wondering how prices are seen by the average buyer. me personally:. $0-5: Why not? $10-15: If it's worth my time

wondering how prices are seen by the average buyer

me personally:
$0-5: Why not?
$10-15: If it's worth my time
$20-30: Would need to be highly reccomended by someone i trust
$40-60: This tag is a warning label, most I see wearing it are AAAslop or overpriced indieshit. I have only shelled out this much for Switch exclusives because my PC cant emulate them
$70+: Never, and I blame image related for paving the way for this

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

Thalidomide Vintage Ad Shirt $22.14

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 weeks ago

    $0: https://youtu.be/R4NAtFoWMiY

    • 3 weeks ago

      i know a lot of people pirate, but im talking about how you see a price tag. under what quality does a game earn its price

      • 3 weeks ago

        "price" is simply a return on investment, it's relation to "quality" is utterly negligible
        I pay $0 for my games unless they're very good, then I buy them on sale

    • 3 weeks ago
      • 3 weeks ago

        >that strut
        someone post the bikini pirate wench

        • 3 weeks ago
          • 3 weeks ago

            I'm realizing how impressive that animation is. I wonder if they went on to work on something big.

            • 3 weeks ago

              Nah, Fred Perry never did anything of note after this.

            • 3 weeks ago

              I think he makes dirty comics.

  2. 3 weeks ago

    >sees violent ravenous (fictional) orcs
    >thinks of black people

    >sees 60$ game
    >wants to pay 70$ for it

    what is this mental illness called

    • 3 weeks ago

      israeli ancestry

    • 3 weeks ago

      >sees the internet
      >thinks it's a limited commodity

      • 3 weeks ago

        I feel like you've struck the truth here, but please elaborate

        • 3 weeks ago

          EC has always been genuine morons that talk out of their own ass. They tried to push the ipv4 problem as Y2K 2.0

  3. 3 weeks ago

    ITT: poorgay central

    • 3 weeks ago

      Only poor people care about how their spending habits look to other people.

    • 3 weeks ago

      spending a bunch of money on crap when you don't have to is how you become poor in the first place

  4. 3 weeks ago

    These homosexuals are still at it? I stopped watching when they started putting trigger warnings in their videos. Anyway:

    $0 = mtx gatchashit, avoid at all costs
    $5 = short indie or 10+ year old AAA
    $10 = medium sized indie or mediocre 2+ year old AAA
    $20 = overscoped indie garbage or top-tier 2+ year old AAA
    $30 = early-access indie garbage, do not touch
    $40-60 = "early-access" AAA garbage, absolutely do not touch
    $70+ = AAAA soulless corporate israeliteery, never ever buy

    40-60 used to be for AA-AAA games that were both complete and relatively new, but those simply don't exist in the current industry, so anything over $20 is an instant pass.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >These homosexuals are still at it?
      They've rebranded themselves as a 'history' channel.

      • 3 weeks ago

        A long time ago, I first saw their Zulu War videos and thought
        >Wow, an actually really decent history channel on Youtube
        Then I saw a video on a subject I know way too much about, and realized that they were full of shit. They needed to be outed as a bunch of history-warping homosexuals

        • 3 weeks ago

          DAMN STRAIGHT homie
          These horrendous toads should be fricking FAR removed from anything educational.
          The world should have shunned them the minute they posted a video stating that savage rapist cannabilistic orcs in fantasy games were black people (And That This Was A Bad Thing).
          Idk how leftoids watch videos that do that kind of thing and roll with it instead of calling Extra Credits out for being horribly racist.

          • 3 weeks ago

            I think they did at the time. But that was so long ago that the only memory of that is what they posted.

            • 3 weeks ago

              They should do a new one.
              >pale hideous long crooked nose sharp toothed creature with long spindly arms ending with clawed hands is counting gold coins
              >Extra Credits voice: This isn't a fantasy goblin creature, you may think it is, but it's actually a israelite. It's definitely a israelite. And This Is Wrong.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >the guys who made an occult video think they can talk about history
        I can't imagine what the people who also said we're running out of air to put the internet on also say about History.

        A long time ago, I first saw their Zulu War videos and thought
        >Wow, an actually really decent history channel on Youtube
        Then I saw a video on a subject I know way too much about, and realized that they were full of shit. They needed to be outed as a bunch of history-warping homosexuals

        They were the WORST when talking about games and the industry, like go back and watch some of their videos on it. They also would routinely make a video about how there a "new big thing in the works" but never specify what it is to make clicks.

  5. 3 weeks ago

    Here's my take: A video game should not be an epic triple-A waste of time.

  6. 3 weeks ago

    Thirty and below is my typical range of consideration. Anything above that needs to cater very specifically to my tastes, and even then, I'll wait for a sale. Any game that costs 70USD is not something I'll play, even if it goes on sale.

  7. 3 weeks ago

    Never pay more than 20 bucks for a computer game.

  8. 3 weeks ago

    $70 is inexcusable. With everything being digital now that alone drastically cuts down on manufacturing and shipping costs. Fact is gamers are fricking moronic and love to defend companies raping their butthole to the grave.

  9. 3 weeks ago

    0-5: if it looks very good, something like terraria, otherwise it's likely garbage
    10-15: if it looks incredible or is part of a series I have played previous games of and enjoyed all of, mainly this category is for 50-60 dollars games that are on sale for 75% off
    20-30: dangerously expensive, if I can get at least 500 hours out of it I will buy but usually I can't and I feel scammed
    30+: wait 3 years for aforementioned 75% off sale, if it doesn't happen, pirate

    • 3 weeks ago

      >50-60 dollars games that are on sale for 75% off

      • 3 weeks ago

        >on sale for 75% off
        That just means the game is shit.

  10. 3 weeks ago

    >game development cost has gone down, with reuse of assets, using unreal so they don't have to train new employees on their engine, and outsourcing to india for modeling
    >the only thing growing in price is fricking marketing
    only morons would still buy this bs "game development is expensive" stuff especially after we had the spider-man 2 leak where the 2 biggest things in the budget were marketing and the spider-man license

  11. 3 weeks ago

    I don't care what Reddit says, I'm not raising my limit.
    >What about $0?
    IF I'm going to pay, I have my limit.

  12. 3 weeks ago


    • 3 weeks ago
    • 3 weeks ago

      I'm not paying $90 for a video game.
      I know.... UGH I know..... I'M SORRY!!!!!!
      I'm just not paying $90 for a video game is all.

      • 3 weeks ago

        90s Chuds thought 90 bucks for a game was a steal.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Now show how much the average wage has increased.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Don't be a wagie.

        • 3 weeks ago

          If welfare Black folk like you are spending 70 bucks of my money on a video game, I'm more than justified in pirating everything.

    • 3 weeks ago

      technology products deflating relative to CPI is generally very normal and expected

    • 3 weeks ago

      you don't have to manufacture millions of CDs and ship them all over the world now + you have outsourced your production to India so making games is actually a lot cheaper than it was, compensating a pure price increase to the point that games should be cheaper than 60

    • 3 weeks ago

      This argument is moronic because back then vidya was exclusively relatively high tech physical property. You bought paid for a cart. Now they ask $80 for a license to download the game from their server. Their costs are lower in every way except for their development budgets, which they themselves chose to balloon. Asking the consumer to subsidize bad choices is stupid. If your games aren’t profitable at that price point, use less resources.

  13. 3 weeks ago

    free - Why not? If I have the time.
    under $5 - If it looks interesting and if it's on sale (I am a moron)
    $6-$20 - If I am really looking forward to playing it and it's on sale
    above $20 - If I am really interested in it, I wishlist it so I can see when it's on sale

  14. 3 weeks ago

    I only pay for hookers and cheap beer

  15. 3 weeks ago

    yeah homie, back then games were a multitude of electronics, companies had to pay for manufacturing, storage and transport of physical goods.
    now shit is on a server and you can copy it infinitively.
    frick off Black folk, not gonna pay more than 20bux for a game

  16. 3 weeks ago

    take a penny leave a penny, I've made enough free games now that I will never buy a game.

  17. 3 weeks ago

    To be honest, you need to justify why you game costs money in the first place. There are games that are given out for free that have more effort than most AAA devs, so the bar is pretty high.

  18. 3 weeks ago

    10 and under. I don't even consider it. If it'll entertain me for a few hours I'll buy it.
    10 to 20. This is where I start doing research into the game reading reviews asking friends etc. The barrier for me to buy it is still low because it's still very cheap.
    20 to 30. This is where I start to consider waiting for sales. Really depends if I want to play it asap due to friends playing, multiplayer activity or just general personal interest.
    30 and up. Wait for sale unless it's a developer I really trust or if I know it won't go on sale any time soon.
    Basically if I can earn a games cost within an hour of work I don't care too much about prices. Gaming is really cheap compared to other activities like going to the cinema or eating out anyways.
    The only things I really still pirate are Nintendo games because they never put their shit on sale.

  19. 3 weeks ago

    I wont ever pay 70 bucks, ever, guess they will have to fool the next gen of suckers.

  20. 3 weeks ago

    Since when did liberals support inflation

    • 3 weeks ago

      That’s not weird at all for them Libs support Keynesian style economics which in a nutshell is “printer go brrrrrrr”.

  21. 3 weeks ago

    I pre-order games then never play them, just doesn't affect me kek

  22. 3 weeks ago

    i will never pay for modern """"""games""""" so the answer is twenty dollars for the latest game developed by less than seven people.

  23. 3 weeks ago

    Only buy new if it's vanillaware or if I know it's a game that will increase in value.

    Will buy discount games if it's the only convenient way of getting it or I plan on playing online

  24. 3 weeks ago

    I want to ask an indie developer how he feels about people pirating their game.

    Does it make him mad? If so, what is he going to do about it?

  25. 3 weeks ago

    10-20$ if it's a game I really really want might go up to 30's but more than that? not even high

  26. 3 weeks ago

    >see thumbnail
    >extra credits
    >immediately assume OP is a moron and instantly discredit this thread as useless pabble

  27. 3 weeks ago

    I wait for winter sale. If it's a AAA game I really, really want I will buy one or two of them around the 30 bux mark. After that I filter by price and buy a bunch at around 15. I have so many I'll never run out. I'll also buy a more expensive (like 60-70) game once a year, maybe.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Also, it's hard to guage. I laid like 20 bux for Stray, which I liked, but was very short and I'll never play again. I paid like 5 bux for The Long Drive, which I already have like 40 hours in. I like them equally, so it's not simply a Time Value consideration.

  28. 3 weeks ago

    Depends on the game, I make more money now so I buy more full price games than ever
    The one constant is, I will never ever play freeslop. Free games are fricking cancer.

  29. 3 weeks ago

    I have still yet to pay for a game at 70$. I will not go pass 60$ and Extra credits is a gay

  30. 3 weeks ago

    The only two games I have bought at full price in the last 5 years were Elden Ring and Death Stranding.
    And I'm not giving more money to Kojimer.

  31. 3 weeks ago

    For me it's simple:
    Western slop: Frick off
    Japanese kino: $100+

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