Wild West makes your games better.

>Fantasy world
>WILD WEST Fantasy world
Now we’re talking.

Adding a “Wild West” before the theme of your setting simply improves it, no ifs ands or buts. This applies to every conceivable setting. Try to prove me wrong.

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    WILD WEST Wolrd War 1
    hmm you might be onto something

    • 4 months ago

      That's just the Mexican Revolution.

    • 4 months ago

      Rugged individualism meets the indifferent meatgrinder. If that doesn't cause interesting conflict for the players to bounce off of, I don't know what will.

      • 4 months ago

        They made a movie about that with Anthony Hopkins in it

    • 4 months ago

      I figured this out much earlier
      When i was a kid i was building a setting that is basically Wild West Dark Medieval WW1. It took place on a continent where it's not endless badlands, canyons, then it's a devastated no man's land at least, with trenches & old castles everywhere, thrice abandoned battlefields littered with decayed corpses in rusted armor
      I could never figure out though how to make the denizens of this world fight in melee though in proper knightly manner

      • 4 months ago

        >I could never figure out though how to make the denizens of this world fight in melee though in proper knightly manner
        The spirits of the fallen war-dead scorn those who rely upon underhanded methods on the field of battle.
        The upholding of decent knightly conduct, respect and humane treatment of the opponent is what staves off the worst ailments of the battlefield - disease, hysteria, possession and the like.
        Proper etiquette such as respectful treatment / repatriation of the dead garners favor with the spirits of the battlefield, conferring boons unattainable by the likes of mortal science or magic.

  2. 4 months ago

    Wild West horror
    Wild West romance
    Wild West Kung Fu
    Wild West epic
    Wild West superhero story
    Wild West drama
    Wild West porno
    Wild West comedy
    Wild West crime investigative
    Wild West cyberpunk

    You're right.

    • 4 months ago

      >Wild West cyberpunk
      Okay, I can picture all the rest but not this. How the hell would Wild West Cyberpunk work? Bionically enhanced cowboys moving cattle for heartless corporations? Settlers getting paid off by the same corps to go settle the lands of the cyber-Injuns?

      • 4 months ago

        .-.. --- - ... / .- -. -.. / .-.. --- - ... / --- ..-. / - . .-.. . --. .-. .- .--. .... -.-- .-.-.-

        • 4 months ago
      • 4 months ago


        Just have a cyberpunk setting. In Texas.

        Houston and Austin are mega-cities, but there's a pretty clear dividing line from where you go from the major cities to the desolate wasteland of post-industrial America. Have some US Marshals running about, border-patrol agents. Keep talking about how everyone hates the Mexicans. Farmers are struggling to eke out a living when the Chinese are cloning cows to make hamburgers out of. Ilicit drug trades, gangs in the inner cities, militia's forming in rural towns where the big government isn't willing to spend the resources. Bands of nomadic hippies living in vans cause housing prices have gotten too insane.

        A lot of potential there. You could play as US Marshal's using your big iron to bring steely justice upon cyberfreaks brewing hypermeth out of old barns.

      • 4 months ago

        >I cannot picture wild west cyberpunk!
        >*proceeds to picture wild west cyberpunk*

      • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        >what is cowboy bebop
        >what is trigun

      • 4 months ago

        It's basically just a Nomad-centric campaign in Cyberpunk

      • 4 months ago

        Set in on a rimworld in a space faring setting.

      • 4 months ago

        Set in on a rimworld in a space faring setting.

        I'm trying to work on a setting like this but I'm having trouble justifying the cyberpunk megacorps tbh

        • 4 months ago

          Just imagine instead of a peaceful world government taking to the stars like in Star Trek it's a collection of competitive Megacorps, each wanting to strike out into new, resource rich worlds. As corpos do, they would of course save costs anywhere they could and abandon poor investment planets.

          • 4 months ago

            If that was done in the Star Trek universe instead of Star Fleet, it could be very interesting.
            >small fleet of US Navy starships
            >each mega-corp has more tonnage than the Navy
            >US Marshals on the ground on some planets as only law
            >Mega-corps negotiating with individual species and worlds
            >Khan and other genetically enhanced are respected CEOs and leaders in their fields
            >enhanced humans are the norm by the 23rd Century
            >everyone has the behavior chip but tuned for their Corp

        • 4 months ago

          Interstellar ranching companies raise cattle and genetically-engineered racing animals on vast, billion-acre ranches on remote worlds.

          • 4 months ago

            Galaxy Rangers time.

        • 4 months ago

          You could use the Borderlands series as inspiration.
          >uninhabited resource-rich planet discovered
          >intergalactic corpos jump on that shit like dogs on a steak
          >rapidly build towns, infrastructure, mining and logging operations
          >planet's ecosystem starts waking up from a years-long hibernation cycle
          >most of the planet's fauna is deadly as frick
          >things start falling apart
          >some corporations start shipping in prisoners as penal labor
          >things fall more apart
          >corpos start pulling out, abandoning the civilians
          >also abandoning the prisoners who immediately start forming bandit gangs
          >everyone else is left huddling in fortified towns on a lawless planet surrounded by deadly nature and insane bloodthirsty criminals
          >but the corpos still take time to sell them shit
          >especially guns

          Borderlands does a lot of stupid shit but I liked their take on space corps, they gave them all clear visual themes and branding with their products and advertisements. The employees of said corpos also have a wide range, from "mostly normal schmucks" to "Patrick Bateman-tier psychopaths" and "pigfrick stupid morons with money."

          • 4 months ago

            Is there a good Borderlands system?
            It would need good tactical combat, but also D&D's HP bloat and XP/level grind.

            • 4 months ago

              D&D 4e but magic items have 1d6 magic properties

        • 4 months ago

          The Wild West was already like that, with corporations hiring mercenaries to straight-up just death-squad people out of land that they wanted for plantations/oil wells, etc.
          In a cyberpunk setting, corps would still be willing to kill for gold, semiconductors still have to get made. And land? On the right areas around aquifers, the corps could save a pretty penny on water condensers if they can just pump water to the surface for hydroponics.

          If anything, Cyberpunk goes all too well with Wild West, moreso than even Fantasy.

          • 4 months ago

            Wasn't just the Wild West. Pennsylvania had the "Coal and Iron Police". If you had "any colliery, furnace, or rolling mill within this commonwealth" you could create your own police force. Because the coal must roll.

            • 4 months ago

              Coalpunk is underrated

      • 4 months ago

        Cyberpunk but it's in Dallas.
        >Corporations hire corporate gunslingers instead of corporate ninjas/samurai
        >all business deals are settled with shootouts
        >flying cars with bullhorns

      • 4 months ago

        anytime dredd goes to texas city

      • 4 months ago

        Steam punk essentially but Western Frontier instead of Britain.

    • 4 months ago

      >Wild West Kung Fu
      Now I want to do that. Guns and Kung Fu. You need to be a master of one od the other to be able to compete.

      • 4 months ago

        I think you'd enjoy Feng Shui RPG then.

      • 4 months ago

        Wild West Xianxia

  3. 4 months ago

    >Wild West mecha
    Frick, that actually sounds kind of sick.

    • 4 months ago

      Look at Cannon Busters on Netflix, pretty much this

      • 4 months ago

        That “anime” sucks complete ass.
        He should actually look into GunxSword. An earlier work by the creator of code Geass.

        • 4 months ago

          Seconding Gun X Sword. My favorite thing about it was the shockingly refreshing moral that "Revenge is actually okay, so long as you don't let it turn you into an butthole. Killing that awful person who ruined your life is fine, just don't become an awful person yourself."

        • 4 months ago

          Seconding Gun X Sword. My favorite thing about it was the shockingly refreshing moral that "Revenge is actually okay, so long as you don't let it turn you into an butthole. Killing that awful person who ruined your life is fine, just don't become an awful person yourself."

          Wake up, Dann.

      • 4 months ago

        >look it up
        >it’s some western “anime style” drivel

  4. 4 months ago

    There's a Wild West MTG set coming out soon and the odds that it'll suck are close to 100%.

    • 4 months ago

      They hate guns so much that they didn't even put the Revolver in their recent MtG Cluedo crossover set and now they want us to trust them to deliver on a good Wild West set.

  5. 4 months ago

    So hey I plan to do a story about someone running a wild-west /tg/ game, but they get sucked into it Jumanji style with the GM going mad from power. I'll post my notes for the setting and see if anyone is interested in them, or if they think they're shit.

    >repurposed ideas for an indianna jones styled archeaology adventure setting, essentially just a bit further back in the timeline
    >The world is a moon inhabited by humans, and a planet inhabited by elves, they share the same atmosphere, and travel between the two is possible with airships.
    >There's also alchemically engineered beastfolk as a servant race
    >Humans live mostly on archipeligo's with european styled cultures having the largest, and other flavors of human being on smaller more isolated islands
    >Elves have a wide variety of cultures, often get grouped as things like 'snow elf' or 'sand elf' and so on, they had massive and prosperous civilizations that for some mysterious reason collapsed and degenerated into tribal societies about a century prior to first contact with humans
    >Human kingdoms explore the planet, and set up 'dependencies', which is not direct colonization, more like setting up trade ports and propping up local kingdoms as vassal-states
    >A number of Bioshock Infinite floating cities are created, but they have a revolution and declare independence with 13 of them forming something like the United States
    >One group of elves basically sell off their land creating a frontier for the floating cities for them to settle on- this land is a 'territory' in the same way western Territories worked for the US
    >They build up a couple cities and infrastructure, and boom, wild west.
    >Also at some point they have a civil war over whether 'rights for everyone' actually includes 'everyone' like the Elves and Beastfolk or not.

    • 4 months ago

      Where can we read this?

      • 4 months ago

        I haven't written it yet, and it'd be for a bunch of ecchi-style comic-things. It's also the second of it's kind I'd want to write, but the first one would be set in a more bog-standard fantasy campaign, wheras a third one might take place in a wierd-world-war setting.

        >But anon! Why make cringe anime uwu shit, when you could write real shit instead?
        A. autism.
        B. effort.
        C. The tools I have make doing cringe anime shit easier to write.

        If any of that continues to interest you, I can still give you a link to my work.

        Very cool, keep going

        Not too much else, other than what I was thinking for the archeology adventure setup

        Which is you have a cold war between three main factions, one broadly democratic, one broadly fascist, and one broadly communist on the humans planet. A number of monarchies are in essence forced into exile on the elven planet in the remnants of their colonies creating a sort of fourth faction.

        These factions then go looking into the ancient ruins of the elves for magical artifacts and so on, with the intent to, if not use them, then at least deprive them to their rivals.

        I was also thinking the ancient greece/roman elves would have an amazon theme to them.

        You could use the Borderlands series as inspiration.
        >uninhabited resource-rich planet discovered
        >intergalactic corpos jump on that shit like dogs on a steak
        >rapidly build towns, infrastructure, mining and logging operations
        >planet's ecosystem starts waking up from a years-long hibernation cycle
        >most of the planet's fauna is deadly as frick
        >things start falling apart
        >some corporations start shipping in prisoners as penal labor
        >things fall more apart
        >corpos start pulling out, abandoning the civilians
        >also abandoning the prisoners who immediately start forming bandit gangs
        >everyone else is left huddling in fortified towns on a lawless planet surrounded by deadly nature and insane bloodthirsty criminals
        >but the corpos still take time to sell them shit
        >especially guns

        Borderlands does a lot of stupid shit but I liked their take on space corps, they gave them all clear visual themes and branding with their products and advertisements. The employees of said corpos also have a wide range, from "mostly normal schmucks" to "Patrick Bateman-tier psychopaths" and "pigfrick stupid morons with money."

        I think one of the areas Borderlands misses the mark is that it doesn't do a proper contrast of civilization and the wilderness. In the mainline games, it's kind of all action, all the time, everyone's out to either kill you or frick you over. One of the central themes of Wild West stuff is 'is the civilization we are bringing to the frontier, actually an improvement'.

        I think 'Tales from the Borderlands' helps fill this niche a lot better since half the perspective is from two bureaucrats entering the hostile world of Pandora and forced to survive in it as they go through their quest, and the other is on two con-women desperately trying to get out.

        • 4 months ago

          >I think one of the areas Borderlands misses the mark is that it doesn't do a proper contrast of civilization and the wilderness. In the mainline games, it's kind of all action, all the time, everyone's out to either kill you or frick you over. One of the central themes of Wild West stuff is 'is the civilization we are bringing to the frontier, actually an improvement'.

          I think it's there but it's not really a central theme to Borderlands. The answer to 'is civilization better?' is a great big fricking nope - the only halfway positive corp representation we see is Mr. Torgue, but he's more of a mascot, I think.

          I mean, look at how Atlas and Hyperion both fricked their own shit up. The main antagonists of 3 are fricking social media influencers.

          • 4 months ago

            Yeah, but then on the other hand, everyone on Pandora will either shoot your or scam you. Kinda hard to root for the lawless frontier when it's just all blood and guts.

            Not to say Borderlands can't do over-the-top stuff, I think just a couple layers of more serious worldbuilding could have elevated it. Again- I thought one of the strongest points in the franchise was in Tales of the Borderland when Rhys is trapped in the desert and he has to keep going in order to complete his mission cause otherwise he stays stranded in the planet and dies. There's some actual pathos there that's explored a bit.

            • 4 months ago

              >Yeah, but then on the other hand, everyone on Pandora will either shoot your or scam you.

              Right, but most of the people shooting at you are either corporate stooges - e.g. Atlas or Hyperion troops - or bandits - prison conscript labourers brought to Pandora and abandoned by Dahl, subsequently driven insane by the Vaults but honestly they were not good people before that.

              The scammers are abandoned Dahl employees circa 1, and then after that ex-corporate people.

              So the kind of people who would shoot and/or scam you are the kind of people civilization would bring in.

              Civilization sucks. The lawless anarchy of Pandora also sucks .

              I guess you have to ask yourself: do you want to get raped in the mouth by a dick covered in shards of broken glass, or get raped in the ass by a dick covered in razor wire?

              • 4 months ago

                uh what kind of thread did I just walk into

              • 4 months ago

                You don't want to know.

    • 4 months ago

      Very cool, keep going

  6. 4 months ago

    Mild East Setting blocks your path

    • 4 months ago

      Wild West Mild East

      • 4 months ago
        • 4 months ago

          >tfw no twink gunslinger bf

    • 4 months ago

      I swear to god this guy's RPGs are all "What if we take a fantasy version of a movie setting we all love, and make it as boring, realistic, and political as possible?" Like he'd be perfect for making a Game of Thrones RPG.

      • 4 months ago

        No fun allowed.

    • 4 months ago

      why is the white man's take on eastern fantasy gay and cringe but the yellow man's take on wild west is based and soulful?

      • 4 months ago

        shit forgot to attach my image

      • 4 months ago

        I know people have an aversion to ai, but there was some fun looking fantasy west slop the other day.

  7. 4 months ago

    The US of A were a mistake and so were you

  8. 4 months ago

    D&D is already implicitly a Western

  9. 4 months ago

    This is true and yet wild west on its own is boring as frick for anyone who is not American and even most of them. It is the eternal wild west conundrum.

  10. 4 months ago

    Are you the guy who posts the ai generated western fantasy stuff to /slop/?

  11. 4 months ago

    Eh, I recently tried a weird west bugpunk fantasy game, and it was just okay. Maybe because it didn’t have the cowboy aesthetic (it was more injuns and trains tbqh)?

    • 4 months ago

      Can you tell us more? I'm preparing a Weird West campaign and I'm currently balancing powers and guns. But I also have a lot more questions depending on your experiences.

      • 4 months ago

        Not really, no.

  12. 4 months ago

    Dammit, shilling for Outlaws of Thunder Junction starts particularly early.

  13. 4 months ago

    I was looking for this on the internet like a madman to have a book of random tables for the Wild West and be sure to not miss anything. I didn't want to be unprepared and not to have that one specific shop I missed.

    I was so desperate I even felt like buying the book (that would have been my second book). But then I asked chatgpt. That tool is so efficient at doing autistic work like that. Giving you list, categories, random names...

    What tool do you use for your Wild West games?

    • 4 months ago

      ChatGPT's great for generic shit like that. A good place to bounce an idea off of or gin up some inspiration. Based on your post, I just asked it to come up with ten frontier town names for a Wild West game. Could I have come up with Coyote Springs or Tumbleweed Junction on my own? Sure. But when you need a quick name for an unplanned stop, it's pretty perfect.

      • 4 months ago

        I just asked to give me the price ranges for a bunch of items in 1850. I'm so glad the tedious work can be done by someone or something else.

    • 4 months ago

      >chatgpt as a GM helper
      holy shit, where was it when I was still being a GM and working on my setting? I needed tons of lists or random stuff... if I only I could have automated the process back then

  14. 4 months ago

    >/tg/ just discovered that adding cowboys makes everything cooler
    You guys are so slow.

  15. 4 months ago

    Love cowpunk settings

    • 4 months ago

      As was pointed out in a podcast, the COW in this is an acronym for Code Of the West. So the full title of the show is Wild West Code Of the West Boys of Moo Mesa.

    • 4 months ago

      I'm okay with ninja turtles but something about cowboys cow boys disturbs me.

  16. 4 months ago

    Best of both worlds.

  17. 4 months ago

    I want to try this with a Wild West setting and get double for my money. Wild west x wild west

  18. 4 months ago

    Wild West mythological ancient Greece.
    How would this even work?

    • 4 months ago

      >Stranger, tread careful on this dusty trail, for to cross my path, you must unravel a riddle as twisted as the river bends:
      >What creature walks on four legs in the mornin', two at high noon, and three when the shadows grow long?

  19. 4 months ago
  20. 4 months ago
    lowercase sage

    >WILD WEST Fantasy world
    May I play a Sasquatch?

  21. 4 months ago

    My ex got me into this indie folk band called Lord Huron who's lyrics are all seem to be set in a weird, slight mystical fantasy western setting. Not my normal cup of tea musically but I've ended up really getting into them for that reason I think.

    Great driving/road trip music too.

    • 4 months ago

      >Great driving/road trip music too
      Indeed. I got introduced to them by some lad on Ganker.

      • 4 months ago

        Very Ganker band so that makes sense.

  22. 4 months ago

    If the american western aesthetic isn't your cup of tea, incorporating western themes and tropes is an excellent way to present a harsh and unforgiving setting.

    Settlements living a thin line between civilization and barbarity.

    A promise for a better life for those brave enough to tame the land around them.

    Grave personal injustices settled through vigilantism.

    Men and women that cling to the old ways in a ever-progressive society, tradition versus change.

    Interplay between community versus individualism.

    Prospecting for rare precious metals or minerals fueling an economic boom, with all of the good and bad that comes with boom towns.

    Some ideas to inject into your next story.

  23. 4 months ago

    I recently realised I love wild west tropes despite not really caring for any wild west media. I love duels at sundown, bounty hunting, lawless towns, excessive amounts of revolvers, opportunistic business men buying out towns and pushing out natives and all that jazz, and I like to put it in my games, but the genre as a whole doesn't sit right with me. Can't place why

  24. 4 months ago

    Wild West Hyper-Erotic Sexventure.

    • 4 months ago

      Can't have the wild west without some imported girls to spend that hard earned few dollars you got.

      • 4 months ago

        Please stop this at once, kind sir. This is a nsfw town, and you are going against the law

  25. 4 months ago

    > wild west, but native americans have a higher tech level

    • 4 months ago

      Ever checked out the comics East of West by Jonathan Hickman? It's kind of post-apoc with magic thrown in, but the Native Americans are way ahead of the tech curve.

      • 4 months ago

        No but that sounds interesting.

  26. 4 months ago
  27. 4 months ago

    Uh, wicke-wild, wild
    Wicky-wicky wild
    Wickey wild, wicky-wicky wild, wild
    Wicky-wicky wild, wild west
    Jim West, desperado
    Rough rider, no you don't want nada
    None of this, six-gunnin' this, brother runnin' this
    Buffalo soldier, look it's like I told ya
    Any damsel that's in distress
    Be out of that dress when she meet Jim West
    Rough neck so go check the law and abide
    Watch your step, we'll flex and get a hole in your side
    Swallow your pride, don't let your lip react
    You don't wanna see my hand where my hip be at
    With Artemus, from the start of this, runnin' the game
    James West tamin' the west so remember the name
    Now who ya gonna call?
    Not the G.B.'s
    Now who you gon' call?
    J dub and A.G
    If you have a riff with, people wanna bust, break out!
    Before you get bum-rushed at
    When I roll into the (Wild Wild West)
    When I stroll into the (Wild Wild West)
    When I bounce into the (Wild Wild West)
    Sisqo, Sisqo
    We going straight to the Wild Wild West
    We going straight to the Wild Wild West
    Now once upon a time in the west
    Mad man lost his damn mind in the West
    Loveless, kidnap a dime, nothin' less
    Now I must put his behind to the test (Can you feel me?)
    Then through the shadows, in the saddle, ready for battle
    Bring all your boys in, here come the poison
    Behind my back, all the riffin' ya did
    Front and center, now where ya lip at kid?
    Who dat is? A mean brother, bad for your health
    Lookin' damn good though, if I could say it myself
    Told me Loveless is a mad man, but I don't fear that
    He got mad weapons too, ain't tryin' to hear that
    Tryin' to bring down me, the champion
    When y'all clowns gon' see that it can't be done
    Understand me son, I'm the slickest they is
    I'm the quickest as they is, did I say I'm the slickest they is
    So if you barking up the wrong tree we comin', don't be startin' nothin'
    Me and my partner gonna test your chest, Loveless
    Can't stand the heat then get out the Wild Wild West

    • 4 months ago

      Will Smith really only did the coolest of bangers

  28. 4 months ago

    I like the wild west aesthetic but wild west games suffer from the same issues nautical games do. Too much vast expanse of nothingness

  29. 4 months ago


  30. 4 months ago

    When you're right, you're right:

  31. 4 months ago

    Did you know that China had its own Wild West (Wild East?) phase in the 1910s-1930s?
    The country suffered a power vacuum that led to the rise of various warlord "cliques" that fought to control the country - hence the period's name, the "Warlord Era".

    Imagine a Wild West in Asia but this time with WW1 surplus arms dealers, Russian mercenary armored trains, Chinese former-army bandits, Korean settlers, Japanese military intervention and so on.
    It's a really interesting historical period that hasn't had much in way of media presence, but lends itself well to all sorts of campaign possibilities.

    • 4 months ago

      Really? China suffered a warlord era? Man... that's just odd. I thought that after the Warring States Period; the Three Kingdoms Period; The Sixteen Kingdoms Period; The Northern And Southern Dynasties; The An Lushan Rebellion; The Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period; The Northern and Southern Dynasties 2: Song Edition; The Red Turban Rebellion; and The Ming Collapse, they had gotten the hang of "Not collapsing into feuding warlord states every few centuries".

    • 4 months ago

      The warlord period is fricking fascinating, including such characters as: The Christian Warlord, who supposedly would mass baptize his troops with a fire-hose before battle.

      Or: The Dogmeat General, AKA the Three Hows. Because he didn't know how many troops he had, how much money he had, or how many wives he had.

      I've also been studying Central Asia in a class, and we just went over how the region became quite lawless following the 1905 revolution. There's some real looney toons shit that went on, like a bank-robber/revolutionary takes a bag of cash from a bank. He asks to go the bathroom. After about a half hour they check on him, and the see he's gone and the window is open. The police send out the word to track him down, but he's disguised himself by crossdressing as a woman. A muslim woman with a full-body hijab (so you can see why it'd be a good disguise). He boards a train, but a russian woman tries to strike a conversation with him. He keeps quiet, but this woman is a karen (the choice of words by my prof.) who is extremely offended a muslim woman is refusing to talk to her- even if she doesn't know Russian she should at least acknowledge her presence. She finds out he's a cross-dressing bankrobber when she notices he's wearing pants. EXCEPT: Turns out she's a friend of the bank-robber and ends up not turning him in anyway.

      • 4 months ago

        Ok,those stories sound wild as hell. Guess I'll do some research on that era on my spare time

      • 4 months ago

        The Dogmeat General's antics don't stop there.
        Issuing his soldiers medals made of cigarette-box gold foil, firing artillery at the clouds during a drought while hurling obscenities at the god of rain... Guy was a colorful character.

        • 4 months ago

          Wrote slam poetry about buddhist temples he blew up. Not particularly good slam poetry.

          I think one went something like-
          'The Buddhists said one thing, I said the other.
          I blew up your temple.
          Go frick your mother.'

          • 4 months ago

            >Not particularly good slam poetry.

    • 4 months ago

      if you haven't watched it already check out this movie. it's basically a western movie that takes place during the japanese invasion of manchuria.

  32. 4 months ago

    >Racist Norway
    Hell yes.

    • 4 months ago

      They and all of Scandinavia could stand to get a little more racist, really. Central and Western Europe, too.

  33. 4 months ago

    >Try to prove me wrong.

    Wild West World of Darkness.

    I accept your concession.

    • 4 months ago

      Why would that be bad?

    • 4 months ago

      you literally and figuratively just proved him right...

  34. 4 months ago

    >wild west sword and sorcery
    I know that this is arguably just weird west, but can we call it Colt & Sorcery?

    • 4 months ago

      Colts & Collieries

  35. 4 months ago

    This board needs an AI that automatically removes any thread whose subject is "my preference good, your preference bad".

    • 4 months ago

      This board needs an AI that automatically removes any post whose content is "my metacommentary good".

      • 4 months ago

        nah. what I said is correct.

  36. 4 months ago

    I just recently ran the Ghost Mountain game in ICRPG. It was pretty fun.

  37. 4 months ago
  38. 4 months ago

    moar slopWest

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