Would dice like this be tournament legal at something like a warhammer event?

Would dice like this be tournament legal at something like a warhammer event?

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  1. 2 months ago

    As long as they aren't weighted, I don't see why not?

  2. 2 months ago

    Those sort of dice tend to be incredibly unbalanced, so they would get you disqualified once attention is brought to them. Chessex dice aren't hyperprecision like caps dice are, but dice with extra stuff in them will be worse due to the different materials and how the settle in the die. Those are really more for display and posting on Instagram than using

    • 2 months ago

      How do they prove if someone's dice are loaded if they aren't clear like this? Do they cut them open like these fish

      • 2 months ago

        Salt bath. You fill a container with water and a ton of salt so that the dice can float then drop the dice in it and the heaviest side will end up facing the bottom.

        • 2 months ago

          Interesting. Thanks anon

        • 2 months ago

          I did this and ended up with a wet, salty dice at the bottom of a maximum salt saturation glass of water

          • 2 months ago

            based moron
            watch out for crystal growing infographics & mugbrownie recipes

          • 2 months ago

            unless your dice were made of stone, metal, glass, or something like that you were doing something wrong.

            At saturation a sodium chloride/water solution has a specific gravity (s.g.) of a little over 1.20 which is greater than the s.g. acrylic which is 1.18.

            Salt bath. You fill a container with water and a ton of salt so that the dice can float then drop the dice in it and the heaviest side will end up facing the bottom.

            Don't waste your time with salt. Sucrose, ordinary table sugar, dissolves to form a maximum 1.38 s.g.solution at room temp. About a 150 g of sucrose to 100 g of water will give you a s.g. around 1.3 while still being 50 g below saturation which is a lot less stirring.

            Protip if you really want to do it. Heat the water to boiling, measure out 100 mL which will be close enough to 100 g, stir in the 150 g as fast as you can, it will cause the water temp to crash but it's still better than cold tap water. Cover it to avoid evaporation.
            Even more protip: apply gentle continuous heat while stirring and weigh the solution to get the 250 g mass.

            Afterwards, enjoy the pretty colour. Place it between crossed polaroid filters for dextrorotatory fun.

            • 2 months ago

              Didn't know about doing it with sucrose. Thanks. Although now I'm reminded of why I dislike sweat tea.

              I saw a study the other day claiming that unbalanced dice and even some poorly loaded dice do not regularly affect the outcome of the roll in a meaningful way. Even big visible bubble inside only implies in a .5% loss of accuracy or something like that.

              Link? Sounds like a fun read.

              • 2 months ago

                >I dislike sweat tea.
                Apart from freaks I think the whole world hates sweat tea. 🙂

                Thank you for the detailed explanation. … I think I’m going to try a plant syrup next.

                You are welcome.

                Easier options may be glycerine, honey, or citric acid.

                Heat up the glycerine (from the baking section of you supermarket) or the honey as they are otherwise very viscous. Use a hot water bath, anywhere up to the boiling point of water but be careful as it's hot and sticky and will burn you worse than water at the same temp. Or you may be able to mix in up to around 20 mL of water per 100 mL of solvent.

                Or, you can try 50 g of citric acid, also should be found in the baking section, in up to 72 mL of water. This is just dense enough for even dense acrylic to float. You can use less water to make a denser fluid. It's much easier to dissolve than sucrose so start low and work your way up to 72 mL.

          • 2 months ago

            Use a denser liquid, like mercury.

            • 2 months ago

              Mercury's surface tension and its high density compared to acrylic means the dice don't float in the liquid but sit on it. It's about as effective as standing the dice on a table.

              • 2 months ago

                Maybe we can heat the mercury to make it expand to just the right density? Don’t mind the fumes.

              • 2 months ago

                You could try. If you did want to mind the fumes If you aerosolised sufficient quantities of sulphur you might be able to amalgamate the mercury before it was an inhalation risk though the resulting cloud of sulphur dust might be more like a brick wall than a cloud making it a little hard to see the die to see how it rolled.

                We might also need to cryogenically cool the acrylic because it melts at no more than about 215 celsius, by which point mercury's density has dropped from 13.6 tonnes per cubic metre, about 11 times more dense than acrylic, to 13.1 tonnes per cubic metre, which is about 11 times more dense than acrylic, and it still has that pesky surface tension.

                You might also run into the slight problem that mercury is still about 11 times more dense than acrylic at the time it starts to boil at about 356 celsius. The thermal expansion of a cryogenically cooled acrylic die rapidly contacting boiling mercury liquid could shatter or even explode which might affect its balance somewhat.

              • 2 months ago

                Thank you for the detailed explanation. … I think I’m going to try a plant syrup next.

    • 2 months ago

      I saw a study the other day claiming that unbalanced dice and even some poorly loaded dice do not regularly affect the outcome of the roll in a meaningful way. Even big visible bubble inside only implies in a .5% loss of accuracy or something like that.

      • 2 months ago

        As someone who has studied analytically, rather than computationally, dice rolling due to asymmetrical mass distribution, I'd be interested in reading that study if you have a link.

  3. 2 months ago

    Nope. Warhammer uses d6, so most of those would not be legal to roll there.

  4. 2 months ago

    >allowing things for "fun"

  5. 2 months ago

    The weight on those have to be way off. They really shouldn't be used for anything you want to be fair.

  6. 2 months ago

    Not too many Wargame tournies run on a full set of polyhedrals

  7. 2 months ago

    try to flush then down the toilet and fail, like that guy thay was caught using weighted dice in a 40k tournament not too long ago.

    they just wouldn't flush

    • 2 months ago

      I just don't understand you all's mentality how you're so hyper competitive and calculate ways to win but it eludes you basic concepts of posturing

      Like if I was cheating, I'd be like
      >Fine, roll my dice. How am I gonna make it always land on a 6? It physically has to land on something else at some point. How many rolls is too lucky? In what order? If I rolled a 3, 5, 6, 6, 2, how is that different than rolling a 3, 2, 6, 6, 4?

      And you know what? Id be fricking correct. Because theres literally no difference in practice. So it's only not cheating if I lose right? Guess my opponent was the cheater. Amugus

      • 2 months ago

        >how is that different
        In the second group the second value is 3 lower and the last is 2 higher otherwise the values are identical in both groups. Anything else you'd like help with?

        • 2 months ago

          And you think two digits is enough to prove anything?
          Just admit you're racist

          • 2 months ago

            >two digits is enough to prove anything
            double dubs of truth

          • 2 months ago

            Watch where you're pointing that accusatory finger mister. The list of different digits is [5, 2, 2, 4]. That's four digits, three if you want to be degenerate.

            Ten digits in the style of pic related prove anything I want.

      • 2 months ago

        Used to cheat in Pokemon as a kid. God that was fun.
        >you keep getting heads...
        >Fine, you choose the coin I flip. See? A tails.
        Or if they pick the double sided one because I'm not always gonna use the double sided one just as if you have loaded dice, only keep like one or two in a hand full
        >I know it seems bad but... No you can't touch my coin. You're gonna throw it against the wall or something and these are collectibles.

        Tbf I only would do it to kids I didn't know. I liked fricking with people. I still like fricking with people. Met my wife playing Pokemon. She saw right through all my devilish schemes lol

        There was that time I stole some girls cards too and when she caught me
        >Anoness I... I'll be honest I just was trying to get you to notice me. Like, youre really cute, and I didnt know how to just say hi
        She immediately went "Awwww" and my cousin in the back yelled OH THAT'S BULLSHIT

        • 2 months ago

          You sound like a manipulative devious little shit. I’m guessing you grew up and didn’t really change either because you were never forced to change. You’re probably the kind of guy who would emotionally and psychologically abuse their wife but get away with it because it never fully escalates into violence, only the threat of violence.

          • 2 months ago

            Ya caught me detective Pikachu lol
            But actually I love my wife immensely. The way I described it was imagine being blind and the first thing you see is like a puppy or a mountain top. Sure it's miraculous and a good first impression, but you quickly reqli how little beauty there is in the world and it's up to us to make more of it

            It starts with gaslighting homosexuals who care so much about a game made by a company that hates them

  8. 2 months ago

    You have to use gw dice, just like you have to use gw minis.

  9. 2 months ago

    >Would dice like this be tournament legal at something like a warhammer event?
    >GW Brand Fateblaster© Skullthrone© Dice© only or your a chud

  10. 2 months ago

    Of course. They’re just dice.

  11. 2 months ago


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