why would you design a game around save scumming?

why would you design a game around save scumming?

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  1. 10 months ago

    literally just add save points and you're only allowed to save on those, jrpgs figured this out in the nes, save scumming is a wester game problem only

    • 10 months ago

      There doesn't exist a single jap game where the plot changes depending on a RNG variable in the dialogue.

      • 10 months ago

        sounds like shit design to me, unless the RNG was a skill roll, in this case you should have put more points into charisma. what's the point of having a dice roll if you're gonna keep rerolling it until you get the result you want?

        • 10 months ago

          >what's the point of having a dice roll if you're gonna keep rerolling it until you get the result you want?
          You're right. You should ask the developers that question. It seems like such an easy fix too, if your goal is an authentic experience.

          However, it also would require the game to actually have CONSEQUENCES for failure, that aren't just "Welp, you died. Reload last save and try again." But that's a lot of work. "Game Over" is just easier.

    • 10 months ago

      Jrpg aren't rpgs

      • 10 months ago

        No video game RPG is
        Frick off

  2. 10 months ago

    You control what buttons you press. I haven't savescummed ONCE.

    • 10 months ago

      >You control what buttons you press. I haven't savescummed ONCE.
      Expecting Gen Z not to savescum when it's available is like asking blacks to apply for college without making a huge deal about their race.

      Even if they know it's wrong they're not going to resist playing on Super Easy Mode.

  3. 10 months ago

    if you save scum you're a moron

    imagine asking your dm if you could PWEEESE reroll

    • 10 months ago

      >imagine asking your dm if you could PWEEESE reroll
      I'm the DM, I've run hundreds of sessions of lots of RPGs in my life. You have to accept the rolls, because there's literally no mechanic available other than asking the DM if you can stop the session and re-do things, which no one is going to do. But a video game is different, because the video game has no DM, it only has a set of rule for how it functions. And if one of those rules is that there is no penalty for saving and reloading, then you've designed a game where accepting the outcome of a given RNG event is essentially just a self-imposed restriction.

      It's a lot like playing old NES games. You couldn't save, you either went forwards or you died and had to start over from scratch. Then modern emulators and consoles invented saving, and thus you aren't beholden to accepting the outcome, you can just try again.

      I think, as a game attempting to emulate D&D as closely as possible, BG3 definitely misses the mark specifically because of the saving thing. Because of it, you will never have that experience, you will only ever have the video game experience where failure is a choice, not a consequence.

      • 10 months ago

        If failing a roll actually leads to a unique, fun outcome then your argument would be valid.

    • 10 months ago

      My table top group is playing BG3, just two of them. I've been watching them play and one of them may a huge frick up and picked a bad choice which started a fight. The other friend was all "OH no, I didn't want to fight these guys. We should go back."
      To which I was like "Man, you know if the GM heard you say that he would laugh and say "Nah, you get fricked"
      If you save scum, that's on you.

      • 10 months ago

        that might be true, but if your party dies then you have to reload save anyway. you'd have to be an absolute autist to start whole new playthrough if your party died

  4. 10 months ago

    >why would you design a game around save scumming?

    >save scumming

    KYS. You can play as intended but I want to go back and rethink my choices, that's how I like my game.

  5. 10 months ago

    Be keeping the same seed between saves.

  6. 10 months ago

    You simply don't. Have a fricking spine. Play out the story, however it goes. If you die? that's an ending. Start again, not every story needs to have a happy ending with the MC on a destined path of turning into a god, sometimes people just choke a fight and die fighting rats in a sewer.

    • 10 months ago

      >If you die? that's an ending
      Fricking lol.

      Yeah man, let's play Hardcore Ironman mode for no fricking reason. Just play the same quests over and over until you catch a big monster crit and then delete your save.

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah you probably couldn't handle it anyway. It's fine, just switch to story mode so you can have your harem ending, you deserve it friend.

        • 10 months ago

          >Yeah you probably couldn't handle it anyway.
          homie you're not fricking doing it either, what the frick are you talking about.

        • 10 months ago

          at this point just play a rouge like that is designed around perma death

          • 10 months ago

            Rogue. Not rouge.

            • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      I've literally had a full health character die(die not go down) instantly from one lucky roll from a random goblin, no fricking way i'm doing that.
      >not every story needs to have a happy ending with the MC on a destined path of turning into a god, sometimes people just choke a fight and die fighting rats in a sewer.
      Thats not fun though. Those stories would be bad stories. Replaying the same story a billion times until it goes properly isnt fun. Games are meant to be fun.

  7. 10 months ago


  8. 10 months ago

    The problem with adding road bumps to make savescumming harder (eg, pre rolling attacks options once the round starts or pre rolling conversation options) is that ultimately anyone who wants to savescum will just do it anyway.
    Yeah it'll take longer and it'll be more annoying, but they'll still do it.
    The way they did it basically gives you the freedom to be a big boy and hold yourself accountable but also be a little b***h if you really want.

  9. 10 months ago

    i only savescum in fights, but not because im losing, but because im autistic and always want the best results
    i don't savescum during dialogues and other shit, i live with consequences of my shitty choices or lack of them, like for example in the village where gnomes are, they bully one guy who's put on a windmill and you can release him, but i used wrong lever and shoot him into stars and i could reload, but simply didn't

  10. 10 months ago

    I could definitely play this without savescumming, and it would be a pretty interesting experience, except its BROKEN AS SHIT

    every fricking hour i encounter some gamebreaking hud, be it laezel deleting all of my hud, petting the owlbear turning the entire game black, characters just permanently disappearing (rip volo), shit never ends. WHERE ARE THE PATCHES!?

    • 10 months ago

      the game was in early access for 3 years and you think they're going to patch it now in a few days lol
      come back in 5 years

    • 10 months ago

      let me guess, you pirated it?

      i've been playing for almost 40h straight since release and didn't get a single bug. there's sometimes glitches during dialogues where camera doesn't show the character talking or the character is covered by a texture of a different object, but other than that it's very well polished game

      • 10 months ago

        No, I bought it. My friend also says he's encountered barely any bugs, I don't understand how our experiences can be so different in the same game, I enjoy the game enough to keep going but im running into CONSTANT bugs, I basically quicksave every 5 minutes now

      • 10 months ago

        >let me guess, you pirated it?
        Why would that make any difference? It's on GOG DRM-free. You're getting exactly the same files that paypigs are.

    • 10 months ago

      that's weird. only bugs I've encountered were some minor ones during the cinematic, like an elf's ears lighting up instead of his eyes when I spoke to his corpse, someone's mouth not moving during a line and a gate not having an opening animation. might also have a memory leak which requires the game to be restarted after many hours. but other than that, not many bugs

    • 10 months ago

      No, I bought it. My friend also says he's encountered barely any bugs, I don't understand how our experiences can be so different in the same game, I enjoy the game enough to keep going but im running into CONSTANT bugs, I basically quicksave every 5 minutes now

      Def a your pc thing, check your drivers, required sofrwares etc

  11. 10 months ago

    I save scum when I misclicked during combat or when some bullshit bug happens

  12. 10 months ago


    lol I'm going to keep loading the game until the dice come out in my favor.

  13. 10 months ago

    The point of this game is the little things you miss or fail which add up and create interesting alternate permutations later. They put so much work into making different variations for how things can turn out depending on what quests you succeed and fail, which characters you talked to, who you were able to persuade, etc. That's the entire design premise of this game. If you savescum you will end up playing the exact same campaign every time.

  14. 10 months ago

    >why would you design a game around save scumming?
    they didnt. If you want to save scum thats on you. you can save scum in basically any game

  15. 10 months ago

    Because dice rolls are moronic crutch mechanic made to simulate situations obviously impossible in real life.
    With video games, you don't have to do that, because shit can literally happen there in reality. There is no need for a dice roll if you could swing a sword and actually connect it with the enemy.

    The problem with RPGs though is that they still want to simulate that shit for some reason instead of doing something like Dragon's Dogma, and making it all real time action combat.

  16. 10 months ago

    The only time I save-scum is when I misclick something and it fricks up my entire battle strategy

  17. 10 months ago

    Op and anyone who agrees with him are future drug addicts in the making. KYS

  18. 10 months ago

    >babby's first crpg
    I'm having such a good time watching all these homosexuals who've never played cRPGs shid and piss themselves over standard cRPG mechanics
    All of you are only playing this game because it's the FoTM, not because you are or have ever been interested in the genre and it shows. Unironic zoomers.

  19. 10 months ago

    why does the zhentarim hideout just explode for no reason

    • 10 months ago

      inshallah my friend

  20. 10 months ago

    I enjoy save scumming
    I think rolls are kind of stupid outside of combat
    you should at least be able to avoid certain rolls with high enough stats
    the accuracy % in this game also seems very off
    I'm going to keep save scumming

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