Why was this game hated?

Why was this game hated?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    it was a far left propaganda broken mess, who shat on their only fan base

    • 5 months ago

      it is the dictionary definition of "woke slop"
      >lefty propaganda and current safe "humor" all over
      >broken fricking mess of a game
      >attempt to revive a franchise with current woke values
      >written by people who should have never been let in the industry in the first place.

      it should have never been made in the first place and was half the reason the studio died.

      Too woke

      Define 'woke'.

      • 5 months ago

        i just did, in that post

        no, it is simply not because it has minorities on it.

      • 5 months ago

        Woke is now defined in this dictionary as “aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice),” and identified as U.S. slang.

        • 5 months ago

          so anti-racism, it's a good thing?

          • 5 months ago
          • 5 months ago

            delusion isn't a good thing anon
            freight train named "reality" comes in crashing sooner or later

          • 5 months ago

            Modern anti racism is pretty much screaming whitey bad. For a transwoman of color like you it might be hard to comprehend, but it kinda sucks whey you're part of the group that being racist against is celebrated in the mainstream.

            • 5 months ago

              >screaming whitey bad
              that's racist

              • 5 months ago

                No, it's anti-racist, as every anti-racist agrees with it.

            • 5 months ago

              shut up cumskin. your days are numbered. we're gonna put a stop to your murderous race. you're going to answer for all your sins. and since they're all so grave, the only way for you to atone is a noose.

          • 5 months ago

            >anti-racism, it's a good thing?
            only if hitler comes back from the dead to help enrich Israel's horribly homogeneous population

          • 5 months ago

            Can you be racist against white people?

            • 5 months ago

              Yes, you can try. And no, cause whites don't give a frick and will let you expose what an animal you are. Woke trash.

          • 5 months ago

            its a bad thing when to much of the focus of a piece of ENTERTAINMENT is that. then it seems like preachy self aggrandizing bullshit.

      • 5 months ago

        Anything that makes pushing DEI and ESG values their top priority, usually to such a point that it negatively effects the whole product.

      • 5 months ago

        >the previous games were immature, misoginistic, sexist, racist, homophobic etc etc etc
        >for this reason while writing the new game we wanted "everyone" to be "part of the joke" and to "avoid punching down"
        >and so we give you this: a Saint's Row game where everyone talks like they're in a PG-12 sitcom, there's absolutely zero edge or grittines to anything, everyone's personality is bland as all hell, all characters are forgettable as frick and the most you'll get as "jokes" is "FRICKITY FRICKING FRICK FRICK GOSH DARN FRICKITY FRICK FRICK" and "LOOOOOOOOOOOOL DID YOU NOTICE KEVIN DOESN'T WEAR A SHIRT?! SO FRICKING WEIRD RIGHT?! LMAO KEVIN PUT ON A SHIRT OH SHIT #GOTEM!!!!!!!!!!" used at least 6 times every fricking time he shows up

        Oh and "student loans amrite?"

      • 5 months ago

        Pozzed shit

      • 5 months ago

        1. The game tried to be as unoffensive as humanely possible. Here are two very minor examples: Rim Jobs to Jim Robs or Freckled b***h to FB. It doesn't sound like a big deal but keep in mind this was a GTA clone that was taking itself less seriously than GTA. A joke of a GTA if you will. But here's the catch. All jokes are offensive unless they are aimed at nonexistent groups or inanimate objects.
        2. The "team" was basically a cookie cutter ESG compliment trash. Strong female protagonist of colour in all promotional material? check. Nerdy looking smart guy who happens to be black? Check. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong in having one cast in a video game looking like this but when this is th norm it's annoying considering that this isn't the demographic that buys your games. Not to mention they are one of the most frickin annoying characters in a video game ever.
        3. breasts. breasts only come in small sizes. Except when you need to hire a b***h to promote your game because your pre-sales are none existent.

        • 5 months ago

          >1. The game tried to be as unoffensive as humanely possible. Here are two very minor examples: Rim Jobs to Jim Robs or Freckled b***h to FB.

          I didn’t believe you at first so I looked up old Reddit threads. Every single one of them is filled with morons defending the change as some sort of insane meta joke that only “smart” people such as themselves would understand.

          It never occurs to these wastes of sperm that if you need to explain the fricking “joke” it’s not funny.

          • 5 months ago

            Jim Robs is at least justified in universe, FB is just called FB with no explanation.

        • 5 months ago

          >Reboot rated M game
          >Take out all the rated M content
          >Spamming “frick” is ok but “freckles b***hes” is too much
          >Sell the game as a rated M game

          Clown world

      • 5 months ago

        It’s been defined ad nasuem at this point. You’re just too brainwashed to consider a thought that is different from what your israeli masters pushed to you.

      • 5 months ago

        Anything black is woke

      • 5 months ago

        My personal definition is this:

        >the story takes so much precedence over the gameplay, that it has to constantly interrupt you to influence your thinking and lecture you whenever possible

        "Fun" is a toxic idea to politically brained morons. So they discard it in favor of propaganda.

      • 5 months ago

        >This is the leftist's special move, where xhe constantly changes the definition of a word and chastises you for not being able to define it

      • 5 months ago

        the opposite of conspiracy theory

      • 5 months ago

        Nonsensical, pandering to minority groups who contribute nothing, ugly, fat, gay, transexual, ignorant, anti white, immature, corny, anti science, communist, israelitey, and just generally trash culture propaganda.


        • 5 months ago

          You forgot how it half comes from a place of white savior syndrome, half comes from race grifters of varying ethnicities.

      • 5 months ago
        • 5 months ago

          the game is just bad, the whole shitty plot and characters aside
          it plays like a worse Saints Row 3/4/Gat out of Hell/Agents of Mayhem

          funnily enough you can take off your top and even choose your nipple type

        • 5 months ago

          How do wokies keep up with these nonsensical ass rules? For normal people it’s like walking into the middle of a long running anime and watching two characters explain how their powers cancel each other out with made up terms.

      • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        shut the frick up moron.

      • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        Constant virtue signaling like it make you a better person and the need to censor everything that might be seen out of line, again, to be seen as good person without doing anything substantial except being a little b***h, they don't care about people, only the authority

      • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        Identity political messaging based on intersectional feminism. Most people know what woke is but couldnt put into words. These are the words that people recognise the pattern of.

      • 5 months ago

        Anti-western, anti-moral, anti-discipline.
        Woke has a definition that doesn't reflect its practical meaning. The actual definition is synonymous with Globohomo, and its followers are zealot like advocates of its three core tenets. The LGBT, The GDP, The Science™.
        The purpose of "woke" aligns exactly with that of liberal israeli hatred of White Europeans. Its goal is simple and unchanging, the complete destruction of the white race.
        The methods and motives are unchanging and known to all, only protected by a paper-thin layer of taboos associated with directly attacking it.

        If it does not kill White people outright, it must discourage them from having children.
        If it does not discourage them from having children, it must harm them financially.
        If it does not harm them financially, it must lower their communal trust.
        If it does not lower their communal trust, it must enrage them.

        • 5 months ago

          holy frick please go outside already

          • 5 months ago

            found the israelite

          • 5 months ago

            >If you think about things... you're le weird!

        • 5 months ago

          Saints Row is literally white genocide

      • 5 months ago

        Define media literacy
        Define reactionary
        Define woman

      • 5 months ago

        Woke is defined by several consistent attributes. Woke is
        Academic - the terminology of woke politics is an academic terminology, which is unsurprising given its origins in humanities departments of elite universities.
        Central to woke discourse is the substitution of older and less complicated versions of socially liberal perspectives with more willfully complex academic versions. So civil rights are out, "anti-racism" is in. Community is out, intersectionality is in. Equality is out, equity is in.
        Homelessness is out, unhousedness is in. Sexism is out, misogyny is in. Advantage is out, privilege is in.
        Whenever there's an opportunity to introduce an alternative concept that's been wrung through academia's weird machinery, that opportunity is taken. This has the advantage of making political engagement available only to a priestly caste that has enjoyed the benefits of elite university education; like all political movements, the woke political movement is captured by the urge to occupy elevated status within it.

        • 5 months ago

          Immaterial - woke politics are overwhelmingly concerned with the linguistic, the symbolic, and the emotional to the detriment of the material, the economic, and the real.
          Woke politics are famously obsessive about language, developing literal language policies that are endlessly long and exacting. Utterances are mined for potential offense with pitiless focus, such that statements that were entirely anodyne a few years ago become unspeakable today. Being politically pure is seen as a matter of speaking correctly rather than of acting morally. The woke fixation on language and symbol makes sense when you realize that the developers of the ideology are almost entirely people whose profession involves the immaterial and the symbolic - professors, writers, reporters, artists, pundits. They retreat to the linguistic because they feel that words are their only source of power. Consider two recent events: the Academy Awards giving Oscars to many people of color and Michigan repealing its right-to-work law. The latter will have vastly greater positive consequences for actually-existing American people of color than the former, and yet the former has been vastly better publicized. This is a direct consequence of the incentive structure of woke politics.

          • 5 months ago

            Structural in analysis, individual in action - the woke perspective is one that tends to see the world's problems as structural in nature rather than the product of individual actors or actions. Sometimes the problems are misdiagnosed or exaggerated, but the structural focus is beneficial. Curiously, though, the woke approach to solutions to politics is relentlessly individualistic. Rather than calling for true mass movements (which you cannot create without the moderation and compromise the social justice set tends to abhor), woke politics typically treats all political struggle as a matter of the individual mastering themselves and behaving correctly. The fundamental unit of politics is not the masses but the enlightened person, in the social justice mindset, and the enlightened person is one who has attained a state of moral cleanliness, particularly as expressed in language. The structural problems (such as racism) are represented as fundamentally combated with individual moral correctness (such as articulated in White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo, which argues that racism is combated by white people interrogating their souls rather than with policy). The only real political project is the struggle against the self; the only real political victory is the mastery of one's thoughts. The distinction between the effective political actor and the morally hygienic thinker is collapsed. You combat homophobia by being gay-affirming. You combat misogyny by respecting women.
            You combat all social ills by relentlessly fixating on your own position in society and feeling bad about it. Nothing political can escape the gravity of personal psychodrama and no solutions exist but cleansing the self.

            • 5 months ago

              Emotionalist - “emotionalist” rather than emotional, meaning not necessarily inappropriately emotional but concerned fundamentally with emotions as the currency of politics. In woke circles, political problems are regularly diagnosed as a matter of the wrong emotions being inspired in someone. Someone feeling “invalid” is no longer an irrelevant matter of personal psychology best left to a therapist but instead a political problem to be solved, and anyone who provoked that feeling is someone who has committed a political crime no matter what the context or pretext. Good political action makes people feel better. To the extent that material victories like feeding the hungry are celebrated, they are celebrated because they inspire good feelings rather than solve corporeal problems. The famous woke antipathy towards the concept of civil liberties and personal freedoms stems from the triumph of emotions; things like rights are no match for the claims of any individual of psychic distress. Economic, legal, and political inequality are all relevant only to the extent that they make people from minority identities sad. The fixation on emotions fits snugly in the assumption of the individual as the basic unit of politics. It also ensures that woke politics assume the possibility of a frictionless universe in which everyone feels good all the time.

        • 5 months ago

          Immaterial - woke politics are overwhelmingly concerned with the linguistic, the symbolic, and the emotional to the detriment of the material, the economic, and the real.
          Woke politics are famously obsessive about language, developing literal language policies that are endlessly long and exacting. Utterances are mined for potential offense with pitiless focus, such that statements that were entirely anodyne a few years ago become unspeakable today. Being politically pure is seen as a matter of speaking correctly rather than of acting morally. The woke fixation on language and symbol makes sense when you realize that the developers of the ideology are almost entirely people whose profession involves the immaterial and the symbolic - professors, writers, reporters, artists, pundits. They retreat to the linguistic because they feel that words are their only source of power. Consider two recent events: the Academy Awards giving Oscars to many people of color and Michigan repealing its right-to-work law. The latter will have vastly greater positive consequences for actually-existing American people of color than the former, and yet the former has been vastly better publicized. This is a direct consequence of the incentive structure of woke politics.

          Structural in analysis, individual in action - the woke perspective is one that tends to see the world's problems as structural in nature rather than the product of individual actors or actions. Sometimes the problems are misdiagnosed or exaggerated, but the structural focus is beneficial. Curiously, though, the woke approach to solutions to politics is relentlessly individualistic. Rather than calling for true mass movements (which you cannot create without the moderation and compromise the social justice set tends to abhor), woke politics typically treats all political struggle as a matter of the individual mastering themselves and behaving correctly. The fundamental unit of politics is not the masses but the enlightened person, in the social justice mindset, and the enlightened person is one who has attained a state of moral cleanliness, particularly as expressed in language. The structural problems (such as racism) are represented as fundamentally combated with individual moral correctness (such as articulated in White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo, which argues that racism is combated by white people interrogating their souls rather than with policy). The only real political project is the struggle against the self; the only real political victory is the mastery of one's thoughts. The distinction between the effective political actor and the morally hygienic thinker is collapsed. You combat homophobia by being gay-affirming. You combat misogyny by respecting women.
          You combat all social ills by relentlessly fixating on your own position in society and feeling bad about it. Nothing political can escape the gravity of personal psychodrama and no solutions exist but cleansing the self.

          Emotionalist - “emotionalist” rather than emotional, meaning not necessarily inappropriately emotional but concerned fundamentally with emotions as the currency of politics. In woke circles, political problems are regularly diagnosed as a matter of the wrong emotions being inspired in someone. Someone feeling “invalid” is no longer an irrelevant matter of personal psychology best left to a therapist but instead a political problem to be solved, and anyone who provoked that feeling is someone who has committed a political crime no matter what the context or pretext. Good political action makes people feel better. To the extent that material victories like feeding the hungry are celebrated, they are celebrated because they inspire good feelings rather than solve corporeal problems. The famous woke antipathy towards the concept of civil liberties and personal freedoms stems from the triumph of emotions; things like rights are no match for the claims of any individual of psychic distress. Economic, legal, and political inequality are all relevant only to the extent that they make people from minority identities sad. The fixation on emotions fits snugly in the assumption of the individual as the basic unit of politics. It also ensures that woke politics assume the possibility of a frictionless universe in which everyone feels good all the time.

          This is very well-written and on point. And posted to fast to have just been typed out. What's the source?

          • 5 months ago

            There is more

            • 5 months ago

              Oh snap, I've not only read that but linked it here, I should have recognized it.

      • 5 months ago

        When DEI shits all over something to the absolute detriment of story, aesthetics, and characterization.

        • 5 months ago

          we'll hear the death throws of DEI by the end of the year.

      • 5 months ago

        someone who would argue against

        if black people vanished from the planet, what sector of society would suffer?

  2. 5 months ago

    worse cast
    much worse gameplay
    volition actively shitting on the SR fanbase leading to its death

  3. 5 months ago

    it is the dictionary definition of "woke slop"
    >lefty propaganda and current safe "humor" all over
    >broken fricking mess of a game
    >attempt to revive a franchise with current woke values
    >written by people who should have never been let in the industry in the first place.

    it should have never been made in the first place and was half the reason the studio died.

  4. 5 months ago

    Too woke

  5. 5 months ago

    It doesn't play well enough for people to be able to ignore the shitty writing

  6. 5 months ago

    if black people vanished from the planet, what sector of society would suffer?

    • 5 months ago

      white woman

    • 5 months ago

      Fast-food restaurants

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        porn industry would be dead

    • 5 months ago

      Drug dealing. My best heroin dealer ever was unsurprisingly black.

    • 5 months ago

      American in general

    • 5 months ago

      It would be the greatest crisis of our time because we depend on low income minorities to do all the shit jobs we don't want to do ourselves, like warehouse jobs

      • 5 months ago

        he said black people, not mexicans

    • 5 months ago

      Cops would finally have a reason to lose funding.

      • 5 months ago

        so two birds in one stone? he said suffering

        • 5 months ago

          Neither of those are bad things, but for israelites it'd be suffering since they lose control & a scapegoat.

    • 5 months ago

      kfc and the NBA

    • 5 months ago

      Watermelon and kfc

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      The firearm industry. Nobody would need a gun for self defense anymore.

      • 5 months ago

        boars still exist

      • 5 months ago

        This is 100% wrong and I hope you actually know it.

        • 5 months ago

          You’re right, I forgot about mexicans.

    • 5 months ago

      Humanitarian aids

    • 5 months ago

      My dick

  7. 5 months ago

    It represented a hard pivot from the series' "GTA, but with less nuance" writing style, and the gameplay was mostly turret sections.

  8. 5 months ago

    The marketing made sure I never played it. I honestly don't know if the game is good or bad

    • 5 months ago

      >The marketing made sure I never played it.

      same, it felt like it was doing everything to shit on the fans of the original. Same with the Devil May Cry reboot.

      and throwing shit like

      because of this

      in didn't help

      • 5 months ago

        thats fake moron

        • 5 months ago


  9. 5 months ago

    because of this

    • 5 months ago

      thats fake but the game is still shit regardless

      • 5 months ago

        you sure?

        Feels like something those hack for the 2022 reboot would slip in

        • 5 months ago

          yeah it was confirmed long ago that it was fake but nobody would blame you for thinking i was lying

        • 5 months ago

          yes it's been debunked so many times and you stupid fricking mongoloids still use it. it was created to shit on the game prior to release. God you're such a fricking moron. Learn to fact check your fricking shit you fricking moronic c**t.

        • 5 months ago

          nah you are just gullible

    • 5 months ago

      that's not a real screenshot you fricking mongoloid. it's literally photoshop bait. you're such a fricking tool

      • 5 months ago

        yes it's been debunked so many times and you stupid fricking mongoloids still use it. it was created to shit on the game prior to release. God you're such a fricking moron. Learn to fact check your fricking shit you fricking moronic c**t.

        >The brainwashed troon rages because his ideology gets made fun of

        Kek and have a nice day please

    • 5 months ago

      That's not real is it?

    • 5 months ago

      While it would be funny if this was real, sadly it's not. It was something made here on Ganker. Check out one of the archives and you'll see the source.


      Why was this game hated?

      It was a game trying to sell a fantasy to a demographic that doesn't care about this series. It took every aspect of Saints Row identity and filed away the edges until nothing was left. When GTA IV came out in 2008 it was effectively a reboot for the GTA series up to that point but it also defined what the series would become by taking ideas and expanding them. Saints Row went backwards.

      It took a series that was well known for it's characters and replaced them with the most generic by the number group of characters it could. Somehow the villain factions where even more generic than the ones in Saints Row 1 who were just "street racers", "mafia", "black gangbangers".

      Also any decent idea is just not explored at all. Take the Idols for example. It's a bunch of ravers who reject capitalism. So all the grunts live in a camp site on an old festival ground, dress in rags and use old equipment. Meanwhile the "leaders" all live in a mansion, have a fancy yacht, wear nice clothes and have techno helmets. There is a real potential there for inter-gang politics and possible revolution coming from it since the leaders would be exploiting the grunts. See the parallels? Instead they're just a faction for you to fight.

      Hell remember the Hummingbird Book and how despite spending alot of the game fighting over it, it just disappears from the story and is never mentioned again after a certain point?

    • 5 months ago

      I really hate that I have to be on the same "side" as idiots like this that just take anything that conforms to our (probably shared) beliefs at face value.

      • 5 months ago

        that's satire. that's not even true, but it's believable. that's the kind of world we live in now

  10. 5 months ago

    because it sucked

  11. 5 months ago

    Big Bang Theory becomes gangsters

    • 5 months ago

      You know what? I don't think it was intentional, but the fricking waffle maker throw really got a chuckle out of me

      • 5 months ago

        It was intentional
        You are cringe now, congrats

        • 5 months ago

          I am cringe but I'm free

      • 5 months ago

        Le ebin SR3 reference.

      • 5 months ago

        It was intentional. The guy who threw it is obsessed with waffles in the game. He even has waffle tattoos

    • 5 months ago

      Is this a game where a bunch of college students fight younger brother of Dany Trejo on their way to the casting of a sticom? Cause I might be willing to play if that's true.

  12. 5 months ago

    it killed volition and i am grateful for that
    >make a turd of game
    >public hates it
    >instead of scrapping the project they double down and antagonize fans of the series for wanting a better game
    entitled fricks deserved it

  13. 5 months ago

    Saints Row Reboot is what you get when middle aged white catlady women try writing a story about gangsters

  14. 5 months ago

    this is a game made for hipster subburban cali gays who want to be in a gang and be "randumb" but would never actually go anywhere near a gun because they are scary

  15. 5 months ago

    >mismanaged by straight white male suits
    >incels still blame "diversity" or some other kneejerk reaction
    many such cases

    • 5 months ago

      Id like to think this is bait but knowing how your generation is, this is real and you’re just another “male” who disappointed his father because you’d rather seek attention by wearing a skirt and pretending to be a female than providing for yourself.

      All of this just to say: have a nice day.

  16. 5 months ago

    Saint Rows was never a good series, all those games had awful gameplay, story, quest design... you name it.
    But they got a pass because they were a wacky parody of GTA (which was a parody of America to beging with) with b***hes that looked out of a 80s porn flick, crass jokes and old school pop songs. By removing all that and making it safe you are only turning away the few fans of the series while the "new audience" only sees a shitty game

  17. 5 months ago

    >ugly character design
    >nuclear level cringe writing
    >xbox 360 tier gameplay
    i quit after some 5-6 hours when missions started to pop up on the other side of the map
    homie i ain't spending time driving that far

  18. 5 months ago

    In a scale of WE WUZ to WE WUZN how does the game fare?

  19. 5 months ago

    Sorry Tim. I will not redeem

  20. 5 months ago

    It's the spawn of millennial basedboy male "feminists" who thinks this kind of shit will get titty streamers to sleep with them, probably one reason. The fricking student loan thing made my eyes roll so hard I saw through different dimensions.

  21. 5 months ago

    These fricking character designs
    The worst is the zesty homie with the glasses

    • 5 months ago

      white liberals always love preppy homies for some reason, they hate masculine characters like the sr2 boss and cj

    • 5 months ago

      Remember the interviews being straight up embarrassing. One of the characters whole personality is he cooked or something?

      • 5 months ago

        Cooks + being a DJ + former member of the anarchist gang + runs around shirtless.
        That's it.

      • 5 months ago

        I think they said the asian one hosted a podcast too or some shit. This game couldn't have been more millenial if it tried.

        • 5 months ago

          what's the appeal? i'm gonna be a 28 yr old zoomer this year and i never listened to those, or video essays. someone explained to me it was like leaving reruns on the tv before the internet killed it but i never did that either

          • 5 months ago

            watch some Howard stern from the 90s before he became a complete homosexual

          • 5 months ago

            most reruns can't be played anymore because of the social implications. fun, and comedy isn't allowed anymore

          • 5 months ago

            You probably only used the TV to play games then. I liked leaving reruns of KoTH throughout the day since it was familiar. Also sometimes you paid enough attention to pick up jokes.

  22. 5 months ago

    Weak Story
    Lame and/or Wasted Characters
    "Woke Politics"
    Questionable Gameplay

  23. 5 months ago

    >Why was this game hated?

    • 5 months ago

      The game was free literally yesterday so I don't see who would 'pay' to shill Saint's Row

      • 5 months ago

        Probably someone trying to research how even giving it away for free people still don't want it LOL

        Get woke go broke!

  24. 5 months ago

    The game pissed everyone off. Old fans of the series, new fans of the series (because they cut content for DLC), anyone who wanted an open world game (Buggy as frick), anyone who wanted to just have a gangsta shooter(because it was just college kids making Millennial jokes)

    It's hard to believe one game can kill a studio, but they chose this hill to die on.

    • 5 months ago

      It’s insane how these types are allowed to fail over and over again yet keep getting put on high profile projects. Before, you’d get blacklisted for destroying a profitable IP.

  25. 5 months ago

    Leftist propaganda schlock. An surprise surprise, it was an utter shite game that people didnt even want to pirate.

  26. 5 months ago

    >Be Volition
    >Stop making Saints Row games because you've written yourself into a corner after SR4 where you are a superhero/president of the united states/ultimate badass gang kingpin
    >Make Agents of Mayhem, a lazy attempt to make a single player "Hero Shooter" game with a tiny overworld, boring heroes and still riddled with repetition
    >It flops
    >Realise the fans want a Saints Row game because GTA VI is taking for fricking ever and no one else is really trying to do anything in the space (except Mafia 3 which got middling reviews and sales)
    >Propose a reboot of the Saints Row series to escape the self-inflicted clusterfrick that was the previous games perpetual power-creep
    >Showcase a game about 4 SO RELATABLE millennials who aren't gangsters at all, with an ugly art style and boring looking combat
    >The entire fanbase says it looks shit and they want characters like those from the original game
    >During this time a dedicated fan tries to fix the garbage SR2 PC port, stonewall him and provide 0 help
    >Game comes out with 0 hype because the tone is all over the place, the characters are annoying and the whole thing looks like a bad SR3
    >It turns out the gameplay sucks, the radio has a bunch of literally who tracks due to a lack of licensing budget, all of the characters are indeed annoying, the writing fricking sucks, the overworld is empty with poor physics interactions and the mission design is mediocre.
    >Long term fans don't buy it, newbies aren't available in sufficient numbers to prop up a thoroughly mediocre game. Diehard redditors insist ITS ACHKTUALLY NOT DAT BAD JUST GIEV IT A CHANCE >:(
    >Game flops
    >Studio gets shutdown for two back-to-back flops during a time when investor money is flooding out of the industry
    >Everyone fired
    >SR2 PC port still permanently fricked
    Frick you Volition

    • 5 months ago

      Agents of Mayhem should have been the first sign to their management and any investors that they lost the 'spark' of making good games. Anyone who was with them was long gone by SR4 and whoever remained didn't know what people wanted in a video game. They just thought "Oh we're stitch together all these cool hero shooter moments and people will think it's cool" but they don't understand how the structure of a game or entertainment in general is laid out.

      • 5 months ago

        Honestly Agents of Mayhem was mediocre but could have potentially worked. The Saints Row reboot was just a mess in every way.

        You forgot
        >person making SR2 port literally dies so there is no hope of that ever returning

        I ran out of space 2bh

      • 5 months ago

        SR4 was when they lost me. SR3 was the last decent game they made which is also why it was the only remaster

        • 5 months ago

          >why it was the only remaster
          It was the only one to get "remastered" because it sold the most.

    • 5 months ago

      You forgot
      >person making SR2 port literally dies so there is no hope of that ever returning

      • 5 months ago

        >person making SR2 port literally dies so there is no hope of that ever returning
        Nobody at Volition was even working on the SR2 PC patch. They hired some third party unknowns to do it according to people who tested the SR2 patch.
        It's up to the worthless frickers a quarter responsible for the reboot, Deep Silver, to decide whether the patch gets finished or not.

      • 5 months ago

        rip rip

        literally all these morons had to do was pull in the original Saints Row files and compile them for PC/Xbone/PS4/Switch and update the textures and people would have bought that

        maybe add RT if you want to be fancy

        • 5 months ago

          The first two games were just stable enough to not cause constant bugs and glitches on consoles. There's a reason they redid most of the engine for SR3 and it's not just to look prettier. It's to clear out as many defects and deficiencies as much as possible.

          • 5 months ago

            The remaster wasnt even done by Volition.
            Volition was too "busy" with Nu-Saints

    • 5 months ago

      this time a dedicated fan tries to fix the garbage SR2 PC port, stonewall him and provide 0 help
      uh, idolninja was officially employed by volition at that point. he used to be a dedicated fan trying to fix the garbage pc port. and somewhat succeeded to a certain degree with gentlemen of the row
      You also left out the part where he died of cancer just before the release and that volition promised to finish what he started and now volition is no more

    • 5 months ago

      >the characters are annoying
      I remember watching videos about the game and whenever the Hispanic talked, people sped up his dialogues

    • 5 months ago

      >the radio has a bunch of literally who tracks due to a lack of licensing budget
      This is not a problem per say as long as you have multiple people choosing the songs that are familiar and have good taste in each genre.

    • 5 months ago

      I fricking hate Volition and anyone who didn’t see how awful the game looked. Idolninja at least you made gentlemen of the row for SR2, we may not get that patch but at least you tried fixing the game Rip

  27. 5 months ago

    they huzzah'd too hard

  28. 5 months ago

    Trash writing
    Trash gameplay and combat where you can't even pick up enemy guns on the ground and everything feels like shit to use because it is a shitty reskin of Agents of Mayhem, which played like dogshit.
    Open Turd sandbox.

  29. 5 months ago

    Just look at it. That's all you need to hate it.

  30. 5 months ago

    >let mentally ill diversity hires run your social accounts
    >release out of touch trash game
    >call disappointed fans literally terrorists
    >studio crashes with no survivors

    • 5 months ago

      someone needs to rape and murder this stupid c**t.

    • 5 months ago

      this is my FAVORITE flop of all time

      i had almost sexual pleasure from seeing this game bomb and the smug fricks lose their jobs

      • 5 months ago
      • 5 months ago

        That community manager looked exactly like you would expect

        • 5 months ago

          trans or just an ugly woman?

          • 5 months ago

            Its a mistery, I doubt there is anyone brave enough to find out

    • 5 months ago

      >call disappointed fans literally terrorists
      These dipshits running these social media accounts would save themselves a lot of bother if they just stopped being antagonistic towards their audience. In what world would that ever work out in their favor? If truely care about PR then they'd cut this shit out.

    • 5 months ago

      this is my FAVORITE flop of all time

      i had almost sexual pleasure from seeing this game bomb and the smug fricks lose their jobs

      Note that Steph works for Deep Silver, and not Volition, and as such hasn't lost her job and is probably wrecking some other game community as we speak.

  31. 5 months ago
  32. 5 months ago

    The weirdest thing about Volition is that they had to make a "diverse" cast for the nu-game despite the fact Saints Row already had an insanely diverse crew
    It ended up being less diverse than the original gang, how do you frick a game up that badly?

  33. 5 months ago


  34. 5 months ago
  35. 5 months ago

    I played it since it was free on EGS. The gameplay itself is not bad at all, it plays like SR4. It looks and runs well, which surprised me because I was told it was full of glitches and unoptimized. I haven’t gotten far in the story, but so far the characters are obnoxious, the jokes are fricking terrible, and it’s incredibly inoffensive.

  36. 5 months ago

    It puts everything you dislike into one game and then gloats about it. It's one of the most abhorrent games I've ever played.

  37. 5 months ago

    >poz incarnate
    >even the gameplay is fricked: forced to stay like a cuck in the car during a heist
    it's a mystery

  38. 5 months ago

    I get the impression that the absolute biggest mistake volition made was trying to make a remake of the first game. It invited comparisons to the original which just drew attention to how much the devs had changed.

    Granted I get the impression it was meant to be a reboot more than anything else but I'm pretty sure plenty of people got their wires cross given it was literally just called "Saints Row".

  39. 5 months ago

    >gunplay feels like shit
    >driving is alright but the cool stuff doesnt get unlocked till the end of the game
    >wacky hipster tone that fails to capture saints row 1/2/3 fans and somehow is worse that 4/Gat out of hell
    >Story is a bunch of golden hearted hipsters want to pay rent and student loans off so they come up with reasons as to why its ok to kill the baddies
    >it takes like 5-7 hours of gameplay to even establish the saints and it hyperdrives passed the actual building up of the group
    >misses all of the notes and beats of a proper story
    >despite copying mission ideas from the other games they just arent fun or interesting, most missions boil down to "protect thing and move it to here"
    >Violition mocking fans of the originals and calling things like Freckle b***hes "out of date"

    list goes on but man how are you going to have like 3 avenues of players to build towards and you fricking choose to make a game for none of them. Saints Row one wasnt a fricking masterpiece but it had all of the right story bits of a shlocky 90s gangster movie with a few twists (member of the saints is an undercover cop, power hungry gang leader who sells out his group, assassination attempt at the end of the game to kill the new boss... etc). this one felt like they locked a bunch of DEI rejects in a room and told them to just write jokes they think are funny, so all of them wrote about capitalism and student loans/healthcare

    • 5 months ago

      mocking fans of the originals and calling things like Freckle b***hes "out of date"
      Are they afraid of pissing off sheltered white kids if they make fun of current urban tropes like hypebeast clothes, gentrification and shitty fotm SoundCloud rappers, despite said sheltered white kid laughing about how he can be a troony in 2?

      • 5 months ago

        the developers were sheltered rich kids themselves let alone the asinine thought process of screwing volition over. saints row 2 patch for pc was already made, but idol ninja died, and they threw it in the trash. no respect. it pissed me off

  40. 5 months ago

    As much as I hate where gaming has gone it does bring me some satisfaction when devs like this and battlefield get what they deserve by flatly ignoring fans. It's unfortunate that a portion of investors will blame the IP though and think this means people don't want anymore saints row

  41. 5 months ago


  42. 5 months ago

    Neutered writing and boring characters, especially in comparison to the original series.
    I'm actually finding the game quite fun doing the empire building portions, and ignoring the missions and their atrocious writing.

  43. 5 months ago

    NuBoss is cute.

    • 5 months ago

      Just looks like a slight tweak of that one ugly black b***h studios keep facescanning for some reason

      • 5 months ago

        She looks great in-game. I was honestly surprised.

    • 5 months ago

      I almost never say this, but she literally looks like a man

  44. 5 months ago

    saints row was never good

  45. 5 months ago

    >Why was this game hated?

    Scowling Blacks. I am so tired of the US entertainment industries constantly shoving scowling Blacks in front of my face.

    • 5 months ago

      >He doesn't want a scowly mulatto slacktivist gf
      >For her to make bullshit out of nothing to get a rise out of you
      >To start pouting at some innocuous thing you said (she really just wants attention)
      >For you to then start patronizing her, not treating her anger with any seriousness
      >She begins pouting harder
      >You begin playing with the long of her hair
      >now she's blushing, she tries to hold onto her pout but it wavers, quivers even
      >You lightly pull on it
      >She slowly then immediately becomes putty in your hands

      Just looks like a slight tweak of that one ugly black b***h studios keep facescanning for some reason

      Debra Wilson? I don't see the resemblance but I'd frick Madtv era Debbie, no contest.

  46. 5 months ago

    It was (and probably still is) a broken buggy mess.

  47. 5 months ago

    Dude I know mistook this game for Life is Strange when he saw screenshots kek.

  48. 5 months ago

    its almost impressive how they managed to piss off both saints row 1/2 and 3/4 fans

  49. 5 months ago

    Characters were insufferable
    Gameplay was bad
    Had a bunch of technical issues
    Actively hostile PR towards customers and potential ones
    Humour, while ultimately subjective, had zero bite and was banal.

  50. 5 months ago

    It's not common to witness a company shit the bed so hard they literally die. The devs were up their own asses and basically pushed away all of the audiences with their shit spewing.
    Kinda like how bethesda is handling Starfield, but way harder and without the money to silently take the L.

  51. 5 months ago

    the worst part of this shit is was the person on Twitter thinking they can pull a windys on their actual fans giving them real constructive criticism. frick those people

    • 5 months ago

      >haters gonna hate
      >homosexual will lose this job

  52. 5 months ago

    fricking idiot you know why

  53. 5 months ago

    >what if we just completely change the tone and feel of the game by making the characters exactly like every other game made in the last 5 years?
    Old fans hated it because they changed what they liked, and they didn't gain new fans because their product was indistinguishable from the rest of the generic AAA slop on offer.

  54. 5 months ago

    RIP idolninja. hope cancer took you to a better place than this.

  55. 5 months ago

    nobody who makes a saints row game will ever be a real Mike. stick a fat dildo up your asses

  56. 5 months ago

    It had some woke under tones(yes post the pics and say "undertones") but the game is legit bad.
    Shooting, driving, missions, side activities where all a lot worse then any of the previous once. It was legit a bad game. Ganker just wants people to think thats its purely on "woke" and ignore the other 99% of "woke" games that are succesfull

    • 5 months ago

      >ignore the other 99% of "woke" games that are succesfull
      More like 1% that are successful

  57. 5 months ago

    Because it fricking sucks. Why else do you need it to be hated? To have an argument with substance? I'm not interested in hearing anyone defend this garbage, so you don't get specific reasons. It's just garbage, simple as.

  58. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      I gotta be honest 2>4>1>3 saints row 3 just isn’t fun. I went back recently to play it and was just bored

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