Would martial ladies in a fantasy world universally be considered a definitive upgrade from normal women or would they just be a fetish material for s...

Would martial ladies in a fantasy world universally be considered a definitive upgrade from normal women or would they just be a fetish material for some specific people?

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  1. 3 months ago

    They'd be considered a sign that the husband is very strong, as most women would refuse to enter a relationship with men weaker than them.

    And also "you are strong that means you'll give strong children". Both men and women can say this line.

    • 3 months ago

      Truly a strong warrior culture.


      Would martial ladies in a fantasy world universally be considered a definitive upgrade from normal women or would they just be a fetish material for some specific people?

      Physical fitness is always attractive. In a world full of monsters, fiends, and magically empowered buttholes it's practically a necessity.

    • 3 months ago

      >They'd be considered a sign that the husband is very strong, as most women would refuse to enter a relationship with men weaker than them.
      it's fantasy anyway, with these women often being as strong as men. so they could have cultures or groups where the husband is expected to be weaker

  2. 3 months ago

    Only if they don't smoke.

    • 3 months ago

      Shut the frick up, nerd.

  3. 3 months ago

    If childbirth is still dangerous and taxing on the mother for normal women then fantasy martial ladies are a strict upgrade in all the ways that matter, but not in the typical way they're portrayed. If magical and martial abilities have a high degree of heritability, magic can slow or prevent aging, high level characters are basically superheroes capable of face-tanking dragon's breath and falling 1000 feet off cliffs while shrugging it off, and there's still hereditary nobility and monarchies, then martial women with class levels or whatever equivalent become the ideal tool for nobility to sire as many heirs as possible.
    A normal, nonmagica commoner/aristocrat woman has to undergo a risky birth and then an average inter-birth interval of 36 to 59 months before undergoing another risky pregnancy and birth process again with plenty of points of failure or miscarriage. A gorilla woman martial whose kegels can snap steel is at no such risk and can churn out one heir after another with considerably less burden and no risk of death, while also protecting the fetus in a much more resilient housing, with a liver that can shrug off basilisk venom and abs that can deflect arrows you've got much less to worry about from potential assassination attempts or people trying to off your heirs. and if martial ability is heritable, then little baby hercules can strangles snakes in his crib once he's born and won't get sick or suffer illness when growing up.

    In a feudal society with bloodline nobility and primogeniture, the purpose of daughters is to be married off to secure alliances and produce an heir at all costs and their value is derived from these two factors. So to answer
    >e considered a definitive upgrade from normal women
    the answer is "Yes", they're a definitive upgrade in terms of producing more+better+safer children and an alliance from marrying one is also desirable since if they produced a gorilla woman martial daughter, her brothers and parents will also be strong

    • 3 months ago

      >women and men with decent base attributes get thrown into martial training from a young age.

      >Get deployed on tours of duty and serve a few years.

      >Get recalled after they've gained enough experience to serve as part of the eugenics program

      >Grind out children until the woman hits menopause.

      >The cycle continues with the next generation, repeat until you've bred a race of fantasy super soldiers.

      This is now how hobgoblins were made in my setting.

    • 3 months ago

      She'd be dysgenic because her fertility would be nonexistent (ignore morons like
      who try to argue otherwise). Wanting a mannish personality in a woman also makes you a sublimated homosexual.

  4. 3 months ago


    If he's not stronger than her, he wouldn't be getting it. (And of course, in these stories the hero is always stronger than everybody else at the end) In a world like this personal strength would matter more than anything else. She'd be able to take the throne for herself and there'd be nothing he could do about it because "muh blood" and "muh nobility" doesn't really mean anything in the face of the superman.

    • 3 months ago

      This, pretty much. That's why in my fantasy setting all the kings an emperors are extremely high level, and make enormous efforts to ensure that their offspring level up as quickly as possible as well. Because if they weren't, some random group of murderhobos would depose them for fun.

    • 3 months ago

      To elaborate:
      In a world where the span of human ability is a thousand times greater than in ours, and a singular individual can stand up to entire armies by virtue of being able to summon meteor storms or swing their sword hard enough to murder platoons of normal people at once, then, right from the beginning of history, humanity would be consistently under the rule of the Strong.

      The very first primitive human tribes? All of them united and led by warriors or sorcerers individually strong enough to beat the rest of the tribe by themselves. This would never change no matter the society. Throughout thousands of years, the concept of a "Warrior nobility where strength determines status" would become biologically engrained in the human brain.

      So, these nobles and royals, all of which would have been descended from people who took their nobility by virtue of excessive personal strength, would take one look at an invincible hero coming back after an adventure to murder Satan or whatever, and then bow their heads because in their society your ability to fight is what determines how high you can stand. It doesn't matter how smart you are, if you can't beat up your vassals in a 1v1, they're not going to respect you. Similarly, if the hero cared, no one would stop them from taking the throne for themselves. Once they understood how strong he was, they'd kneel by fricking instinct. The currently reigning monarch would either have to step down or try to duel the hero for the right to maintain their throne. (And the hero would have the right to call for a duel themselves, due to their status and glory from murdering Satan) And of course said monarch would get pulverized.

      And that'd be that.

      • 3 months ago

        >It doesn't matter how smart you are
        Intelligence and skills usually increase with level as well, so you should be fine there too.

      • 3 months ago

        And even if you have the GM warping logic and reality so that things somehow don't work this way even though they should, and society is closer to how it is in the real world, the history of this fantasy earth would still have plenty of examples of lots of people getting into trouble (read: mass death and destruction) because they decided to disrespect or abuse the superman, which would naturally mean states would be very lenient with people who proved themselves strong. The cost of trying to suppress them is more than the cost of letting them run free. If the great invincible RPG hero who scourged every dungeon and murdered every dragon and demon and giant monster on the continent and did all the sidequests to get the respect of every faction everywhere and is overall an unbeatable force decided that they didn't quite like how the monarch is treating them... I'm not putting my bets on the monarch.

      • 3 months ago

        Ok but what if 5 guys of equal strength who are not a strong as the ruler but are individually stronger than the rest of the populous agree to gang up on their ruler and split the territory
        Or what if the conquering hero refuses to take the throne because it does not interest him.

    • 3 months ago

      Single superhumans still need supporting personnel to do the grunt-work of enforcing policies, meaning that co-opting an existing system is greatly preferable to trying to build a new one on the ashes of what you toppled over. The thing to worry about here is her pasting the King the moment that she's secured an heir, as is the sole practical purpose of her following along.


      And that matters not at all if the entire royal guard can't stop her, which is especially relevant when she's made a living killing things to establish violence as a solution to her problems. The power structure only making sense so long as it gets lucky to not have outliers revolt for it being shitty to them is bad worldbuilding, no matter the trope consistency.

    • 3 months ago

      >If he's not stronger than her, he wouldn't be getting it.
      He'll be getting it because of his wealth and status. The people in charge don't need to be personally powerful, they just employ people who are powerful.

      • 3 months ago

        >if you can't beat up your vassals in a 1v1, they're not going to respect you.

        Nevermind that, disdain for merchants and people who try to get their way through gold is a standard feature of all warrior nobilities and most religions. The king would just get shit on.

  5. 3 months ago


    >you don’t have the world’s most powerful swordsman setting himself up as emperor

  6. 3 months ago


    Real world doesn't have superhumans.

    To elaborate:
    In a world where the span of human ability is a thousand times greater than in ours, and a singular individual can stand up to entire armies by virtue of being able to summon meteor storms or swing their sword hard enough to murder platoons of normal people at once, then, right from the beginning of history, humanity would be consistently under the rule of the Strong.

    The very first primitive human tribes? All of them united and led by warriors or sorcerers individually strong enough to beat the rest of the tribe by themselves. This would never change no matter the society. Throughout thousands of years, the concept of a "Warrior nobility where strength determines status" would become biologically engrained in the human brain.

    So, these nobles and royals, all of which would have been descended from people who took their nobility by virtue of excessive personal strength, would take one look at an invincible hero coming back after an adventure to murder Satan or whatever, and then bow their heads because in their society your ability to fight is what determines how high you can stand. It doesn't matter how smart you are, if you can't beat up your vassals in a 1v1, they're not going to respect you. Similarly, if the hero cared, no one would stop them from taking the throne for themselves. Once they understood how strong he was, they'd kneel by fricking instinct. The currently reigning monarch would either have to step down or try to duel the hero for the right to maintain their throne. (And the hero would have the right to call for a duel themselves, due to their status and glory from murdering Satan) And of course said monarch would get pulverized.

    And that'd be that.

    • 3 months ago

      I feel it honestly depends. Overlord actually points out how this works pretty well. You have characters like Gazef who can kill about a thousand men in a fight, but he'll still go down when faced with an army. He's also not cut out for anything other than being a warrior, so it's not like he can make himself King even if he had the ambition.
      It's like, how many people can someone about as powerful as Captain America punch out? Or a single Level 9 D&D Wizard? They're not world-shakingly powerful that's for sure.

      • 3 months ago

        >If he's not stronger than her, he wouldn't be getting it.
        He'll be getting it because of his wealth and status. The people in charge don't need to be personally powerful, they just employ people who are powerful.

        >how many people can someone about as powerful as Captain America punch out? Or a single Level 9 D&D Wizard?
        The original "hero" in question is
        >a girl who could slay a dragon or destroy armies.
        And if we look at the examples of typical anime/RPG protagonists, (as only these are ever this strong, literature heroes are more restrained, Hercules and Achilles not-withstanding) none of them ever have the personality to just accept any kind of abuse, not after the end of their adventure. And if we go for the western personality-less RPG protagonists, they're probably complete sociopaths with giant egos who kill people for minor slights.

        Like, there's a reason this sort of stuff is just not seen in any story but the ones where the hero turns into the new villain. It doesn't take a genius to know that mistreating the Chosen of The Gods Satankiller Dragongenocider Castleplunderer could only result in that.

        Like you all know those old super-edgy animes and VNs from the late 2000s and early 2010s where the hero comes back from his journey but then the people who sent him on the journey in the first place betray him or shit on him in some way and so he becomes the new Demon Lord and then you get 100 chapters of revenge porn? Those were never all that popular, but they're essentially the end result of this kind of thing.

  7. 3 months ago

    Certified nogames thread

    • 3 months ago

      Honestly, I think OP has had too many games and his tomboy fetish is mixing with his worldbuilding instinct.

  8. 3 months ago

    made for blue coffee making men

  9. 3 months ago

    Are bodybuilder women considered a direct upgrade or just niche fetish material?

  10. 3 months ago

    Realistically they'd give off strong dyke vibes.

  11. 3 months ago

    I'm curious now; what systems would be best to emulate Project Moon's setting of eldritch horror and cyberpunk hopelessness?

    • 3 months ago

      The copout answer is GURPS because GURPS autism. I've been trying to rejigger Chronicles of Darkness for a Ruina style game, which could by that extension work for Limbus. Lobotomy Corporation would probably be Delta Green for both your Clerk and Agent needs, as long as you bother adding some higher tech equipment for agents to play with.

  12. 3 months ago

    Call of Cthulhu? Well I think in general the sanity loss would reduce their attractiveness to the general public, but truth be told if you are the kind of person who does battle with the occult then you can probably only relate to people that fit that description so any damage you experience in the line of your purpose would be ignored by any potential suitors.

  13. 3 months ago

    Blah blah blah OP is a homosexual that wants to get pegged.

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