Why was it snubbed?

Why was it snubbed?

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  1. 6 months ago

    It mid.

    • 6 months ago

      FPBP. You gays only cared about this game because of your troony bogeyman culture war horseshit. It wasn’t actually a good game.

    • 6 months ago

      you bots are so repetitive

  2. 6 months ago

    Trannies, but also it was just an incredibly mediocre game

    • 6 months ago

      It mid.

      It was one of the best games of the year you homosexuals.
      Better than Tears of the Cuckdom or Baldur's Gay Threesome

  3. 6 months ago

    Frontloaded as frick. Hogwarts was decent, Hogsmeade was ok. Both showed signs of typical fetch questing. Then you step out into the world and it's "villages" and "ruins" with nothing but Ubisoft formula around. Frick your checklist bullshit.

    • 6 months ago

      yeah you burned through the interesting school stuff way too fricking quickly, other than the Slytherin twinks and Uganda Animagus Mary Sue girl the other class mates and all the other professors felt like they were barely there really killed the immersive feel

    • 6 months ago

      Like half of the map is gorgeous but completely underused, kinda crazy if you think about it. The south with all the highlands and the beach outside of the main story stuff only has the shitty challenges.

    • 6 months ago

      this is the perfect description
      the first 3-4 hours were exciting and then the next 30 hours were fricking dreadful because you start to realize how the sausage is made. again and again and again and again until all that's on your screen is pig intestines

  4. 6 months ago

    >game made 1 billion in revenue
    >it's also mid as frick
    It should've been nominated at least, worse games were nominated

    • 6 months ago

      Did it get nominated for anything? I can see it not winning but no nominations is definitely a snub if so. It was average as a game but the world itself was built out really well even if it got filled with nothing. I'd say poor devs but if
      is true then they made bank and don't care. I'd like to see them take the effort into a better sequel with you know more focus on the actual name of the game. Hogwarts.

    • 6 months ago

      If the name even appeared in text, Geoff would be cancelled and the audience would have booed it.

  5. 6 months ago

    If it wasn't set in the harry potter universe it would be completely unremarkable. The game should have been a life at hogwarts simulator not a action adventure game that takes place around hogwarts

  6. 6 months ago

    The game awards are run by trannies

  7. 6 months ago

    Trannies, there’s no other reason

  8. 6 months ago

    100 hours of steadily declining content, from mid to kinda garbo, not hard to understand why

    • 6 months ago

      then why zelda, Black personman or woke2 was there?

  9. 6 months ago

    Loved seeing redpilled nerds buy this game and have their dreams destroyed when they played one of the wokest games of the year and whined about it.

    • 6 months ago

      >Loved seeing redpilled nerds buy this game
      How many did you see? How did you know they were redpilled? Did you film it?

    • 6 months ago

      >wokest games

  10. 6 months ago

    Because of politics. Anyone claiming otherwise donates to Jim Sterling’s Patreon.

  11. 6 months ago

    It was too controversial.
    I like it for what it is. I don't give a single shit about culture war shit, but it should be noted that the sites that gave it a 0/10 was part of the jury.

  12. 6 months ago

    The game will sell another billion when it comes out on Switch and the gaming media outlets that run the game awards and their moronic fans will sit there and cry about it.

  13. 6 months ago

    I liked it, but I don't think it was snubbed, it just wasn't GOTY material. Most of the time I spent playing it I was wishing they had done this or that differently. The bones of a great game are there, but there's not nearly enough of the good stuff and way too much of the mediocre stuff.

    • 6 months ago

      Very well said, I agree. I think they went a little too hard on the various interactables, like who gives a shit about those landing pads? Also, it definitely didn't need to have such a cumbersome loot/gear system. It should've been like Assassin's Creed Valhalla where there's one version of every item that gives a specific bonus, not like it's now where you could go your entire playthrough without seeing a normal sleek wizards hat.
      The combat and general atmosphere is great though, aside from that I wish they had focused more on the ambient sound design, as it's too quiet.
      This game kind of made me excited for the next Fable because I'd imagine it'll have a similar setting since it's so british.

    • 6 months ago

      This. If they focussed more on Hogwarts and SOME surrounding areas with more interactivity than shitty bandit camps this game could have been kino.
      On the bright-side the foundations are there and the next games could be better.

    • 6 months ago

      It is still better than half of the lazy remakes and sequels that got nominated especially the Nintendo titles. It should have at least been nominated for some categories but we know why it didn't. Quit coping

    • 6 months ago

      Very well said, I agree. I think they went a little too hard on the various interactables, like who gives a shit about those landing pads? Also, it definitely didn't need to have such a cumbersome loot/gear system. It should've been like Assassin's Creed Valhalla where there's one version of every item that gives a specific bonus, not like it's now where you could go your entire playthrough without seeing a normal sleek wizards hat.
      The combat and general atmosphere is great though, aside from that I wish they had focused more on the ambient sound design, as it's too quiet.
      This game kind of made me excited for the next Fable because I'd imagine it'll have a similar setting since it's so british.


  14. 6 months ago

    Because if you remove the IP, there's nothing actually good about it as a generic open world game.
    But it does do a fantastic fricking job as a Harry Potter game, probably the best the IP has seen.

  15. 6 months ago

    it is for movie fans not for gamers.

  16. 6 months ago

    It should have spent more time in the cool-ass Magical School for Wizards & Witches.

  17. 6 months ago

    Now that the dust has settled, were the posters saying "I'm buying this game to stick it to the trannies" real people or viralers?

    • 6 months ago

      Those homosexuals are always like 95% shitposters. Or morons with their money.

  18. 6 months ago

    >Why was it snubbed?
    Because degenerated leftoids hate JK Rowling.

    These award shows are all politicized.

    • 6 months ago

      Sea of Stars are from devs where one of them put in Jordan Peterson quotes into the game. Sea of Stars won best Indie game

      The problem is that outside of being a Harry Potter game, there really isn't anything to write home about with Hogwarts Legacy.

      • 6 months ago

        >Jordan Peterson quotes into the game.
        lmao, why are modern devs like this

      • 6 months ago

        Come on man.
        Trannies were harassing streamers, put vtubers out of business and created an app to dox anyone who played HLs.
        Itd not the same ballpark.

    • 6 months ago

      >Because degenerated leftoids hate JK Rowling.
      This. troony activists have been attacking and slandering her daily for years. They even attempted to get Hogwart's Legacy canceled.

    • 6 months ago

      >Because degenerated leftoids hate JK Rowling.
      This. troony activists have been attacking and slandering her daily for years. They even attempted to get Hogwart's Legacy canceled.

      game literally had trannies in it.
      I dropped it shortly after this scene. Glad I pirated it lol

      • 6 months ago

        >First voice actor was MtF
        >somewhat passes
        >trans community - "she doesn't sound trans!"
        >fire voice actor, hire another MtF voice actor
        >does not pass at all
        >trans community - "this is intentionally triggering my dysphoria"

        You can't win, so don't even engage them. They're going to squawk and hollar no matter what, whatever you do will never be enough to appease them. The only winning move is not to play.

  19. 6 months ago

    Seeing the Baldur's Gate 3 sweep and how everyone is shitting on Zelda and Spider-man because of it, they're probably glad they weren't invited.

  20. 6 months ago

    Reminder Twitter trannies accused them of hiring a man to voice the troony character, then they had to do damage control when they found out SIRona's manly-sounding VA was actually a troony

  21. 6 months ago

    I miss Bloomposting.

  22. 6 months ago

    Which category was it going to compete in? There are like 5-6 goysloppy action games from this year that didn't even get nominated yet are still better than Hogwarts.

  23. 6 months ago

    Yeah, it was totally boycotted. Even if it was not GOTY material, there were another dozen of category it could be, at least, nominated.

  24. 6 months ago

    Trannies no real other answer. It sold double the amount of Spiderman lol

  25. 6 months ago

    I would have thought it'd at least get nominated in the music category.

  26. 6 months ago

    S-she's fast!

  27. 6 months ago

    Muh JKR.
    Granted, the game was okayish, not something spectacular but okay. It had really good aesthetic and music, though.

  28. 6 months ago

    It was complete mediorce ubislop that people are only discussing now because of moronic culture war shit. Imagine a world where the author didn't give a mom-tier opinion on troons that caused people to ape out and the game came out EXACTLY as it was (with the literal troony in it). How much do you think people would still care about it outside of pottermoregays

    • 6 months ago

      >ignoring the upcoming sequel

  29. 6 months ago

    playing it now, its a mediocre open world game carried by the setting pretty much
    course it got omitted from game awards because of the """"controversy""""" but game awards are complete ass and dont matter

    • 6 months ago

      >dont matter

      • 6 months ago

        >90% of vote is decided by the judges, half of which arent even videogame outlets
        just put a group of monkeys in a room and let them hit buttons, basically the same result

        • 6 months ago

          >ignoring player's voice

  30. 6 months ago

    GOTY I understand, but no music, or art style? Thats a blatant snub.

  31. 6 months ago

    Game was mid

  32. 6 months ago

    >Not using nude mods
    Come on now-viosa

  33. 6 months ago

    Cassandra > Merula

  34. 6 months ago

    it's a shit game
    t. finished it because harry potter was my childhood. whatever your opinion is on jk rowling it doesn't make it a good game (and if your opinion is not that she's an angry old c**t desperately clinging onto relevance by saying stupid shit you are an incel. remember back in 2015 when she was saying the dumb "they pooped their pants canonically" shit and you all thought she was a dumb c**t? but then she started shitting on trans people and now suddenly she's no longer a dumb c**t? no, you're fricking moronic and she has just always been a dumb c**t who happened to write some good books for children)

    • 6 months ago


      game literally had trannies in it.
      I dropped it shortly after this scene. Glad I pirated it lol

      >not giving JKR money

  35. 6 months ago

    The actual reason is Warner Bros didn't front money for nominations because they as a company are bleeding like 20 stuck pigs and getting passed around like a cheap prostitute.

  36. 6 months ago

    Game released too early, its recency bias

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