago

                Fricking ironic for you to say that when you're accusing people of saying World had no faults when literally nobody said that. Take your own fricking advice moron. You aren't going to get called a tendie for criticizing World. I criticize World all the time cause it deserves it. But you will get called a tendie for criticizing World while dismissing all criticism of Rise which is what people in this thread have been doing.

              • 5 months ago

                >words words words
                shut the frick up, homosexual, im literally replying to some snoy trying to imply world is the best Monster Hunter out there, stop acting like a fricking schizo throwing a tantrum over nothing.

    • 5 months ago

      >noooooo you have to say the game is perfect or you're a tendie

      The cope.

    • 5 months ago

      There is still bg3, totk, botw & elden ring seethe threads daily. These Black folk are not even human

  27. 5 months ago

    I think both World and Rise suck for different reasons. I still had fun with both but you all need to stop acting like either game has fricking anything on the games from FU through 4U.

    • 5 months ago

      4U and XX were peak MH for me

      • 5 months ago

        I personally didn't like X and XX all that much. Fun at the time as the celebration game, but I have no desire to touch it ever again over other games in the series before it.

    • 5 months ago

      I just like Monster Hunter

    • 5 months ago

      4U and GU are the peak tbh.
      FU is a very good game too.

  28. 5 months ago

    I've never played a Monster Hunter game before, but I bought this sometime last year when it was on sale. I don't get why it's so popular. It is for better and worse a very "japanese game" as in it as the good aspects, but also the same shit they've never evolved from the last 20+ years.
    The game also feels very empty. Like it's supposed to be something like an mmo, but not quite. It just feels empty and boring.
    I was pretty sad about it, because I liked the look of it and it seemed like it had a good atmosphere and would be fun with friends or a more populated world. But it was just fricking boring.

    • 5 months ago

      >it seemed like it had a good atmosphere and would be fun with friends or a more populated world
      Just get some friends bro, MonHun is best with multiplayer

      • 5 months ago

        Some of my nephews were supposed to get it so we could play it together, but I told them not to. The whole multiplayer aspect seemed to be integrated in an insanely clunky way. It did feel very empty alone, and I'm sure it would have been a way better experience with a group of friends/family, but even then it just felt boring. Again, the whole thing about how you join other games and shit just felt so insanely clunky that I just didn't bother with it at all. I don't get how/why everybody who made the game was ok with that system.

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah MHW has an infamously bad system for co-op if you wanted to do the main story with friends.

          • 5 months ago

            I just don't get, why make a game that's pushing the whole "rag tag crew out together" and then make it so fricking miserable to actually play together? Have previous Monster Hunter games used the same system and that's why they haven't changed it? Because Japanese are insane when it comes to the whole "But we've always done it that way!". I mean, if something isn't broke then don't fix it, but you're a fricking moron if you're not open to constructive criticism.

            • 5 months ago

              Rise is better for co-oping with friends. I've actually introduced a few people to the franchise with Rise. If they get into it, then I tell them to play World if they want more as a mostly solo experience. Unless they really want to frick with the SOS system, I don't though.

              • 5 months ago

                If you want a better experience for multiplayer Rise is a better option like
                [...] says because you don't have to deal with cutscenes like World

                I was asking in the monster hunter general if I should buy World or Rise if I've never played a Monster Hunter game before and World was pretty unanimously recommended, so I went with that.

              • 5 months ago

                How long have you played if I may ask? Did you just start or are you farther in?

              • 5 months ago

                I beat the main story and did some side quests along the way and after. Steam says 16 hours.
                Some of the quests were horrific because it's obvious you should be a part of four or something, but you're running around alone and maaaybe somebody will respond to your sos signal. That sos signal thing is just about one of the worst multiplayer implementations I've ever seen. I just don't get it. Why make a game with this level of production value, push the whole camaraderie and party aspect, but then make it utterly miserable to actually play together?

              • 5 months ago

                You're still new so I'll give you advice
                You'll get more used to it the more you interact with it, the game is actually scaled depending on how many players there are. If you have concerns about people joining you don't feel bad about joining theirs
                You can also join lobbies and post the quest for others to join, again the more you interact with the system the more you'll get used to it. It's not necessarily clunky but different from what you're probably used to

              • 5 months ago

                Explain what's wrong with the SOS signal?

              • 5 months ago

                World gives a better perspective on the franchise as a whole, even if the gameplay doesn't really match the older titles. It's much easier to be drawn in by Ancient Forest than Shrine Ruins.

                World is recommended if solo. Rise is better with friends.

              • 5 months ago

                and they were right. World is absolutely the current best game to start with as a new player.

                As somebody who had never previously played a Monster Hunter game, I could see there was a good game somewhere, but the whole multiplayer bit totally killed it for me. I won't be playing another one any time soon. I wanted to like it, but it just wasn't for me.

              • 5 months ago

                You should solo every monster you haven't fought before anyway or else you're going to develop bad habits and not learn the monsters properly so good, World did it's job for filtering people looking to get carried online.

              • 5 months ago

                World scales by player count in each quest so it's more soloable than previous entries which almost required cooperation in order to complete quests in a timely manner

              • 5 months ago

                stop being a fricking normie or get the frick out of the videogames. It has nothing to do with the Monster Hunter franchise or MHW specifically btw.
                If you don't like, can't enjoy and don't feel good about playing videogames solo, then this hobby/pasttime is not for you. It's because of the literal morons like you, that the industry is total fukken always online slop shite. Even a toaster has to always be online, because otherwise how will it get the updates to brown up the bread just perfectly, right?
                Insufferable homosexuals, you have ruined everything, with your constant need of social, other people, reinforcement of your ideas, and validation from other drooling imbeciles.

                TL;DR: Frick you for the rest of your worthless life. Monster Hunter World gets a point for being a fully soloable game. Another one for letting you play in the offline mode just fine.

              • 5 months ago

                >World is recommended if solo. Rise is better with friends.
                Yet world has a bunch of encounters that are designed for doing in groups and Rise has literally none.

              • 5 months ago

                >sieges with rng weapon gacha
                You can have them.

                I've done plenty of multiplayer grinds doing random anomaly quests in Rise though. They're there, if a bit scattered.

              • 5 months ago

                >World is recommended if solo. Rise is better with friends.
                You're better off skipping cutscenes in World, but in Rise it's worth going around Kamura and talking to the characters for new dialogue before each new urgent quest.
                In that regard World definitely lends itself better to multiplayer.

              • 5 months ago

                >You're better off skipping cutscenes in World
                I assume you mean the mod, but yeah I recommend it for new players if they just want to kill monsters.

              • 5 months ago

                and they were right. World is absolutely the current best game to start with as a new player.

              • 5 months ago

                Either one is fine, honestly. Rise is more of just a "boss rush" kind of game though and is basically just DMC but with a monster hunter skin. World on the other hand is clearly the direction the series is going to lean towards in terms of tone for mainline games in the future (such as wilds). After playing World I suggest playing one or more of the older games to see what normal Monster Hunter is like (FU, 3U, or 4U is recommended), then playing Hunter May Cry (Rise).

        • 5 months ago

          Elaborate how multiplayer is clunky
          Is it the lobby system?

          • 5 months ago

            NTA but you cant join someone else's quest till they've watched all the cutscenes in the quest, this made one of my friends stop playing the game just because it was really annoying, if anyone wants to start MH with a friend then they should start with rise, world isn't co-op friendly. there's also the part where you cannot see each other in the lobby unless you both go to the gathering hub.

            • 5 months ago

              Yeah I figured while waiting it was probably the cutscenes, those are an issue but I don't think it should be the thing that completely puts off people
              I guess people also don't figure out about the gathering hub soon enough so they never see each other

            • 5 months ago

              From the way the other anon is describing it, it doesn't even feel like they did enough multiplayer to understand that was even a thing. I honestly think they just mean the system of joining lobbies and quests in general.

          • 5 months ago

            When doing the main story, you know how when you finally encounter the monster it says "SOS signal enabled" or something to that effect. If you want to play co-op with 3 friends, everyone has to do the story + cutscenes to that same point before you could co-op.

          • 5 months ago

            It was everything about the multiplayer aspect about joining games. I honestly have nothing good to say about that aspect of the game. It was frankly terrible considering how much emphasis on being in a party/coop/world the game presents.

            • 5 months ago

              If you want a better experience for multiplayer Rise is a better option like

              NTA but you cant join someone else's quest till they've watched all the cutscenes in the quest, this made one of my friends stop playing the game just because it was really annoying, if anyone wants to start MH with a friend then they should start with rise, world isn't co-op friendly. there's also the part where you cannot see each other in the lobby unless you both go to the gathering hub.

              says because you don't have to deal with cutscenes like World

        • 5 months ago

          Nobody was ok with that system

        • 5 months ago

          Only the main story is clunky.
          All the side missions or farming expeditions work flawlessly.

          • 5 months ago

            Flawlessly is the last word I'd use to describe the multiplayer system. It ruined the game for me

  29. 5 months ago

    Capcom event.
    Also the game is dirt cheap and very beginner friendly (even a moronic monkey can beat it).

  30. 5 months ago

    Why won't Capcom port GU to PC already? And don't say emulation.

  31. 5 months ago

    >Monster Hunter will never have a final boss as kino as Ahtal-ka

    • 5 months ago

      great fight but way too easy as most non-deviant non-hyper things in GU.
      If you fight it with a full lobby it will die in little more than 5 minutes

  32. 5 months ago

    If it wasn’t asmongold that started the trend.. then who was it..? No one is bigger than the gold man….

  33. 5 months ago

    Did Worldbabs even play GU or is it something they just parrot as Hunter Arts had to grind a bar up to be able to use a move.
    All they can seem to shit on GU with is "hunter arts" but they act like they were some super spammable OP move.

    • 5 months ago

      >Did Worldbabs even play
      no, worldbabs love world, they don't like monster hunter. You'll hear the same complaints with Wilds if the moveset in wilds doesn't match up 1:1 with Worlds.

    • 5 months ago

      Almost every negative thing they have to say about Rise they said about GU back in the day, just replace Wirebugs with Hunter Arts.

    • 5 months ago

      ...I think I played through the entirety of GU without using a single hunter art.

      • 5 months ago

        I can't remember what I used but I think I was Switch Axe for Tempest Axe and thats pretty much the only Art I used I think.

    • 5 months ago

      Its clear you weren't around when XX was the newest MH game and people hated the arts back then too. I think people just don't like blatantly gimmicky things in Monster Hunter. Arts, Styles, Mantles, Claws, Spiritbirds, or things like Wirebugs and all the gimmicks tied into them. The gimmicks are almost always the worst parts of any given generation of the series. I'd include swimming too, but I didn't mind that as much because it was at least aesthetically fitting with the tone of the series.

      • 5 months ago

        Don't forget Wystones. People like to forget them, but today I will remind them. Wystones from 4.

        • 5 months ago

          frick I didn't want to remember

  34. 5 months ago

    I rike game but hate the cycle of
    >do damage
    >do damage
    Are fights supposed to go this way or am I being a shitter?

    • 5 months ago

      There are a bunch of ways you can lock a monster down to temporarily prevent escapes.
      A couple of piercing pods in the butt is often reliable. Flash pods if they try to fly away. Just getting a really big stagger as they run etc.

  35. 5 months ago

    Frontier is better

  36. 5 months ago

    We won SO fricking hard World Chad's. Keep making these threads until the fake MonHun games learn their place.

    • 5 months ago

      I know you're shitposting but it's made apparent with this recent upsurge that World continues to live rent free in Ganker's head. Anyone who actually plays World has a good time with it and Ganker threads that are full of people just playing the game and talking about it all great. I'm willing to bet good money that most people in this thread haven't even played World. They just spend their time seething about it.

      • 5 months ago

        It's weird.
        I just love Monster Hunter. I dunno why people are like this. It would be like two people supporting the same sportsball team and beating the frick out of each other over what player on the team is best after a win.

        • 5 months ago

          I doubt the shitposters actually play the games at all, they just pretend they do

        • 5 months ago

          it's pretty obvious that it's all samehomosexualry from one autist

      • 5 months ago

        >normal discussion of gen 5
        >some gayola comes in mad that everyone's not being positive enough for his liking
        go away homosexual.

      • 5 months ago

        I did. I don't think it's a bad game. Don't give a single frick about literal autists or schizoidz claiming bullshit about mechanics or monsters. Nobody gives a shit. Is the game hard? No. It is a bad game, because there is %insert_mechanic_name% in it? No. Game is just fine. I wouldn't go as far as to call MH the best revolutionary franchise ever or anything like that, but it's a pretty decent middle of the road game, that anybody can have fun with for quite a few hours. And it is all that matters.

      • 5 months ago

        >Anyone who actually plays World has a good time with it
        Clutch Claw ruined World. Simple as.
        Playing with ICE makes the game much better.

        • 5 months ago

          >playing with ICE
          I sure hope you have hundreds of hours on console or something

        • 5 months ago

          Too bad that ICE breaks every other mod and fricks around with gear balancing

          • 5 months ago

            Oh no gear got balanced to make all viable... Whatever shall we do?

            • 5 months ago

              That's like ordering a burger and the chef comes out and steals your shoes and gives you new ones

            • 5 months ago

              >just reverse everything so everything that was good is now shit and everything that was shit is now good
              Yeah, "viable".

          • 5 months ago

            >gear balancing

            Fatalis set for every weapon was balancing?

            • 5 months ago

              No but at least it was earned
              And before you retort with "lol carried" all it takes is one party member to completely frick up the quest

              • 5 months ago

                Complaining about the balance of a gear you can only get after beating literally every single monster in the game, coming from by far the hardest monster in the game is redundant. Like yeah, no shit it's unbalanced. You don't need balance anymore. You're done. Fatalis was just to let you go nuts with skills.

                thats a lot of cope to explain how one set is BiS for 14 weapons and element/raw/status.

                More like lack of balancing. imao.

              • 5 months ago

                I literally just said it wasn't balanced, but that it doesn't matter because Fatalis is the last monster in the game so you don't need balance anymore because you're done. Can you not read?

              • 5 months ago

                ok but hear me out, 3-5 viable sets for endgame, not just 1. The fact that you guys think one viable set is fun or interesting is the strangest cope. Even if Fatalis is the strongest monster, I also want to hunt other monsters to make gear and builds for.

                TF you mean you don't need balance anymore. The game just doesn't end there after Fatalis and delete my save.

              • 5 months ago

                Yes, it's comfy and I feel good using it and building with it

              • 5 months ago

                Good thing Fatalis wasn't the final boss, Shara was. The difference is Fatalis released with Iceborne where as Fatalis was an update months and months after the DLC came out after everyone had already finished doing everything except Fatalis. You disingenuous butthole.

                Who cares? Don't use it then. Are you actually stupid?

                >world players excusing terrible balancing
                >j-just don't use it
                Well to turn it on its head, you don't have to use ICE mod either so don't b***h about that like a troony either.

              • 5 months ago

                You're right I don't have to use the shitty mod to have a good time, thanks for reminding us anon

              • 5 months ago

                I don't even know what the ICE mod is. I just think people complaining about Fatalis are morons because everyone had already finished everything Iceborne had to offer before Fatalis even came out so complaining about it when the only thing it changed was Fatalis himself is pointless.

              • 5 months ago

                You beat the hardest monster and get rewarded with broken gear, is that too much to understand?

            • 5 months ago

              Complaining about the balance of a gear you can only get after beating literally every single monster in the game, coming from by far the hardest monster in the game is redundant. Like yeah, no shit it's unbalanced. You don't need balance anymore. You're done. Fatalis was just to let you go nuts with skills.

              • 5 months ago

                Is fairly easy to find the Worldbabs.
                Even in older MH games the final final final boss never gave gear that was BiS for every single weapon and thats all you needed.

              • 5 months ago

                Good thing Fatalis wasn't the final boss, Shara was. The difference is Fatalis released with Iceborne where as Fatalis was an update months and months after the DLC came out after everyone had already finished doing everything except Fatalis. You disingenuous butthole.

                ok but hear me out, 3-5 viable sets for endgame, not just 1. The fact that you guys think one viable set is fun or interesting is the strangest cope. Even if Fatalis is the strongest monster, I also want to hunt other monsters to make gear and builds for.

                TF you mean you don't need balance anymore. The game just doesn't end there after Fatalis and delete my save.

                Who cares? Don't use it then. Are you actually stupid?

              • 5 months ago

                isn't getting the best gear for weapon X from some middle of the road monster bad for the game? It just means, that you can beat the entire rest of the game and the last boss so much, much more easily, if you maxxed out your armor in mid game? Am I missing something? Order is wrong?
                >bis gear -> final boss
                >final boss -> bis gear
                Isn't it? Maybe it's just me, but you just said, that MHW is worse, because the best gear ever is gated behind the farm of the last boss. So you have to beat it first, in a harder way.

              • 5 months ago

                Yes the last boss having the best gear is good game design. If you could beat monsters before Fatalis without Fatalis gear then having Fatalis gear changes nothing.

              • 5 months ago

                In every past MH the last final boss didn't come out after the release of the game or expansion either so your comparison is irrelevant.

              • 5 months ago

                Did they not? I thought there were a few times where monsters were only in event quests.

          • 5 months ago

            it's a real shame that the creator is a turbohomosexual who refuses to let others tweak his mod.
            thankfully most of the significant changes already exist as mods or can be easily modded by yourself.

            • 5 months ago

              Fair enough, I like emulating it because it feels kinda like a gutteral tell towards absolutely nothing for no reason

              • 5 months ago

                I'm moronic meant for

                I just ignore any post that ever uses the term snoy or tendie unironically cause using them just proves that you're the other side projecting.

  37. 5 months ago

    That one guy who killed his own mother is playing it.

  38. 5 months ago

    >literally any popular game
    >Asmongold starts streaming it
    >"look everyone, this game only got huge thanks to Asmongold!"
    Normalgays are insufferable.

    • 5 months ago

      This. It happened with FFXIV too, to this day the WoWfugees are convinced that FFXIV was a small unknown game until Shadowbringers, even though Stormblood was already a gigantic success.

    • 5 months ago

      >discover a game thanks to your favorite parasocial relationship
      >can only assume the rest of your thousands of hivemind chat members had the same experience
      >nothing else exists to you outside of your little bubble so that must mean it's popular because of you

      • 5 months ago

        >nothing else exists to you outside of your little bubble so that must mean
        Isn't it basicly almost any human being ever? Come on, let's be TRULY open-minded for a second. How many times have you experienced humans being total fricking morons, because they've encountered anything, that previously was not in the their tiny little bubble, the world view, and delusions about the universe? Memeing about videyah, and so on, but there is an abundance of those situations in the real life. Criminals, who all think, that they're smart. Or just in general people believing, that they're owed something by the world or the universe. TL;DR: Pretty much everybody is like that. That annoying shit is everywhere.

  39. 5 months ago

    Sale+marketing surge. Same as always, some company wants to market some old game, usually the generate buzz for an upcoming release, so they slap a sale on it and pay a bunch of influencers to hock it to their viewers. You can always tell it's happening when all the flavor of the month type streamers hop onto it, like when every single one them was suddenly interested in WoW.
    They'll drop it once they get to master rank and realize just how fricking annoying the clutch claw bullshit gets.

  40. 5 months ago

    I tried to play but the combat is so slow that I stopped right away

    • 5 months ago

      >I tried to play but the combat is so slow that I stopped right away
      simple, real skill issue. you're using the wrong weapon and can't control animals fast and good enough.

    • 5 months ago

      >I tried to play but the combat is so slow that I stopped right away
      simple, real skill issue. you're using the wrong weapon and can't control animals fast and good enough.

      unless ofc you were talking about raiding in some imbecilic mmo or the souls games. then I will agree completely. Those are too slow. Esp, souls and alike bosses and games feel like turn-based combat games.

    • 5 months ago

      Good go play some thing else

  41. 5 months ago

    What balance?
    You get the strongest armour in the game for all weapons.
    Previous MH and I believe Rise has multiple monster armours that are viable at end game.

  42. 5 months ago

    >world babs think MH is an MMO raiding game where you raid for the strongest gear and you should only ever use one meta set
    man MH community went downhill.

    • 5 months ago

      >World seether can only argue against a strawman
      To be expected

      • 5 months ago

        Not a strawman when you've posted multiple times like a morono explicitly saying there should only be one meta set because "that's just how it do be in the one MH game I've played". This, after crying about someone using an ICE mod because it "fricks with gear balance." Shut up loser. Learn what a strawman is before throwing it out like a buzzword.

        • 5 months ago

          >that's just how it do be in the one MH game I've played
          WOW it's almost like literally nobody every said that and you arguing against that opinion is a strawman.

          • 5 months ago

            I literally just said it wasn't balanced, but that it doesn't matter because Fatalis is the last monster in the game so you don't need balance anymore because you're done. Can you not read?

            >I tried to play but the combat is so slow that I stopped right away
            simple, real skill issue. you're using the wrong weapon and can't control animals fast and good enough.

            Complaining about the balance of a gear you can only get after beating literally every single monster in the game, coming from by far the hardest monster in the game is redundant. Like yeah, no shit it's unbalanced. You don't need balance anymore. You're done. Fatalis was just to let you go nuts with skills.

            No but at least it was earned
            And before you retort with "lol carried" all it takes is one party member to completely frick up the quest

            Since you seem to have short-term memory loss, i'll help you out. Not a strawman, dummy.

            >cant even talk about the best MH game because tendies are eternally seething
            The fact they have to grasp at straws like "o-only one s-set" is hilarious though. Pretty sad!

            Wow I wonder who this could be. moron-o.

            • 5 months ago

              Don't (You) me ever again you sperg you're both annoying

            • 5 months ago

              Point out one person saying there SHOULD only be one meta set. You literally can't because nobody ever said that. What people actually said is it isn't really a big deal that there's only one viable set with Fatalis because Fatalis released half a year after Iceborne came out and by that point everyone had already done everything so it didn't actually affect anything and Fatalis is by far the hardest fight in the game so it was a suitable reward.

    • 5 months ago

      >World is a MMORPG you should get the best gear for beating the final monster
      I hate Worldbabs so fricking much it's unreal.

      >MMO out of absolutely nowhere
      Oh boy, yep let me guess you got filtered by Alatreon and are still mad about it?

      • 5 months ago

        You literally can't disprove Alatreon isn't an MMO design fight lmao.
        Theres fricking DPS checks and raid wides.

        • 5 months ago

          kek, I was right. Every time.

          • 5 months ago

            I accept your consession.

        • 5 months ago

          Don't bother, Capcom homosexuals will defend anything that shit company does
          I agree with you, Alatreon is just another in the long, LONG list of mistakes World made

          • 5 months ago

            Spotted the Discordgay.

            • 5 months ago

              What the frick is that?

          • 5 months ago

            It's funny because alatreon was so vilely hated on release. Stockholm syndrome set in.

            • 5 months ago

              My only issue with him was that players couldn't read

            • 5 months ago

              By shitters who got filtered by him sure. Everyone who isn't a cuckold relying on Brachy weapons knows he's one of the best fights in the series. You can only pull this kind of historical revisionism when you aren't in the presence of people who were actually there.

              • 5 months ago

                who the frick got filtered by alatreon of all things? Great Jagras is a harder fight lmao

              • 5 months ago

                You apparently

                >historical revisionism
                Think that applies to you, tard-kun. A cursory google search reveals that people still don't like Alatreon.

                Oh but it doesn't count and they were all filtered. Right, just don't bother reading off the NPC script to me.

                And you. Yes, you got filtered. You can cope and seethe all you want but Alatreon is objectively one of the fairest and best designed fights in MH history.

              • 5 months ago

                I beat down Alatreon in 1 try and Fatalis in two. You won't believe me anyways because you're still under the delusion a game with rocksteady/temporal is a hard game.

              • 5 months ago

                You're right I don't believe you. The fact that you mention rocksteady/temporal when they were nerfed into the dirt in Iceborne with the former being more likely to get you killed than save you and the latter disappearing instantly if you try and rely on it sure as shit makes me believe you less.

                Yeah and a streamer got past the Diablos "wall, Nerg "wall", Barioth "wall" too. Your concept of difficulty has been diluted by the years + you being a newshitter to the franchise.

                >brings up Asmongold again out of nowhere
                Well thanks for making it more obvious that you're just shitposting.

              • 5 months ago

                >defending the mantles
                >he thinks temporal isn't still ridiculous post nerf
                I'm sure your first time clearing Alatreon was just so exciting but sorry I didn't have the same trouble.

              • 5 months ago

                Wouldn't know. I run impact mantle shitter. I guess you needed temporal to get your only Alatreon clear that you used to justify your seethe rather than admitting that you are a shitter.

              • 5 months ago

                >making assumptions out of anger again
                Tiring at this point.

              • 5 months ago

                >historical revisionism
                Think that applies to you, tard-kun. A cursory google search reveals that people still don't like Alatreon.

                Oh but it doesn't count and they were all filtered. Right, just don't bother reading off the NPC script to me.

              • 5 months ago

                >A cursory google search reveals that people still don't like Alatreon.
                Yeah it's mostly redditors complaining that an endgame black dragon fight is too hard for them

              • 5 months ago

                You apparently

                And you. Yes, you got filtered. You can cope and seethe all you want but Alatreon is objectively one of the fairest and best designed fights in MH history.

                Yeah and a streamer got past the Diablos "wall, Nerg "wall", Barioth "wall" too. Your concept of difficulty has been diluted by the years + you being a newshitter to the franchise.

              • 5 months ago

                Who cares what Bleedin Gums does

              • 5 months ago

                What does people complaining about Alatreon have to do with any of that
                I fail to think you're the same person as

                >A cursory google search reveals that people still don't like Alatreon.
                Yeah it's mostly redditors complaining that an endgame black dragon fight is too hard for them

              • 5 months ago

                Meant same person as

                >historical revisionism
                Think that applies to you, tard-kun. A cursory google search reveals that people still don't like Alatreon.

                Oh but it doesn't count and they were all filtered. Right, just don't bother reading off the NPC script to me.

              • 5 months ago

                Either he gave up trying to hide that he was just a shitposter who has probably never even played World or someone else just jumped in at the sight of an easy place to shitpost.

              • 5 months ago

                You're right, my energy shouldn't be wasted on such obvious bait
                Anyway what's your favorite monster

              • 5 months ago

                4U with my second favourite being World and my 3rd being Rise

              • 5 months ago

                If it's a wall it's fair and balanced. If the average player can do it then it's shit and too easy. That's not a wall, that's a gate, and they're trying really hard to keep that gate. But it's also a goal, and they have to keep pushing that goal back every time someone else scores. They have to maintain their elite status at all costs.

              • 5 months ago

                I just bought the game on a sale less than a week ago. I'll so enjoy beating the shit out of the game in the coming week. Getting past all the imaginary walls first try. Fast, easy and with lots of enjoyement.

              • 5 months ago

                Some advice would be to make an ice elemental build if you wanna tackle Ala in multiplayer, otherwise you can face tank him with fortify solo

              • 5 months ago

                some hard monster?
                >otherwise you can face tank him with fortify solo
                I've only tried a couple of weapons on the easiest mobs so far. Hammer, Light Bowgun, Heavy Bowgun, and Dual Blades. My choice is Dual Blades or will be some other kind of very fast and mobile weapon. Because I'd figured in my limited experience, that nothing beats mobility in this game (MHW).

              • 5 months ago

                Ala is the second to last monster so if you just started you've got time
                Dual Blades in particular are very good at dealing elemental damage but you won't need it until then
                Enjoy the game at your own pace until then
                Also some other faster weapons you might like would be SnS and Insect Glaive

              • 5 months ago

                >Also some other faster weapons you might like would be SnS and Insect Glaive
                Maybe I've spoiled it for myself a bit, but I looked up a single random youtube video about all the weapons/playstyles.
                might be almost like Dual Blades from what I understand, just a bit more defense and less dps.
                >insect glaive
                this whole magic spirit that helps you in combat mechanic is a bit too much for me. Also, since I saw in the workshop menu, that you can breed some of them for your needs n customize them n stuff, I lost interest for now. Because I don't want to deal with plenty of min-max the weapon mechanics. Esp not, when Dual Blades exist.

                TL;DR: I thought, if I ever hit a one-shotting-me wall or smth, I could take up Lance. Autistically block and wait to poke gameplay to get through the hardest parts. Or rather methodical gameplay.

              • 5 months ago

                >might be almost like Dual Blades from what I understand, just a bit more defense and less dps.
                Not quite, one attack actually has the highest modifier in the game, beating out Greatsword

              • 5 months ago

                >one attack actually has the highest modifier in the game
                is not saying much to me, because I have experienced different situations. Lots of times you just don't have time for a fancy combo. I love hammers in videogames, but dropped it, because it was too slow, the monsters were running away and quitting locale in the adventure mode.
                Just in general, being able to change your move/plan/fight on the fly is unbeatable by the monster AI, which is why, so far: Dual Blades. kek.

              • 5 months ago

                Fair enough

              • 5 months ago

                Another I neglected to mention is that you'll only ever use one bug for IG in the endgame so don't worry too much about it if that helps at all
                You also can become a mounting machine

              • 5 months ago

                >you'll only ever use one bug for IG in the endgame
                I didn't understand that. Which bug? What is IG?
                >You also can become a mounting machine
                hm, or just use palico as a tank while autistically stabbing the legs and the tail.
                I dunno, if the cat always was there, but the cats make MHW seem easier.
                Also, whenever I fought Barroth for the first time, I've learned to use all of the environment to my advantage. Just stand behind this rock, heal. Wait. barroth will charge into it like a moron and knock himself out. Pretty sure that using a random spike/rock will be the case with most monsters.

              • 5 months ago

                IG is just abbreviated insect glaive, iirc it's the sever paralysis bug that you would use the most
                It probably won't make sense now but given time you can get a good idea
                Glad to hear you're enjoying the game though

              • 5 months ago

                Black person literally all criticism about the fight is just from people struggling with it and it apparently being "unfair". That's what it means to be filtered. You suck at the fight and blame the fight instead of your own lack of skill. Mad cause bad.

      • 5 months ago

        Only multiplayer babies got filtered by Alatreon.

    • 5 months ago

      >World is a MMORPG you should get the best gear for beating the final monster
      I hate Worldbabs so fricking much it's unreal.

      the worst part is that even mmos shouldn't be like this but dogshit games like wow and ff14 killed the genre

  43. 5 months ago

    >greentexts without actually engaging with any conversation

  44. 5 months ago

    >World is a MMORPG you should get the best gear for beating the final monster
    I hate Worldbabs so fricking much it's unreal.

  45. 5 months ago

    >banal bait
    something something snoy tendies I am so smart

  46. 5 months ago

    >cant even talk about the best MH game because tendies are eternally seething
    The fact they have to grasp at straws like "o-only one s-set" is hilarious though. Pretty sad!

  47. 5 months ago

    The sequel just got announced

  48. 5 months ago

    >tendies snoy seethe seethe cope dilate sneed feed seed
    boy do they seem stupid right now

    • 5 months ago

      I just ignore any post that ever uses the term snoy or tendie unironically cause using them just proves that you're the other side projecting.

  49. 5 months ago

    I really want to go back. I even reinstalled it.
    But I have Ark Scam Ascended demi-obligations and I can only do so many grindgames at a time.

  50. 5 months ago

    Why DOES World have such a ravenous fanbase? It can't all be console wars since those only come up when you mention the other games in the franchise. They can talk up World just fine without ever bringing up any another game, MonHun or not. What is it about this one singular game that has them so obsessed?

    • 5 months ago

      It doesn't. It's most of the time just blatant falseflagging cause World is the most contentious game in the series and the one easiest to make people mad about.

      • 5 months ago

        Case in point

        Snoy gays that think a multiplatform MH game not coming on Switch is somehow owning the Nintendo players.
        After years of MH being on 3DS before Wii, Before PSP before PS2.

        When it comes to World anons just become single digit IQ morons who are unable to spot bait.

    • 5 months ago

      chicken butt

    • 5 months ago

      Snoy gays that think a multiplatform MH game not coming on Switch is somehow owning the Nintendo players.
      After years of MH being on 3DS before Wii, Before PSP before PS2.

      • 5 months ago

        Sure Switchlet

    • 5 months ago

      It's an okay game. That's it. Are there flaws? Ofc. Plenty. But, anon, compared to lots of other videogames, MHW is pretty good. It plays, it doesn't crash, it an action game, it feels good to beat the shit out of the huge predators. With a variet of weapons too.

      • 5 months ago

        I know I said they could talk up World without bringing up other games, but do you play any other games? "It's an good action game that doesn't crash" is a pretty low bar.

        • 5 months ago

          Ok. Since the world was released back in like 2017 or smth, most people around the world are also able to run it now. In 23-24. Because the hardware has caught up.
          >but do you play any other games?
          ofc. but which examples do you want? soulslop is clunky af. It's like a turn-based combat game. PoE is clunky and has too much shit in it, so why not wait for poe2 at this point? D4 is total shite and it was obvious since the day they've announced it. MMO's are shit and dead. Playing callofduty or other braindead slop with lootboxes? Nah... Listing everything might just take too long, so.

          TL;DR: I guess there are NOT that many decent action OFFLINE single player games on the market. I know you can MP in MHW, but who cares.

          • 5 months ago

            No frick you. MH is a multiplayer focused game. Single player cuck opinions don't matter.

            • 5 months ago

              >No frick you.
              yesss, baby.
              >MH is a multiplayer focused game.
              woman's opinion. Which is why I'll allow you to suck my dick.
              >Single player cuck opinions don't matter.
              kek. Everybody knows that Single Player chads are the goats. It is because of us the videogames were so good. And great at escapism. Until basic wiener sucking b***hes have invaded the space and desperately tried (still trying btw) to make everything online. >Social, other people, that's fun, that's what it was always meant for
              Nah, Stacy, you're wrong. The only reason Stacy like you is into videogames nao, in the first place, is because you're operating under the delusion that we're all normies and only play to socialize in a normie way. I guess corporations made it to the point, that the normies believes, that videogames are a social activity. Welp, their efforts have paid off, it seems. But, I don't want to start splitting and slicing the gaming community. If you play videogames to talk with your b***hes about your day and whine about how chad didn't notice your new haircut and didn't call you back, fine. I will continue playing and enjoying in solitude. Because, you see, I NEED it to escape the real world and people like you, the break from you is a must, otherwise I'm having bad thoughts.

              • 5 months ago

                Didn't even bother reading but it showed enough mental illness I'd expect of the kind of moron who plays a game about hunting with other people on his own. A sad, pathetic existence.

              • 5 months ago

                >Didn't even bother reading
                skill issue.
                >but it showed enough mental illness I'd expect of the kind of moron who plays a game about hunting with other people on his own.
                Where did this come from? The
                >hunting with other people
                I mean? Corporation daddy told you? Other people told you? It isn't a game about hunting with other people. It is a game about the Fifth Fleet arriving into the new lands, making discoveries, and trying to salvage and sort out this whole situation with the Elder Dragons.
                >A sad, pathetic existence.
                See? This is exactly why I enjoy and prefer solitude. And offline. I'm not offended, but why would I ever want to deal with a whining basic Stacy b***h like you, if I can have my peace, quiet, and enjoy my life? heh.

                TL;DR: no u.

              • 5 months ago

                Didn't read
                no u

          • 5 months ago

            Thanks for answering. That does put some things into perspective.

    • 5 months ago

      >game is good
      >people want to play it
      what's the issue?

    • 5 months ago

      I genuinely can't even tell what point you're trying to make here. What the frick do you mean ravenous? In what sense?

    • 5 months ago

      The final redpill is a that all the games are good and that I enjoy all of them

      • 5 months ago

        The biggest thing I will never understand about the "my game better than your game" moronation is I think World is the best game in the series(fight my homies) but I would much rather Rise and every future game be as it is than just do exactly the same shit that World did cause it would have gotten old pretty quickly. I want them to keep changing shit up to keep it fresh. I have over 1000 hours in Rise cause for better or Worse, it's different and felt new. Which is WAY more important than it just being good for anyone who isn't a newbie who has only played it.

        • 5 months ago

          All the games have the same core but all have their own quirks, virtue and flaw that sets them apart from each other. I'm a World sperm but I managed to get both 3U and 4U before the eshop closed and can see why people bought consoles just for MonHun. I even started gu as of recently but took a break for world again so I can play with my bros. I have 1.1k hours in World and 650 in Rise and I can't wait for the future

      • 5 months ago

        I agree
        Except rise.
        Rise is dogshit.
        If not a single element from that game moves forward I would be incredibly happy.

        • 5 months ago

          I just think of Rise as a mix between P3rd and Frontier
          Everything makes sense after that and I love it more because of it

          • 5 months ago

            I would actually love for them to release a new Frontier where they just go fricking wild again and keep updating it alongside regular MH.

            • 5 months ago

              I have a good feeling that's how portable will go given how Frontier-like Sunbreak felt
              >Multiple Movements for Weapons
              >Insane grind only for the most dedicated with even crazier fights that test the player

  51. 5 months ago

    steamy sex with the handler after a day of hunting with a Hammer.

  52. 5 months ago

    Can we have Prowler mode back?

  53. 5 months ago

    Playing world for the first time, are lucky vouchers always a daily login bonus or is it a temporary event thing?

    Also the rotten vale combat theme is pure kino.

    • 5 months ago

      Pretty sure you normally only get one a day but you're getting two because of the event.

    • 5 months ago

      Are lucky vouchers the canteen ones? I haven't seen one in forever

      • 5 months ago

        Nevermind I'm stupid and tired, yeah you get those daily during seasonal events

  54. 5 months ago

    Is it unreal engine. Uevr just dropped.

  55. 5 months ago

    All of my friends are Asmon superfans and they dragged me back to MH to play. Guess they will stick around as long as Asmon plays.

  56. 5 months ago

    Im even afraid to ask, but the Defender gear is a noob trap, right?

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah, it's catch up gear that was added after Iceborne so people can quickly catch up to where everyone else is playing.

      • 5 months ago

        yes and no. You will unlock better armors pretty soon. It isn't like the defender gear is endgame viable. If you just started the game and want to blast through the initial first half of the campaign, nobody gives a shit about, you should use it.

        Don't be afraid to ask genuine questions, if someone is an ass on here don't take them seriously

        It was added when icebourne came out so people could breeze through the story to get to the iceborne stuff.
        Its designed to last you until the end of Highrank / early MR.

        I love palying on easy mode though, my backlog iss to hefty to spend 200 hours on one game hehe

    • 5 months ago

      yes and no. You will unlock better armors pretty soon. It isn't like the defender gear is endgame viable. If you just started the game and want to blast through the initial first half of the campaign, nobody gives a shit about, you should use it.

    • 5 months ago

      Don't be afraid to ask genuine questions, if someone is an ass on here don't take them seriously

    • 5 months ago

      It was added when icebourne came out so people could breeze through the story to get to the iceborne stuff.
      Its designed to last you until the end of Highrank / early MR.

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah. It exists to help you breeze through the base game and reach Iceborne faster. But not only do its high stats form bad habits that are immediately punished in Iceborne, you end up skipping a lot of key content unlocks by moving right along to Master Rank.

      • 5 months ago

        >you end up skipping a lot of key content unlocks
        How on earth is this possible if you paly the game? Its not like an armor teleports you into an alternative version of the game, you moron.

        • 5 months ago

          Because you unlock Master Rank before you get several mantles and gadgets because they're tied to stuff that used to be "end game" in base Rise. Focusing solely on the story means you miss expeditions, so there's a TON of stuff related to cats and tailriders you miss out on if beeline for the end without looking for it. Certain requests only unlock when you've completed a prerequisite amount of other content in High Rank that's easy to skip over. That kind of stuff. The Defender equipment gives the impression that you want to get to Iceborne ASAP but there's stuff from the base game you can easily skip by accident as a result.

  57. 5 months ago

    Because Rise is one of the worst if not the worst monster game I've ever played. As bad as the original MH.

  58. 5 months ago

    beaten mhworld + iceborne solo 2 times. only ised the clutch claw twice and I've honestly never felt why everyone says its so important or unavoidable... hell yesterday i was helping some dude and thats when I discovered you can make monsters run into walls for damage, never needed to do any of that.

    • 5 months ago

      Its tendie bait you moron.

      This entire board is 80% Nintendofans. Do you think they just go to other threads when they see a MHWorld thread?

      • 5 months ago

        i-it was all bait? and i fell for it? frick me then, time to kill myself

    • 5 months ago

      Let me guess, every hunt takes you 15+ plus minutes and you only fight everything once to beeline the story and "beat" the game?
      You'll now deny it since I've called it out, but you and I both it's true.

      • 5 months ago

        yes, hunts take 15+ mins to beat, so what? also no, i really enjoy both helping randos online and farming for gear.
        the fact i dont use clutch claw doesn't make me enjoy the grind, the frick? what kind of moronic reasoning is that lmao

    • 5 months ago

      Because people are biased against World. Thing in World "super important and unavoidable ruins the entire game". But thing in other game? "complete non issue might as well not be there not even a complaint". Every issue in World is dialled up to the point of being game ruining and every issue in every other game is downplayed to the point of non existence. This is Ganker and that's what happens when you get the most popular entry in the series. Contrarianism.

    • 5 months ago

      it's not that you *need* to use it but it would save you a lot of time if you used it because it's just a straight up dps boost and enemy health values are balanced around it.

    • 5 months ago

      homosexuals will cry about the clutch claw making the game unplayable because they lose 2-3 minutes on a hunt while the next post screeching about speedtrannies for being autistic about times

    • 5 months ago

      I killed my first Barioth without using clutch claw prior that or anything really, no traps or flashbangs. It was annoying as hell, frick this shit, it's traps, flashbangs and clutch claw from now on. Iceborne enemies have moronic health pools and they are spasmatic morons who can't stand still for more than 1 second.

      • 5 months ago

        yeah, think the world slurpers are trying to pass clutch claw off as a "well you don't need to use it" like their autistic ass taking 20+ minutes to do kula is somehow worthy of praise. They probably also needed to be in multiplayer to clear Alatreon and used every possible cheese on Fatalis. The fact that monster hp and hitzones were tuned around this tool is immutable fact, doesn't matter if an autistic schizo wants to pretend like the clutch claw isn't there, it affected the entire game and you'd be a moron not to use the tool.

  59. 5 months ago

    They suddenly realised how good it is and how much they miss it :3

  60. 5 months ago

    wtf bros, savage deviljho just killed me a bunch of times. Me, a veteran since FU. Anyway, what do i do to get out of the grab? Dung bombs don't work like the previous games it seems

    • 5 months ago

      Flash Pod

  61. 5 months ago

    What is wrong with Ganker? An old game can't get popular off the back of a new game being in the series announced without the FBI shilling it via some eceleb?

    • 5 months ago

      Do you think people suddenly started playing SF4 when SF6 was announced?
      You've the logical synapses of an earthworm

      • 5 months ago

        No, but the numbers probably went up for SF5

  62. 5 months ago

    I like the clutch claw. It's fun to occasionaly hop onto monsters and ride them during battle. I never felt that it was obligatory to use.

    • 5 months ago

      >It's fun to occasionaly hop onto monsters and ride them during battle.
      have a nice day. Rise is fricking garbage because of this

      Tranime has ruined MH.

      • 5 months ago

        Cry about it.

      • 5 months ago

        that is the average fiver mentality. they don't know what they're doing but they're pressing buttons and cool things are happening, and their cat + unlimited tent supplies ensure they never struggle to progress until an iceborne title update filters them and they review bomb the game

    • 5 months ago

      Agreed its also nice to get taxied part way while a monster runs away then applying armor debuff when they are close to their resting stop

  63. 5 months ago

    I don’t know I just started generations ultimate. Pretty cool so far

  64. 5 months ago

    They should have stopped adding dumb shit once they added 4U's mounting.
    That should have been it.

    • 5 months ago

      They just need to remove clutch claw and moves that require cooldowns, aka wirebugs. Make it eat up resource, that shit rewards good play, instead of needing to wait to be able to do anything.

      • 5 months ago

        >aka wirebugs
        And mantles. And palico gadgets. And mounting.

        • 5 months ago

          I don't dislike mounting or palico gadgets. But yeah, i am also in favor of removing mantles, i forgot all about that crap.

  65. 5 months ago

    handler sex with monster


    lizard sex with hunters

  66. 5 months ago

    Is this...dare i say...the Engoodening of Monster Hunter?

  67. 5 months ago

    Are the cutscenes lip synced to monster hunter language or japanese? Monster hunter language sounds so fricking bad, it's like the VAs are just babbling without any emotion or thought.

    • 5 months ago

      Pretty sure it's Jap speak, I like the MonHun language because it's a weird caveman Chinese-Japanese hybrid

      • 5 months ago

        My problem with it is that the tone of speech is completely off and doesn't fit what is being said.

        • 5 months ago

          It is a bit off in World, iirc Rises is a lot more tone appropriate, Utushi is especially on point with being as hammy as the English version

  68. 5 months ago

    because Wilds is not coming out this year and we got the itch

  69. 5 months ago

    Went back recently since I never played iceborne. Not being able to skip cutscenes is aids, I gave up on doing a fresh save and just went back to my old GS one. Downloaded a bunch of coomer outfits too.

    What gear should I be aiming for GS in iceborne? Should I drop my wyvern ignition for the easy to craft defender sword?

    • 5 months ago

      >complaining about 20 minutes of cutscenes in a 400 hour game

      • 5 months ago

        i play games to play them i know its hard for you to understand but when i play games . i expect to play them . not watch movies or read a book

    • 5 months ago

      i got through most of iceborn fine with wyvern and its still great for the guiding lands/ expiditions where you can run into various monster with differing weaknesses however some of the harder bosses near the end youll want to go with their weakest element just because you really do need that extra damage being slower attack wise.
      Also install a cutscene skipper like everyone lese its less than 3 clicks using vortex and nexusmods if you dont want to install it by hand

      • 5 months ago

        Thanks for the info. I thought elemental was a trap for GS at least in base game, but I'll give it a shot this time as I progress

        • 5 months ago

          It is. Outside of Alatreon you should never run element Great Sword.

  70. 5 months ago

    Rise is better than World

    • 5 months ago

      They're the only good thing to come from Rise

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah, no. Look at the manface they have on the actual in-game model

        >Didn't he commit charity fraud or something




        >Asmon's org OTK had a charity event for terminally sick kids or something trhough some Charity
        >Turns out charity was fradulent and pocketed at least half the donations, while secretly paying streamers like Asmon and co off with parts of the donation money
        >They didn't disclose they would be getting some of the donos
        >Jacob Wolf, journalist who investigated this 2 years ago contacted other streamers who were involved and they all immediately spoke to him
        >Asmon and his OTK buddies have, for the past 2 years, refused to respond to him
        >He's brining this up again now
        >Asmon responded in the most mentally moronic way imaginable by first banning any mention of the charity fraud from his subreddit, then blacklisting Jacob's website from his sub, then blocking the Jacob Wolf's name and even the word Charity from his twitch channel, then having a sociopathic response to a viewer who managed to somehow ask him about it on stream, saying he "doesn't give a frick" and banning the person then coping by saying that people are mad at him only becuase his youtube videos are "doing well"
        >This all comes IMMEDIATELY after Jirard the Completionist charity fraud scandal.

        Also r/livestreamfail mods nuked a thread abou Asmon's response to all this, then someone made a new thread that's remained up yesterday and it's gotten double the views, upvotes, and comments. Something something Streisand Effect


        The only good thing to come from Rise is Fiorayne.

  71. 5 months ago


  72. 5 months ago

    Asmon tards got real quiet all of a sudden.

  73. 5 months ago

    i tried playing it lately
    are control scheme...weird? i've never played a monster hunter the PS2 i tried 25 years ago doesnt count

    • 5 months ago

      I dunno, maybe? Maybe not? Either way you get used to it after a while and it feels smooth to play.

    • 5 months ago

      It's unconventional but give it enough time and it'll fit like a glove

    • 5 months ago

      Make adjustments as needed.

  74. 5 months ago

    I'm trying to learn charge blade for the 10th time.

  75. 5 months ago

    I just got to the guiding lands and don't understand the point. Why would you go here when you could just pick up quests to hunt?

    • 5 months ago

      Several end game tempered monsters aren't encountered in normal quests. You have to level up your Guiding Lands to encounter them. Not to mention pretty much everything in the game after a certain point requires materials from the Guiding Lands or those exclusive tempered monsters in order to upgrade.

      • 5 months ago

        Gear augments, it's also great for just chill hunting with others and turn your brain off for a bit

        Got it, tempered monsters upgrading stuff and augments. Speaking of augments, can weapons and armor be augmented into infinite or do they have a cap? The armor system seems straightforward enough but I couldn't tell based off the weapon tutorial.

        • 5 months ago

          Armor is straightforward, you just use the gem and unlock the cap
          Weapons are a bit more complicated, you start out with 3 augment slots but can unlock up to 6, each individual augment taking up a certain amount of slots

    • 5 months ago

      Gear augments, it's also great for just chill hunting with others and turn your brain off for a bit

  76. 5 months ago

    Because a sequel was just announced.

  77. 5 months ago

    is mh world worth playing

    i played rise since a friend wanted to play together and i found the game to be rather basic...

    kinda felt like
    "oh thats it?"
    when i hit the credits

    • 5 months ago

      If you liked Rise and simply found it short, you'll love World. There's a TON more stuff to do.

    • 5 months ago

      How the frick should I know? Be more specific you fricking moron. "rather basic" doesn't exactly tell me anything.

  78. 5 months ago

    I honestly think everyone has sour grapes about the claw. I never really used it but then started to when i saw all the hate and i can tell you this much. Its a b***h to land on Iceborne monsters. They use so many attacks that just knock you off everytime you try it and it was pissing me off then i realized.
    I beat the game just fine without using it its not needed BUT YOU moronS STILL b***h ABOUT HOW ITS NEEDED
    If they just added a corner that you had to stare at for 60 mins for a 100% damage buff you homosexuals would b***h about how capcom is forcing you to sit in a corner for damage "THAT IS NEEDED TO BEAT THE GAME" learn to play you slackjaw'd homosexuals or at least stop clogging every disscusion of the game with your moronation

    • 5 months ago

      Bro that's literally what the stagger is for. Clutchclawing monsters in that stagger extends the stagger window so you can always easily guarantee it plus I'm pretty sure by Fatalis they massively boosted the time the effect lasts so it's not difficult to maintain it by just doing it during those stagger windows and when the monster leaves the zone.

    • 5 months ago

      I just use lance and don't have any problems

      • 5 months ago

        This except hammer

        • 5 months ago

          I use that when I feel especially active in the brain

        • 5 months ago

          MHW Hammer is my favorite video game weapon.
          I still haven’t quite figured out why Rise Hammer didn’t feel as good. I think a lot of it had to do with the FX just not feeling as impactful.

          • 5 months ago

            Yeah World hammer is great. I somewhat enjoy Rise hammer more now they buffed strength but yeah it really does just lack the same impact it had in World.

  79. 5 months ago

    I'm getting to close to 20 hunts in a row without a narga mantle, now this is monster hunter. I'm glad they coded in the desire sensor for this one too.

    • 5 months ago

      How good are your investigations bro

      • 5 months ago

        I'll be honest with you, there's a few systems i haven't interacted with including that one. I've just been spamming the optional quest. Do they have a better drop rate?

        • 5 months ago

          Investigations have better drop rates depending on the type of reward, for your sake you should aim for as many gold rewards as possible

          • 5 months ago

            Well, i'll be damned. I actually had an investigation with 4 gold slots, first time i did it got a mantle. Sweet. Thanks for the tip

            • 5 months ago

              No problem, glad I could alleviate the tedium a little

  80. 5 months ago

    >no boob slider
    you had one job capcom

  81. 5 months ago

    >Worldbabbies getting asshurt when the bald homosexual makes their speshal sekrit game popular
    >300+ replies of cope
    You c**ts ruin everything

    • 5 months ago

      An absolutely astounding lack of self awareness. Though that's about as much as I'd expect of a World seether, the actual c**ts who ruin everything.

    • 5 months ago

      your e-rat daddy isn't as popular as you think he is

    • 5 months ago

      I've been helping newbies idk what you've contributed gay

  82. 5 months ago

    For all new people still lurking here's a database for all your needs so you don't have to use fextra

    • 5 months ago

      >worldsperm just discovering Kiranico

      • 5 months ago

        I'm being nice to the new guys
        Problem antichrist?

      • 5 months ago

        >"For all new people still lurking"

  83. 5 months ago

    Why do we hate the handler again

    • 5 months ago

      b***h stole my hug

    • 5 months ago

      I unironically love her but on a meta level

    • 5 months ago

      probably people who hate women but are too small brain to play with japanese audio

    • 5 months ago

      We don't.

    • 5 months ago

      i don't. most people compare her to past allies or even rises twins.
      handler is her own thing and that makes her special.

    • 5 months ago

      I don't I want to Breed her in the New World

    • 5 months ago

      she has a derpy face and is pretty useless but i'm not gonna lie, in some of her outfits when she's all dolled up it makes me want to do unholy things to her for some reason

    • 5 months ago

      western aesthetic (deliberately ugly)

      • 5 months ago

        Not ugly though.

        • 5 months ago

          she was when it came out
          your perspective just got shifted deliberately

        • 5 months ago

          she was never meant to be intentionally ugly though, it's just a different art direction. Otherwise how do you explain the shrine maidens in Rise being so beautiful? Did Capcom suddenly decide to go against the agenda of uglification that they supposedly adhered to 5 years earlier?

          • 5 months ago

            Wyverians are just a convenient way to make a character ethereally beautiful or monstrously deformed as needed, since they're nonhuman elf things.

            • 5 months ago

              >We'll never see big boy at full power

        • 5 months ago

          she was when it came out
          your perspective just got shifted deliberately

          and in another 3-4 years you will be calling women in western gaming not ugly compared to trannies
          and in 3-4 years you will be ready to frick trannies

        • 5 months ago

          her body proportions are kinda weird imo. she's oddly short and wide

    • 5 months ago

      I never hated her, I thought she was cute.

  84. 5 months ago
  85. 5 months ago

    For the same reason everyone is talking about MTL translations suddenly
    NPCs just do whatever their favorite eceleb do.

  86. 5 months ago

    >facetank/outheal my way through the base game a few years ago with longsword and low tier anja+zorah
    >zero consideration for builds, spacing, monster movesets, safe vs risky decisions, etc.
    >get Iceborne in the sale, actually trying to be mindful and learn the mechanics this time
    >feel like I know next to nothing about the game now that I'm actually giving it a proper go

    I'm basically going back through each area and monster in rough order and grabbing more equipment/resources before I move on to the IB content, but I'm already having way more fun than the first time I played it.

    • 5 months ago

      Glad to hear it anon
      And that's just the start of it

  87. 5 months ago

    i want to get back into it. i didn't play iceborne. should i get iceborne?

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah, it's more than double the base game in terms of content

    • 5 months ago

      Yes, I highly recommend Iceborne

    • 5 months ago

      Iceborne is great, just don't be like Asmongold and rush into master rank without actually knowing your weapon moveset or half the game mechanics.

  88. 5 months ago

    Wilds got announced and Capcom are marketing it again and they gave the game its biggest sale yet.

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