world of warcraft season of discovery

apologize to blizzard, antiblizzcucks


the hype is insane. this will be bigger than hardcore.

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  1. 7 months ago


  2. 7 months ago

    From what I read, It's clear that Vanilla is dead and nuBlizzard are just molesting it's corpse.

    • 7 months ago

      >From what I read, It's clear that Vanilla is dead
      that might have been the case in TBC, but ever since wotlk classic the numbers have been going up, which is the reason they are doing this

      • 7 months ago

        >but ever since wotlk classic the numbers have been going up

        • 7 months ago

          Yeah, well Bli$$ is not everyone else. If their numbers are projecting that low and the profits match or show signs of being lower than the subs, you know they're going to pull the plug.

      • 7 months ago

        this is insane cope, blizzdrones are actually demented schizos
        enjoy your retail lite with 10k players

        • 7 months ago

          >enjoy your retail lite with 10k players
          You say that as if it's an issue. There's many MMOs out there with less than that and they still provide a nice game.

  3. 7 months ago

    Is this the new Blizzard marketer strategy? Saying that "we're so back" and nostalgia-baiting even though classic already exists? I guess they're pretty much exhausted everything at this point.
    Anyway, time to move on, grandpa. Nobody's cared about this shitty troonycore game in a decade. It's time to move on.

    • 7 months ago

      Their marketing team created the whole "HOME" "WERE GOING HOME" meme.

      • 7 months ago

        Is this the new Blizzard marketer strategy? Saying that "we're so back" and nostalgia-baiting even though classic already exists? I guess they're pretty much exhausted everything at this point.
        Anyway, time to move on, grandpa. Nobody's cared about this shitty troonycore game in a decade. It's time to move on.

        xiv lost

        • 7 months ago

          xiv lost yet WoW is straight copying their formula and story down to a T. In the fricking trailer they even have Hydalaen say "hear, feel, think" while crying arthas falls to the ground lol.

    • 7 months ago

      one of my beloved shitheel friends is coercing me into playing this. What do I do?

      • 7 months ago

        Show him ascension and turtle wow.

        • 7 months ago

          He knows just tell me what to play so I can have fun with this shit game. I tried WoW like fourteen years ago and enjoyed none of it but was also just levelling solo.

      • 7 months ago

        what do you mean by shitheel?

        • 7 months ago

          He wants me to play WoW and keeps coming back to this game. I dunno what Blizzard does to mindbreak its audience but they never stop playing that trash.

          • 7 months ago

            Tell him you aren't a middle aged woman and therefore have no reason to ever play wow

            Non game for non gamers

            • 7 months ago

              Yeah but none of my friends play good games so I'm up shit's creek.

              • 7 months ago

                Maybe the problem aren't your friends but you? I mean if one of my "friends" called me shitheel and I'd know about it I'll cease contact with that person. You sound like somebody who deserves to be alone.

      • 7 months ago

        >friends convinced me to play shitty classic
        >none of them played past level 12
        ignore them and do your own thing, "you think you do but you don't" is the sad truth

        • 7 months ago

          the guy that said that isn't even at the company anymore lol

    • 7 months ago

      It's dumb motherfrickers from the /vg/ thread trying to drum up new addicts for their flatlining game, responding to this thread is just giving them engagement and rewarding them (including me)

  4. 7 months ago

    I just looked it up. Runes? Adding skills that reduce diversity? They really don't get it do they?

    You don't need to change the way classic works. It's great already, you just need to add some content. Some new dungeons, some new zones, maybe another raid. Not change how it works, or add skills, or increase the level cap. That is the garbage thinking the original expansions went with a fricked everything up.

    I really hope they keep this separate from the vanilla classic servers.

    • 7 months ago

      >Some new dungeons, some new zones, maybe another raid

      Yeah but that would require some work and money.

    • 7 months ago

      >I really hope they keep this separate from the vanilla classic servers.
      I hate to tell you this but this IS vanilla classic. People are so high on copium they view SoD as the future of wow classic and as classic +.

      Vanilla classic was already dead due to having the wow token in the game by proxy and TBC just fricked the corpse with the boost and mount for actual money. WoW classic basically speedran what took OSRS 10 years to do in 4 years

      • 7 months ago

        Classic Era doesn't have the token buddy. Only Wrath and Retail do.

      • 7 months ago

        it's vanilla with retail abilities
        it's literally classic- instead of classic+

    • 7 months ago

      >You don't need to change the way classic works. It's great already
      nah it's fricking terrible, the way some classes have everything some have none, itemization, the way you only get spell upgrades every 8 lvl, some mechanics like pet aggro being tied to new spell levels which you get every 8 lvls, the game is full of shitty design jank and its only good quality is the fact that it has rewarding progression because generally you spend a lot of time with a single upgrade and especially at mid level it matters a lot, especially for classes that rely on weapon dps. fixing classes won't change the fundemental way the progression system and its rewards work i think.

      • 7 months ago

        Nah, they definitely need to change how classic works. Half the talent trees are useless and certain classes only have one viable playstyle. But this isn't the change classic needs, giving everyone the ability to tank and heal is fricking moronic. Just balance the existing classes instead of adding new shit.

        No, you don't start changing things at this point about a game that is a loved classic. It's right there in the name: classic, original, vanilla.

        It's would be far more sensible at this point to just make a new game really. That's not really on the cards here but at least leave the original intact and playable in that state. Don't remove it again and replace it with something different. Either new classic+ servers or a new game. Give people the choice. It's a game, both can be done.

        • 7 months ago

          >It's would be far more sensible at this point to just make a new game really.
          They can't unless they outsource it

        • 7 months ago

          >It's would be far more sensible at this point to just make a new game really
          They genuinely do not have even a quarter of the people needed to create a brand new MMO. They've lost so much senior staff over the past decade from scandal after scandal and even then all they'd do it just carry over the existing problems retail has. What Blizzard needs is a mass replacement of the people at top since blizzard is a heavily top to bottom company.

          Even then activision has poisoned the frick out of blizzard by replacing even low level staff with diversity hires. It's why they had to bring back Metzen: because the current writers are fricking trash

        • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago

          you're crying about something that isn't happening
          they aren't replacing the vanilla servers. if you're going to cry and piss about something you apparently deeply care about, maybe you should know what the frick is happening

          • 7 months ago

            So don't call it classic? There's nothing retro about it. Call it WoW:Classfluid

    • 7 months ago

      Nah, they definitely need to change how classic works. Half the talent trees are useless and certain classes only have one viable playstyle. But this isn't the change classic needs, giving everyone the ability to tank and heal is fricking moronic. Just balance the existing classes instead of adding new shit.

    • 7 months ago

      Except they're not changing the way classic works? They're making a whole new mode. If you want to play classic you play classic

    • 7 months ago

      >raid comp
      >24 warriors
      >1 rogue
      >4 mages
      >2 warlocks
      >4 paladins
      >5 priests
      Ah yes. Perfectly balanced. This is much better.

      • 7 months ago

        You're going to have one feral in each group with the warriors now, but reach warrior is going to be doing about 40% more damage.

      • 7 months ago

        Talking about balance, something being directly derided, with respect to one aspect of the game. Go play with the traffic.

        What diversity?
        Whats moonkin is good for? Assa rogue? Surv hunter? Ret pala? Arcane mage?

        Different skills, different abilities, different classes, different factions. More uniqueness. Things that are different. Not the same.

        • 7 months ago

          >Things that are different.
          >1 good thing and 9 bad things

        • 7 months ago

          >with respect to one aspect of the game
          Yeah. The only aspect of the game that anyone can realistically do to progress their character any further. Stop being fricking moronic. The only other option is to play pvp 16 hours a day for months on end, and even that doesn't get you the best gear in the game.

          • 7 months ago

            I can see you still don't understand what is fun about an MMO. You are completely 1 dimentional.

            • 7 months ago

              What's fun then anon? Explain it to me you all knowing homosexual. Because it sure isn't hitting 60 then being roadblocked from doing anything else in the game forever.

              • 7 months ago

                Myabe it's not hitting 60 at all.

              • 7 months ago

                >just don't play the game

        • 7 months ago

          Holy ESL. It's hilarious how obvious it is that all wowdrones are turdworlders.

          • 7 months ago

            It's hilarious that someone can deride the ability to speak multiple languages.

            • 7 months ago

              It's just what he replies when he doesn't understand anything specific to the game, he's done it 4 times in this thread to things that were perfectly understandable in English but had terms specifics to the game.

      • 7 months ago

        So now we'll have 24 mages, 10 locks, 5 paladins and 1 priest. The melee class is outdated.

    • 7 months ago

      What diversity?
      Whats moonkin is good for? Assa rogue? Surv hunter? Ret pala? Arcane mage?

      • 7 months ago

        Diversity means every class has its own field of specialization.
        For example Warriors are good at tanking and dpsing, Mages are good at standing in capitals for portals, Hunters are good at ruining dungeon runs, Druids are good at furry ERPing, etc…

    • 7 months ago

      Warrior DPS needs to be hit with the hybrid tax and then vanilla is perfect.

    • 7 months ago

      >You want to play a paladin, a holy warrior? Nah, you're healing, wear this dress
      >You want to play a warlock, a master of curses and demonic powers? Nah, we just need 1 for a curse to increase mage damage, but you can summon us before the raid
      >You want to play a warrior, a master of martial combat with a sword and shield? Nah, wear this leather, join the other 30 of them, and no shields
      Classic vanilla is just for autists and chinks. Glad blizz is willing to experiment with some changes to make classes actually interesting.

      • 7 months ago

        Points 1 and 3 are still true in SoD. They're giving dress paladins and leather warriors huge buffs while other specs get meme shit.

      • 7 months ago

        That already exists on retail. And it's the bing bing wahooiest experience around. See you on the DPS leaderboards, friend!

      • 7 months ago

        if anyone tries to metagame near you, just laugh at them and call them a no life nerd

  5. 7 months ago

    >adding retail abilities to a max lvl 25 vanilla
    Yes surely this is the classic plus we've all been waiting for

  6. 7 months ago

    Queue the 1 month honeymoon period where blizzgays proclaim WoW is "Finally Good Again™" until they start crying about how back it is just like they do literally everything Blizzard does.

    • 7 months ago

      It won't even be 1 month because there's going to be nothing to fricking do after 2 weeks. 1-3 days to hit "max level" and autistically grinding the same dogshit "raid" with a 3 day lockout

      • 7 months ago

        sounds good to me. a little bit of fun for 2 weeks, then a break until they raise the level cap again and have the next raid.

        people who think they need to play this shit full time every single week are mentally ill and need to perish.

        • 7 months ago

          >sounds good to me. a little bit of fun for 2 weeks, then a break until they raise the level cap again and have the next raid.
          Delusional. It's going to die off like SoM died off because the premise is fundamentally shit

          • 7 months ago

            >Delusional. It's going to die off like SoM died off because the premise is fundamentally shit
            and that works on my machine. 1st SoM was a lot of fun, same with the 2nd.

            any excuse to revitalize the classic lvling experience is a good one, it's the main thing classic has going for itself. and SoD focusing more on mid level content sets a strong precedent.

            • 7 months ago

              >any excuse to revitalize the classic lvling experience
              >classic lvling experience

              • 7 months ago

                >Delusional. It's going to die off like SoM died off because the premise is fundamentally shit
                and that works on my machine. 1st SoM was a lot of fun, same with the 2nd.

                any excuse to revitalize the classic lvling experience is a good one, it's the main thing classic has going for itself. and SoD focusing more on mid level content sets a strong precedent.

                >any excuse to revitalize the classic lvling experience
                >classic lvling experience

                whats wrong with the lvling experience in classic?

              • 7 months ago

                its the same shit - classic is ruined by modern playerbase

              • 7 months ago

                but you don't have to interact with the playerbase during lvling, and it's not the same thing at all wtf? retail lvling is just following some shitty xiv-like cutscenes while going thru the zone quest chains it's really bad

                You misunderstand. I'm laughing that you think you're going to get the classic leveling experience or anything approaching it. SoD is going to be its own thing which is why people conflating it as the next step towards classic+ are fricking moronic. If anything this is going to be closer to retail than classic.

                Huh? What kind of moronic mental gymnastics is this?

                >i think its mostly a beta to gauge reactions and see what sticks then announce classic
                There's no fricking way you aren't [...] given this is a massive talking point by e-celebs

                how is adding a bunch of new skills going to change the way the design fundementally works? on hc i played warlock and everyone is either warlock hunter or pally because it's the most consistent lvling class with SoD it's probably going to add a lot more viability to other classes so they're not as shit to level

              • 7 months ago

                >but you don't have to interact with the playerbase during lvling
                lets say i want to do some elite quest, but this elite quest isnt in any leveling guide, so 95% just skips it

              • 7 months ago

                >how is adding a bunch of new skills going to change the way the design fundementally works?
                Because it's going to utterly decimate any fundamental class weaknesses and open up shit that's not even possible in retail of all places. You are not going to get a replica of the classic experience - SoD is going to be a microcosm of retail. Doubly so since they're going to push an accelerate gear treadmill as old gear you get is going to become invalidated due to the increase in ilvls from increasing the level cap. Wanna know what else does that? Retail. In vanilla gear you had from MC lasted you multiple raid tiers.

                You people are willfully ignorant of what's to come and the disappointment you are going to get is going to be monumental

              • 7 months ago

                >SoD is going to be a microcosm of retail

              • 7 months ago

                You misunderstand. I'm laughing that you think you're going to get the classic leveling experience or anything approaching it. SoD is going to be its own thing which is why people conflating it as the next step towards classic+ are fricking moronic. If anything this is going to be closer to retail than classic.

                i think ur doomcoping esfand said on his stream he has a direct line of communication with the devs, i doubt any dev team does that if they just want to get through the day without being fired

                Huh? What kind of moronic mental gymnastics is this?

                i think its mostly a beta to gauge reactions and see what sticks then announce classic+ at blizzcon 24

                >i think its mostly a beta to gauge reactions and see what sticks then announce classic
                There's no fricking way you aren't

                i think ur doomcoping esfand said on his stream he has a direct line of communication with the devs, i doubt any dev team does that if they just want to get through the day without being fired

                given this is a massive talking point by e-celebs

  7. 7 months ago


  8. 7 months ago


    absolutely not

  9. 7 months ago


    How pathetic do people have to be to endlessly obsess over world of Warcraft which is barely a game

    No bro your childhood is not coming back

    • 7 months ago

      dude shut the frick up you fat troon. we like classic wow.

  10. 7 months ago

    I'm just here for the draenei futanari.

    • 7 months ago

      >Read 'draenei futanari'
      >starts to drool
      Taker pov was a mistake

  11. 7 months ago

    The idea of slowly increasing the level cap so you can enjoy certain levels more is interesting. I mean lvl 25 is where I usually get bored and quit for a few weeks before coming back.

    The rune thing sounds like a dumb gimmick. Just fix the following classes instead: dps and tank paladins, shadow priests, dps/tank shaman, dps and tank druids. That's it.

    Instead of fricking up an already existing dungeon, create a new one. There's enough room. Like the graveyard in duskwood could easily be a 10-15 man raid with Morbent Fel as the boss, throw in Stiches, too, etc. And the quest line which leads you to kill him could be an attunement to the dungeon like old times.

    Or create an elemental themed dungeon in stonetalon, kind of teasing ragnaros. Or a furbolg one in ashenvale.

    • 7 months ago

      >The rune thing sounds like a dumb gimmick.
      Yeah, I find it weird as well. Instead of actually fixing the classes... they are adding a new gearing system on top of the base game? Why didn't they just, you know... rework some of the talents? There's already a system in the game to customize your class.

      >Just fix the following classes instead: dps and tank paladins, shadow priests, dps/tank shaman, dps and tank druids.
      I like the fact they are adding new playstyles to classes that only had three DPS specs. Tank rogue, tank warlock and healer mage sound cool. But as I said, they could've achieved all of this through talents.

      >Instead of fricking up an already existing dungeon, create a new one.
      Maybe they did. They said "we made a lot of changes, we won't show you shit because we want you to discover the game on your own." So who knows.

      • 7 months ago

        They're afraid of classic autists freaking out if the game changes too much. Runes are a way of fixing the wretched classic class design without changing it too drastically

      • 7 months ago

        I think they're using Runes as a way to plug the gaps that exist for a lot of classes (Paladin and Druid mostly). Rather than totally revamp the classes/talents, which is probably beyond the meager scope of the dev's talent, they just made a handful of Runes that basically give you the playstyle that you want.
        Why bother revamping the Prot tree for Paladins to give them all the elements of proper tanking when they can just make a Rune that has all of those elements baked in?

      • 7 months ago

        >But as I said, they could've achieved all of this through talents.
        Segregating them into runes probably makes it easier to use them as rewards for the secrets that hide them.

    • 7 months ago

      >Or create an elemental themed dungeon in stonetalon

      Tauren desperately need their own dungeon, throw in some Grimtotem for good measure.

  12. 7 months ago

    but hardcore flopped after a week

    • 7 months ago

      People are incredibly high on copium There's been zero news of any sizable personnel being allocated to SoD and the direction they're taking it has nothing to do with what people have historically said they wanted out of classic+ yet the people in charge and its defenders are lauding it as the next step for classic +. On top of that they expect people to grind out these "raids" on a 3 day lockout. Why 3 day? Because t hey're fully aware there's going to be nothing to do basically some of the most braindead content due to the level restrictions and the lack of content since the game was not designed around said level restrictions.

      • 7 months ago

        i think ur doomcoping esfand said on his stream he has a direct line of communication with the devs, i doubt any dev team does that if they just want to get through the day without being fired

    • 7 months ago

      I find tons of people playing hardcore. Every 5 minutes or so someone is hitting 60 on my server.

      • 7 months ago

        May I see proof?

        • 7 months ago

          He has none because Blizzard hasn't released their actual numbers in fricking years and INTENTIONALLY broke /who for a reason so the best you have to go by are the logs.

          • 7 months ago

            I was hoping timestamp chat screenshot of those "5 minutes or so someone is hitting 60 on my server".

        • 7 months ago

          Literally just roll a level 1 character on either of the HC servers and see for yourself. You can't miss it, there's even an obnoxious cheering SFX that plays everytime it happens

          • 7 months ago

            Why won't you post it?

            • 7 months ago

              Not that same anon, I don't have an active sub right now. It's not made up though, there's nutcases on those servers hitting 60 all the time

              • 7 months ago

                Well hopefully someone who plays gives us screenshots. I have no desire to spend money on a sub just check if it is true or not.

              • 7 months ago

                Literally just go watch an HC streamer with the chat uncovered and you can see it come up as yellow text

              • 7 months ago

                Well, I went to see HC streamers and did not see any 60 dings. Since that was the recommended way to seek the proof, I guess I draw conclusions based on this evidence.

              • 7 months ago

                oh no, some random autist doesn't believe me, who fricking cares lmao

              • 7 months ago

                You cared enough to comment on that.

          • 7 months ago
            • 7 months ago

              but hardcore flopped after a week

              not him but hc has 2 or 3 megaservers per region, and when i played they always had queues at certain points of the day so at the very least you have 80k-120k players concurrent on hc at that time (a month ago or so), probably way more at launch

  13. 7 months ago

    The new abilities like Mage healing seem really cool but the endless ports of retail abilities are just stupid. Blizzard just making the same mistakes again

  14. 7 months ago

    I wish classic had transmog. The only thing I didn't like about old WoW was the clown gear.

  15. 7 months ago

    frick off shill

  16. 7 months ago

    It seems like a fun idea but what are you gonna do after you hit 25, just wait around for 3 months still 40 (or whatever it is) bracket opens up? seems extremely limited. Courageous idea on Blizzards part though

    • 7 months ago

      i think its mostly a beta to gauge reactions and see what sticks then announce classic+ at blizzcon 24

      • 7 months ago

        Could be legit, they're throwing a bunch at the wall and a lot of people want classic+ so i could see it happening. Saying that, everyone seems to have a different definition of Classic+ so that's gonna start some drama no doubt

        • 7 months ago

          thats how blizzard usually designs content, they throw shit at the wall then see what sticks instead of making minute changes

          • 7 months ago

            >they throw shit at the wall then see what sticks
            No they don't. They throw shit at the wall to keep the moronic player base busy only to throw everything out and start from scratch. The few things they do actually carry over, such as battle pets and new additions like archaeology, they eventually let become decrepit and default to just shitting out more raids because that's all they know how to do. Dragon riding is FINALLY the first thing in many expansions they decided to make evergreen. WoW's BIGGEST issue is they NEVER carry shit forwards to iterate on which has created so much technical debt it's unreal

            • 7 months ago

              >They throw shit at the wall to keep the moronic player base busy only to throw everything out and start from scratch
              yes that's what the "throw shit at the wall" means. they tested artifact weapons, people hated it and they ditched it. people like mythic+ so they kept it because it stuck. it's not hard to understand. and SoD is obviously a beta for classic+, the level band thing is a core change to how the whole game works, and they're seeing how people react to it.

              >how is adding a bunch of new skills going to change the way the design fundementally works?
              Because it's going to utterly decimate any fundamental class weaknesses and open up shit that's not even possible in retail of all places. You are not going to get a replica of the classic experience - SoD is going to be a microcosm of retail. Doubly so since they're going to push an accelerate gear treadmill as old gear you get is going to become invalidated due to the increase in ilvls from increasing the level cap. Wanna know what else does that? Retail. In vanilla gear you had from MC lasted you multiple raid tiers.

              You people are willfully ignorant of what's to come and the disappointment you are going to get is going to be monumental

              >Because it's going to utterly decimate any fundamental class weaknesses and open up shit that's not even possible in retail of all places
              i think there is a middle ground, and in their panel they highlighted how they want to preserve the core classic experience. but take

              >but you don't have to interact with the playerbase during lvling
              lets say i want to do some elite quest, but this elite quest isnt in any leveling guide, so 95% just skips it

              for example, as a lock or mage or hunter i can easily solo 3-5 man elite quests with kiting and aggro manipulation, now just imagine a rogue tank who has to spend combo points to keep up active migitation or whatever while kiting the elite with crippling poison and gouges in between. it's a far cry from retail where you pull 50 mobs and casually kill them with minor difficulty

              • 7 months ago

                i still think artifact weapon is a good concept with flawed execution

              • 7 months ago

                personally i think you should be able to achieve similar character power solo as someone in a dedicated raiding team does, just not as fast so i tend to agree. OSRS sort of lets you do this, most of the end game content is soloable depending on your gear and skill level and its a test of patience and effort to get gear upgrades, id like to see similar advancement in wow in how it approaches endgame. so many mmos have already moved towards "solo mmo" playstyle acommodations that i think it'd be neat if i could attempt solo version of molten core or something that relied more on mechanical gameplay and chasing low drop rates, instead of weekly braindead farm runs.

              • 7 months ago

                mandatory endgame raiding is the worst thing happened to MMOs

              • 7 months ago

                >so many mmos have already moved towards "solo mmo" playstyle
                That's the problem. That's why vanilla classic is good. It's the only actual mmo left. The rest is just solo theme park games with occasional coop.

              • 7 months ago

                The main problem with that one was that it quickly became a grind for small percentages.

              • 7 months ago

                >yes that's what the "throw shit at the wall" means.
                No it doesn't, because you're cutting off the "and see what sticks" element. Blizzard doesn't "see what sticks". They just throw shit at the wall and start all over the next expansion.

                Man, you are so fricking moronic it hurts. You type like such a mongoloid I can quote every single misinformed post you've made in this thread. You take Blizzard at their word and make assumptions in their favor. You are the definition of a shill but I know you're not intentionally like that - you are just a low IQ shit eater with no self-respect or standards

              • 7 months ago

                no u

  17. 7 months ago

    I can't wait to go discovering brossssssssss

    let's frikin GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. 7 months ago

    I've basically never played WoW so someone has to tell me what fricking class to roll in with to play with my butthole friends who keep returning to this dumpster fire.

  19. 7 months ago

    This isn't classic+ this is just a worse version of Ascension wow.

  20. 7 months ago

    >sub for a 20 year old game with no new content

  21. 7 months ago

    >this will be bigger than hardcore.
    Offtopic here, but what exactly are the differences between hardcore and regular classic, besides perma-death?

    • 7 months ago

      There is no pvp besides duels in hardcore, SoD will have a big new outdoor pvp event in ashenvale.

    • 7 months ago

      iirc, no bubble hs, minor changes to quest like the ally quest in dustwallow doesnt flag you for pvp, 1 dungeon per day per instance, a streamer meme duel to death. most of the changes are under the hood like i think aggro dropping is reworked, same with mob leashing, to try prevent griefing

  22. 7 months ago


  23. 7 months ago

    They are adding content that will last 1-2 weeks, that's it. They just gonna keep you waiting for bread crumbs while charging you full price.
    It will be fun though, but once minmaxing gays will be heard, this game will be doom, again. You can't save this game from its moronic community.

  24. 7 months ago

    >the hype is insane
    >less buzz than some indie game about incest

  25. 7 months ago

    Season of Discovery is the coolest thing they've done with Classic so far but I have a difficult time taking it seriously when I could be playing Duskhaven, Turtle or Project Epoch instead for my Classic+ experience.

    • 7 months ago

      i tried turtle for 2hrs and it was insanely bad. the 1.12 client is worse than i remember from nostalrius days, and the server itself was full of [] [] [] chinks ignoring you while camping out every mob spawn.

      there really is 0 reason to play pservers nowdays unless you're just heavily invested into one already, outside of not having to give blizzard your money

      • 7 months ago

        1.12 is why I hate Turtle too. Check out Duskhaven and Project Epoch (3.3.5-based client but they remove TBC/WOTLK shit and add things like mythic+ vanilla dungeons and custom zones/raids/classes).

        Hopefully one day we get Classic-based server cores so we can go beyond 3.3.5

        • 7 months ago

          Yay more russian bootleg WoW clients that will be shilled on Ganker for all eternity.

        • 7 months ago

          i think im just over pservers, the fun i get from classic mostly comes from leveling on fresh servers on release, i also dislike funservers but im mainly interested in SoD just to see if blizzard can cook

          • 7 months ago

            shit's great

            They don't realize what non-mentally ill people think of that mode

            >using mythic+ as a selling point
            jesus fricking christ the lack of self-awareness

            What's wrong with mythic+? It's a nice way to remix old content and give some of these dungeons some longevity at endgame.

            • 7 months ago

              It has an insufferable speedrun esports culture around it, the people who play it seem entirely lacking in self-awareness about how obnoxious they are to play with

              • 7 months ago

                Classic is purely minmaxing tards. The only difference is that M+ give you more dopamine points with loots at the end.

              • 7 months ago

                >What's wrong with mythic+?
                If you need to ask you're already too far gone and lack perspective

                what's better endgame than mythic+ then? running molten core and getting 1 item per 12 weeks unless you know the officers? looking for black lotuses that bots flying under the map grab? camping for a rare mob that spawns once per week with 50 other people? give me your best ideas fellow wow classic players

              • 7 months ago

                Do you believe that because someone calls something bad, he's implying that everything else besides that is good?

              • 7 months ago

                You've been poisoned by retail brainrot. The possibility of anything but end-game raid and dungeon spam or PvP is impossible for you. My condolences

              • 7 months ago

                oh so your idea is to not have endgame and have the game just be a success without endgame? interesting, do tell me more.

              • 7 months ago

                False dichotomy

                WoW is not nor has it ever been the game for you, since those two were literally from the get go the sole focus of the game.


                You gotta try harder than that morons

              • 7 months ago

                You got an actual rebuttal or do you genuinely think that was a straw man? WoW was literally one of the first MMOs in history to NOT focus almost exclusively on the journey (read: level grinding in groups) and actually put effort into end game aka raids and high level dungeons, which were the focus ever since.

              • 7 months ago

                >oh so your idea is to not have endgame
                It'd be refreshing to have a game that doesn't require me to grind in it every single day, every single week like a job I pay for.
                Actually, jobs let me have time off unlike mmos.

              • 7 months ago

                So play something that isn't an MMO. Grinding is synonymous with the genre.

              • 7 months ago

                It doesn't have to be, nor should it be. The game shouldn't be designed to make neets feel accomplished because they grinded some objective 80 hours a week for months. That's a shit gameplay loop.

              • 7 months ago

                WoW is not nor has it ever been the game for you, since those two were literally from the get go the sole focus of the game.

              • 7 months ago

                The original endgame was about raiding almost exclusively, the rest were either stepping stones towards that or distractions from that. It was also largely about socializing, not sperging out, antisocially minmaxing everything like it is now

              • 7 months ago

                >he original endgame was about raiding almost exclusively
                vanilla basically didn't have an end-game because most people did not raid. It was mostly a social experience for people. It wasn't until wotlk where it really started only ever being about raiding which is why gearscore homosexualry was rampant

              • 7 months ago

                Even my moronic teenage self could tell those gear score mods were a bad idea.

              • 7 months ago

                >not sperging out, antisocially minmaxing everything like it is now
                that's 100% on players, not on blizzard and i say that as someone who hasn't given blizzard a cent in years because i hate the company
                but out of all the things blizzard has done wrong, this is not one of them
                the community has been asking for harder and harder content since ever, and if you have hard content, sperging out and minmaxing become the norm because it's the only way to beat the content

              • 7 months ago

                >not on blizzard
                >the people responsible for enabling and exacerbating it aren't culpable
                Is the only thing you ever do is run defense for blizzard?

              • 7 months ago

                you're a moron

              • 7 months ago

                Wow, very witty response anon. So how's the rate per post? 2 cents?

              • 7 months ago

                They created an environment where timed content being the majority endgame discourages people from talking because its inefficient. They are entirely responsible for creating the antisocial environment

              • 7 months ago

                They also directly contributed to the DBM arms race by not banning DBM and over-designing raids and not doing anything about gearscore addons.

                You got an actual rebuttal or do you genuinely think that was a straw man? WoW was literally one of the first MMOs in history to NOT focus almost exclusively on the journey (read: level grinding in groups) and actually put effort into end game aka raids and high level dungeons, which were the focus ever since.

                >You got an actual rebuttal
                Depends, can you make an argument without speculating on shit I didn't say?

              • 7 months ago

                They literally built ilvl and rating into the game, they have done more than anyone to foster the sweatiest, most hostile elitist environment possible

                Then players say 'oh well the players did this', when the developers have been pouring 40 gallon drums of gasoline on the fire

              • 7 months ago

                If left to their own devices, developers will optimize all fun out of a game.

              • 7 months ago

                >listen to the players
                frick you blizzard why did you do that
                >don't listen to the players
                frick you blizzard why didn't you do that
                it's always the same with you
                don't get me wrong, the company sucks and i hate them, but you're all a bunch of morons

              • 7 months ago

                The company are meant to be the adults in the room and know when to listen and when not to listen. Not adopt terrible feedback and then say 'oops we blew up the game, oh well you asked for it!'

                Players broadly are dumb as frick and should be listen to, but only at arms length.

              • 7 months ago

                >Not adopt terrible feedback and then say 'oops we blew up the game, oh well you asked for it!'
                Doubly true when they ask a super-minority of the playerbase that doesn't represent the casual audience that makes up the super-majority

              • 7 months ago

                >listen to us
                >no, not that much you should've known not to listen to us

                >but you can't blame them for doing what the community asked and the community asked for
                Part of a dev's duty is giving shit the players need, not want. This is something that Blizzard supposedly learned years ago and have explicitly stated you fricking newbie

                regardless, you can't please everyone and this decision was by the community, for the community and it was a valid choice
                no matter the decision some people will be left butthurt about it, and at least this one was based on actual player feedback
                you know what is not a valid choice? turning wow into a B-tier cartoon show

              • 7 months ago

                >this decision was by the community
                It was by the devs. Do you think the "community" is using some fricking gitlab to push commits to the repo or something?

              • 7 months ago

                >no, not that much you should've known not to listen to us
                Yes, that's literally the job of a game designer. To know when to listen and when not to. Shitty game designers adopt all feedback then blame the playerbase when it inevitably doesn't work out. Those are the people currently working on the game

              • 7 months ago

                it's rude to suck at wow if you play with random people.. the solution? make some friends and play with them or join a guild. if you join a mythic+ for someone else's key then you are expected to not suck. again, what is the solution? find a guild of non-sweats or run low keys or just stick to LF. the game is only as elitist as you want it to be.

              • 7 months ago

                it's rude to suck at wow if you play with random people.. the solution? make some friends and play with them or join a guild. if you join a mythic+ for someone else's key then you are expected to not suck. again, what is the solution? find a guild of non-sweats or run low keys or just stick to LF. the game is only as elitist as you want it to be.

                also it would be impossible to run mythic+ with randoms if there was no raiderio or ilvl built into the game, it's literally what enables semi casuals to get KSM with random people without needing to organize, which lowers time commitment

              • 7 months ago

                >also it would be impossible to run mythic+
                Who gives a frick? Mythic+ was a low effort push by Blizzard at player retention by reusing assets and keep people on the moronic treadmill grind

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah and they realized they fricked up the game by making it too elitist, so now they're trying to backtrack with Delves in War Within which are explicitly casual friendly unlike M+. A moronic goat could have told you this would happen a few expansions ago, but apparently this takes time for the superbrain game designers to realize

              • 7 months ago

                Delves should've been a thing as far back as wotlk/cata. Blizzard is just fricking inept

              • 7 months ago

                They only recently seem to have realized that people would like to spend time in the world instead of instances in an MMO, shocking revelation

              • 7 months ago

                I'm still waiting for them to revamp and drastically improve the darkmoon faire and actually remember that battle pets exist. I remember they had a plants vs zombie clone and just left it as a one-off quest for no fricking reason

              • 7 months ago

                >making it too elitist
                players did this

              • 7 months ago

                Blizzard gave them the sledgehammers like ilvl, with which to beat each other to an elitist pulp. This Sid Meyer quote sums it up:

                >Player's will always optimize the fun out of a game.... so one of the responsibilities of designers is to protect the player from themselves.

              • 7 months ago

                Blizzard was originally complicit by their inaction and then began taking the initiative on it and solidified it via mythic raids and integrating ilvl look up as a core feature. Stop sucking blizzard wiener

              • 7 months ago

                mythic+ is better than raiding by a country mile, and i say this as an ex semi-hc raider who has most of the AotC/CE's from pre-WoD raids

              • 7 months ago

                It is not though, it is as much of a cancer as post mandatory dbm raiding, except with added gogogo speedrun mentality. 10 man raiding was a small step in the right direction but was canned entirely before it got any traction because raidgays were screeching to high heavens.

              • 7 months ago

                10 man raiding was such a comfy mode, I wish they would bring that back

              • 7 months ago

                >post mandatory dbm raiding
                the frick are you talking about, ever since TBC people always used DBM
                > except with added gogogo speedrun mentality
                (You) issues, i had fun doing CM Golds in MoP, also minmaxing pulls as a tank is a lot of fun, its way more better than raiding, you have full control of the whole run, and all the dynamics like healer skill level, dps ability and your own CD management meet up on a much, much more tangible level than even in 10 man raiding and i raided thru MoP in a 10 man guild. also 10 man raiding was way sweatier than 20man because you had a much higher level of personal responsibility and pressure as a healer, if your healers sucked, you were just not going to kill the boss until A) you replaced the shit healer(s) B) you geared up your healer to bruteforce the fight

              • 7 months ago

                Difficulty through large group coordination is fun frick around challenge.
                If you're nurturing a hardcore attitude in that kind of environment, there's just going to be more people to fling shit at whoever fricks up.
                40 man worked in vanilla because the raid mechanics were brain dead, and players were still more there for the social aspect.

              • 7 months ago

                By what moronic metric are you going by? Because it certainly isn't by if it's entertaining or original. It's literally reused content designed to be done ad nauseum by autistic people with high tolerance for boredom

              • 7 months ago


                >post mandatory dbm raiding
                the frick are you talking about, ever since TBC people always used DBM
                > except with added gogogo speedrun mentality
                (You) issues, i had fun doing CM Golds in MoP, also minmaxing pulls as a tank is a lot of fun, its way more better than raiding, you have full control of the whole run, and all the dynamics like healer skill level, dps ability and your own CD management meet up on a much, much more tangible level than even in 10 man raiding and i raided thru MoP in a 10 man guild. also 10 man raiding was way sweatier than 20man because you had a much higher level of personal responsibility and pressure as a healer, if your healers sucked, you were just not going to kill the boss until A) you replaced the shit healer(s) B) you geared up your healer to bruteforce the fight

                > literally reused content designed to be done ad nauseum by autistic people with high tolerance for boredom
                just like chess or poker, it's not about the reused elements, but how you deal with them

              • 7 months ago

                >just like chess or poker

              • 7 months ago


                see [...]

                > literally reused content designed to be done ad nauseum by autistic people with high tolerance for boredom
                just like chess or poker, it's not about the reused elements, but how you deal with them(You)
                >>just like chess or poker
                how is chess not a game comprised of reused elements

              • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                46 KB

                >>just like chess or poker
                how is chess not a game comprised of reused elements


                lmao lol

              • 7 months ago

                My HAT!

              • 7 months ago

                How is it? What fricking moronic definition are you using to even remotely come to that conclusion?

              • 7 months ago

                >How is it?
                all the individual elements of the game are reused, that is the whole purpose of a concept of a social game, or a game in general. even if the physical deck of cards is not reused, they are still as a comprising element, reused

              • 7 months ago

                Oh, so you're just being disingenuous with your definition, gotcha

              • 7 months ago

                how am i being disingenuous

              • 7 months ago

                Because you're intentionally using a definition no one fricking means when they say WoW reuses assets. You're being purposely obtuse and you're a massive homosexual for it

              • 7 months ago

                so in order for a game to function it needs to never reuse assets?

                this website you are posting on is reusing assets, it's using math, scripting, and code most likely obtained under a license from a 3rd party, it is reusing assets, therefore it shouldn't work according to you.

              • 7 months ago

                >so in order for a game to function it needs to never reuse assets?
                And now you're strawmanning. Are you only ever able to operate on fallacies?

              • 7 months ago

                ah, i just read your op.

                you said it is reusing content. i withdraw my original statemement. i am now in disagreement with your post and rescind my statement, my new statement and argument is that it doesn't reuse content. it remixes existing content into new content. to go back to my card game analogy, they turned hold'em into seven of clubs by rearranging the primary elements.

              • 7 months ago

                refer to

                Because you're intentionally using a definition no one fricking means when they say WoW reuses assets. You're being purposely obtuse and you're a massive homosexual for it

                Purposely using a definition unique to you to make a point and completely bypassing my point

              • 7 months ago

                different people have different categories for what they consider important elements in design philosophy. while i do understand your point, and i'm not trying to straw man or be disingenuous, i just don't agree that a game's elements need to be wholly unique to function. the main purpose of said elements is to create fun, if your fun comes from observing wholly unique design elements and it perturbs you to see reused elements then it can certainly put you down. you should probably be aware of how many elements a game typically uses though. the netcode, the camera system, UI code, npc AI, pathfinding, algorithms that drive various design features like landscaping and foliage placement etc all run on the same reused code, which is what you call an asset. as are rendering code such as the lighting engine, which if your whole point is about reusing 3d meshes or textures, drives a very weird, uncanny logic considering a game's lighting engine is probably just as visually distinctive as its art design in terms of meshes, because it is a major part of its art direction.

              • 7 months ago

                >and i'm not trying to straw man or be disingenuous
                then immediately strawmans by saying
                >i just don't agree that a game's elements need to be wholly unique to function
                Which I never said or implied

                Nice job Don Quixote

              • 7 months ago

                since you keep insisting i'm strawmanning without actually explaining how and calling me disingenuous which i just don't think is true.

                what is relevant here i think is that you're the one who's been throwing out homophobic slurs, while pretending to have the logical fallacy high ground.

              • 7 months ago

                >without actually explaining how
                I literally already told you how. Do you just not fricking read or do you lack the ability to critically think without me explicitly spelling shit out and holding your fricking hands?

                >and i'm not trying to straw man or be disingenuous
                then immediately strawmans by saying
                >i just don't agree that a game's elements need to be wholly unique to function
                Which I never said or implied

                Nice job Don Quixote

                >>i just don't agree that a game's elements need to be wholly unique to function
                >Which I never said or implied
                I never said or implied
                Can you point where I said or implied everything needs to be wholly unique and not repeated?

              • 7 months ago

                if you have no problem with reused content, then what is your problem with mythic+

                to be clear here, i know people always complain about reused animations and meshes, which is what i assume "reused assets" means in the popular lexicon. mythic+ reuses level design as well as most of the primary assets, but it doesn't reuse game design. the whole theory behind mythic+ is not transferable to the content they are reusing.

              • 7 months ago

                >if you have no problem with reused content, then what is your problem with mythic+
                Jesus fricking Christ you're genuinely moronic. Normally I'd assume you are just being purposely moronic but I'm pretty sure you just can't read. How do you read

                By what moronic metric are you going by? Because it certainly isn't by if it's entertaining or original. It's literally reused content designed to be done ad nauseum by autistic people with high tolerance for boredom

                and your ONLY takeaway is, somehow, my stance is either I'm perfectly fine with reused content or content should never be reused? Go back to school moron

              • 7 months ago

                i never agreed with the post you linked to, and you never attempted to re-iterate during this conversation what you think constitutes as reusing content, when it's obvious that the design theory between mythic+ and normal dungeons is non-transferable

              • 7 months ago

                >never attempted to re-iterate during this conversation
                Because you never asked and instead consistently defaulted to putting words in my mouth. I've explicitly stated my position yet you can't wrap your head around it and instead of asking for clarification so I can dumb it down for you you instead double down and strawman in confusion.

              • 7 months ago

                then by all means, re-iterate your point. i have a feeling you've lost the plot in this convo and are speaking past me. i keep re-emphasizing that the whole design between mythic+ and the content they "reuse" is non transferable, meaning they don't translate. you can't create a normal dungeon using the game design pulled from a mythic+, nor the other way around, likewise, people who enjoy mythic+ don't necessarily enjoy regular dungeon runs.

              • 7 months ago

                > i have a feeling you've lost the plot in this convo and are speaking past me
                No, that would be you. My point has been the same this entire time i.e. "Mythic+ was a low effort push by Blizzard at player retention by reusing assets and keep people on the moronic treadmill grind". To reiterate for your sub 80 IQ - Mythic+ sucks, has sucked, and has always sucked because it's the most monotonous PvE content in the game design for gear treadmill monkies that only exists because Blizzard did not want to put effort into actual content

              • 7 months ago

                so your basic point is that the content sucks because it's meant to engage people who want to engage with mmorpgh content, aka "gear treadmill", is this correct?

                i'm gonna say that's a pretty weird point to argue for over 2 hours considering MMOs are designed around gear progression systems. also mythic+ isn't low effort, it's why there's an entire endgame scene around it.

                and lastly, if anything, you are the one straw manning here. you claimed it's reused content, but now seem to have rescinded that from your argument. is it reused content or not? i feel like this was originally your main talking point, but you realized it's not actually reused content, because, and i HAVE to keep re-iterating, it's not reusing the game design. it's a wholly new game mode with its own meta game and community.

              • 7 months ago

                mythic+ is gay, challenge dungeons were the way to go

              • 7 months ago

                No one cared about them, so they had to add gear for any hope of people doing them. Thus birthing Mythic+

              • 7 months ago

                They also directly contributed to the DBM arms race by not banning DBM and over-designing raids and not doing anything about gearscore addons.
                >You got an actual rebuttal
                Depends, can you make an argument without speculating on shit I didn't say?

                >They also directly contributed to the DBM arms race by not banning DBM
                You can totally blame Blizzard for their own poor decisions, but you can't blame them for doing what the community asked and the community asked for more hard mode timed runs and for them to not ban addons.

              • 7 months ago

                >community asked for more hard mode timed runs and for them to not ban addons.
                The 'community' that asked for this is RWF and MDI participants which are the top 0.1% of players. No casual players was ever asked if they wanted this sweatbox shitfest of an endgame.

                Of course the most skilled players want hard content, they will always want harder content no matter how hard it gets. The game was most popular when endgame raids were easy enough that you could bring just about anyone, and there was time to chat with other people. The current endgame is a hellscape of elitism that turns off anyone mentally normal and drives them to quit the game. And they wonder why their sub numbers are declining.

              • 7 months ago

                >but you can't blame them for doing what the community asked and the community asked for
                Part of a dev's duty is giving shit the players need, not want. This is something that Blizzard supposedly learned years ago and have explicitly stated you fricking newbie

              • 7 months ago

                There's other ways of scaling endgame content than turning it into an esport that attracts the most cancerous elements of MMO communities

              • 7 months ago

                you can KSM with random people, if anything mythic raids that clear every bosses every raid tier is way more esports. mythic+ requires maybe 5% of the commitment of mythic raiding as well. the only problem with dragonflight mythic+ is that it gives too little rewards because babbies cried, so now you have to do +20 to get same ilvl as heroic raids which you can pug on a tuesday night with boomers that have to support 10 kids + 10 dogs who only play 30mins per week

              • 7 months ago

                Last time I played M+ in Shadowlands it was just ESL fricksticks leaving group and bricking keys every third run, not to mention the 30 minutes to build the group, summon everyone and get the dungeon started. Probably the most anti-fun MMO experience I've ever had

              • 7 months ago

                i did mythic+ in dragonflight and did +12 week 3 or something. not once did i see anyone ragequit or do something like that, i tanked and either played with randoms or with a friend and most of the failed runs were because of me since i was learning and also playing probably the worst mythic+ tank spec possible aka blood DK

              • 7 months ago

                It really is a garbage experience, especially if you're not part of the "meta classes". Being in a guild helps but even inside guilds all the NEETs eventually form their own push groups. I already quit the expansion but doing weekly M20's to get gear for mythic raid was the worst.

              • 7 months ago

                I stopped playing last season because the meta got so messed up with the introduction of Augmentation Evoker, I don't see how anyone is supposed to play this mode with such a messed up meta

              • 7 months ago

                you don't have to care about metas unless you are pushing for leaderboards, and tank specific metas for doing the correct pulls but if you're not a tank you don't have to care about that a single bit since you never pull something the tank doesn't pull in higher keystones unless you absolutely know what you are doing

              • 7 months ago

                In other words, play in a 5-man premade and stop giving a shit about the meta. I know people like to seethe endlessly about Retail WoW, but it's a fun co-op game to play with friends.

                bros i haven't played since MoP, how is someone like me supposed to get back into this? i want to follow the lore but it doesn't have an MSQ like XIV that just drags you through. or does it now?

                There is a MSQ, but it's skippable. And easily missable. Also, you level-up so fast, you'll be max level halfway through the "MSQ" of a single expansion. And some of the story progresses through old raids, which no one does anymore.
                Basically, the story is impossible to follow as a new player. You jump from expansion to expansion and nothing makes sense, it's easier if you just watch a video on YouTube.

                I think they're using Runes as a way to plug the gaps that exist for a lot of classes (Paladin and Druid mostly). Rather than totally revamp the classes/talents, which is probably beyond the meager scope of the dev's talent, they just made a handful of Runes that basically give you the playstyle that you want.
                Why bother revamping the Prot tree for Paladins to give them all the elements of proper tanking when they can just make a Rune that has all of those elements baked in?

                >beyond the meager scope of the dev's talent
                This system is way more complex than adding a bunch of new talents.

              • 7 months ago

                > I know people like to seethe endlessly about Retail WoW, but it's a fun co-op game to play with friends.
                it is a full on casual game, but i think the thing that gets people is the way modern audiences play MMORPGs, most players are goal oriented and play instrumentally to achieve those goals, and even the "bad" casual players can lose their mental if their daily dungeon run gets scuffed because someone messed up, and the cross realm anonymity helps enforce that behavior of not caring about other people beyond their usage as tools to complete your daily goals

              • 7 months ago

                >lose their mental if their daily dungeon run gets scuffed because someone messed up
                To be fair, the game itself tries its hardest to waste your time and make you angry when someone fricks up.

                -You need to look up for a dungeon yourself, whispering 70 different people before you get accepted. You're not a Meta Approved (tm) class? Good luck lmao.
                -You have to walk all the way there. And wait for everyone else to arrive.
                -Whelp, this dungeon has two minutes of RP at the beginning, because Blizzard didn't bother to remove this part for M+.
                -*The dungeon proceeds smoothly for the first ten minutes*
                -Someone dies because he didn't see a purple circle casted by a purple enemies on a purple floor.
                -He releases because the party is stuck in combat, maybe he can make it in time and help.
                -There's no checkpoints, so he spawns all the way back at the beginning.
                -Halfway through his run back, he aggroes some random patrol because in M+ you skip half the dungeon, so rooms are full of mobs still. He dies again.
                -Everyone else is still waiting for him, getting more and more pissed.
                -A few minutes later, someone else dies. Everyone was already annoyed as frick from the previous incident, the tank says "frick it" and leaves.
                -An hour of your time wasted.

                There's so much friction. I would never play this game without a premade, I would lose my mind after two weeks. If they AT LEAST added checkpoints after every boss there would be way less toxicity.
                And I don't mean "talk with the dragon at spawn, he's going to slooowly carry you where you need to be." I mean actual checkpoints, you respawn there and you're ready to go again immediately.

              • 7 months ago

                That's intentional. nta but wow has been a skinner box for the mentally disabled for a while. Remember legion and how horrible the gear system was?
                Wrath/TBC gearing
                >"Okay my best in slot for raiding is from these dungeons, I can get my trinket from farming exausted with this faction and one ring from revered from this one, i can just craft these pieces and honestly the pvp weapon is the best for my main hand."
                >"do every single random world question every single day for a random reward that might be gear with random stats and random secondary stats with a small random chance to be an upgraded item and an even smaller random chance to be an even better upgrade and an astronomically small chance that i get a legendary! Which itself is from a pool of random legendaries that range from pointless to overpowered."
                >"Therefore I must log on every single day and do every single random world quest."
                The best part is that blizzard had to admit there was a secret time cooldown on getting legendaries so people were wasting their time farming nothing

                It's designed around causing and sustaining mental illness

              • 7 months ago

                Nothing will be funnier than the videos of guys getting a legendary and being disappointed cause it was "the wrong one".

                Peak dogshit game design

              • 7 months ago

                That's intentional. nta but wow has been a skinner box for the mentally disabled for a while. Remember legion and how horrible the gear system was?
                Wrath/TBC gearing
                >"Okay my best in slot for raiding is from these dungeons, I can get my trinket from farming exausted with this faction and one ring from revered from this one, i can just craft these pieces and honestly the pvp weapon is the best for my main hand."
                >"do every single random world question every single day for a random reward that might be gear with random stats and random secondary stats with a small random chance to be an upgraded item and an even smaller random chance to be an even better upgrade and an astronomically small chance that i get a legendary! Which itself is from a pool of random legendaries that range from pointless to overpowered."
                >"Therefore I must log on every single day and do every single random world quest."
                The best part is that blizzard had to admit there was a secret time cooldown on getting legendaries so people were wasting their time farming nothing

                It's designed around causing and sustaining mental illness

                i liked the legiondarys. helps that i'm not an unluckshitter but i think you are exaggarating, getting a legendary was always exciting and if someone got one of the few truly dogshit legendaries and they got that msg in gchat everyone would just dogpile them with jeering. peak comfiness especially since i wasn't in some aspie shit guild, nobody cared if you had suboptimal legendaries or no legendary at all and we still cleared emerald nightmare on mythic

              • 7 months ago

                Nta but Getting legendaries was pretty frustrating, finishing a mythic dungeon and essentially carrying someone who could barely function and seeing them get a super bis fire mage leggo. I remember I got the extremely dogshit paladin belt that like added a 15% hp healing to your big cooldown abilities or some shit. Such a let down

              • 7 months ago

                >Remember legion and how horrible the gear system was?
                No actually lmao, my first expansion was BfA lmao. But I also played Vanilla, Wrath and some Cata on private servers.

                Gearing up in this game is terrible, we can all agree. I'd vastly prefer if they went full horizontal progression like GW2, so I can enjoy the content for what it is. But that's not the point.
                The point is that the game wastes your time. Constantly. Just small things. I mentioned "Walking all the way to the dungeon", it's just a small thing right? Or "Whoops, a member of the party died, we gotta wait until he walks all the way here," another tiny thing. But these things add up, you're slowly getting more and more annoyed... and you have to deal with people who are just as annoyed as you are. On your fourth dungeon of the day, when your Healer says "Whoopsie, I forgot to repair hehe. Let me teleport all the way back to town to repair, summon me back please" you're going to fricking explode. The first time someone makes a mistake you're going to ALT F4.

                All of this shit, all of these obstacles, shouldn't exist. Getting into a dungeon and killing monsters should be as fast and as seamless as possible. Conceptually M+ is a great arcade experience, but it's bogged down by bullshit inherited from when WoW was an actual MMO. Blizzard has to decide, what do they want WoW to be: an actual MMO or a dungeon simulator? Both are fine, I like both styles, but they cannot coexist in the same game.

                Playing WoW with pugs pisses me off more than League of Legends ever did, just saying. Imagine if between each game in LoL, you and your teammates had to play a minigame where you walk all the way to Summoner's Rift or something stupid like that.

                that's not an unrealistic situation but i would say anyone who leaves if it isn't their own key is a dickbag. if i was the tank i would simply wait, im pretty sure the guy who keeps fricking up while running back already feels like a dumbass

                >feels like a dumbass
                And that's awful as well, I've been there. Everyone is having a shitty experience because someone died ONCE.

              • 7 months ago

                that's not an unrealistic situation but i would say anyone who leaves if it isn't their own key is a dickbag. if i was the tank i would simply wait, im pretty sure the guy who keeps fricking up while running back already feels like a dumbass

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah M+ overall can be fun, if you have a group you run with always. Even then though the affixes are aids, and certain weeks you just don't want to bother. Also at a point it becomes you're just doing it to unlock the vault.

                Most of the problems you cited are just skill issues though. The only one I very much agree with is the purple circle on a purple floor hidden by a players purple ability. The alerts for mechanics in retail are fricking ass, and the game requires you have addons to even play it.

                The class differences only really matter if you're trying to push for way higher than the max vault level M+. Although the only people left playing retail and doing M+ without paying for carries are full blown autists so they think they need the perfect comp the saw a streamer use, and not having it is why they keep failing even though they suck at the game themselves.

              • 7 months ago

                >just skill issues though
                Yes, 100%. But people are going to frick up. People ARE going to frick up, M+ is designed to scale indefinitely, it pushes everyone to their limit. My limit could be +15, your limit could be +25, but we're both struggling. As I said here

                >Remember legion and how horrible the gear system was?
                No actually lmao, my first expansion was BfA lmao. But I also played Vanilla, Wrath and some Cata on private servers.

                Gearing up in this game is terrible, we can all agree. I'd vastly prefer if they went full horizontal progression like GW2, so I can enjoy the content for what it is. But that's not the point.
                The point is that the game wastes your time. Constantly. Just small things. I mentioned "Walking all the way to the dungeon", it's just a small thing right? Or "Whoops, a member of the party died, we gotta wait until he walks all the way here," another tiny thing. But these things add up, you're slowly getting more and more annoyed... and you have to deal with people who are just as annoyed as you are. On your fourth dungeon of the day, when your Healer says "Whoopsie, I forgot to repair hehe. Let me teleport all the way back to town to repair, summon me back please" you're going to fricking explode. The first time someone makes a mistake you're going to ALT F4.

                All of this shit, all of these obstacles, shouldn't exist. Getting into a dungeon and killing monsters should be as fast and as seamless as possible. Conceptually M+ is a great arcade experience, but it's bogged down by bullshit inherited from when WoW was an actual MMO. Blizzard has to decide, what do they want WoW to be: an actual MMO or a dungeon simulator? Both are fine, I like both styles, but they cannot coexist in the same game.

                Playing WoW with pugs pisses me off more than League of Legends ever did, just saying. Imagine if between each game in LoL, you and your teammates had to play a minigame where you walk all the way to Summoner's Rift or something stupid like that.

                >feels like a dumbass
                And that's awful as well, I've been there. Everyone is having a shitty experience because someone died ONCE.

                , it's an arcade game.
                In Tetris my limit could be lv. 20, your limit could be lv.30, but we're both pushed to the limit of our skill so we're going to frick up at some point. Guaranteed.

                But when you frick up in Tetris or any other arcade game for that matter, you can try again immediately after. Quick and easy, no friction, minimum amount of frustration.
                When you frick up in M+, holy frick it's annoying. Not just for me who just died like a dumbass, but for the other four people as well. Even getting into a dungeon is annoying. The whole process is annoying. M+ itself? A lot of fun: as I said, it's a great co-op game and I very much enjoy playing with my friends. Everything else surrounding M+? Ugh.

              • 7 months ago

                Do they still lower your key level by 1 if you fail the run? That was the kick in the balls after a failed attempt.

              • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                Yeah, they need to just stop that and instead let people manually lower the key 1 level if they choose to. The entire reason all that shit started was because people were deleting keys in legion if they got one of the shitty dungeons and blizzard instead of fixing the shit dungeons just made it so you can't delete your key.

                Blizzard works so hard to make the experience tedious for the player.

              • 7 months ago

                You can also manually lower your key now, there's an NPC for that. And even swap your key with another dungeon if you don't like it, I believe..?

              • 7 months ago

                Then why keep the punishment mechanic? Failing the dungeon is a punishment on its own. Fricking blizzard is moronic.

              • 7 months ago

                one of the many problems that doesn’t effect you if you run with your own gang of people all bringing keys instead of pug

              • 7 months ago

                That's why I used to tank/heal. I never used my own key. I just ran others keys, and didn't care if it failed because a new group was a basically an instant invite.

              • 7 months ago

                >but it's a fun co-op game to play with friends.
                There are better MMOs for that.

              • 7 months ago

                >M+ in Shadowlands it was just ESL fricksticks leaving group and bricking keys every third run, not to mention the 30 minutes to build the group,
                I never really had this problem. Of course I was a tank, and I built my own groups so I filtered most of the morons up front. Most keys I had ran to competition. I stopped playing in shadowlands though, and after reading about the gear nerfs to M+ I am glad I did.

            • 7 months ago

              >What's wrong with mythic+?
              If you need to ask you're already too far gone and lack perspective

            • 7 months ago

              >What's wrong with mythic+?
              You shouldn't be able to get raid gear/gear equivalent to raid gear from doing 5 man dungeons

              • 7 months ago

                raiding it the thing that killed mmorpgs
                kill raidgays
                burn raidgays
                destroy raidgays bodies with a meatgrinder

              • 7 months ago

                that hasn't been a thing since at least legion. now you do m+ which is twice as hard as mythic raids for loot that is 20ilvl below the raid loot

              • 7 months ago

                Tell me you never did high M+ without telling me you never did high M+.

        • 7 months ago

          >using mythic+ as a selling point
          jesus fricking christ the lack of self-awareness

          • 7 months ago

            They don't realize what non-mentally ill people think of that mode

            • 7 months ago

              >non-mentally ill people
              >playing wow in the year 2023

              • 7 months ago

                yeah fair point

        • 7 months ago

          i tried turtle for 2hrs and it was insanely bad. the 1.12 client is worse than i remember from nostalrius days, and the server itself was full of [] [] [] chinks ignoring you while camping out every mob spawn.

          there really is 0 reason to play pservers nowdays unless you're just heavily invested into one already, outside of not having to give blizzard your money

          The turtle pvp server from like a week ago is chink free.

          • 7 months ago

            >chink free

          • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago

          Cant even register
          >Project Epoch
          may as well play turtle

        • 7 months ago


          • 7 months ago

            They've already implemented in on their "classic" wotlk server. Game is jokes.

      • 7 months ago

        1.12 is why I hate Turtle too. Check out Duskhaven and Project Epoch (3.3.5-based client but they remove TBC/WOTLK shit and add things like mythic+ vanilla dungeons and custom zones/raids/classes).

        Hopefully one day we get Classic-based server cores so we can go beyond 3.3.5

        1.12 client has a fix to run smooth at high fps now

      • 7 months ago

        Honestly that's the conclusion I've come to as well. Any of the higher population servers have chinks and pay 2 win shit. The servers that have potential like ChromieCraft never get pops higher then 500 so you're just playing wow on a dead server.

    • 7 months ago

      Is there any more news on when epoch is coming? Duskhaven is december-ish but I haven't heard from epoch in a while.

  26. 7 months ago

    why would anyone want to play retail with level cap of 25?

  27. 7 months ago

    >tfw finally going to be able to properly tank as a shaman

    • 7 months ago

      Retail shaman is fun as frick. if SoM makes Shaman half as fun, it's an ez win.

      • 7 months ago


  28. 7 months ago

    >Retail but with extra steps

  29. 7 months ago

    We are so back with World of Warcraft™: Classic™ Retail™ Reforged: Season of Mastery Classic™ ~Plus~!
    XIV lost!

  30. 7 months ago

    Just look at the recycled abilities they are giving classes, this isn't classic+, it's retail-

    • 7 months ago

      It's literally an inferior half-baked version of Ascenion WoW. It's like they put no fricking thought into this mode and are just using it as an attempt to retain players since they're anticipating a drop-off of players as interest in classic dwindles because Cata is firmly within retail territory for all but the most moronic people ODing on copium. These people are so far gone there was a moron saying everything up until WoD is considered classic wow.

  31. 7 months ago

    having incremental level caps is going to make wow feel like a whole new game. It concentrates players into areas for wpvp while keeping players around for the next cap increase. all to wipe over again for a new season which people will come back to again to restart the cycle. its like escape from tarkov wipes. everyone will love to start out new bc lvl 25 endgame is already easily in reach. ffxiv sisters are in shambles

  32. 7 months ago

    the private server community is absolutely broken

    • 7 months ago

      Classic+ private server scene is comfy as frick

  33. 7 months ago

    the real good thing about this is that devs can now balance talents/abilities overtime bc theyre not held to the 'true classic experience' anymore.

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah like game was balanced in the expansions those abilities came from right? Oh wait

  34. 7 months ago

    you are mentally ill
    get a fricking grip

  35. 7 months ago

    the cope dude
    they didnt even copy gw2 mounts well enough
    now they are coping their expansion release style in 3 parts

    im sure this shit will be mid

  36. 7 months ago

    >plate wearers will be the squishiest tanks with the lowest threat, once you get to Naxx you switch out the bears for rogues on bosses since they will have over 100% avoidance
    >all dps will be 4 fury warriors that now have permeant 25% damage buff with a feral for wild strikes
    They are going to be making a lot of tweaks alright.

  37. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      But you will raid BFD, it's gonna be epic bro. Member the room with the torches that summon mobs? Member the boss underwater? Member the buff at the end of the dungeon??
      I just want to see the shitshow that will happen when everybody will go to Ashenvale for the raid, the servers will die with the shitty pvp

    • 7 months ago

      But it's not locked to 25 forever

  38. 7 months ago

    all i give a shit about is playing a tank warlock, once i get my fill i'm done

    • 7 months ago

      Wow can't wait to warlock tank bfd
      Oh wait you can already do that

  39. 7 months ago

    the amount of butt anguish from Ganker about this just goes to show how succesful this will be

  40. 7 months ago

    There are only two things I'm curious about with this.
    What are the little events or whatever you do to get the runes going to be like?
    What abilities are they going to add at higher levels?
    Having a bunch of hidden secrets spread around actually sounds kind of cool.
    Wanting to get in before the internet makes their knowledge common is a much more reasonable FOMO than dangling sales in front of you.
    That mention of just opening a chest for a rune makes me worry just how little effort they will probably put into them though.
    Adding a bunch of retail abilities to fill out the roster early on makes sense because trying to make interesting modifications to 1 button kits at max level is pointless.
    They can add some retail skills and still avoid having the classes play like they do on retail if they're smart about it, but there's no way to know for sure until we see future runes.

  41. 7 months ago

    >feral gives crit and windfury at the same time and can be stacked with paladin buffs while holy got a huge healing buff too
    >they now become completely crit and crushing immune just switching out a rune on the same spec to be the best tank
    RIP Shamans and Horde in general at the moment

    • 7 months ago

      Sad, but im coping that things will be better for horde after level cap increase, who knows what new runes there might be

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah, if you're playing SoD it's kinda assumed you're coping by default

  42. 7 months ago

    I can see why Blizzard left quitting because of the Druid nerfs as an option when unsubbing for over 16 years.
    They been planning this all along.

  43. 7 months ago

    I really need to filter 'we are so back', along with 'we're going home'. Soulless fricking advert speak.

  44. 7 months ago

    but it has sharding. it's not a world anymore. it's pointless. it sucks.

  45. 7 months ago

    Isn't this just choose one ability out of 3 every few levels but on your gear instead?
    They already gave up on that in retail.

  46. 7 months ago

    i'm watching a warcraft 3 lore playthrough rn since i never played it. i wish they did vanilla fresh instead of some meme server

  47. 7 months ago

    >played a bit in 2007, quit
    >waited til classic
    >played from zg patch to naxx, quit
    >waited for era
    >still playing era
    >playing horde exclusively
    >only pve
    >won't touch anything else ever

    Yeah I'm a oldschool purist. Only thing better than Vanilla would be singleplayer Diablo 2 type of game with Rexxar's campaign as base. Warcraft was ruined by RTS and expansions.

    • 7 months ago

      >oldschool purist
      >Warcraft was ruined by RTS

  48. 7 months ago

    Is there a bigger stocholm syndrom in all of gaming than blizzcucks?

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      Destiny are the worst of the worst, though WoWgays have been making a pretty strong case as becoming the new worst recently

    • 7 months ago

      no, there is not
      not even nintendo gays are as bad as blizzard gays

    • 7 months ago

      pokemon, gta, super mario, elder scrolls, cod, minecraft... ughh ZELDA??? basically every single franchise out there. Just a line of rehashed crap for last 30 years. Play safe and earn money, or risk and risk losing investors money and get canceled. A button is jump and B is shoot.

      • 7 months ago

        no one is as bad as the average blizzdrone, especially since there are perfectly fine private servers for wow and blizzdrones STILL return to blizzard, the other games at least mostly dont have that excuse

    • 7 months ago

      I really thought my friends were finally going to see the light thanks to shadowlands and all the virtue signaling against Blizzard over the lawsuits.
      I was an idiot.
      Even in spite of all that, it just took a new expansion release to get them right back under control.

  49. 7 months ago

    I'm sorry that you exist. That's about it. At least you're as clueless about your sorry state as any other animal.

  50. 7 months ago

    the irony

  51. 7 months ago

    A week after this launches, your streamers are going to be talking about how this is fricking boring.

  52. 7 months ago

    bros i haven't played since MoP, how is someone like me supposed to get back into this? i want to follow the lore but it doesn't have an MSQ like XIV that just drags you through. or does it now?

    • 7 months ago

      retail wow leveling is xiv lite now, it takes 10-20 hrs to get to max lvl and you can choose what expansion you wanna play and it scales you to that level

      • 7 months ago

        so i have to level a bunch of different chars if i wanna catch up with the story?

        • 7 months ago

          you can do quests on max level

          • 7 months ago

            that's a waste tho isn't it?

            • 7 months ago

              waste of what?

              • 7 months ago

                exp, or i guess they stay available on new chars. shit it's been so long i forgot this works differently than XIV

  53. 7 months ago

    what is this the 7th time they've tried to revive this corpse

  54. 7 months ago


  55. 7 months ago

    SoD is gonna be fun.
    Ganker will scream and seethe powerlessly on November 30.

    • 7 months ago

      how long will lvl 25 last
      and how long will it be played overall?

      • 7 months ago

        They said more than one month and less than 3-4. It's probably gonna be like a month or a month and a half before the normie playerbase gets bored and the turboautists stay. Then the normies will come back for 25-40.

  56. 7 months ago

    >Classic but changing it so it's not classic
    Yeah, this is surely not going to turn into retail 2.0

    • 7 months ago

      worked with osrs

      • 7 months ago

        for all of osrs' faults it has a highly autistic system where something like 80% of the playerbase needs to agree to a change before it's put into the game

  57. 7 months ago

    >Demon form Warlock tanking
    >It just makes your abilities warrior abilities with different names

    • 7 months ago

      This is my main issue with the new tank runes.
      They just turn your class into one of the preexisting tank classes with different visuals.
      It's minimal effort bullshit.
      I suppose that's the whole idea behind seasons in the first place though.

  58. 7 months ago

    >giving blizzard money
    kill you are self

  59. 7 months ago

    All the seethe comes from era players because they know this shit is gonna fricking kill their servers LMAO

  60. 7 months ago

    >bears can just become completely crit and pretty much crushing immune just with one rune 100% of the time instead of 2/3-3/4 of the time depending on boss while making more threat and soon to have even more health and armor since they don't have to worry about defense at all anymore
    >they also make by far the most threat and will only make more now
    >their talents are exactly the same as feral which also gives windfury on top of crit just with one rune switch between fights
    What is the thought process here?

    • 7 months ago

      Based ESL

      • 7 months ago

        No, just Wow mechanics sound like ass.

    • 7 months ago

      Buffing Druids and then nerfing them into the ground is a timed honored tradition. That's why it is an option for why you are quitting on their site.

  61. 7 months ago

    >no testing
    this is going to be completely broken right? and it's going to be weeks until they adjust the runes

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah, even just basic game knowledge can tell you they are going to have to nerf a bunch hard and then make people mad for no reason other than laziness and lack of knowledge on the game they work on.

    • 7 months ago

      It's gonna be jank kino

      • 7 months ago

        it's going to be some youtuber who makes a video titled like "THIS RUNE IS THE BEST FOR EVERY DUNGEON" and 90% of the playerbase just picks it and the class.

    • 7 months ago

      theyve off the record been talking to content creators and apparently none of it is tuned. this is why people are calling it a beta test for classic+

      • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago


          somewhere around in this segment where he has his character panel open, he starts talking about the abilities and mentions talking to some dev

      • 7 months ago

        >theyve off the record been talking to content creators and apparently none of it is tuned
        I don't need to hear some e-celeb talk out of their ass to know nothing is balanced or tune. Use your fricking head
        >No leaks about classic getting additional resources
        >classic has be manned by a skeleton crew for years
        >they made a bunch of radical changes
        >no beta testing mentioned
        >mode they announced is releasing within the month
        Yeah, it's going to be dogshit. We know.

        • 7 months ago

          What triggered your ESL rage?

  62. 7 months ago


    >every new item will be listed after 1 week
    >every new "discovery" will be revealed after 1 week

    Smart people know that blizzard did not kill wow, it was the players who were screaming and shitting themselves so they get epix too.

  63. 7 months ago

    Druid windfury bonus hit also can proc chance on hit weapon effects since it’s not a “Druid hit”. Druchads finally rising up. And a fully stacked lacerate is going to hit hard as frick as a bleed.

    • 7 months ago

      It's extra funny because you can see them competing to make their favorite classes and specs the most op while ones none of them care about barely have any support.

      • 7 months ago

        Surely warriors needed a constant 25% damage buff and access to windfury and paladin buffs at the same time.

      • 7 months ago

        Using chance on hit weapons probably won’t make druids OP. it’ll just let them not have to farm gnomer constantly for low level blue item. Earthshaker from MC would be sick on a bear Druid though

        • 7 months ago

          They'll be by far the best tanks and the only ones that will be able to keep threat on the buffed up fury warriors as well as have more dps slots just to give windfury to the warriors without having to change specs. They also won't have to farm up gnomer all day if they get a nice on hit weapon.
          Will be one of the most fun specs to raid with for sure.

  64. 7 months ago

    >"Its classic... but we add content"
    it's like the "blizzdrones eat shit" meme but it became just an empty plate and now they are excited to be eating shit again

  65. 7 months ago

    What are we rolling day 1 bros?

    • 7 months ago

      Alliance is going to be busted and dominant faction but my cope is they give horde bloodlust

    • 7 months ago

      NElf Rogue Tank

  66. 7 months ago

    You say that every expansion, you're wrong every time. Why do you do this to yourself?

  67. 7 months ago

    Druid looks dogshit

  68. 7 months ago

    So is this a good starting point to get into wow or was classic the only chance for 'just like the good ol days'.

    • 7 months ago

      unironically 2019 classic was an experience that i dont think you will ever get again, and if you missed it you missed it. i think SoD will be decently popular but nowhere near the original classic levels.

      • 7 months ago

        yeah, a dogshit experience lmao

        • 7 months ago

          some of the most fun i had in gaming in years*

      • 7 months ago

        i think you meant to say nostalrius, the real classic that happened years before

        • 7 months ago

          i played nost and nostalrius begins or w/e it was and 2019 classic was better. nost doesn't even compare.

          • 7 months ago

            >nost doesn't even compare.
            Nost in 2013-14 was 100x better than classic. They actually banned botters and cheaters.

          • 7 months ago

            >classic was better
            >no itemization
            >world buff cds
            >literally everyone and their homosexual mother minmaxing
            >ASMON LAYER!! and other streamers shitting up servers
            >most servers being +90% one-faction dominated by bwl
            >worse implementation of batching than vanilla had
            >absolutely zero sense of community
            >braindead post-nerf raids
            you're huffing crystal paint

            • 7 months ago

              sour grapes lol

              • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                i didn’t want to play vanilla anymore, i’d already played like 5 years of vanilla on nost/elysium

    • 7 months ago

      there were no good old days this is a better iteration of the game in every way, people are just naturally nostalgic for the past

      just hop in and enjoy the game homosexual, and stop FOMO-ing

  69. 7 months ago

    i'll roll a tauren shaman tank as the earthmother intended
    what are you going for, /vee/?

  70. 7 months ago

    Paladins look overturned as frick

    Avengers shield hits three mobs for almost 200dmg each no crit
    Druid starsurge hits one mob for 72 no crit

    • 7 months ago

      it's the same story each time on "+" servers
      >hybrid classes get overtuned, especially palas cuz le deus vult devs are biased
      >other classes get jackshit

      • 7 months ago

        but druid are a hybrid class

        • 7 months ago

          Druid rhymes with pooiud so they stink haha

  71. 7 months ago

    today i will remind them that instead of fixing classic specs and picking up where the og devs left off we are getting this instead

    • 7 months ago

      Top looks boring. Bottom looks fun.

      • 7 months ago

        >90% of the pop rolling warlock and paladin is fun

        • 7 months ago

          Better than 90% of the population rolling Warrior

    • 7 months ago

      >t. butthurt shaman

  72. 7 months ago

    Someone redpill me on turtle wow versus this, I don’t play either currently. No I don’t want to hear politics obsessions as a “”””reason”””” either.

    • 7 months ago

      turtle wow is basically the topmost panel in

      today i will remind them that instead of fixing classic specs and picking up where the og devs left off we are getting this instead

      vanilla content and classes expanded, new zones dungeons and raids
      season of discovery is more like ascension wow or cataclysm lite, classes getting wotlk to current retail xpac spells

      • 7 months ago

        its full of chinks and russkies. new content is soulless garbage


        • 7 months ago

          As opposed to the soulless garbage blizzard makes?

        • 7 months ago

          pvebab realm issues

  73. 7 months ago

    I think I’m just tired of wow, what’s another old MMO that’s still active besides RS and GW, probably just EQ right ?

    • 7 months ago

      FFXI Horizon

  74. 7 months ago

    I can't decide between lock and mage. I'm glad it's only up to level 25 for a bit so I have enough time to level both of them 🙂

    • 7 months ago

      Go mage. Healers are gonna be in demand.

      • 7 months ago

        5x mage groups are the new meta

      • 7 months ago

        The healing abilities for mage look pretty interesting. PVP will be fun.

      • 7 months ago

        >roll pure dps class
        >get forced to heal

        • 7 months ago

          People are expecting mage to be among the best DPS too so you probably won't be forced to heal. We'll see how it goes when it's live.

        • 7 months ago

          this is your future mage cuck you will heal the retbull

  75. 7 months ago

    Are warlock tanks going to be overplayed? I feel like people aren't gonna want to tank regardless

    • 7 months ago

      warlock tanks look to be really strong in pvp so probably but 99% of them won't tank

    • 7 months ago

      Adding new tank specs only gives the small pool of tanks more options to pick from. It does not motivate more people to play tanks. Tanking isn't a responsibility a vast majority of the player base wants to take on.

      • 7 months ago

        focusing on 10 man means more tanks, with 40 man nobody goes tank because it’s a dead end

        • 7 months ago

          There are more tank spots in a 40 man raid than there are hunter, warlock, druid, and, rogue spots. The problem is people just don't want the responsibility of being the tank.

    • 7 months ago

      Historically tanks are underplayed across the board. You might see a bunch of lock tanks in the first week or two but realistically most people playing warlock just want to dps.

  76. 7 months ago

    Blizzdrones be like: we want a big community
    Also blizzdrones: we want to segment and separate the community into tiny little communities spread across various little separate games like classic, classic+, classic tbc, classic wotlk, classic cata and retail!

    • 7 months ago

      Shut the frick up EraBlack person.
      Your servers WILL die.
      SoD WILL thrive.
      You will seethe. You will cope. You will dilate.

      • 7 months ago

        I dont play mmos

    • 7 months ago

      >Blizzdrones be like: we want a big community
      No one ever said that. If anything it's other way around, people would rather go back to small server communities.

      • 7 months ago

        Stormscale EU in wotlk was bigger than all of todays combined servers

  77. 7 months ago

    What would you recommend for someone new to WoW joining in with a group for this? I like healing/support roles and being a buffmaster generally.

    • 7 months ago

      Priest. Not only do you get to buff your party, you also get to remove buffs from enemies. You also have a DPS spec available which will probably be made actually viable thanks to runes.

      • 7 months ago

        Thanks. Finally an answer. My buddy is trying to nudge me towards Shaman and we're going Horde because frick it. I just want to do some social gaming for once so here I am.

        • 7 months ago

          Shaman is also good for that. I'd say just pick whatever looks cooler if those are your two options.

      • 7 months ago

        priest is pretty kino, they also solo/pvp well

        • 7 months ago

          I've never tried that smite leveling build. Shadow's not gonna come online until Phase 2 so it's a good time for it.

    • 7 months ago

      > joining in with a group for this?
      Of course it's more fun if you do, but you'll be able to make friends in-game don't worry. Especially since the level cap is going to be 25, everyone is going to be pretty chill I believe because there's no reason to rush.

      Thanks. Finally an answer. My buddy is trying to nudge me towards Shaman and we're going Horde because frick it. I just want to do some social gaming for once so here I am.

      Shaman is also fine, choose whatever sounds cool to you because in terms of strength no one knows where each class is going to land. Not even Blizzard lmao.
      The other two healers are Paladin (Alliance only) and Druid, which may be a bit of a pain in the ass for a new player since you have to swap forms and shit.
      Priest is cool, it has fun spells to play with like Mind Control. It allows you to control humanoid units. Literally control them, you can move them with WASD. Yes, even other players.

      • 7 months ago

        >but you'll be able to make friends in-game don't worry.
        what a lie
        in years of retail people only hang out with their own preexisting discord troon friends and wont even engage in the ingame chat

        • 7 months ago

          >in years of retail
          He's not talking about retail. It should've been obvious, since I also said "the level cap is going to be 25"

          • 7 months ago

            classic, retail is the same community

            • 7 months ago

              Not really. And the game is completely different anyway, it's way easier to make friends. Some people are going to speedrun to lv 25 of course, but why would I care.

    • 7 months ago

      Priest 100%. It's straight forward and always meta.

    • 7 months ago

      Priest is always a safe bet but Paladin, Shaman, and Druid can all fulfill the role of support and healing just as well.
      Its way too early to see what’s going to be in demand or meta so just pick any of the above that looks cool to you.

    • 7 months ago

      i always found healing the most demanding and stressful role, dpsing is easiest by far and tanking is potentially more stressful than healing, depends a lot on the content but as a newbie i'd 100% play dps

  78. 7 months ago

    Why can't Blizzard just do vanilla with balance patches, fixing the useless specs for classes and some new dungeons?

    • 7 months ago

      Because nobody at blizzard can actually pull it off. People treat it as they are uninterested, but modern WoW changes is literally what they would do with vanilla stuff. Hands off approach works better for them because they legitimately can't do it, if they did, half the spells would be culled and classes would all be so similar you'd wonder why they bothered.

    • 7 months ago

      sod is just an extended beta of that, they are adding new dungeons and fixing useless specs

      some specs simply can't be fixed by numbers tweaks, their core is so fricked up that they NEED new abilities to function but blizz has no real idea what new abilities players want vs need

      • 7 months ago

        most the hybrids just need mana/dps tweaks though prot paly needs its tbc stuff, but i’d rather they just redesign prot paly instead of introduce aoe tanking

    • 7 months ago

      >adds revamped bfd
      >adds balance changes
      >adds new gear
      I don't know. Why are you complaining?

  79. 7 months ago

    Druids get a manaless Wrath spell? That’s kinda neat, if only it weren't so weak 64-76 damage for rank4 lvl22.

    The five second rule probably won’t start with it either rip.

    • 7 months ago

      five seconds rule has always correctly handled free spells eg. inner focus/clearcasting so wrath spam should be mana positive

  80. 7 months ago

    >seasonal gimmick server with rogue tanks and mage healers
    I don't care anymore, but this ain't what anyone asked for.

    • 7 months ago

      I have seen so many posts over the years asking about time magic healing and rogues being able to dodge tank, so actually you're wrong

  81. 7 months ago


    Not safe for work, feel free to turn into a meat cube it's the only thing your race is good for.

  82. 7 months ago

    >Aegis is better Redoubt
    >Still need to talent Redoubt for Shield spec

    • 7 months ago

      >he doesn’t pick divine storm

  83. 7 months ago

    >yet another version of WoW where Warlocks and Paladins are the most broken classes

    • 7 months ago

      as it should be

  84. 7 months ago

    Did they do anything for enhance shamans other than add a meme tank spec?
    I've always loved enhance theme, played it for a bit in WOTLK until I was forced to respec because the guild was bleeding tanks, stopped playing in cata and when a couple friends got me to try shadowlands for mythic dungeons its the only dps class I enjoyed.

    But vanilla enhance shaman is boring and bad

    • 7 months ago

      DW, stormstrike hits with both weapons and lava lash
      its optional though and I imagine next phase will add 2h runes as well

      • 7 months ago

        DW was a given but stormstrike is a lvl40 talent anyway.
        Lavalash is cool and all but it was always a filler skill
        I can't imagine enh shaman competing without windfury.

        • 7 months ago

          Well it has windfury at a later level still atleast
          But yeah the point of Stormstrike was that it does hit with both weapons if you take DW, which wont matter for a while anyway
          Shaman is pretty cucked in the first phase with maybe the exception of elemental

          • 7 months ago

            lightning bolt baseline cast time is 3seconds and they won't get their cast time reduction talent until lvl39

            It's over.
            Shaman role is going to be healing and dropping windfury totem.
            Time to put on the skirt and programming socks

            • 7 months ago

              why would you listen to random people telling you how you should play your class on a funserver? frick em

  85. 7 months ago

    >mages can heal

    funserver-tier shit

  86. 7 months ago
  87. 7 months ago

    am I correct in understanding that Druids are getting a type of Windfury? If that's the case then is it safe to assume the population will be about 90% Alliance all across the map?

    • 7 months ago

      most likely yes until they give Shamans bloodlust

      • 7 months ago

        Shamans won't get bloodlust without a significant nerf to it. but it would be funny to have everyone crying on Alliance that they "rolled the bad faction" after giving shamans bloodlust at the last phase

  88. 7 months ago

    >Hunters are the only class remaining true DPS only

    HunterChads where we at

    • 7 months ago

      >true dps only
      >he forgot about the tank rune

      • 7 months ago

        It just flat out improves pets, it's not a "tank rune" per say.

  89. 7 months ago

    I'm so excited I pooped my pants.

  90. 7 months ago

    Reminder that if it was about money, they'd just cater to whites (and east asians).

  91. 7 months ago

    >wanted classic plus
    >instead we got ascension minus

    • 7 months ago

      the orc cries out in pain as he beheads you with an axe

  92. 7 months ago

    >a literal private funserver
    >they still list it under the "classic" banner
    Imagine being this mindbroken. Total slop slavery.

    • 7 months ago

      still not playing your troon-developed pserver gay

      • 7 months ago

        You mean the official Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard (AKA Minor Attracted Battymen) servers?

    • 7 months ago


  93. 7 months ago

    warrior runes
    >+25% damage
    >+25% damage
    >+10% damage and speed or +25% rage gen
    What the frick?

    • 7 months ago

      think about the parsies

    • 7 months ago

      I'd take the 10% run speed over rage gen even if it didn't give bonus damage, but then they added 10% damage on top. The madmen.

  94. 7 months ago

    >this will be bigger than hardcore.
    The dead streamer mode?

  95. 7 months ago

    Season Bobby Koticks penis and nuts in your mouth you fricking WoW drone.

  96. 7 months ago

    I bet the other rune slots will add even more retail abilities.
    In the end we will literally just be playing retail.

    • 7 months ago

      It's literally the Legion PVP ability system, with later expansions' abilities in it

  97. 7 months ago

    on a scale from 1 to 10 how much will i regret making a Shaman tank

    • 7 months ago

      nobody knows just have FUN

    • 7 months ago

      Can always just swap to regular dps enhance or ele/resto if it doesn’t work out the way you want. That’s the appeal of hybrid classes.

    • 7 months ago

      you won't regret it unless you're grouping with random people that demand perfection and meta choices

  98. 7 months ago

    I am not coming back. Mostly because I don't have time to.

  99. 7 months ago

    No, I don't think i will come back. Get that e-sports lingo out of my game.

    • 7 months ago

      >never played d2

  100. 7 months ago

    >lock tank with 100% increased threat and searing pain
    Anything that isnt molten core will get blended to death

  101. 7 months ago

    say hi to the new LFD timer.
    Invest in more/better servers to distribute the load? Nah just add an artificial queue to everything

    • 7 months ago

      It's the same with PVP. Despite being on the underpopulated faction, you'll get "waiting for server" queues

  102. 7 months ago

    I think they are adding too many abilities and too much power to classes, explosive shot is an example of a ridiculous ability to have with vanilla health pools and paladins getting two instant attacks which can proc SoC. they will probably keep adding more rune slots too.

    • 7 months ago

      >too many abilities and too much power
      That's the point of the funserver experiment, that obviously doesn't belong in the "classic" properties. There is no possibility that it will approximate balance, so don't worry about it. It's morono twink mode to the nth degree.

  103. 7 months ago

    why the frick are they giving enhance dual wield (I know the answer is because they got it in TBC)
    when I play enhance in classic it's because I want to windfury someone with a 2hander, not do fricking dual wield pve dps

    • 7 months ago

      Reminder that
      >windfury wont be available in the first phase
      >they may add 2 hander runes in a future phase
      Quit moaning

      • 7 months ago

        they had fricking better
        if I don't get stormcleave I'm gonna be pissed

      • 7 months ago

        He could get a pocket druid for WF

        • 7 months ago

          I hate to tell you this, but the reason windfury is such a big deal on shaman itself is because the weapon buff variety hits 2 extra times instead of the totem/group buffs 1
          Its why 2hander WF is so good, being able to suddenly shit out 3 autos, 2 of which with a big chunk of extra attack power is what makes it so powerful

  104. 7 months ago

    >get laid off right around the time it releases
    oh frick yeah

  105. 7 months ago
  106. 7 months ago

    So at this point they're just gonna remake Classic over and over again?

    • 7 months ago

      yes. eventually the regular classic servers will catch up to retail and they'll probably go back to classic again. and they will keep making funservers whenever they feel like it. and people will keep playing

    • 7 months ago

      No one wants to play retail, and the devs hate classic. Their solution is to slowly retailify classic, until they too eventually leave.

  107. 7 months ago

    >5 second rule
    I’ve been playing since the og vanilla beta, was at times part of top raiding guilds and STILL don’t know what exactly this means.
    nor do I care

    • 7 months ago

      too bad I'm explaining it anyways.
      5 seconds after casting a spell is when mana regen kicks in.
      free spells don't count as "casting a spell" usually.
      priest/druids have talents that gives them "15% mana regen while casting" or similar, which means they are regenerating while inside the 5 second rule

  108. 7 months ago

    Paladin more like gayadin
    Warrior more like prostituterior
    Druid more like israeliteuid
    Priest more like yeast
    Warlock more like giant homo
    Rogue more like chodegue
    Hunter more like based
    Shaman more like shartman

  109. 7 months ago

    lmao newbie redditor kys

  110. 7 months ago

    rip wc3

  111. 7 months ago

    Yes, I will be in permanent metamorphosis as a warlock.
    Yes I will have FUN.

    • 7 months ago

      You and me both buddy
      The demon man with the demon plan

      • 7 months ago

        Tanking as a lock is gonna be so fun

        • 7 months ago

          >apply corruption and drain life
          >shadow cleave
          >spam searing and cleave

          We are so back

          • 7 months ago

            >tart hellfiring with a dozen mobs on you
            >lifetap between pulls so you're always at full mana
            healers adjust

            • 7 months ago

              >can guarantee never dropping aggro if healers can keep you from dropping dead

          • 7 months ago

            >25% searing pain crit chance
            >instant cast
            >no cd
            >10% chance to daze
            Completely busted. I'm rolling a lock to troll pvp in meta form.

  112. 7 months ago

    >the hype is insane
    Imagine what kind of utter moral degenerate you'd have to be to say this about a product you're advertising.

  113. 7 months ago

    Can't wait to have some sex with gnomes in SoD.

  114. 7 months ago

    why do you feel the need to post like a fricking dumbass?

  115. 7 months ago

    Slop of slopcraft season of slopscovery

    • 7 months ago

      *slurps the slop*

      Seconds, please! 😀

  116. 7 months ago
    superior to wow in every way

    • 7 months ago

      >founded in 2023
      I'll be eagerly waiting for their first release in 2030, followed by technical issues on launch and bankruptcy.

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah uhh which game is actually playable right now?
      LOL thought so.

    • 7 months ago

      ah yes, people talking about a game they will definitely make soon! time to ride the hype train for 5 years, waiting for the next good mmo!

  117. 7 months ago

    >add abilities from retail

  118. 7 months ago


  119. 7 months ago

    >all the rapeable races are on alliance
    >there's no rapist races on alliance
    what the frick was blizzard thinking

  120. 7 months ago

    Ascension players are looking at SoD with a thousand island stare.

  121. 7 months ago

    Pick one
    The Day Before is the superior game.

    • 7 months ago

      >day before
      >he's serious

  122. 7 months ago

    I haven't been keeping up with what all SoD changes but I know it adds new abilities to all the classes. Are the changes substantial enough to make it where most of the specs are no longer just one-button rotations or spamming auto-attacks until max level? That's the only actual issue I have with Classic WoW, if you change that then it could be the only game I play for the rest of my life.

    • 7 months ago

      Paladin got Crusader Strike so it's a 2 button rotation at least.

      • 7 months ago

        Crusader strike and divine storm I guess. Holy pallys eating pretty good.

    • 7 months ago

      This seems to be the case
      My main is a huntard, my rotation is only 2 buttons
      Pic related means I would probably use 2 more buttons in my rotation, maybe 5 depending on the situation

      And thats just one of the runes

    • 7 months ago

      From what I understand, it will be like elden ring on release week
      There are a dozens of new spells for your class hidden around the world, and nobody knows where they are and you have to find them
      Some of them are shit, some of them will change how you play the game

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