Why were all the characters so forgettable?

Seriously this has to be the pokemon game with the worse cast of all, even it's nu pokemon siblings have characters with lots of fans, no one gives a shit about Kalos Gym leaders but they love the Trial Captains, Galar/Paldea GLs so it's not a "new bad old good" problem

>shittiest non existent rivals, even Hau and Hop have an arc and development and Paldea btfo both even Shauna's coomer appeal is lost against Nemona's

>most forgettable gym leaders, they are bad but not "haha two coccons, only one line" bad that makes them memorable like Johto's and serve no challenge either or memorable unique strategies like Whitney, Norman, Flannery, etc

>Even more forgettable E4 and female Champion that does jack shit that even coomers forgot

>Non existent admins right next to gen 2 literal nameless NPCs, Lysandre being the game's ONLY actual character and even him is rushed as frick

Seriously what the frick happened? Who was the lead designer? It couldn't be the same from SM/SwSH/SV because those game had characters loved and cherished by fans

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  1. 7 months ago

    They had to rush everything after deleting the original alien plot

    • 7 months ago

      Rushed games
      >developed along side ORAS
      >3D assets outsourced
      >development time taken by drilldozer or whatever bullshit side game escape key gf was trying to craft to be free from their pokemon prison

      At least they brought it back, character wise, with gen 7.

      • 7 months ago

        >"they're rushed"
        >lists 3 points that have nothing to do with the game being rushed and a fanfic
        you aight schizo?

        • 7 months ago

          Rushed games
          >developed along side ORAS
          >3D assets outsourced
          >development time taken by drilldozer or whatever bullshit side game escape key gf was trying to craft to be free from their pokemon prison

          At least they brought it back, character wise, with gen 7.

          Rushed wasn't exactly the problem, the problem was that Gen 6 as a whole was made by the B team meanwhile the better devs were working on shitty gear project games no one gave a shit about

          If you want to blame someone for XY blame GF desperation to do shit like a random elephant platformer and a rhytm game

          • 7 months ago

            >the problem was that Gen 6 as a whole was made by the B team
            It's not a problem if the game itself has no problems.

  2. 7 months ago

    >inb4 it's Unova's fault Kalos is so shit
    it's all so tiresome

  3. 7 months ago

    how could it be forgettable if you remember all these things?

    • 7 months ago

      It's not that it's easy to forget their existence. It's just that they have no memorable attributes to them. They're just there.

    • 7 months ago

      HA, Goteem

  4. 7 months ago

    A character doesn't need much to be memorable. Design, personality, challenge, but the Kalos characters are shipwrecked in inconsequentiality because they don't stand out in any of these points.
    XY's design philosophy was to be a game aimed mostly at the casual audience. Maybe that's why Game Freak thought they could relax and neglected the charisma of the characters, that's why they didn't repeat the same mistake in the following generations.

  5. 7 months ago

    The bosses are not challenging or very involved in the plot, it isnt that complicated.

  6. 7 months ago

    >Why were all the characters so forgettable?
    game freak didn’t make you buy and play the same game twice

  7. 7 months ago

    They made X and Y with the clear goal of expanding on it. It was a very generic pokemon game which wasnt bad but not moving or immersive. Then we got ORAS which was essentially GF saying frick improving XY we'll remake gen 3 and add some kino fanfic at the post game for deoxys vs rayquaza instead of a battle frontier. We'll also slap megas on a ton of shitmon and broken pokemon.

    • 7 months ago

      > They made X and Y with the clear goal of expanding on it
      not really

      • 7 months ago

        They literally did, SM has placeholder data for Pokemon transferred from two other Kalos games. And the Zygarde shit was OBVIOUSLY meant to be the focus of its own game, not anime exclusive material than then got clumsily forced into SM's postgame.

        • 7 months ago

          yeah bro there was actually meant to be 7 colosseum sequels because there's placeholder data for them

        • 7 months ago

          It's almost like they've made enhanced versions for a decade and a half by then.
          Just because they expected to make a third version that gives focus on Zygarde, doesn't mean they had any plans beyond that to make XY actually good.
          None of it would've changed meaningfully, just like nothing changed meaningfully in Platinum or USUM.
          Unless you want to claim they were totally going to make a sequel instead, but that's based on nothing.

    • 7 months ago

      >kino fanfic
      It was utter shit fanfic

  8. 7 months ago

    Just like Diamond and Pearl need Platinum to be good, X and Y needed Z. Too bad Sun and Moon had to exist.

  9. 7 months ago

    >no one gives a shit about Kalos Gym leaders
    Ramos moment.

  10. 7 months ago

    I agree with a lot of the things said here. It feels half done and rushed without expanding on key concepts. Needs a game that expands on its story and has an actual endgame ( which I fricking forgot about XY's non existent endgame holy frick)

    • 7 months ago

      >It feels half done and rushed
      and yet no one will be able to elaborate on what was half done and rushed.

      >XY's non existent endgame
      It does have an endgame though. Why lie?

      • 7 months ago

        >I ignore and misinterpret criticisms to make them seem invalid

        is this another one of those videos where they cry about how bad the story is but then ignore the story in Emerald and Platinum still being complete shit?

        >there’s only good and bad, nothing in between

        • 7 months ago

          >>I ignore and misinterpret criticisms
          what criticisms

          >nothing in between
          you haven't actually established those games have better stories than XY, so.....

    • 7 months ago

      is this another one of those videos where they cry about how bad the story is but then ignore the story in Emerald and Platinum still being complete shit?

  11. 7 months ago

    These are not forgotten. Usually one of, if not the first thing people talk about when discussing this game.
    >Gym Leaders
    Lack presence and difficulty. Generally older and weirder looking designs that alienate people. First generation entry to give unique animations for their battles is nice. Not really a fault of their characters, but rather the gameplay
    E4 has the same amount of presence as other games. Malva's existence elevates it beyond most of them. Another gameplay issue
    Scientists convey a lot of personality in their opening and closing animations. Also designs that alienate a lot of people because of their goggles blocking their eyes. Lysandre being rushed is a buzzword and doesn't mean anything

    So all in all, it's a combination of easiness + older / weirder character designs + the game had the least amount of focus, only having from October 2013 to May 2014 before ORAS took over the conversation.

    • 7 months ago

      >Malva's existence elevates it beyond most of them.
      lol no it doesn't
      i didn't even notice she was the holocaster lady until my third playthrough

  12. 7 months ago

    The biggest tragedy is Sina being forgotten.

    • 7 months ago

      At least she appears on SuMo

    • 7 months ago

      She literally has a dude in /e/ and /h/ who keeps requesting/making porn of her though

  13. 7 months ago

    I think they did the bare minimum on everything because they were focused on doing a full 3D game and have a worldwide simultaneous release. They can't even be credited for the Pokémon models because creatures did them. The first Pokémon games on new hardware are always shit

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