Will 40k ever reach the same level of cultural impact and relevance as Star Wars and LOTR?

Will 40k ever reach the same level of cultural impact and relevance as Star Wars and LOTR? I genuinely feel that 40k will be the next big mega-franchise.

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    Only if pop culture is slowing down.

  2. 3 months ago


  3. 3 months ago

    it's a space marine scout because they couldn't get a space marine skin to work without massive clipping issues with a normal human rig

    • 3 months ago

      Well obviously, nobody wants to play with an 8 foot hitbox

  4. 3 months ago


  5. 3 months ago

    >I genuinely feel that 40k will be the next big mega-franchise.

    Can't happen, and if it somehow happens it will result in 40k lore being raped and bastardized so much that it's unrecognizable.

    • 3 months ago

      >it will result in 40k lore being raped and bastardized so much that it's unrecognizable
      You trying to say it hasn't been already?

    • 3 months ago

      That already happened lol. 40k is about as watered down and mass-consumption friendly as it could possibly be while still resembling on some level 40k.

    • 3 months ago

      Oh no

      >"Yes, I loved him once, your Emperor, enough to bear his only son - Horux. He repaid his father by being his medical experiment - the first of the Space Marine. Like when I held him to my breast, a hope for the future. Oh, I know not whether our alliance with the Craftworld Squats will hold up... what I do know is we will need that archeotech to find Guilliman's Organ."

      • 3 months ago

        >"Emperor? Emperor? Why, I remember him as a student of artillery in what was then the Republican Guard. A very serious fellow. Once brought down a Necroton skimmer from behind a hill armed with just a mortar and geometry! Yes, serious, but not above playing duce or drinking with the men... of course, he wasn't Emperor then, not from a backwater like Earth! No, back then we called him Sigmar."

        >"You thought Guilliman's organ was an implant? You fought half across the Milky Way, battling the forces of Legio: K and hyper pirates, kreutorchs and molybendinagians... you blunted your E Sword on ceramicore and the magnetic hum of passive fields...to hear a few notes... hee hee...you see, the Organ was a te deum, a ditty, will it soothe the savage beast Horux? Pass me that there Violyre, I'm a little rusty! Hee hee..."

        Also needed, a fluffy Kroot whose catchphrase is "Kroot-kroot!"

        >Think of the merch
        >Six foot stuffed Kroot protecting your house from unwanted pussy at all entrances
        >Space Marine helmet balaclavas
        >Corpse paste rollups (but in yummy apple)

        Just remember you all voted for this when you bought that copy of 3rd edition

        I literally greentexted the plot of the next movie, dingleberry. Don't pretend you won't say the catchphrase the cute alien does, we all will.

        >you voted for this when people stopped making miniatures out of papier mache and started buying Airfix

        >I'm Captain Erasmus Holz of the Ultras Marine
        >when I'm not fighting Xenos I'm looking after my man
        >here are some sassy one liners about the dress sense of the Aeldari being a bit "European" and comparing an Orc army to a football team
        >You can call me Ras
        >I don't know much about this organ, what I heard is that the Emperor is dying which is why all the Space Marine houses are lookimg for Horux
        >I'm just afraid we'll find what we are looking for *orchestral stab*

        Genuinely unhinged and brainrotted

        • 3 months ago

          I genuinely only post satire

    • 3 months ago

      >it will result in 40k lore being raped and bastardized so much that it's unrecognizable.
      you are a few years late for that

      • 3 months ago

        >Oh, you like War Hammer? Kroot Kroot hahah
        >Yeah man what a movie

        Everything dies

        • 3 months ago

          I genuinely only post satire

          Correction: you are a living parody.

    • 3 months ago

      You mean the Emperor and Horus' final battle actually being a Yu-Gi-Oh match was still good?

      • 3 months ago

        >It's Canon

  6. 3 months ago

    >LotR, a deeply metaphorical tale with themes lifted from ancient mythology, the bible, and post-WW1 culture
    >Star Wars, a mix of stolen ideas from a wide variety of interesting film and fiction subgenres but with its own spectacle and charm
    >Game of Thrones - like LotR, but the lofty themes and woven metaphors are replaced by a gravelly handful of scat and rape scenes
    >Marvel Capeshit, or "we've learned every trick in the book for triggering endorphins in children and now we will press those buttons until we're richer than god"
    <----- we are here ----->
    >40k pop era: substance has so little worth that completely formless violence in space, with only an uninspired aesthetic and some catchphrases to provide context, is now a premier property
    >that show from Idiocracy where it's nothing but footage of guys getting hit in the balls
    the future is grim

    • 3 months ago

      >nothing but footage of guys getting hit in the balls
      Children don’t remember that this show already existed.

      • 3 months ago

        Children don't remember that you used to physically mail this shit in to television studios so they would play it on tv.

    • 3 months ago

      >LotR, a deeply metaphorical tale
      Tolkien despises allegory, you're a moron

      • 3 months ago

        For a man who supposedly hated allegory he sure put a lot of it in his writing.

        • 3 months ago

          NTA but that's because "allegory" and "metaphor" aren't the same, and Tolkien drew a very clear line between them. He hated allegory because he considered it to mean "I'm literally telling you what this means and, by extension, what you should think about it". You don't get to analyze or debate it, that's just the way it is.

          This is only the end of his quote about it, and strictly speaking, he's talking about "applicability" rather than metaphors, but that applicability is what allows you to substitute one thing for another and make it a metaphor in the first place, and the main point is why he disliked allegory:
          "[...] the one resides in the freedom of the reader, and the other in the purposed domination of the author."

          tldr: metaphor is okay because it allows the reader to think and interpret, allegory isn't because it's the author spoon-feeding you a message.

      • 3 months ago


        For a man who supposedly hated allegory he sure put a lot of it in his writing.


        NTA but that's because "allegory" and "metaphor" aren't the same, and Tolkien drew a very clear line between them. He hated allegory because he considered it to mean "I'm literally telling you what this means and, by extension, what you should think about it". You don't get to analyze or debate it, that's just the way it is.

        This is only the end of his quote about it, and strictly speaking, he's talking about "applicability" rather than metaphors, but that applicability is what allows you to substitute one thing for another and make it a metaphor in the first place, and the main point is why he disliked allegory:
        "[...] the one resides in the freedom of the reader, and the other in the purposed domination of the author."

        tldr: metaphor is okay because it allows the reader to think and interpret, allegory isn't because it's the author spoon-feeding you a message.

        Also correct, but "allegory" doesn't actually mean what Tolkien thinks it means, Tolkien had really big ideas about the proper and improper use of art and the English language wasn't big enough to contain those ideas.

    • 3 months ago

      >the future is grim

    • 3 months ago

      >>that show from Idiocracy where it's nothing but footage of guys getting hit in the balls
      We already had that. Did you not watch MTV in the 00's?

    • 3 months ago

      >>Star Wars, a mix of stolen ideas from a wide variety of interesting film and fiction subgenres but with its own spectacle and charm
      >>40k pop era: substance has so little worth that completely formless violence in space, with only an uninspired aesthetic
      LOL LMAO
      But considering how much Disney shits on Star Wars the whole rivalry now looks like second schleswig war

    • 3 months ago

      >formless violence in space
      Hahaha yesss YES
      I want to watch a movie that is nothing but violence for 1 hour and thirty minutes with almost to no dialog.

    • 3 months ago

      >substance has so little worth that completely formless violence in space, with only an uninspired aesthetic and some catchphrases to provide context
      It modern day that would be kino as frick, I'm so tired of woke slop.

      • 3 months ago

        This is literally 40k now
        Some fun lore but most not worth keeping track of
        It's a game with a setting not the other way round

    • 3 months ago

      Impressive levels of pretentious pseud posting.

  7. 3 months ago

    I hope not.

  8. 3 months ago

    Normies now watch Dune, so 40kek got cucked out of feeling fresh, since one of its main rip-off sources got mainstream 1st

    • 3 months ago

      They also watched it back in 1984 and 2000.

      • 3 months ago

        Both of those were niche flops. DUNC made it to the bigtime

    • 3 months ago

      40kucks, love it.

      Dune is better than 40k will ever be. At least we won't hear "DUNE IS LIKE 40k!!".

      • 3 months ago

        I agree that Dune is better than 40k

    • 3 months ago

      Dune influences and themes on 40k are vastly overrated. They amount to irrelevant, minor background fluff. 99% of people won't even connect them to each other.
      Dunetards complex over 40k is really pathetic

      • 3 months ago

        Dune inspired all the over-the-top space opera comics that inspired 40k. The whole idea of "scifi as fantasy but with psychic powers instead of magic and contrived reasons for melee weaponry" was popularized by Dune. Yea, it's based on pulp roots going back to John Carter of Mars and arguably earlier, but the people who invented 40k didn't read that stuff, they read Dune and they read books and comics that were inspired by Dune.

        • 3 months ago

          >humanity united in a single galactic empire, ruled nominally by an emperor but in practice governed by a feudal system
          >mutant freaks have a perfect monopoly on space travel
          >AI is not only illegal but abominable
          >melee weapons are abundant
          >psychic powers
          These are all central elements of the setting.

          But that's exactly what doesn't matter. 40k is all about Space Knights based on medieval Knightly Orders murdering Space Dinosaurs with guns, Egyptian robots, Daemons and stock fantasy races like Orcs and Elves. It's aesthetics are Gothic and Christian instead of Muslim. Space Magic and melee combat are a norm and were popularized long time ago by Star Wars already. Navigators literally, completely don't matter at all, they are not even quaternary gimmick only in fluff. 40k Emperor has completely different backstory, aesthetics, role and goals. He is as similar to Dune Emperor as Theoden to Robert Baratheon. They share one title, that of a God Emperor, and that's it. Most importantly he is a an item, a prop in backstory and not a protagonist.

          Look at the picture I posted. It's literally nothing like Dune. Dune is irrelevant to 40k. Whatever similarities there are, they can only be noticed and obsessed over by nerds. Normal people won't ever relate them to each other.

          At best you will get weird looks from people when trying to explain that this movie they watched about an edgy Space Knight chainsawing an Orc with a funny speech is actually just a Dune rip off

          • 3 months ago

            Big E isn't supposed to be Shaddam, Shaddam is a godamn nobody, Big E is 40k's version of Paul. Incidentally the name "Shaddam" is the most muslim thing in all of Dune.

      • 3 months ago

        >humanity united in a single galactic empire, ruled nominally by an emperor but in practice governed by a feudal system
        >mutant freaks have a perfect monopoly on space travel
        >AI is not only illegal but abominable
        >melee weapons are abundant
        >psychic powers
        These are all central elements of the setting.

        • 3 months ago

          The only actual part of this that's really stolen from Dune is the Navigators, who are basically the same as Dune navigators. Everything else is pretty distinctly different.

          For one, that shit about a feudal system is nonsense. Humanity is in practice ruled by a federal government under a military oligarchy. The Administratum is the most powerful organization in the galaxy. If it was feudal like in Dune it would be characterized by a relatively weak central government, but instead the 40k Imperial regime can organize the movement of inconceivable volumes of men and material across the length and bredth of the galaxy.

          • 3 months ago

            >Everything else is pretty distinctly different.
            Oh, the details are absolutely different, but it's obvious the early writers were pulling from Dune.

            >For one, that shit about a feudal system is nonsense. Humanity is in practice ruled by a federal government under a military oligarchy. The Administratum is the most powerful organization in the galaxy. If it was feudal like in Dune it would be characterized by a relatively weak central government, but instead the 40k Imperial regime can organize the movement of inconceivable volumes of men and material across the length and bredth of the galaxy.
            You're right that feudal is probably not the most accurate description, but it is still quite decentralized in that planetary governors are free to do virtually anything they want, as long as they don't worship Chaos, consort with xenos too openly (it's okay to do it in private), or fail to pay the Tithe.

            • 3 months ago

              >it's obvious the early writers were pulling from Dune
              The early writers pulled from every shred of popular media of the day, sci-fi or fantasy, fact or fiction; from 2099AD, to Dune, to Star Wars, to Lord of the Rings, to the Roman Empire, to poems about gay bars. 40K is different from everything because (and only to the extent that) it's a giant melting-pot containing all of them. The resulting fusion can't exactly match any one of them as a result, but to say that it's not a rip-off of any of them (or at least, that it originally was) is giving them more credit than they deserve.

          • 3 months ago

            it is feudal from the point of view that individual worlds are largely self-governing, but are expected to cough up resources when needed

            many organizations like Marines and admech are also more or less self governing as long as they honor their oaths

            the administratum is one of the few things tying it all together, though they aren't as powerful as you make them sound

          • 3 months ago

            >The only actual part of this that's really stolen from Dune is the Navigators, who are basically the same as Dune navigators
            And the God-Emperor
            And his Golden Path, right down to the terminology
            And the Butlerian Jihad
            And the Bene Gesserit (Sisters Famulous)
            And the fish wives (Sisters of Battle)
            And the Ixians (Mechanicus)
            And the face dancers (Callidus)
            And the mentats (I think they literally just call them mentats)
            They even directly reference Baron Harkonnen with this fat frick

      • 3 months ago

        thats a new one.

      • 3 months ago

        >40k isn't Dune

        Is like saying traps aren't gay. 40k is more Dune than Judge Dredd or Starship Troopers or Alien and it is very much all of those

  9. 3 months ago

    I'd wish they would stop trying to Fortnite every single thing. Maybe try making a decent game about the thing before throwing everything into the pop-culture slop bowl, this shit is just sad.

  10. 3 months ago

    >Imperial truth
    Ain't that heresy?

    • 3 months ago

      Quite the opposite, the official religion of the IOM as well as of the Emperor and all his loyal sons is the Imperial Truth. The Emperor would execute Creed clerics summarily and with contempt for them. So would Guilliman and the other Astartes, if they weren't busy handling other matters. Legally speaking there is no power for the Ecclesiarchy to demand you believe its heretical, traitorous nonsense, they just bully and break the law to get their way. But atheism is quite common in 40k, even if the Truth itself is restricted to the particularly erudite and the Astartes.

      • 3 months ago

        The imperial truth is not a religion you halfwit.

  11. 3 months ago

    Star wars is so gay

  12. 3 months ago

    40k will die as soon as it enters the mainstream because GW is so willing to make every character a black lesbian.

  13. 3 months ago

    >I genuinely feel that satire will be the next big mega-franchise
    The lowest common denominator rarely recognizes satire, especially given that the primary spending demographics for such franchises aren't going to be familiar with half the stuff 40k is taking the piss out of.
    Moreover, those mega-franchises that you're talking about tend to have something in common: they're about a relatively small group of true good guys who stand against verifiable bad guys. Though the majority of people don't stand up and join the fight, there are usually significant moments at which it's shown that even the cowed and passive masses are fundamentally good, just too afraid to take action themselves. Those messages are fundamentally incompatible with 40k unless either the Imperium were fundamentally rewritten or--taking the lazy route--the heroes were Gue'vesa and the Tau were right all along.

    • 3 months ago

      >40k is taking the piss out of
      Like what? Where's the jokes at another settings expense?

      • 3 months ago

        Nothing anymore. It may have started that way but has been taking itself completely seriously for longer than most of the current fans have been alive.

    • 3 months ago

      that notion has been outdated for over 20 years. Now the most you get is some self-conscious tongue-in-cheekness about the stupidity of taking 40k seriously, which doesn't change the fact that the setting has been trying to be earnest and 'serious' since fricking 4th. It tries to be serious drama or epic space opera most of the time, and when it doesn't, the only thing it satirizes is itself.

    • 3 months ago

      >The lowest common denominator rarely recognizes satire
      The lowest common denominator just doesn't care about satire.

  14. 3 months ago

    It's been around for fourtyk fricking years, when do you expect it to become "the next big thing" exactly?
    Amyway, I don't want 40k to get any more popular because I don't like it and it's already obnoxiously popular, and 40k fans shouldn't want for it to get any more mainstream because then you'd be sharing community spaces with an even lower and normier lowest common denominator, and GW would steer it to keep it as mass- marketable as possible.

  15. 3 months ago

    Like every time 40K is about to go mainstream GW will shoot themselves in the foot.

    Remember when fab animations were huge in 2019? Astartes became the default “watch this to get into 40K” and other animations were suddenly getting millions of views.

    Normie streamers were reacting to animations, some big YouTubers were even getting into 40K and showing their models.

    But then GW copyright struck every fan animation that was popular and they were all deleted or moved to warhammer+ (a failed streaming service that only the most brainrotten GW fanboys purchased). Then 40K has slipped to a level of popularity below what 8th edition led it to.

  16. 3 months ago

    i feel like the recent twitter drama regarding 40k / starship trooper etc was conceived of as a marketing ploy

  17. 3 months ago

    No, because 40k is based in parody and doesn't have any kind of classic narrative thread. And what it's basically parodying isn't universal enough to stick either.

  18. 3 months ago

    >Will 40k ever reach the same level of cultural impact and relevance as Star Wars and LOTR?

    • 3 months ago

      Longer answer: There is more going on with Lord of the Rings and Star Wars than just autismo TOTOL WAR VIOLENCE, unlike 40k, and so they are able to appeal to both gay nerds, and a more general audience.

      • 3 months ago

        Disagree. There is an aspect of customization and personalization in space marines that is not present in stormtroopers.

        • 3 months ago

          Man you are redefining the potential scope of missing the point

  19. 3 months ago

    >Will 40k ever reach the same level of cultural impact and relevance as Star Wars and LOTR?
    Disney puts serious efforts into bringing Star Wars to the same level of cultural impact and relevance as 40k.

  20. 3 months ago

    the typical path into cultural relevance is through hollywood,
    and Hollywood is a perpetual energy dumpster fire,
    so probably not

  21. 3 months ago

    No (and that's a GOOD thing!)

  22. 3 months ago

    Let's hope not.
    Imagine what would become of it if the IP was bought by Disney.
    I shudder at the mere thought.

  23. 3 months ago

    There's not going to be mega-franchises anymore.

  24. 3 months ago

    If Henry is smart and he realises he's no that smart and hires lots of people smarter than himself to help make it it should be good.
    Mega-franchise though? maybe, Dune the biggest sci-fi hit right now tells a single story very very well but you can't really expand beyond it. 40k is expansive where you can do anything but it has no real very very good single story within it tell like Dune has.
    Lots of stories that are average-crap too very bad, but theres no great stories from BL that are timeless like Dune is.
    Space marines killing things will get tried quick

  25. 3 months ago

    We need an Overwatch Collab

  26. 3 months ago

    how will you feel when 40k is exactly the same as capeshit?

    • 3 months ago

      it will never be like capeshit, it won't ever get mutiple movies over the 1 billion profits margin to keep it alive long enough for things like this to happen.

      • 3 months ago

        You're right, but that's not what they meant. It will see a continued sloppening.

        • 3 months ago

          On a weirdly visceral level I enjoy the sloppening process. Much deep thought has gone into making everything as silly as possible, this fascinates me lol

    • 3 months ago

      You're right, but that's not what they meant. It will see a continued sloppening.

      Capeshit has never been as sloppy as 40k.

      • 3 months ago

        Depends on your metrics.

  27. 3 months ago

    >"Emperor? Emperor? Why, I remember him as a student of artillery in what was then the Republican Guard. A very serious fellow. Once brought down a Necroton skimmer from behind a hill armed with just a mortar and geometry! Yes, serious, but not above playing duce or drinking with the men... of course, he wasn't Emperor then, not from a backwater like Earth! No, back then we called him Sigmar."

  28. 3 months ago

    >"You thought Guilliman's organ was an implant? You fought half across the Milky Way, battling the forces of Legio: K and hyper pirates, kreutorchs and molybendinagians... you blunted your E Sword on ceramicore and the magnetic hum of passive fields...to hear a few notes... hee hee...you see, the Organ was a te deum, a ditty, will it soothe the savage beast Horux? Pass me that there Violyre, I'm a little rusty! Hee hee..."

  29. 3 months ago

    Also needed, a fluffy Kroot whose catchphrase is "Kroot-kroot!"

    >Think of the merch
    >Six foot stuffed Kroot protecting your house from unwanted pussy at all entrances
    >Space Marine helmet balaclavas
    >Corpse paste rollups (but in yummy apple)

    Just remember you all voted for this when you bought that copy of 3rd edition

    • 3 months ago

      >Six foot stuffed Kroot protecting your house from unwanted pussy
      Sounds legit.
      >Just remember you all voted for this when you bought that copy of 3rd edition
      desu, I never bought anything after 2nd.

  30. 3 months ago

    40k is worse than the sloppiest capeshit
    It has nothing going on for it besides muh grimdark and muh epic scale that works fine as a backdrop for a wargame or a videogame (interactive stuff essentially), but falls apart the moment you're trying to tell a more appealing personal story
    And you just know they'll keep focusing on Space Marines for their big shows and stories because they're the mascots, but they're also encompass all of the worst aspects of the setting
    Try to tell an interesting stories about the Astartes , you can't

    • 3 months ago

      I literally greentexted the plot of the next movie, dingleberry. Don't pretend you won't say the catchphrase the cute alien does, we all will.

      >you voted for this when people stopped making miniatures out of papier mache and started buying Airfix

      • 3 months ago

        >say the catchphrase the cute alien does
        People already do this, thanks to Dawn of War; only, instead of the catchphrase of the cute alien, they imitate the British accent of the "funny" alien.

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah I don't know wht this guy would go off on some weird kroot tangent when orks and WAAAAGH are right there. Hell, swuigs and nurglings already exist for the "Baby Yoda" cuteness angle and GW is already trying to capitalize on that. All they'd have to do is occasionally cut to the ork antagonist fussing over his favorite pet squig or some nurglings doing a three stooges routine that's loosely connected to the main plot and you've got an instant merchandising angle.

        • 3 months ago

          I prefer the DOW Tau's stereotypical Japanese accents

  31. 3 months ago

    >I'm Captain Erasmus Holz of the Ultras Marine
    >when I'm not fighting Xenos I'm looking after my man
    >here are some sassy one liners about the dress sense of the Aeldari being a bit "European" and comparing an Orc army to a football team
    >You can call me Ras
    >I don't know much about this organ, what I heard is that the Emperor is dying which is why all the Space Marine houses are lookimg for Horux
    >I'm just afraid we'll find what we are looking for *orchestral stab*

  32. 3 months ago

    lmao no, 40k is way too edgy for general audiences

    • 3 months ago

      40k is barely edgier than Mad Max in CURRENT YEAR+9

    • 3 months ago

      >too edgy

      • 3 months ago

        Have you actually read either of those?
        The covers are nice and colorful but there's as much graphic violence in those comics as there is in like, the Space Marine movie. They're really not much of a change in tone.

      • 3 months ago

        You removed a pretty important part of the sentence
        >too edgy for general audiences
        Those books aren't for general audiences, they're for obsessive warhammer fans who somehow have children
        GW dropped the series after just two years so it's not like they were popular

      • 3 months ago

        What's funny about these books is that nothing has changed other than the protagonists are now children. Like how the Tau are portrayed as being untrustworthy for no other reason than they're aliens, which is perhaps the most absurd and reductive thing to say about the Tau given there are a hundred other negative things to say about them.

  33. 3 months ago

    honesty a twilight zone / black mirror style episode of the week thing is all I can see, there's no one plot in 40k that would make an effective series. Years sgo I would have said do Watson's inquisitor but there's no way that happens now

  34. 3 months ago

    >The Space Marines Tracer Pack is set to arrive on the 11th of March, which is just in time for a massive Warhammer-themed event in-game with Inquisitorial Seal stickers, Space Marine calling cards, and other glorious Imperial accessories up for grabs. The Sisters of Battle and Astra Militarum packs follow shortly after on the 14th of March, so you’ve got plenty of time to pick your favourite.

    We've already hit the mainstream. Normies who haven't played a single TT game already fawn over BL novels, loretubers and animated shit. This shit and Cavill's show will propel this franchise even more.

  35. 3 months ago

    Not really, 40k right now is a meme, everything is just about spess murines and HERESY, at most it will be a version of capeslop that people will get bored with.

  36. 3 months ago

    >satire satire satire satire
    Genuine morona
    40k has been playing itself straight for god knows how long, morons waving around satire use it as a shield since they never got over being bullied for liking nerdy stuff and/or afraid of fascist accusations
    No one would care about Warhammer in 2024 if it was still the parody of 80s Britain. Margaret Thatcher is relevant in exactly two countries (and it's dropping), skinheads are a thing of the past, football hooligans are very different across the world. A space marine dueling an ork warboss has the same appeal in uk, 1985, China 2020 and Brazil 2050

    • 3 months ago

      >A space marine dueling an ork warboss has the same appeal in uk, 1985, China 2020 and Brazil 2050
      That's a pretty stupid thing for you to say, especially since you're already aware that 40k orks are a parody of british footballers.

      • 3 months ago

        Yes, I am aware because I've been told about that. However, me being aware of it doesn't make it resonate with me. I am not a brit, so football hooligans are a bit different here. In some places they don't exist, so the whole satire falls flat, as other sports have cult followings in different countries, each ones with their own stereotypes. Other bits of original 40k are even more alien. Skinheads aren't really a thing, so stormboys don't have much impact. If we look at wfb, Bretonian invasion of araby as a parody of Iraq war comes to mind.
        99% of satire gets dated within a few decades. Warhammer played straight doesn't. Sure, some elements will look odd, references and trends followed would lose relevance, but core idea will remain, and some minor tweaks and it's as good as brand new

  37. 3 months ago

    Nah, I can't see a future where normie dads take their kids to see the new Warhammer 40k movie after mowing the lawn.

    • 3 months ago

      it depends on whether they water down the setting enough to allow pre-teens to watch

  38. 3 months ago

    just let nips make animus out of them
    >hurr weeb
    have you seen the shit west shits out of it's prolapsed anus?

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