will Fallout New Vegas remain the last true AAA RPG to ever release?

will Fallout New Vegas remain the last true AAA RPG to ever release?
seems like every new western RPG is more focused on being a looter shooter

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  1. 11 months ago

    >californian studio
    >gay perk
    >cuckold ending

    • 11 months ago

      >cuckold ending
      Explain yourself this instant.

      • 11 months ago

        If you go for the NCR ending Cass has gets drunk and has sex with a trooper.
        I still find it hilarious that people say this is a cuck ending when the courier has a chance to sleep with plenty of women.

        • 11 months ago

          Holy fricking shit, is that gigantic octohomosexual actually referring to Cassidy's ending? Not only does she instantly backpedal on her flirting with the courier and never makes any moves after, meaning no relationship, but why in the frick would anyone who isn't the Fallout 3 Pajeet want to have sex with an alcoholic prostitute looking for a one night stand in a drunken haze? Absolutely repulsive fatherless behavior.

          • 11 months ago

            The only time Cass genuinely shows interest in the courier is in the use man side. Which I can understand.

  2. 11 months ago

    Mainstream likes things simplified better. Games like New Vegas are unthinkable nowadays.
    Making games appeal to the widest possible audience is the way to go.

    Strict RPG mechanics, actual choices and being restricted in how you level up is just gone.
    Now you play until lvl 50 and you'll have literally everything unlocked in most games. No meaningful RP choices in your build.
    And even if they did make a New Vegas quality title, 80% of who buys it will metagame it to shit anyway. Pearls before swines.

    Just look at ToTK for a recent example.
    >Immense open world with exploration around every corner
    >Most players seem to just use guides and cheats to get what they want NOW
    >They just fly from one reward chest to the next and barely truly interact with the game
    >Then they meet the upgrade fairy and start complaining the game is grindy
    >It isn't, they just haven't been playing and didn't pick up recources along the way because le epic guide didn't tell them too
    >They dupe themselver 10 fairies because they are so shit at combat, again because they didn't engage with it and rather skipped content
    >All of a sudden they complain there is nothing to do and nothing to kill because they metagayged themselves in the best meme gear
    >They fail to realize they effectively ruined the game for themselves.

    • 11 months ago

      >Strict RPG mechanics
      lol wut
      >actual choices and being restricted in how you level up is just gone
      lol wut? doesnt matter what you even choose you in new vegas. you one shot everything at level 10 and unlock every single dialogue option.
      >Now you play until lvl 50 and you'll have literally everything unlocked in most games
      i unlocked everything in new vegas at level 20
      so cringe for you to beleive new vegas is the pinacle of roleplaying, even if it's better than fo3. actually gets some taste ffs.

      • 11 months ago

        >You one shot everything at level 10
        >You unlock everything by level 20
        You didn't play the game. Half of the weapons aren't even available in shops by level 20.

        • 11 months ago

          you didnt even properly explore the game early on. theres so much shit you can do to cheese your way up. there was no play testing for this game i shit you not, too much focus was wasted on cut content.

          • 11 months ago

            >Early on
            The only powerful weapon you can possibly get "early on" is the YCS. And you literally don't get that till the end of act 1, and you absolutely will not have ammo for it. The funny thing is that it's outclassed by the frickin anti material rifle which only appears in the gun runners store, which is also at the end of act 1, and if you're level 10 ish by the time you get there the rifle can't even fricking spawn in stores.

      • 11 months ago

        >i unlocked everything in new vegas at level 20
        Even a lvl 50, you don't have all skill and perks. Choices have to be made.
        Weapons are somewhat gated too. Why would you lie on the internet anon?

        >you one shot everything at level 10 and unlock every single dialogue option.
        Did you play some super easy mod or something 'cause that really doesn't happen.

        you didnt even properly explore the game early on. theres so much shit you can do to cheese your way up. there was no play testing for this game i shit you not, too much focus was wasted on cut content.

        While you can find certain powerful items right out of the gate, they are obviously well hidden and unlikely you'll find much if it's your first time.
        The stuff you can find in the early game is basically designed so you can go straight to New Vegas by going north instead of south out of Goodsprings.
        It's mostly stealth boys so you can sneak past the deathclaws. All this stuff was likely very much tested since it gives you pretty much exactly what you need to make it to NV.

        You obviously barely played the game or watched some Ytubers opinion.
        You should be cringing over yourself not understanding RPG games and not recognizing a fricking masterpiece in the genre.

        • 11 months ago

          Eh, even I wouldn't say NV is a masterpiece. Unmodded NV is an 8.5/10

        • 11 months ago

          >waaah no its impossible to camp fire ants and cows the entire time nooooo you didnt play the game if you did this
          lol, why are you coping so hard? obviously you cant unlock everything at lvl 20 but you dont need to, everything become irrelevant when you just max guns and sneak.
          >noooo muh rollplaying as a murder hobo
          i dont know man, stop going on fricking reddit for once.

          • 11 months ago

            >gets called out for talking bullshit
            >ehehe i didnt mean that actually hehehe

            • 11 months ago

              what, about reaching lvl 20? you unlock everything you need at lvl 20. you don't need any other perks after that. its just autists trying to pursue an inferior build to roleplay as a redditor or something. why you believe new vegas is less broken than fo3 is completely unfounded. fo3 has level scaling for balance but it's barely a good solution. the fact it's an fps any they try to make it like fo1 and 2 is the issue.

              • 11 months ago

                >You unlock everything you need at level 20
                Define what qualifies as needed real quick

          • 11 months ago

            >Everything becomes irrelevant when you max guns and sneak
            You didn't play the game.
            >Can't convince people of anything with speech
            >Can't afford anything because of barter
            >Can't heal because no medicine/survival
            >Can't unlock doors or terminals because no lockpick/science
            >Can't repair anything because no repair
            You literally miss out on the majority of shit and can't interact with the environment in any way other than killing with that build.
            Also, if you want to talk about broken builds, go with unarmed.

            • 11 months ago

              >cant create the best items/armor/ammo in a camp because no survival skill
              >cant get easy petes dynamite because no explosive

              • 11 months ago

                There's a lot left out.
                >Can't do shit with other weapons because no points in anything else
                >Sneak is almost completely irrelevant in the final battle
                >Sneak is irrelevant for most groups of enemies unless you have a suppressor, which without barter, and grinding XP by ants, means he wouldn't be able to afford one

              • 11 months ago

                id like to see this homie sneak his way out of a legion death squad

              • 11 months ago

                He either went for the legion, or he didn't realize that was a thing because he probably didn't get past the Mojave outpost before quitting. Either way, homosexual definitely didn't get a legion raiding party

              • 11 months ago

                the whole game is irrelevant at the end since you are a fricking walking god no matter what path you take pretty much
                sneak just makes early mid game a breeze
                >need a suppressor
                lmfaoo you are moronic. what matters is the long range sneak crit. close range is pretty brutal at lower levels, thats why you take it easy sniping easier enemies first to level up.
                don't even know what else to tell you, new vegas isnt hard. just play it for what it is. maybe your aim sucks or something.

              • 11 months ago

                I never said it was hard. I said immediately maxing out sneak and guns don't work.
                No I'm not moronic for that. Go ahead, look for a spot 1/4 mile away from your enemies if you want, but a suppressor is basically a necessity for stealth in any building.
                >Snipe enemies at a lower level
                Which you need the varmint rifle, ammo, and accessories for. All of which cost plenty of money.

              • 11 months ago

                >No I'm not moronic for that. Go ahead, look for a spot 1/4 mile away from your enemies if you want, but a suppressor is basically a necessity for stealth in any building.
                suppressors completely unnecessary as npcs are deaf as a doorpost and since you are doing a "sneak" build, fricking sneak away and hide for 10 seconds? this is is what i do for every single fricking run of the game. you clearly never did it or you're just fricking that bad.

              • 11 months ago

                >Npcs are deaf
                Anon, that was fallout 3. Npcs in new Vegas react to gunfire.

            • 11 months ago

              >Can't convince people of anything with speech
              speech doesn't need to be higher than 50/60. you miss out on many other dialogue options but most of them are optional.
              >Can't afford anything because of barter
              sell the useless ammo than you never use the devs implemented, sell all the novac toys, sell drugs, lmfao i usually end up richer than the merchants they never have enough caps.
              >Can't heal because no medicine/survival
              that comes to skill, stop doing melee like a fricking idiot/camp fire ants and cows for a while till you get to around lvl 10 and the game gets much easier.
              >Can't unlock doors or terminals because no lockpick/science
              you can also level these skills, no problem, although dont dump everything into them too soon.
              >Can't repair anything because no repair
              not an issue, repair with duplicate enemy weapons. if you cant even carry spare weapons you are fricking up hard.

              • 11 months ago

                >50/60 speech
                You literally need 100 to avoid the lanius bossfight. Which is hell for a sneak gun build.
                >Sell all the useless ammo the devs never implemented
                homosexual found a single 357 round but not a revolver and went "it's useless"
                >Novac toys
                Literally have 0-1 value
                10 value, and most aren't that common
                >I end up richer than the merchants
                Which ones.
                >If you don't take damage you don't need to heal
                You definitely didn't get far into the game.
                >Camp fire ants
                They don't immediately respawn.
                >Just carry duplicate weapons.
                Ah yeah, that lets you get ed-e, fix the generator in novac, and all the other repairs interactions.

              • 11 months ago

                dude, let me fricking tell you how to play your fricking game.
                >sneak attacks give more xp
                >do the weapons training and side quests in goodsprings for xp
                >kill the geckos in the little sidequest after goodsprings
                >after leaving goodsprings kill the powerganger stranglers along road
                >sneak snipe every single fire ant and cow you see, no exception. loot everything.
                >go to the ncr outpost to sell your shit and by ammo rinse and repeat
                >can go to nipton for extra loot and xp, shit ton of loot if you can find it
                >if you have the grenade launcher and mines and are fricking good you can kill the legion in nipton
                >goto primm and do it and get ed-e to be your cheap bait
                >get all perks that increase weapon damage
                you get to level 10 so fast. am i the only person playing the game correctly?

              • 11 months ago

                >Do this, now this in this PARTICULAR order
                >Farms fire ants
                >It's an RPG
                >only person playing correctly
                My fricking sides

              • 11 months ago

                you dont have to play in that particular order. theres a lot of other ways to do it. you're just making the game seem harder than it is and that's why you're a homosexual.

              • 11 months ago

                Black person you already outted yourself for not having played the game with all that Black personish you wrote

              • 11 months ago

                Just stop and close the thread you absolutely ridicolous summerchild. Go play some looter shooter where you level up fast and get constantly to new gear to fire up your dopamine receptors.
                I'm not making anything seem harder. I'm just saying it's way, way more nuanced than you make it out to be. I think this game just flies over your head simpleton.

              • 11 months ago

                if it so hard then explain why you're unable to do anything i mentioned? you're just mad cause you're a fanboy.

              • 11 months ago

                >why you're unable to do anything i mentioned?
                Who made this claim? I sure as frick didn't.
                The point just keeps flying over your head.

              • 11 months ago

                >am i the only person playing the game correctly?

              • 11 months ago

                >Look up the sneak attack page on the wiki
                >Literally no mention on the wiki
                Maybe they forgot
                >Straight up look up "do sneak attacks give bonus XP FONV
                Literally didn't play the game.

              • 11 months ago

                >so fast
                If you are trying to speedrun the game I guess

              • 11 months ago

                its definitely not a speedrun. i barely looked anything up. i played through new vegas several times and figured out every little thing to get and edge. what confuses me is that people who bullshit me saying they've play it and not i and say how they are unable to do anything in the beginning, lol.

              • 11 months ago

                Nobody said it's impossible to do anything in the beginning. We said you can't 1 shot everything at level 10. Don't move the goalposts you homosexual.

              • 11 months ago

                >We said you can't 1 shot everything at level 10
                yes, you can virtually one shot everything at level 10 under the right circumstances.

              • 11 months ago

                >You can't one shot everything
                >You can under the right circumstances
                Yeah, like:
                It not having more than 50 health.

              • 11 months ago

                ffs moron you just grind for a while. besides the game is designed for you to go to goodsprings > primm > nipton > novac > then do whatever the frick you want until you get sick of the game. its fricking easy.

              • 11 months ago

                >just grind
                >In a fallout game
                Do you think this is a korean MMO or something?

              • 11 months ago

                >Do you think this is a korean MMO or something?
                new vegas as infinite respawning enemies with xp, you can level up, so yes you can grind like you could in skyrim/fo4. it sucks and its not fulfilling, but if you think new vegas is hard cause you have problems then you could grind. i recommended just following the main quest if you find it hard.

              • 11 months ago

                >Nobody says the game is hard
                >This homosexual:
                >"If you think new Vegas is hard then just grind. I recommend just following the main quest if you find it hard."
                Listen dumb homosexual. Nobody thinks New Vegas is hard. The only thing remotely close has been people calling you out for your lies and bullshit.

              • 11 months ago

                >Nobody thinks New Vegas is hard
                as it should be. the game doesn't force you to play a certain way or challenge you at all.

              • 11 months ago

                >you think new vegas is hard
                >Still thinks people think NV is a hard game
                Are you playing a 2 INT-run IRL anon?

              • 11 months ago

                I always hated this b***h
                >"Hey anon, can you get me 30 bottle of rare soda"
                >Give the 30 bottles
                >"Thanks, in order to pay you back I'm going to lore dump for 30 minutes"
                And then it turns out the soda is used for the most powerful grenade in the game.

              • 11 months ago

                >Grind a while
                Anon. I think you might be genuinely moronic. If I get to level 10 and I'm at primm, I still only do 16 damage with the varmint rifle. You very very rarely get a better rifle before the Mojave outpost.

              • 11 months ago

                >You very very rarely get a better rifle before the Mojave outpost.
                are YOU genuinely moronic?

              • 11 months ago

                Okay, name what rifle you get. The only one you have a chance at getting is the cowboy repeater, and guess what, the only time that has a CHANCE at spawning is in the rest stop with the jackets. It's not even guaranteed.

              • 11 months ago

                >Okay, name what rifle you get
                >dynamite (fricking use em if even if you dont have explosives skill)
                >service rifle is decent
                >various revolvers
                cowboy repeater dropped pretty frequently for me.

              • 11 months ago

                Oh yes. shotguns, dynamite, landmine, and revolvers perfect for long range stealth sniping.
                >The cowboy repeater dropped pretty frequently
                Where? Like I said between goodsprings and the Mojave outpost there is 1 enemy that can carry it.

              • 11 months ago

                >Oh yes. shotguns, dynamite, landmine, and revolvers perfect for long range stealth sniping.
                didnt say they were. the varmint rifle and service rifle are the best starting weapons to do that but are shit later on obviously.

              • 11 months ago

                >Service rifle
                >Starting weapon
                You literally have to do a quest or leave the starting area to find one. Plus the entire fricking argument was 1 shoting enemies because the stealth sniper build is so OP once you get to level 10 and reach primm. You've literally proved that it's outclassed by everything else at that specific point.

              • 11 months ago

                >literally unable to find a service rifle from the various dead ncr you find or... just steal one
                no, im saying the stealth sniper build is the easiest cheese build to do, and could do if you think new vegas is too hardcore for you. by the time you get to level 10, assuming you have the necessary points in the right skills, regardless of what build you're actually doing, you can accomplish almost everything you want in the game. the point im trying to make is that new vegas undermines it's rpg aspects by making it too fricking easy and makes roleplaying worthless. imagine for example you're playing DnD and you can change alignments whenever you want, you reached max level in every class, now how is roleplaying in the game now meaningful besides just pretending?

              • 11 months ago

                Anon, roleplaying in D&D is always worthless outside of pretending. Also
                >Various dead NCR you find
                Literally where?
                >Steal one
                Once again, literally where?
                >If you have the right points in the right skills you can accomplish almost everything you want
                Yeah, that's the same with literally all RPGs.

              • 11 months ago

                >Anon, roleplaying in D&D is always worthless outside of pretending. Also
                no, it isn't. because the roleplaying is actually defined by your class and alignment, restrictions. even if DnD was non verbal, you still in some sense still have to act like a warrior or wizard. new vegas or any bethesda game barely has this restraint besides morrowind really.

              • 11 months ago

                >In D&D there's something in place to actually keep you from meta gaming.
                It's literally only the DM, and most don't bother. The only time in D&D you have to act like your class is in combat, which is the same with builds in NV. If I make a gun build I'm not going to suddenly but out my fists because an enemy got close.

              • 11 months ago

                Bro you think sneak attacks give xp, you have no idea what you're talking about and if you think anything you listed doing was some sort of groundbreaking secret that no one else figured out you're an idiot, "do the tutorial for xp" wow no shit

              • 11 months ago

                >dude i just fricking cheesed the game and let me tell you why its shit
                you can make literally every game look like shit if you cheese it

              • 11 months ago

                new vegas isnt bad but its not the best rpg by a long shot despite how much better it is than fo3. i think it suffers most from the trash engine and its just too difficult to turn an originally top down rpg to an fps and still retain the same gameplay elements.

              • 11 months ago

                I'm pretty sure if new Vegas had a base template and more time to be made, it would be a 96/100, it certainly wouldn't be perfect, but it would be one of the best action RPGs out there.

              • 11 months ago

                maybe if you're a fricking pussy you play like that, grow some hair on your face
                >do Campfire on the Trail tutorial quest every time and stock up on gecko steaks
                >kill Joe Cobb for stealth boy and get stealth boy from schoolhouse (optionally do Ghost Town Gunfight or Run Goodsprings Run, just don't shoot any of the Powder Gangers in the shootout if you do the former to avoid vilification)
                >go up north to Sloan and hump the rocks going into Quarry Junction to get side quest from Melissa
                >on the way back out start I Fought the Law
                >by the time you're making your way into Primm you should be beating the shit out of a drug dealer and getting into a shootout with convicts before getting info from either Johnson Nash or stealing it from Hayes
                >either start ratting out the drug runners, fricking over the powder gangers, or going apeshit on the NCR at this point it's your rodeo
                >once you've solved this web of questlines you can either make Primm Slim the sheriff or get a pardon for the guy in the NCRCF, just don't cuck it to NCR
                >now you can either go up north and nab the Trail Carbine, Combat Armor and Love And Hate from the Vipers before getting in scraps with fiends, go east through Scorpion Gulch and go frick around in Helios One, or stay in the low level paddling pool for a little longer with the Outpost Quests
                >use two stealth boys throughout this whole process as a way of paving over anything that may be too difficult, otherwise save for later for same purpose
                Fallout: New Vegas is a sandbox game.

                Anon, roleplaying in D&D is always worthless outside of pretending. Also
                >Various dead NCR you find
                Literally where?
                >Steal one
                Once again, literally where?
                >If you have the right points in the right skills you can accomplish almost everything you want
                Yeah, that's the same with literally all RPGs.


              • 11 months ago

                >moron spend just now realizing that fallout new Vegas is an open world game.

    • 11 months ago

      Focus testing has been a mistake
      Zoomers simply cant fathom the idea of replayability or not having all content available at every moment
      Developers make every game so no piece of content is left unseen and everyone has basicly the same experience
      its fricking sad

    • 11 months ago

      New Vegas is a dumbed down RPG. Morrowind is the bare minimum of complexity to be considered a real RPG. Anything even a bit simplified is just goyslop for the dumb masses.

      • 11 months ago

        >New Vegas is a dumbed down rpg
        I don't what to know what that makes fallout 3&4

      • 11 months ago

        >New Vegas is a dumbed down RPG
        Look at this hardcore gamer playing his hardcore RPG games. If NV is dumbed down, there must be like 2 RPG games worth playing for you?

      • 11 months ago

        Kingdom Come Deliverance shits on both New Vegas and Morrowind as far as immersion and overall depth goes, and yet it rarely gets talked about here. Probably because Ganker are just a bunch of casuals who want to larp as RPG connoisseurs when they’re really no better than the fricking normies they claim to hate so much.

  3. 11 months ago

    Skyrim > Trans Vegas

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        who the frick cares about this autistic shit
        you literally get cucked in fonv for getting the hetero ending lmao

        • 11 months ago

          >You get cucked
          That's the NCR ending homosexual. Go yes man and she sucks your dick and convinces Veronica and Sarah to have a foursome with you.

          • 11 months ago

            >vegastroony making shit up about their favorite game to make it sound better for me
            theres nothing else you could do that's more pathetic.

            • 11 months ago

              >When I lie about my game just to cover up for actual faults in the game, it's actually good
              >When NV fans do it sarcastically, it's completely immoral
              have a nice day and your troony family, you homosexual.

      • 11 months ago

        >New Vegas troony
        >Complaining that the armour doesn't fit the furry races
        Why am I not surprised

        • 11 months ago

          >Excusing shitty developers

      • 11 months ago

        >uv fixes
        Fixing UV hardly solves the problem. I think making the UV's bigger makes textures look weird in most cases. 'Thesda just had awful texture compression.

    • 11 months ago

      Overall I do agree but NV has superior quest structure and it's not close

  4. 11 months ago

    >NV is so devoid of anything interesting its masturbatory threads languish and die without F3 shitposting
    troonsisters, not like this

    • 11 months ago

      >3gays forced there way into NV threads so hard that it killed interest in fallout NV threads during American daylight hours.
      >"Ha, New Vegas isn't liked."
      It's less that and that they talk on literally any other platform since it's better than this. If I talk about fallout new Vegas on literally any other forum Im guaranteed to be able to have a conversation about the game. On Ganker I'll get at most 2 posts before some pajeet comes in.
      >NV threads die without 3shitposting.
      3 threads are literally comprised of nothing but 3 gays repeatedly saying that 3 is the best fallout.

  5. 11 months ago

    Hopefully. Old timey RPGs suck balls.

    • 11 months ago

      >me grug reading and thinking hard

  6. 11 months ago

    New Vegas isn't even that deep of an RPG. You guys tend to mix up quest design with RPG mechanics quite often

  7. 11 months ago

    troony game

  8. 11 months ago

    >This homosexual that didn't even play the game continues to make a fool of himself.
    I can't believe how many people are out there that claim to love RPG's but don't even understand the genre.

  9. 11 months ago

    This constant New Vegas dicksucking is getting old. I swear New Vegas is babies first RPG that allows casuals who barely like real RPGs to larp as RPG connoisseurs.

    • 11 months ago

      Nobody cares about the RPG part at all. Not even a little. Being the best RPG has the exact same effect as being the worst RPG. None.

  10. 11 months ago

    Obsidrones are some of the worst fanboys to ever leave reddit.

  11. 11 months ago

    was going along the main quest doing caesar's route and the game spawned unkillable robots + radiation levels that couldn't be stopped even with a radiation suit and 3 rad-x's
    so i hit up the console and pressed in tgm
    fricking stupid game

    • 11 months ago

      >3 rad-X
      rad-X doesn't stack. Plus the entire rest of the story was made up too.

    • 11 months ago

      >lying on the internet

      • 11 months ago

        >3 rad-X
        rad-X doesn't stack. Plus the entire rest of the story was made up too.

        how am I lying, I was level 8 and the robots in the underground bunker raped me and I couldn't do anything about it
        tried to sneak past with a stealh boy and got killed by radiation
        only way forward was with cheats
        energy weapon lockpicking build btw with laser rifle

        • 11 months ago

          >The robots in the underground bunker
          >Level 8
          I .want, that is a little low for that area, but it shouldn't be impossible. It's also not dangerously radioactive. If you want to complain about it being impossible to avoid 100% of radiation, that's kinda Bethesda's fault since the wanted instant radiation kill zones.

          • 11 months ago

            >but it shouldn't be impossible
            >It's also not dangerously radioactive

            • 11 months ago

              >+1 radiation the entire time
              Not dangerous.
              >The robots are protections and turrets
              Neither are dangerous if you can get to the bunker.

              • 11 months ago

                >The robots are protections and turrets
                >Neither are dangerous if you can get to the bunker.
                I could kill the normal robots and turrets but the ones that come in after you blow up the base fricked my shit up. same as mr house's robots
                >+1 radiation the entire time
                I was getting +4

              • 11 months ago

                You should probably check what mods do before installing them.

        • 11 months ago

          Sounds more like a mod at work then the vanilla game.

          • 11 months ago

            well shit i was running the viva las vegas modpack

            • 11 months ago

              Not sure what's in there but I'm always weary with "modpacks". Especially when it comes to NV.
              It's better to take your time and go for one mod at a time.
              Bloating your save file, messed up load orders and getting weird shit like you described can be part of the course.
              The radiation isn't that bad down there and if you can stack rad-x some mods definately fricked your shit up.

              There are also plenty of "cut content" mods that add way to much bullshit and sponge enemies. Maybe it's one of those.

  12. 11 months ago

    Fallout: Miami quests look like that.

  13. 11 months ago

    you guys sure are passionate about this game

    • 11 months ago

      Beats being a contrarian manchild who goes into threads about things he doesn't like or plays to frick shit up for no real reason.

    • 11 months ago

      New Vegas is literally my favorite game. I can't find a game that's both as RP-friendly and actually fun to play as it is. I guess I should try classic Fallouts but god am I not having fun with the combat.

      • 11 months ago

        Classic fallout has a lot of shit that is rough if you don't know exactly what you're doing. Fo example with fallout 2 the tutorial was really hard if you had no points in unarmed or melee, because all you had was a spear.

        • 11 months ago

          Ye, I don't know much about classics, but what I know relatively well is that they're shit games when it comes to builds. Any time I ever see anything concerning combat, it's the exact same talk about diplomat sniper. All good classic fallout characters seem to look exactly the same.

  14. 11 months ago

    I don't get it. Starfield's traits seem to be much more unique than fallout new vegas

  15. 11 months ago

    These are the traits of fallout new vegas, they are just a bunch of %stat modifiers and offer almost no roleplay options compared to starfield, is the point of the video just "bethesda bad, fallout new vegas good" or something like that?

    • 11 months ago

      Pretty much

    • 11 months ago

      >Only posts 1/3 of the NV traits

      • 11 months ago

        anon... these are all the traits from the base game and even with the dlc it doesn't add much with the "logan's loophole" being the best one

        • 11 months ago

          >Logans loophole is the best
          Not really. Also,

          These are the traits of fallout new vegas, they are just a bunch of %stat modifiers and offer almost no roleplay options compared to starfield, is the point of the video just "bethesda bad, fallout new vegas good" or something like that?

          >Starfield offers better roleplay options
          Starfield doesn't have traits. It has backgrounds that are literally just +3 perks. Also, NV traits don't encourage roleplay because that's not the point of them. They're purely for gameplay.

          • 11 months ago

            >Starfield doesn't have traits. It has backgrounds that are literally just +3 perks
            good job moron
            >NV traits don't encourage roleplay because that's not the point of them. They're purely for gameplay.
            Yes I know, Fallout new vegas traits are just a way to make builds more op, which doesn't mean it's a better thing. New vegas is acclaimed for its roleplay options, and although traits help as it increases the variety of builds they are pretty meh and dull, I would even say they are completely unnecessary

            • 11 months ago

              >They are completely unnecessary
              So are many things in many games.
              Hell in F:NV let's go over everything that, while it games the game better, is unnecessary.
              >The amount of weapons
              >Speech checks
              >Skill checks on objects
              >Ending slides
              Do you see my point? Also, NV isn't acclaimed for it's roleplay options, but rather it's ability for you to roleplay as your character. Nothing is every forced onto you, unlike fallout 4 where you have a son and we're a soldier/lawyer. In fallout 4 you play as a pre-established character. You have a canon name, background, and family. In NV it wasn't even confirmed if you had been a courier before the platinum chip delivery (until Chris Avelleon fricked it all up). Skyrim actually did really well in this regard too. New Vegas doesn't need backgrounds or anything because it was up to you to determine your own background.

              • 11 months ago

                I am not saying "unnecessary" in a sense that it is not objectively necessary, but rather that it is not necessary for the builds. With the exception of Logan loophole which makes or breaks a build (melee/unarmed combat becomes broken with it, but you MUST make use of a build with drugs otherwise you are at a significant disadvantage), most traits are just for optimizing builds. +3% critical hit chance? Guns and energy weapons you fire are 20% more accurate? See what I'm talking about

              • 11 months ago

                So why did you compare them to backgrounds from starfield?

              • 11 months ago

                I didn't compare them with backgrounds but with the traits, what are you talking about? Raised universal is a trait, alien DNA is a trait, unwated hero is a trait, kid stuff is a trait, etc...
                And I'm not the one who started the comparison, I'm just challenging new vegas drones saying that starfield's traits are bad when they offer much more roleplay options than new vegas

          • 11 months ago

            There's a couple of perks that add more dialogue options, giving you more chances to roleplay, but they're only used in a handful of cases and are kind of shit. So you're only 99.9% correct

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