Why was Shady Sands destroyed by a vault-tec executive who was frozen in time because his wife left him and he wanted to get rid of all the factions?

Why was Shady Sands destroyed by a vault-tec executive who was frozen in time because his wife left him and he wanted to get rid of all the factions?

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  1. 1 month ago

    How did shady sands re-invent tram system while rest of the westcoast look like trashtowns, despite too being part of NCR land?

  2. 1 month ago

    Don't care, it's on Amazon therefore the show is trash. Todd can eat a dick, and so can the moronic drones that follow him.

  3. 1 month ago

    >Enclave oil rig base gets destroyed
    Yet somehow enclave always returns full strenght
    >NCR city gets destroyed
    The whole faction in shambles

    • 1 month ago

      to be fair, bethesda kind of rewrote the Enclave where they're a decentralized faction, they have a number of government facilities operating independently and in communication with each other

      the NCR is/was a standard fare nation with a centralized ruling body

      • 1 month ago

        So they arent Enclave anymore, but Exclave

        • 1 month ago

          They are Enclave to themselves, vs the rest of the world

    • 1 month ago

      Man it sure is sad for the Enclave remnants that they never knew about this super secret Enclave base in California
      These idiots actually thought the enclave died ha

    • 1 month ago

      They're not in shambles, it's just that every single settlement in the state where their capital was completely collapsed, leaving no evidence that this was ever the heartland of the NCR except for ~50 survivors and a couple of signs. It's like how when Constantinople fell to the Ottomans, every Byzantinian blew up their homes and committed mass suicide.

    • 1 month ago

      Do you know what the definition of Enclave is?

  4. 1 month ago

    because the writer already had a script for a post-apocalyptic story but the execs thought it wouldn't have enough draw without a big IP attached to it, so a thin veneer of fallout was plastered over the top of established plot points with inevitably batshit results.

    • 1 month ago

      Fallout is just recycling of mad max and a boy and his dog and some other sci-fi post apocaliptic stories mumbled together. Fallout 4 is just OG westworld and blade runner with the institute plot

  5. 1 month ago

    >Obvious bad guy says her father nuked Shady Sands
    >Protagonist accepts it instantly with no proof needed
    I hate how moronic all the characters in the show are. No question about how a vault dweller would have access to a nuke 200 years after the bombs fell? Not even asking why he did it?

    • 1 month ago

      he's white male. You should know how things work by now

    • 1 month ago

      >>no proof needed
      Not only did she recognize the ghoul was her mother because of the necklace, they went out of her way she only realized it as the truth when the father actually put in the code and thus confirmed the story.

      • 1 month ago

        >ghoul was her mother because of the necklace
        Anyone can wear a necklace. The necklace could've been put on the ghoul once she got informed Lucy was coming in with head for all we know.
        >when the father actually put in the code and thus confirmed the story
        That's only after she unquestioningly believes the story and demands him to put in the code.

        It's just so stupid. Nobody in the show has any critical thinking, except maybe Lucy's brother.

        • 1 month ago

          >Lucy's brother
          >"They don't want to go outside and save your dad because then they wouldn't be in charge"
          >after raiders, from the outside, killed several of their people like an hour ago

    • 1 month ago

      I did find it odd that there was no clear explanation as to how Hank actually nuked Shady Sands. The crater makes it look like a subterranean detonation. Did I miss something in the show that explained this?

  6. 1 month ago

    To wipe out all competition.
    I know it's fricking moronic but that's literally the reason they gave, multiple times.

    • 1 month ago

      Its not like vault-tec is building their own civilisation. And if you say the likes of Vault-city, then you should know that shady sands also comes from vault 15 and was started with a geck, sit if there was any vault people taking over, then NCR would have been it.

    • 1 month ago

      How come this specific overseer has access to a nuke? There's been multiple vaults opened before and none of them have nuked nearby civilizations, or even been openly hostile to them. See Vault City and Vault 101.
      I know the writers don't give a shit and are probably going to give some moronic excuse like he's in contact with the Enclave or that they're setting up him and Mr. House to be the main villains of Season 2 but still. It just feels so half-assed.

      • 1 month ago

        Wasn't he one of the top execs? He could've been the dude in charge of nuking the surface but yea they're too vague about all of it. With how much money Vault Tech was making I'm sure they could afford a few nukes.

        • 1 month ago

          >Wasn't he one of the top execs? He could've been the dude in charge of nuking the surface but yea they're too vague about all of it. With how much money Vault Tech was making I'm sure they could afford a few nukes.
          Probably, but that's only inferred and never explained in the show. Again, lazy writing.

          Enclave are government glowies, Vault-tec is an idependent corporation that probably hates government regulations. Why would the ones left co-operate post war?

          By the final episode, they basically spell out that Vault-tec is heavily influencing the government. I don't see why someone obsessed with "bringing back civilization" wouldn't join up with the enclave, especially since the show has shown us they are present nearby.

          House is alive?!?
          Are there even a FNV save files in existence where players didn't gun him down at the first opportunity?
          I spent half an hour hunting legionaries for thier denarii just so I could make coinshot to shoot him with (for the poetic irony)

          By the fact that they prominently show him in the same boardroom with the overseer and that they show off New Vegas at the end of the final episode I assume they're going to have him in. Sounds like it'd be extremely marketable at least.

          • 1 month ago

            if they do go with House, I hope they use a different actor, or at least a different voice actor if he's just portrayed on a big screen like in game

            I mean they guy wasn't terrible like Sinclair was in the show, but he didn't have the stylish and confident look of House

            • 1 month ago

              I found the show's casting of House to be very disappointing. House wasn't just a robotics magnate. He was based on Howard Hughes, so he has a certain amount of playboy charm despite his severe Asperger's and egotism. And of course, Auberjonis's performance is fantastic.

              The show's casting of House comes across like a greasy rat in comparison.

              • 1 month ago

                Unironically should have cast someone with a squarer jaw and some actual presence.
                Him and Sinclair were atrociously cast.

          • 1 month ago

            >lazy writing
            Lore aside, this the show's biggest flaw. It expects the viewer to blindly accept so much of what was written while assuming that they'll ignore what wasn't written. Off the top of my head:
            >Moldaver decides to use deranged raiders, rather than the NCR remnants, to execute a live kidnapping. It is not explained who these raiders are, why they're working with Moldaver, or why none of them decided to murder Moldaver when she's one of the most feared figures in the show's setting (with a bounty on her head). None of this is explained, even with a hand-wave line about leaving Griffifth Observatory undefended, for example.
            >For that matter, Moldaver herself is an incredibly poor antagonist / antihero whom we know nothing about beyond her cold fusion research. Despite being known and feared across the wasteland, we don't know why. Despite her surviving 200+ years, we don't know how or why, and have to blindly assume that she was cryogenically frozen. Despite her being the de facto leader of the NCR in LA, we don't know how or why this is. She has literally nothing to say about the NCR, her character exists as an exposition dump so Lucy can learn that her father and Vault-Tec are evil.
            >basically everything about Shady Sands and the NCR in the show
            >Even though Vaults 33, 32, and 31 can communicate, no one knew that 32's inhabitants had been dead for 2 years. There is no indication that the exchanges between 33 and 32 are so uncommon that a 2 year period of no exchange and no communication would be considered normal. Despite Bert, the blonde eyepatch girl's husband, being from 32, he does not immediately realize that he doesn't recognize a single "inhabitant" from his home vault. Similarly, Hank does not realize that the dirty, ill-mannered, and naturally suntanned 33 "inhabitants" resemble the surface-dwellers he saw when he himself left the vault.
            The show is struggling under the weight of it's own lazy writing and unresolved intrigue.

            • 1 month ago

              AHCKTUALLY they said contact between the vaults is a triennial exchange, so only occurs every three years.

              Now the fact that the overseers can openly communicate does present a problem because even if the open-door meet and trade hadn't yet revealed that 32 were all dead, surely the overseers would notice 32 going quiet, or the 32 overseer asking for help. But I suppose we could chalk it up to the overseers actually knowing? Like the midget brother sends the message that he's in danger and the brain jar tells him to immediately retreat to 31, perhaps as if this is something they dealt with before? But if they did know then why would Lucy's dad open the trade door in the first place?

              Really though to me the big WTF issue is, how did the fricked up vault get cleaned to perfect and cleared out in literally a single night, and by who? We know it wasn't anyone from 33 except possibly the old black lady herself, everyone died in 32, and 31 is nobody but a brain in a jar that was trapped behind a mop. So who cleared the ruined vault in one night and then disappeared?

            • 1 month ago

              >There is no indication that the exchanges between 33 and 32 are so uncommon that a 2 year period of no exchange and no communication would be considered normal.
              It's worse than that. They already said that they make trades tri annually in episode 1.

              >Moldaver decides to use deranged raiders, rather than the NCR remnants, to execute a live kidnapping.
              Said raiders that almost killed the very people she needed, too. Now what about Maximum being promoted after being a suspect for cutting someone's foot off?

              • 1 month ago

                I almost mentioned Maximus, but character limit. He foes from getting executed to "being the sword of my new gigafascist Brotherhood" in the span of 30 seconds, when the only thing that changed was his they/them friend defending him for... not putting razor blades in her boot. The manslaughter, dereliction of duty, and treason? Irrelevant. It's so stupid that the only plausible explanations are either that the elder himself has 2 INT like Maximus, or wants to use Maximus in an incredibly sinister way. And he decides that the best way to demonstrate the strength of his "new Brotherhood" is by pardoning a traitor in front of its assembled members.

                I got a lot of "fascist punching bag" feelings from how the BoS is written in every episode except the first.

              • 1 month ago

                I got the impression that the Elder is a piece of shit who confides in Maximus that he wants to toss out the Brotherhood doctrine and build something new with him being in power, and he tells Maximus this because he knows Maximus is an opportunistic lying scumbag piece of shit, the sort of person who will assist in and benefit from the Elder burning their chapter down and starting something different

            • 1 month ago

              Bert was from 32? I thought he was a 33er and we know she's the outsider from 31

      • 1 month ago

        Enclave are government glowies, Vault-tec is an idependent corporation that probably hates government regulations. Why would the ones left co-operate post war?

      • 1 month ago

        House is alive?!?
        Are there even a FNV save files in existence where players didn't gun him down at the first opportunity?
        I spent half an hour hunting legionaries for thier denarii just so I could make coinshot to shoot him with (for the poetic irony)

        • 1 month ago

          There is a House always wins ending moron.

      • 1 month ago

        Because Vault 31 was the Vault-Tec executives' private breeding grounds, obviously they're the ones with the nukes. Now, as to how they have fricking nukes to begin with, or how the nuke was launched at Shady Sands?... Who fricking knows

  7. 1 month ago

    dat ass doe

  8. 1 month ago

    She looks like she's doing a Chad strut towards the sign lol

    • 1 month ago

      >Virgin vault dweller walk
      >Chad Lucy strut (bout to sit on the first dick in her vincinity)

      • 1 month ago

        >OKIE DOKIE!

        • 1 month ago

          >omg the le quirky girl
          >literally stolen from the first fallout

    • 1 month ago

      >She looks like she's doing a Chad strut towards the sign lol
      >Chad strut

      Haha yes sir, I was noticing the same thing! Surely this Fallout show is written by cool and hip people who are familiar with our vibrant meme culture. I will be sure to watch it many times!

      Please, be merciful and respond to this post with the proclamation that you intend to watch this television show now. My family is needful of the rupees.

  9. 1 month ago

    >West Coast
    >setting starts off great in the first game, but then 2 and NV frick it up with their fanfiction-tier writing and it hardly feels post-apocalyptic anymore
    >now the setting is impenetrable to normies and only incredibly hard-to-please fans are attached to it

    >East Coast
    >take the setting of Fallout 1 and simplify it. now you have the quintessential post-apocalypse
    >now every normie can understand and get into Fallout without playing games released in the last millennium. fans don't like that you "fricked up" their setting, but who cares about them?

    >showrunners want to make a Fallout show on the West Coast
    >should we use the bad, fanfictiony, hard-to-understand existing West Coast lore
    >or replace it with the great, iconic, easy to get into East Coast lore

    • 1 month ago

      >dumbing down good
      Ok Todd.

      • 1 month ago

        >complexity is le good
        What a midwit moron take.

    • 1 month ago

      This. Avellone was 100% correct about the post-post apocalypse and the NCR ruining the setting. People who are mad about NCR being in a rough state probably did not think too much about an alternative - if NCR continued on the path to dominance and prosperity, there would not be a wasteland at some point. Civilization is the "end goal" of the series - once it is fully reached the setting becomes something else entirely. The world and story New Vegas builds is fundamental to the creation of the show's depiction of California. For this story to take place in a believebly "apocalyptic" wasteland in California, the NCR can't be around, and an interesting way to do that is by having Shady Sands destroyed. The bombs fell again, and we're now in the post-post-post-apocalypse.

      • 1 month ago

        Avellone was a moron who also wanted the Tunnellers to end up raping New Vegas. Get real.
        >I-I just don't like this post-post apocalypse stuff, guys
        Give the IP to Josh Sawyer instead. God.

      • 1 month ago

        >the bombs fell again
        This is the least interesting way to do it. It basically says that the whole west coast timeline was pointless because regardless of what happened on a specific date Vault-Tec would do the funny. NV already presented several scenarios for how the NCR would have issues in the future anyways, like a food shortage or internal corruption or collapsing from over expansion.

      • 1 month ago

        Or here's a better idea: how about making the show take place before the NCR was formed?
        What is Bethesda's obsession with moving the timeline forward? There's nothing wrong with just setting the show 100 years earlier.

        • 1 month ago

          Because the show is Fallout 5.

      • 1 month ago

        Such dogshit logic, if you had it your way the setting would just be stuck as Mad Max aesthetic in pre-war ruins forever.

        There may not be a right way of "advancing " the setting or the story, but the wrong way is never doing anything with it.

        >There would be no wasteland at some point

        You have an entire fricking United States of America, and Canada even, to explore. Even if you narrowed down an entire state to just a single game, you have 50+ potential games of wasteland to do with as you please, without destroying new civilization factions, the number of which you can count on one hand in the setting.

      • 1 month ago

        Thing is, the way its been done is so dogshit. We know that there were issues that the NCR were going to face - expansionsm, the corruption with the brahmin barons, food shortages (which was why they were desperate to make the sharecropping a thing in NV), and - depending on what goes on with Helios One - power issues.
        Having that grow into internal issues and having the NCR tear itself apart would have been so much more interesting than them getting destroyed in heartbeat offscreen.

        And don't get me started on the fact that Shady Sands is where the fricking Boneyard should be. That alone is moronic and I guarantee they wanted the backdrop to resemble FO4's cityscape as well as "oh wow LA".

        • 1 month ago

          Have sex. Touch grass.

          • 1 month ago

            Why would I do that when I can argue autistically on the internet about a TV show?

          • 1 month ago

            have a nice day Black person homosexual troony b***h putrid prostitute

      • 1 month ago

        >we need infinite content

      • 1 month ago

        >optimism bad, misanthropy good

      • 1 month ago

        Except the show's execution of this idea sucked ass through a straw. What an absolute waste.

      • 1 month ago

        I invoke death of the author, Avellone really lost the plot and it becomes glaringly obvious through the course of the DLC, culminating in Lonesome Road

    • 1 month ago

      Awful take, no elaboration necessary

    • 1 month ago

      I don't have a powerful enough laugh reaction for this.

    • 1 month ago

      e-girlng at all the seething replies you've gotten. You're 100% right and its how The Walking Dead series died.

  10. 1 month ago

    >Enclave and Brotherhood of Steel get destroyed offscreen in New Vegas
    Frick off. Seriously.

    • 1 month ago

      That was the plot of Fallout 3, wasn't off-screen

      • 1 month ago

        The Enclave outpost at Navarro got somehow wiped out by the NCR despite having superior firepower and armor.
        The Brotherhood also got wiped out by the NCR in California despite having superior training, firepower and armor.
        Stop being a disingenuous gay.

  11. 1 month ago

    Why would corporations nuke themselves? How would that lead to more profits?

    Are Vault Tec, Rob-Co, House, etc. any richer than they were before the war? Most of their shit is in ruins.

  12. 1 month ago

    Not interested in discussing how realistic things are in an alternate universe post-apoc series with talking mutants and ghouls

  13. 1 month ago

    >AI will let you mod your TV shows soon

  14. 1 month ago

    because cryogenic freezing should never have been a thing introduced in fallout 4

    • 1 month ago

      It was fine when it was just a prototype experiment in 4, that ended up failing.

      The show made it though that there actually exists perfected cryo tech and tons of people used it. It not only cheapens the idea of both the tech and pre-war people existing post-war, but it makes Vault 111 look fricking stupid and 4's plot have a gaping bleeding plot hole

  15. 1 month ago
  16. 1 month ago

    Explain it to me I'm moronic but what's the point of vault tec getting as much money as possible if they are going to nuke the world?

    • 1 month ago

      Dunno man. I guess they figured nuclear war was inevitable, like House did. And dropping nukes themselves would make things easier for their plans instead of waiting for the armageddon.
      Still just a moronic pessimistic plot.

    • 1 month ago

      They aren't motivated by money, they are motivated by controlling the post-war world. The whole money-issue they're concerned about in the show, just pertains to being able to fund ever more vaults and afford more resources to stockpile, not about filling their pre-war bak accounts

      • 1 month ago

        wasn't the whole point of the vaults that they're just cover for social experiments rather than an actual apocalyptic survival strategy?

        • 1 month ago

          Depends on which version of Fallout you're talking about. In the show, it's more that Vault-tec is selling some vaults to other companies and allowing them to do their research there.

      • 1 month ago

        Why would one of the people in control of such a thing let her husband and child get caught in a bomb blast?

        • 1 month ago

          remember at show start, there's mention that Cooper is divorced and working for alimony pay. Why he has the daughter, assume that he probably won custody of her. Ironically though, we're to assume anyway that the daughter somehow makes it to a vault because Cooper says he wants "his family" back from Paul Atreides.

          wasn't the whole point of the vaults that they're just cover for social experiments rather than an actual apocalyptic survival strategy?

          The show kind of changed it where, the experiments are (generally) part of Vault-tec's plan to control a post-war world. They create all the different vaults and experiments in each, in the hopes of funding the "perfect" post-war society to rule the world. Since they don't know what the world will be like after and how to rule it, they spitball all the vaults and experiments to try and cover whatever potentialities they can imagine.

          Not all the vaults are this way but the show leads us to believe the vast majority are.

          • 1 month ago

            am i the ONLY ONE who thinks this is really fricking dumb?

            • 1 month ago

              I think conceptually it's rather interesting, like a creative way of trying that together and trying to explain it, credits to whomever in the show came up with the idea especially since the show is terribly written otherwise.

              But the problem is that the show very poorly presents or explains this idea, so what might be interesting or creative instead comes off as weird and dumb and misunderstood

            • 1 month ago

              >let's blow up the world so we can control it even though we're already the richest company in the world
              Don't forget House was given the EXACT date for when the bombs will drop too.

              • 1 month ago

                they're rich and powerful but they're not in control. it's basically the stereotype of, would destroy the world if it meant they could rule over the ashes, rather than serve beneath rulers in a non-destroyed world

            • 1 month ago

              Yes and no. It doesn't HAVE to be dumb. Will it be? Very likely from what we've seen.

          • 1 month ago

            are Enclave still involved in this? the president knows all about it in 2 but i doubt that they would agree to something which implicitly works towards social upheavel

            • 1 month ago

              it's weird where, the Enclave are suspiciously absent from Vault-tec scheming in the show. the only possible connection we get is a glimpse of a shadowy figure at the big evil corporations meeting. I feel if it were an Enclave guy though they would display that somehow in the show, considering it's for normies to slop up

              if this is the case then it's an interesting situation where the Enclave and Vault-tec would stand in opposition for the status and control of the post-war world

              • 1 month ago

                They wanted season 2 bait, so they wrote the Emclave as season 2 bait
                >who are the mystery homies behind the glass
                >where is this enclave base that the doctor escaped from
                I mean... it's Bethesda Fallout, they're not going to NOT write the Enclave into it. It's a bit strange though that the doctor is identified as specifically an Enclave defector and no one is asking where the frick his base was so they can finish genociding the Enclave remnants. I guess time heals all wounds.

              • 1 month ago

                but there's already a wealth of season 2 bait, between New Begas and LA with cold fusion

              • 1 month ago

                All of season 1 is season 2 bait, except for Moldaver (dead), Shady Sands, and what's win vault 31. These were all written as mysteries to be resolved, and they've been resolved. At most, we'll see Moldaver in Goggins's flashbacks, unless they decide they want to do flashbacks from the perspective of a dead character.

                Cold fusion belonging to the Brotherhood? Bait. The vials that Goggins inhales? Bait. The "serum" that Thaddeus inhaled? Bait. Norm? Bait. New Vegas? Bait. House? Bait. Mystery homies? Bait, even though it's obviousy the Enclave. The Enclave? Also bait. Vault-Tec dropping the bomb? Prime, unresolved season 2 bait.

              • 1 month ago

                they can't cram that much in though, they weren't able to with season 1 either

              • 1 month ago

                And yet they crammed. The show can't breathe because it's advancing 4 different sub-plots, developing at least 4 different threads of intrigue, and dedicating time to self-contained "side quests".

              • 1 month ago

                I doubt they can show the Enclave base because it's completely outside the entire sate of New California.

    • 1 month ago

      Their motivation technically makes sense, it's just that characters / writers are incapable of explaining it in a rational way. Or at all.

      It's easy to explain, using paper money as a simplified example: let's say I have 100 billion dollars, and you have 80 billion dollars. Even though I have more capital, neither of us will ever "win the game of capitalism", as the Vault-Tec b***h phrased it, because we both have sufficient resources to keep competing. But what if I were to fireproof $100M of that $100B, and then burn all other money in circulation. While it's possible that my competitors also had the foresight to fireproof a fraction of their money, I now have an undeniable competitive advantage: not only do I have a proportionally higher amount of money, there's so little money in circulation and it's so difficult to print more that I can compete everyone else out of existence with a fraction of the effort.

      The show, of course, makes no effort to explain this idea to a meeting full of influential CEOs where they're fielding the idea of instigating a global nuclear holocaust. It simply assumes that capitalists are evil and motivated by profit, so they (and the audience) need no convincing that this isn't fricking insane.

      • 1 month ago

        Who gives a frick about money if there's nowhere to spend it?

        • 1 month ago

          Wow you nuked the wholle world and literally no one gives a shit about your $100B anymore and they'd rather use bottle caps good job anon you are the best capitalism player I have ever witnessed

          It's not literal money, dumbasses. They invested it into the exact infrastructure, technology, resources that would let them dominate the post-war world.

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah, that really seemed to work out for them. Who woulda thunk shooting yourself with nukes was a bad idea.

            • 1 month ago

              I mean, they still nuked their enemies after the fact and lived in relative comfort.

      • 1 month ago

        Wow you nuked the wholle world and literally no one gives a shit about your $100B anymore and they'd rather use bottle caps good job anon you are the best capitalism player I have ever witnessed

  17. 1 month ago

    Better question: Why is Ella Purnell not sitting on my face right now?

    • 1 month ago

      Because it's not a lilypad.

      • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        Now I got something to fap to. Thanx

    • 1 month ago


      Ugly pajeeta.

  18. 1 month ago

    I also think it is sort of implied that Moldaver and her had a thing going on.

  19. 1 month ago


  20. 1 month ago

    The show isn't canon and I'm just going to keep assuming that's the case for everything after NV.
    Yes, 3 is only canon because it allowed NV to exist and has some ties to it that wouldn't be explained otherwise.

  21. 1 month ago

    You can only pick one:
    >the NCR succumbs to the cumulative stress of its social, economic, political, and logistical failures and balkanizes into mutually hostile nation-states, realizing the harrowing predictions of characters like Hanlon, Dr. Hildern, and House, and "progressing the setting" in a way that is divorced from civilization progressing
    >the NCR's capital is nuked by an external threat that they knew nothing about, and their presence in the state where their capital is completely collapses off-screen

    • 1 month ago

      2 because i lik ethe ruined buildings aesthetic 🙂

  22. 1 month ago

    hank did nothing wrong
    >bulldyke brown woman steals your wife
    >convinces her to take away your kids
    >all to live in a crime riddled gangland shithole city
    I woulda nuked it too tbh

  23. 1 month ago

    /Shady Sands/i;boards:v

  24. 1 month ago

    show makers never said which game its based on.
    Its obviously based on Hoi:4 Old World Blues.
    Season 2 will have TV Land and the Washington Brotherhood lead by a cannibal cyborg monster as the main villains

  25. 1 month ago

    The astroturfing trying to make this show interesting or watchable is extremely pathetic

    • 1 month ago

      Bloody bastard. I HAVE A FAMILY TO FEED.

  26. 1 month ago

    >nuking the world was literally motivated by the "earning potential with the end of the world."
    >"That is how we will win the great game of capitalism."
    >labels anybody with opposing ideas as communists
    I'm starting to think this show is unironically pro communist propaganda.

    • 1 month ago

      Did you understand the part where the vaguely queer, anti-capitalist scientist whom we think is an antagonist is actually an antihero who reclaims her research (which was made proprietary by capitalists) to give literal power to the people? I thought that was pretty subtle.

      • 1 month ago

        The NCR will never win, tankie.

  27. 1 month ago

    Basically... I just don't care.

    • 1 month ago


      The astroturfing trying to make this show interesting or watchable is extremely pathetic

      Also based. The astroturfing has dramatically slowed down. All that's left is people picking apart the show's lazy writing and Ganker trying to reconstruct the exact ethnic background of every actor with whose skin color is darker than "milk latte".

  28. 1 month ago

    I don't get why the writers would need to have this town be Shady Sands in the show, it literally could have been anything, didn't have to be a reference to anything in the old games.

    Why would they frick things up this bad?

    • 1 month ago

      In an interview with GQ, the writers said they didn't want the setting to be too developed, and they didn't want the NCR "doing everything well" in the background of the story they were telling in this setting. Rather than setting their show somewhere else, writing that the NCR settlements in the Boneyard had declined or collapsed, or otherwise writing that the NCR wasn't doing everuthing well, they decided that this was the best solution.

      • 1 month ago

        They set it in LA because they filmed it in LA. That's literally it. They shoehorned everything else around it.

    • 1 month ago

      you were supposed to clap

    • 1 month ago

      It's universally loved. Guess you can stay mad in the corner LOL.

  29. 1 month ago

    Is he legit moronic?
    He doesn't even know how his dick works

    • 1 month ago

      S 6
      P 4
      E 7
      C 1
      I 1
      A 4
      L 6

      • 1 month ago

        >I 1
        I 3. He can more or less communicate.

    • 1 month ago

      You mean the man from the highly advanced faction that has each member learn about and even listen to lectures about machinery? Are you saying those people, focused on education, would ever educate their members on procreation? Nah, that would be silly!

      • 1 month ago

        Bro they are in the military
        I can guarantee you they trade pinup magazines and take turns wanking off in the showers

    • 1 month ago

      Sometimes, when he presses on it, it pops like a zit and white pus comes out.

      Seriously, who writes this garbage and thinks it's good?

      • 1 month ago

        Lol this. Absolutely nobody can defend this moronic dogshit nonsense

        • 1 month ago

          It's Netflix Resident Evil "I'm gonna go watch Zootopia porn" level of unacceptably bad writing. I don't need to see anything else from either series, I know there's nothing in there that I'll enjoy. It's just not made for me.

          • 1 month ago

            When the Black person dude said something about his wiener I actually burst out laughing I was so dumbfounded

    • 1 month ago


  30. 1 month ago

    >Vault Tec and friends will repopulate the earth!
    >Who knows!
    >But in the meantime let's erase the competition!.

    what the frick

    • 1 month ago

      Capitalists are crazy like that

      • 1 month ago

        Yeah its real crazy when capitalists will buy world changing tech, and then not capitalize on it.
        >yeah so the entire planet will write us a blank check for this cold fusion stuff BUT WE GOTTA RECOUP OUR INVESTMENTS WITH THE VAULTS NUKE NOW NOW NOW
        Dumb as frick.

      • 1 month ago

        yea, killing everyone leads to more CAPITAL most of the time

  31. 1 month ago

    >NVgays butting into this thread without realizing how ridiculous and moronic they look

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