With 6 more months but the same system limitations, how would you fix it?

With 6 more months but the same system limitations, how would you fix it?

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    I just want the last 2 levels to feel less like tunnels with spongy enemies

    • 2 years ago

      Seems like they took Turok 2 influence. and also system shock influence for the area 51 cleanroom part where everyone's basically a zombie the way they mindlessly attack you. neither of which befit the game

    • 2 years ago

      I will agree that last level kinda sucked a little. I remember shitting my pants playing it as a kid, creeping around corners not wanting the Skedar to materialise in front of me. But as I'm older I realise in terms of climactic alien environments the Cetan Ship was a much better level. Keep the Skedar ship level, I'll say they're allowed one dark claustrophobic hallway level, but the final level needed to change. How I don't know, I doubt I could come up with a better solution.

      • 2 years ago

        The final two levels needed more interesting geography to justify themselves. Normally simple level design works fine because GE/PD have light gun shooter style mechanics where you can prevent damage by shooting the enemy but the skedar don't have that aspect so you need something else to make the shooting with them interesting.

        Gameplay against the skedar basically consists of one-shotting them with the Mauler or taking damage. That or whittling them down with the pistol from a distance, they aren't fun to fight like the human enemies are.

    • 2 years ago

      after the crash site level the quality in PD goes right off a cliff

      • 2 years ago

        The mistake here is allowing the earlier levels a pass because they aren't overtly terrible. Once you look at them without the shadow of the later levels you'll see they aren't fun either. Nobody wants to replay any PD missions

        • 2 years ago

          villa is just as fun as any goldeneye mission

          • 2 years ago

            maybe with different guns it would be. hate that floppy pisser
            >squit squit

          • 2 years ago

            villa is a terrible mission. man this game is so fricking hacked up and moronic that they had to use the same texture for the carpets as the paintings/wall hangings located around the level lmao

          • 2 years ago

            Personally, my favorite is Airbase Espionage. Probably because it has my favorite track in the game.

            • 2 years ago

              i like how they timed it so the song transitions as you enter the building @ 45 seconds

            • 2 years ago

              Fun fact, there's a segment present in that mission's intro track that reappears again in timesplitters future perfect's siberia track.

              >at 01:45

            • 2 years ago

              villa, chicago, airbase, and air force one are probably the best missions

  2. 2 years ago

    This game is the textbook case of coming up with ambitions and concepts not able to be done justice in the implementation. You know how Doom 3 got carried away with the potential of dynamic lighting and pissed everyone off basing their game around darkness/flashlight? Imagine you also found out half way through dev that dynamic light was impossible on your system. That was Perfect Dark. That was why it was called Perfect Dark in the first place. You can see they left their pseudo-dynamic light bodge in and used it once or twice to pretty disappointing effect. But yeah the inspirations for the game were more of less the Ridley Scott aesthetic and the X-Files smoky mood, two things that turn out to be about the hardest things you could make an N64 do, so we really got no feeling of either. I'm just saying this to suggest that the ways Perfect Dark misses aren't necessarily the kind of problem you can fix with more time. I have some ideas I'll post though

    • 2 years ago

      Dark Souls 2 had a mechanic like this planned too. It still has really impressive lighting, but there's no gameplay aspects to it except the spider monsters and the blight town copy (which the original game had).

    • 2 years ago

      Area 51 should be a flat, open desert so that we're back to working with iconic conspiracy imagery. It's an open area the size of Goldeyne Dam or Surface. Now you have somewhere to actually ride the fricking hover bike that they coded. After giving up on the impossible dream of dynamic lighting , settle for using black fog to make oppressive darkness - the way Surface 2in GE does with its red dusk to much more effect than any part of PD.
      You could make the level actually fun and on-theme by using the hoverbike, darkness and setting for the gameplay. Swoop out of the dark on the bike to kill goons. But it's also govenement employees so. say you can't kill them and have to bait them to chase you on their bikes, and double back to sneak in. All of this is GE-engine implementable.

      Chicago level is such a shortchange. It's supposed to be a blade runner feeling, that "overcrowded asian hell street now in america" feeling - but they didn't put a single citizen. They have the code and models for civilians and models. Maybe the level chugs too much already. Well, cut the cars. The cars aren't fun or cool in this level. Put citizens - just fricking, three? ONE? Just one would sell me on this being a place in a city, so much.
      Even more pointedly this level of all levels needs someone to fricking meet. I heard this was in at some point in development, but was cut. Well, cut something else. I remember in Goldeneye feeling like I was in a real world just because of meeting Robbie Coltrane in that shipping container and having his text words on the screen. Had they just put some fricking guy who didn't even move and given him a line or two, it would transform this lifeless level. It's even all set up for you to meet Mulder, he's fricking in the level - or at least 'FBI guy' models are but they are just generic enemies? Fricksake. Put mulder down in the strip club and he explains Why male models.
      Get rid of that fricking drone or make it so it shoots civilians like ED209 if you kick off so at least you get a cool splattershow when you frick up, and give it a fricking ED209 gun and gun sound instead of bullshit swishing blue shit

      contrarian weirdo

      I do nothing. It's Perfect.


  3. 2 years ago

    Area 51 should be a flat, open desert so that we're back to working with iconic conspiracy imagery. It's an open area the size of Goldeyne Dam or Surface. Now you have somewhere to actually ride the fricking hover bike that they coded. After giving up on the impossible dream of dynamic lighting , settle for using black fog to make oppressive darkness - the way Surface 2in GE does with its red dusk to much more effect than any part of PD.
    You could make the level actually fun and on-theme by using the hoverbike, darkness and setting for the gameplay. Swoop out of the dark on the bike to kill goons. But it's also govenement employees so. say you can't kill them and have to bait them to chase you on their bikes, and double back to sneak in. All of this is GE-engine implementable.

    • 2 years ago

      seriously. you could change like 2 things about surface II and it would feel more like sneaking into area 51 at night than whatever the frick the right is supposed to be

      • 2 years ago

        (the right looks so atmosphere-less that I thought 'hang on is this emulator bullshit?' but no, there really was no fog, on the n64. It doesn't look AS bad at low res, but still hideous.)
        For performance reasons I guess, PD turned off goldeneye's atmospheric fogs (which were very effective). They are not distance-culling fogs in GE btw don't get confused. All level is rendered to max distance with the fog rendering additionally on top of it for mood

  4. 2 years ago

    Chicago level is such a shortchange. It's supposed to be a blade runner feeling, that "overcrowded asian hell street now in america" feeling - but they didn't put a single citizen. They have the code and models for civilians and models. Maybe the level chugs too much already. Well, cut the cars. The cars aren't fun or cool in this level. Put citizens - just fricking, three? ONE? Just one would sell me on this being a place in a city, so much.
    Even more pointedly this level of all levels needs someone to fricking meet. I heard this was in at some point in development, but was cut. Well, cut something else. I remember in Goldeneye feeling like I was in a real world just because of meeting Robbie Coltrane in that shipping container and having his text words on the screen. Had they just put some fricking guy who didn't even move and given him a line or two, it would transform this lifeless level. It's even all set up for you to meet Mulder, he's fricking in the level - or at least 'FBI guy' models are but they are just generic enemies? Fricksake. Put mulder down in the strip club and he explains Why male models.
    Get rid of that fricking drone or make it so it shoots civilians like ED209 if you kick off so at least you get a cool splattershow when you frick up, and give it a fricking ED209 gun and gun sound instead of bullshit swishing blue shit

  5. 2 years ago

    put this back in the game, this angle would make this level stealth ludo instead of lamely walking around identical offices massacring

  6. 2 years ago

    Scrap it and use those 6 months to rerelease NES battletoads to the system so N64 finally has a tippy top rare game.

  7. 2 years ago

    Cancel the game and begin porting it to GameCube as a launch title in all regions

    • 2 years ago

      Unless my memory deceives me, I believe PD was likely going to be just that.
      Or maybe I'm confusing it with TWiNE 64.

  8. 2 years ago

    Remove all the alien shit.

    • 2 years ago

      but now you have like 6 levels, one of which is a map recycle

      >DataDyne Central: Defection
      >DataDyne Research: Investigation
      >DataDyne Central: Extraction
      >Carrington Villa: Hostage One
      >Chicago: Stealth
      >G5 Building: Reconnaissance
      >x Area 51: Infiltration
      >x Area 51: Rescue
      >x Area 51: Escape
      >x Air Base: Espionage
      >x Air Force One: Anti-Terrorism
      >x Crash Site: Confrontation
      >x Pelagic II: Exploration
      >x Deep Sea: Nullify Threat
      >x Carrington Institute: Defense
      >x Attack Ship: Covert Assault
      >x Skedar Ruins: Battle Shrine

      • 2 years ago

        >>Air Base: Espionage
        >>Air Force One: Anti-Terrorism
        oops these aren't alien shit

  9. 2 years ago

    I do nothing. It's Perfect.

  10. 2 years ago

    i would spend the extra six months on the boobs. Joannas boobs were good but needed to be a lot gooder and i think with an extra six months of the entire team working on the boobs they could have really had something special for people to enjoy. Along with the obvious enhancement of the boobs through additional "3DFX", just simple things, like if she was shot in the boobs she should have said "ow ! got me in the boobs", or a section of the Carrington Institute dedicated to the boobs with an engaging backstory of the boobs

    • 2 years ago

      boobed and boob-pilled

    • 2 years ago

      This is a good start but really the concept calls for a sequel that would focus entirely on this important topic

  11. 2 years ago

    the primary issue is that it isn't timesplitters

    • 2 years ago

      I don't love perfect dark but at least it doesn't have a teamfortress art style

      • 2 years ago

        neither does timesplitters, really weird criticism either way

        • 2 years ago

          well, whatever you call it, weird proportions are disgusting (oversized legs ingame) and should be left to google-doodles

          • 2 years ago

            why are you posting art instead of the actual game? Is it because you're a disingenuous gaygit moron? yes. yes it is.

            • 2 years ago

              maybe try reading the posts you reply to

              • 2 years ago

                maybe try posting pictures of the actual game you're criticizing instead of arteork

      • 2 years ago

        Do what Turok 2 did and release it for PC as well. It was frustrating being given higher resolution options that looked good but made the game run like shit.

        Less TF2, more SSX. There was a certain stylization to the Timesplitters games for sure, it’s part of their charm.

    • 2 years ago

      Timesplitters doesn't come from a vacuum though, you can't just remove PD from the timeline that leads to Timesplitters. That's like removing Mariokart 64 because Crash Team Racing which came out years later is better. It wouldn't be half as good as it is without the main thing to have followed and improved, if it even existed.

      • 2 years ago

        TS1 and PD came out the same year and were made by different teams moron

        • 2 years ago

          and it shows, the first timesplitters is not even an alpha game

      • 2 years ago

        Speaking of vacuum, didn't the beta of Perfect Dark have the same Scotland the Brave track we hear in Future Perfect?

    • 2 years ago

      ts has better mp maps, engine, and characters
      pd has better everything else

      • 2 years ago

        TS has better graphics, better framerate, better controls, better story missions, better multiplayer custom games, better characters, better maps, more challenges/side content and a fricking map maker. It takes a hot shit on PD in every conceivable way except completely subjective things like which game has better guns

        • 2 years ago

          The original TimeSplitters?
          >better graphics
          >better story missions
          Absolutely fricking not.
          Grab thing and run back to circle is neither a story nor mission.

          • 2 years ago

            bro, TS1 is a PS2 game, Perfect Dark is an N64 game. you are legit mentally moronic if you think PD has better graphics.
            >Absolutely fricking not.
            PD's missions are not fun. they are 8fps slideshows filled with unfun bullshit tasks that have no meaningful impact on gameplay. this argument is irrelevant anyway since TS2 exists and BTFOs everything PD did yet again

            • 2 years ago

              time splitters is better on a technical level since it was made on newer hardware but perfect dark has a better and more fun single player, and a better story
              time splitters is a good game still though

              • 2 years ago

                I honestly refuse to believe you could call PD singleplayer fun. the controls are pants on head moronic regardless of setup or skill level, and the framerate alone makes it a chore to play. the starting area of the first level drops to fricking 5 frames per second and the rest of the game isn't much better. PD has a better story if only because TS barely has one at all, but if you really care about story go read a fricking book. I want tight, smooth, fast gameplay with high skill ceiling. TS has that, PD does not. PD is a trash can of features and ideas that never actually amount to good gameplay.

              • 2 years ago

                the issues with framerate and controls is a fair point but the last time i played it was on pc with mouse injection and it plays great. i know that's not the """"original intended experience"""" but who gives a shit. i also like perfect dark's cyberpunk aesthetic more, and i think the music especially is better.
                >story no matter
                you're the one who brought it up moron

              • 2 years ago

                also i have to add, i don't care. it's my subjective opinion and if that makes you mad then that's your problem

              • 2 years ago

                >muh mouse injector
                invalidates the entire argument, moving on
                >story no matter
                I said story missions in regards to the missions, not the plot line moronoid

                also i have to add, i don't care. it's my subjective opinion and if that makes you mad then that's your problem

                >muh addendum
                yeah I think you're the one who's mad lol

            • 2 years ago

              >argument so bad that the goalpost had to be moved
              >PD's missions ... filled with bullshit tasks that have no meaningful impact on gameplay
              homie, is you stupid? First TimeSplitters game has you fetchin shit like an literal hourglass, and then enemies spawn in front of you as you go back to the start of the level.
              Perfect Dark has objectives and objects in place that affect gameplay on any combination of difficulties.
              Of course, you wouldn't know that since you haven't played the game.
              You don't know as much about the game as I do.

              • 2 years ago

                >this, coming from the moron who said an N64 game had better graphics than a PS2 game
                yeah no "homie", you're fricking stupid. you seem to conflate the presence of objectives with the missions being good or not. PD does not have a better story mode because the story mode itself is inherently broken. objectives are fricking meaningless when the game runs at 5 frames per second. TS1 actually succeeds at being a fun game, and TS2 builds on this formula by adding in your precious objectives and then some, so if this matters to you so much then PD still isn't the game you should be playing.
                >You don't know as much about the game as I do.
                you're right, I know significantly more about all of these games than you do and I've been playing them since before you were born, as if that even matters. appeal to authority is a shitty substitute for an argument and it's the de facto sign of a buttmad moron (i.e. you). if you want to pretend that shit tier levels like Area 51 or Villa are fun because of "objectives" when the game is nigh-unplayable, go ahead. you're lying to yourself. the fun of perfect dark comes entirely from the combat sim mode, which admittedly has some cool features that TS lacks (e.g. custom music playlists and team names and unique weapons like farsight) but even then, it's marred by the same awful performance and control and lacks meaningful content like a map maker to keep it fresh. TS1 is just a better game than PD in every way that actually matters.

              • 2 years ago

                >PD does not have a better story mode because the story mode itself is inherently broken
                Really homie? TimeSplitters' first game has no story. No dialogue or anything that actually matters in a story.
                They literally watched a YouTube tutorial on how to make a prop rotate in place and called that an objective to bring back to the froot loop.
                >muh TS2 goalpost extension, again
                Outstanding shit my homie! You singlehandedly destroyed your own argument claiming that TSuno was better than PD.
                Only reason why TS can run as fast as it does is because nothing complex is going on except the loading screens.

              • 2 years ago

                >my homie my homie
                I get it mulatto, you haven't played these games. thanks for conceding.

              • 2 years ago

                Nothing to lose to considering it wasn't a challenge to disprove your bullshit.

              • 2 years ago

                >yet another non-argument
                >yet another decade old reaction pic
                at least you stopped talking like an octoroon this time. now that you've lost the debate, go emulate TS in 4K and stop with the sour grapes.

              • 2 years ago

                >>yet another non-argument
                >now that you've lost the debate, go emulate diarrhea in 4K
                Scat ain't my thang, dawg.
                With the amount of shit that come out yo mouth, you must be fond of that shit like a bed pan in the oven.

              • 2 years ago

                you've literally devolved into a Black person because you can't defend a 5fps N64 shooter, kek. absolutely mindbroken. thanks for playing.

              • 2 years ago

                >be TimeSplitters
                >Soundtrack is mostly whack as frick. Sounds like an edging, drug addicted preteen that got into dad's liquor stash again and slammed on their electronic keyboard until 300 seconds passed.
                >Arsenal is generic, reskinned dogshit.
                >AI is broken and primitive as shit.
                bots have the priorities of a fat b***h in the chip aisle at a grocery store going for the last bag of spicy sweet chili doritos.
                completely oblivious to the world unless you ate the chips in the previous life or have the bag currently.

                >be Perfect Dark
                >Arsenal extensive, and each of the available firearms have unique alternative functionalities.
                laptop gun becomes temporary, portable sentry gun.
                dragon becomes powerful proximity mine.
                farsight can see through the whole level as well as shoot through anything.
                mauler has charged shots.
                sedation weapons can sedate or kill.
                k7 can detect threats.
                >AI have unique interactions with their environment.
                guard low on health and limping, they go off of an average height scaffold, and they can die.
                disarm them, and they can pull out another gun or surrender.
                >Has cheats that are actually good. Not turning every character in the stage into a what just because.

                >the ts manbaby is still pissing and shitting his diaper
                holy frick anon. its ok, ts is a good game too
                come here
                give me a hug big guy
                youre going to be ok

                >into scat and age play
                go into the shadow realm, you unopened, dented can of tuna.

            • 2 years ago

              >PD's missions are not fun. they are 8fps slideshows
              I'm sorry you were too moronic to turn on hi res mode and somehow left it on for the whole game.

        • 2 years ago

          >better story missions
          >than perfect dark

          • 2 years ago

            >better story missions
            >can actually play and enjoy the game because it isn't a 5fps dumpster fire with such innovations as crouch for secondary fire on a sniper
            yeah I'll take TS thanks

            • 2 years ago

              you can play pd @ 60 fps on xbox version or with emulation

              • 2 years ago

                and I can inject horse porn textures into PD on PC too. what's your point?

    • 2 years ago

      TS has better graphics, better framerate, better controls, better story missions, better multiplayer custom games, better characters, better maps, more challenges/side content and a fricking map maker. It takes a hot shit on PD in every conceivable way except completely subjective things like which game has better guns

      bro, TS1 is a PS2 game, Perfect Dark is an N64 game. you are legit mentally moronic if you think PD has better graphics.
      >Absolutely fricking not.
      PD's missions are not fun. they are 8fps slideshows filled with unfun bullshit tasks that have no meaningful impact on gameplay. this argument is irrelevant anyway since TS2 exists and BTFOs everything PD did yet again

      I honestly refuse to believe you could call PD singleplayer fun. the controls are pants on head moronic regardless of setup or skill level, and the framerate alone makes it a chore to play. the starting area of the first level drops to fricking 5 frames per second and the rest of the game isn't much better. PD has a better story if only because TS barely has one at all, but if you really care about story go read a fricking book. I want tight, smooth, fast gameplay with high skill ceiling. TS has that, PD does not. PD is a trash can of features and ideas that never actually amount to good gameplay.

      >this, coming from the moron who said an N64 game had better graphics than a PS2 game
      yeah no "homie", you're fricking stupid. you seem to conflate the presence of objectives with the missions being good or not. PD does not have a better story mode because the story mode itself is inherently broken. objectives are fricking meaningless when the game runs at 5 frames per second. TS1 actually succeeds at being a fun game, and TS2 builds on this formula by adding in your precious objectives and then some, so if this matters to you so much then PD still isn't the game you should be playing.
      >You don't know as much about the game as I do.
      you're right, I know significantly more about all of these games than you do and I've been playing them since before you were born, as if that even matters. appeal to authority is a shitty substitute for an argument and it's the de facto sign of a buttmad moron (i.e. you). if you want to pretend that shit tier levels like Area 51 or Villa are fun because of "objectives" when the game is nigh-unplayable, go ahead. you're lying to yourself. the fun of perfect dark comes entirely from the combat sim mode, which admittedly has some cool features that TS lacks (e.g. custom music playlists and team names and unique weapons like farsight) but even then, it's marred by the same awful performance and control and lacks meaningful content like a map maker to keep it fresh. TS1 is just a better game than PD in every way that actually matters.

      >muh mouse injector
      invalidates the entire argument, moving on
      >story no matter
      I said story missions in regards to the missions, not the plot line moronoid
      >muh addendum
      yeah I think you're the one who's mad lol

      get a meds prescription and stop shitting up these threads with your autistic TS tantrums please. learn to talk to other humans and stop getting so upset over your manchild fixations.

  12. 2 years ago

    >Make a hot female protagonist
    >Make the game first person so you can't see her while playing
    What the frick were they thinking

    • 2 years ago

      It’s a less blatant Bond clone that way.

  13. 2 years ago

    id add more sp maps to MP
    carrington insitute
    datadyne tower

  14. 2 years ago

    This game was considered bad or something? I remember it being pretty popular and selling well.
    Not into FPSs myself though.

  15. 2 years ago

    I'd cancel it.

  16. 2 years ago

    Give it to a better dev to fix all the amateur bugs and dogshit frame rate. Rare sucked. Midway and Acclaim we're better N64 shooter devs

  17. 2 years ago

    I only ever played this on my series x and was pleasantly surprised. It even had auto HDR compatibility! I cannot imagine how awful it must be on the n64, considering how unplayable goldeneye was on original hardware. Interesting how ambitious Rare was.

    • 2 years ago

      >auto HDR
      PD on Xbox is a remaster moron

      • 2 years ago

        Well it's fantastic! Hope someday they can do the same with goldeneye.

        • 2 years ago

          Guess what

  18. 2 years ago

    completely move off 64 and go to PS2

    • 2 years ago

      Aside from SM64, are there any other N64 decompilation projects that were ported to PS2? Because they share MIPS architecture?

  19. 2 years ago

    Make it a gamecube launch title. N64 framerates had become a major problem at that point, people knew the console ran basically everything poorly and even PS1 had better performance so with new hardware on the horizon it would have been a much better showcase for the next platform than let it toil away on the last generation one beyond a mediocre accessory to boot.

  20. 2 years ago

    >50 posts about timesplitters (made on a more powerful system)
    frick off homosexual

  21. 2 years ago

    >dataDyne: Defection
    going down Lucerne Tower
    >dataDyne: Extraction
    going back up Lucerne Tower
    >Mr. Blonde's Revenge
    going up Lucerne Tower... again.
    >Area 51: Infiltration
    gain entry from the perimeter
    >Area 51: Rescue
    break into the research labs
    >Area 51: Escape
    self explanatory
    >Maian S.O.S.
    it's Area 51 again, only this time we access the last area of the base

    plenty of recycling going on here, but damn, Area 51 is fricking big.
    shame it has to be broken down into separate "missions" to swap resources.

    • 2 years ago

      the bonus missions in PD are pretty fricking weak

      • 2 years ago

        definitely. its predecessor, goldeneye, even had brand new bonus missions with one from moonraker and the other from live and let die.

  22. 2 years ago

    >the ts manbaby is still pissing and shitting his diaper
    holy frick anon. its ok, ts is a good game too
    come here
    give me a hug big guy
    youre going to be ok

  23. 2 years ago

    Fix what it's a great game

  24. 2 years ago

    It doesn't need fixing. It's fine the way it is.
    God i fricking hate zoomers.

  25. 2 years ago


    you cant play this game on hi-res mode without massive slowdown

    the XBLA port really did wonders

    • 2 years ago

      So 'with the same system limitations', how would 'fix the framerate'? You'd have to cut out something. What?

    • 2 years ago

      Less dynamic lighting

  26. 2 years ago

    Nothing needs fixing, we're already in the best timeline. The game came out, it ran like shit, but whatever, the people moved on and gave us Timesplitters, then we get the XBLA port of PD that runs perfectly, then the leak of Golden Eye that run perfectly.

  27. 2 years ago

    It's funny, because I remember this game getting delayed multiple times because of the game not meeting Treehouse's satisfaction. I know, because I loved Goldeneye, single and multiplayer. Frick, I use to to grab two of my N64 game pads and take them over to a friends house for 4-player Goldeneye. Bad framerate didn't stop anyone from having fun. Perfect Dark was a much better game in many ways. It certainly mogs Goldeneye in features. Perfect Dark didn't lack content. for a 32MB game, it has a lot of replayability. The Single player is good, but I felt like it was a bit weak at the end. But still has many great levels. It was kinda hard to fault this one for what it was. The game did push the N64 hard though. Playing the Vila stage with two player co-op is a slide show. The two player 'counter-ops' mode is weird and very game breaking. As player 2 can control every enemy in the game, and when they die they enter into a new enemy. But you can really screw around with this mode. Almost like a sand box.

    • 2 years ago

      >Perfect Dark was a much better game in many ways.
      I feel like you don't really believe what you're saying, because it sounds like you're trying in vain to convince yourself:
      >It certainly mogs Goldeneye in features?
      >Perfect Dark didn't lack content?
      >It's 32MB so, it must have a lot of replayability?
      This is what happened to reviewers. They couldn't wrap their heads around how more could be less. But it was. For reasons often mentioned but also subtle little things that people can't quite discern, like how PD gameplay is full of little annoying noises that goldeneye doesn't have. People don't know that they're there, they just have this confusing feeling that they didn't want to replay it as much as they did GE. But if you really look there's many things like that

      • 2 years ago

        It just feel ok to write that it doesn't FEEL as much fun without giving a logical, explanatory reason. But it is ok! There are causes for it even if they're beyond one's language

        • 2 years ago

          *It doesn't feel ok to write

      • 2 years ago

        Not that Anon, but
        >PD gameplay is full of annoying noises
        is a very good point.
        the game is set in the super duper far future of 2008 with a black president and aliens.
        the whole thing with the perfect dark timeline defining a black president for 2008 still bugs me
        i understand that.
        but god damn, the 'futuristic' noises get annoying, fast.
        >phoenix, laptop gun, mauler, reaper, magsec 4
        they should've taken notes from lucasfilm, and how they made their futuristic sfx.
        in the end, this game's replay value is a bit finicky.
        >infinitely respawning guards
        some levels have this, but it tones down if there's a condition for it.
        goldeneye does this better by having endless enemies to pop a cap in.
        >exploration and doing things the developers hadn't intended
        perfect dark has this to offer.
        for instance, with the cloak and infinite ammo cheats, you're able to pull off some tricks that will let you go back outside of the base in Area 51: Rescue, and re-enter back to the starting point to where the cinematic transition occurred.

      • 2 years ago

        >I feel like you don't really believe what you're saying, because it sounds like you're trying in vain to convince yourself:

        I'm not convincing myself on anything. Multiplayer was stacked with features and game modes. The game also contains some classic Goldeneye maps. The game has two player co-op. Choppy as frick, but fun. Technically, Perfect dark was doing more than Goldeneye, as far as enviroments and polygons. Plus the single player has voice acting, which is impressive. It added a Saturday Morning Cartoon feel to the game. It does outdo the first game. But I still prefer Goldeneyes single player campaign more.

        >how PD gameplay is full of little annoying noises

        The blur effect when being punched was one of them.

        • 2 years ago

          I think we agree that goldeneye is more fun but why do you insist on this strange logic that because PD "does have more stuff" that that's worth mentioning, or means anything? So what if it has more polygons so does Daikatana. Maybe there's some game out there that has 300 levels and each level has 500x more polygons than a goldeneye level, that doesn't say anything about the game's qualities, its appeal, etc. So no perfect dark does not "outdo" goldeneye. It's got more, but you could just just as well say it's weighted down with more crap (and this actually is the case)

          • 2 years ago

            You'll find most anons on /VR/ have been conditioned by Nintendo to want bloated games with 200 cars, 1000 levels and endless hyrulian fields of nothing.

            • 2 years ago

              >15 KB JPG
              >super mario world snes box art
              >esrb 'e' rating
              Either my memory is shit, or this is some image editing frickery.
              Pretty sure picrel was what was used up until the late 90s.

  28. 2 years ago

    Honestly at that point I would just up the resolution and make it a gamecube Launch title.

  29. 2 years ago

    Play the xbla version instead.

  30. 2 years ago

    no expansion pak stuff

    • 2 years ago

      My mate didn't have an expansion pack and thought PD was just shitty multiplayer. Was the n64 expansion pack the most worthless add on of all time? I got one and I think Majoras Mask was the only game that used it and I never even bothered to finish it as I got stuck and went straight to my dreamcast.

      • 2 years ago

        >I got one and I think Majoras Mask was the only game that used it

        Technically, Perfect Dark cutting you off from most of the most and DK64 refusing to even boot without one is "using" the Expansion Pak even if it is in a really shitty way.

      • 2 years ago

        >Not having the expansion pack
        Whoo damn it's rough out there

    • 2 years ago

      the only way you're getting around the expansion pak requirement is by moving it from n64 to gamecube

  31. 2 years ago

    There are romhacks starting to come out that seem to really deliver more Goldeneye (I say seem to because my craptop can't emulate good). Hopefully soon the Perfect dark experiment can be moved past and forgotten like a stray gaythought

    • 2 years ago

      I dunno why I should stop liking Perfect Dark because some people are making romhacks to turn Goldeneye into another James Bond movie.

    • 2 years ago

      >my craptop can't emulate good
      >Current year MMXXII
      >n64 from MCMXCVI
      what...? how?
      even picrel [10+ years old for a 5,1] can run shit fairly well with n64 emulation.

      • 2 years ago

        the romhacks use extra shit. GE itself and PD run fine 60FPS. Throw on one of these romhacks i get 1FPS. You have to use 'interpreted' instead of 'recompiled' or some shit. i dunno. I'm just going to wait.
        (why would you assume my laptop was better than a 10 years desktop old anyway? maybe it's 15 years old? this is /vr/)

        • 2 years ago

          >why would you assume my laptop was better than a 10 years old desktop anyway?
          if there's one thing that i can safely infer on, it's that computer owners (if they are able and not silly) will always upgrade their main rig's hardware for performance gains. even if it's a recent laptop, said laptop has the potential to compete with my example since silicon tech has improved so much in the past decade.
          only under special circumstances does one deliberately use obsolete/retired hardware.
          >certain final revisions of hardware to have top-of-the-line Windows 95, 98, XP performance
          >certain hardware to run a hackintosh
          at any rate, what emulation software are you using?
          if ge and pd run at 60 for you, something sounds off.

          • 2 years ago

            Well I was running Pj but your comment inspired me to download 1964 'pdge build' and now I got playable performance so thanks.

            • 2 years ago

              good shot on taking the initiative!
              only drawback is how well your hardware can handle gfx plugins other than jabo's d3d8 plugin (fastest, but cuts corners).

  32. 2 years ago

    A shame we never got PC version of this like Turok 2

    • 2 years ago

      >There's a 60FPS and mouselook mod. Works quite flawlessly once you got everything set up.

  33. 2 years ago

    I loved PD. I wonder if Rare had stayed with Nintendo if a Perfect Dark 2 would've been any good for the Gamecube. I remember being hyped at that Joanna Dark render at space world, but then the leaked renders of a cel shaded joanna appeared. I wonder if that's what we would've gotten. Most of the talent had already left so who knows.

  34. 2 years ago

    Perfect Dark was way too ambitious for the N64 to handle. It should have been a gamecube launch title.

  35. 2 years ago

    Would have been cool if we got Joanna Dark in Smash.

    • 2 years ago

      I hate Microsoft. This game would be remembered more fondly if they hadn't shit the bed with Zero

    • 2 years ago

      only if it's Smash Remix or Akaneia, not nu-Smash garbage like Ultimate or it's weird clones.

  36. 2 years ago

    I'd make the cheese do something

  37. 2 years ago

    it's crazy to read your guys analysis. I suppose you're right. But when I heard my best friend say he'd rented perfect dark I groaned and rolled my eyes. He always whooped my ass at Goldeneye and I preferred fighters. It ended up being the first time I ever stayed up playing a game until dawn.

    We eventually played through the entire game as a co-op team. I got the game after he did. We brought our own memory cards to each others houses to keep track of our stats.

    What I distinctly remember as a child gamer is the lighting, and the variety of gameplay on different difficulty levels for the same mission.

    I can't take these goggles off. Sorry.

    • 2 years ago

      Maybe it's not goggles, maybe the "single player" is totally fun when you're literally not a single player. That might be where the magic of the game is. I know I never tried that mode much because it was either myself or like 4 people so we weren't going to have 2 sit around

    • 2 years ago

      I can't take off the goggles because it was my first console shooter with multiplayer bots. It was nice to kill them with a friend without having to get on separate PCs.

    • 2 years ago

      Imagine playing PD when you could have bought a good console like DC.

  38. 2 years ago

    A mode where a second player controls an enemy guard during single player and tries to kill the Hero player.

    • 2 years ago

      I don't think I ever actually played counter-operative with anyone until a few years ago.

      • 2 years ago

        It's a neat idea on paper but I imagine overall the regular Combat Simluator/Multiplayer maps and setup will feel "better"

  39. 2 years ago

    id add more cetans

    • 2 years ago

      look at jo's feet. cheating with high heels.

      Daniel never looked right - he doesn't look like any human. I don't know if it's the head proportion or the way the engine does its bodies or what

      • 2 years ago

        Even with the heels I don't buy that she's 6'5. I always liked that everyone underestimated her as a helpless girl, but she wins because she has a fricking gun, and that kinda gets lost if she has an amazonian frame.
        And yeah Carrington does look weird. The (unedited) jpeg of Robin Williams as the face, the ridiculously wide shoulders, the top heavy shape of his body, it all adds to it. His suit is weird too, buttoning so low it meets at his crotch. Kinda reminds me of picrel from that weird bargain hunters show.

    • 2 years ago

      they didn't even use that cetan model in the actual game

      • 2 years ago

        yea, theres no cetan in the game. except the cetan ship which is a living being, possibly created from amptjer lifeform that the cetans captured and enslaved like the combine form HL does

        • 2 years ago

          they probably intended to have more cetan shit in the game but the PD story is already a cluttered mess

    • 2 years ago

      >Trent Easton
      >most of the letters in their name spell out Treason
      damn, that's some creative writing

  40. 2 years ago

    >Hacker Central
    >See AI squatting on a laptop.
    >It's so distracted it won't notice I'm there.
    >Shoots its ass.
    Damn e-girl porn is strong.

  41. 2 years ago

    Have more levels with a focus on corporate espionage. I don't mind the alien stuff but I find the first handful of PD's missions way more intriguing than the alien stuff.

    • 2 years ago

      >have more bloat
      Sega would have made Perfect Dark with three levels and it'd have been a thousand times more fun filled with explosions.

      • 2 years ago

        You're a dingus with a stinky pingus.

        • 2 years ago

          Better than being a n64 drone. Rare never made good gamed post dkc.

          • 2 years ago

            go back to your weeb saturn games

            • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                who the frick is gonna play that over rush 2049?

              • 2 years ago

                >Good port of one of the most successful arcade racers ever made
                >who the hell would play that?

          • 2 years ago

            wtf are you EVEN GOING ON ABOUT NOW DUDE?! You got POOPY BRAINS!

    • 2 years ago

      the whole plot behind aliens felt rushed.
      >carrington: my... friends... are in need of help, jo.
      >oh by the way area 51
      >oh by the way aliens
      >oh also another alien race just because
      >laptop scientist is aware of your sangheili r34 browser history
      >shabalaba doot-doot, we gotta go under the big pond to destroy the microwave oven before it burns our hot pockets
      >we're in space now
      >now we're on the skedar's holy planet to destroy some triangular prisms n' shiet
      they should've opted into a 512 megabit cartridge plan for their project. maybe then the cetans might've gotten involved, and there could've been more missions and other cool shit.

      • 2 years ago

        >too ambitious story
        not really how it went down, rather, they said somewhere they came up with locations that they wanted to do and fudged a story to kind of link them. That shows. This sort of separated design worked well with goldeneye because the story was written by movie writers and they merely separated level geometry and mission design. Stories by programmers... well, you saw what happened
        >here comes Elvis the sassy alien!

      • 2 years ago

        The plot of Perfect Dark is somewhat similar to the plot of Dinosaur Planet because Rare loved Babylon 5.

  42. 2 years ago

    >Be a group of traitors, cast-offs, and shitters
    >Release on the gaystation
    >Only for poorgays

    Never tried it and never will. Always sad to see them still shilling their shit knockoff

    • 2 years ago

      First entry is gay beyond repentance, second one feels a lot like GoldenEye, and the most recent entry feels more like Perfect Dark.
      >future perfect "feels like perfect dark"

      Fun fact, there's a segment present in that mission's intro track that reappears again in timesplitters future perfect's siberia track.

      >at 01:45

      • 2 years ago

        how can it feel like goldeneye if it doesn't have extremely well done motion captured animations? man do people just see the circular heath bar and shoot a camera and think like "wow this is goldeneye, this is enough", and have no actual cognized experience of the things that actually make GE stand out above the era shooters? the quality of animation, detail in hit reactions, interactable proper physics of objects like ammo boxes, hit detection done on the actual models not cheap hitboxes, the responsiveness, the extremely good sound, etc etc etc? It's just muh spie setting muh mission structure

        • 2 years ago

          (i'm just raving btw i don't know if timesplitters2 is maybe really good, it just rubs me the wrong way whenever I look at it because these specific things are off e.g. there's a very overloud mixed sound whenever you weapon change and the animation is generic. Also I can't stomach that art style)

          • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          >proper physics
          timesplitters 2's health/armor gauges are one thing, the weaponry present is another
          >kf7 soviet = soviet s47
          >rcp90 = sbp90
          >automatic shotgun = tactical 12 gauge
          >sniper rifle
          >cougar magnum = garrett revolver
          >moonraker laser = lasergun
          >grenade launcher
          >timed, proximity, and remote mines
          fair argument that ts2's animations are nowhere near as varied.
          >can't stomach that art style
          Black person, look at venus starr's rack and compare it to natalya's build.
          do you know what free radical did?

          • 2 years ago

            make a webm of you shooting an ammo box, and consider the contrast to say, quake which was the standard at that time

            • 2 years ago

              >make a webm of you shooting an ammo box
              i'm going to bed, m8.
              let me be clear,
              do you know what popped into my head the moment i read that?
              i immediately had the idea to be a smartass.
              i would've made a clip of me shooting a lone cardboard box/crate (on the floor), and walking through it so that "picked up some ammo" would pop up on the screen, and i'd cut it there.

    • 2 years ago

      timesplitters is fun but it's pretty soulless compared to goldeneye and pd

  43. 2 years ago

    use a 64 mb cartridge and add facial animations like turok 3
    if you follow kaze mario 64 rom, you'll see all the room there is to improve fps, of course it's the result of 20 years later and better compilers but I think perfect dark can run at stable 30 fps once the decompilation project finishes

    • 2 years ago

      this, imagine all the shit you could cram in doubling its size
      all the goldeneye shit for mp, you can also add proper unlockable secret missions and not those rehashes

    • 2 years ago

      this, imagine all the shit you could cram in doubling its size
      all the goldeneye shit for mp, you can also add proper unlockable secret missions and not those rehashes

      Perfect dark sucks because it's bloated, overstuffed, laden, burdened, with 'features' that take away from the responsiveness and focus that make for a good shooting game. And you want to add more such features?
      >imagine all the shit you could cram in
      Thanks for the nightmare

      • 2 years ago

        >mortgage house
        >buy n64 cartridge
        >buy expansion pack
        >yeah, hopefully it lasts 4 hours
        >this is the year 2000 btw
        why are good goys like this?

  44. 2 years ago

    restore pic related, all the missing goldeneye shit and add a jump button

  45. 2 years ago

    By postponing it for the gamecube. Seriously, they shipped it with extra RAM and it still ran as bad as Goldeneye.

  46. 2 years ago

    Add more MOBA elements, I figure from the last secret level Perfect Dark secretly invented FPS moba, they just needed to flesh it out a bit.

  47. 2 years ago

    Strange game. Extended Goldeneye, but in a queer direction. Things that sounded like good ideas just became gay in the implementation, to the degree that even the blood splots they added to the engine seem vaguely menstrual.

    • 2 years ago

      literally unironically take your meds

    • 2 years ago

      fricking lmao, im right there with you dude. Timesplitters 2 is the real heir apparent.

      • 2 years ago

        the only level that comes close in timesplitters 2 is the dam level

        • 2 years ago

          yeah no, you're fricking moronic if you think half of the levels in GE are better than shit like atom smasher and robot factory. oh that's right, those levels filteted you

          • 2 years ago

            robot factory is a shit level

            • 2 years ago

              >best weapons
              >most diverse objectives
              >tons of interactivity
              >fricking up robots
              >best boss
              >only hates it because he got raped on Hard

              • 2 years ago

                the best levels in timesplitters 2 are dam, atom smasher and chicago

              • 2 years ago

                no argument, filtered
                bested only by wild west and aztec in the boring department

  48. 2 years ago

    we get it auster, you got filtered and the n64 makes you seethe.
    you can stop with this homosexualry now

    • 2 years ago

      Did n64 even have hard games? Nes, snes, mega drive and everything else seemed to have well designed challenging games.

  49. 2 years ago

    Another thing that people don't notice "but your brain does" is they dropped the conceit of it being a movie. That framing, in goldeneye, helps suspend your disbelief about the simplistic guard AI (relative to real life) and gives you a cool way of relating to the 3D events "It's like I'm like in a bond movie". PD is just "It's like I'm... playing a game, I guess. These guards are really stupid"

    • 2 years ago

      The guard AI was improved a bit in PD though. Some of the dodges that were really slow and goofy in GE are now actually pretty fast and can catch you off guard in PD. You also can no longer stand on top of the enemies and be invincible to their bulllets.

  50. 2 years ago

    I can't think of too much the game needs, it's biggest problems are the fact that it's running on the N64, so it runs at a sluggish 15fps and looks blurry as hell.

  51. 2 years ago

    I've just been playing some Carrington Villa, and while the mission is cool, the shooting feels unsatisfying and I've been testing out why. I just assumed it was the new futurey gun sounds. However you can use the Goldeneye guns and it still doesn't feel like you're hitting anything - because there's no body hit sound in PD. You might not have noticed the hit sound in GE at all with all the gun blamming going on, but it's there (it's like a snare drum ratatat sound) and it turns out to be important. Perfect dark shots hit silently and I guess that's more realistic but it means the game is missing an almost 'tactile' feedback that was there. If you lock on to three guys with the CMP150 and close your eyes and pull the trigger, its essentially the same response from the game whether you hit them or not. You get only the gun's sound (which is like a sound that normally would accompany a water gun).
    Further there's something in PD timing specifically that causes the fire-rate to actually stutter, even when the frames are holding up. So holding down that CMP150 trigger for a full second doesn't feel like that 80s movie uzi mag dump at all, because of a) the water gun sound b) the stuttering uneven bunched/lagged morse-code release of the shots making the sound, and 3) there's nothing BUT that sound, because the hits don't ring. A perfect storm of subliminally unsatisfying choices

    • 2 years ago

      Perfect Dark makes a number of design choices intended to de-emphasize killing. You look at TimeSplitters, and that game is all about shooting people. Killing people. It's the primary verb. So it has the kind of shooting GoldenEye has. But Perfect Dark fancies itself to be more sophisticated. That's why the game got rid of the hit sounds. Why NPCs surrender. Stuff like that. It's why the game has so many missions that are more about using disguises and stuff. You're supposed to feel bad for killing people.

      • 2 years ago

        >Perfect Dark makes a number of design choices intended to de-emphasize killing.
        Wait .. that makes for a shitty shooter but .. could this actually be a Good Thing? playing it as a real time sneaker? This is pretty much how I still enjoy Goldeneye anyway - put the damage up so guards can one-shot me and try to sneak through Facility, say. Having to strategize my own shots because firing twice increases the hear-radius to where a guard is in pretty much the whole first area. Is PD actually like this? Are my memories tainted unfairly by the stupid fricking cringe arcadeshit Boss Battle?
        Are non-lethal PD runs a thing?

        • 2 years ago

          >Are non-lethal PD runs a thing?
          You can finish most levels disarmed, Carrington institute and Skedar ship just become games of cat and mouse thought.

          • 2 years ago

            you can't do the last level that way since you wouldn't be able to kill the final boss

        • 2 years ago

          PD isn't really a stealth game. Lacks the mechanics to facilitate it. But thematically it positions you as a spy who has to kill sometimes to get the job done, but shooting isn't the be-all and end-all. For example, PD doesn't have infinitely spawning enemies outside of "War". So when an alarm goes off, nearby enemies come to the room. It doesn't just endlessly spawn clones like GoldenEye did. The chemistry of PD is different to GE. That Agent 64 fan game feels more like GE than PD because of how much shooting you do.

    • 2 years ago

      that's probably something that could be fixed in a romhack

    • 2 years ago

      >impact noise
      ohohoho frick, i do love the sound of that following a blast from the cougar magnum.
      mildly amusing that the sound stacks - notably when a guard is struck with all 5 pellets.
      in perfect dark, i think there's only one instance of it that i know of, and that's getting into the line of fire with the laptop sentry gun while it's shooting at a guard (the hit sounds emanating from your player character model).
      as far as pd gun sounds go, the cmp150, laptop gun, and phoenix are annoying.
      cmp150 being the most trashy sfx hack job.

      • 2 years ago

        >mildly amusing that the sound stacks - notably when a guard is struck with all 5 pellets.
        doing the 'hold fire while reloading to shoot both guns in sync' to shatter a guard with 10 shotgun pellets and shatter my speakers is some rush

        • 2 years ago

          the 6 year-old in me had the bright idea to mod the guard pain vox to fart noises while i was crossfaded

  52. 2 years ago

    my cousin used to pronounce CMP150 as kimp-so
    I miss him bros...

  53. 2 years ago

    Taking all the criticisms in earnest it seems to me like there wasn't too much more that they could do, given that they were at the end of the 64's life(and it's potential) when making Perfect Dark. What I wish was that Rare wasn't trapped in a corporate merger for most of the 6th gen and could have had a chance to make a sequel for the cube or the Xbox where they could have made some changes and improvements to the formula.

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