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Would you recommend this game?

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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    Just go hunting irl

    • 9 months ago

      We said yesterday, but this time I'm flat out saying play Way of the Hunter

      • 9 months ago

        >Way of the Hunter
        Buyer's remorse. Developers claim realistic animal behavior or whatever but it's even more mechanical with the whole need zone shit. The main character is a whiny, insufferable moron. MUH ETHICAL HUNTING. Got tired of him within 10 missions.


        Would you recommend this game?

        Purchase base game, pirate all DLC with creamapi.

        • 9 months ago

          Didn't know deer had such big brains wtf

          • 9 months ago

            Deer spelled backwards is Reed = Read. They average at least 10 books a month. Fricking nerds.

      • 9 months ago

        It definitely has issues of its own but overall I'd also encourage Way of the Hunter. The 1km+ draw distance alone is what makes it better.
        I also love the map designs, I think they're wonderfully made and I want my horror game to have similar look and scale

        >Way of the Hunter
        Buyer's remorse. Developers claim realistic animal behavior or whatever but it's even more mechanical with the whole need zone shit. The main character is a whiny, insufferable moron. MUH ETHICAL HUNTING. Got tired of him within 10 missions.
        Purchase base game, pirate all DLC with creamapi.

        This is something I wish they would get away from. I hate that Call of the Wild has popularized it so much because roaming animals are pretty much never found anymore. As much as I like WOTH, that's an area where it disappoints for me.

    • 9 months ago

      hunting irl fricking sucks

      • 9 months ago

        How so?

        • 9 months ago

          Not that anon but hunting on public game land really does fricking suck for a number of reasons I will not elaborate on because Starfield soon.

          • 9 months ago

            No, I can understand why. Still, it’s good real life survival practice when shit hits the fan.

          • 9 months ago

            skill issue and/or you live in a shithole state

      • 9 months ago

        Anon, this game sucks more.
        If you're gonna spend hours tracking rabbit shit might as well do it for real.

    • 9 months ago

      Lol, lmao even
      You think the soicuck Blacks on this site can even shoot a gun?

  2. 9 months ago

    Way of the Hunter.

  3. 9 months ago

    way of the hunter runs like fricking SHIT

    • 9 months ago

      >Just enable DLSS PC chud :^)

  4. 9 months ago

    Oh shit CotW thread?

    -default weapon bullet trajectories (for calculating how high or low you should be aiming): rifle: 150m handgun & shotgun: 50m bow: 20m crossbow: 30m
    -more penetration ammo = better 9/10 times aim at cervical spine, heart, lungs, liver it will always kill
    -you can calculate how far an animal is from you (before getting the good binoculars) by tagging an animal and hovering your mouse over their icon on your map (the map has to be zoomed in for this icon to appear)
    -bow and bolts are affected by wind direction with longer shot distances = more effect
    -deploying a structure (such as a tent or hunting structure) spooks everything around you in a ~300m radius
    -riding the ATV constantly spooks everything around you in a ~300m radius
    -animal tracks are mostly worthless unless they lead to/from need zones since they'll always be ~150m ahead of you
    -don't try to hunt animals in thick vegetation it's a waste of time as a rule of thumb if you can't see/spot the animal it's not worth stalking it
    -foliage/vegetation is mostly worthless for hiding your presence and the only thing that really matters on whether animals detect you or not is your stance (standing/crouching/prone)
    -warning call = an animal is about to spook near you, go prone an don't move for ~10 sec and then try to locate it
    -animals which have been spooked once cannot be attracted with a caller
    -animals will usually return to their need zone once after being spooked, they won't come back after being spooked a second time and instead will move on to the next need zone
    -hunting pressure: rifle/shotgun/handgun lets you kill max three animals before need zones are deleted unless you're shooting from a hunting structure / blind then the max is 15, bow/xbox generates less hunting pressure I think same as blind
    -animals 200m or further from you cannot hear gunfire and will not spook
    -animals will not render at distances further than 450m

  5. 9 months ago

    I bought the base game for cheap and it’s a very empty experience, very grindy and not a lot of firearms. I bought the dog DLC and will more than likely pick up an extra map or two when they’re on sale. It’s an OK game

  6. 9 months ago

    The game has issues for sure like every other hunting game but it's also the best hunting game. I put about 100 hours in it and planning on putting in more slowly over time. It's just a nice comfy game you can pick up and play whenever.

    People saying to just go hunting in real life are dumb. Sure hunting in real life is also a great activity but a simulated version of it offers you a more casual experience in the comfort of your own home and doesn't compare to the real thing. They both offer their own experience and I like being able to play with tons of different firearms in many different areas of the world hunting a huge assortment of different animals. Doing the same thing in real life would cost tens of thousands of dollars in a short span of time and require a huge amount of free time away from other responsibilities.

    • 9 months ago

      Haven't played it in like 2 years (quit when they refused to hotfix animals disappearing outside of render becoming unclaimable)
      Has the game substantially improved since then? It seemed like WOTH pushed them to make a few changes.
      Also do all the Whitetail still have basically the same antlers?

  7. 9 months ago

    Played it for hundreds of hours but the bugs (some of which are several years old) drove me nuts in the end.
    The devs only care about selling more DLC as frequently as possible.

    • 9 months ago

      The only bug that really pissed me off was the broken neck camera bug when getting off an atv on a slope. Holy SHIT.

      • 9 months ago

        It wasn't just the quantity and severity of the bugs that made me uninstall it for good. It was also how the devs genuinely don't care. Some bugs (like a fast-travel point not working) are *extremely* easy to fix...but they are left to rot for *years*.
        And let's not forget how every time they add a new map they reintroduce old bugs to existing maps. I pity the poor fricks who bought this game for duck hunting.

  8. 9 months ago

    No. Day Z standalone is unironically a better hunting game. The Hunter just completely misses the point and is a guided hunt simulator on public game land. No one who actually hunts wants to put up with all the homosexualy shit that entails in a video game. It feels dystopian as frick. They missed the mark and ontop of that the game is extremely janky and low quality. Yes, even compared to the Day Z standalone.

  9. 9 months ago

    Didn't they kill off their modding scene? The mods are the only reason the game was playable
    >extended draw distance
    >Weapons with actual pen
    >Placing way more tents and shit

  10. 9 months ago

    dont give those fricks money. they are the most greedy and incompetent devs ever. they only exist because they are a little bit better than the rest of the hunter games. frick those israelites

    • 9 months ago

      It took them over 4 months to 'hotfix' the issue this anon mentioned

      Haven't played it in like 2 years (quit when they refused to hotfix animals disappearing outside of render becoming unclaimable)
      Has the game substantially improved since then? It seemed like WOTH pushed them to make a few changes.
      Also do all the Whitetail still have basically the same antlers?

      • 9 months ago

        took them over 1 year to fix the wrong sound for the red deer. really was to hear elks in central evrope.
        plus they gave completely up on realistic herd movement and spawning. at this point animals just spawn around you with moronic rates.

        • 9 months ago

          But don't worry - They fixed the nasty, game breaking bug that allowed you to place any trophy on any plaque in the lodge
          Phew, glad we caught THAT one, fellas

  11. 9 months ago

    are ducks fixed yet?

    • 9 months ago

      What’s wrong with the ducks

    • 9 months ago

      The ducks? What's up with them? I don't hunt them

  12. 9 months ago

    Hell yeah it's great and no other game comes close to the experience
    Besides actual hunting

  13. 9 months ago

    Hunting is for gays

  14. 9 months ago

    No bigfoot to hunt?

  15. 9 months ago

    Only if there's a patch you can still do this on


    • 9 months ago

      >318 MPH

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