Worldbuilding for centaurs

I know what the thread will devolve into, but I still wish to ask.
How do you worldbuild for centaurs?
And I don't mean how many lungs or hearts you give to these horsefolks, but rather their:
Or just use this thread to discuss horses with arms, I guess.

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  1. 4 months ago

    >How do you worldbuild for centaurs?
    No stairs.

    • 4 months ago

      This is actually an interesting point - since their anatomy might find it difficult to deal with ladders and stairs, what kind of buildings would they live in?
      Making wide buildings instead of tall ones would be the obvious solution, but what about the roofs? I suppose tents would be a better fit for them, since they're easier to build.

      • 4 months ago

        They wouldn't make buildings, they'd primarily live in mobile tents. The labor necessary for a centaur to make fine detailed brickwork is too great. They would either form a warlike culture and mongol-raid themselves into being a ruling class for some humanoid group, or they'd be nomadic herdsmen forever.

        • 4 months ago

          Why would the labor necessary to make bricks any more arduous than for humans?

          • 4 months ago

            not that anon but i guess because it would be ridiculously awkward for a centaur to work with his hands that close to the ground
            a man can kneel down, reach for something behind him, squat down, get up, change directions and positions effortlessly, a centaur not so much

            anyway, i don't like how most suggestions here keep them at the same level as humans, with their power and intelligence they would be major players not a band of moronic dirt farmers

          • 4 months ago

            not that anon but i guess because it would be ridiculously awkward for a centaur to work with his hands that close to the ground
            a man can kneel down, reach for something behind him, squat down, get up, change directions and positions effortlessly, a centaur not so much

            anyway, i don't like how most suggestions here keep them at the same level as humans, with their power and intelligence they would be major players not a band of moronic dirt farmers

            Anon failed high school biology classes or just can't imagine horses kneeling or lying down.
            It isn't any more strenuous on them than it is on humans, so I don't understand why "bricklaying" would be an issue. Climbing? Sure, but not making walls.

      • 4 months ago

        Yurt stables

      • 4 months ago

        The book series Animorphs has a centaur-like alien species that specifically constructs buildings with domed roofs so as to give the interior a more "open sky" feeling.

    • 4 months ago

      This is actually an interesting point - since their anatomy might find it difficult to deal with ladders and stairs, what kind of buildings would they live in?
      Making wide buildings instead of tall ones would be the obvious solution, but what about the roofs? I suppose tents would be a better fit for them, since they're easier to build.

      Ramps are easy to make.

    • 4 months ago

      Either a race of dirty smelly naturally occurring mongols or forest centaur greek myth types
      No, just no. Agriculture is product of civilization -artificial. hunter gatherers and primitives don't do that shit. You put that in and your fantasy setting becomes reddit
      One thing i would like to propose that I have not seen anyone mention in previous thread is how the local human kingdoms would actually take interest in employing the centaur as messengers and such. They could be offered speed related jobs by humans and in return receive prestigious treatment and rewards

      Someone needs to read up on Mongols, the only empire in history with a nomad ruler.

      • 4 months ago

        The Mongols!: Crash Course World History #17

      • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          I argue that those were never a empire. At best, they held their own lands.

      • 4 months ago

        The Mongols!: Crash Course World History #17

        This does not refute my point about stairs

      • 4 months ago

        The Mongols!: Crash Course World History #17


    • 4 months ago

      This is actually an interesting point - since their anatomy might find it difficult to deal with ladders and stairs, what kind of buildings would they live in?
      Making wide buildings instead of tall ones would be the obvious solution, but what about the roofs? I suppose tents would be a better fit for them, since they're easier to build.

      Horses and other quadrupeds irl can go up and down stairs just fine as long as they're wide enough to support their hooves. Ibexes are hilarious. Centaurs would be more able to go up and down stairs since they're a) sapient, and b) able to shift their weight with their upper halves to keep their balance. In towns they'd probably prefer ramps, but would also carve stairs into mountain sides for better climbing. Even ladders are doable, you just need to think of how a centaur would climb them instead of being a moron and thinking they'd just use their upper arms and front legs like a human and letting their back half dangle uselessly. Make them flexible at the waist and they'd have six points of contact, making for more balance and stability while climbing.

      • 4 months ago

        I want to make some ibex centaurs now.

      • 4 months ago

        >Make them flexible at the waist
        Which they sensibly would be, since it's just more neck.

      • 4 months ago

        A centaur would probably be more front-heavy than a horse, and leaning back might not be enough to offset their center of gravity

      • 4 months ago

        >Even ladders are doable, you just need to think of how a centaur would climb them instead of being a moron and thinking they'd just use their upper arms and front legs like a human and letting their back half dangle uselessly. Make them flexible at the waist and they'd have six points of contact, making for more balance and stability while climbing.
        Until the ladder breaks. A horse weighs 2000 pounds.

        • 4 months ago

          >2k pounds
          Maybe super fat horses weigh that much. Average weight is half that number.

          • 3 months ago

            Horses vary by breed, draught horses bread for strength like Breton or Percheron are easily in the 2000 pounds range, at least for stallions. Horses bred for speed or parade horses will be lighter.

  2. 4 months ago

    Either a race of dirty smelly naturally occurring mongols or forest centaur greek myth types
    No, just no. Agriculture is product of civilization -artificial. hunter gatherers and primitives don't do that shit. You put that in and your fantasy setting becomes reddit
    One thing i would like to propose that I have not seen anyone mention in previous thread is how the local human kingdoms would actually take interest in employing the centaur as messengers and such. They could be offered speed related jobs by humans and in return receive prestigious treatment and rewards

    • 4 months ago

      I get your notion, but why leave centaurs as hunter-gatherers? And I don't mean to try and redefine established fantasy tropes, it's just curiosity.
      >Local human kingdoms
      That much is true, but I'm sure they'd be interested in centaurs due to other reasons. They have the strength and size of a horse, but also the arms and intelligence of a human. They'd be an incredible work force, especially for agricultural needs.
      On the other hand, maybe humans have a reason for not employing them: they could prove to be too temperamental or prideful, or maybe the human religion or beliefs could prevent them from doing so.

    • 4 months ago

      >Agriculture is product of civilization -artificial
      >what are ants

  3. 4 months ago

    >six limbs

    They're clearly insects so I'd model them after turks

    • 4 months ago

      Steppe nomad centaurs are the most overdone kind of steppe nomads, even more than the regular variant.

      • 4 months ago

        It might be overdone, but it's overdone because it works. Horseback nomad culture transfers really well to a race that is effectively always on horseback.

        • 4 months ago

          It's not overdone, it's normal. Breathing is normal.

  4. 4 months ago

    How would you do stairs?

    • 4 months ago

      >Medieval escalators
      >Buildings without upper floors

  5. 4 months ago

    I wouldn't.
    Worldbuilding for worldbuilding's sake is moronic. Worldbuilding shit that doesn't matter is even worse.

    t. have a PC that's a centaur in the current group

    • 4 months ago

      >Worldbuilding shit that doesn't matter is even worse
      It matters to me.

  6. 4 months ago

    Proud knights.

    • 4 months ago

      And in modern times american gladiators

    • 4 months ago

      Is it good manners to want to ride on the back of a cute centaur waifu laughing happily as you frollic through the open plains as the wind brushes through your hair while she tells you to hold her tighter before picking up speed for a jump that makes you feel as if you're flying and your heart has never felt so pure? ... asking for a friend.

      If you're human-sized, it's only polite if the cute centaur waifu is horse-sized or larger. If she's pony-sized, you'd better be a hobbit.

      >centaurs with elf ears
      considering the biology (literally) behind this, I am going to assume that's what happens when elven rangers get bored

      • 4 months ago

        It's cute

        • 4 months ago

          That centaur is reasonably proportioned. Great for mobility but I'd never think of trying to ride one.

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah. Yeah it is.

        • 4 months ago

          Its there a name for this late 90's early 2000s fantasy anime aesthetic?

        • 4 months ago

          Is that armor or are they partially mechanical? I honestly can’t tell.

      • 4 months ago

        Finish your apology video, Vaush.

  7. 4 months ago

    I'll ask the really important question: which part of the centaur gets pregnant?

    • 4 months ago

      before that happens we'll have to go through several other steps, like
      horse dick and vag, or human dick and vag and once we figured that out- where are those parts? on the horse or the human part?

    • 4 months ago

      the womb

    • 4 months ago

      You know which one.

    • 4 months ago

      It depends which one

      before that happens we'll have to go through several other steps, like
      horse dick and vag, or human dick and vag and once we figured that out- where are those parts? on the horse or the human part?

      goes with. For max magical realm you have tribes and castle systems based on how you reproduce.

    • 4 months ago

      Pic is my preferred solution.

      I'd make Centaurs a lot smaller than most media depicts them as. Domesticated horses have been bred for size and strength for thousands of years, so unless the creation of Centaurs is recent they would be comparable to a human in height. They'd value the ability to roam around so they'd lean towards a pastoral life, being either farmers or nomadic hunter gatherers. I personally lean towards farmers, as they were known to be heavy drinkers in mythology and its hard to make booze on the move. Dwellings would be mostly single story affairs, with the few multi story building needing sturdy ramps for ascending/descending.

      >I personally lean towards farmers, as they were known to be heavy drinkers in mythology and its hard to make booze on the move
      Alternatively, the reason why centaurs have a reputation for being heavy drinkers is because they don't make their own booze so they tend to drink a lot when given a chance. Not drinking on the regular would probably also lead them to overestimate their tolerance for alcohol and getting shitfaced, giving them a reputation of drunken hooliganism.

    • 4 months ago

      All centaurs are male and they reproduce by kidnapping Amazon tribeswomen for reproduction.

      • 4 months ago

        >All centaurs are male and they reproduce by kidnapping amazon tribeswomen for reproduction
        >All centaurs are female and they reproduce by kidnapping merchants and wizard apprentices for reproduction

    • 4 months ago

      Both at different points. Starts in the human half, then part way through, the fetus migrates to the horse half

  8. 4 months ago

    Is it good manners to want to ride on the back of a cute centaur waifu laughing happily as you frollic through the open plains as the wind brushes through your hair while she tells you to hold her tighter before picking up speed for a jump that makes you feel as if you're flying and your heart has never felt so pure? ... asking for a friend.

    • 4 months ago

      If you're human-sized, it's only polite if the cute centaur waifu is horse-sized or larger. If she's pony-sized, you'd better be a hobbit.

      • 4 months ago

        >you'd better be a hobbit.
        I'm Canadian. Does that count?

    • 4 months ago

      More than good manners. When I do centaurs, they're always VERY touchy about the horse thing. Imagine if someone kept calling you a monkey, offered you bananas and expected you to say 'ook' a lot. Same principle.
      In that context, if you're at the point where you've been offered to 'jump up and hold on' purely for fun (rather than "shit, we need to GTFO", though even that is rare); then brother, you'd best be reacting like you've been entrusted with someone's soul - because you have.

  9. 4 months ago

    Guardbro did a lot of work on his centaurs and staglings, he broke the society into 3 "hands" where certain sub cultures take care of certain aspects

    • 4 months ago

      He also discussed their privacy garments, hygiene issues and how they got around them, their war games, etc

    • 4 months ago

      He also discussed their privacy garments, hygiene issues and how they got around them, their war games, etc

      Is it written down anywhere? Asking for a friend.

      • 4 months ago

        He has blurbs in his game book, but we're all pressuring him to make larger lore blurbs on the races and cultures.

    • 4 months ago

      Who the frick is guardbro, and where can I find him?

      Also how is it that no one has mentioned Stinz yet?

      • 4 months ago

        hes a writer on youtube, has a discord. look up guardbrosfielddesk

        • 4 months ago

          Who the frick is guardbro, and where can I find him?

          Also how is it that no one has mentioned Stinz yet?

          Guardbro did a lot of work on his centaurs and staglings, he broke the society into 3 "hands" where certain sub cultures take care of certain aspects

          showed him the thread so he made a poll, looks like he is tired of getting yelled at lol, but harpys are currently winning

  10. 4 months ago

    I'd make Centaurs a lot smaller than most media depicts them as. Domesticated horses have been bred for size and strength for thousands of years, so unless the creation of Centaurs is recent they would be comparable to a human in height. They'd value the ability to roam around so they'd lean towards a pastoral life, being either farmers or nomadic hunter gatherers. I personally lean towards farmers, as they were known to be heavy drinkers in mythology and its hard to make booze on the move. Dwellings would be mostly single story affairs, with the few multi story building needing sturdy ramps for ascending/descending.

    • 4 months ago

      >It's hard to make booze on the move
      Can I introduce you to airag and Isgelen tarag?

      • 4 months ago

        How would centaurs view (or rather interact with) horses?
        And I don't mean any YJK memery, I mean their actual views on the animals. Would they hold them as sacred? As beings to protect? As animals to use? Anon already mentioned airag , but would they even attempt to drink milk or eat meat from horses? Would male centaurs be attracted to rear ends of horses?

        • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        Well frick, I stand corrected

    • 4 months ago

      That's kinda disappointing imo. I like it when settings emphasize the height disparity between centaurs and other species.

      How would centaurs view (or rather interact with) horses?
      And I don't mean any YJK memery, I mean their actual views on the animals. Would they hold them as sacred? As beings to protect? As animals to use? Anon already mentioned airag , but would they even attempt to drink milk or eat meat from horses? Would male centaurs be attracted to rear ends of horses?

      I like the idea of (a tribe of centaurs) viewing horses in high regard, believing the horse's ancestors blessed the centaur's ancestors with their form

      Also, fun fact, it is very hard for IRL horses to get drunk

      • 4 months ago

        I know in the game Banner Saga the centaurs killed all the horses out of embarrassment.

        • 4 months ago

          How did they manage that? I can’t imagine that the other races would let them just wipe out an animal as useful as a horse. If anything else they’d try and keep any horses they can safely in towns.

    • 4 months ago

      >Domesticated horses have been bred for size and strength for thousands of years,
      I don't think it would be far fetched for centaurs to go through their own breeding programs at the same time humans were beefing up horses, ultimately ending up at similar sizes. Maybe they have a religion/culture that emphasizes physical prowess. Maybe they see what the nearby humans are doing with horses and copy them to stay competitive, or the other way around. Or just have an empire conquer and breed them as intelligent livestock.

      Hell, do all of those and you've got a nice bundle of subraces.
      >destrier-like Spartantaurs
      >racehorse-like plains hunters
      >XBOX HUGE ex-slaves
      >smaller original centaurs from more isolated areas that never had to adapt

      • 4 months ago

        The idea of a race willingly altering themselves is kind of unnerving. It's almost like that character trope of the mad scientist who has a goal to bring about the next evolution of the species or something like that. Or shooting yourself up with drugs for a competitive edge, but more permanent

  11. 4 months ago

    Would centaurs play kokpar/buzkashi?

    It's essentially polo with a dead goat instead of a ball

  12. 4 months ago

    I can outrun a centaur!

  13. 4 months ago

    >can carry a lot of weight
    They would most likely hold a nearly absolute monopoly on land trade, they would be extremely rich and their influence would spread wide across the land.
    Originally they could live in tents, and also while traveling, but they would have enough money to hire builders. I imagine luxury for them would be 90% gardens, streams and woods 10% actual house though, as opposed to typical castles
    They could live in enclaves in large cities, but I imagine they would build annexes outside the main walls since city life would feel quite claustrophobic.

    The most important takeaway is that if you do give centaurs a high intellect, barring some Muslim tier fanaticism that prevents them from doing commerce, or Harry Potter tier stupidity, they would be a powerhouse of trade and political influence.

  14. 4 months ago

    At a glance without much forethought
    In a low-tech setting they're nomadic, not a lot of buildings that can't be easily assembled and re-assembled. They would probably train horses, donkeys, or something analogous as beasts of burden to help them carry heavier parts and items, as well as to haul long-term food supplies. Trading with two-legged folks for seasonings and spices to preserve meat from kills is pretty common, either in return for safe passage along with the caravans (might evolve as a natural caravan society between major towns to benefit from them even if they're not common on the streets, though longer-lived societies probably have wider streets and some amenities specifically for centaur folks). Major hunter-gatherer vibes on their faiths and ideals, with some extremists specifically eschewing civilizations and its trappings as falling from grace with their predatory traditions (likely facilitating banditry and ritual hunting of sentient folk to vindicate their superiority to themselves). Civil centaur folk tend to body such tribes when they meet them due to better equipment, allied aid, and an easier time handling hardships. While their civilized folk can be amiable, relying on them in a bad situation isn't so great unless it's for passage with them; if they figure food's going to get scarce, or that a drought is coming, or a major war-band of any sort is on the way, they have the means, skills, and know-how to bug-out at a moment's notice, and a centaur that sticks around to protect someone, someplace, or something, is going to be a damn dedicated soul to not have bailed with the rest of the herd. Centaur agriculture seems an oxymoron, but they do actually tend to seasonal and regional farms that they'll plant and then migrate to in rotation for a new harvest/planting at different times of year, sometimes having double or triple loop patterns that they'll get back to only every few years in sequence as geography demands.

  15. 4 months ago

    Centaurs, while deadly cavalrymen, are far less effective when heavy armor is deployed against them or when the terrain becomes rough. Additionally, centaurs eat more per person so then land can sustain far fewer of them than other races.

    • 3 months ago

      I've always thought that centaurs make more sense as highly mobile archers and artillery than cavalry.

  16. 4 months ago

    What kind of gender roles do your centaurs have, and why? I tend to make it so that they don’t really care as long as you can do what needs to be done for example.

    • 4 months ago

      If it helps you, mares are used in polo instead of male horses because they have some beneficial traits
      >calmer, less prone to outbursts
      >more focus, they don't get distracted as easily (especially from noises and movement)
      >way more willing to work in a team, can learn their role very well and won't start doing what other horses are doing
      >more agile
      Then again, centaurs are basically human so maybe they wouldn't have those characteristics.

    • 4 months ago

      matriarchal, like with horses
      > led by strong females together with a strong stallion who rules with an iron hoof, disciplines when necessary, and protects his family from others.

  17. 4 months ago

    So could a human and a centaur produce offspring?

    • 4 months ago

      Only if they're married, anon.

  18. 4 months ago
  19. 4 months ago

    Clippity-cloppity, women are property.

    • 4 months ago

      That's a terrible thing to say. You should be ashamed. Property has value.

  20. 4 months ago

    I've been smitten with the idea of centaur women, and maybe even the men, wearing skirt-like clothing to cover the "saddle area". Having that exposed is taboo, and pulling away the "skirt" is basically like a skirt lift or pantsing

    Also, they have a beef with elves for reasons I haven't figured out yet

    • 4 months ago

      >Also, they have a beef with elves for reasons I haven't figured out yet
      Elves called them gay

  21. 4 months ago

    I see Guardmid is posting on /tg/ still. Get the frick out of here, you're not welcome here you moronic furry pedo.

  22. 4 months ago

    How about how they get along with other races in your setting? In mind they’re polite but aloof, preferring to keep the themselves.

  23. 4 months ago

    Given how more than one anon has posted an image of a centaur in full armor, let’s talk armor, weapons, and warfare tactics for centaurs, how would their body shape affect things? Would they put less armor on the horse part due to logistical difficulties getting it on and/or wanting to avoid overburdening themselves, or would they go full plate like those images I mentioned? As for weapons, it seems like everyone thinks that they should use bows, but would that really be effective for them? Not to mention how those horse lower bodies would make transportation of warfare supplies more efficient without needing to also bring along beasts of burden.

    • 4 months ago

      I think they would absolutely armor themselves. Who the frick wants to get stabbed if they can help it? Granted there would be cases where they either cant afford armor or where speed is a greater advantage than protection.

      In previous centaur threads its been pointed out that lances wouldnt be used by Centaurs as it just doesnt mechanically work compared to a mounted human due to the spinal column, so versus heavy human cavalry they'd lose in a head in charge against each other.

    • 4 months ago

      Flails. Where humans can use the saddle to help absorb the impact of a spear or lance, centaurs don't have that advantage. Centaurs benefit from the chain/rope to absorb the impact of a full centaur-weight flail drive-by.

      Possibly throwing spear/javelin if centaur biology allows for enough hip action to throw things properly.

    • 4 months ago

      They would absolutely armor themselves since shields are practically worthless for protecting such a large body. As for weapons, bows or javelins wouldn't be good choices. The javelin requires a bit more twisting motion at the hip than a centaur would really be able to do. And fully drawing a bow turns one's body sideways, which for a centaur would expose a larger target for the enemy. Therefore, I think throwing hatchets would be the ranged weapon of choice. Throwing with two hands over the head wouldn't require the twisting motion and would have even more power than what a human could do since the centaur could partially rear up on their hind legs and put the weight of a horse behind the attack. For melee weapons, either a mace/flail for the good ol' driveby uppercut or a spear held in reverse grip to stab downward, taking advantage of the height advantage.

  24. 4 months ago




    How about how they get along with other races in your setting? In mind they’re polite but aloof, preferring to keep the themselves.

  25. 4 months ago

    Given that yesterday was Valentine's Day, how do your centaurs approach romance and courtship, do they lean more towards human or horse behaviors, or sit somewhere in the middle? I prefer to have their courtships be primarily human-like, but with a focus on the males offering to help groom the females like with horses.

    • 4 months ago

      have a nice day

    • 4 months ago

      How do the males offer to help? Are they stupid?

      • 4 months ago

        To out it bluntly, the centaur guys are basically saying "if you go on a date with me I'll help you brush your horse torso's coat and mane". I'd imagine that they would enjoy that, due to a combination of the human desire for cleanliness and the horse part enjoying the grooming itself.

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah but could you elaborate on that

  26. 4 months ago
  27. 4 months ago
  28. 4 months ago

    Except for feral survivors beyond the far side of the Great Steppe, all of the Centaurs who had lived in the Olde Kingdomes were enslaved for heavy labor and worked to death over the last forty years by the Bugbear Empire; the most common form of punishment (or retirement) was exploiting them to propel the great Bugbear City Subways, just like how millions of horses died of exhaustion in the years leading up to New York City's eventual mechanization of the Subway System.

    • 4 months ago

      I didn’t know that about the subway, but how did the empire conquer the centaurs to begin with?

      • 4 months ago

        What do you mean?

  29. 4 months ago

    I'm surprised that no one has talked about how their centaurs view magic yet. I keep it simple for mine, just some druids, with maybe a few sorcerers and clerics. They don't hate magic, but they prefer to work without it whenever possible.

    • 3 months ago

      I’m surprised no one has talked about how centaurs view their gods yet. I keep mine simple, just a few pantheons with maybe a few deities. They don’t hate gods, but prefer not to rely on them whenever possible.

  30. 3 months ago

    Most of the problems centaurs have would be solved if you replaced the horse part with a feline one.
    Most big cats already have an unfair amount of advantages in the wilds, so imagine what would happen if you gave them human intellect and arms.

  31. 3 months ago
  32. 3 months ago

    Horse pussy

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