Why the frick there would be gothic and greek art on 17-18 century transilvania?

Why the frick there would be gothic and greek art on 17-18 century transilvania?

When It should have been closer to orthodox greek art and bizantine art than it being a collection of french rococo shit?

Do you think I would have not noticed that?
Why the frick a gothic castle in rumania have french rococo art?

Why the frick is there a gothic cathedral on Hungary on the 17 century?

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  1. 1 month ago

    Alucard already answered the question.

    • 1 month ago

      >Make game around the biblical period of Jesus
      >Artist draw a car
      >Dude, chaos is a creature of many incarnations, It can summon a car in egyptian times

      • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        why not?

        • 1 month ago

          because It triggers my history autismo.

        • 1 month ago

          Ah yes, Shelby Cobra 427, the best battle chariot that ever was.

      • 1 month ago

        Anon, this isn't the only time Castlevania wasn't period accurate. This game series just does not give a frick what you think

  2. 1 month ago

    Bro, it's just a game.

  3. 1 month ago

    This post makes a lot of assumptions. All of this could just be chalked up to draculas personal taste honestly. He is after all extremely old. Gothic architecture is not unheard of in Hungary or Romania, it's honestly not that weird, Romanian gothic architecture is even noted for it's unique features. It's also not that weird to furnish an older estate with newer art...I don't see why you couldn't update the decor of your medieval castle with rococo art. I'm not sure Byzantine or Orthodox would make any more sense. It's not that weird they have that much European influence honestly, there was a huge German population in translyvania.

    • 1 month ago

      except german autismo despised the catholic pompousity and arrogance of french roroco.

      You need to define if Dracula was a catholic or a Protestant demon, then work from that what type of art he would enjoy.

      If he was a protestant demon, he would enjoy catholic art.
      If he was catholic, It would make sense for dracula to be ally of protestants.

      Protestants and Catholics hated each other.

      • 1 month ago

        Brother, he was likely neither. He is a godless vampire. Also most Hungarians are catholic.

        • 1 month ago

          He had human characteristics.

          If we was a lover of human art, he would share of the same sensiblities about collecting art as humans.

          • 1 month ago

            exactly, if he loves art, why is it so weird he is into french art? like Dracula can't be in the know about fine art? Regardless of dudes religion.

            • 1 month ago

              could've been eastern orthodox too what with his romanian origins. we don't know religion what the real vlad tepes was but his wife was catholic so you can assume lisa was and that influenced his taste in art.

              because if he was into rococo art, he would dismiss earlier art as that old shit nobody cares about.

              gothic art was deemed barbaric and obsolete by the 14-15 century.

              Gothic wasn't revived up to 19 century.

              • 1 month ago

                Why is Dracula, a several centruy old vampire, expected to care about cultural trends? I think you saying that he has to reject all previous art because he likes Rococo is fallible.

              • 1 month ago

                because the same way you don't keep watching barney the dinosaur when you're 30.

              • 1 month ago

                That's not at all comparable, Barney is not high art. The greek masterpieces are still praised to this day!

              • 1 month ago

                history proves that very popular artists are forgotten if the new era of art doesn't think he's good.

                boguereau is now forgotten, meanwhile he was the ideal of art in 19 century.

                El bosco, took up to 20 century to be appreciated again as master.

                Rule of Cool, it's not a historical document and anyone treating it as such can be safely ignored as an ineffective idiot

                >dude, stop thinking, only consume and consume like cattle
                using your brain is fun.

              • 1 month ago

                I mean...thats cool and all but it still doesn't explain why dracula should care. He's more than likely isolated from culture at large anyway sitting in his castle, as well, as an immortal vampire, he would be able to remember these past art movements. I don't think dracula would just chuck all his masterwork greek marble statues just cause the big art snob at the time told him to.

              • 1 month ago

                then why the frick he would collect human art if he doesn't care about it?

              • 1 month ago

                He cares about art, he doesn't care about what other people say about art? you seem to think that everyone has to drop everything and just go with whatevers popular at the time, there were still people appreciating gothic architecture and greek statues just as much in the 16th century, much of the renaissance and baroque movements were inspired by neo-classical ideas.
                I can care about a painting I like, even if said style is out of fashion.

              • 1 month ago

                art collectors are snobs.

              • 1 month ago

                so what? even snobs have favorites.

              • 1 month ago

                also, most vampires follow the local era costumes, so they care about human trends.

                not looking as a clown is a good argument to drop older unfashionable styles.

              • 1 month ago

                >Why is Dracula, a several centruy old vampire, expected to care about cultural trends? I think you saying that he has to reject all previous art because he likes Rococo is fallible.

                because the same way you don't keep watching barney the dinosaur when you're 30.

                >because the same way you don't keep watching barney the dinosaur when you're 30.
                Maybe Dracula doesn't want people to be calling him an oldgay on Ganker

              • 1 month ago

                there's not evidence that dracula couldn't be affected by cultural trends.

                Which most vampire movies set in modern times shown that vampires follow the local era fashion styles.

              • 1 month ago

                You can thank world of darkness for that, they pretty much invented the trope of vampires inmeshing themselves in modern society, wouldn't have true blood or twillight without WOD. And even in that universe there are still ancient vampires that chill in dark castles away from modern society. Why can't both exist? I'm sure the older the vampire the more fussy they are about getting with the times.

              • 1 month ago

                We need to answer this issue bro.

                Do dracula cares about art trends if he's an art collector?

              • 1 month ago

                It's from the original Dracula novel. Dracula moves to London and tries to blend in with local society.

      • 1 month ago

        could've been eastern orthodox too what with his romanian origins. we don't know religion what the real vlad tepes was but his wife was catholic so you can assume lisa was and that influenced his taste in art.

        • 1 month ago

          >we don't know religion what the real vlad tepes was
          We do know, he was Orthodox but later converted to Catholicism, albeit that may have been part of a deal to be freed from imprisonment.

      • 1 month ago

        Vampires are libertines. An interest in the modern decadent movements in the West makes perfect sense. You’re illiterate, uncultured.

  4. 1 month ago

    Because it was inspired by other (probably 80's and 90's) dark fantasy art, not actual original paintings and sculptures

  5. 1 month ago




    • 1 month ago

      oh sure, I forgot, you're allowed to spam the same shit threads over and over here.

  6. 1 month ago

    Rule of Cool, it's not a historical document and anyone treating it as such can be safely ignored as an ineffective idiot

    • 1 month ago

      > and anyone treating it as such can be safely ignored as an ineffective idiot
      It's a fun thought-experiment though.

      • 1 month ago

        Treating fiction as nonfiction is a fun thought experiment? Maybe if you're trying to experiment with the human ability to self-induce psychosis

        history proves that very popular artists are forgotten if the new era of art doesn't think he's good.

        boguereau is now forgotten, meanwhile he was the ideal of art in 19 century.

        El bosco, took up to 20 century to be appreciated again as master.

        >dude, stop thinking, only consume and consume like cattle
        using your brain is fun.

        Video games are an artistic medium and as such are unreliable for factual information, there are countless better ways to stimulate your brain such as reading about actual history rather than trying to learn about it from a supernatural-horror action game. For Entertainment Purposes Only.

        • 1 month ago

          >better ways to stimulate your brain such as reading about actual history
          obviously OP already does, it's just an intersection between 2 different interests.
          frickin fun police over here.

          • 1 month ago

            The person complaining about historical inaccuracy in a video game isn't the fun police according to you

            are u aware that deconstruction is a serious intellectual experiment?

            except a lot of european art styles are in oposition to other styles.

            Gothic and medieval and romancero styles fell out of fashion by renaissance.

            People who bragged about the classics, hated with disdain the newer styles.
            The concept of loving both medieval and neoclassical art wasn't a real concept up to 19 century.

            >did u know is smart topic?
            Yes it's super fascinating to wonder why anachronisms exist in fictional media. Surely it has nothing to do with how the creators simply liked those elements and decided to include them, there has to be an internal logic for its existence! How intellectual indeed.

            By all means, feel free to continue your conversation. Just chiming in on the reality of the issue.

        • 1 month ago

          are u aware that deconstruction is a serious intellectual experiment?

          so what? even snobs have favorites.

          except a lot of european art styles are in oposition to other styles.

          Gothic and medieval and romancero styles fell out of fashion by renaissance.

          People who bragged about the classics, hated with disdain the newer styles.
          The concept of loving both medieval and neoclassical art wasn't a real concept up to 19 century.

          • 1 month ago

            well...to that I have to say, immortal vampires aren't really a thing either lol. I think you are coming at this from a normal persons perspective and not an immortal vampire's.

            • 1 month ago

              Inmortality is not an unique concept.

              Greek Gods would be similar to dracula, and yet they still have human characteristics.

              • 1 month ago

                okay, but we aren't talking about the decorum of mount Olympus... I'm not making a point specifically about immortality, as if not being able to die affects his personality (I mean I'm sure it does), but he's just really old, he remembers when these styles were cool, it's like an old guy who still keeps his 70s leisure suit and wears it around sometimes, ofc the kids think it's dumb, be he still knows it's cool.

              • 1 month ago

                Dracula was a catholic or at least he worked for the catholic church since his friend Leon Belmont was a crusader.

                He would be some kind of greek god.

              • 1 month ago

                he was a human before turning into a vampire anon he wasn't a greek a god

              • 1 month ago

                heracles was a human that turned into a god also.

  7. 1 month ago

    Dracula was a catholic or at least he worked for the catholic church since his friend Leon Belmont was a crusader.

  8. 1 month ago

    daily reminder Alucard was annaly raped by two twin demons in one cold freezing winter night during the 18th century and it's canon

  9. 1 month ago

    Because it's not real life b***h ass homie calm down.

  10. 1 month ago

    Maybe the castle inspired the style and not the other way around.

  11. 1 month ago

    This thread is made by a moronic mentally ill Colombian NEET in his 40s known in /vg/ as Cris and in Ganker as 0n. He’s an “aspiring” gamedev who has been working in shitty tech demos for more than a decade and has made zero progress. He’s an extremely pathetic version of that kid who called himself a “lazy genius” back in middle school.
    This is who you’re talking to.

    • 1 month ago

      ... and how did you figure all of this out, Detective Autism?

      • 1 month ago

        Because he posted about it 1 hour before making this dogshit thread


  12. 1 month ago

    The castle is metaphysical. It always is destroyed with dracula and is reborn. Do you think someone goes around and hand decorates Castlevania.

  13. 1 month ago

    they barely make games about romania/transylvania lol. And when they do it's always through the american lens of vampires. We are happy they even exist, not picky about the art choices

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