Would Rick Grimes survive in the Resident Evil universe?

Would Rick Grimes survive in the Resident Evil universe?

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  1. 3 months ago


  2. 3 months ago

    A man with a baseball bat and a handful of people with guns were enough to force him and his friends to be slaves for like two years and entirely relied on forming connections with a bunch of other enslaved groups and some guy that could control a tiger just so mount a movement against this guy. You think he can genuinely fight off even basic Lickers or dogs? Hell, there are multiple times during the show (No clue about the comic) where Walkers nearly killed him or put him in an extremely vulnerable situation. Now imagine if they were like three times as fast.

    • 3 months ago

      The problem is that in combat he usually has to defend people way weaker than him. There are many times in the show where he becomes a beast and kills zombies like nothing.

      • 3 months ago

        >There are many times in the show where he becomes a beast and kills zombies like nothing.
        There are also many times where he basically bolts if a small group are on him or he has to deal with stuff on his own. Rick's shown to be good at improvising but not even close to the levels of any RE protag and he's not even going against high tier zombies or anything. Just basic guys who walk into electrified fences.

        >and some guy that could control a tiger
        damn i really gotta get back to watch this

        Don't. Everything after Negan gets introduced is some of the worst TV you've ever seen. Negan is literally the only good thing about the show after that point. The tiger itself is entirely CGI and is some random guy's pet, Carol is said guy's friend and pretty much left the group with Daryl if I remember right, Rick and his buddies are all just cowering trying to get Kingdom's help to overrun Negan, you have this dumbass group called the Whisperers that live in a garbage field and act like stealthy ninjas, etc. The only decent part at all outside of Negan is the episode where Rick finds some people from season 1, that's it.

        • 3 months ago
        • 3 months ago

          >bolts against a small group
          Depends on context really
          Is it worth the effort? Do you have a weapon that wont get stuck? Do you have a escape route without obstacles?

        • 3 months ago

          Are any of Ricks chilluns aliens?

        • 3 months ago

          >is the episode where Rick finds some people from season 1,
          who from S1 are still alive?

          • 3 months ago

            Only the commando old hag i think

          • 3 months ago

            That stands on the premise that you actually get bitten and die to zombies.

            How does that change the fact that zombies are so slow you can literally walk away? Or the fact that a group of people can just tie knives to sticks and spear from safe distance absolutely endless amounts of zombies? When the show wishes to show that like in prison clearing, its fine. But for some plot needed situations people apparently stand until zombies slowly walk up to then.

            Remember fear the walking dead cartel on road scene? He just kept standing trying to reload as they were walking up to him. Very slowly. He could literally just walk away. This is lazy writing

            >That stands on the premise that you actually get bitten and die to zombies.
            No, it doesn't. If you breathe you become a zombie when you die. So anyone who dies of old age, a wound, or anything else becomes a zombie in addition to anyone bitten in general. Get shot? Zombie. Food poisoning and die? Zombie. Infection from a wound? Zombie.

            • 3 months ago

              Again, how would they die unless they are killed by zombies. That should not be a problem by day 3 of the outbreak when everyone has seen people who died rise as zombie. Just be wary of people who can die of natural causes like old people and have them sleep separately. Again, non-issue. Just walk away

              • 3 months ago

                >Again, how would they die unless they are killed by zombies.
                Because countries like India, China, and Africa would instantly become overrun without the military being able to do much of anything just due to population density. Hospitals would become spawning points for zombies. Nursing homes would also. Random assassinations or deaths in general would become zombies. New York, Chicago, and California would become overrun just because of population density. Sure, eventually the military would get its gears moving but it would take a day or so before people knew what was going on and was a serious thing, and then by that point you'd have millions of zombies roaming around. It would also take a bit longer to figure out that everyone is infected and then life as we know it would have to be changed entirely due to buildings needing to be zombie-proofed, a cure needing to be found, etc.

                There's a good chance a lot of counties outright just fold due to the amount of deaths they have happen in confined areas and natural causes.

              • 3 months ago

                I mean countries in Africa, but the continent would be completely overrun. Maybe they could defend themselves better considering all the guns around.
                There's also the whole issue of mass panic happening that governments would have to deal with including looting, murders, rapes, etc, which would spawn even more zombies to deal with. It's basically a ball rolling down a hill that escalates incredibly quickly.

                Walkers are also shown to be able to run, play dead, ambush, and chase people instead of just walking which further adds to their lethality.

              • 3 months ago

                If you think the military is competent for anything that doesn't involve full scale war you're moronic, at best they will not do anything and at worst they'll just bomb the shit out of cities that are deemed "lost", also you are missing the most important part, (You) depend of the grocery store to survive, and you also depend of the water pipes, both which will instantly collapse as soon as a worldwide chaos arise

              • 3 months ago

                Okay. Millions of zombies in usa. There are billions of bullets just in usa. How is that a problem for military to clear out everything once there is an understanding about what happened.

              • 3 months ago

                Because you will have zombies spawning near you taking out homes of people due to natural causes which leads to them ambushing random people leading to the constant spreading of more zombies. This also assumes you immediately know zombies are real and not a day down the line when an entire city has been turned. You'll also be dealing with zombies spawning in every single city, state, and country across the world simultaneously potentially going unnoticed for a day or two and there will be one zombie spawning every 10 seconds according to census.gov.

                You would have mass panics across the world and it's a phenomena that can't be stopped because a death in general spawns a new one. You need to kill the zombie to actually kill that person.

              • 3 months ago

                Okay. Why do people still die 10 years after apocalypse then. They have knowledge. They have safe bases. They are far from cities and zombies generally. They know not to get ambushed. They dont even need to put themselves in dangerous situations. Yet they still somehow get bit. Its moronic.

              • 3 months ago

                Because people are stupid, but I agree, dumb writing. Everyone should know how to quarantine someone who is at risk of dying and act carefully around them. The main threat of the Walking Dead after one or two years is just the desperate people and not knowing how the infection works unless you get "Lucky" like Rick's group did to figure it out. It's crazy how no one makes killboxes or anything to make getting jumped by any zombie almost impossible. They did this at the prison then they seemed to forget about that idea outside of the Saviors and their spike traps I guess.

                Negan was such a cartoon character that it made the show feel unbelievable to me.

                Actor wasn't even bad, the writing was just so bad it killed the show.

                I'm with you there. The Saviors as a whole are an unbelievably stupid group to believe exist.
                >Negan somehow doesn't get assassinated by any of his 10 or so concubines, half of which who openly hate him and are scared of being killed.
                >Everyone higher up in the Saviors has a gun but no one takes a potshot at Negan despite him abusing them or just unceremoniously executing or torturing people for the most petty of reasons.
                >All of Negan's right hand people are sociopaths who also somehow don't get killed or revolted against.
                >Civvies are fine living in his dictatorship where they randomly get killed for fun.
                >Negan's demands of groups are impossible as they have to produce a ridiculous tithe within like a week or two that would be completely impossible to procure after a month or two of scavenging because at that point it would take you longer to venture out to scavenge for stuff to give to him than you have between tithes.
                >Only way you can survive is to already have some sort of farm set up that produces food year round.
                >Because your settlement tends to get disarmed by them it's virtually impossible to scavenge safely to begin with.
                But somehow everyone thinks the Saviors are sustainable and Negan is both reasonable and a sociopath at the same time.

              • 3 months ago

                >Okay. Why do people still die 10 years after apocalypse then
                Humanity turns itself into the enemy. People are tribalistic by nature. When society collapses, everyone is on their own to fight and survive. Humans kill each other when they run out of food. Humans kill each other for shelter. Humans kill each other because psychotic people are now above the law. The zombies are just filler things you have to constantly be wary about and not exactly the main threat anymore. The only time zombies really were a a threat in later seasons was when they were either ambushed by them (falling out of a ceiling, opening a door to like 20 zombies, etc) or were in massive waves (like 20,000+ zombies).

              • 3 months ago

                Okay. Why do people still die 10 years after apocalypse then. They have knowledge. They have safe bases. They are far from cities and zombies generally. They know not to get ambushed. They dont even need to put themselves in dangerous situations. Yet they still somehow get bit. Its moronic.

                You also have to take into account. Zombies never sleep, zombies don't need to eat, zombies never run out of energy, zombies never get distracted by emotions like losing a loved one, zombies just kill.
                So sure you can outrun a zombie army marching towards you, but then where will you sleep? What will you do if the place you decide to sleep in is now surrounded by zombies and you are trapped with no food? You don't have enough ammo to blast through 5000+ zombies, since you need to hit headshots. You don't have a car or gas. You are stuck in a 3 story building with zombies on all sides until someone else outside can distract them away from you. What do you do?

              • 3 months ago

                I think the pandemic showed us that we would not handle a zombie apocalypse well.

              • 3 months ago

                >comparing people freaking out over toilet paper to a mass killing event with the living dead literally rising from the graves & eating people alive

              • 3 months ago

                Its an artistic interpretation of what would happen if we decided to be complete idiots whole time for the sake of the plot. Realistic walking dead would end on episode 3

        • 3 months ago

          Negan was acted well, I can't remember the name of the actor, but he's great. Morgan I think. But Walking Dead turned to shit real quick, and I disliked the Negan character, because the series always had issues with logical ideas/actions, but then it just gets so much worse and nothing makes a lick of sense.

        • 3 months ago

          KNOCK KNOCK

        • 3 months ago

          I loled when I saw the Garbage people. It was something out of Australian sci Fi tv show.

        • 3 months ago

          Hey moose
          Neegan's actor was really good and was on par with andrew lincoln, who carried the entire show on his fricking back for a decade. The writing throughout is generally bad, but it's enjoyable in a slop type of way. It's worth watching all the way through just for RIGG's performance, even with all the shitty writing and weak acting on the majority of everyone else

          • 3 months ago

            Oh definitely Rigg was great too. They both carried the entire show on their backs with Daryl playing support, it's just that Rigg wasn't as interesting during the Alexandria stuff until much later and Negan completely stole the show from him during almost all of those seasons.

            • 3 months ago

              Yeah I completely agree
              Aparently he's the focus of a new show? Idk they should have just properly killed him off at the end when he "found 'em"
              Who even cares about walkingslop anymore at this point?

      • 3 months ago

        That sounds like shitty writing

      • 3 months ago

        In a show where 90% of the time characters have a 100% (headshot) accuracy

      • 3 months ago

        >the gaggle of cannibal boomers trying to molest Coral in-front of him before they all end up in the pot
        >breaks the shackles and tears one their throats out with his teeth
        Metal as frick

      • 3 months ago

        >when he bit through the old man's neck and then gutted the fat rapist guy to save carl
        Man, walking dead kinda sucked ass a lot of the time, but some moments were frickin nuts and I liked that. Negan was cool

    • 3 months ago

      >and some guy that could control a tiger
      damn i really gotta get back to watch this

      • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        Dont, its not worth it
        Show dies completely the moment Ricc leaves

      • 3 months ago

        No. Ezekiel was a shit character.

    • 3 months ago

      In a RE4 scenario, Rick could make it all the way to the castle no problem

      • 3 months ago

        >Morir es vivir...morir es vivir.....morir es vivir....

      • 3 months ago

        Nah. He gets fricked by El Gigante

      • 3 months ago

        >implying he would survive the 1-eye bandit with the chainsaw or the village chief

    • 3 months ago

      Negan was such a cartoon character that it made the show feel unbelievable to me.

      Actor wasn't even bad, the writing was just so bad it killed the show.

      • 3 months ago

        >Actor wasn't even bad
        he wasn't Negan-y at all
        Negan isn't supposed to be a used car salesman that smokes weed he's supposed to be like a professional wrestler who became showrunner in the Zombie Apocalypse nobody believes weak ass old ass Jeffery Lean Morgan can kill anyone with a baseball bat

        whispery pussy could never give a speech like pic related

        Remember how TV Negan always whispered? God I hate the show.

        • 3 months ago

          I love that Negan in the comics says the most outlandish shit and gets annoyed when his men don't understand what the frick he's talking about. actually realistic take on characters who talk like that.

    • 3 months ago

      >handful of people
      They were able to block and be at multiple/all obvious roads in the backroads of Virginia and have multiple outposts absolutely filled with people. The Saviors were hardly "a handful of people".

      • 3 months ago

        I'm talking about how they managed to lock them into Alexandria outside of their minor excursions which themselves primarily always ended up with them at the same checkpoint of like five people. They did take said checkpoint down (With major trouble) and immediately got people killed for it.

    • 3 months ago

      >and some guy that could control a tiger
      damn i really gotta get back to watch this

      TWD became absolute fricking dogshit after the Governor story arc, so what was that, like after Season 4 iirc?

    • 3 months ago

      I stopped watching when Neagan showed up. He ruined the show for me.

    • 3 months ago

      I don't know about the show, but wasn't Negan gang at least 200 people?

  3. 3 months ago

    not at all, Walking Dead don't have special infected and almost everything in RE is a special infected

    • 3 months ago

      >Walking Dead don't have special infected
      hahahah you fricking wish they added them in the last 2 seasons

      • 3 months ago

        THE COMICS don't have special infected, the TV show died after season 8 for me. Should've died after 2, but it was a family tradition thing that we tried to force until we gave up.

        • 3 months ago

          The show died with the Governor

          • 3 months ago

            Punished Governor

        • 3 months ago

          Agree, the first seasons of that show was so good. Then it just became an un watchable train wreck. Don't know how you screw up a show this bad.

      • 3 months ago

        >hahahah you fricking wish they added them in the last 2 seasons
        wait what

        • 3 months ago

          They added smart zombies that could climb, use objects etc. In Daryl Dixon spinoff there are acid zombies in France. In last episode some french scientist created some shit they could inject zombies. Zombies after that shit were stronger, faster and more aggresive.

        • 3 months ago

          They added smart zombies that could climb, use objects etc. In Daryl Dixon spinoff there are acid zombies in France. In last episode some french scientist created some shit they could inject zombies. Zombies after that shit were stronger, faster and more aggresive.

          Don't forget the zombie king

          • 3 months ago

            The WHAT

            • 3 months ago

              yeah they just straight up had rick fight a lich with a magical sword

              • 3 months ago

                yeah sure

              • 3 months ago

                yeah rick had to go save carl from the zombie king who was using him for his magical phylactery and rick went "let go of carl you skinny son of a gun" and they had a 10 minute shitty cgi fight

  4. 3 months ago

    No, he'd pee on a high voltage wire.

  5. 3 months ago

    Is this show still going? For that matter... are comics still going?

    • 3 months ago

      comics ended, the show ended but got spun off into multiple series because AMC needs a cinematic universe too so they can feel like a big boy

      • 3 months ago

        Did the comics say what caused the walkers?

        • 3 months ago

          IIRC I remember lots of posting that it was basically aliens

  6. 3 months ago


  7. 3 months ago

    he would survive RE1, RE0, and maybe RE7

    • 3 months ago

      He wouldn't even survive 0. The leeches alone would kill them all

      • 3 months ago

        0 is so moronic that it is considered un-canon despite what anything 'official' says. There is literally a door in the leech mansion (in the arklay mountains) that connects directly to the underground lab under raccoon city for example. Honorable mention to the moronic sephiroph looking villian in an otherwise 'grounded' horror story about midwest police combating biological terrors.

    • 3 months ago

      No chance in hell. The leeches eat him alive.

    • 3 months ago

      RE monsters are perhaps the deadliest in zombie fiction, you will not survive unless you are Captain America like the protagonists

      He wouldn't even survive 0. The leeches alone would kill them all

      In a RE4 scenario, Rick could make it all the way to the castle no problem

      Do RE rules aply, as in the character won't die by an otherwise lethal wound, and herbs just magically instantly heal people?
      S1-Mid S2 Rick would get fricked over regardless.
      S3-S4 Rick would survive RE1, 2, 3, 0, and probably CV, and 7.

      S5 Rick is some RE4 or 8 tier character.
      RE5 and 6 are way to over the top for Walking Dead, and Rick basically peaks in early S5 anyways.

  8. 3 months ago

    RE monsters are perhaps the deadliest in zombie fiction, you will not survive unless you are Captain America like the protagonists

    • 3 months ago

      Rick has the plot armor

  9. 3 months ago


  10. 3 months ago

    TV show Rick Grimes leveled up hardcore this year why are you posting Season 3 shit

    • 3 months ago

      he took the creed and has a wrist blade now.

    • 3 months ago

      >leveled up hardcore

    • 3 months ago

      He came back?

  11. 3 months ago

    Rick isn't a full on action hero like Leon or a Boulder punching frick like Chris. He'd be totally fricked.

    • 3 months ago

      >Rick isn't a full on action hero like Leon or a Boulder punching frick like Chris
      Are you sure about that haha holy shit he knows judo and flies a helicopter now

  12. 3 months ago

    Depends, can he play piano?

  13. 3 months ago

    I still don't understand the premise of this show. So there are zombies, but they are so slow you can just walk away from them?

    Can someone explain how did whole society collapse or why are there characters still dying to zombies when you can just look around and walk away from them?

    • 3 months ago

      I think that everyone who dies turns into a zombie no matter the cause, not sure though

    • 3 months ago

      Try not being a zoomer and reading the zombie survival guide when it was still fotm

    • 3 months ago

      I think that everyone who dies turns into a zombie no matter the cause, not sure though

      In Project Zomboid, which clearly inspired by TWD, they added just one thing, ONE THING, said that virus also airborne. That's why society collapsed in few days. Seems TWD virus kinda overlooked
      >why are there characters still dying to zombies when you can just look around and walk away from them
      Well, it's like one person vs 1000 zombies. He/she eventually dies to dwindling resources and body too tired.

      • 3 months ago

        zombies in twd arent consistent at all and it's entirely up to the showrunners on their powerlevel. Some episodes they turbo and others they're shambling jobbers.

      • 3 months ago

        They didn't. What do you think the hilarious "We are The Walking Dead™" speech was about?

        It immediately follows the revelation that they're all infected.

        • 3 months ago

          moron, watch the show again.

      • 3 months ago

        >Project Zomboid, which clearly inspired by TWD
        All these years later I still want to recreate some Prison vs Woodbury drama but the frickin devs need to add NPCs first

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah but you can still runaway around the corner and by then just lose them? Also how did the army lose? Literal army bases with thousands of personnel and probably millions of bullets in warehouses at those bases. Still got overrun? It makes no sense.

        • 3 months ago

          Well if everyone that dies turns into a zombie anywhere in the world you do have a monumental problem, 150000 people die every day

        • 3 months ago

          Romero zombie settings are typically a bit illogical when you think about it for any length of time.Best i can offer is that in the face of the undead, everyone just entered a state of paralytic panic for 24 hours.

    • 3 months ago

      Everyone who dies becomes a zombie with no way to prevent it and if you're bit you also turn in I think a few days. So you have to be constantly vigilant and burn or maim the bodies of people who died very recently. They nearly all die in the prison because someone died within the prison and turned.

    • 3 months ago

      The setting of TWD assumes that anyone who dies from any cause at all automatically becomes a zombie in like a few hours or so. And getting bitten is a death-sentence as well. So you're basically looking at rapid levels of exponentially growing hordes which you can do nothing about since even one person dying or getting bit can horrifically snowball.

      • 3 months ago

        Everyone who dies becomes a zombie with no way to prevent it and if you're bit you also turn in I think a few days. So you have to be constantly vigilant and burn or maim the bodies of people who died very recently. They nearly all die in the prison because someone died within the prison and turned.

        That stands on the premise that you actually get bitten and die to zombies.

        How does that change the fact that zombies are so slow you can literally walk away? Or the fact that a group of people can just tie knives to sticks and spear from safe distance absolutely endless amounts of zombies? When the show wishes to show that like in prison clearing, its fine. But for some plot needed situations people apparently stand until zombies slowly walk up to then.

        Remember fear the walking dead cartel on road scene? He just kept standing trying to reload as they were walking up to him. Very slowly. He could literally just walk away. This is lazy writing

        • 3 months ago

          Okay, so just walk away from them until they lose sight of you? Make base on a ship to sleep overnight if you cant? How can they be a mortal dangerous when you can walk away from them? A person can walk endless for hours without getting tired unless they are obese

          The big issue is how many of them there are, but even then, the world military should have in no way lost to them in any manner.

          • 3 months ago

            And then you couple this with the fact that United States has more guns than the people with extremely high per capita gun ownership outside of cali and new york, again makes no sense why they would still be struggling after initial outbreak.

            I feel like in reality even if it was 28 days later/zombieland fast zombies, by first year most of the rural areas would be wiped clean of any zombie threat.

          • 3 months ago

            Right now theres 275 million people in the US. Maybe 2 million are active military, tons more with their own firearms and police. Societal collapse is another thing to being outright overwhelmed by these things, even if lets say 100 million got infected in some mass pandemic.

            • 3 months ago

              Exactly. Let's not forget how many bases there are that are on remote islands and so on. I cant see how the army would not be capable of retaking the country within at most a year or two.

              Every walking dead army scene to date has showed soldiers panicking, not being able to shoot or just doing something plain illogical.

    • 3 months ago

      It takes place in the Deep South, intelligence plummets heavily. The setting also stupidly says the entire government and military were taken out by slow moving monsters. Or that wildlfie didnt fight them off or that they somehow are still able to move with their corpse rotting from the elements. Remember, a healthy 450lb tiger got killed easily by 5 corpses.

      • 3 months ago

        It really reminds me of Crossed and hwo the writing has to bend over ass-backwards to justify why these things weren't wiped out in a week by any remotely competent armed force or by a group of wild animals.

    • 3 months ago

      >Can someone explain how did whole society collapse or why are there characters still dying to zombies when you can just look around and walk away from them?
      unironically play they are billions and you'll get your answer

      • 3 months ago

        Okay, so just walk away from them until they lose sight of you? Make base on a ship to sleep overnight if you cant? How can they be a mortal dangerous when you can walk away from them? A person can walk endless for hours without getting tired unless they are obese

    • 3 months ago

      It takes place in the Deep South, intelligence plummets heavily. The setting also stupidly says the entire government and military were taken out by slow moving monsters. Or that wildlfie didnt fight them off or that they somehow are still able to move with their corpse rotting from the elements. Remember, a healthy 450lb tiger got killed easily by 5 corpses.

      Dont forget about how sometimes zombles are too weak to break through the door of a camper van but are also sometimes strong enough to tear people's limbs off or whatever

      • 3 months ago

        Even if zombies were fast and strong. All it takes is a trip to a gun store and you have enough ammunition to safely clear out the surrounding 10 kilometres and establish a safe location.

        • 3 months ago

          And what if it was already looted? Or what if there were people there that wanted it for themselves so they killed you?

    • 3 months ago

      "People bad"

    • 3 months ago

      >why are there characters still dying to zombies
      Usually they get trapped by a horde or get bitten by a ninja zombie that somehow managed to perfectly sneak behind the hardened veteran survivors despite the fact they can't stop doing groaning zombie noises so anyone not deaf could easily hear them coming.

  14. 3 months ago

    >rubs head

    • 3 months ago

      I really wish they made a what if Shane was still alive side story. Would've been interesting to see him deal with future threats.

    • 3 months ago

      Mask joo sumfin

    • 3 months ago

      >Thangs ain't like they wuz, rig

    • 3 months ago

      Mask you sumfin Rig. It don't be like it do but it is?

      • 3 months ago

        fricking israeliteflix man

    • 3 months ago

      >scratches ears

  15. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      seeing ltg ragequit every time a negan player fought him was gold

  16. 3 months ago

    How the hell was negan, the most villianious of villians, not get killed off in either the comic or show? Was he just too based and liked by readers/viewers?

    • 3 months ago

      He was literally carring the show for like 3 season, i'd argue that he still does

      • 3 months ago

        still does? I thought twd was done? the main series at least.

        • 3 months ago

          Honestly i don't know, i just assumed it was still going on because of some adds that i see every once in a while

        • 3 months ago

          Main series is done. Now they continue with spin-offs. Basically mini-sequels for some characters.

    • 3 months ago

      Customers loved comic Negan but they thought TV Negan was shit because the actor is a skinny pussy and he isn't allowed to say Negan's iconic words like frick, fricking, frickety, footpussy

  17. 3 months ago

    Reminder that a crossover between TWD and Telltale games were considered

    • 3 months ago

      the only linkage is that larry's daughter (lilly?) ends up joining the governer's forces and ends up killing him after she kills lorry & baby.

  18. 3 months ago

    >Good shot
    >Willing to compromise his own moral code to survive
    >Ruthlessly violent when necessary
    >Extremely lucky
    >Police background, has police connections

    He's a perfect fit for the main cast of resident evil already, so yes. He's extremely likely to survive Racoon City and 80% of what the universe can throw at him

    • 3 months ago

      >He's extremely likely to survive Racoon City
      He'd get torn apart instantly by Lickers or dogs. Or die to Mr. X.

      • 3 months ago

        >He'd get torn apart instantly by Lickers or dogs
        Considering a rookie cop with extremely poor input controls and no ammo could kill or escape from dogs and lickers - yeah Rick would probably survive.
        >Mr X
        Once again, Rick can just run like Leon would. Rick only has the benefit of being a more experience cop.

        If Leon can do it in 2 then so can Rick. Hunk would probably decimate them both btw

        • 3 months ago

          >Considering a rookie cop with extremely poor input controls and no ammo could kill or escape from dogs and lickers
          Leon from like, the very first day on the job was blatantly superhuman. And even then, if a Licker gets its claws on him, he's generally fricked. The canon animated movies show that even the basic zombie dogs can keep up with speeding motorcycles and flatten cars by jumping on them. Rick is not surviving that.

          >Once again, Rick can just run like Leon would. Rick only has the benefit of being a more experience cop.
          The many times TWD just stand still and let Walkers approach them and then eat shit says otherwise.

          • 3 months ago

            those shitty cgi movies are basically anime in how they depict how powerful people, and the monsters they battle, are. Rick has stupid amounts of plot armor on par with the RE cast so I see no reason to think he wouldn't survive the mansion incident going forward. It's not like chris was roid-tittied b***h punching boulders in re1. Start rick off in first game and he builds his shonen power level as he progresses.

          • 3 months ago

            >The canon animated movies show that even the basic zombie dogs can keep up with speeding motorcycles
            The canon Resident Evil video games also make them as slow as a mobility scooter and Leon basically so inept at moving he might as well be drunk in Resident Evil 2.

            Rick wouldn't have an easy time escaping Raccoon city , he's just likely to survive compared to anyone else in that situation. He carries around a 44 like Dirty Harry because he's a southern hick who thinks that cool and he's actually a pretty good shot with it and has a very high capacity for violence and the ability to have government connections and charm people as a deputy sheriff would irl.

            There's always just the random chance he runs in Mr X and gets mogged immediately before he even understand sheta zombies are, but that's the same as Leon. Rick is also stupidly lucky like Leon , so, yeah he makes sense in terms of being able to survive. If Carlos can survive for awhile then so can Rick

            • 3 months ago

              Well, by RE logic the 44 magnum is by far the strongest handheld weapon ever made so he should be able to take Mr X assuming he saves up his ammo.

          • 3 months ago

            >The canon animated movies show that-
            Black person the damnation lickers and Tyrants are far more advanced versions of their RE2/Racoon City iterations, and literally take place around 7 or 8 years after RC.
            The fricking DOGS specially from VENDETTA are from some post RE6 time, so likely about 15ish years after

            And remind you of the ridiculous power creep of Resident Evil, a Tyrant in RE1 takes one single rocket to kill, by RE5 Wesker takes rockets JUST to be STUNNED.
            And in RE6 Simmons gets hit by a train, shot by a helicopter, shot a couple hundred times more by a machine gun and sporadic fire, fell down a skyscraper, got stung by FRICKING LIGHTING SEVERAL TIMES, shot by another rocket that caused him to fall down the skyscraper AGAIN only to FINALLY DIE BECAUSE OF IMPALEMENT, then bleeding out in the cringiest fricking scene in which somehow he has about 5 tons of blood that is somehow enough to paint the entire Umbrella logo in the ground for no reason despite them having collapsed like 10 years prior.
            Also he turns into a giant dinosaur, spider, and I think to a giant fly, that btw CAN FRICKING FLY.

            There is a very natural reason why they had to scale down from RE6. NOBODY can survive that, that shit was beyond Captain America shit by then.

            • 3 months ago

              >Also he turns into a giant dinosaur, spider, and I think to a giant fly, that btw CAN FRICKING FLY.
              He also turns into a weird fricking badger/bear/tiger thing with an organic machine-gun on its back.

        • 3 months ago

          Everyone in Resident Evil is an ubersmench though.

    • 3 months ago

      Remember that the cops at station where sabotaged by the police chief, so there is a big chance he dies due that unless he just arrives like Leon.

      • 3 months ago

        True, but Rick has the same crazy luck and will to survive as Leon so he's about as good as it realistically gets.

        Now when it comes to re4 tier Leon, Rick isn't going insane gold med Olympics tier gymnastics like Leon and dies pretty quick. But in terms of Racoon City overall, he would one of the few who could probably survive and escape

        • 3 months ago

          I can't really remember what's the craziest RE2 Leon action, but if we go by REmake, you have Jill shooting a Railgun with her bare hands, so Leon should be somewhere around that level.

      • 3 months ago

        I don't know re lore what did the chief do.

        • 3 months ago

          He liked to experiment in the basement and was on Umbrella's payroll

        • 3 months ago

          He was payed off by Umbrella and was a mad scientist in his spare time.

          • 3 months ago

            He liked to experiment in the basement and was on Umbrella's payroll

            Damn so he experimented on his cops man

        • 3 months ago

          He sabotaged the radios and phone lines, moved all the weapons and ammo around, and locked all the doors so the cops were unable communicate and had no equipment.

          • 3 months ago

            Holy frick that must be crazy. Imagine being a cop in that moment.

  19. 3 months ago

    what happened to maggie

    • 3 months ago

      She is now Naggie

    • 3 months ago

      She got hit by the wall

      • 3 months ago

        lauren still looks pretty decent at 42

      • 3 months ago

        She looked hot as frick on that newish Tim and Eric show. She was never a 10/10 but she’s cute and I would love her forever.

        • 3 months ago

          t. Glen

    • 3 months ago

      How do Sam and Dean fare in Resident Evil?

      • 3 months ago

        We know how they do against threats without plot armor granted by Chuck. The answer is hilariously fricking poorly - even basic vampires can kill them.

      • 3 months ago

        We know how they do against threats without plot armor granted by Chuck. The answer is hilariously fricking poorly - even basic vampires can kill them.

        Ignoring the later seasons and the chuck shit, they probably still wouldn't make it. As much as I love the characters, they still frequently get pretty beat up even against some more minor threats.

      • 3 months ago

        Get all the way to the end and randomly die on a rusty spike.

    • 3 months ago

      I dont watch the show anymore but apparently she starts fricking neegan (who killed her husband) asians always lose

    • 3 months ago

      Watch Dead City to find out, she has some uggo short hair and face full of aids. Negan also takes a huge part in that show

    • 3 months ago

      She's a troony now.

  20. 3 months ago

    >Terminus arc

  21. 3 months ago

    if you want to i guess, since both are fictional universes it would depend in how the storie is written

  22. 3 months ago

    with the tyrants, lickers and hunters around? frick no

  23. 3 months ago

    Well, first we need to check out his gear, he has a Magnum which is ver strong, he almost certainly has a 9mm and a melee weapon, he also cannot heal with green herbs at all but i'm sure he can use the first aid kits, if he's wise and saves up his magnum rounds he should be able to mske it through RE2 at least, anything beyond that snd he gets instantly fricked

  24. 3 months ago

    > resident evil universe

    Are you kidding? ANYONE ON Ganker can survive RE . Fricking slow ass zombies walking towards you wow so scary. 0 and 1 just fricking out run them 2 or 3 just hold up in a room and wait for rescue if not just run out the city.
    Frick man just give me a pistol and id survive the mansions and the city.

  25. 3 months ago

    Would an attention whorig tripgay survive the Walking Dead universe?

  26. 3 months ago

    This show became a parody of itself really fast towards s3 or something.
    The moment they tried to frame Shane as an evil person I understood none of the characters deserved to live.

    • 3 months ago

      Shane was just ahead of the curve. The show would've taken a drastic turn for the better if he was still around.

    • 3 months ago

      >The moment they tried to frame Shane as an evil person
      Trying to frick your best friends wife (and also attempting to murder him) is evil bro. He wouldn't have had to die if not for this.

      • 3 months ago

        She was the one stirring shit up and being unfaithful to begin with.

      • 3 months ago

        the only evil person in the show was the wife lmao
        every one else that did despicable shit, was only doing so to survive. products of their times

        • 3 months ago

          shane was trying to kill rick because he wanted his wife

  27. 3 months ago

    never watched the walkind dead but this live performance is fricking kino

  28. 3 months ago

    Better question, would Bill survive?

    • 3 months ago

      Probably, but he'd still need to be careful. Green Flu special infected ain't no joke, but B.O.W.S. are so much worse.

    • 3 months ago

      Nobody in L4D is a lone wolf. One smoker would have achieved the same result as 3 tanks because nobody was there to help him.

      • 3 months ago

        True, but there aren't special infected that will make you immobile in RE, are there?

  29. 3 months ago

    >that Darryl spin off where he travels to Paris
    >where he finds out the virus was man made by a couple of seething french scientists
    so that happened
    >the spin off where everyone gets nuked to death
    >the immortal Rick spin off with Sharonee black woman

    • 3 months ago

      >the spinoff with Uncle Bully and his bright white pickup truck
      I heard they killed him off in the first season to focus on his wife and her two homosexual kids. That was an interesting premise since it focuses on the early days when everyone was dropping left and right like flies. Reminded me of the opening sequence to 28 Days Later if you got to see the cities slowly turning to shit.

  30. 3 months ago

    His new show could've been so good.
    >Meets a cool and powerful character
    >Finally acceppts his place in the world and grows from it
    >Becomes a high raning military soldier
    >Helps the new powerful character to lead a revolution within the new society he's in
    >Uncovers more secrets about the secret city as Rick climbs up the ranks
    >Sets up military bases all across the country and helps save the world
    Unfortunelaty this was only the first episode and now it's about that ugly Black person Michonne.

    • 3 months ago

      >advertise with recognizable main character
      >its actually a bait and switch for a diverse woman show

      its just the way things are now

  31. 3 months ago

    I remember at some point they find out the black dude from episode 1 is still alive and he became a jedi master.
    This show really was a joke.

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah that guy became the main character in the spin-off series

  32. 3 months ago

    the guy from the Simpsons?

  33. 3 months ago

    Frick no, he's an butthole who wouldn't even survive his own world without the massive plot armor.
    Constantly flip flops his morality to whatever is the worst possible choice at the moment. Shows mercy to super evil people then acts hostile to innocent or neutral people.

    Travels around to various communities that are all more successful than his and are surviving perfectly fine before he shows up, "helps them" then gets everybody killed in a few months repeating this formula over and over.
    Negan in contrast was basically right about everything, his only flaw was being too sadistic.

  34. 3 months ago

    >put on riot gear (like Glen did after prison got fricked by the Governor)
    >slay countless amount of zombies
    >they pile up on you
    >die if there's noone to save you
    I swear, TWD writing was garbage, just fricking take some shields and spears and move in lines with some pals behind you to tag in if you're getting tired. they did just that at the end of the show and it worked

    • 3 months ago

      >s1 they discover that they can hide from zoombs if they cover themselves in gore
      >proceede to NEVER use this strategy again, despite it seeming to work effectively

      • 3 months ago

        They use it a couple times later in the series, one of the bad guy factions uses that tactic exclusively but it seems pretty stupid in general.
        >Zombie bites 100% will kill you with no cure presumably from their saliva entering your bloodstream.
        >Lets cover our entire bodies in their blood and guts, surely nothing could go wrong
        At the very least they should have made some kind of hazmat suit to wear underneath.

      • 3 months ago

        They used it when Carl got shot in the eye

    • 3 months ago

      It would take a bit of work but something like a poleaxe or a rhomphaia would tear ass through swathes of zombies. Cast iron falx would be another good choice too.

  35. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      Moose seems cool, tho

      • 3 months ago
  36. 3 months ago

    Since making TV shows from cartoons/vidya/anime is becoming popular.
    What are our chances, TellTale bros?
    This already has all the brownie points the big suits like, so they don't even have to change much.

  37. 3 months ago

    What a shit series, I could tell it was going to be garbage since episode 2 but everyone keep praising it.
    It was garbage through and through.
    It's all about zombies and surviving not fricking romance, what the frick

  38. 3 months ago

    >is unable to effectively deal with infected humans, who are only able to hunt him at a slow walking pace and have ridiculously squishy bones
    >even regularly gets ambushed by them
    >very poor leadership qualities, is not able to lead large groups of people, always ends up getting most of them killed
    >has to constantly flee from places his group settles
    >shizophrenic and crazy, when he deals with other people, doesn’t honor agreements
    >randomly extremely hostile to newcomers, doesn’t know how to make use of free manpower
    >randomly spares his enemies, gives infinite medical supplies and food to the few newcomers he accepts, doesn‘t know how to make them not a burden to his group

    Rick Grimes would not survive long. He lives in a world that‘s basically a paradise for military age, healthy men. No taxes, no regulations, plenty of loot and an infinite amount of land to claim and your only enemies are malnourished hobos, who walk in your direction at a walking pace. The fact that he is struggling in such an open playground tells everything. The faster Zombies would kill him and his poor leadership qualities would make cooperating with other groups needlessly complicated and hostile.

  39. 3 months ago

    you mean ME?

  40. 3 months ago

    For my is world war z

  41. 3 months ago

    not really

  42. 3 months ago

    All i want is Rick in a Resident Evil game this ain't fair

    • 3 months ago

      >that big ass gingernut with the Elvis impersonator friend
      >baby eater from Terminus

  43. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      Why did they keep Shane for so long? I read the comics years ago but I specifically remember him having a meltdown and getting shot by Carl WAY earlier

      • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago


        This, Twilight was still pretty popular by then.

  44. 3 months ago

    How would Ganker do a resident evil mmo? Would Ganker have the whole world fall to the monsters and you're just trying to survive or would you work for the governments of the world trying to stop outbreaks?

    • 3 months ago

      While I wouldn't be so bold as to assume what Capcom would do... be so easy to convert the instanced raid/dungeons into compact outbreaks. In fact the Outbreak games would be a good model if they wanted to make the game puzzle based.

      -Start a scenario with an objective to go to X and get Y or escape Z.
      -Build puzzles as gates to the progression
      -Place as obstacles to solving the puzzles
      -Branch pathways so that splitting up to accomplish parallel objectives or slow progress to keep the party together or Rambo solo players.

      The question is are these scenarios going to be framed as survivors going through one hell after another trying to make it out of an outbreak. Or special forces going int to a quarantine zone to clear it out. I feel like as the game progresses the former framing would just dry up, but I don't think anyone finds the BSAA of USS as compelling as STARS or the RPD.

  45. 3 months ago

    I mean he basically fought a store brand Iron Maiden.

  46. 3 months ago

    >apocalypse series
    >no big guy in frick off metal armor making him invincible

    • 3 months ago

      >zombie media
      >no guy just running around in a dog training suit
      all you need is a face covering and you are factually immortal

    • 3 months ago

      It's so bizarre how this almost never happens.

  47. 3 months ago

    AMWF supremacy

    • 3 months ago

      american mega wrestling federation?

  48. 3 months ago

    youre probably gay if you watched more than one episode of this shit

    • 3 months ago

      didn't ask Black person

  49. 3 months ago

    Burn Local

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