Why the hell did this not get a GBA or DS release?

Why the hell did this not get a GBA or DS release?

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Because it's a Game Boy game.

    • 2 years ago

      It looks more like a NES bootleg

      • 2 years ago

        It is a really janky game

  2. 2 years ago

    why would it?
    the card game is so far beyond what happens in this title anon

    plus pogo players prefer to spend bux on digital cards - theyre not gonna cannibalize their sales

    • 2 years ago

      >plus pogo players prefer to spend bux on digital cards - theyre not gonna cannibalize their sales
      This, there was probably an online variant at the time of even DS and there were already a ton of other spinoffs in the GBA/DS era.

      • 2 years ago

        There wasn’t. Ptcgo wasn’t in beta until 2010 or 11
        The real answer is the tcg went into dormancy in popularity during the advance and early DS era. The sequel to the game boy game was Japan only but fan translated and is excellent

    • 2 years ago

      >plus pogo players prefer to spend bux on digital cards - theyre not gonna cannibalize their sales
      This, there was probably an online variant at the time of even DS and there were already a ton of other spinoffs in the GBA/DS era.

      >Yugioh laughing in a corner with several GBA, DS, and console games as well as an online dueler for PC and having them not cannibalizing their card sales

      • 2 years ago

        The laughing is coming from the normies that don't play that cringey game

  3. 2 years ago

    i was always surprised they didn't make another one for later gens. maybe it didn't sell well, or it didn't translate into the extra card sales they thought it would. maybe they even thought it ate into their physical card sales? either way i really wish we would have got a gba sequel

    • 2 years ago

      it got two games, and there's an online multiplayer game out where they sell you cards, but the cool thing is that each real-life booster pack comes with a code to input into that game to get a virtual booster too

  4. 2 years ago

    Single player card games seem like such a great match for handholds and I always found it strange we didn't get more of them.

    • 2 years ago

      Most TCGs are bad, and the vidya versions were even worse. Shit like the DBZ card game and duel masters. Original games like the SNK card game made for the ngpc could be pretty fun though, too bad the DS sequel for that one was ass though

      • 2 years ago

        I wish the emulator wasn't trash on Windows, did they finally release the Switch ver and is it good?

        • 2 years ago

          The emulator on Switch is equally good, you corporate prostitute.

        • 2 years ago

          It's good on Wii (wiimednafen)

        • 2 years ago

          Lolwut? You can emulate ngpc on fricking anything you idiot.

        • 2 years ago

          No idea, I've only emulated it on DS and PSP, which worked great

          I really liked the DS one until I got to a point where some b***h wanted these insanely rare cards in order to progress. Looked online and you had to fricking gamble grind the card recycler to get it, which I never managed to get those fricking cards. I swear games like this make me wish you could just fricking kill npcs who block your path.

          The game just felt so cheap and low effort to me. It's really a shame how few truly good standalone retro TCGs there are, almost none if you don't like yugioh or pokemon

          • 2 years ago

            >It's really a shame how few truly good standalone retro TCGs there are
            In english, I should say. There were tons for japanese handhelds but who knows if those were good or not

      • 2 years ago

        I really liked the DS one until I got to a point where some b***h wanted these insanely rare cards in order to progress. Looked online and you had to fricking gamble grind the card recycler to get it, which I never managed to get those fricking cards. I swear games like this make me wish you could just fricking kill npcs who block your path.

  5. 2 years ago

    That game got my dopamine receptors hard

  6. 2 years ago

    Hell, we couldn't even get the sequel GBC game in the States.

    • 2 years ago

      I got curious and looked it up: Pokemon TCG Gameboy 2 released in Japan a week after the gba. There were only a grand total of FOUR gbc games released after the gba in Japan that got localized (discounting things like the Harry Potter game that was released in every region around the same time):
      >Hamtaro Hamhams Unite
      >Megaman Xtreme 2
      >Resident Evil Gaiden
      >Dragonball Z Legendary Super Warriors
      That's probably the reason we never got it. Nobody was bothering with GBC games anymore with the GBA on the horizon.

  7. 2 years ago

    The TCG was basically dead during the GBA and DS era so that's why we didn't get one sadly. It barely survived during that era with the hardcore players, I know because I was one, even in Japan it was not that big.
    Though they could've tried on the GBA with the ereader gimmick, but that was I think more the TCG trying to remain relevant by using the ereader than TPC trying to have representation on an online game.

    Now how come we didn't get a Pokemon TCG 3 with the Gym leaders expansions. Perhaps cartridge limitations where they wouldn't be able to have previous expansions and only have the gym expansion? Perhaps that the gym expansion has gym leaders pokemon which would be too many characters for the cards to display on a GBC?
    Or why no Pokemon TCG 4 With the first expansion of Gold/Silver? I don't know. Those two could've worked but yeah after that it made no sense since the TCG was dead but it was still very much alive up to the first Gold/Silver expansion though it had begun to lose a lot of steam by then.

    What I love about the two GBC games is that you can play a metagame of the card game that's basically impossible to play now,.

    • 2 years ago

      we keep proxy and theme decks for limited meta around here

      its a time capsule

    • 2 years ago

      >What I love about the two GBC games is that you can play a metagame of the card game that's basically impossible to play now,.
      The same thing that kept the GBA and earlier Yugioh games so kino

    • 2 years ago

      a pokemon tcg game with the neo sets would've been awesome

  8. 2 years ago

    Getting real tired of people shilling this game. Yes, it's good. Because the Pokémon TCG is good. So just play the fricking TCG instead of a painfully limited version of it against a weak-ass AI.

    • 2 years ago

      Adults don't typically play TCGs friend

      • 2 years ago

        According to /vp/ they do, but /vp/ is predominately composed of pedophile furgay autists.

  9. 2 years ago

    During the GBA era, they were used as accessories for the e-Reader, so they technically DID have a game. Some of them would scan in a mini-game, while others taught you how to play the TCG.

    During the DS era, though, I figured it has something to do with rights holders. Wizards of the Coast and Media Factory were still the rights holders for the TCG back then and the Pokémon Company apparently had a big messy legal battle trying to buy the rights away from them. By the time they got the rights back, Pokémon Company just made the original Pokémon TCG Online game instead.

    • 2 years ago

      It's odd how none of the Gen 3 pokemon cards have minigames on them, just the short barcode.

      • 2 years ago

        There those special Gen 3 e-Reader only cards that they wanted to sell. Can't cross the streams and whatnot. IIRC, getting an Eon Ticket in a copy of Nintendo Power was the only way to legitimately catch Latios/Latias in Emerald (or whichever one you didn't already have in Ruby/Sapphire).

        • 2 years ago

          me on the bottom right

    • 2 years ago

      Imagine a gba version you could scan your physical cards into

    • 2 years ago

      the timeline on your 2nd paragraph is off, TPC had the rights back from wotc by the DS era. As I and another anon explained, no DS game was far more the result of the actual TCG being unpopular during this era. Pokémon in general was at its least popular outside of main series game sales until HG/SS when the online game launched in beta and the TCG rose in popularity again

    • 2 years ago

      you're misremembering anon. Wizards of the coast had the license to Pokemon but they lost it and The Pokemon Company started making the card games with EX Ruby & Sapphire when the GBA Pokemon Games launched. Wizards didn't really make cards (outside of one or two special cards they did make) , Wizards only translated the cards and the last set they translated was Skyridge. The license wasn't renewed and The Pokemon Company launched EX Ruby and Sapphire right after.

      The e-reader stuff got phased out in the first two sets released by the pokemon company and only had the short bar at the bottom for pokedex info. The previous sets had the sidebar which included mini games and what not, they got rid of them but htat had nothing to do with wizards or whatnot since they only translated the cards , more that the ereader was irrelevant.

      • 2 years ago

        I dare you to look at what WotC is doing right now, you fricking goy.

        • 2 years ago

          Frick what they're doing right now. They were horrible back then, too. A big reason Nintendo/Gramefreak refused to renew their license is because they had a strict "play the card as written" policy. That ended up causing huge issues at the first international tournament when the US players were playing under weird rules because of the English wordings. And said international event happened to be an early test for what would eventually become Worlds a few years later. WotC basically begged to still be involved with the game even after losing the license, but Nintendo absolutely refused after that huge frickup.

          • 2 years ago

            they wouldn't even bring over most of the japanese promo cards and they kept doing that shit where they'd make non holo versions of all the rares when no one wanted that

          • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            The DS was perfect for a new Pokemon TCG sadly the game was dead, trying to be resuscitated by Pokemon USA. They poured tons of money into it to try to get it popular again. Great times to be a player until the money dried

            IIRC it was more that TPC/Nintendo wanted some of that Pokemon TCG money and thought WoTC were not doing as great as they should've. WoTC on the other hand argued that Pokemon was dead (which these negotiations were during the second half of Gen II so Pokemon was indeed dead). WoTC still wanted to continue to print Pokemon but Nintendo said "no". Before they lost the license they printed 3 sets of stuff they had the rights to. They finished the e-reader sets with Aquapolis and Skyridge and then Legendary Collection which was a best of. Those sets were pretty cool but are super rare now because of the low print runs.
            Nintendo actually printed the next set EX Ruby/Sapphire literally less than a month after WoTC's last set.
            There were definitely negotiations on the part of NIntendo to keep using the same card back and the term Trading Card Game. So they didn't hate each other though I'm sure there was some bad blood since NIntendo basically poached a bunch of people from Wizards to work for at the time Pokemon USA Inc to continue the card game.

            they wouldn't even bring over most of the japanese promo cards and they kept doing that shit where they'd make non holo versions of all the rares when no one wanted that

            Actually that was only done for Jungle/Fossil/Team Rocket sets because those sets were like 30 cards each. The game was also new to Japan so they didn't realize the money they could make with larger sets so they would have these mini "sets" so by having non holos they could sell them as expansions here in america. Wizards basically told the japanese to make the sets bigger and they did.
            Wizards collaborated a lot with TPC or whoever was in charge in Japan and some of their ideas were used, hell they made that Dark Raichu card. Many ideas of what was going to be another Wizards of the Coast set full of original cards became EX Pokemon which was what kept the Game alive in all of Gen III.

            • 2 years ago

              In Japan it was Media Factory that made the cards then. I remember pulling that dark raichu card at pokemon league and kids were losing their minds because no one knew it existed then

      • 2 years ago

        the timeline on your 2nd paragraph is off, TPC had the rights back from wotc by the DS era. As I and another anon explained, no DS game was far more the result of the actual TCG being unpopular during this era. Pokémon in general was at its least popular outside of main series game sales until HG/SS when the online game launched in beta and the TCG rose in popularity again

        Huh, interesting. Admittedly, I had backed out of the TCG by the time Neo was introduced, so the only things I strongly were the e-Reader cards and the change of hands between WotC and TPC. I hadn't realized that the popularity of the TCG had gotten THAT bad.

  10. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Cool pic

    • 2 years ago

      I love the card artwork they managed to pull off in this sort of hardware, I recall Yu-Gi-Oh! having some impressive card artwork on the Game Boy Color aswell, it must've been difficult to translate the real life art into such a low resolution, but they definitely pulled it off quite briliantly for the time.

  11. 2 years ago

    cause pokemon TCG had already gone to shit by then

  12. 2 years ago


    not that guy but jank doesnt entail shitty moron. lots of amazing games are janky af like morrowind.

    • 2 years ago

      uhh yeah no jank means shitty.

  13. 2 years ago

    'Jank' is a meaningless buzzword. That's why I've deleted every post in this thread that even uttered the term. Fricking owned.

  14. 2 years ago

    I see you, you pathetic fricking jannies. You will never silence me. Suck rugga's three inch dick.

  15. 2 years ago

    Anyone who says jank is an automatic low IQ zoomer moron.

    • 2 years ago

      janky wanky, touch grass

    • 2 years ago

      you just said it so i guess you're calling yourself moronic. nice self own gayoid.

  16. 2 years ago

    I honestly expected better from /vr/. These jannies are Luciferian wienersuckers just like the rest. Do zerzetzung on me again, you cowardly homosexuals.

    • 2 years ago

      There's some obnoxious fricking troon that managed to infiltrate, probably also moderates plebbit and discord. I've been posting here for years and I've seen some egomaniac homosexual ruining good threads and being a dick head all the time now. Not that your posts were of any quality, I'm just saying.

  17. 2 years ago

    Completed the first one again yesterday, what a fricking fantastic game. Really top tier stuff. Looking forward to playing the second one now, which I've never seen before.
    I remember when I bought my DS I was so excited to play pokemon TCG on it, imagining all the possibilities for moving cards around using the touchscreen and using the upper screen to view stats as well as the playing field, etc. I was fricking GUTTED when I learned that the series never progressed past GBC.

  18. 2 years ago

    Is there any way to play Pokemon TCG nowadays without the israelitey Pokemon TCG Online that forces you to only play latest sets and is expensive s frick?

    • 2 years ago

      Look up "Pokemon Play it v2". fun little game

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