Will Henry Cavill bring Warhammer 40k into a new golden age? When the frick is it gonna come out?

Will Henry Cavill bring Warhammer 40k into a new golden age? When the frick is it gonna come out?

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  1. 4 months ago

    2027 if you're lucky
    stay in your containment thread

  2. 4 months ago

    >iconic rpg


  3. 4 months ago

    No. It will be terrible because everything is shit and terrible. Nothing good will come out of mass media again until the collapse and rebuilding of civilization as we know it.

    • 4 months ago

      take your meds

    • 4 months ago

      Under normal circumstances I would say the same, but I think we might be bound for a gem in a sea of shit

      take your meds

      May you eat your bugs, drink tap water and live in a pod

    • 4 months ago

      This tbh. The only way 40k could enter a golden age would be if you kill all the company heads and everyone who got into the "fandom" later than 2005.

  4. 4 months ago

    He will unwittingly ruin it by bringing in the normies and with them activist manipulators, just like he did with the Witcher.

    • 4 months ago

      >golden age
      >mainstream on mainstream
      >james workshop + hollyshit shitflix producesse + movie stars
      Definitely quality products on the horizon

      the 40k "fandom" is already overrun with secondaries, cant be much worse than it already is

      • 4 months ago

        How can you have stayed on /tg/ this long and not realize it can ALWAYS get worse?

        • 4 months ago

          nobody internally really cares about the fluff
          the secondaries do, and they are already all over social media demanding to be taken as seriously as the people that play the game, which is irredeemably dogshit anyway
          it could technically get worse, but it's already beyond my ability to put up with

          • 4 months ago

            the 40k "fandom" is already overrun with secondaries, cant be much worse than it already is

            The woketards who like to do shit like completely break lore and race/gender/omg this guy is now a gay/ are usually incompetent but they will work for poverty wages. They will not only gay up warhammer they will frick the rules up and have the most unbalanced shit you have ever seen to try to casualize the game. You won't just be able to play.

            Heed the warning and gatekeep or find a new model wargame.

            • 4 months ago

              anon, the gatekeeping at that level needs to happen in corporate Games Workshop, it has nothing to do with fricking Ganker

              • 4 months ago

                It needs to happen at all levels. Doing it at the customer/audience level keeps the people who want those moronic changes away which in turn discourages the people at the corporate level from pandering to them and makes them hesitant to hire anyone who would try to dictate things like that be added.

                Way too late for GW though.

            • 4 months ago

              The "woketards" at GW have been working there longer than you've been alive.

            • 3 months ago

              missed your reply
              not that it matters, you just barrelled through posting your npc scripted dialogue without even acknowledging what I wrote
              >The woketards who like to do shit like completely break lore and race/gender/omg this guy is now a gay/ are usually incompetent but they will work for poverty wages.
              GW staff are already incompetent, already work for poverty wages
              >they will frick the rules up and have the most unbalanced shit you have ever seen to try to casualize the game
              also already happened
              quarterly (im)balance patches to keep the meta unstable and whales buying at lightspeed, even stuff that happened way back like the removal of sensible area terrain rules so that you get your eyes at table level to check TLoS which the rules guys still insist on despite it fricking the effectiveness of most of the terrain the model guys put out (which is responsible in no small part for the ugliness of 40k today), simplification of vehicle rules...
              guys like you are having a pool party in a septic tank while fretting about the toilet flush to come
              spose if you're never going to move on from 40k might as well pump the threat of it getting ever so slightly worse for outrage dopamine

              speaking of which
              give me a battleplan by which a small number of people can overpower their outgroup and effectively gatekeep the product of a publicly listed juggernaut with first party stores all over everywhere that matters, let alone all the independents
              until then gonna call it as I see it which is that "gatekeeping" at this scale is a fantasy propped up by either side of the culture war with social media minor ecelebs exchanging outrage dopamine for out-group sentiment driven engagement

              >find a new model wargame
              only sensible thing you've written, even if you're fully cucked and have zero interest in wargaming outside of the 40k setting there's still a couple of community editions of Epic to choose from and 3rd party rules inspired by various editions of 40k

            • 3 months ago

              The "woketards" at GW have been working there longer than you've been alive.

              missed your reply
              not that it matters, you just barrelled through posting your NPC scripted dialogue without even acknowledging what I wrote
              >The woketards who like to do shit like completely break lore and race/gender/omg this guy is now a gay/ are usually incompetent but they will work for poverty wages.
              GW staff are already incompetent, already work for poverty wages
              >they will frick the rules up and have the most unbalanced shit you have ever seen to try to casualize the game
              also already happened
              quarterly (im)balance patches to keep the meta unstable and whales buying at lightspeed, even stuff that happened way back like the removal of sensible area terrain rules so that you get your eyes at table level to check TLoS which the rules guys still insist on despite it fricking the effectiveness of most of the terrain the model guys put out (which is responsible in no small part for the ugliness of 40k today), simplification of vehicle rules...
              guys like you are having a pool party in a septic tank while fretting about the toilet flush to come
              spose if you're never going to move on from 40k might as well pump the threat of it getting ever so slightly worse for outrage dopamine

              speaking of which
              give me a battleplan by which a small number of people can overpower their outgroup and effectively gatekeep the product of a publicly listed juggernaut with first party stores all over everywhere that matters, let alone all the independents
              until then gonna call it as I see it which is that "gatekeeping" at this scale is a fantasy propped up by either side of the culture war with social media minor ecelebs exchanging outrage dopamine for out-group sentiment driven engagement

              >find a new model wargame
              only sensible thing you've written, even if you're fully cucked and have zero interest in wargaming outside of the 40k setting there's still a couple of community editions of Epic to choose from and 3rd party rules inspired by various editions of 40k

              GW’s fate was sealed when it became a publicly traded company. Same for MtG and anything else.

        • 4 months ago

          It's not that it can't get worse, but more that it's already gotten so bad that it no longer matters if it gets worse.

      • 4 months ago

        40k is meant to be a comprehensive franchise, not just a shitty tabletop game. Nobody will even remember the tabletop in 30 years.

        • 4 months ago

          God i hope that was a joke.

        • 4 months ago

          Congrats. Most moronic take of the day.

      • 4 months ago

        It CAN and it WILL get worse.

      • 3 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Mate Abnett's been here a long time already. ADB too.

      • 4 months ago

        > Abnett
        > secondary
        He made 40k be something beyond shit like Obi-Wan Jaquaces Cleauso and it's other straight rip off bullshit. If you have hated what Abnett did to 40k, then you have essentially hated 40k since midway through 2nd ed. And at that point, why the frick are you still in any way invested in this setting.

        • 4 months ago

          I hate Abnett’s random HH add ons like Perpetuals, the Cabal, the Terminus Decree being some boring weapon that instakills all SM, etc. I like his 40k contributions

        • 4 months ago

          >and it's other straight rip off bullshit
          Dude started with sharp's rifles in 40k. Its always been ripoffs. That's okay, its not suppose to be deep satire or whatever the frick. Its suppose to be cool and fun. Sometimes that's pop cultural references, sometimes that's edgy metal albums. Its not consistent, its a game universe, get over it.

    • 4 months ago

      >bringing in the normies
      we're already here old man
      we only care about the memes.

    • 4 months ago

      You are the normies

    • 4 months ago

      >just like he did with the Witcher
      Those people were already on the writing staff, not really anything to do with Calville.

    • 4 months ago

      If anything, Cavill was fighting with the writers ruining the Witcher on-set. For this sin of disagreeing with the strong oppressed womyn writers, he was deemed a video-game-addicted Incel.

      It didn't stick.

      • 4 months ago

        It's the dumbest shit in the world that they fired the #1 reason anyone watched the show. I guarantee you nobody would have watched if someone that handsome and that committed to the role hadn't been the face on the poster.

        And it's not even a 'stronk womyn' thing. Cavill didn't have any problem with the feminist overtones they put in the Yennifer and Siri plot-lines. What he had a problem with was the writers didn't want to make a show about some stupid polish novels that nobody wants to read, they got told by the studio to make a show about them, and they wanted to make their own show instead.

        But like if an extremely handsome man you are paying to millions of dollars to star in your stupid fantasy show is telling you to stick closer to the books, then do what he goddamn says. Try to insert your own OC script into the next dumbass fantasy IP Netflix forces you to write for that DOESN'T star superman.

        • 4 months ago

          My point was that his resistance was seen as him not liking feminist overtones rather than just loyalty to the source material.

          Sorry, this particular dynamic is personal hobby horse/white whale/windmill: being called sexist or some shit just because you dare critique something with a woman involved in it. It really genuinely bothers me due to IRL firsthand experiences.

          • 4 months ago

            I think it has little to do with actual feminism, so much as corporatism.

            The writer was being a dumbass killing their golden goose. She's clearly in the wrong for wanting to turn the Witcher into her own donut steel show (and it's clear doing that is never a good idea- that's what happened to the Halo tv show and Velma the worst abominations in streaming history- the most successful adaption currently is probably the One Piece one that took a ton of care to stay true to the spirit of the original). But corporations can't say 'oopsie woopsie, we did a fricky-wucky', so they have to put the Onus on Cavill.

            The problem is, he didn't really do anything wrong other than be an autistic nerd. IE their target audience. So they figured they'd try to reframe him being stubborn about adapting the books into him trying to mansplain to the writers. Cause: Well how else can you flip that on it's head? Is there a way to do so while removing gender from the equation? And if there was, would that be a better way to smear Cavill?

            Of course it didn't end up sticking because Cavill is pretty mild mannered despite being built like a ford-truck, and we've seen writers ruin adaptions a ton already, and again, he's what sold the show in the first place.

            • 4 months ago

              Don't use words you don't understand, child.

              • 4 months ago

                de jure puts words on a pedestal. de facto takes words under the bleachers and gives it a tonsil massage

          • 3 months ago

            >My point was that his resistance was seen as him not liking feminist overtones rather than just loyalty to the source material.
            Literally nobody thinks that
            You've either invented something to be mad about or you took the bait from someone who wants you to be perpetually mad

            I think it has little to do with actual feminism, so much as corporatism.

            The writer was being a dumbass killing their golden goose. She's clearly in the wrong for wanting to turn the Witcher into her own donut steel show (and it's clear doing that is never a good idea- that's what happened to the Halo tv show and Velma the worst abominations in streaming history- the most successful adaption currently is probably the One Piece one that took a ton of care to stay true to the spirit of the original). But corporations can't say 'oopsie woopsie, we did a fricky-wucky', so they have to put the Onus on Cavill.

            The problem is, he didn't really do anything wrong other than be an autistic nerd. IE their target audience. So they figured they'd try to reframe him being stubborn about adapting the books into him trying to mansplain to the writers. Cause: Well how else can you flip that on it's head? Is there a way to do so while removing gender from the equation? And if there was, would that be a better way to smear Cavill?

            Of course it didn't end up sticking because Cavill is pretty mild mannered despite being built like a ford-truck, and we've seen writers ruin adaptions a ton already, and again, he's what sold the show in the first place.

            >So they figured they'd try to reframe him being stubborn about adapting the books into him trying to mansplain to the writers.
            Not only did this narrative not stick, I don't recall ever seeing it in the first place. This was never part of the discourse.

            Technically the miniature hobby can be bought off the shelf be it physically or off a webstore.
            Does self awareness separate one from being a normie?

            No. 40k is a normie hobby, ESPECIALLY if you give a shit about the lore. And that's been the case since at least the 90s.
            /tg/ isn't niche. Unless you're a grognard who still plays an 80s edition of a game with ancient, deformed miniatures (emphasis on "STILL") you have no cause to be deriding normies in your hobbies.
            AND THAT'S OK. It's literally better to be a normie than to be a cave troll who can only play the hobby with the one other cave troll willing to tolerate them.

      • 4 months ago

        He is a dumb incel. The Witcher was always more about the female characters than it was about some washed up monster hunter and his gay lover.

        • 3 months ago

          Maybe, but washup monster hunter and his hetero bard were the best parts of it, while female characters ruin it.

          • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        based but fact of the matter is still that there will be activists writing the 40K show and they will ask uncomftorable questions like "why no womyn spaexc murnees?" and "if imperium fascist bad guy is chaos rapist good guy??"
        IT will be fricking SHIT

    • 4 months ago

      Why are the people who complain about "normies" on /tg/ always doing so when talking about some media that is already immensely popular and usually the dominant example in it's field? It's only ever normies who complain about normies

      • 4 months ago

        People get assmad that the universe doesn't exist to please them specifically. And rather than realize that they're an butthole, they blame the rest of the human race.

    • 4 months ago

      >normiefication of 40k will ultimately result in a more positive depiction of the imperium of man
      that's fine by me lol I like watching chaos playing leftists seethe over the cape shitification of the good guys

    • 4 months ago

      Have you played 10th edition? It's already ruined

      • 4 months ago

        aw. me and my necrons like 10th edition just fine

    • 4 months ago

      Why do you Twitter transplants insist on pretending you are not normal. Most people who unironically use "normie" are the most average people ever. They have GFs, jobs, friends, normal physical health and stable minds. I don't understand the appeal of pretending your some kind of troglydite. Is it just so you can pretend you are special when you are in fact just another frickin average joe?

      • 4 months ago

        If they have no hobbies outside of watching TV or playing videogames they need to pretend there is something special and esoteric about the TV they watch or else they're faced with the horrifying reality that their personality is based entirely on consumption and any other random consumer can go buy that personality off the shelf.

        • 4 months ago

          Technically the miniature hobby can be bought off the shelf be it physically or off a webstore.
          Does self awareness separate one from being a normie?

    • 3 months ago

      he did nothing wrong with witcher, it was doomed from the start
      basically, your opinion is worthless

  5. 4 months ago

    if its not shot like a Rome documentary drama series i wont watch it.

    • 4 months ago


  6. 4 months ago

    isnt he an insane qanon goon these days?

    • 4 months ago

      People are gooning to qanon?

      • 4 months ago

        that's not what "goon" means

        • 3 months ago

          What the frick does it mean? It used to be associated with Something Awful. Now it seems to have replaced coom/coomer/cooming.

          I can't keep up with all these reddit/tumblr/Twitter slopwords that get spammed here where they don't belong.

          • 3 months ago

            "goon" is shorthand for "henchman"
            I don't know what the zoomers and gen alpha are on about these days but they're wrong

          • 3 months ago

            "goon" is a fall guy henchman

            "goon" is shorthand for "henchman"
            I don't know what the zoomers and gen alpha are on about these days but they're wrong

            gooning is jacking off for hours to porn with cooming

        • 3 months ago

          What the frick does it mean? It used to be associated with Something Awful. Now it seems to have replaced coom/coomer/cooming.

          I can't keep up with all these reddit/tumblr/Twitter slopwords that get spammed here where they don't belong.

          "goon" is shorthand for "henchman"
          I don't know what the zoomers and gen alpha are on about these days but they're wrong

          "goon" is a fall guy henchman
          gooning is jacking off for hours to porn with cooming

          goon is short for dragoon

    • 3 months ago

      Where do people get this shit from? He's just a normal guy with several slightly conservative opinions.

  7. 4 months ago

    >The Necron Overlord lies dead at the hands of our Blood Ravens hero

    >The Craftworld Eldar Farseer next to him, who has been the source of most of the MCU-esque humor in the show, says 'Mon'keigh, I never asked you for your name, who are you?'

    >Our helmeted hero gazes into the distance, the carnage reflected in his green eye lenses...

    >'Warhammer.....John Warhammer'

    • 4 months ago

      >As the Space Marine strikes true the energy signature could be picked up even by the Cruisers and Battleships in orbit.

      >"10.000... 20.000... 30.000... Sir, the sensors can't take much more! It's reaching critical!"

      >The final reading flickers on the screen and with it on the planet's surface a light so bright, so pure, that for one instance all the grim darkness was wiped away.

      >"By the Emperor, it can't be... the prophecy was real... this truly is the Warhammer 40.000!"

    • 4 months ago

      >As the Space Marine strikes true the energy signature could be picked up even by the Cruisers and Battleships in orbit.

      >"10.000... 20.000... 30.000... Sir, the sensors can't take much more! It's reaching critical!"

      >The final reading flickers on the screen and with it on the planet's surface a light so bright, so pure, that for one instance all the grim darkness was wiped away.

      >"By the Emperor, it can't be... the prophecy was real... this truly is the Warhammer 40.000!"

    • 4 months ago

      >As the Space Marine strikes true the energy signature could be picked up even by the Cruisers and Battleships in orbit.

      >"10.000... 20.000... 30.000... Sir, the sensors can't take much more! It's reaching critical!"

      >The final reading flickers on the screen and with it on the planet's surface a light so bright, so pure, that for one instance all the grim darkness was wiped away.

      >"By the Emperor, it can't be... the prophecy was real... this truly is the Warhammer 40.000!"

      What book is that supposedly from? Not saying it never happened, I didn't read all of them of course, but it does sound a bit off.

      • 3 months ago

        Warhammer 40k: The John

    • 3 months ago

      I really fricking hope it doesn't have any millenial writing in it

      >not so infinite now are you Trazyn
      >who's talking am I talking or are you talking
      >the diagnostics say that you're a massive jerk

      • 3 months ago

        I can't wait until some sassy independent black grrl calls Bobby G "Rawbutt Girlyman" and then /tg/ has to pretend like they never found it funny despite using it for decades.

      • 3 months ago

        >Final battle about to begin
        >Necron Lord: "You humans are fit for nothing but extinction, there are no redeeming qualities about you... save for bubble tea. Yes, bubble tea is exquisite"
        >Quirky female character with a california accent: "Wait, how would a necron even drink bubble tea? They have no digestive system"
        >Millions of millenials throw their heads back in rapturous laughter
        >Warhammer 40k beats Ted Lasso to win 17 Emmys

        You better get ready

        • 3 months ago

          >win 17 Emmys
          Lol no, it's going to be derided by critics as alt-right Marvel

    • 3 months ago

      Don't forget the pointless scenes back on terra where we can watch a young(ish) black woman working in the administartum as she tries to show her old, white, and evil superiors how ignorant and wrong they really are. She also gets visions directly from the emperor.

      • 3 months ago

        You almost got it, chief: The studio wanted actors of color in the show. The writers probably don't want anything to do with them. Therefore, you're leaving out either
        1. Her getting presented as ready to go and change this evil system before she makes a sharp right turn and turns her best friend into a servitor for looking at her wrong because there's totally no lived experiences that would make her behave otherwise. Zoom-out shot of her sitting in a chair with her chin on her fist and a voice-over monologue proving her superiors were right to abuse her.
        2. It was color-blind casting and she gets publicly executed or turned into a servitor and the writers draw a blank every time someone asks them if the parallels were intentional.

        • 3 months ago

          Bold of you to assume the writers are even aware of servitors, let alone willing to put them in the show.

          • 3 months ago

            Listen, somebody's got to do the "I know the real you is in there!" scene during this show. Obvious money is on Marine or Guardsman resisting Chaos taint that affected a billion other people just that day, the dark horse option is Evil Bureaucrat telling the servitorfriend to kill Jane Protagonist as it gets closer and closer before it turns around and kills EB before turning back to say
            > "Run . . . now . . ."
            as a single tear runs out from its augmetic eye.

            • 3 months ago

              >Servitors are in
              >Its a heavy handed allegory for slavery
              >They're just people with shitty prop metal stuff glued everywhere
              Oh yeah, its Amazon time!

              • 3 months ago

                >>Its a heavy handed allegory for slavery
                >>They're just people with shitty prop metal stuff glued everywhere
                That would just mean the adaptation was accurate

    • 3 months ago

      He never said that

  8. 4 months ago

    If they let him have some input, there is a chance he could bring about some good change. But then Again... Games Workshop...

  9. 4 months ago

    >golden age
    >mainstream on mainstream
    >james workshop + hollyshit shitflix producesse + movie stars
    Definitely quality products on the horizon

  10. 4 months ago

    its going to be ultramarines with mandatory amazon diversity quotas because cavil cant go against either GW or Amazon even if he is executive director.

  11. 4 months ago

    I can’t wait for Amazon’s exciting new take on black trans asexual space wolves!

  12. 4 months ago

    it will be bad because even if Henry Cavill understands 40k, it will be written by isolated twitter activists who can't take criticism, directed by hollywood who thinks celebrities are what make movies good, produced by "auteurs" who don't care to understand the source material, and financed by marketing executives who will want it to be like the disney marvel movies.

    look at literally any live action adaptation of a video game or anime, and then consider that 40k is even more abstract than either of those. There is not a chance in the world it won't get changed to make it more "palatable" for a "broader and more modern" audience in the same way the 40k children's books were.

    >in the grim darkness of the future, there is only war
    >in the 41st millenium, life is hard

  13. 4 months ago

    no, he revealed his powerlevel too soon and now gives everyone the ick

    • 4 months ago

      The clue, my dude, should be obvious...

      • 4 months ago

        it's a spite account. turnabout for "women hit the wall at 30" and andrew tate shit. not that I've ever met a bona fide AT fan in real life but the choad must have got Romanian rich somehow and I must admit I don't get out much.

        >I've had it with your shit!
        >Here, have some of MY shit! SEE HOW YOU LIKE IT
        >*floor: has twice as much shit on it*
        good job, spite accounts. good job

        • 4 months ago

          the wall is undefeated, roastie.

          andrew tate is a filthy degenerate druggie, beta cuvk vegana worshipper and a farmer of the money of moronic beta whale paypiggies who ALSO worship vegana.

    • 4 months ago

      bwahahaha peak buttmad femcel

      Love to see that level of coping and seething from a twitterista. Their world is dead and they still can’t see it.

      Gamers rise up!

    • 4 months ago

      This is why men on the internet hate women.

      • 4 months ago

        Some literal who on twitter caused you to hate women?

    • 4 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Aight saggybreasts nobody cares

  14. 4 months ago

    can't wait to see trans black disabled xeno-dating marines with their pronouns written on their armor.

    • 4 months ago

      Massive secondary energy. In the grim darkness of the far future, humanity isn't made of Americans with identity politic wars, but British colonials who made sure their minorities became civilized before enjoying freedom.

      • 4 months ago

        > who made sure their minorities became civilized before enjoying freedom.
        Imperium has whole worlds full of uncivilized unga bunga cavemen

  15. 4 months ago

    >Henry Cavill, fresh off starring in international mega-success Argylle is going to usher in a golden age of warhammer by producing a absolute kino tv series under the auspices of Amazon
    Sorry; I misspoke; it's going to be rancid shit, just like everything else this bloke's ever been invovled with.

    • 4 months ago

      The Man from Uncle was fun

  16. 4 months ago

    >a new golden age
    I don't understand how anyone can be this delusional about a TV show from the people who made The Rings of Power, staring the guy who could do nothing to protect the Witcher from becoming shit
    What the frick are you people expecting here?

  17. 4 months ago

    The only good part of 40k are ciaphas cain and chainswords and those are just ripoffs anyway

    • 4 months ago

      where did chainswords come from?

      • 4 months ago

        either Heavy Metal magazine or Metabarons

      • 4 months ago


  18. 4 months ago

    Popularity is antitheical to golden age in every way except profit margins for the shareholders

  19. 4 months ago

    Do we know anything about the plot?

    • 4 months ago

      Nope. There had been talk of a project to adapt the Eisenhorn books, but that was before Cavill got involved, so it's unclear if they're still doing that.

  20. 4 months ago

    All I want is an Eisenhorn show or some Imperial Guard shit in the style of Band of Brothers or Generation Kill.
    Do NOT give me high political shenanigans about Terra.
    Do NOT give me a show about Space Marines unless it's Deathwatch.
    Do NOT give me anything to do with the Heresy.

    • 4 months ago

      Space Marines are the only part of this setting worth a shit.

    • 4 months ago

      Have you looked into what Cavill talks about when it comes to 40k? He's a 40 year old Timmy. He plays Custodes and Ultramarines. He has no interest in the interesting factions and human element of 40k. We'll get either HH or an entire series of "Brother, are you particularly FAITHFUL today?" "Yes brother I do like saying my proper HAIL EMPERORS and proper CODEX ASTARTES approved behaviors"

      • 4 months ago

        Well at least bids will get a good showing as bad guys, I'm ok with bugs and Orks being best villains

      • 4 months ago

        Seething contrarian.

      • 4 months ago

        Ultramarines and Custodes are unironically a more human element in 40k than the normie bugmen of the hives and feudal hovels.

      • 3 months ago

        >an entire series of "Brother, are you particularly FAITHFUL today?" "Yes brother I do like saying my proper HAIL EMPERORS and proper CODEX ASTARTES approved behaviors"
        This sounds absolutely based and would make millions of dollars.

  21. 4 months ago

    It’s going to be Amazon’s 40k, not GW 40k. GW can’t interfere with their plans if it’s no longer technically their show/property. That’s how they did it to the Tolkien Estate when they gave them the rights to LotR — it became Amazon’s Rings of Power, so they could write whatever they wanted and could ignore all the established lore. I expect nothing because my apathy towards current day entertainment is complete.

  22. 4 months ago

    I can't wait for this shit to bring in every last secondary and normie across the world and kill off this brand forever. In another ten years, Warhammer will be scorched earth for anyone that actually plays tabletop games. DnD and Magic are in their absolute terminal stages, and Warhammer is being primed for this horde of locusts to consume next.

    I've already sold all the Magic, Star Wars and Marvel trash I owned, Warhammer is probably the last 'brand' that I am 'engaged with'. After they frick all this up, I will assume my final form and just play historicals and tiny indie shit.

    Oh frick I forgot about Lord of the Rings.

  23. 4 months ago

    I want his dick in my mouth so bad

  24. 4 months ago

    As if 40K wasn't Marvel enough already.

  25. 4 months ago

    It will be shit, because Cavill seems to be the most soulless consumer paypig, and will undoubtedly base the show in nu41k instead of WH40k - and if not because of him, James Wokeshop will absolutely force him to do so.

    • 4 months ago

      Are the wokeists with us in this thread right now?

      • 4 months ago

        >muh woke?!?
        Take your meds.

  26. 4 months ago

    No. His favorite space marine chapter is custodes

    • 4 months ago

      This, as soon I heard this I know he was secondary cuck.

  27. 4 months ago

    I hated him the moment he put Warhammer and Cinematic Universe in the same sentence.

  28. 4 months ago

    Optimistically we'll get fairly generic Space Marines-focused stories with decent-looking fights.

    • 4 months ago

      >Decent looking fights
      There hasn't been a good looking fight in either film or TV in years. Choreography is a dead art. It peaked with Pirates and hasn't been matched since.

  29. 4 months ago

    I seriously don't understand why people give a single frick about adaptations/who these people are. It seems like there is a group who consider getting a book/game/comic/whatever turned into a movie or TV show means it's validated somehow. It's a complete alien concept to me. Aside from the fact that *most* adaptations of genre shit are irredeemably bad, I don't feel like the thing I enjoy needs some kind of weird broad appeal validation.

    • 4 months ago

      People cling to the idea because it would put their geek hobby in more socially acceptable light, even if the movie is garbage.

  30. 4 months ago

    He's too late. Bubble is already popping and unless he pivots to fantasy/aos and adapts the end times but without the dumb stuff he'll be chained to a doomed ship.
    majorkill going for drama bait was the obvious red flag.

  31. 4 months ago

    >When the frick is it gonna come out?
    the honest answer is "in all likelihood it never comes out"

  32. 4 months ago

    My bet is Gameworkshop fumbles making a bunch of new customers and instead raises the prices again at some point which fricks sales and interests in the show. I'll be impressed if it gets more than two seasons or if even just one season of more than 10 episodes.

  33. 4 months ago

    he should cast wrestlers as space marines

  34. 4 months ago

    It's made by amazon and Cavill is a standard issue hollywood cuck so it will be filled with Black folk.

    • 4 months ago

      Salamanders confirmed

    • 4 months ago

      Warhammer is for everyone
      I hope we get female space marines as well

  35. 4 months ago

    >golden age
    >full of normies, women and troons
    Just like Marvel, Disney, d&d, MTG and others.
    I hope it dies before my kid grow up to see those man made horrors, so we can play Eye of Terror codex without gay pollution.

  36. 4 months ago

    So long as he is doing it with Amazon's money, you can't trust anything will be good.

    • 4 months ago

      Trust in the inevitable

  37. 4 months ago

    I see a lot of people just assuming it's gonna be bad, but what do you figure Cavil is gonna have to do to win you over?

    • 4 months ago

      Play a game of 40k with me

    • 4 months ago

      >I see a lot of people just assuming it's gonna be bad
      Its called pattern recognition. When no show or movie has been good for the last 5 years at minimum, having any trust that a niche show about religious 8 foot tall space monks is going to be good is actual delusion.
      >win you over?
      Make it and its good. Nothing less. I will give him exactly 2 episodes to show its good. Hype is a mind virus. Zero expectation of quality until proven wrong is the only way to navigate the current media landscape.

      • 4 months ago

        I wouldn't say 'no show or movie'. Though I certainly would say 'the majority of adaptions have been shit in recent years' hence why I didn't bother making any counterargument about people assuming it to be shit. Personally I'm down for whatever autism a nerd in the body of a hollywood superstar is gonna create, but given how studio's frick over most adaptions (such as they did with the Witcher) I think the massive amount of skepticism is still warranted.

        • 4 months ago

          >a nerd in the body of a hollywood superstar
          Cavill worship is so sad tbh.
          You've got people out there like Vin Diesel who are known nerds who have shown off their nerd stuff. But he doesn't make a big deal of it, and it was only after the insistence of people.
          And Cavill in a couple interviews has, out of pocket mentioned he plays 40k but never shown off his collection. Its manufactured. The fawning and trust nerds will put in someone at the mere mention they're interested in the same things is pathetic. He's a million dollar celebrity, if he can make another million off your trust, he will

          • 4 months ago

            You know, it's possible to enjoy things in life as well anon.

            • 4 months ago

              It is.
              You should just enjoy things that don't come from soulless corporations and an industry known for manufacturing personalities to tap into new markets.
              Enjoyment is not the same as withholding rightful criticism or ignoring flaws. Doing so is the fastest way to see what you enjoy die.

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah, but could you just criticize companies when they do shit things, and not criticize me for trying to have a good time about shit? Comes across as you being a doomer as a substitute for having a personality.

              • 4 months ago

                Worthless optimism is worse than doomer cynicism. Optimists are delusional.

              • 4 months ago

                Cautious optimism. It's different than hype. Getting hyped can lead to massive disappointment (learned this after mass effect 3).

                Being a doomer cynic is just stewing in negative emotions, and really only so you can feel superior to other people.

                Being optimistic, I can look to enjoy at least some parts of a new show. If it sucks it sucks. But if it's mediocre, why not try to enjoy myself?

        • 4 months ago

          >I wouldn't say 'no show or movie'
          Name three. Hell name ONE good adaptation in the last 5 years.

          • 3 months ago

            John Wick 4
            Avatar 2

            Edgerunners anime was another good adaptation

            If you haven't enjoyed a single movie in five years you're clinically depressed and shouting about TV shows online isn't helping

            • 3 months ago

              >John Wick 4
              A sloppy rehash of the past 3 films. Nobody was better than any Wick anyways
              I'll give you this one even if I found it drier than the books. At least it was halfway faithful.
              >Avatar 2
              A literal retread of the first movie except somehow even more moronic. I'm almost convinced you're trolling by including this tripe.
              >Edgerunners anime was another good adaptation
              It wasn't an adaptation and it was also made by japs. Were talking western live action
              >If you haven't enjoyed a single movie in five years you're clinically depressed
              Nah, western media has simply gone to shit
              >shouting about TV shows online isn't helping
              You're the one dragging Ganker material to /tg/. I'm perfectly content to ignore Hollywood's death Spiral and enjoy my hobbies but you gays keep dragging its carcass over her like I'm supposed to give a damn.

            • 3 months ago

              >just enjoy the slop goy i can't wait to watch the next season of rings of power with my wife's boyfriend

          • 3 months ago

            Pretty much everyone liked the One Piece live-action show. Which shocked the hell out of me given anime adaption track records. But that was a show that needed a lot of pacing tweaks speaking as someone rewatching the anime.

            The Witcher was also good, but I fully expect them to drive next season into the ground.

            • 3 months ago

              >the Witcher

              • 3 months ago

                Forgive me for not reflexively hating everything because that's the hip cool thing to do on the internet.

  38. 4 months ago

    Can't we just use OpenAI's new Sora ai to create our own 40k animated content?

    • 4 months ago

      Give it a few years and maybe it’ll be good enough

  39. 4 months ago

    Will it be good if it turns out to be slop or worse if it turns out to actually be good?

    • 4 months ago

      You okay there buddy?

      • 4 months ago

        No I don’t even have the excuse of being an esl I had a stroke I think. Will it be good for the hobby if the show turns out to be bad or worse if it turns out to be good?

        • 4 months ago

          Everybody derps sometimes.
          Good is probably too nebulous but the magic 8 ball says
          >bad show but popular brings more low quality humans and memes
          >good show and popular seems unlikely but hard to figure out how that's a negative if it happens
          >good show but unpopular is a filter so overall positive but potentially limits future films of quality due to losses
          >bad show and unpopular is moot culturally, shitcans future films for a while

  40. 4 months ago

    Queue Female Space Marines in 3...2...1.....

    • 4 months ago

      Explain your logic. Why would Cavill out of all people introduce fem!marines when he's the kind of person to get kicked off Witcher because he actually wants to stick to the source material?

      • 4 months ago

        He wants something new to be pissed off about and blame on 'woke hollywood'.

  41. 4 months ago

    A tv show is the last straw it will take to run 40k into marvelised slop with “superheroes” (SM & Primarchs). HH already has us halfway there - it’s no longer about 40k these days, but rather it’s about the continuation of the 30k HH storyline built around a few key heroes (Imperial SM & Primarch) and villains (Chaos SM & Primarchs).

  42. 4 months ago

    40k has become too big for Blackrock, Vanguard, and their fellows to avoid it any longer. They’re going to invest hard into it soon just like they did with the video game industry (see Sweet Baby inc)

    • 4 months ago

      >companies that specialize in ETFs have put money into a well performing public company
      wow, you're telling me now for the first time

  43. 4 months ago

    I dunno, ask Ganker

  44. 3 months ago

    I think it will get worse for the warhammer community in all ways. But it could be kino that we would enjoy it and it at the same time would piss off the golems like the last season of Samurai Jack did.

  45. 3 months ago


    Why? Tell me a single warhammer story that would look good on a wide screen. Tell me. There is none. 40k has no good stories, only concepts.

    And hollywood can;t write a script. SO henry or no henry there is no way it is gonan work.

    • 3 months ago

      ADB's Night Lords trilogy would kick ass, but I think it helps that you could pitch it as Non-Denominational Super-Gangsters In Space and keep most of the scenes and concepts the same since it's a good story with a Warhammer theming on top.

  46. 3 months ago

    It's ruined beyond repair, more normie pandering won't save it.

  47. 3 months ago


  48. 3 months ago

    I think it's going to be either hilariously bad or totally forgettable. I'm trans and want to see more women and the more minor legions or chapters are represented, and know there's my direct opposites who are also going to be watching the show. I doubt nobody on either end or in-between will be happy.

    So there's going to be actors from marginalized identities in the show who are mandated by Amazon but the people heading it have no interest in working with them or making anything out of that identity beyond marketing the first gay ever featured in Warhammer! (in live-action). You bet your ass there's going to be either Guardsman or Space Marines who deploy with a dozen other squads and are the last ones remaining before their helmets get shot off so the actor's face can be out and there's never a second headshot. They will either kill a Titan or beat a greater demon in a chainsword duel.

    The only thing anybody will be happy about is likely going to be a well-done Tech Priest who I imagine will get a dedicated four-digit budget for their effects alone which is why they only have five minutes of screen time, but that's fine since nobody can tell what identity they are under the cloak and wires so it's the only character both sides of the aisle can appreciate. . . or it's a Seven-of-Nine type with Doc-Ock arms so they can still market the actress.

    The tie-in mini release will be overpowered for a week as it sells-out before GW caves and doubles the point cost.

    I'm willing to believe that any tech priests are dope as hell though: the mechanicus always

    • 3 months ago

      >I'm trans
      Stopped reading there. have a nice day

      • 3 months ago

        So you read more of my message than Amazon staff likely read about 40k: I can only hope they put out something more original than you did, but I think holding my breath for it would just spoil your fun from watching me dangle.

        • 3 months ago

          Didn't read. have a nice day.

    • 3 months ago

      Go be a bloke in a dress somewhere else

  49. 3 months ago

    I expect an in universe slightly fourth wall referencing miniature game pieces used to simulate battles for strategic practice or something like that as a joke to be inserted.

    • 3 months ago

      That’s already been done in canon 40k so I wouldn’t be shocked

    • 3 months ago

      Horus Heresy ends in a card battle and Peter TurboTax challenges his sons to games of 40K if they want his support (he kills them if they lose)

      • 3 months ago

        Are you making that up or is that really true in the forty Kay books?

        • 3 months ago

          Both events are 100% canon in BL, yes. Emps and Horus duel each other in a metaphysical card battle and Peetuh plays wargames with Iron Warriors looking to gain his favor

    • 3 months ago

      > Gets executed for using third-party game pieces.

  50. 3 months ago

    >Constantin Valdor; The King in Yellow.

    >I'm here to talk to you about the Star Child initiative. *roll credits*

  51. 3 months ago

    Hell yeah, I can't wait to see Chaos Daemons in live action. I'm sure casual audiences will take the show seriously and not burst out laughing.

  52. 3 months ago

    On one hand he's based
    On the other ~~*amazon*~~

    I fear that the israelite will win as it is being fought within its own terf
    Or at best season 1 will be based but 2 will be pozzed beyond all recognition

    • 3 months ago

      I sometimes wonder what a post like this would look like to someone from the 90s.
      Would they think its funny? Schizophrenic nonsense? Could they even guess at its meaning?

      • 3 months ago

        45 year old here. It would look perfectly normal and everyone would understand it.
        Do you think people noticing that israelites own all the media is a new thing?

        • 3 months ago

          >45 year old here
          Yeah but you grew up with the culture. You aren't being introduced to the buzzwords leaking out of his ears for the first time.
          I was born in 1990. Of course the third line is easy to follow, but the ~~*_*~~ echo parenthesis wasn't a thing, the internet was barely a thing. Amazon didn't exist. Hell even pozzed is a modern slang term.

          • 3 months ago

            Pozzed is not a new thing, it was around before the 90s. They even named a magazine after the word in the early 90s.


          • 3 months ago

            The ~~*thing*~~ was pretty easy to figure out the first time I saw it. But yeah, watching internet parlance develop and change over time is neat.
            The one I think would be funny is explaining that got a cheese burger pizza and a chicken balsamic pizza to my grampa.
            >So is it a burger or a pizza?
            >No fascist chicken in the house, regardless of what its on.

          • 3 months ago

            >dang what are these kids doing, walking around calling things groovy, or far out
            What is even the relevance of mentioning that they wouldn't know what amazon the company is? Like yeah, of course they wouldn't understand the modern usage of a company that didn't exist yet. What's there to even wonder about?

        • 3 months ago

          the ~~*echoes*~~, amazon being important, "based", and pozzed would all be alien and could potentially be understood through context clues but aside from that yeah

  53. 3 months ago

    Show will be bad and called bad and show runners will say that warhammer fans are toxic phobics or whatever to deflect criticism. I’m calling it here.

    • 3 months ago

      No, it's too early for that playbook. Drumming up outrage is what you do to milk a property that's on the decline or well past it's prime, like Marvel movies or Ghostbusters.

      • 3 months ago

        That's not what drumming up outrage looks like anyways. If they wanted to use the playbook you're referring to, they'd make Guilliman black and/or female and crow about how they're OWNING T3H CHUDZ

  54. 3 months ago

    >Will Henry Cavill bring Warhammer 40k into a new golden age?
    By toning it down so normalgays can enjoy the show, thus introducing more normalgays to 40K and causing them to wreak havoc on the setting?
    More like the Age of Shit will hit us

    • 3 months ago

      40k has multiple videogames that have sold millions of copies and a book series that was on the best sellers list for a decade it's already a fricking normalgay setting

      • 3 months ago

        Videogame adaptions are often 1000 times more faithful to the source material than live-action stuff.

        • 3 months ago

          >Videogame adaptions are often 1000 times more faithful to the source material than live-action stuff.

  55. 3 months ago

    There will be outrage bait like casting a white character as a different ethnicity or a male character as female or both or something lore breaking that 40k fans will point out as wrong. Then 40k fans will be called the usual things under the bigot blanket to cover up that the cracks are already showing in the show. Honestly the cynic in me says that this show will appeal to no one. May not even be bad in a good way. Might just be thoroughly boring.

    • 3 months ago

      >or something lore breaking that 40k fans will point out as wrong
      The wiki obsessed secondaries trying to fact check the TV show will be the ones in the wrong. You completely misunderstand 40k if you think there is a stable and consistent canon to grade stories on.

  56. 3 months ago

    If they do stuff on the caliber of Gav and Bob or other fan stuff I'll enjoy it for what it is, hell I would love it if they actually used this opportunity to do some of the fan stuff that everyone likes with Amazon frick you money over diversity nonsense

    Sadly I think this will be GW mandated Marine wank or go full rings of power with even less budget given that they don't have the balls to do a Ciaphas Cain, hell there's even a small chance that they surprise us with a horror anthology or some navigator nonsense because inbreed power struggles is what the producers think made GoT successful, to many variables to predict a good outcome and so many previous shitty decisions made by Amazon to trust them on not shooting themselves in the other foot after they already did that twice with rings of power and wheel of time and maybe a third with fallout, frick it man I just want it to be good

    • 3 months ago

      >Sadly I think this will be GW mandated Marine wank
      It will be Cavill mandated Marine wank. He's a boyscout faction guy. He plays Custodes and Ultramarines. The chance of getting anything interesting out of this show is basically zero.

      Why do people obsess over live action anyway? Its not a good medium for doing really out there settings. Even with /good/ CGI effects, live action will almost always fails to present scale and weight, and the audience has to constantly be suspending disbelief when the shitty costumes don't fit with the background effects.
      Animation is more accepted as an adult medium nowadays. Why do we have to have gay celebrities telling us that their face has to be in a work of fantasy when a fully animated product could actually capture the work to its fullest. Live action will always have to cut or downgrade scenes because its just not possible to do with effects. Animation doesn't have to compromise.

      • 3 months ago

        >Why do people obsess over live action anyway?
        Because this board is overrun with failed normalgays who want the validation that comes with a hollywood budget and hollywood award shows and celebrity prestige. Ironically these normalgays b***h nonstop about "normies"

      • 3 months ago

        >Why do people obsess over live action anyway?
        Because I grew up in an era when they were good and aired them in cable regularly
        Rocky 4, predator and it's sequel, the thing, alien up to the second one and a myriad of b tier cop movies that just worked because they made you feel something, movies weren't always turds or big events you shouldn't miss they were just entertaining

        I can't deny you that animation is the superior medium for fantasy and sci-fi but holy frick we had it good for a while when movies were entertaining and shows like xfiles and twin peaks made you crave for more, I always hope against hope to get a fix of that

        Marines are more interesting than humanshit so that's a good thing.

        I like marines, I just want to see the guard against the green tide and the swarm, I want to see a futile attempt at trying to stop a necron onslaught, you can have your marines saving the day but frick give me the human perspective first or at least something dumb like a hive tyrant seething after an orc warboss killed it, give me the good shit too

        • 3 months ago

          They were good BECAUSE they weren't CGI slopfests and had to work within limitations. Terminator would've been a shit movie if the entire thing was set in mankind's doomed future. And thats all a love action 40K show could possibly be, just a bunch of drawn out meaningless fight scenes slathered in ungodly amounts of CGI.

          • 3 months ago

            A 40k show focused on an Inquisitor's retinue or a Rogue Trader's crew could easily have plenty of conventional Game of Thrones style character drama to break up the CGI action scenes.

            • 3 months ago

              If you want to do GoT in space might as well do a show about Knights.

    • 3 months ago

      Marines are more interesting than humanshit so that's a good thing.

      • 3 months ago

        >Timmy posted it again

        • 3 months ago

          Seething contrarian.

    • 3 months ago

      The guy who ruined the Eldar? Please no

      • 3 months ago

        Nearly choked on my beer with that one mate

  57. 3 months ago

    There's no hope is there?
    These are the people who saw a series made in the Cotswolds and asked if they could make it more diverse.
    Maybe if GW tells them to frick off with tainting the IP.

    • 3 months ago

      A lot of Amazon shows are non-woke and male oriented, Jack Reacher, Jack Ryan, Terminal List etc.

      • 3 months ago

        lmao Reacher just had a feminazi moment where he got lectured for defending a woman in a shootout.

    • 3 months ago

      There's always a chance that they'll attempt to portray the Imperium as evil, but accidentally make them seem based as frick, like how the Reich was portrayed in the second season of Man in the High Castle.

      I could easily see a bunch of pink-haired woke drones thinking that showing the Imperium in a completely lore-accurate way would be a critique of fascism/religion.

  58. 3 months ago

    Dunno; is he going to write an actually good edition of the game? No? Then no.

  59. 3 months ago

    Honestly I don't care one way or another because I seriously doubt they'll make something that actually fits the tone or conveys any of the underlying message.

    Cavil isn't some giga nerd who's going to fight for every bit of lore consistency. He's a guy who wants to play gruff action dudes. Amazon also isn't some visionary studio. They're probably looking to replicate one of the Marvel shows.

    As for whether or not this will "ruin" 40k, this type of thing is only ever said by morons. 40k is fine and you are free to engage with it on your terms.

    • 3 months ago

      The way I see it is that if it's successful we are going to get a lot of new people trying to buy the minis, which will make scalping issues worse
      Before you tell me that normies would not pay for GW prices you have to remember that normies can't pirate for shit, they would rather pay a subscription service over getting stuff for free, I cannot see a future in which normies boost the usage of independent 3d printing business to satiate their consumerism, it can only make the scalper market worse which eventually rises prices even for the independent printed goods due to a perceived increase in demand

      If it fails, well nothing changes other than we get to laugh at how bad it is and no one tries to make good content as the brand will be seen as investor poison

      • 3 months ago

        Scalping is a problem because GW doesn't produce enough. It is incumbent on them to solve this problem and blaming new customers who want the same thing as you is wrong.

  60. 3 months ago

    It's going to be anthology project like Twilight Zone, or Love, Death, and Robots. It is going to feature several different themes, settings, and plots to showcase as much of the Warhammer 40k universe as is feasible with the constraints given.


    Because this kind of genre is low-cost, low-effort, and low-commitment. It will serve as a proof-of-concept for onboarding more involved showrunners and for greenlighting larger and more costly media. Of note is that anthologies are also extremely effective with audiences, and leave a large amount of room for potential growth, while also substantially mitigating any budget concerns or risk of loss.

    Pic unrelated

    • 3 months ago

      >It's going to be anthology project like Twilight Zone, or Love, Death, and Robots
      That would unironically be the best possible outcome so it's probably not going to be that.

    • 3 months ago

      How come more people don't do them then? I completely agree with your statement. Like for Star Wars I think we can all agree that Visions was a better testbed for ideas than the Sequel films were. I mean regardless of whatever our opinions are (and they're likely all pretty low) I think we can agree that the potential margin for frickups in a major trilogy is way worse than a bunch of one-off anime episodes would be.

      I think stuff like that works very well as an idea farm because you can easily see what works and what doesn't, while easily being able to consign the major frick-ups into the bin of 'non-canon'.

    • 3 months ago

      >anthology project like Twilight Zone, or Love, Death, and Robots.
      Best possible outcome and maybe if it turns out to be awful where even normies ignore warhammer then even better.

  61. 3 months ago

    Black Ciaphas Cain

    Seriously though, given that Amazon have a requirement for 50% of everything to be non-white, this means it won't be good/low quality, as the best people for the job will be chosen.

    Best scenario: we get up a decent series one and an absolutely pozzed series two (a-la The Expanse S1-3 and S4-whatever they ended on)

    Likely scenario: it's pozzed from the get-go (a-la Witcher and Halo).

    In any case it's gonna make the hobby worse because you'll have normies/influencers/blue haired HR/boomers talking about it

  62. 3 months ago

    It doesn't have a chance in hell of being good.
    These are Amazon's streaming guidelines:

  63. 3 months ago


    Oh like you give a shit about the lives of a bunch of muslims in the middle east outside of your ability to use them as justification for your pre-existing anti-semitism. I'm sure you support letting a bunch of palestinian refugees into your country so you can whine about the downfall of western civilization.

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