Would N64 0 have been a better game than the Gamecube version?

Would N64 0 have been a better game than the Gamecube version? It would have had the faster paced RE1-3 style gameplay instead of the slower remake movement. Plus it probably wouldn't have had the terrible Opera Marcus since he only shows up in FMVs in the final game.

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  1. 8 months ago

    Depends on whether you are an OG RE1 person or a REmake person. I prefer the 1996 game so RE0 64 looks very interesting to me.

  2. 8 months ago

    Yes, it would have been.

    The main issue with RE0's gameplay is that the gameplay doesn't feel fun because animations are too long. But if you check the videos for the N64 version, the models and animation are directly straight ouf of RE2, so gameplay would have been just as tight as in RE2.

    As for the rest, everything points out that all gameplay elements, all mechanics, all location and progressio, story too, etc everything would have been identical. So the only evidence of it being different would be models, animations, and the graphical style of the background, which was more colourful on N64 than the "we have 6 shades of brown + one shade of red" of the final version.

  3. 8 months ago

    >Plus it probably wouldn't have had the terrible Opera Marcus since he only shows up in FMVs in the final game.
    He's in the early concept art too. The whole thing was stupid as frick and doomed from the start.

  4. 8 months ago

    It would have been more interesting. On the GC it had the misfortune of being the lesser of two very similar games.
    We also, don't know when they decided on all of the stupid gimmicks in 0 (no item boxes, AI partner shit). If the N64 version didn't have that, that would immediately be a better game. And I half suspect that stuff was added in after Code Veronica and the remake had come and gone, because there was a perception that RE was getting stale by that point.

    • 8 months ago

      >We also, don't know when they decided on all of the stupid gimmicks in 0 (no item boxes, AI partner shit).
      Planned from the very beginning.

      • 8 months ago

        I don't know why people were so fixated on getting rid of item boxes.
        >hello, yes, I'd like to walk all the way across the map to pick up that item I dropped that I didn't know I'd need
        Literally all the games needed was a "send unwanted item to the box" function, to cut down on the down time spent running back and forward.
        Better yet, just don't have key items take up space in your inventory. Let me carry all of them. What difference does it make? As long as I only have like four slots to carry weapons and healing items, the survival part of the game is maintained.

        • 8 months ago

          No, the point of limited inventory is factored into the survival and planning aspect. Limits make games better, hence why modern games are mostly shit.

          • 8 months ago

            Having to go back to the box to grab the crest to put it into the door isn't really survival. That's just busy work.
            The fact that you only have so many bullets and heals so you have to use them wisely is the survival part.

      • 8 months ago

        It’s pretty clear that the 0 devs had the idea of zombies on a train, the partner system and removing item boxes and the rest was just sort of reverse engineered around that.

  5. 8 months ago

    It's interesting how the whole vibe of the game is almost RE1 but better.
    The aesthetic is very RE1, but those background renders look more in line with the level of quality of RE2, since the 3D artists better knew what they were doing by that point.

    • 8 months ago

      I have never played RE0 but here is my take on it.

      I think the very concept of the game is actually flawed. A Resident Evil game that takes place on a train? And a prequel at that? Even just looking at this gameplay video I can see two big issues with it right off the bat that would have frustrated most players. The game is very claustrophobic and you get enemies sandwiching you from the front and back. I'm sure RE0 had more locations than just that train but its a pretty damn terrible setting for an RE game to have.

      This concept in my opinion would have worked a lot better as some sort of an extra game mode similar to RE2's fourth survivor mode and Tofu. Just an added bonus not a whole entire mainline game. Its a pretty crappy first level/area for a zombie game. Again I don't know of the other locations that are in this game I'll have to check out a playthrough of it to see but this leads me to another point. If they really wanted a prequel game a better idea for that would be having you play as one of the scientists during the whole mansion incident. Imagine you play as that very first zombie you meet before he turned into the zombie? This would have made for a much more interesting prequel in my eyes. Might also explain certain things like why there is so much ammo lying about in the mansion, why there is a broken shotgun, and so on.

      Rebecca in RE1 doesn't even let Chris know she's experienced all this stuff before the mansion. She should never have been involved as a character for a prequel game. Companies tend to do this so much where they needlessly make their IP complex creating plothole issues and retcons.

      Considering what I heard of RE0 the game wasn't great anyways. Okay at best is what I seen often said about it.

      • 8 months ago

        The game doesn't take place on a train. You start on a train, and then transition to a mansion. The train segment is maybe the first half hour.

        • 8 months ago

          Hmm thanks for letting me know. Might have got a bit carried away with the post since I should play RE0 anyways but I'm sure one day I'll get around to it. How is RE0 btw? I liked RE1 remake but eventually I came back around to preferring the PS1 game since I feel it played better and had better use of color. So an N64 RE0 probably would seem more appealing to me at this point than the GC or remastered game.

      • 8 months ago

        >prequel with Rebecca

        YES. This is a good idea. but it should have been Forest or some other partner rather than that. What we wanted was the Alpha team prequel. Instead, rebecca literally just leaves the location of Re1 and goes on this unrelated whimsical adventure on a train at some other facility. At hat point why not just make a new game rather than prequel? And Rebecca mentioned NONE of this in RE1? The implication is that she got separated from the others, and then spent the last few hours hiding out in the store room.

        This is how I'd do it:
        >Becky is the hero and you play as her
        >team arrives, quickly separated
        >work through the mansion
        >find the train and frick off with that
        >partner is an Umbrella scientist/guard
        >get stuck at this location
        >then have to come back
        >Separate from the guard/scientist
        >now you play the rest of the game from RE1's perspective but Rebecca
        >Becky explores the mansion behind Chris and Jill
        >have to play a segment with the guard sidekick at the other location, who needs to find out how to destroy the mansion for good
        >relays info to Becky
        >Becky then has to blow up the mansion
        >runs into the tyrant between the first and second fights and it runs away
        >she explores more of the lab facility
        >at the end she agrees to omit her sidekick from her report and she says goodbye on the radio
        >arrives at the helipad as Chris blows the Tyrant away with a rocket launcher

        So half the game before RE1, half during, and half the locations being elsehwere.

        • 8 months ago

          My issue with this is I think that a game that finally gets away from the stars members and has its own cast of characters completely unrelated to them would have been a better idea. We have had so many games with them to the point that these aged characters are still around in their old age fighting abominations that they can't really be scared of anymore. This is actually a good reason why the series became so much more action based as it went on. Why would Chris, Leon, Jill, Rebecca and really all the rest of them have any fear anymore when they've been through these experiences a near dozen times already? Seems like Capcom knew this too.

          With characters unrelated they can try making a scary game out of the series again. That is why I'd say a prequel game with the scientists in the mansion would have been nice to see. They could have did a lot of unique things with the concept never before seen in the series or possibly even in gaming either. Its a good setup since the scientists in the mansion and lab all slowly turned into zombies over time. Not truly understanding how screwed they got until it was too late. Imagine you play as one of them unnamed that somehow got to run away and survive the whole ordeal.

      • 8 months ago

        >I'm sure RE0 had more locations than just that train but its a pretty damn terrible setting for an RE game to have.
        ironically the train segment is almost universally regarded as the best part of the game. it all goes downhill after. it's comparatively unique as you then go on to a mansion/facility, factory, and somehow wind up at the RE2 marshalling yard again, so that didn't help the complaints of RE games getting stale by that point by putting you in practically the same old locations again and again. further not helped by it's similarly desaturated color palette as REmake, so its all just blends into one big brown and grey samey blur.

        Hmm thanks for letting me know. Might have got a bit carried away with the post since I should play RE0 anyways but I'm sure one day I'll get around to it. How is RE0 btw? I liked RE1 remake but eventually I came back around to preferring the PS1 game since I feel it played better and had better use of color. So an N64 RE0 probably would seem more appealing to me at this point than the GC or remastered game.

        RE0 is by no means a bad game, but i would personally say its the bottom of the barrel for classic fixed camera/tank controls RE. some put CVX in that same category, and CVX has its fair share of flaws, but i still think 0 is worse. having said that, i'd still say its like a 6 or light 7/10 and worth playing through at least once.
        that classic core RE gameplay is just always a good time, Rebecca is a cute, there's fun silly costumes (on the Steam release anyway), the unlockable Wesker mode is fun, and despite its desaturated color scheme, the animated pre-rendered backgrounds are the best of its kind.
        there's a lot of things worth complaining about, even down to just the game existing at all as a Rebecca prequel that obviously is going to end with you using massive guns to blow up giant mutated bosses, only for her to go back to being a defenseless frightened kid in RE1. but i'd be lying if i thought it was outright unplayable shit. it's a lowpoint for the classic games, but the series overall has had much much lower lowpoints like Umbrella Corps and shit.

        >I liked RE1 remake but eventually I came back around to preferring the PS1 game since I feel it played better and had better use of color

        • 8 months ago

          Someone high up at Capcom clearly REALLY wanted to do zombies on a train since it always existed at every stage of development. I don’t think they had any clear idea what to do after, so we ended up with another generic sort of mansion environment. Similarly, Capcom made several attempts to do zombies on a cruise ship.

          • 8 months ago

            That's kind of a core problem with the game. The train is really cool, but you can't set an entire game on a train, because trains are tiny, and basically consist of one long corridor, so what do you do with the rest of the game? Just fill it with a slightly flat rehash of RE1, I guess.
            Maybe the game would have worked better if part of it was set in some kind of mountain town, like Twin Peaks. Makes sense that that might be somewhere in the vicinity of the Spencer Mansion, a short train ride away.

  6. 8 months ago

    >It would have had the faster paced RE1-3 style gameplay
    2 and 3 are hardly in the same category. 3 is a lot faster. from the assets i personally believe it would have been a hard RE2 clone. just like how Code Veronica ended up to be despite next gen graphics.
    i would KILL to play the OG game but i'm happy with what we got. it's not a complete carbon-copy of the PSOne era RE games and it feels super fresh. i wouldn't want to miss that

    • 8 months ago

      I'd rather it just was a carbon copy of PS1 era RE. I'm not a fan of the changes to the formula that game made. That's really what holds it back from being otherwise pretty good, in my mind.

  7. 8 months ago

    This topic surely warranted its own thread instead of asking in an already pre-made RE thread.

  8. 8 months ago

    Probably not.

  9. 8 months ago

    Come to think of it, do you even need a limited inventory at all? Is that adding anything to these games, beyond a minor bit of roleplaying immersion (which you then ruin by having a magic box that transports your items around the house).
    What actually changes if you can carry all of your weapons? You're still going to be disincentivised from wasting ammo.

    • 8 months ago

      You have to weigh the relative efficacy of the weapon, ammo available, and how much space the weapon+ammo occupies in your inventory to determine what all you should take with you. Like you have to determine is it worth it to take the grenade launcher with you, when all you might face in this stretch are zombies, which would generally be a waste of launcher ammo. So you'll take the pistol and ammo as backup, leaving limited space for healing items, especially since you also have this new key. Granted, some of this is negated when you already know where everything is, so you know you know when you're going to face a boss or a particularly Hunter-infested hallway and that you should take your grenade launcher and herbs with you instead of wasting space with your handgun.

      Presumably the idea was to differentiate it from an action game where all that matters is how much ammo you have.

      • 8 months ago

        >You have to weigh the relative efficacy of the weapon, ammo available, and how much space the weapon+ammo occupies in your inventory to determine what all you should take with you
        If the game was a random roguelike or something I'd agree, but what inevitably happens in RE is that you realise you should have brought the shotgun because this segment is mostly zombie head poppin' and that's what most of the ammo pickups are. So next playthrough you do that segment with the shotgun. Because it's better. Now the item boxes do nothing because you know when to use the handgun, when it's better to use the shotgun and when it's hunter or boss time.
        RE games are too easy to optimise. Unless you drink yourself to amnesia between playthroughs you're going to use your prior knowledge to know what's coming up and at that point the limited inventory isn't even a speed bump, it's just an extra activity you have to do between sections.

  10. 8 months ago

    re0 magic elevator is when the franchise jumped the shark, they were truly out of ideas by then. but hey how many times can you remake the same game

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