World of tanks

I finally got it.
After 10 years since I made my account I got the 279e.
Dont really have anyone to brag about it except here. I am really happy my Gankerirgin bros.
I can uninstall exe now and move on with my life.

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  1. 2 years ago

    when they ruined SPGs, i dropped it.
    when they ruined carriers, i dropped it.
    wargaming ruins all the things i like when there are better approaches to make. they couldve just lowered the alpha of spgs to not lead to as many onetaps unless it was a light tank. they couldve removed strafing/manually dropping bombs to keep carriers fun but not OP.
    frick wargaming.

    • 2 years ago

      Arty was stealth buffed immediately after the nerfs.

      >female tank crew
      When did they add this shit?

      When campaigns were added.
      They are reward for campaign missions.

      • 2 years ago

        how is arty now? i like muh big numbers that the US line gave me and couldnt forgive how shit stun was to use.

        • 2 years ago

          its still shit damage but you hit much more consistently. Most people just stick with the M53/55 and never touch the T92 though, its slow to fire and horribly inaccurate even with the buffs. also no turret and 4 less shells overall. WG really should just switch the two someday

        • 2 years ago

          The damage is similar because the nerf was to shell types, no more gold ammunition that has bigger burst radius but the stealth buff improved accuracy so you dont need the bigger burst radius to hit.
          You now have AP and can luck into hitting someone and penetrating but its a meme except on some arties.
          And less people are playing because they think its nerfed so you wont be in 3 arty battles but can be usually the only one .
          I finished all arty missions and saved precious orders for other impossible missions like critical hit ones.

    • 2 years ago

      >when they ruined carriers, i dropped it.
      well lucky for you carriers are the most OP ship class right now with all of their counters constantly nerfed while they get buffed more and more.

      • 2 years ago

        even if carriers are better, if you can only control a single squadron then it's not fun. the joy of it was managing all the different squadrons at the same time and trying to coordinate with your team.

        • 2 years ago

          the RTS management was better but carriers are unironically ruining the game right now with how much damage they can do. they can counter literally every ship class in the game while staying safe themselves. its absurd just how much better they are

          • 2 years ago

            are the single squadrons high in HP or how did they frick with AA?
            i played a few times back when they first made carriers into single squadrons, and it seemed like i could never drop more than 1torp out of the entire squadron.

            • 2 years ago

              they keep nerfing AA range and damage. the tier 10 squadrons also have absurd amounts of HP.

        • 2 years ago

          Is there a game to scratch that itch? RTS are an obvious choice but maybe something more similar with the coordinating airstrikes theme?

          • 2 years ago

            not that i've found, sadly. i play some RTTs where it's almost solely about microing units(infantry/tanks), but wows carriers used to be much more fun, special, and infuriating when you got strafed for all your shit lmao

  2. 2 years ago

    >female tank crew
    When did they add this shit?

    • 2 years ago

      many years ago.

  3. 2 years ago

    Congratulations for wasting ten years on a f2p that gives you the choice between paying an 10000% overpriced 3D model or waste 10 years of your life to get it for "free" (these 10 years of artificial work to get it is actually just a way of increasing its fake value)

    • 2 years ago

      You cant buy the obj 279e
      Even if you "buy" someone like Iyuxin to do your missions you only pay to get your account deleted.
      And I earned it fair and square.
      Every mission done with honors for chimera and used orders to skip impossible ones.

    • 2 years ago

      % overpriced 3D model or waste 10 years of your life to get it for "free"
      ?? you can't buy the 279e. in fact you can't buy any tier 10 reward tank (except that 780 that just came out for a limited time, which is possibly the worst tier 10 tank in the game currently)

  4. 2 years ago

    I quit this game after 9 years of playing. Unfortunately there's too many jerks on userbase and hard to improving skill

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