Will I be able to make my own game engine with this? Frick Unity, Unreal, Game Maker Studio, and Godot.

Will I be able to make my own game engine with this?
Frick Unity, Unreal, Game Maker Studio, and Godot.

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  1. 10 months ago

    i'm still pissed that microsoft turned visual basic 6 into visual basic ".net." i really liked vb6 back in the day. made a lot of cool little things with it.

  2. 10 months ago

    Yes after 4+ years of learning to code then you have to code a game engine, learn to model, animate, draw, make music which will all take multiple years to master good luck

    • 10 months ago

      >Learn to model
      I'm starting small. Nothing 3D yet, right now scope is just making graphics on parody with the original Gameboy. 160x144 resolution with only 4 colors, that being 4 shades of black. Music is something I'm trying on the side with guitar and art is the same thing.

      • 10 months ago

        Use Solar2D

  3. 10 months ago

    You can do a game engine from scratch with C++, but it's a bad idea.
    Why don't you want to use already existing game engines?

    • 10 months ago

      I want to make a highly optimized engine from scratch as a personal project. Iterating off of it over the years to have new capabilities on lower end hardware.

      Basically I want to put long term investment and make games not as primarily a dev, but as an engineer.

      • 10 months ago

        The likelihood that you will make an "optimized" engine without even knowing how any existing engines work is zero. You don't even know what features you need to implement or how to implement them in an optimized way.

        By all means study C++ on the side but if you're aiming for Gameboy graphics there is no reason not to just use GMS or Godot or even fricking html5 canvas. You could have a playable prototype of your game done in a week and it would be about as "optimized" as it needs to be.

        • 10 months ago

          I want to aim for lower end hardware and make little side projects on my Raspberry Pi Zero. That's literally my end goal here. And I'd much rather use something that I made with my own two hands.

          • 10 months ago

            If you want to learn to program and engine because you want to program and engine go for it.
            If your objective is to make a game, use an already existing engine.

            • 10 months ago

              Can I not do both?

              • 10 months ago

                It's inefficient for your game, if you want to make a game engine obviously the you'd want to make some game with it after making the engine, but if your main objective isto make the best game you can realistically can do, you should use preexisting tools for it.

              • 10 months ago

                My main goal is to make an engine with a specific feature set and iterate on it over time. So the way I see it, I'd make the engine to the point where I'd be happy with it and use it to produce something with the capabilities it'd have at the time. Rinse repeat until I feel satisfied.

                My goal isn't efficiency or making something as quickly as possible or "Making the best game I realistically can do", it's more a challenge for myself.

              • 10 months ago

                Then you want to make an engine for the sake of it, if that's the case go and do it, just know it will take lots of time.
                But it's likely the engine you make doesn't have any feature that isn't available for other engines.

              • 10 months ago

                eh I'm not looking to make anything ground breaking or different. I just want to make something that has the exact capabilities that I want and nothing more. No need to reinvent the wheel or make anything gimmicky.

                this is basically the equivalent of "i want to build a house from scratch" without being able to use any pre-existing bricks/timber/nails etc
                you will end up with a mud hut, which might be fine for what you are aiming for, but just have realistic expectations

                I feel like the argument people are giving me more is to make a house from scratch with a pre existing house.

              • 10 months ago

                >No need to reinvent the wheel
                But that's exactly what you are trying by making an engine from scratch.

                >I feel like the argument people are giving me more is to make a house from scratch with a pre existing house.
                You are unhelpable.

              • 10 months ago

                >I feel like the argument people are giving me more is to make a house from scratch with a pre existing house.
                using an existing engine is more like getting all the materials you need, plus blueprints that you can customize and experts that how things should go together
                if you want to completely forego any such help you are going to have a really hard time
                but not only that, anything you do end up building will almost certainly have a really shit foundation that will very hard to extend to new projects
                it is a great learning experience if you want to learn to program of course and i wish you luck in your career if that's what you're getting into

              • 10 months ago

                this is basically the equivalent of "i want to build a house from scratch" without being able to use any pre-existing bricks/timber/nails etc
                you will end up with a mud hut, which might be fine for what you are aiming for, but just have realistic expectations

              • 10 months ago

                It sounds like you've already made your mind up so I don't know why you're asking for advice. Go read some books, become proficient in a few languages, write some programs and see if you feel the same way in 5 years.
                You're not gonna get the validation you want because anyone ITT who knows anything about programming is going to tell you the same thing: if your goal is to make games then use an existing engine. If your goal is to make a game engine then good luck.

              • 10 months ago

                Also, you wouldn't need to make an engine the way Unity and Unreal are, you could make the engine basically as a graphics library for C++ and then make the game in C++.
                But that would still takes minimum a year of learning to make anything usable and unique, and even more to make something truly optimized.
                If you worked with Unreal for example, you could make your game, measure it's performance, find the bottle necks and optimize the bottle necks, it would be much faster and make a better game in the end.

          • 10 months ago

            >I want to aim for lower end hardware and make little side projects on my Raspberry Pi Zero
            ...why not use love2D then?

      • 10 months ago

        Do you think you are so intelligent that you will be able to make a more optimized engine than the team at Epic who has more experience than you and is paid to work 40 h each week to develop the engine?
        Also, if you work with Unreal you can literally modify the C++ code of Unreal, since it's an open source engine, so if you want to make an optimized game it would be better to create a game with Unreal, then look for what you need to optimize and optimize it starting from Unreal.

      • 10 months ago

        I don't wanna put you down or anything but unless it's highly specialized with narrow functionality then you wont make it alone.

  4. 10 months ago

    quit being moron and just use unreal engine

  5. 10 months ago

    If you have to ask you're NGMI

  6. 10 months ago

    engine devs never make games

    • 10 months ago

      More to the point people who have never made a game have no frame of reference for what's good in an engine.

  7. 10 months ago

    >with this?
    If you write your own graphics card drivers, sure.

    Otherwise you'll still need a graphics backend to start with.

  8. 10 months ago

    You can make anything with your bare hands.

    Once a man realizes this he is truly free.

  9. 10 months ago

    You will be constantly fixing bugs, daily. No time to make games.

  10. 10 months ago

    Are you going to go with opengl or vulkan?
    Are you going to write your own UI and physics or use someone elses?

    • 10 months ago

      >in 2023

  11. 10 months ago

    Realistically you could do this though, if you take classes for it in college and make multiple tech demos before you finally make a functioning game.

  12. 10 months ago

    If you are white you should probably stick to something more appropriate to your abilities, like downvoting Little Mermaid trailer like a lunatic. Leave coding to asians.

  13. 10 months ago

    C++ is the worst mainstream programming language

  14. 10 months ago

    Programming languages are something you should be able to memorize the structure of. C's structure is contained in less than 300 pages (and a lot of that is examples and a glossary). C++, while robust, is fricking huge in comparison. You can memorize it, but you'd probably forget that you were raised in an orphanage by a goth mommy and your headmaster/boss with all your teen mercenary friends.

  15. 10 months ago

    Sure, Noita devs did exactly that. Not gonna be easy, though. There is a reason pre-made engines and development environments are so popular.

  16. 10 months ago

    are you desperate to feel like John Carmack? there are loads of other game engines

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