Now we don't need third versions we can just play through these mediocre side-areas that don't fix the lacking main game at ALL!! HAIILLLL OHMORI!!

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  1. 5 months ago

    But third versions are even worse than that?
    >I can't wait to replay the exact same game for 15 minutes of extra content!

    • 5 months ago

      Except the part that's "the same game" is littered with improvements and fixes. Plus, you aren't forced to play both like with DLC.

      • 5 months ago

        It's still the same experience and very tiresome. I am no longer a kid who could do Crystal right after Gold or Emerald after Ruby.

      • 5 months ago

        DLCs and regular updates already do that and you DON'T have to play the same shit twice, just the base game and eventually the extra content. Third versions are the ones that punish you if you got the original game first like 90% of the fanbase (that actually plays the games)

        • 5 months ago

          Third versions would give enhancements to the main game that DLC never will. You claim to "actually play the games," but you clearly go through them once and drop it until the next year.

          • 5 months ago

            Yeah enhancements like making the game save faster or making the HP drop faster... or like making the boxes load faster. Oh wait no, that was a free update to SV.

            • 5 months ago

              No, that’s surface level strawmanning on your part. Cope.

          • 5 months ago

            >Third versions would give enhancements to the main game that DLC never will
            yeah because unlike dogshit like DPPt the newer games don't need to fix things like moronicly slow battle speed (which was still shit in Platinum), Pokemon distribution (which was still shit in Platinum) and the story (which was still shit in Platinum) since they were already fine in the base game.

            • 5 months ago

              Yeah, it has to fix everything else.

            • 5 months ago

              Platinum also
              >Added new areas
              >Redid the Battle facilities
              >Updated the pacing
              >Redid multiple Gyms
              >Updated the visuals of many areas
              You're already a homosexual for thinking Switch Pokemon doesn't need story changes, but do any of THESE things seem like they'd help out?

              • 5 months ago

                new areas
                You're not gonna believe this, but the DLC added two entire maps.

      • 5 months ago

        >Except the part that's "the same game" is littered with improvements and fixes
        In a decent world we would be getting those through patches

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah I love going thru an hour of the exact same tutorials and handholding a second time for an extra $40
        >littered with improvements
        What fricking game are you even referring to that exists in real life?

    • 5 months ago


      frick off OP

      Except the part that's "the same game" is littered with improvements and fixes. Plus, you aren't forced to play both like with DLC.

      wow I love the “improvements and fixes” of problems that don’t even exist in the newer games like the pokemon distribution in DP being dogshit just to have it STILL be dogshit in Platinum

      • 5 months ago

        >problems that don't even exist in the newer games

        • 5 months ago

          >no argument

          • 5 months ago

            You had no argument when you implied newer games have less to no flaws.

            • 5 months ago

              That isn’t what I said. Leave it to a thirdversiontard to have low IQ.

              • 5 months ago

                Okay so third versions fixed problems when newer games don’t have those specific problems. This isn’t relevant in the slightest when newer games still have flaws that could be fixed by a third version. The only logical way this makes sense as a statement is if you’re implying the reason newer games don’t need third versions is because they’re either flawless or less flawed, both of which are not true.

  2. 5 months ago

    > third versions we can just play through these mediocre side-areas
    wow just like yellow crystal emerald platinum bw2 and usum!

    At least with DLC I don’t have to replay the entire fricking game to access the 1 hour of slop they add

  3. 5 months ago

    >i don’t need to buy the same game a third time now and can instead improve my experience with content that isn’t lock behind the postgame
    Heh, neat

    • 5 months ago

      But Indigo Disk is literally chopping off postgame content from the base game and selling it to you as DLC?

      • 5 months ago

        >But Emerald is literally chopping off postgame content from the base game and selling it to you as a different game?

    • 5 months ago

      But wouldn’t it make more sense to get all of this in the next game with all the other improvements and new features?

  4. 5 months ago

    >instead of polish we get shit on top of shit
    Eh based.

  5. 5 months ago

    you bought it anyway

  6. 5 months ago

    I would agree but both SwSh & SV have so many problems that I can only see a 3rd version maybe elevating them up to mediocre. It'd really need to be all-hands on deck to redo a lot of the story, region design, side-areas, and I just don't think they'd get as far as they'd need to.

    At least with the DLC I can just forget the shit base game exists and play through a decent self-contained quest.

    • 5 months ago

      >It'd really need to be all-hands on deck to redo a lot of the story, region design, side-areas, and I just don't think they'd get as far as they'd need to.
      This is probably why they stopped doing them in all honesty, the scope of the games has well outpaced their dev time and even with an extra year they wouldn't make a game comparable to the pre-3D games. In SwSh's case you'd probably need to spend half that time just to make the Wild Area and Raids not suck, and the game would still be loaded with holes.

      Why bother spending a year to release a game that's a 6/10 and not a 4/10 just so people can lampoon you a second time around and talk about how you charged twice for a bad experience.

      I don't like the DLC model either but for the most part it's a much smarter way to allocate that year of dev time even if the end product you're left with is a shit sandwich with a decent dessert on the side.

  7. 5 months ago

    After USUM it was clear third versions were going to be shit from that point. It fixed nothing, just added superficial stuff, portal legendaries and more moves.

    If we can get that by half the price, without having to replay the same story and keeping all the items, boxes full of mons, the points and records and everything, DLC is clearly superior.

    • 5 months ago

      Sun & Moon's biggest problems was the pacing (not fixed at all), the island trials being barebones (fixed* in a few places), & an empty post-game (there's more to do in USUM but not much).
      Adding a fifth, more open island as DLC wouldn't have fixed the games but it would've been more of what the game needed.

    • 5 months ago

      Sun & Moon's biggest problems was the pacing (not fixed at all), the island trials being barebones (fixed* in a few places), & an empty post-game (there's more to do in USUM but not much).
      Adding a fifth, more open island as DLC wouldn't have fixed the games but it would've been more of what the game needed.

      If SM was on switch all the USUM stuff would have been the 2nd half of a DLC like crown tundra and indigo disk.

      • 5 months ago

        Would probably been even better for it too because that way they wouldn't/couldn't have backpedaled on Lusamine the same way.

  8. 5 months ago

    If you buy everyting they shit out like the good gaijin, then on paper DLC is obviously better for "super fans". However, most people wih a a brain held off until third versions o they wouldn't miss out on ANYTHING and only pay for one game. Third versions are just special edition releases, just like the DLC + base game bundles. All you morons complaining about third versions "making me play the same game again" are only complaining because you did the equivalent of buying that bundle on top of a separate base game, which is obviously moronic. Therefore, it stands to reason that third versions are better because they are basically that game + DLC bundle but without a price increase.
    And that's not even factoring in that pokemon games used to be $35 as opposed to 60 now and 90 with DLC.

    • 5 months ago

      Ah yes, have fun waiting an entire 5 years of missing out on mythical distributions like marshadow and volcanion because you were too stubborn to buy the original sun and moon
      stupid fricking Black person
      I bought sun ultra sun and ultra moon in 2016-2017 and am going to buy moon next month off ebay for cheap
      Paying $90 for the base game plus dlc as opposed to $120 for the base game and the sequel is more cost effective moron

      • 5 months ago

        >Ah yes, have fun waiting an entire 5 years of missing out on mythical distributions like marshadow and volcanion because you were too stubborn to buy the original sun and moon
        Good thing that doesn't matter now when mythicals will mostly just rot in Home now.

    • 5 months ago

      You sound like a brokey that had to minmax your birthday money to buy games. Only autists held off for the third version of older games.

      • 5 months ago

        >only autists intentionally gimp themselves

  9. 5 months ago

    The solution is to simply not buy.
    Also you forgot to erase your sage field

    • 5 months ago

      >don't buy
      >nothing improves next game because I am a minority among minorities that is unable to influence the direction of the Pokemon franchise in any meaningful capacity

      • 5 months ago

        Yes, and?
        I’ll have not wasted money on a bad product.

  10. 5 months ago

    Imagine wanting third versions. Paying full price for the same 95% of content plus a new 5%

  11. 5 months ago

    I haven't spent a penny on Gamefreak since Sword and Shield. That disappointment sealed it for me.

    I pirated Legends Arceus, 100%'d it and really enjoyed it, however I'm not going to give them anymore of my money until they come out with a mainline game that I deem worthy of paying for.

    I don't care about how my one or two sales don't impact Gamefreak either, I know that already and don't care, at least I can sleep well at night knowing I'm not funding that joke of a company anymore.

    • 5 months ago

      >sleep well at night knowing I'm a slave to the internet forum of the company I'm boycotting*

      • 5 months ago

        You can like Pokémon and engage with fan communities without being a bootlicking consumerist drone. Eat shit.

        • 5 months ago

          sure but the fact you actively whine about people who do is sad and pathetic, no one cares, go back to twitter if you cry this much pussy

    • 5 months ago

      wow, you are really cool

  12. 5 months ago

    DLC is shit because they never add anything to the base game. And their idea of making it as postgame is level 70 Poocheyna.

    • 5 months ago

      >they never add anything to the base game
      Good. I don't want to replay the same game I just finished just to get the new stuff.

  13. 5 months ago

    >don't fix
    Can games simply enhance what they do well at instead of 'le FIX'? I wonder what poketuber drilled this shit into your heads because I know you can't form opinions on your own if you were born past '98 and no one was talking about this shit before 2010

    • 5 months ago

      >Can games simply enhance what they do well at instead of 'le FIX'?
      you're allowed that privilege when there aren't blatant problems in the game design dragging it down.

      • 5 months ago

        Black person if the games are designed for 5 year olds to beat then the blatant problems aren't very blatant to anyone but wannabe game designers that couldn't make the cut.

        • 5 months ago

          you're acting like everyone is enjoying these games save for high strung schizos desperate to find something wrong, the newer games have a lot of problems and it's easy to see.

          • 5 months ago

            >everyone is enjoying these games save for high strung schizos desperate to find something wrong
            Would call you a high strung schizo tbf. Just a regular one.
            Everyone who wants to be here are enjoying these games despite the jank. Pokemon is one of the only franchises where people who believe they've outgrown the series and are blinded by nostalgia just don't leave. Partially due to them not and never having anything else going on with their lives.
            Pokemon is their life and so they go full schizo when it's not to their liking. So yes, it doesn't matter if the games are shit to you. You can simply not play them. But instead you've been here since pokemon 'went downhill' and remain here despite the series 'getting worse'. You actions don't line up with you seething. That's what makes you schizo.
            Kinda sad. Hope you get better.

  14. 5 months ago

    >Then we didn't get DLC, we could just play through the same fricking game with small changes that don't fix the lacking core game at ALL!! HAIILLLL MASUDA!!!!

  15. 5 months ago

    It's funny because a third version of scarlet and violet still wouldn't fix the lag for water areas or heavily populated areas like lagtree thicket the coding is still fundamentally flawed

    • 5 months ago

      this. third versions work for games that need more in them like DP or (in a better world) XY, but it goes out the fricking window when the very foundation of the game is shit. You can add a few more cities, maybe tweak the story, maybe even some unique dungeons and some extra battle facilities to SwSh or SV, they'll still be some of the weakest games in the series.

  16. 5 months ago

    SV with DLC is like if Platinum kept DP's performance and regional dex

  17. 5 months ago

    >gays still mad they waited for the non-existent pokemon Z.

  18. 5 months ago

    I agree.
    Third versions were better option that actually changed and improved base games in significant ways most of the times. Also if one was not a moronic manchild literally swallowing everything that GF throw at them, then it was actually cheaper to just wait a year for third version.
    People saying that DLCs are a better of the two are delusional, moronic and stupid.

  19. 5 months ago

    The smart thing to do would be make one game per console gen, then have yearly dlc. That way they could actually make a polished game and not have to rush to conform to a three year cycle.

  20. 5 months ago

    >mediocre DLC for roughly 2/3rds the price
    >what is essentially patch 1.1 for full price

    Yeah I'm picking DLC every fricking time

  21. 5 months ago

    The performance is still trash

  22. 5 months ago

    >but the 3rd version had some fixes and improvements to the base game!
    I think this perfectly illustrates how absolutely buckbroken this fanbase is by GFs absolute bullshit
    In the year 2024 you can and honestly fricking should just patch those for FREE
    Plenty of games do it. Just because GF refuses to do it without the financial incentive of selling you the same game twice doesn't mean it's in any way acceptable
    Stop shilling for dogshit business practices

  23. 5 months ago

    Since we now have two games with DLCs, I think I can give my two cents. When it comes to the third versions, they were very ass on the part that you had to buy the same game again just to see very little changes and for the third legendary to get it's 15 minutes of fame. The only major good thing about them was the postgame, but that should have been in the original versions in the first place. The only good third versions were BW2 as they completely overhaul on what a third version should be, it's the same region but with a new story about what happen 2 years after the original event (being a true sequel) and expanding the region with new locations. Out of all third version, BW2 try and did the most.

    Now for DLCs. I remember Gamefreak saying that the DLCs are meant to be the replacements for third versions, but it didn't feel that way. Sword and Shield DLC was just there and didn't really expanded anything. While I do enjoy the idea of getting new pokemon, problem was that all the new ones were just legendaries so you know that's already a problem with trading and collecting them without some issues. And the lore on some of these legendaries are super lackluster and vague. Honestly, this just felt like them selling the post game itself and calling it a DLC. Now SV actually improve a lot that it felt like true DLCs. Actual self contained stories that still felt like an adventure, new pokemon and some that are not legendaries, and the return of event stories. While yes, the performances of the game is still ass, but let's be honest here...it's Gamefreak. Also, I hate how they hype up Terapagos and only for it to be a folder and do jack shit while you had Calyrex (who I'm assuming is meant to be the third Legendary of Gen 8) gets much more and Ogerpon, the lesser legendary of the two, had an amazing story that made you fell in love with it. I also hate that the only way to obtain Pecharunt is to buy the DLCs.

    Hold on, hitting the 2000 letter checkpoint.

    • 5 months ago

      That's right, if you don't buy the DLCs, you don't get the Mythical of the gen. What the frick is that shit? You are literally forcing me to buy two DLCs and beat both just for a single pokemon. You're basically telling me that this pokemon is worth $35. Makes no sense. Honestly, I will say the DLCs are a much better way to go, but they really have to put effort into to make them worth it. SS DLCs was not worth it at all, but SV was and did much more, but not for one mythical pokemon. When Gen 10 is made, I'm hoping they don't do that shit and let the event be it's own thing, not part of the main story or DLCs story.

  24. 5 months ago

    Indigo Disk is the only time GF has actually focused on double battles, so it has that as a positive over third versions.
    Can't believe GF hasn't made the jump to making a full doubles game already.

  25. 5 months ago

    I'd rather take new stuff than pay to play the same game again

  26. 5 months ago

    >thirdversionkeks getting btfo'ed
    love to see it

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