Why was it so good?

Why was it so good?

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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    It's overrated.

    • 4 months ago

      Fippy Bippy

    • 4 months ago

      Not an argument

    • 4 months ago

      OP status: destroyed

    • 4 months ago

      nvgays forever BTFO

    • 4 months ago


      why does this meme exist. it's one of my favorite games ever and i'm not trans

      Yeah I genuinely feel like the whole transgender Fallout New Vegas thing is only posted by people who have a swarthy obsession with Fallout 3. Just ignore them. I still play it

    • 4 months ago

      Correct. But it's also as good as it gets if you want to play Fallout.

    • 4 months ago

      nah your post is

  2. 4 months ago

    He understood the world.

    • 4 months ago

      >People who stopped playing FNV before making a character

      • 4 months ago

        you looked stunning standing next to todd btw

        • 4 months ago

          Not sure why you posted a picture of yourself standing next to Todd Howard, but you do you, NV troony

          • 4 months ago

            Trannies are disgusting. Bunch of freaks. Wanna watch troony porn with me so we can see how disgusting it is? Their troony bodies banging one another, gross.

            • 4 months ago

              >banging one another
              just watch robo porn, it’s way better

    • 4 months ago

      Unironically this. He gets clowned here a lot, but the fact is that he has a good understanding of political theory and individual motives which is why New Vegas turned out to be so compelling. It's also because of this that he's left-wing and not a right-wing incel like most of Ganker

      • 4 months ago

        >New Vegas turned out to be so compelling
        the game is not compelling at all you dumb Black person. you're just parroting what you heard online.

        >decadent democratic republic
        >barbaric "retvrn to monkey" outfit
        >technocratic elite
        >le epic freedom from everything, no kings no master reddit tier shit
        very compelling. you Black folk praise this game because the options are colorful and distinct, not because of their inherent quality

        • 4 months ago

          >GAME ISNT COMPELLING Black folk!
          >proceeds to list why the game is compelling.

        • 4 months ago

          name 3 vidya settings thats more compelling

          • 4 months ago

            arma 3, halo, house flipper

      • 4 months ago

        dont want to sound like a chud but im very, very certain most smart leftists are 100-110 iq and after a certain threshold you adopt a more utilitarian viewpoint and skew a bit more to the right

        your run of the mill white leftist will be smarter than right wing folk but most smart people I know arent leftists

      • 4 months ago

        >I don't get this point because the vast majority of professional writers and game devs are already leftwing like 7/10, usually more. Unless you meant some combination of being leftwing + a good writer. But that's still doesn't make sense, are there any right wing video game story writers? Good or bad?

        dont want to sound like a chud but im very, very certain most smart leftists are 100-110 iq and after a certain threshold you adopt a more utilitarian viewpoint and skew a bit more to the right

        your run of the mill white leftist will be smarter than right wing folk but most smart people I know arent leftists

        "Left" and "Right" in general terms are too vague and can be known to have different attributes depending on nation and era. Picture related.

        • 4 months ago

          Here's the real secret.
          It's because in order for these devs to land these jobs they need college experience, can you guess what happens are college?

          • 4 months ago

            What happens are college?

        • 4 months ago

          Zelda games are right wing
          >Link works for the crown to restore order and tradition to the land and recodify the preexisting monarchy
          >He is a hero foretold in legend, generations of reincarnated Heroes of Courage as the triforce's trinity is forever
          >defeat the evil, restore order

      • 4 months ago

        Sawyer has gotten too political, everyone got more political after 2016. I highly doubt he could pull off new vegas again.

        • 4 months ago

          everyone got more dumb after 2016*

      • 4 months ago

        So then was Caesar's misunderstanding of Hegel's philosophy intentional?

        • 4 months ago

          It really does seem like the Legion in general is deliberate well poisoning to any sort of anti degeneracy ideology rather than something made in good faith, like how they pronounce Ceasar wrong is supposed to make them look like a bunch of morons for example; same thing with Ceasar randomly bringing up Hegel as if anyone with his predisposition would bring up a modernist philosopher rather than you know, an actual ancient roman philosopher.
          New Vegas really is NCR biased, which is basically the globohomosexual faction.

          • 4 months ago

            >New Vegas really is NCR biased
            It really isn't, the NCR are presented as incompetent corrupt morons who are going to get raped at the upcoming battle if the Courier doesn't save them

            • 4 months ago

              >It really isn't, the NCR are presented as incompetent corrupt morons
              And that's as bad as their critique gets, just incredibly banal "they are good guys with good intent but they have flaws" type of milquetoast criticism. Meanwhile the Legion are made out to be le evil sexists, cannibal supporters, chauvinists that only think about survival of the fittest and screw people that actually need medicine or drugs to survive and generally violent psychopaths.
              But sure, the game definitely isn't NCR biased at all, they just make even bad NCR guys like the traitor that gave deliberate disinformation to ranger as sympathetic while the Legion has far fewer quests and everyone is psychotic. Okay dude.

              • 4 months ago

                You were filtered.

              • 4 months ago

                I accept your concession NCR gay.

              • 4 months ago

                The legion uses medicine just not any addictive drugs and if you want to talk about violent psychopaths just talk to Boone about how he blew his own wife's head off.

              • 4 months ago

                >just not any addictive drugs
                They do on a very specific basis. For example, Legionary Assassins will sometimes drop Psycho and Buffout.

          • 4 months ago

            >New Vegas really is NCR biased
            I wouldn't really say that. It definitely has the most NV content but a lot of it just talks about how there's a big divide in ethics and logic between the upper and lower echelons of the NCR, both militarily and politically. You've got a bunch of chickenhawks in the brass looking for every excuse they can to slam their dicks on the Mojave to prove they aren't already dying out because of the BoS pulling a funny little prank on their gold reserves yanking around a litany of typically well-intentioned but often propagandized troopers who've been put through crucible after crucible for what is ultimately a goal they can't achieve on their own. And the chickenhawks keep hiring people who are more than happy to screw them over (Hildern, Contreras). The Legion, meanwhile, typically doesn't need much help from the Courier given they're fighting strong even without a Legion-aligned Courier arming them, and they're constantly demonstrating how in deep they've already gotten into the Mojave given they're making deals with the Van Graffs and Khans and are intentionally destroying settlements within eyeshot of the NCR's Mojave Outpost. The entire game sets it up that Legion are, in spite of being a bunch of sodomites in football gear, well-armed and in the advantage and to some people possibly even in the moral right while very few people give even faint praise to the NCR. And House just gets to sit there in his gooncave laughing it up the entire time.

  3. 4 months ago

    It's immersive and has some great mechanics games struggle to replicate to this day.
    It's only shortcoming is that it's stuck in the Gamebryo engine.

    • 4 months ago

      That's a massive shortcoming.
      Makes it feel like a shitty MMO alpha or something half the time.

  4. 4 months ago

    because there aren't any Black folk and stinky, filthy, genocidal, hooknose-having, pedophile, dick-mutilated, world controlling, disgusting, disingenuous, lying, well-poisoning, society destroying israelites in the game

    • 4 months ago

      >there aren't any Black folk

      • 4 months ago

        honorary white

        • 4 months ago


          • 4 months ago

            Ulysses was so kino, why does he make Gankertards and normaloids seethe so much?
            >inb4 muh bare and da bool

            • 4 months ago

              I still have a hard time understanding his motivations for his actions outside of what Courier 6 did at the Divide. Maybe it's because I was drunk the last time I played through that DLC. I like his voice though sounds cool.

        • 4 months ago
        • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      the legion fits the bill on some of those points lul

    • 4 months ago

      There are sweeping pluralities of Black folk in the game, including one of the major rivals. And there is a israelite in the game, he's the composer.

  5. 4 months ago

    the Toddler didnt work on it

    • 4 months ago

      Emil also didn't work on it

  6. 4 months ago

    Devs had talent and passion for what they were making, both of those things (especially both at once) are a rarity in game devs now

  7. 4 months ago

    it broke me

    • 4 months ago

      then (you) are weak

  8. 4 months ago

    The world felt much more real than Fallout 3

  9. 4 months ago
  10. 4 months ago

    the writing. the whole point is going from 1 end to another and find npc's to talk to and shit. everything else is secondary. hell even the distance between points of interests are like surgically designed in a lab to always keep your interest the second you start doubting the point of continuing while free roaming with the radio on

    • 4 months ago

      i once read a comment someone made on reddit that fallout new vegas is a visual novel. and it's been living rent free in my head ever since then tbh with you guys

      • 4 months ago

        >is a visual novel
        It's not. It can get there quality wise, in the sense that you are actually curious what certain NPC's have to say.
        The gameplay systems and exploration aspects are all too deep for it to be meant to be story driven alone.

        • 4 months ago

          >The gameplay systems and exploration aspects are all too deep for it to be meant to be story driven alone.
          yeah i know. but considering the highlight of the game is the writing makes it sound logical lmfao

      • 4 months ago

        Do you morons actually know what a visual novel is? Like have you actively seen one? Or did you just hear about it and now use it as a buzzterm every time you need a convenient criticism for someone that requires more brain function than shoot and move forward?

    • 4 months ago

      >the distance between points of interests
      I have almost zero patience with open world games and NV surprised me with this. There's very little downtime where I was just waiting for this running across the landscape to be over, and it helps that the game world isn't frickhuge.

      • 4 months ago

        yeah for sure. they really knew what they were doing considering it's a desert wasteland with not many buildings and shit present because they only had 16-18 months to finish the game

        • 4 months ago

          >the distance between points of interests
          I have almost zero patience with open world games and NV surprised me with this. There's very little downtime where I was just waiting for this running across the landscape to be over, and it helps that the game world isn't frickhuge.

          It's small and fairly routed even, but they let you peek out and/or break out of the routes, which makes the world feel bigger than it really is. They way they toyed with certain landmarks also adds to that.
          Ever notice how the Lucky 38 is visible from the most of the main map? If you TFC yourself upwards you can clearly see it's intentional by looking at the LOD's. Same with the yangtze memorial in the early game. Stuff like that adds a lot to scale.
          And meant to instill the feeling of the lucky38 being the shining beacon of hope over New Vegas.

      • 4 months ago

        One thing the Mojave has that spices up most of the overworld travel is random injections of chaos. If you stick to the roads, you'll get jumped by jackals, vipers, fiends, and later assassins from factions you've slighted. If you stray off the beaten path, you usually stumble into radioactive trash-holes or nests of very angry mutant animals or dens of feral ghouls or old facilities packed with still-active security robots. So when you're not getting a quiet walk, you're being inundated with immediate threats. The chaos is amped up if you stick to Hardcore mode as well, since then you're forced to navigate differently to mitigate resource losses and acquire more food/water and end up constantly having to concede to your needs and make a detour to somewhere you normally wouldn't go just to increase the odds of getting food and water - typically at the cost of all the previously mentioned threats showing up. Fallout 3 doesn't properly have this due to the random encounter system and level scaling making it so every threat you find is typically tuned to your exact tier of power, and Fallout 4 only kinda has this in bursts around the urban centers.

        • 4 months ago

          >Fallout 3 doesn't properly have this due to the random encounter system and level scaling making it so every threat you find is typically tuned to your exact tier of power,
          Idk man, the mall trenches felt very overtuned

        • 4 months ago

          >Fallout 3
          >level scaling making it so every threat you find is typically tuned to your exact tier of power
          It's fallout 3
          Game is fricking broken and suffers from the same problem as oblivion although not as much
          Enemies are too fricking fat at high levels
          Same problem in fallout 4 but there it's solved by magic guns that shoot two bullets

    • 4 months ago

      the writing sucks though it is just a bunch of exposition text dumps about tired shades of gray bullshit
      >actually murder rapes aren't always bad if you think about it

      • 4 months ago

        >the writing sucks though it is just a bunch of exposition text dumps about tired shades of gray bullshit
        not much else you can do considering the game engine it's stuck in and shit

  11. 4 months ago

    Because Bethesda didn't make it

  12. 4 months ago

    Trans game

  13. 4 months ago

    Your choice and the consequences that followed felt real.
    And pretty much every build/playthrough was viable. No EXP farming needed. You can sneak into one of the casinos pretending to be the plumber as an example.

  14. 4 months ago

    Because the devs knew what Fallout was meant to be and they even outplayed Bethesda in their own engine at some points in the game.
    Lighting in a bottle. Won't ever happen again. Might as well ... begin again.

    • 4 months ago

      >they even outplayed Bethesda

      like that was hard to do

    • 4 months ago

      new vegas is good but unfinished
      made by proto sjws
      buggy as frick and runs like shit
      if 3 had vanilla ironsights u people would like it more
      3 is way better lol
      nv is better than vanilla fallout 4 tho

      • 4 months ago

        good morning sirs

  15. 4 months ago

    because everything was optional, and all but ONE npc is flagged as "essential"

    thats why it feels free, because it was, everything was OPTIONAL, hate the quest, quest giver, or just dont enjoy that person existing? choice is yours to make. Got 99% through the quest for one particular faction and just dont like them? go nuts, kill em all if you want.

    Proper role playing and build viability goes a LONG FRICKING WAY in making a game and world feel unique and alive.

  16. 4 months ago

    Boymodder here, just wanted to say that this is my favorite game lol

    • 4 months ago

      can I see your tdick

  17. 4 months ago

    It lets you be a trans person and fight against fascism. You get perks that validate your identity too. Phenomenal example of representation that will be studied for decades.

  18. 4 months ago

    It's got some great things about it, but the fact that it's a broken mess on the gamebryo engine makes it a bad video game. Does it have good writing, world-building and music? Sure. Does it have gameplay that isn't a clunky mess?

    • 4 months ago

      >Does it have gameplay that isn't a clunky mess?
      Today it kinda does. It requires a fairly big effort on the players part though, so that doesn't invalidate your argument at all.
      I just want to say that the mod support of this game is insane. There's on average a 100 mods per week being added still.
      Guides like Viva New Vegas and MEG on top of that remove all the clunk, bugs and add sensible things like pickup/skin animations. Feels like Vegas is in it's prime today to be honest.
      If you ever wanted to experience all Vegas should have been, today is the day. But you'll have to put in a few hours of modding work.

    • 4 months ago

      You can mod in good gameplay, but you can't mod in good writing and roleplaying.

  19. 4 months ago

    Bethesda game but written by people with a small amount of human dignity

  20. 4 months ago

    Trans people did not get many games that catered to them. I am glad you found a game you connect with.

    • 4 months ago

      why does this meme exist. it's one of my favorite games ever and i'm not trans

      • 4 months ago

        It's like the anti-atheist memes. it doesn't have to work it just has to make the apologist feel better.

        • 4 months ago

          Lol you’re right, I never thought of that. Anti-atheist memes are just “you wear hat” and anti-New Vegas memes are just “you are troon”
          Guess this is what internet-rot and irony poisoning does to a mothafricka. Now you’ve got morons who’s identity revolves around winning a culture war by fighting against 15 year old video games and imaginary militant atheists in their heads

      • 4 months ago

        It helped you realize your true self and come to terms with the truth that your current life as a man wasn't working out for you.

        *yet, little eggy

      • 4 months ago

        It's a dumb one contrived by people who don't have the capacity to argue against anything.
        Nv is too smart for them so it's a troony game.

      • 4 months ago

        It’s just a pejorative from people with no argument. Nothing more than schoolyard taunting. Ganker HATES things that are popular so they have to find a way to shit on things that are, but they lack the mental capacity to find real issues with New Vegas (to which absolutely exist) so instead they just scream troony troony troony troony. Same with BG3 threads.

        • 4 months ago

          You will never be a femoid, troon

          • 4 months ago

            Case in point

          • 4 months ago

            Neither will you, homosexual

      • 4 months ago

        Because the fanbase unironically got filled with them around 2016. Pretty apparent if you watch fallout YT. Suddenly there was nothing but furry or troony pfp channels covering fallout.

        • 4 months ago

          Wait seriously? Well shit. I still love the game but I guess I can't associate myself with it anymore. Kinda like harry potter, still really like the books but I refuse to mention that I like it anywhere outside of here cause it's associated with the LCD of society.

        • 4 months ago

          >if you watch fallout YT
          i mean literally who is there?
          """fallout youtube""" is literally just gopher spending 40min describing a New Vegas mod by talking very slowly and over explaining things.

      • 4 months ago

        Because instead of trying to gatekeep redpilled non sheep pollacks will go "ok you can have it uhh now its an LGBT game" and then go "WAIT WTF WHY ARE THERE LGBT PEOPLE EVERYWHERE?!"

      • 4 months ago

        Astroturfing trannies latching onto it because it’s popular. They know that if they go for it normally they’ll be told to frick off and kill themselves so they come at it from a different angle. Think about it what kind of people are so demented that they have entire folders of troony images from twatter, reddit, nexus, and discord. They always give the same arguments that never hold up under scrutiny but are just there to get the idea out. It’s all about quantity over quality and you either have one deranged troon spamming shit and samegayging or a cabal of them raiding from discord. And if you want to say that’s sounds schizophrenic, think about who we’re discussing and what they do on regular basis.

      • 4 months ago

        because stupid and ideologically dogmatic morons were given a chance to be taken seriously and this is the result

      • 4 months ago

        finally a non-moron, as had a question how did I obtain that special plasma castor?

    • 4 months ago
  21. 4 months ago


    Fallout New Vegas redpills ^^

    • 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      so what, you morons scour literally every single youtuber with a take on something and watch them in hopes of having something new to talk about?

      • 4 months ago

        That video is actually a good watch though. Like 98 percent of fallout videos are spent just summarizing lore or shit that happens in game that anybody who played the game already knows

        • 4 months ago

          so what you're saying. it's fallout new vegas schizo fan fiction?
          if it's not, tldw to me and maybe i'll watch later

  22. 4 months ago

    It has politics and gives the player ability to freely navigate and choose from them.
    Politics are fundamental for our species and any game that does have them will be always inferior to New Vegas.
    Also the amount of choice and open world is crucial and few games ever managed to do that. Skyrim for example is also successful because of politics and open world.
    No other game except for Deus Ex 1 is remembered in the last 25 years as much as New Vegas and Skyrim. Basically nothing exists between them. The Last of Us is more like an interactive movie than a video game.

  23. 4 months ago

    >Why was it so good?
    Its an interesting story about three different factions with three different ideologies fighting over natural resources set in a near-future post nuclear apocalypse, with RPGs elements so in depth that its world notices and rewards players for doing some of the most unexpected things, such as sparing Gabe and protecting him from the roboscorpions despite his hostility during Old World Blues. When the threads arent spewing troony bait, people are discussing their playthroughs, mods, and bantering over which of the three aforementioned ideologies is best.

    • 4 months ago

      >which of the three aforementioned ideologies is best.
      meant factions*, because the factions are much more entertaining to meme than the philosophies

      • 4 months ago

        House is the canon ending and status quo for the future of the Mojave. He protected vegas from dozens of nukes and made it the way it was by the time the courier got involved, even going as far as treating the courier not only as a simple mailman, but as a business partner after Benny double crossed him AND tried to kill you. The courier's story alone of hunting down Benny after nearly killing them gives the courier their reputation as some kind of badass who cheats death, which leads to the high rollers sucking their dicks/clits to be on their side.

        • 4 months ago

          >X is the canon ending because I liked it the most!

          • 4 months ago

            >X is the canon ending because I liked it the most!
            Because the only right answers are MY answers anon. Cite refutation or sit your ass back down

  24. 4 months ago

    >muh bare and da bool
    Because that's all they remember or understood from Ulysses. That's why Ganker will fall over itself trying to defend Fo3's main quest over Ulysses.
    Kojima was right. morons drag games down because they don't understand the games' intention half of the time.

    • 4 months ago

      Enlighten me on the DLC's intention oh wise anon!

    • 4 months ago

      As someone who considers FONV one of the best games ever made I don't give a crap about Ulysses. And in general, I don't give a crap about diversity inclusion in video games. Luckily it's relegated to just one (crappy) dlc.

  25. 4 months ago

    It's a game about trannies! How do you know when it's over?

    • 4 months ago

      When the player kills themselves of course!

  26. 4 months ago

    It's that troony game for trannies

  27. 4 months ago

    Character builds and roleplay.
    You can side with any faction regardless of your character's morals and make it work with some roleplay.
    >corrupt ncr politician who uses troops to fight
    >lady who helps the legjon to get revenge on NCR for being incompetent and letting fiends murder her family
    >a white glove society member serial killer cannibal who genuinely cares for new vegas, so he helps mr. House
    >a fiend who travels the mojave with his gang killing everyone

  28. 4 months ago

    The struggle between factions doesn't matter because it's clear the devs want you to go Independent.

    • 4 months ago

      Independent is only there to save players from absolutely decimating every other option since almost no-one is essential.
      It's also the reason Yes-man IS essential. And it's the fedora tipping option for players who really believe their enlightement could save the wasteland... *tips hat*, moron.

      • 4 months ago

        >And it's the fedora tipping option for players who really believe their enlightement could save the wasteland... *tips hat*, moron.
        Personally I like it because it lets you very aggressively go "Frick you, get out" to every faction of your choice. You can be very definitive in it. If you pick a side, you cut off a few potential factions that you could amuse yourself by completely removing from the game. Sometimes I want the Kings to be the only dominant force in the land after I've murderfricked the Van Graffs and terrorized Mick & Ralph so they can consolidate in the slums before eliminating the Casino Families so they can't extend their reach into Kings territory, then mulching the NCR so as to not let them annex our funky sons o' guns and turning Cottonwood Cove into a glowing beach so they don't have the motivation to claim another tribe.

        • 4 months ago

          I dislike it because it's a metagame concept diegetically put into the game that people take too seriously
          I wish there was an ending where you blow up the robot army and then leaves the mojave before the final battle, and the outcome is determined by what side quests you did

        • 4 months ago

          >go "Frick you, get out" to every faction of your choice
          You are kinda proving it's the fedora tippin' option. The path to euphoria. Which is a valid path, don't get me wrong. You do yours etc.
          But it's nowhere near the ''''intented'''' or canon ending. That most likely goes to House considering he's the most fleshed out.

      • 4 months ago

        >be so moronic he cant get any other ending other than the laziest ending where everything is self automated
        Just because its essential doesnt mean its good, its literally the moron ending.

      • 4 months ago

        Independent Vegas is for the Chad homies that realize every faction is moronic and House is a psycopathic narcissistic robot fricker. He only forces you to blow up the BOS bunker so they won't steal his sex robot from him. You get an army of robots to defend you while you frick hookers and do drugs in your private giant tower and you can manage to have good relations with other factions so you can use them as meat shields. It is the highest IQ choice in the game. Every faction is objectively shit.

  29. 4 months ago

    I just went to Zion and killed everythimg that moved.
    didn't try to figure out who is who or choose sides or anything,
    we came out of the tunnel from the Northern Passage and some frickers shot up an killed the whole caravan I was with.
    so I shot and killed every last mother fricker sorrows white legs fricker i saw in ion all the way from the Norhetn Passage to Angel Cave and back.
    Only chicken shit Joshua was nowhere to be found.

  30. 4 months ago

    As a trans person I simply couldn't get past all the misogyny, violence and rape apologism.
    I much preferred Fallout 4 and 3

    • 4 months ago

      Terrible bait

      • 4 months ago

        Morrowind has trannies

        • 4 months ago

          I don't like Morrowind.

          It's bait, Capital Wasteland is just as violent and rape-y as the Mojave

          • 4 months ago

            >Capital Wasteland is just as violent and rape-y as the Mojave
            It's not and the Commonwealth is even less

            • 4 months ago

              >half the population is raiders and slavers
              >not as violent and rape-y as the mojave
              Sure bro

              • 4 months ago

                There's like 3 sex slaves in the whole game
                New Vegas features an entire casino of them

              • 4 months ago

                There’s an entire slave camp in 3 of which you can enslave people and send them there via bomb collar.

              • 4 months ago

                there is no depiction of rape in fo3. sure you can you use imaginatino and say rape is happening because it's filled with raiders. but that's not the same and you know it

              • 4 months ago

                There's no depiction of rape in New Vegas either, it's mentioned, not shown.

              • 4 months ago

                ofc you're not going to see someone getting raped in front of you. that's never gonna happen in a game like this (without mods)
                i remember when i played new vegas back in 2018 that i stumbled upon the corpse of a naked woman just lying on the road and iirc the area around her pointed at her having gotten raped and killed there
                that's the best we're ever gonna get out of triple A gaming (so far)

      • 4 months ago
        • 4 months ago

          kys knowyourmeme tourist

          • 4 months ago

            I don't even know what that is, I grabbed it from google
            Sounds nomalhomosexual as frick tho, maybe go back there

          • 4 months ago

            how could you tell the file was from knowyourmeme just from that filename?

            • 4 months ago

              Nta but it's very easy to see which pics are from KYM

              • 4 months ago

                >shame black men
                We can't shame black men into having jobs, taking care of their kids, not committing crimes or even speaking proper English
                Why can they be ashamed into fricking trannies, then?

            • 4 months ago

              >but it's very easy to see which pics are from KYM
              and how's that?
              >that pic
              how is that relevant to my post lmfao

              • 4 months ago

                Are you really so dumb you can't read a filename?

              • 4 months ago

                right, i figured something was up with the filename lmfao. but alright, i guess i know now. thanks

        • 4 months ago

          >knows its bait
          >takes it anyway

    • 4 months ago
  31. 4 months ago

    As someone who plays games to play a fricking game, not read a book, I barely noticed a difference. Maybe there's more depth to the perk system, but the rest is the usual Bethesda bullshit of the era.

    Needs mods.

  32. 4 months ago

    It's not. It's shit. You know this to be true because Ganker says its good, which means it's actually the worst in the series. Just like Ganker says DS2 is the best Dark Souls.

  33. 4 months ago

    It wasn't. The Capital Wasteland and The Commonwealth were much more interesting to explore.

    • 4 months ago
  34. 4 months ago

    why doesn't bethesda let studios make spin-offs of their open world games like new vegas anymore? imagine an elder scrolls using skyrims engine set somewhere else

    • 4 months ago

      Because Emil would have constant twitter meltdowns if the same pattern of other developers creating better games with their IPs was recurring

    • 4 months ago

      New Vegas happened
      Letting others use Bethesda's engine will lead to broken ass games, and if it doesn't, it will make Bethesda look bad

    • 4 months ago

      Because they are scared. They know Obsidian would have totally outplayed them if they had more time.
      The shoddy release of New Vegas held it back and Bethesda was probably smiling. There is the whole bonus fiasco too.
      Wide appreciation for New Vegas only begun months after release. Release was really bad. Barely playable for some, literally unplayable for others. Unoptimized, constant crashes. Constant updates, attention and DLC saved it. Basically the beta version of the cyberpunk disaster.

      Risking another company making a better Fallout? Nah, not worth the risk.
      It's never getting a remake neither, that's for sure.

      • 4 months ago

        I still hate the fact Obsidian chose an 18 months deadline when even Bethesda told them not to
        >There is the whole bonus fiasco too.
        That's only a fiasco from the fans's perspective tbh, Obsidian agreed to it.

        • 4 months ago

          Obsidian always has been shit at time management
          Feargus Urquhart apparently doesn't know how the passage of time works

    • 4 months ago

      Obsidian, before the layoffs, offered to make Elder Scrolls New Vegas and Bethesda said no because they were focusing on Skyrim at the time and didn't want to take attention off of it. Then by the time Fallout 4 was in development, the only remaining New Vegas devs in Obsidian were Sawyer and like two programmers.
      I sincerely believe if they got the Metacritic bonus and Bethesda agreed to let them work on an Elder Scrolls spin-off, the Horizon games wouldn't exist.

      • 4 months ago

        A Gonzales-Sawyer-Avellone TES could've been pretty sweet
        I can imagine Avellone binge reading pages upon pages pf MK's ramblings so he could then write his own endless ramblings in response

        • 4 months ago

          Avellone would've been one of the few decent carriers-on of Kirkbride's writings purely because similar to Kirkbride he had a very tenuous relationship with sobriety. Though I think Balance-Man would've found a way to drag Kirkbride in simply because he's very autistic about authenticity (Half the reason New Vegas is a reboot of Van Buren is because it was Black Isle's last Fallout project, so you can't get much more Fallout than that) plus Kirkbride would probably want more involvement in a less Todd-heavy TES.

          • 4 months ago

            New Vegas feels Fallout in a way that 3 doesn't a lot because Obsidian was sorta like an Interplay ship of Theseus. A few of the from NV worked on 2 and one even in the OG.
            There's a sense of continuity and understanding that 3, 4 and specially 76 miss hard

  35. 4 months ago

    well a lot of stuff they aimed to do actually worked
    but one thing thats important to mention I think is how everything you see or hear about is in the game and you get to build a certain level of interest and tension before you interact with them

    Strip is there from the get go and gets bigger and more exciting as you approach Act 2, and then it fricking delivers with boatloads of quests and sprawling content across the entire map. it was supposed to be THE hub, and it is THE hub

    • 4 months ago

      It's a street with 3 loading screens.

      • 4 months ago

        It also had to run on PS360 hardware, which is the same reason the capital of Skyrim is like one city block.

  36. 4 months ago

    Cant wait for the shitstorm on Ganker when the fallout tv show comes out.
    From what we have seen so far in the trailer the NCR isnt even in callifornia, meanwhile the BOS seems to be larger then ever and operating in california.

    • 4 months ago

      All I care about is Goggins, who seems to be a living New Vegas representative with his Winchester 1887, his cowboy fit, and looking more like a Marked Man than a ghoul.

      • 4 months ago

        I'm interested on his performance, isnce he's said that he focused on taking influence from Westerns instead of being influenced by Fallout's ghouls.

      • 4 months ago

        This shit is gonna be so fricking terrible. There's like a 1% chance it isn't total dogshit.

        • 4 months ago

          >Goggins won't be saying Black person
          Ha. The only thing that could save this show would be him dropping some n-bombs.

    • 4 months ago

      I mean, we've already discussed it a couple times in past threads
      NV mentions the NCR will go through a famine in a couple years if they don't get the Dam, and 4 mentions that Arthur was actually approved by Lost Hill
      so the NCR collapse was already expected and the West Coast BoS can call the East Coast BoS for help

      • 4 months ago

        >NCR collapse
        Even if that's what happens then most of the previous NCR setlements should still be around.
        But they showed a big NCR setlement completly dead and as if it was the same place since the bombs fell.

        • 4 months ago

          Ulysses nuked Shady Sands i guess

          • 4 months ago

            All depends on if the show will recognize new vegas as official lore, bethesda doesnt.

            • 4 months ago

              They do, Fallout 4 and 76 reference New Vegas or use lore from it.

              • 4 months ago

                They do?
                never played fallout 76, but i never seen any terminal or npc talking about new vegas.

              • 4 months ago

                4 never outright mentions or references anything from New Vegas. The closest is reference to the New California Republic, but that's not a New Vegas-original faction, that's from Fallout 2. Didn't play 76 because it looked worse than 4 so I can't say whether or not it did.

                It's small mentions here and there compared to Fallout 3 references, but it's clear that NV is canon for Bethesda Fallout just like 1, 2 and to a lesser extent Tactics are.

              • 4 months ago

                4 never outright mentions or references anything from New Vegas. The closest is reference to the New California Republic, but that's not a New Vegas-original faction, that's from Fallout 2. Didn't play 76 because it looked worse than 4 so I can't say whether or not it did.

                Deacon quotes Mr. House's security override when talking to a Mr. Handy, there's terminal logs about Fixer, and Nuka Cola Wild was described as being intended to compete with Sunset Sarsaparilla. On the other hand, Cabot refers to an alien city hidden under the Mojave which clearly isn't the case in NV, which seems to be a retcon at best. Fallout 76 name drops some of the casinos and Mr. House, and a BoS guy in it actually is from the Mojave.

              • 4 months ago

                >Cabot refers to an alien city hidden under the Mojave which clearly isn't the case in NV, which seems to be a retcon at best.
                Yeah that's Bethesda's fascination for putting aliens, weird pre-war magical shit and Lovecraftian stuff into Fallout.

              • 4 months ago

                Still mad about the mothership zeta DLC trying to do a "lol it were aliens all along who started the war!!!" bullshit.
                The moron who came up with that at bethesda deserved to be shot.

              • 4 months ago

                4 never outright mentions or references anything from New Vegas. The closest is reference to the New California Republic, but that's not a New Vegas-original faction, that's from Fallout 2. Didn't play 76 because it looked worse than 4 so I can't say whether or not it did.

              • 4 months ago

                4 does mention Nuka Cola coming up with the Wild variant to compete with Sunset Sarsaparilla

              • 4 months ago

                So the only reference that new vegas exists in the bethesda fallout lore is a pre war beverage?

              • 4 months ago

                TBF it isn't like fo3 is referenced much in NV either, except for the wasteland survival guide the lone wanderer helped Moira with.

  37. 4 months ago

    New Vegas absolutely is a trans game.

    • 4 months ago

      i'll bite, explain it without sounding like a shizo.

      • 4 months ago

        I'm trans so anything I like is trans too

        • 4 months ago
        • 4 months ago

          this is the kind of quote I imagine some civillian spouting with spiral eyes when the protagonist has to fix some science experiment gone wrong

  38. 4 months ago


    I always knew Trans Vegas fans were pathetic but this just takes it to a whole new level

  39. 4 months ago

    I couldn't finish it because I got stuck just killing random shit and improving my stats, then I got bored. What mental disability do I have?

    • 4 months ago

      Not a disability, you're just averse to mediocre games like New Vegas

  40. 4 months ago



    I always knew Trans Vegas fans were pathetic but this just takes it to a whole new level

    Damn the schizo woke up, I guess it must be morning on his part of India

  41. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      >empower women by encouraging them to be prostitutes
      sin city fits NCR real well tbh

  42. 4 months ago

    they do be making it hella hard for the player to sympathize with the legion thobeit

    • 4 months ago

      But it's gold for players who want to do an evil run. It's really evil shit you can do in the name of the Legion.
      They weren't meant to be sympathized with. They are there to unleash your inner psychopath.

      • 4 months ago

        According to Sawyer you were meant to be able to sympathize or at least understand them,but it was all cut out for time
        Avellone is the one who thinks the Legion should be irredeemable, which is funny because he made his OC a Frumentarii.

      • 4 months ago

        I actually was gonna type
        >yeah and its cool you can continue being a legion footsoldier in DLCs
        but I realised I wasnt that certain as I never took it that far

        I know you can nuke NCR by the end of LSR, and I think I remember there was a way to side with White Legs during HH, but can you change roleplay as a legion dude during DLCs? anything interesting in DM and OWB?

        • 4 months ago

          >can you roleplay*
          idk how that "change" got in there

        • 4 months ago

          >I think I remember there was a way to side with White Legs during HH
          You remembered wrong, the way to "side with White Legs" is up front killing both the mormon stooges and clearing the DLC in under 5 minutes.
          DM and OWB have nothing to do with faction nonsense except when they talk about Ulysses.

      • 4 months ago

        honestly it feels like the factions seem to aligns with the karma system at least surface level, NCR is good karma, house is neutral karma, and legion is bad karma.

    • 4 months ago

      Till now people flanderize the legion and think Caesar is trying to emulate the Roman empire 1:1

  43. 4 months ago


    Saar, please post in English, I do not speak Hindi.

  44. 4 months ago

    You did get all the gold bars right, you didn't actually 'let go' did you?

    • 4 months ago

      Oh I let go alright. I let my gold bars go into the Gun Runners', Great Khans', and Mick & Ralph's coffers so that I could buy out their entire armories. I've got an unlimited companions+recruit anyone mod on, my plan is to build an army to rip a swathe through the Mojave.

    • 4 months ago


  45. 4 months ago


    Whatever you say pajeet, not that there's anything wrong with being Indian, but if you hate Fallout New Vegas you're probably a chud whos racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc so I'm calling you Indian because I know it will probably upset you, not because i think that there is anything wrong with being non-white mind you, I myself am an oppressed minority (trans) I'm just trying to upset you using your own ideology against you

    • 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago


      >blatant false flagging and replying to yourself
      sad t b h

  46. 4 months ago

    any kino lesser known mods?

    • 4 months ago

      This came out pretty recently, it's yet another overhaul mod a la Jsawyer aimed towards survivalism and running farms. Also has a new booze system and a trait that lets you get so blackout drunk you teleport to random location. Combine it with https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/82319?tab=description and it's basically a whole new way to play the game. I've been running a brahmin farm and selling french fries for a good 10 IRL hours at this point and it's weirdly fun.

      • 4 months ago

        >you get so blackout drunk you teleport to random location.

        is there something that turns the game into stalker sandbox?

        • 4 months ago

          The alternate start basically does that since it basically turns off the main quest - you can still hunt down Benny and need to in order to start the second half of the game but it doesn't force you via quest like before. Due to how the game's flags work I don't think we'll see a New Vegas Gamma/Anomaly any time soon because a lot of the game gets changed based getting the Platinum Chip.

  47. 4 months ago


    >DPRK and China

    • 4 months ago

      I've been laughing for 1+ minute at this point over that comment. and i have only laughed in total 5-6 times since 2017 started

  48. 4 months ago


    Every Fallout after NV has more immortal NPC's than the last. NV has almost none. GG no re, can't even play how you want lmao.

  49. 4 months ago

    Well written. Characters were made to feel real instead of caricatures. Was basically an extension of Fallout 1 and 2.
    Unparalleled freedom. You could kill almost every NPC at the cost of missing out on quests. There was a built in safety net in Yes Man, but you could still kill him every 3 days.
    The gun play, while dated, is still serviceable and can be improved through mods.
    All this done in about 18 months. Really makes you think. And I didn’t even mention the DLCs.

  50. 4 months ago


    I'll never forgive Obsidian for not making an Arizona DLC or at least 1 legion companion to explore their society more. I think vulpes would've fit the bill pretty well as a frumentarii.

    • 4 months ago

      >at least 1 legion companion to explore their society more
      Ulysses was supposed to be the legion companion until he had to be written out as a dlc instead because of developmental time restraints

      • 4 months ago

        >A nightkin as a companion
        >But not a legion one
        Wtf were they thinking

  51. 4 months ago

    put your programming socks on my face

  52. 4 months ago

    >leftist homosexual shit
    Frick off new trannies

  53. 4 months ago

    Between the shitposting and the troony spamming I wanted to ask about fallout 4 overhauls. I was looking on wabbajack and saw some people recommend the mod collection life in the ruins which has lunar fallout overhaul as part of the modpack. Was wondering if anyone here has played it and what their feelings on it are, especially compared to others like horizon. Thanks.

    • 4 months ago

      genuinenly think you'd go a lot further creating your own thread asking that question than doing it in a fo3 or new vegas thread lmao

      • 4 months ago

        I.... I thought it'd be okay since people were talking about the other games.

        • 4 months ago

          i've just come back to Ganker since 2017. and it looks like fallout threads have devolved into nothing but shitflinging and spamming shit about fo3 and new vegas. since i barely see anything about fo4, i figured it's just its own thread topic if you feel me

        • 4 months ago

          NTA, it was OK, there have been many times I engaged in stray convos in threads that make sense
          thank you for discussing video games in a video game board

  54. 4 months ago


    >putting a protected/essential/unkillable NPC in your meme
    not a good look, lol

  55. 4 months ago

    I liked it

  56. 4 months ago


    playing Fallout 3 felt like MaK-Ultar experiment irl

  57. 4 months ago

    Not developed by Bethesda

  58. 4 months ago


    So, do you think he would cope well under political tension? Of course not. Nuance would go out the window, along with a significant portion of the fanbase.

  59. 4 months ago

    Why did the devs choose to make Yes Man canon in the Lonesome Road ending slides?

    • 4 months ago

      "Old bad, New good"

  60. 4 months ago

    Crazy how chad posting went from something funny to ruining conversation on everything.

  61. 4 months ago



    • 4 months ago

      Has it increased in the past two years?

      • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Good filter word

  62. 4 months ago

    Why do so many trannies like fallout new vegas?

    • 4 months ago

      They're autistic men that like roleplaying. Why do autistic like blue?! Because it's a prominent color in our daily lives and is comforting. WHY TRAINS?! Because they have flexibility in railroad construction and form, but follow a strict logic. And pushing the envelope on the form and making optimal routes is very fun.
      Train autism and speedrunning troony-ism follow the same nuerotic tunnel vision sensibilities.
      Also lack of IRL friends + online friends = following online echo chambers.

      • 4 months ago

        Leave trains out of it lad they opened up civilisation and allowed us to advance at a breakneck speed.

    • 4 months ago

      Why do so many trannies like Fallout 3?

    • 4 months ago

      Why do so many trannies like Fallout 3?

      Trannies love Fallout in general

    • 4 months ago

      Most trannies are fringe nerds, Fallout is a fringe nerd game. You'll find trannies in most fringe nerd activities and communities. Same with furries. This is only surprising and/or astonishing to newbies.

      • 4 months ago

        A lot of trannies and israelites seem to love Warhammer 40k. That's the one that boggles my mind.

        • 4 months ago

          Like I said: Fringe nerd activity.
          >B-but Warhammer is huge in the UK!
          UK's also full of a lot of fringe nerd demographics. In more simple terms, autism and weird sexual deviant cultures exist in equal proportion to each other in a population. More autists, more sex pests, it's that simple.

    • 4 months ago

      A better question would be: why so many trannies likes videogames? Calling out the members of a fanbase as "trannies" is ridiculous when you consider they're infesting gaming in general, and not some specific fandom.

      • 4 months ago

        Troons latch onto popular things in hopes that they will also become popular through association. It’s a very common tactic that they use and they do it with pretty much everything.

  63. 4 months ago


    Yeah they do

  64. 4 months ago

    >discord troons deployed

    • 4 months ago

      How are indians linked to Fallout 3?
      It's banned over there.

      • 4 months ago

        they pirate games, anon.

        • 4 months ago

          Everyone pirates games tho

  65. 4 months ago


    Yeah they do

    Trannies love Fallout in general

    Trannies,,being the autists theyare, love RPGs, especially CRPGs, this is a known fact.

  66. 4 months ago


    help me then, because I seem to be a midwit, what is there to appreciate from FO3 after a surface level observation?

    • 4 months ago

      capeshit larp, vampire larp, vault of gary, camp full of children situated next to supermutants, essential characters and "what do they eat"?

    • 4 months ago

      Old fashioned Americana

  67. 4 months ago

    i won't lie, the fallout IP is one of the most intriguing of all shooter games. too bad it's been so horrendouzly underutilizied. be cool if we got NV's game design and writing with 4's tech.

    • 4 months ago

      It kind of reminds me of Star Wars where such a rich deep field had been drawn from the beginning but we only keep going back to the same factions fighting the same war across different battlefields.

    • 4 months ago

      >4's tech.
      Fallout 4 is 9 years old, and it was outdated back then. The shooting should be similar to Tarkov and other hardcore fps games, but with Fallout's gore.
      You would have to load your own mags on hardcore, use the right ammo variants against armored enemies and shit.

  68. 4 months ago

    why the moronic frog?

  69. 4 months ago

    I genuinely dont know where I would throw my support in the war between trannies and streetshitters.

    • 4 months ago

      There are no trannies, that’s shit was always just a forced meme by troons.

  70. 4 months ago

    because it's fun, just like 3, 4, and 76

  71. 4 months ago

    What's with all the troony bait in NV threads lately?

  72. 4 months ago

    True RPG experience
    great characters
    lots of ways to play the game, huge arsenal, a nice variety of builds
    great atmosphere
    actually cool and unique things to find in the world which gives you a reason to explore, check under every bed, open every locker etc. You might actually find a unique handgun you'll never see anywhere else in the game for example.
    Wasn't afraid to be grimdark or edgy in more than a few questlines
    Lets you kill literally anyone

    I could probably go on and on about the merits of this game

  73. 4 months ago


    If you feel this way about retro aesthetics surely you must appreciate the Wild West rambler vibes of NV?

  74. 4 months ago


    >Roman Empire in wasteland other than “fascism bad” preaching
    Found another troony midwit that doesn’t know what fascism is.

  75. 4 months ago

    Well it wasn’t because they fricked up the explosive physics so enemy just fall over instead of being blown into the sky.

    • 4 months ago

      huh? What's wrong with your copy?

  76. 4 months ago


    capeshit larp that wouldn't affect the story in any way if it was removed

    vampire larp that wouldn't affect the story in any way if it was removed

    vault of reddit gag joke

    children are essential npcs, no freedom

    essential npcs everywhere, no freedom

    reddit railroad themepark for adhd riddled troons written by a nepobaby shitalian that later went on to write starfield.

  77. 4 months ago


    >No, it is empty and boring
    It’s not, this is a cope used by morons that haven’t played the game, almost every location on the map is evenly spaced out and you won’t go ten minutes without running into something. Looks like the obsessed troon is at it again.

  78. 4 months ago

    So I uhh like both of them, they're just neat. Cool that Tale of Two Wastelands exists. I think I'll install it an imagine the whole lot of you seething during my playthrough.

    • 4 months ago

      >So I uhh like both of them
      I don't.
      As a trans person, only Bethesda games make me feel represented

      • 4 months ago

        Sounds like a (you) problem. Maybe take some pic related for that issue.

        • 4 months ago

          >Sounds like a (you) problem.
          Nah, it's a problem with other companies that don't properly represent trans fol(x) like Bethesda

          • 4 months ago

            Support yourself like everyone else you fricking coward.

  79. 4 months ago


    >dangerous areas of the DC infested cityscape
    "DC infested cityscape" how can you be shit posting for so long and yet still be unable to properly write a sentence?

  80. 4 months ago


    >"Story in a game ... not that important,"
    >in an thread about rpgs
    Thanks for playing, I accept your concession.

  81. 4 months ago


    Only part that matters. This is the only way he can politely explain they're a delusional troony.

  82. 4 months ago

    Only thirdies ever play these games anymore

  83. 4 months ago


    >the game has nothing to do with them and I have no idea why this reputation exists but whatever
    Is this supposed to be an argument? Why do you keep posting this? Why do you have tumblr shit saved?

  84. 4 months ago


    >not important to rpg
    thanks for playing, I accept your concession.

  85. 4 months ago


    Only part that matters. This is the only way he can politely explain they're a delusional troony.

    >the game has nothing to do with them and I have no idea why this reputation exists but whatever
    Is this supposed to be an argument? Why do you keep posting this? Why do you have tumblr shit saved?

    >but I'm glad for it
    >#trans rights

    • 4 months ago

      Freudian slip onto the wrong Gigachad, Mudasir? Glad to know you were falseflagging this whole time.

      • 4 months ago

        You’re a troony we know now join the 50% and stop larping as a thirdie.

        >Failed samegay
        why are f3 troons so incompetent?

        Pro-New Vegas transphobes and Anti-New Vegas transphobes lost

        • 4 months ago

          >Tried rallying against NV claiming they're troons
          >Has his own screencap used against him
          >Conveniently vanishes while someone who writes just like him posting the same level of moronicly banal image macros in the opposite direction to continue the narrative
          Very lazy, 2/10. I've seen better attempts at shitposting from Mexicans on Ganker.

          • 4 months ago

            >reveals that he’s been a troon the whole time
            >thinks this is somehow a win
            Now the next time you post this shit we can call you out immediately. Are you going to say you were shitposting all along next to save face and attempt to fix the situation?

            >dummies still don't get it
            I'm pro-New Vegas. I just hate transphobes, doesn't matter if you're pro-New Vegas or anti-New Vegas. Simple as.

            • 4 months ago

              Based. This is why I love the new Vegas community. I hope more people like you are on Ganker 😀

            • 4 months ago

              No you’re the samehomosexual that’s been spamming shit for hours and acting like a gay in order to be your own strawman so you can post as the “other guy” and say “look they really are trannies”. This is a common tactic among you morons because you think that being anonymous is enough to hide your moronation when in reality it’s just this meme.

              • 4 months ago

                This is what makes me prefer reddit since we can just block those transphobes.

              • 4 months ago

                Except I'm not samegayging. Your meme is also making a 'le both sides' argument. It's all one side. I hate anti-SJWs and transphobes. I don't even hide it lol.

              • 4 months ago

                Your response is the exact reason why I love fallout new Vegas. Such a hecking BASED and valid community.

              • 4 months ago

                >why I love fallout new Vegas. Such a hecking BASED and valid community.
                It's actually full of problematic buttholes and fascists
                Not like the diverse and queer friendly community Bethesda fosters at all

              • 4 months ago

                >problematic buttholes and fascists
                Every fandom is like this. Different groups in the fandom always have to team up to kick out the fascists.

              • 4 months ago

                >Every fandom is like this
                Not the transpositive Fallout 3 one

              • 4 months ago

                >Different groups in the fandom always have to team up to kick out the fascists.
                >not tolerating the opinions of all
                Uh that's facist of you

              • 4 months ago


                >no sirs, we do not redeem the samegayging. You are the schizos

            • 4 months ago

              Actually, I'm pro-Bethesda. I just hate transphobes, so luckily my company does it's best to cater to me

        • 4 months ago

          >reveals that he’s been a troon the whole time
          >thinks this is somehow a win
          Now the next time you post this shit we can call you out immediately. Are you going to say you were shitposting all along next to save face and attempt to fix the situation?

    • 4 months ago

      You’re a troony we know now join the 50% and stop larping as a thirdie.

    • 4 months ago

      >Failed samegay
      why are f3 troons so incompetent?

  86. 4 months ago


    Automatic concession. And yes, I accept your concession.

  87. 4 months ago






    Ive been seeing these for months and I still dont understand the message they are trying to convey.

    • 4 months ago

      They were created by some schizophrenic Italian troony (seriously) who had a breakdown after 3 lost a strawpoll to NV.

    • 4 months ago

      it's just Ganker being contrarian shitposters as usual, infact the fact that new vegas gays keep falling for the same bait is quite funny.

      • 4 months ago

        This is the answer that this homosexual always gives when he starts getting called out. He’ll say it’s bait and act like it’s all just shitposting for (You)s when he spams it on a near daily basis and gets into actual arguments that he will seethe about when he loses and rush away with his tail between his legs and make another thread to cope.

    • 4 months ago

      Fallout 3 GOOD
      Fallout New Vegas BAD AND troony

  88. 4 months ago

    VTMB is better in every way

  89. 4 months ago


    also im trans and like der um microplastics end derr high fructose corn syrup i worshup de ugvly

  90. 4 months ago


    Stop, anon. Learn how to lose gracefully.

    • 4 months ago

      Whatever helps you cope.

      still failing for bait?

      • 4 months ago

        >i-i was baiting all along

        • 4 months ago

          This is the answer that this homosexual always gives when he starts getting called out. He’ll say it’s bait and act like it’s all just shitposting for (You)s when he spams it on a near daily basis and gets into actual arguments that he will seethe about when he loses and rush away with his tail between his legs and make another thread to cope.

          wasn't even the one posting those pics, I was just saying you are a bunch of morons falling for the most obvious bait I have ever seen, like if someone starts posting gigachad memes, it's most likely a shitpost with the joke being that "I am chad for liking obviously shitty thing"
          I don't really see how you are ignorant to this.

          • 4 months ago

            Oh yeah sure you are, and I’m sure you’re also Todd Howard here to seethe about people shitting on starfield. Get a life kid and stop seething about NV constantly.

            • 4 months ago

              >No really guys, seething for hundreds of posts about the existence of trannies is all an elaborate bait.

              how about you stop falling for obvious bait and claiming everyone is the the same bogeyman like some schizo.


              Does it matter? Fallout games produce some of the worst fans possible, hell you are all are basically the sonic fandom without the furries.

              • 4 months ago

                This is what makes me prefer reddit since we can just block those transphobes.

                It’s just too obvious, you’re the kind of homosexual that post from both you phone and computer with extensions and all the horseshit. But are so fricking stupid that you still get caught and have to scream schizo and say it’s bait because you know you can’t make a reasonable argument as to why or how you’re not the same person.

              • 4 months ago

                and here we have a moron that is making the new vegas fanbase look like unhinged redditors.

                Yeah I genuinely feel like the whole transgender Fallout New Vegas thing is only posted by people who have a swarthy obsession with Fallout 3. Just ignore them. I still play it

                I think it's more due to that community claiming everything that is popular as it's own thing, probably doesn't help that Obsidian created the outer worlds which proves that they have also degrade into Bethesda's level of writing and we are never getting another new vegas like game from them.

              • 4 months ago

                Keep crying, you gays always get defensive like this whenever you get called out for you pathetic behavior.

              • 4 months ago

                Me defensive, I don't know, maybe you are just an unhinged dumbass?
                it's not my problem you need all your enemies to be the same person to have the moral high ground.
                I for one think calling each other trannies is a lost since both developers would support the same cancerous shit, especially now that they are under Microsoft, and both games were made before that shit even took off.

              • 4 months ago

                Fallout 3 bigot spotted.

              • 4 months ago

                ironic shitposting is still shitpost.

              • 4 months ago

                >maybe you are just an unhinged dumbass
                Considering that you’re saying that without any real proof other that it’s what’s convenient for you yeah you are being defensive. Samegayging is extremely common and you’ve already shown that you’re doing it. It’s why you have to say I’m unhinged in the first place because you can’t prove you aren’t so anyone that says you are needs to be crazy. It’s the same pathetic tactic all samegays pull when they get caught.

              • 4 months ago

                >Samegayging is extremely common and you’ve already shown that you’re doing it.
                This is exactly why I prefer to debate with fallout 3 chuds on reddit so we can get them banned and out of this community.

              • 4 months ago

                >knows he fricked up and can’t deny
                >instead attempts to deflect and make it seem like he’s shitposting
                Pathetic morons like you always pull this shit when they get outed, they go into this loop of denial, calling people crazy, and acting like it’s all a joke so they can put up a front that no one will take seriously. When all it does is just make them look schizophrenic bouncing from one thing to another hoping they can find something that works.

              • 4 months ago

                You got the wrong redditor anon :), but go off since I was defending you not that other transphobic bigot.

              • 4 months ago

                Have you tried just ignoring him?

                For those that don’t know what he’s doing I’ll say give a quick rundown. Dualposting a samegayging tactic where you post from two devices such as a phone and a PC, the benefit of this for the samegay is that you can get two posts out in quick succession and a (You) only shows up for one meaning that you can provide a screencap and the uninitiated will be none the wiser.

              • 4 months ago

                Or you can use inspect element but youre delusional 🙂

              • 4 months ago

                Note that now that he’s been called out he has to act smug and make it seem like he doesn’t care, yet he’s still has to add in the bit about me being crazy since he needs to lest his facade fall away completely.

              • 4 months ago

                I'm a she BTW. But like I said go off anon, that'll show em :).

              • 4 months ago

                Have you tried just ignoring him?

              • 4 months ago

                >Considering that you’re saying that without any real proof other that it’s what’s convenient for you yeah you are being defensive.
                says the guy accusing me of samegayging when he also doesn't have proof.

              • 4 months ago

                Aside from the fact that you’ve been getting extremely defensive and have to post twice within a fricking minute from two separate devices to try and confuse matters and split up the chain? Just keep squirming around and screaming schizo it’s always ends with you crying and stretching your posts out to bump limit in hopes you can get the last word in as one desperate last hope of saving face and deluding yourself that you “won”.

              • 4 months ago

                >Aside from the fact that you’ve been getting extremely defensive and have to post twice within a fricking minute from two separate devices to try and confuse matters and split up the chain?
                at this point you just sound desperate and pathetic, hell if anyone is defensive it's you because you need everyone you hate to be the same person or else you will look like a fricking moron, hell that claim that me and that other guy are the same person using some extension is basically you coming up with conspiracy tier idiocy, resulting from you unable to handle the fact that just maybe you are wrong.
                Honestly at the end of the day you are not doing the new vegas fans any good acting like this (especially since I do agree it's a MUCH better writing game then fallout 3 and 4, just wish it had post game content) and just failing for moronic bait.

              • 4 months ago

                >at this point you just sound desperate and pathetic
                Like I said extra defensive
                >hell if anyone is defensive it's you
                The use of “no u” shows that I have not only struck a nerve but he keeps sinking into more desperate tactics
                > is basically you coming up with conspiracy tier idiocy
                I’m calling you a samegay, there is nothing conspiratorial about that, we’re on Ganker samegayging is extremely common. You’re just trying to make it seem like some crazy conspiracy shit because you know that can’t defend yourself and therefore need to make me seem crazy so my accusations and arguments lose credibility. You can say whatever you want but it’s not going to change anything, no one aside you has been arguing and you have yet to actually prove or give an argument showing how you’re not a samegay.

              • 4 months ago

                >I’m calling you a samegay, there is nothing conspiratorial about that, we’re on Ganker samegayging is extremely common.
                This is why reddit is better for new Vegas discussions since we can get those bigots exposed.

          • 4 months ago

            >No really guys, seething for hundreds of posts about the existence of trannies is all an elaborate bait.

  91. 4 months ago

    all this thread tells me is that all fallout fans are pathetic losers no matter what game they like.

  92. 4 months ago

    Ganker is a cesspool, thanks jeets, trannies and post-ironic zoomers.

  93. 4 months ago


    Whatever helps you cope.

  94. 4 months ago


    Giga reddit is a white flag.

  95. 4 months ago


    Can you please stop being a homophobe? This is why I seriously prefer reddit.

  96. 4 months ago


    >Continuing to swap and trying to place both sides
    This is really lazy, I've seen better shitposting styles during 2014 console wars. What's it like failing to think of anything more than decade old wojaks?

  97. 4 months ago


    Can you please stop being a homophobe? This is why I seriously prefer reddit.

    This is what he does when he starts losing as well, he samegays and larps as either a gay or a troony.

  98. 4 months ago


    >makes images for the sake of seething
    Are you currently undergoing a transition?

  99. 4 months ago


    Everyone knows the inline extension lets you turn off (You)s, samehomosexual. Try again.

    • 4 months ago

      Can you like not the homophobic slurs? 🙂

    • 4 months ago

      Why do morons like this even try? It’s always the same shit they either keep it up or try to make it seem like they were shitposting all along to save face.

  100. 4 months ago


    >dualposting as well
    We know you’re a pathetic moron you don’t need to highlight that further, just start getting defensive and screaming schizo and get it over with.

  101. 4 months ago

    does anyone know if Fast Shot effects the AP cost of grenades in Fallout 2?

  102. 4 months ago

    one of the reasons why the Legion is better is because the NCR signs truces with people, they form alliances, they make agreements, whereas the Legion forces people to join or die, that is a *real* alliance

  103. 4 months ago

    There is no such thing as a good fallout game.

  104. 4 months ago

    The game is a piece of propaganda, voluntary propaganda, you can choose between civilisation and water thieves in one quest, or between the Legionnaires and Californians on the macrocosm, choose between tribal loyalty and “wonderlust,” etc.

  105. 4 months ago


    Why are you even trying to lie about this, moron?

  106. 4 months ago


    >no one believes him
    >thinks samegayging is going to convince anyone despite it not working so far

  107. 4 months ago

    It’s just fun. The world feels a bit more real than other Fallout titles without sacrificing all of the ridiculous sci-fi elements. Level ups are more impactful, though it helps if you aren’t playing blind. Skill checks feel somewhat earned. The combat is better than Fallout 3’s. The writing is generally at least decent.

    The only real negative to New Vegas is the bad performance + bugs. I guess PC fixes some of those issues, but I still had a lot of fun on PS3.

  108. 4 months ago


    Todd never worked at Interplay

    • 4 months ago

      That's not what the imwge implies

  109. 4 months ago

    >Samegay pretends to be a different anon defending the original samegay accused of samegayging.
    How many levels of samegayging is that?

  110. 4 months ago



    Other device get banned?

  111. 4 months ago


    God this is why I love Josh and the original fallout.

  112. 4 months ago


    God this is why I love Josh and the original fallout.

    You can cope as much as you want, transphobes, but Bethesda will always be the more positive LGBTQ+ company

  113. 4 months ago


    Except I'm not samegayging. Your meme is also making a 'le both sides' argument. It's all one side. I hate anti-SJWs and transphobes. I don't even hide it lol.

    >im not a samegay
    >posts back to back
    Seriously how do you think this is subtle all you’ve done is go between saying how the idea of you samegayging is crazy which given the nature of pathetic gays like you it absolutely isn’t and posting back to back as if someone pre writing two replies on two separate devices and posting them five seconds apart isn’t something that isn’t common for you morons. You lost, all you’re doing now is just flailing around hoping that you can convince some hypothetical onlooker that I’m crazy.

  114. 4 months ago

    >political factions in New Vegas are meme representations of Roman Empire larpers, hyper capitalism from a lich lord, or shitty monarchy pretending to be a democracy
    >Black folk get assblasted about these politics decades later without ever understanding they are memes because their brains are destroyed from propaganda and social media addiction

    If anything this shows a degeneration between 2010 and now and how people are so broken from the constant divisive propaganda that they can't have a discussion about anything without screeching their politics at people.

    It seems that the weaponized psyops have paid off and people are walking around that have no idea that they have been buckbroken by mass media.

  115. 4 months ago


    Can you stop it with the homophobia? Why are fallout 3 tards such bigots. This is why we prefer reddit over this incel board.

    • 4 months ago

      >This is why we prefer reddit over this incel board.
      This. Bethesda loves reddit and doesn't approve of fascism in it's games like New Vegas does

  116. 4 months ago

    >Why was it so good?

    the fact you could blow peoples heads off and watch their eyeball and the top of their skull go flying in the wind with the rest of their brain

  117. 4 months ago


    You're a transphobic, fascist chud and don't belong or understand queer positivity
    That's why you're not welcomed in Bethesda spaces and keep talking about New Vegas, a game that fascists enjoy

    • 4 months ago

      >problematic buttholes and fascists
      Every fandom is like this. Different groups in the fandom always have to team up to kick out the fascists.

      Are you just shitposting or has the entire plot of the game gone over your head?

      • 4 months ago

        I'm shitposting.
        I don't actually like Fallout 3, it's just that I need something to do in-between shitting on the street and working my call center job

        • 4 months ago

          Good morning sirs

  118. 4 months ago


    Can you chuds stop it with the homophobic slurs? This is why new Vegas is superior.

    • 4 months ago

      Superior in homophobic content
      Unlike the queer friendly Bethesda Fallouts

    • 4 months ago

      Superior in homophobic content
      Unlike the queer friendly Bethesda Fallouts

      That's what I love about New Vegas you can blow that Black person homosexual prostitutes head off the second you run into him. Same with that NCR guy at the checkpoint who tells you he is a gay. Just pull out your shotgun and blow his head off instantly like God intended.

  119. 4 months ago


    Based. Nexus enjoys a positive relationship with Bethesda because both won't tolerate fascism or homophobia

  120. 4 months ago

    why the frick did you go out of your way to put in a frog

  121. 4 months ago


    You can't load an actually functioning shotgun with custom-made shotgun shells filled with gold coins that turn people into chunky salsa in Fallout 3. Instead you get a moronic inbred version of a PPSh that wouldn't even work and a rusty double barrel that looks like it's covered in actual shit (no wonder pajeets love it).

    • 4 months ago


      dragons breath is still the coolest thing added to any fallout game. I wish they would make flamers not useless pieces of shit like they are in fallout 4. You can clearly tell fallout 3 had more development time as it has way more content and random encounters shoved in and way more evil options. Plus the dlcs added even more content to the actual world instead of just being dlc areas like in new vegas. Both games have some of the best dlc I've ever played either way.

    • 4 months ago

      You will never use 90% of these if you actually get the Shotgun perks

      • 4 months ago

        I've been mainly cycling between 20 gauge 3/0, 20 gauge pulse, and 20 gauge slugs on a cowboy run that uses the shotgun perks. 3/0 for most shit, pulse for robots and power armor, and slugs for anything with significant DT.

  122. 4 months ago

    already had the fallout 3 layout which was extremely big at the time then it added way more player agency in dialog to carve out your own personality making it 1000x more an rpg and also had so many different outcomes to quests, you wanna work with a faction but change your kind and slaughter them on a whim? go for it. Not many other games give you so much choice on how to build out your character

    • 4 months ago

      >kind and slaughter them on a whim? go for it.
      Not with all those essential npcs, lmao

      • 4 months ago

        there is literally only ONE non killable NPC in the game thats Yes Man

  123. 4 months ago

    the factions in stalker are better.

  124. 4 months ago


    Power fist just doesn't hit the same as the slow mo sniper rifle head explosion that shit looked too realistic in New Vegas

  125. 4 months ago

    no other game have so much details, even nowadays people find new stuff about it

  126. 4 months ago

    Oh yeah, forgot I had these.

  127. 4 months ago


    >You have many more weapons
    Fallout 3 has 53 weapons plus 40 uniques for a total of 93. Fallout New Vegas has 106 weapons plus 41 uniques, for a total of 147. Fallout 3 has objectively less weapons with objectively less variety between them than New Vegas. 3's uniques by vast majority aren't even unique - a whopping 3 have unique mechanics while the rest just do more damage.

  128. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      >have a nice day for the brotherhood like a good cuck

      In fallout 1 to join the bos they send you on a quest to the most irradiated shithole area in the game called the glow where at the bottom is a dead homosexual in power armor. That is the theme of the bos. Sacrifice yourself for our cause, goy.

      >The Brotherhood of Steel was founded right after the Great War by Roger Maxson, a former Captain in the United States Army.

      The only reason to ever help BOS in any of the games is to get their power armor then kill them all

    • 4 months ago

      >implying that both Bethesda and Obsidian don't agree with the top text.

  129. 4 months ago


    You can keep splitting the replies up but really you have to ask why would two separate people be at this for hours? Why would both of them always post either immediately after eachother or almost an exact minute? This is something he won’t explain and either handwave or continue to just call me crazy.

  130. 4 months ago
  131. 4 months ago

    remember when we had normal fallout new vegas threads around pre 2020

    what the frick happen

    • 4 months ago

      Trump winning in 2016 irreparably destroyed Ganker

  132. 4 months ago


    I'm a she BTW. But like I said go off anon, that'll show em :).

    Again I’ll say it always one post after the other as if he types one out on his phone then another on his computer. All he can give as a counter is just call me crazy in one reply and deflect in another. At this point he’s just having a full on tantrum and I’ve lead him right into it.

    • 4 months ago

      Look anon, I've been called disgusting names for being on HRT but your level of delusion is crazy even as someone who is personally obsessed with new vegas and fits that stereotype. Like I said earlier this is why I prefer to talk on reddit since we can expose the fallout 3 chuds.

      • 4 months ago

        At this point you are just projecting extremely hard.

        He fallen another level now just using buzzwords and larping in desperation, he thinks that this will somehow be convincing, mind you he’s not trying to convince me but a hypothetical onlooker who will view the replies and perhaps interject whether on his side or mine.

        • 4 months ago

          I'm a she anon, but go off project those delusions as if im that bigot 🙂

          • 4 months ago


            He’s just throwing a tantrum now posting random songs and spewing buzzwords. He’ll do this for hours, he most likely has done this for hours. It’s what all samegays do when they get caught try to deflect and scream how you’re crazy while larping as five different people that all post back to back or a minute apart exclusively.

            • 4 months ago

              I didn't post any songs anon 🙂 don't lie. Do you have any meds you mayhaps forgotten to take owo

            • 4 months ago

              This post is right. everyone in this thread? all me.

    • 4 months ago

      At this point you are just projecting extremely hard.

  133. 4 months ago

    Perfect game for teenage/20-something pseudo-intellectuals

  134. 4 months ago


    You can nuke the BOS and cook them alive in their own armor with EMP weaponry in New Vegas. Can't do that in 3.

    • 4 months ago

      Bethesda would actually need to have a brain even think of something like that.

      >at this point you just sound desperate and pathetic
      Like I said extra defensive
      >hell if anyone is defensive it's you
      The use of “no u” shows that I have not only struck a nerve but he keeps sinking into more desperate tactics
      > is basically you coming up with conspiracy tier idiocy
      I’m calling you a samegay, there is nothing conspiratorial about that, we’re on Ganker samegayging is extremely common. You’re just trying to make it seem like some crazy conspiracy shit because you know that can’t defend yourself and therefore need to make me seem crazy so my accusations and arguments lose credibility. You can say whatever you want but it’s not going to change anything, no one aside you has been arguing and you have yet to actually prove or give an argument showing how you’re not a samegay.

      He fallen another level now just using buzzwords and larping in desperation, he thinks that this will somehow be convincing, mind you he’s not trying to convince me but a hypothetical onlooker who will view the replies and perhaps interject whether on his side or mine.

      >The use of “no u” shows that I have not only struck a nerve but he keeps sinking into more desperate tactics
      says the guy that started off claiming other people are same gayging.
      >You’re just trying to make it seem like some crazy conspiracy shit because you know that can’t defend yourself and therefore need to make me seem crazy so my accusations and arguments lose credibility. You can say whatever you want but it’s not going to change anything, no one aside you has been arguing and you have yet to actually prove or give an argument showing how you’re not a samegay.
      People did show you proof, you just moved the goalpost because you need to keep being in the right. Also is me not shitting on fallout 3 and saying new vegas is better not proof enough? most anyone that argue with you be a bethesda drone? Like you are several layers of delusion here and you calling everyone a samegay shows you are extremely desperate and unwilling to admit you made a mistake and began targeting other people in your blind stupidity.

      • 4 months ago


        I didn't post any songs anon 🙂 don't lie. Do you have any meds you mayhaps forgotten to take owo

        Seriously what is wrong with you? Why do you think that you can convince anyone when you keep replying like this? One after the other almost everytime, once or twice sure that can happen but you’ve done this back to back reply shit almost ten times now.
        >says the guy that started off claiming other people are same gayging
        So making an accusation of a common thing that happens on Ganker is the same as acting like a child? Again very defensive this may have sounded clever in your head but as an actual argument it doesn’t stand up and just sounds like you’re upset about being accused, which if I was wrong you would be nor keep getting more upset whenever I call this shit out
        >People did show you proof, you just moved the goalpost
        No it was shown how the screencaps couldn’t be trusted and all you did in kind was say how pathetic that doing it would be without actually showing proof that it’s not what you were doing. Seriously you can keep denying it getting angry but all that shows is that you’re samegayging and getting mad that I’m not falling for your excuses. Now let’s hear you next excuse.

        • 4 months ago

          No idea what you're talking about because you're dragging me and some other anon into your delusions kek. That anon really did break you.

          • 4 months ago

            >so btfo he has to add another persona
            Playing your own hypeman is just sad.

            • 4 months ago

              You're killing me anon kek, there's no way you're not trolling

              • 4 months ago

                >lol I’m totally laughing at you and not seething KEK
                Seriously you gays do this shit all the time, and was that bit about me trolling supposed to be a way for you to save face? How much more pathetic can you get?

              • 4 months ago

                Do you not see that some of posts you were responding to are deleted?

              • 4 months ago

                >Do you not see that some of posts you were responding to are deleted?
                More and more desperate with every reply. What are you going to say it was the jannies and that the “other anon was banned”?

              • 4 months ago

                Wrong anon but I guess that other anon completely mind fricked you.

              • 4 months ago

                Is that why you have to say this while larping as another anon? Because honestly I’m feeling pretty vindicated right now. But keep coping and seething.

        • 4 months ago

          prehaps you should recheck your posts, some of those posts are not deleted but others remain.

          • 4 months ago

            Or I can just post the archive, also deleting post? Really?

            • 4 months ago

              >Do you not see that some of posts you were responding to are deleted?
              More and more desperate with every reply. What are you going to say it was the jannies and that the “other anon was banned”?

              you are aware that you cannot delete a post after a certain amount of time past right?
              You have to be shitposting at this point, You honestly cannot be this stupid.

              >New Vegas really is NCR biased
              It really isn't, the NCR are presented as incompetent corrupt morons who are going to get raped at the upcoming battle if the Courier doesn't save them

              • 4 months ago

                Why'd you reply to me? What do I have to do with those other two posts?

              • 4 months ago

                He thinks you're same gayging lel


                homie you are delusional holy shit lmfaoo

              • 4 months ago

                The more you do this the more obvious your insecurity becomes, seriously why do you keep going, is it just reflex? Are you just feverishly typing out replies hoping that if you keep it up you can convince people?

              • 4 months ago

                That's a good question, I must of replied to your post by accident, sorry.


                Ok you are definitely shitposting at this point, because Ganker doesn't even let me delete posts after a few minutes.

                He thinks you're same gayging lel
                homie you are delusional holy shit lmfaoo

                Yeah, he is ether just shitposting, or he is now making stuff up because he has no way to prove we are samegayging now and is trying to save face.

              • 4 months ago

                >patheic moron needs to talk to himself and say I’m shitposting to cope
                Seriously how do you think this will end? No on is going to agree with you or gang up on me, it’s just going to be you talking to yourself and me for another hour or however long the thread lasts.

              • 4 months ago

                ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

              • 4 months ago

                how are you this buck broken anon? what did that other guy do to you?

                >if I keep hurling copes that will somehow hide that I’m samegayging
                Seriously how do you sink to such depth so quickly? You just keep screwing yourself over and over hoping that somehow you can create this narrative that you’re two different people but always screw it up because you either get caught in a lie or can’t prove it and when called out flounder in an attempt to save face or hide you frick up. And if it goes really bad you just change personas all together and attempt to start over.

              • 4 months ago

                the only one trying to create a narrative is you, especially since you don't know how Ganker works, which actually means you might be a fricking newbie and should leave Ganker or at least lurk more.

                >moving the goalpost

                more like you picked the easiest one to delete because it was the newest one that has yet to reach past the "too old to delete this post" point, and now you are refusing to delete your oldest posts because you cannot.

              • 4 months ago

                >replies to two comments that were meant for two different people
                Not even trying anymore I see.

              • 4 months ago

                how are you this buck broken anon? what did that other guy do to you?

              • 4 months ago

                >No on is going to agree with you or gang up on me,
                I don't know about that. people are indeed ganging up on you, mostly because you just keep attacking everyone.

              • 4 months ago

                he either is off his meds or someone comletely fricked him up mentally and hes having a breakdown lel.

              • 4 months ago

                he either is off his meds or someone comletely fricked him up mentally and hes having a breakdown lel.

                You did this over an hour ago and were called out for using an extension, seriously do you think this is going to work just because you change the screen settings?

              • 4 months ago

                what the frick are you talking about lmao

              • 4 months ago

                >playing dumb
                >more over exaggerated laughter
                Seriously it was called out here

                Everyone knows the inline extension lets you turn off (You)s, samehomosexual. Try again.

                why do you even try at this point you’re just backed into corner doing whatever you can to cope.

              • 4 months ago

                i didnt even join this discussion until about 20 mins ago or whatever kek

              • 4 months ago

                >disable extension
                >take screencap
                >crop out image to only show last three comments in thread
                Like I said moron in corner and doing everything he can to cope.

              • 4 months ago

                how mind broken are you lol

              • 4 months ago

                watch him move the goalpost again.

              • 4 months ago

                >delete extension
                >take screencap
                Sad, seriously why do you think this would work?

              • 4 months ago

                what the frick are you talking about bro holy lmao

              • 4 months ago

                >replies to a comments that isn’t for him
                Let me guess you didn’t properly look at the post and expected me to reply to both. So you had a screencap ready for the “other anon” it’s amazing how many loops you have to go through just for me.

              • 4 months ago

                what other comment??

              • 4 months ago

                Anon is having a meltdown.

                That’s really not an argument, it’s just you playing dumb thinking you can dualpost now that you’ve deleted the extension. I mean really how much of an amateur can you be?

              • 4 months ago

                you are a schizo seriously

              • 4 months ago

                >has nothing else aside from desperately posting screencaps and screaming schizo
                It’s amazing how you think this will work, like you actually keep trying and trying, as if we didn’t go through and entire thing where you disabled then deleted your extension before getting on another device to start dualposting again. And now all you have left is just smugly talking yourself while repeating over and over how I’m mentally ill so you can attempt to discredit me without actually coming up with an argument or disproving my logic.

              • 4 months ago

                Anon is having a meltdown.

              • 4 months ago

                Also nothing that (You) poking out the top, looks like someone didn’t properly crop their image.

              • 4 months ago

                honestly I think he is just trolling at this point.
                because I refuse to believe something can be this fricking moronic about Ganker's functions.

              • 4 months ago

                someone needs to make this a screen cap lmao, this guy is having a melt down at this point

  135. 4 months ago
  136. 4 months ago
  137. 4 months ago


    >I’m calling you a samegay, there is nothing conspiratorial about that, we’re on Ganker samegayging is extremely common.
    This is why reddit is better for new Vegas discussions since we can get those bigots exposed.

    This is all he can do, he’s so used to giving this argument and calling people crazy whenever he gets caught that he has links and songs already available when he gets to this point. What kind of person has that? What kind of person would be so used to having this sort of argument that they already have a number of things ready just to call someone crazy? I’ll tell you the type of person that samegays and gets caught enough to the point where this is there only defense so they just have a number of various memes, images, and links ready for when they have to go into action.

    • 4 months ago

      Why are you such a homophobe? I told you my pronouns (she mtf) and you still are crazy to think I'm that homophobic bigot. Want to chat on reddit anon?

      • 4 months ago

        >just gives up and admits he’s samegayging so he can larp as a shitposter
        They always trip eventually.

        • 4 months ago


  138. 4 months ago


    >Sees women being sexualized
    >Immediately thinks of trannies
    Got something you wanna tell us, anon?

  139. 4 months ago


    >represented by a troony
    You're gonna have to explain your leaps of logic in how Conan the Barbarian is a troony.

  140. 4 months ago

    it was but only on win 7 and 8
    al these old games run like dogshit on new hardware its driving me nuts tbh

    • 4 months ago

      I have absolutely no problem running 3 or NV on modern hardware.

      • 4 months ago

        Most people don't. NV (and most Gamebryo games) are RAM hogs. Modern hardware tends to have enough RAM to run the older entries with no issue. You need well above average RAM for their most contemporary releases because Bethesda's moronic and built an entire development pipeline around making everything in the game that isn't a wall, floor, or shelf a data pack that has to be referenced constantly.

  141. 4 months ago

    >ctrl+f [Deleted]
    Holy shit, you can immediately find where's been samegayging

    • 4 months ago

      >Holy shit, you can immediately find where's been samegayging
      in English please

      • 4 months ago

        Where he's been samegayging. Sorry, when you're fluent in English you tend to be able to notice where words typically would be in a sentence so you don't actually catch them. ESLs tend to hyper-scrutinize because they had to formally learn the language instead of being immersed in it.

        • 4 months ago

          That's not true at all.
          T. Learned english from vidya

  142. 4 months ago
  143. 4 months ago

    because there are no wrong choices

  144. 4 months ago

    It wasn’t. FO3 is superior in every conceivable way

    • 4 months ago

      absolutelynot you fricking Black person lmao

      • 4 months ago

        You concession has been received, accepted, logged, and closed. Would you like to get rekt again?

        • 4 months ago

          lol who the frick are you, Black person? i wipe my ass with fallout 3 like you wipe your ass with your bare hand

  145. 4 months ago

    FNV aged like milk, gun gameplay is total dumpster fire, enemy AI is garbage its like playing arcanum in piss filter 3d but without the charm and good story

  146. 4 months ago

    Now I want to install NV again
    Thank god modding it isn't as complicated as fallout 4/skyrim

    • 4 months ago

      If you want to really amp shit up it still takes a while, though thankfully it's surprisingly painless now. 4 hours of work and it only took me 5 minutes of post-modding troubleshooting (which was literally just turning off one not particularly necessary in the long-term mod) and it's been super fun. It's the most I've modded the game, usually the most I go for is just Hit's animations, Someguy series, very rarely Jsawyer, NVTF and YUP. I'd webm post but I'm running the game at 1080p with no texture packs (Just Reshade) so it's not very fun to look at. Been very fun to play however.

      • 4 months ago

        >200 plugins
        That's nothing in comparison to typical fallout 4/skyrim modlist

        • 4 months ago

          New Vegas doesn't exactly need that much, mostly just bug fixes and utilities. And I'm more just impressed it CAN handle 200. Plus Skyrim still has nothing like kNVSE (which shocks me, you'd think they'd be all over not needing outside programs to expand animations). Fallout 4 IIRC has the main features of kNVSE built-in.

          • 4 months ago

            >Plus Skyrim still has nothing like kNVSE which shocks me
            They have mod that expands animations but it's only capable of adding sex with dogs
            >Fallout 4 IIRC has the main features of kNVSE built-in.
            Not everything and also F4 is missing some things that were in vanilla FNV and 3 so even modded fallout 4 animations look like ass

            • 4 months ago

              Bottom is just dogshit animation that isn't a limit to Fallout 4's modularity. The only thing shown in the NV side that Fallout 4 currently can't do (to the same capacity) is the scope - but that's not kNVSE, that's from B42 Optics which doesn't use kNVSE at all. Fallout 4's big problem is its best animators are porn guys, while NV and 3 have Hit, Sig, and Xolerys who are all just really fricking good at really good feedback-rich animation.

              • 4 months ago

                I always thought it was a problem with fallout 4 because there is no way that everyone is so bad with animations in fallout 4
                >Top is obscure mod with about 4k downloads
                >Bottom is popular mod with 22k downloads and part of "fallout london" project

              • 4 months ago

                It's less that everyone is bad - there are decent animation mods for FO4, they're just not on the level of Hit or even Sig because there's just not that much interest. Part of the reason FNV got a lot of focus by animators was because the base game animations were a mix of really good (looping reloads!) and really bad (The Flamer) which compelled autists to learn to un-frick them, plus there was the issue that stemmed as far back as Fallout 3 where adding new gun types required reusing animations that barely made sense (Plasma Pistol anims for crossbows) which compelled autists to learn to break that limitation. kNVSE is the culmination of 14 years of ripping Gamebryo apart and putting it back together. Fallout 4 didn't have these problems to this scale, adding new animations was easy due to Bethesda revamping how weapons worked when working with Id, so there was nowhere near as much a fixation on fixing a problem that wasn't as apparent.
                tl;dr, if Fallout 4 had mostly shit animations we would've gotten better anims in mods, but they're just okay enough it doesn't Cunningham's law people into making better ones.

              • 4 months ago

                It's less that everyone is bad - there are decent animation mods for FO4, they're just not on the level of Hit or even Sig because there's just not that much interest. Part of the reason FNV got a lot of focus by animators was because the base game animations were a mix of really good (looping reloads!) and really bad (The Flamer) which compelled autists to learn to un-frick them, plus there was the issue that stemmed as far back as Fallout 3 where adding new gun types required reusing animations that barely made sense (Plasma Pistol anims for crossbows) which compelled autists to learn to break that limitation. kNVSE is the culmination of 14 years of ripping Gamebryo apart and putting it back together. Fallout 4 didn't have these problems to this scale, adding new animations was easy due to Bethesda revamping how weapons worked when working with Id, so there was nowhere near as much a fixation on fixing a problem that wasn't as apparent.
                tl;dr, if Fallout 4 had mostly shit animations we would've gotten better anims in mods, but they're just okay enough it doesn't Cunningham's law people into making better ones.

                Oh and to add on with the B42 Optics thing I mentioned in my first post, that's literally something you can just do without the original mod, there's plenty of pre-B42 Optics mods for New Vegas (Some from as far back as 2012!) that had mounted scopes that didn't require an overlay. What B42 specifically offers is differentiating zoom within the scope, a feature that is kind of already a thing but it's very hard to do, the mod just streamlines it and makes it basically Just Work. Fallout 4 has plenty of mods like it, including (in my opinion) really fricking good ACOG scopes (Not a lot of ACOGs in NV mods are as good as the one in your webm, which saddens me).

              • 4 months ago

                >Fallout 4 has plenty of mods like it, including (in my opinion) really fricking good ACOG scopes
                Which ones
                I tried and could only find this

  147. 4 months ago

    >Masters of The Madre
    >Functional Post Game Ending
    Yup, time to game

    • 4 months ago

      It's funny how mods for NV are just better than for any bethesda game besides Morrowind

      • 4 months ago

        Because NV fans autistic, just like Morrowind or vtmb fans.

  148. 4 months ago


    >I’ve deleted a comment a day after posting it,
    ok then prove it.

    • 4 months ago

      Well considering that the comment you just replied is more than a few minutes old and i deleted it no problem yeah that’s proof enough. Or are you going to say that that doesn’t count and go on a tirade to deflect away?

      • 4 months ago

        I was talking about deleting your oldest posts in the thread.

        • 4 months ago

          >moving the goalpost

  149. 4 months ago

    Legion is straight up never viable

    • 4 months ago

      Avellone's just giving an opinion from an outsider perspective, and a shit one at that. He had minimal creative presence in the base game outside of designing Ulysses, and odds are his opinion there came from Ulysses (and most Legion content) being cut from the base game. He's always been one to demonstrate a sour grapes mentality, you see it a lot in his drunken RPG Codex rants.

    • 4 months ago

      >you can't play le ebil faction cause they are too ebil

      even Tim Cain the fat homosexual said when he played New Vegas he struggled to decide which faction to choose and even considered The Legion at one point.

    • 4 months ago

      >Desperately tried to pander to women and nu-males only to still be cancelled
      It never works, so why do they keep trying the same tactic?

      • 4 months ago

        >got 'canceled' so hard that he continues working in the video game industry
        epic, bro

        • 4 months ago

          Does he? Figured that after he got Metood his career was dead, I remember his work on Dying Light 2 being completely thrown out

          • 4 months ago

            Nobody's career dies after MeToo allegations
            >Chris Brown
            >Tony Robbins
            >Neil deGrasse Tyson
            >Brett Kavanaugh
            >Sylvester Stallone
            >James Franco
            >Bill Murray
            >Nick Carter
            >Steven Seagal

        • 4 months ago

          He literally got kicked off of every project he was working on, and currently isn't working on anything whatsoever. All he really does is tweet about the surge of layoffs in vidya dev.

  150. 4 months ago

    The Mojave Wasteland feels VERY empty though. Outside of New Vegas/Freeside and Cottonwood Cove the map just feels so small and uninspired. Say what you want about Fallout 3 and it’s awful writing and theme park style map, but the Capital Wasteland felt genuinely huge and populated. Megaton, Rivet City, Tenpenny Tower, the Citadel, Paradise Falls, Little Lamplight etc they all feel much more lively than the settlements from New Vegas.

  151. 4 months ago

    Damnit frick it another playthrough

    evens: rooty tooty cowboy n shooty
    odd: sneaky sniper shit

    because honestly though what else is there to play as lol

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