Would you say this ranking is mostly accurate when it comes to how influential the battling mechanic updates were for each of the listed gens?

Would you say this ranking is mostly accurate when it comes to how influential the battling mechanic updates were for each of the listed gens? The order for the first four I'm certain on, but I'm not sure if 9 had more updates than I'm aware of or 8 is closer to 7 mechanically than I realize.

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  1. 7 months ago

    >how influential the battling mechanic updates were for each of the listed gens
    anything with 4 not being first is a shitty bait

    • 7 months ago

      Special split
      Crit rate
      Dark and Steel
      Freeze nerfed
      Properly functioning phasing moves
      Egg moves
      Ghost going from being NVE to SE against Psychic
      Freeze nerf
      Sleep nerf
      and a whole lot more
      Abilities (which is what puts it over 2)
      IVs being reworked
      EVs being reworked
      Double Battles
      Freeze nerf
      Sleep nerf
      and something else really important I'm missing since it's 4AM

      • 7 months ago

        >egg moves
        Yeah, 2 also added breeding and pokemon genders for other mons besides the nidos

      • 7 months ago

        the sleep nerf happened in gen 1
        all gen 2 did was change base rby from ~7 turns down to 5 or 6


        Would you say this ranking is mostly accurate when it comes to how influential the battling mechanic updates were for each of the listed gens? The order for the first four I'm certain on, but I'm not sure if 9 had more updates than I'm aware of or 8 is closer to 7 mechanically than I realize.

        >Would you say this ranking is mostly accurate when it comes to how influential the battling mechanic updates were for each of the listed gens?
        From earliest to latest, singles only,

        there's gen 2 which became bulky RestTalk meta with the slowest chip in the world off one spikes layer; weather is largely irrelevant, but still; modernized crits changed it fundamentally from gen 1, removed nigh unbreakable freeze, made phazing moves usable in battle; introduced held items; introduced baton pass; introduced dark and steel; introduced trapping: 10 factors

        there's gen 3 which centers around 3 layers of spikes, abilities that revolve around keeping and removing spikes, natures that focus on better doing said job, EVs that focus on better doing said job, killed RestTalk the hardest of all gens (switching out resets sleep counter for turns Sleep Talk was used), uncapped stats from 999; made sleep 4 turns max; introduced choice items: 8

        gen 4: made you actionable on turns where foes fainted, instead of consuming your turn; physical special split; introduced stealth rock and toxic spikes; introduced u-turn; expanded choice items; hidden power is special: 6

        gen 5: introduced hidden abilities, gems, and sleep that resets upon switching no matter what, eviolite, regenerator, heal pulse, magic bounce, prankster copycat roar and prankster assist roar; rocky helmet: 9

        gen 6: introduced usable defog, mega-evolution, killed prankster roar, buffed knock off; fairy type: 5

        gen 7: z-moves; terrain: 2

        gen 8: dynamax; move purge: 2

        gen 9: terastalization, tera blast; shed tail; good as gold: 4

        • 7 months ago

          Terrain was Gen 6

  2. 7 months ago

    gen 2 should absolutely be at the top, this image demonstrates little understanding of how cracked gen 1 is and how much of it was fixed immediately

    3 vs 4 for second place is a tough one. while abilities were clearly a bigger change than p/s, the actual abilities in gen 3 itself had drastically less of an impact than they would in later gens

    gen 5+ all has the same combat as 4 and ranking them is splitting hairs

    • 7 months ago

      Gen 2 was in development for four years.

      • 7 months ago

        >Gen 2 was [schizo headcannon]

        • 7 months ago

          >But even so, the original Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver had a very difficult birth. Those titles were released in November 1999 which means that it took three and a half years to complete them.

  3. 7 months ago

    This is wrong on so many levels.

    Gen 5 introduced HIDDEN abilities and is put under gens with literally "ehy look at my gimmick that is going to be relevant for 3 years at best"

    then how can you balance the fact that early gens literally created the game as we know it (double battles, abilities, physical/special splits) but the latter gen fine tuned stuff (grass immune to spores, electric immune to para*, nerf to para confusion and stuff)?

    This seems like an autistic paradigm where stuff is classified according to arbitrary values.

    Gen 6 introduced terrain, gen 7 made them relevant, gen 8/9 nerfed/removed them.
    how do you "calculate" that?

    • 7 months ago

      >Gen 5 introduced HIDDEN abilities
      This isn’t a new mechanic.

    • 7 months ago

      >ehy look at my gimmick that is going to be relevant for 3 years at best"
      5 I later said in the thread I'd move up because of introducing new battle formats, but it'd still be well below 6.
      >Gen 6 introduced terrain, gen 7 made them relevant, gen 8/9 nerfed/removed them.
      how do you "calculate" that?
      The gen where the mechanic was introduced would take priority, with gens where they're directly changed following it.
      3, 2, 4, 6 are well above everything else (hence the use of 2x>) as they had most prominent changes and additional mechanics added out of the eight items being listed, with the other four being much more difficult to evaluate (which is why I even asked the question on here as I wanted to get some input from other anons).

    • 7 months ago

      >Gen 5 introduced HIDDEN abilities
      lol who gives a shit. gen 3 introduced abilities and gen 4 was already giving older pokemon new abilities

      • 7 months ago

        >lol who gives a shit
        Yeah I personally wouldn't count them as anything major as they're really just a second/third ability option when Gen 4 was already doing essentially the same thing from a generational shift.

      • 7 months ago

        hidden abilities were explicitly designed to be overpowered
        they didn't even release all of them initially either and even went and retconned some

      • 7 months ago

        That's what I'm talking about.
        what does it mean "more useful" sure gen 3 introduced abilities as a concept but only like, 2 abilities are actually good and still relevant, sure gen 2 introduced hold items but it's later gens that introduced actually useful items, so how do you give non arbitrary values to that?

        • 7 months ago

          Introducing the mechanic would be more important than expanding upon it imo.
          For example, weather in Gen 2 was essentially irrelevant, but it was still the gen in which it was introduced so it should get credit for that.

  4. 7 months ago

    Lol 4 is a way bigger deal than any other gen and not much happened with 2

    • 7 months ago

      >Lol 4 is a way bigger deal than any other gen
      >not much happened with 2
      both factually incorrect

      • 7 months ago

        A bunch of small changes comparable to the changes made in any gen don't stack up to physical/special split.

        • 7 months ago

          then you never played RBY nor GSC competitive metas, zoomie
          zero frame of reference

          • 7 months ago

            No I didn't, I don't care about comp at all and see it as entirely inconsequential to the franchise as a whole, and embarrassing. Just people switching the same 10-15 pokemon for half and hour and pretending they are having fun.

            The fact is the biggest adjustment has to be made when moving between gen 4 and previous gens, and that can't be said about 3 or 2. You don't walk into a gen 1 game from gen 2 thinking "man, I got to pay attention to freeze" and you don't go from 3 to 2 thinking "man I gotta figure out how to not have abilities". You ABSOLUTELY have to adjust everything you do for the lack of physical/special split when moving back to any gen 1-3 game, making it very obviously the most significant mechanical change in the history of pokemon by a mile.

            The way you discuss this topic is completely uninteresting, i am completely secure in my position, and I won't be opening this thread again.

            • 7 months ago

              whatever kiddo
              your perspective is dictated by playing a literal children's game

  5. 7 months ago

    What battle mechanics did gen 2 fricking introduce?

    • 7 months ago

      the sleep nerf happened in gen 1
      all gen 2 did was change base rby from ~7 turns down to 5 or 6
      >Would you say this ranking is mostly accurate when it comes to how influential the battling mechanic updates were for each of the listed gens?
      From earliest to latest, singles only,

      there's gen 2 which became bulky RestTalk meta with the slowest chip in the world off one spikes layer; weather is largely irrelevant, but still; modernized crits changed it fundamentally from gen 1, removed nigh unbreakable freeze, made phazing moves usable in battle; introduced held items; introduced baton pass; introduced dark and steel; introduced trapping: 10 factors

      there's gen 3 which centers around 3 layers of spikes, abilities that revolve around keeping and removing spikes, natures that focus on better doing said job, EVs that focus on better doing said job, killed RestTalk the hardest of all gens (switching out resets sleep counter for turns Sleep Talk was used), uncapped stats from 999; made sleep 4 turns max; introduced choice items: 8

      gen 4: made you actionable on turns where foes fainted, instead of consuming your turn; physical special split; introduced stealth rock and toxic spikes; introduced u-turn; expanded choice items; hidden power is special: 6

      gen 5: introduced hidden abilities, gems, and sleep that resets upon switching no matter what, eviolite, regenerator, heal pulse, magic bounce, prankster copycat roar and prankster assist roar; rocky helmet: 9

      gen 6: introduced usable defog, mega-evolution, killed prankster roar, buffed knock off; fairy type: 5

      gen 7: z-moves; terrain: 2

      gen 8: dynamax; move purge: 2

      gen 9: terastalization, tera blast; shed tail; good as gold: 4

    • 7 months ago

      >special attack and special defense stats
      >held items
      >standardized turn order (among other things, no hyper beam recharge skipping)
      >universal crit rate
      >dark type
      >steel type
      >perish song
      >gender and attract
      >sleep stun removed
      >wrap stun removed
      >dot stacking removed
      >status bypass removed
      >pokemon can now thaw if frozen
      >poison and bug no longer weak to each other, fire now resists ice, psychic is now weak to ghost
      just off the top of my head. gen 2 is closer to gen 9 than it is to gen 1, you really have to play gen 1 to get an idea

      • 7 months ago

        turn order
        what is that supposed to mean

        gen iii
        stun removed
        happened during gen i
        >>dot stacking removed
        what is that supposed to mean
        bypass removed
        happened during gen i

        • 7 months ago


          turn order
          >what is that supposed to mean
          It means your turn ends even if your target doesn't act, so you can't avoid things like toxic doing damage if you KO the opp


          stun removed
          >happened during gen i
          Completely untrue
          >>>dot stacking removed
          >what is that supposed to mean
          All forms of passive damage (status, wrap) incrementing toxic/leech seed counter


          bypass removed
          >happened during gen i
          Completely untrue, also judging by the above I doubt you even know what this means

  6. 7 months ago

    Mine is probably 2>3>>8>6>9>1>4=5>7

  7. 7 months ago

    yeah id say thats good
    since gens 5-9 only added temporary stuff
    (yet gen 6 added the fairy type and a few move changes)

  8. 7 months ago

    it dones matter what the frick you're ranking or comparing, muttnova ALWAYS belongs on the bottom. YOU HEAR ME?

    3 > =2> 4 > 6 >>8 >7 > 9 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


    >>>>>>>>>>>> 5

  9. 7 months ago

    No. You are controlled by autismo


    • 7 months ago

      what was the unique battle mechanic in gen 1?

    • 7 months ago

      >4 above 3 and 2
      If you want to count it, then sure; however, there's not any adjustments or mechanics introduced over a previous generation.

    • 7 months ago

      you are moronic and cannot read

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