Why were people expecting so much from a Bethesda game in the first place?

Why were people expecting so much from a Bethesda game in the first place? That's just setting up yourself for disappointment.

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 5 months ago

    >rockstar reuses formula
    >fromsoft reuses formula
    >pokemon reuses formula
    >monster hunter reuses formula

    >bethesda reuses formula

    • 5 months ago

      that's "should've" or "should have"

      And you missed the point of OP's post, you dumb idiot stupidtard

      • 5 months ago

        i was reinforcing his post you dumb Black person, AND I'M PRETTY SURE ITS "SHOULD OF", I'm and English major, but nice try

      • 5 months ago

        >that's "should've" or "should have"

    • 5 months ago

      But they didn't thoughover, that's the problem. Everyone just wanted skyrim or fallout in space, should've been a no brainer for the fricking skyrim and fallout company, but instead we got this terrible game.

    • 5 months ago

      >This board is full of snoy loving shitskins
      imagine my shock!

    • 5 months ago

      >rockstar reuses formula
      Rockstar expands the formula with each entry, and unlike bethesda, they have moved on to a new game engine
      >fromsoft reuses formula
      Same here. FS tries new things with their games. Only DS3 is the exception to that rule, and people have totally forgotten it.
      >pokemon reuses formula
      Have you been in a coma for the last 18 years? Pokemon gets shit from actual gamers. Right now they are running on nostalgia fumes, but they are still going strong because modern Pokegays are a moronic cult.
      >monster hunter reuses formula
      I agree, but the online mode is fun enough to keep git gud gays happy
      >bethesda reuses formula
      Heard the expression "skyrim with guns"? This is what it is, but in space. There are no fundamental changes to the formula, which has grown stale since fallout 3, and they are still using the same fricking engine that needs to be put out of its misery like an old sick dog. Also, the boring and safe Nasapunk setting, along with the empty generated worlds, makes the game unappealing.

      • 5 months ago

        >Only DS3 is the exception to that rule, and people have totally forgotten it.
        Ds2gay, forever coping.

        • 5 months ago

          It's funny because DS2 is so bad that it is still being remembered by soulsgays to this day. In the world of art, it's a bigger sin to be boring and bland than to be downright atrocious

    • 5 months ago

      That's the thing, even as a formulaic Bethesda game it's probably the worst thing they've made since Redguard.
      The entire formula depends on "see that mountain you can go there". You remove that and you have nothing.

      • 5 months ago

        This. They had their one big ace in the hole and threw it out, exposing how terrible their formula actually is without allowing the player to get lost in the world.
        The idea of 'Skyrim in space but with loading screens instead of an interconnected world' is so fricking stupid that it boggles the mind how no one at the studio realized what they were doing.

  2. 5 months ago

    I'm enjoying it.

    Other than the obvious story beat that says "THIS IS HOW THE GAME IS GOING TO THE END", I'm enjoying myself. I'm intentionally avoiding the main story and doing side quests to enjoy this game as much as possible. Why is everyone so negative towards it?

    • 5 months ago

      While I was playing it I was pretty neutral on it. The more I think back on it the more I hate it and realise it's fricking garbage.

  3. 5 months ago

    The game delivered on all of its promises. People just like to shriek because their dopamine receptors are fried

    • 5 months ago

      >space game with zero exploration
      >most of the content is copypasted

  4. 5 months ago

    No. Design. Document.

  5. 5 months ago

    People were expecting Skyrim space and got a bunch of procgen garbage riddled with loading screens

    • 5 months ago

      >riddled with loading screens
      Anyone that didn't expect this has not played any recent Bethesda games. Fallout 4 was filled with loading screen for entering most building and towns.

      • 5 months ago

        Its especially egregious in Starfield though. At least in their previous games you could walk around in an "overworld". In starfield there literally is no overworld. It shouldn't even be considered an open world game.

      • 5 months ago

        >Fallout 4 was filled with loading screen for entering most building and towns.
        Old bethesda games:
        >open map pick location, fast travel
        >loading screen
        >appear at location or inside city
        >enter & exit buildings
        >two loading screens
        >get in ship
        >loading screen
        >go to orbit
        >loading screen
        >select where to fly to
        >loading screen
        >select place to land
        >loading screen
        You do this exact sequence nonstop throughout the game, you can't just launch into orbit & fly to a location in real time, no your getting hammered by black loading screens without any transition animations like in mass effect or something every time you go somewhere.
        There’s a big difference there.

  6. 5 months ago

    I just wanted a decently fun Bethesda styled game in an interesting sci-fi setting with some cool worldbuilding. I didn't expect them to somehow release the most bland & generic sci-fi IP ever made bros...

    • 5 months ago

      Same. The thing I was worried about most with their track record was it was going to be a buggy mess, but it was actually okay in that regard. But the game itself was disappointing even if you didn't expect much.

  7. 5 months ago

    I was expecting to be let down but they somehow surpassed that by being even more disappointing than expected

  8. 5 months ago

    >expecting so much
    Bethesda effectively removing exploration was the next logical step after steadily stripping everything else that made people like their games with each release but I still didn't think they'd actually take it that far.

  9. 5 months ago

    I was expecting a space-themed Bethesda game and that's what it was. No idea why everyone shit themselves when it wasn't a full-blown 4X space simulation.

    • 5 months ago

      Even ignoring the fact that space is a fast travel hub and space exploration is non-existent in this "space-themed2 game, even if you just look at it as a Bethesda styled looter shooter with quests it still is incredibly bland and boring.

  10. 5 months ago

    is this the line bethesdadrones are taking now? >"Its SUPPOSED to be bad, stupid!"

  11. 5 months ago

    Nobody expected "so much". Everyone expected Fallout 4 in space. Everyone wanted Fallout 4. They got Fallout 4 in space. You're only talking about Starfield because Bethesda being gobbled up by Microsoft turns it into console war territory. If that hadn't happened. you'd be discussing how it won every GotY award.
    Point out what other people say all you want, but people leaving negative reviews (who didn't refund the game) still continue to put hours into it, and the opinion of modders on Nexus who are the same people that actively harass everyone who makes a mod with a straight white npc never mattered about anything to begin with.

    • 5 months ago

      >They got Fallout 4 in space
      No they didn't, it not even as "good" as that. Its boring, bland and vanilla in every way and fundamentally fails at being a "bethesda game", fails as an exploration game or a space game or as an interesting scifi RPG, even fails as a basic looter shooter, and the "endgame" is the most moronic thing ever conceived.

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