Will I enjoy this if I like games like dark souls and fps?

Will I enjoy this if I like games like dark souls and fps?

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 months ago

    I always felt this game played OK and had some cool stuff but the progression just seems moronic. Always check out of it.

  2. 2 months ago

    my personal favorite of that generation of shooters, it's hella vibey and a rollicking good time. very a e s t h e t i c

  3. 2 months ago

    >dark souls
    Hexen is much more forgiving in battles, but maps are equally vague at times.
    Only if you can stomach first few levels that are more melee oriented due to ammo scarcity.

    • 2 months ago

      >melee oriented
      Is it at least fun melee? Every retro FPS I've ever played has the melee option do zero fricking damage.
      The "Death Row" in Duke3D where you're forced to kick a shotgun hog to death to get your first weapon and it's practically random whether he one shots you or not. Ass. Why can't melee be fun in first person outside of the 21st century??

      • 2 months ago

        Try this one out for a bit of melee action, pally. Hope you have a PS2 though, apparently it emulates like shit.

      • 2 months ago

        if you look around you can get those gloves pretty early on from what i remember
        its essentially the chainsaw from doom
        in fact i think its literally the chainsaw from doom

        thats what i remember doing to save up ammo. after a few levels it wont matter since youll have plenty

      • 2 months ago

        With proper movement you can melee enemies to death without them meleeing you back

  4. 2 months ago

    No, the switch hunt is too obnoxious.

  5. 2 months ago

    The only similarity to dark souls is in the aesthetics

  6. 2 months ago

    no, it's nothing like souls the combat is boring and it's full of obscure switch hunting

  7. 2 months ago

    Do you like switch/key hunting in Doom and other 90's fps? It's that but 10x as tedious. And you only get 4 weapons to play with per playthrough, so the combat is blah. It's no surprise it's the least popular Doom engine game, even behind Strife (nowadays at least).

    Try King's Field instead. Or Ultima Underworld. Or Arx Fatalis for something newer (but still /vr/).

    • 2 months ago

      >4 weapons per class
      >3 classes
      >12 weapons total
      >could all easily fit on the 1 - 0,- and = keys
      >If every key acted like a primary/secondary they would only need 1 - 6
      The lack of weapon variety on a single playthrough means it gets repetitive really fast. Even if you forgive it for that, there's a good chance that the centaur enemies that block your shit forever will ruin the experience. It's a shame because there is a ton about the game that I do really like such as the setting, the dark fantasy vibe/aesthetic, the hub world, the music, the emphasis on exploration, etc. They dropped the ball when it came to gameplay though which ruins it all.

      • 2 months ago

        Use your fricking Flechettes against the centaurs. The poison fog of a single Cleric Flechette can kill a whole group of centaurs.

        • 2 months ago

          >bro just use the bottle of farts
          I don't want to do that. If they wanted to railroad me into a single tactic, maybe don't make it a bottle of farts

          • 2 months ago

            If you are the Mage, your basic starting weapon has pierce. Hold it down and cut through their shields and kill them without effort.

  8. 2 months ago

    No. Hexen 2 is worth trying though

  9. 2 months ago

    Sure? I like Dark Souls, I like Doom, I like Hexen. Hexen isn't anything like Dark Souls at all and very little like Doom, though.

  10. 2 months ago

    The weapon variety thing is kind of a non issue. In Doom you only use 1 weapon; the shotgun.
    On the other hand; Heretic has all the weapon variety and enough enemies and weapons that you'll actually use them. Heretic unfortunately kind of feels like a Doom wad with no personality of its own. If they had combined the legitimately better enemy encounters of Heretic with the dungeon design, puzzles, and world of Hexen, you'd have a nearly perfect game.
    Hexen is still one of my favorites though, because it is a dark fantasy dungeon crawler that doesn't run at 10 fps on a grid. It is very unique.

  11. 2 months ago

    Yes but it's really just a very tedious and drawn-out puzzle game. The prequel Heretic is better - more a fast-paced Doom-style run-and-gunner while still sharing Hexen's cool gothic-themed graphics and music.

  12. 2 months ago

    Is Hexen really that much of a pleb filter? I'm forever puzzled by this. Hexen II I can understand as it commits the cardinal sin of hiding progression in secrets, but the first one literally tells you everything:

    >one sixteenth of the puzzle has been solved

    Okay, so now go solve the other 15 16ths. Its not hard lmao.

    • 2 months ago

      Keep in mind that when Hexen was made, video games were for nerds. The gaming audience today is sub 100 IQ normies. So that sort of puzzle solving causes their brain to lock up and they start to get angry, even though to you and I it seems pretty straightforward.

      • 2 months ago

        This would also explain why I've seen so many people b***h about the difficulty of the puzzles in point and click adventure games that I found pretty simple. A combination of generally lower IQ and dwindling attention spans. The modern audience wants to enter a room, immediately figure out an insultingly simple puzzle and then move right along to the next.

    • 2 months ago

      I think that introducing walls that you move by running into them in the third hub was a dick move, but the rest was intuitive, including the secret levels.

  13. 2 months ago

    Hexen's a bit hard to recommend. On one hand you have multiple classes for repeated playthroughs, neat secret hunting for your ultimate weapon, cool environments, great music, is arguably the prettiest of any original Doom engine games and I really like the idea of the flask/fletchette also changing properties depending on the class.

    On the other hand combat is a bit on the boring side. Not because of weapon variety(I felt that issue in Hexen 2 though) but because of the enemy and encounter design.There's the infamous centaurs who can shield(and later reflect) everything beyond the fletchette which fricking sucks. There's also a specific encounter in one of the early ice level that god damn sucks, you get teleported into the center of a tiny circular arena surrounded by enemies and then a second wave spawns in and you have to I believe contend with ice physics while fighting all of them. Otherwise the game's mostly fun and I'm pretty sure there are overhaul mods or total conversions but I can't say I've played any.

    Also, using weapons is gay. You have fists and a jabroni outfit. Nothing else is required.

  14. 2 months ago

    I saw ads for this as a kid, ended up buying a copy for N64 on a whim in 2016 and played it over the course of months, sitting in my dark basement and crushing bottles of vodka. It was painfully difficult at times, but I kept coming back. The atmosphere, the music, the combat, the relief when you finally solve a puzzle that's been torturing you for days... man, it was too good. I'll never forget finding the last sword piece. There it was, this ancient and powerful artifact; it wasn't displayed on some resplendant altar surrounded by deadly foes, it was just sitting in the middle of a cellar under a light, forgotten by time. Somehow, this seemed so appropriate.

    This was the only game I've ever played that left me feeling satisfied. Some games I return to because they're so fun or addictive that I need more. Other games I never return to because I didn't enjoy them. This game though, this felt like a true adventure. I saw it to the end, I completed my quest, and I didn't feel like there was anything left. For once, I felt gratified.

    Great game.

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