Worst gym leaders by generation, thematically

I was thinking about how in pokemon gym leaders will also serve as community leaders or representatives so I had a question for only the most autistic. Which gym leaders are most divorced from their home cities, both in universe thematically and mechanically? I was trying to think by generation and I think I've got a solid handle on a few

Gen 1-Erica lives in a modern city with a giant shopping mall and high rises, lots of gambling, and her gym is the nature type, tucked away from the rest of the city, blissfully unaware of how her city has been overrun by team Rocket. One change I would make is to swap the location of Erica, the delicate grass type leader, and Koga, the devious ninja. I think they would fit better thematically with Erica in fuchsia and Koga in Celadon. I mean Koga's city is famous for its nature preserve, that city calls out for a grass type leader.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Erica gym is a huge botanical garden. It fits for big city surrounded by nature

    • 2 years ago

      Everything is surrounded by nature

      • 2 years ago

        Everything IS nature.

  2. 2 years ago

    Gen II-It has to be Chuck in Cianwood. His city, a seaside place with a famous pharmacy, is perfect for a water, ground, rock (beach theme) psychic, normal or even poison (healing theme). Fighting makes little sense, and he seems divorced from the johto mainland, certainly unwilling to help Jasmine.

    • 2 years ago

      Honestly Pryce's ice gym truly has nothing to do with the surrounding area's in the slightest so I'm gonna go with that. Legitimately every other gym leader I can think of fits their area in one way or another

      The hermetic fighter training on a small island is a common trope, they even double dipped with brawly

    • 2 years ago

      Erica lives in a traditional Japanese garden in contrast to the urban and seedy Celadon.

      You don't see how Fighting can fit in a rural seaside town, but fricking psychic can? Seaside fisherman, beach training, sailor, manual labor, a lot of that stuff fits there.

      Honestly Pryce's ice gym truly has nothing to do with the surrounding area's in the slightest so I'm gonna go with that. Legitimately every other gym leader I can think of fits their area in one way or another

      The hermetic fighter training on a small island is a common trope, they even double dipped with brawly

      Ice cave is next door.

      Gen III-Another easy one, its Winona in Fortree. She lives in a literal forest traversible by rope ladders a perfect setting for a grass, ground(nature setting) or fighting gym (challenging traversal theme) and she's a flying type leader? Not to mention completely unaware of the kecleon infestation? Baffling to be sure.

      You don't see the connection to loving in trees and bird Pokemon?

      What is wrong with you all? You're complaining that the characters aren't stereotypical enough?

      This I think is the biggest issue though. Early Gens did great showcasing trainers as normal people, not "my life was built around type Pokemon"

      • 2 years ago

        >Early Gens did great showcasing trainers as normal people, not "my life was built around type Pokemon"
        I miss this. The degradation from normal people who have Pokémon for utilitarian purposes, to obsessed weirdos just short of being cosplaying weebs, parallels what a lot of Japanese entertainment has done overall, where moeblob shit now passes for good character writing.

    • 2 years ago

      Honestly Pryce's ice gym truly has nothing to do with the surrounding area's in the slightest so I'm gonna go with that. Legitimately every other gym leader I can think of fits their area in one way or another

      The hermetic fighter training on a small island is a common trope, they even double dipped with brawly

      >Chuck, training under a waterfall
      >Brawly, a surfer dude
      one of these makes more sense as a fighting type

  3. 2 years ago

    Gen III-Another easy one, its Winona in Fortree. She lives in a literal forest traversible by rope ladders a perfect setting for a grass, ground(nature setting) or fighting gym (challenging traversal theme) and she's a flying type leader? Not to mention completely unaware of the kecleon infestation? Baffling to be sure.

    • 2 years ago

      I have to admit your reasoning is retarted. Flying types in trees make total sense.

      If i had to choose it would maybe be Fantina in Hearthome

      • 2 years ago

        If you only played Ruby or Sapphire, she doesn't even have a Tropius, which is really the cornerstone of the gym theme and is completely needed.

  4. 2 years ago

    Gen IV-I actually think they did a great job with this even if there was some recycling (rock type trainer in the museum city). I guess the one that's not perfect is Maylene in Veilstone. I think a rock(the city is cut into a mountain) electric, or steel(big city, modernization) type leader would be more appropriate but fighting is fine.

  5. 2 years ago

    Gen V-Again I think pokemon did a nice job this generation. My one complaint is Burgh. In the largest city in the region by far, with a massive port to its south (water, steel) a colossal bridge to its east (flying) and an expansive desert to its north(ground, rock) and even a large sewer system (poison) they settled on an eccentric artist with Bug types? A headscratcher. Why not take the metaphor further and make him a Queen Bee type if it's about the hustle and bustle and everyone living and working close together?

    • 2 years ago

      Nothing screams "Im from the city" than a pretentious artist

    • 2 years ago

      Artists gravitate to cities and they are often quirky weirdos hence his love for bugs over more traditional artsy Pokémon

      If I have to go with any leader being weird in a location I would go with jasmine since she used to be into rock types before going to the steel type, none make much sense for her location

  6. 2 years ago

    >Ghost type gym leader
    >In a bright desert city where the sun always shines
    Gordie and Ice mom somewhat makes sense in their city and Bea kinda works but Allister feels so out of place

    • 2 years ago

      this design is pure bait

      • 2 years ago

        Every female design is, so male ones being too isn't a surprise

    • 2 years ago

      The desert's isolated, mysterious, and spooky. Plus, there's ruins of a forgotten civilization just outside the city limits. Allister doesn't work as a leader because he's a little kid who can't even speak to people

    • 2 years ago

      The brightest place always hide the darkest shadows

    • 2 years ago

      most misused character and wasted potential
      fanart literally carries him

    • 2 years ago

      >>In a bright desert city where the sun always shines
      Deserts are perfectly spooky, them being large, harsh, and hiding ruins and and graves and unknown creatures are why jinn are thing.

  7. 2 years ago

    Viridian City and Giovanni feels like a pretty easy one considering he's basically just never there until you already beat his ass twice. The closest to a theme I could think of is using an unassuming town as a place where the literal mob boss lives, but that's kind of a stretch.

    • 2 years ago

      >kind of a stretch
      Is it? Real life mafia bosses often lived in gated communities, as far away as possible from their enemies.

      • 2 years ago

        Yep. Like that one mafia guy who was just driving around his quiet small town, enjoying the peaceful life away from work, until a MAGA schizo decided to whack him because he thought Donald Trump told him so.

  8. 2 years ago

    Volkner is so divorced from his city that frickin Flint and Jasmine BOTH have more presence there than he does, and more dialogue with the player too. Not to mention it's a seaside city that stretches over the ocean on skybridges, suggesting either water or flying type, but no he gets electric. All player direction and motive comes from other leaders in his own city, Volkner is just there to fight.

    • 2 years ago

      Those ‘sky bridges’ are solar panels. Pretty sure that was stated somewhere. Thought that was the whole point

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah ok, so why doesn't he use Sun at all in his battle? And give you Waterfall of all things at the end when despite being near the sea, there's no waterfalls around?

        • 2 years ago

          I know we call each other autistic all the time here, but you actually do have autism, don’t you anon?

          • 2 years ago

            Haha funny meme word, you really got me.

        • 2 years ago

          Why would he use Sun? It's sunny outside, not indoors. Sun also makes Thunder less accurate, there's literally no bonus to him having sun on hi team.
          > And give you Waterfall
          Because you need it to reach the E4.

          • 2 years ago

            Goddam you're stupid. None of his mons even know Thunder so it not benefiting is pointless. I'm saying that if the solar panels are meant to represent his influence on the city, they should carry over influence to his gym.
            >he gives you waterfall because he does
            Fricking moron, what a useless post.

            • 2 years ago

              >None of his mons even know Thunder so it not benefiting is pointless.
              So what you're saying is...he should run Sun...just to have Sun on his team, even if at absolute best, all it will do is give the player an advantage? And you're calling me stupid?
              >I'm saying that if the solar panels are meant to represent his influence on the city
              That's entirely headcanon. Volkner's actual contribution to Sunnyshore is the power outage that prevents you from entering the city till the end of the game because he's busy fricking around with his mess of a gym full of live wires and massive gears.
              >>he gives you waterfall because he does
              Volkner gives you Charge Beam, his gym badge lets you USE Waterfall, are you going to have a fit that he doesn't allow you to use Flash? Like that other anon said, you are dripping with autism, my friend.

              • 2 years ago

                Not the same person. But no you are point by point entirely wrong both about what you think I'm saying and what you propose in response, but your last two posts are so fricking stupid you spent worth the time it would take to convince. Evidenced clearly in
                >hurr durr, your idea for what could have been is actually just headcanon
                Yeah no fricking shit dumbfrick, that's what ideas are. You are literally too stupid to breathe.

              • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Volkner is depressed that he beats everyone like a chad that's why it seems that way. when he is beaten by the player he probably becomes more active in the community and strives to get stronger I think

      • 2 years ago

        In that case, showing a town burdened by the absentee nature of their commu its leader would have been the much more interesting route. Not just having every npc not notice, and put two other leaders in with a bigger role than him in his own city.

  9. 2 years ago

    What is wrong with you all? You're complaining that the characters aren't stereotypical enough?

  10. 2 years ago

    >dude the gym leader NEEDS to be a wacky cliche who matches the amusement park theme of their city!
    gen 5 was a mistake

    • 2 years ago

      yeah I don't get the point of the thread. all the gym leaders make complete sense to me

    • 2 years ago

      every single time

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Wow early designs were so fricking boring

  11. 2 years ago

    For me, it's Clair

  12. 2 years ago

    Fantina's the worst of them all. fricking MATH for a ghost gym

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