
Wow, /tg/ really has got a soft spot for D&D.
Seems like it's been the most popular RPG here since, well, since ever. There's even a census from 2009 that has it with a similar level of popularity. I don't think there's ever been a time when there's ever been less than a full majority of people who play RPGs here playing some flavor of D&D. All non-D&D RPGs combined together don't reach D&D's level of popularity here.

Not that being less popular makes non-D&D games bad or anything. People just really seem to like D&D here.

I wonder if there's anyone who'd be upset about that? Nah, I'm betting that /tg/ is pretty mature and actually understands games and the people that play them, and doesn't do dumb shit like in Ganker where they fight and bite each other over what piece of hardware they purchased. It'd be really weird for people to get upset about what other people play, and even weirder to pretend to get upset just for attention.

I'm happy you guys love games. Here's to you guys; Keep loving what you love.

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  1. 3 months ago

    5E only won because no games wasn't an option.

  2. 3 months ago

    >37.60% of /tg/ has shit taste

    • 3 months ago

      It's more like some unknown number of players have decided that they don't hate the system more than they hate being without a regular game to play. The easiest way to join a game group is to be able to tolerate 5e and its audience.

      • 3 months ago

        Nah, if you check the PDF, it's not just the most played, it's also the "all time favourite RPG" system. /tg/ seems to genuinely love the game, and that shouldn't really be a surprise unless you do dumb things like give undo importance to the whining of trolls.

        5E only won because no games wasn't an option.

        Does anyone care about the opinions of no-games? Also, it's not about "winning" or "losing", you weirdo.

        • 3 months ago

          The opinions of newbies don't matter.

          • 3 months ago

            Damn right. That's why we can use literally every census ever conducted on this board, all the way back to the earliest ones, to demonstrate that /tg/ loves D&D and anyone who says otherwise is a weird contrarian.

      • 3 months ago

        Why are you trying to spin the data? Like

        Nah, if you check the PDF, it's not just the most played, it's also the "all time favourite RPG" system. /tg/ seems to genuinely love the game, and that shouldn't really be a surprise unless you do dumb things like give undo importance to the whining of trolls.

        Does anyone care about the opinions of no-games? Also, it's not about "winning" or "losing", you weirdo.

        pointed out, it's not just "game I'm forced to play", but nearly as high have one of the D&Ds as "all time favourite roleplaying system."

        People like those games.

        • 3 months ago

          >People like those games
          Not as much as some like to b***h about them.

    • 3 months ago

      That's not how it works genius. AT LEAST 37.60% of /tg/ has shit taste.

  3. 3 months ago

    Did playing D&D damage your brain to the point where you physically can't stop seething at people pointing out how shit it is, or were you already moronic and that's why you started playing it?

    • 3 months ago

      Wait, you're actually mad that there's proof that you're a weird little angry minority, desperate in his efforts to try and pretend that /tg/ doesn't love D&D? Whoa, I thought you were a myth.

      • 3 months ago

        Thanks, I'll mark that down as "already moronic".

        • 3 months ago

          >5e is the only D&D

          Wow, you're actually stupid? I mean, you'd have to be, but damn, you're really fricking dumb.

          You're trying too hard and it reveals your argument as weak.

      • 3 months ago

        I know the whole point of this thread is to ragebait people who hate D&D but your own source says the majority of /tg/ prefers non-D&D to D&D

        • 3 months ago

          What part? You're aware that D&D is more than just 5e, right?

          • 3 months ago

            yes, every version of D&D together still makes up less than 50% on that doc.
            46.4% have a D&D version as their favorite, 53.6% have a non-D&D game.

            • 3 months ago

              But D&D's do make up a majority of games people play.
              And, don't forget there's no close second. There is no brand that comes close to D&D, making D&D not just the most preferred game, it is the overwhelming most preferred game.

              • 3 months ago

                Yes? I don't think anyone, even the most ardent D&D haters, disputes any of that. If anything I'm surprised that roughly half of people on this site play something other than D&D, I'd have thought it would be lower. Who isn't aware that D&D is the most played TTRPG by miles? That's why "Have you tried not playing D&D" is even a meme in the first place.

                It's pretty hard to argue that any game comes close to the popularity that D&D has here, regardless of how you cook the books though.

                You can pretty easily look at these stats and claim roughly half of people here don't like D&D and want to play something else (which I'm pretty confident is a lot higher than the wider ttrpg community). You can also look at these stats and see 5E dwarf any other individual game and its not close. Both are pretty fair imo. To me it says that D&D is quite popular on /tg/ but a lot less popular than it is elsewhere.

              • 3 months ago

                The reasons we have trolls hating it and spamming nonsense is solely because they are basic b***h trolls, and basic b***h trolls just complain about whatever happens to be popular on a particular board. And, there's really no disputing just how popular D&D is, hence why it's the target of our basic b***h trolls.

                They don't care about the game's quality, they just spam moronic passive aggressive forced memes even though they're aware that everyone knows that there's other games beyond D&D and we have stats showing that even most people who prefer D&D have played other games beyond D&D.

                >You can pretty easily look at these stats and claim roughly half of people here don't like D&D
                That's a stretch. By that metric, imagine how everyone must hate every game that isn't D&D.

              • 3 months ago

                I think you just underestimate how many people genuinely get mad that something they think is bad is popular (there are plenty of trolls too of course).

              • 3 months ago

                Are you trying to say there's a difference?

                Here's the wikipedia definition of troll.
                >In slang, a troll is a person who posts deliberately offensive or provocative messages online[1] (such as in social media, a newsgroup, a forum, a chat room, an online video game) or who performs similar behaviors in real life. The methods and motivations of trolls can range from benign to sadistic. These messages can be inflammatory, insincere, digressive,[2] extraneous, or off-topic, and may have the intent of provoking others into displaying emotional responses,[3] or manipulating others' perception

                I'm going to have to say that some who posts deliberately provocative messages on Ganker, with the intent of manipulation others' perception, qualifies as a troll, regardless of how much they actually personally genuinely hate the game. If what made a troll was the question of whether their hate was genuine, I think we'd find that most people we would call trolls would no longer qualify, since it's kind of hard to start trolling about something if there isn't some measure of aligned belief.

              • 3 months ago

                Yes. I think those people are often being genuine, and I don't think someone posting a genuine opinion is trolling just because it's provocative or inflammatory, regardless of wikipedia's definition.

              • 3 months ago

                Think about time and place. Saying you don't like Chinese food is one thing, saying you don't like Chinese food in a Chinese restaurant is another. Similarly, most people who may have an negative opinion about a certain game don't feel the need to go into every instance of a thread that mentions that game and expressing their disapproval towards it. The people who are compelled to shitpost in any thread that mentions the game they dislike, and many threads that don't even mention that game, are quite easy to categorize as simple trolls.

                >I don't think someone posting a genuine opinion is trolling just because it's provocative or inflammatory,
                It is if their intention is
                >provoking others into displaying emotional responses,[3] or manipulating others' perception

                And, we certainly have trolls who post their "genuine" opinions in an attempt to manipulate other people's perceptions. There are even some in this very thread doing their best to try and pretend that somehow the most loved game on /tg/ by an enormously wide margin is actually despised here.

              • 3 months ago

                playing it and praising it are two entirely separate things. if you have only eaten mcdonald's your entire life, you can honestly say mcdonald's is the best food you've ever eaten, but you can't reasonably claim it's the best food in the world.
                it's a group game. you need other people to agree to play it. it has self-perpetuating popularity. it was popular at one point because of brand recognition, and it continues to be popular because no one wants to learn a new system.

              • 3 months ago

                And, not playing it and hating it are also separate things. Hell, not having it as your favorite game and hating it are very distinct things.

                >it continues to be popular because no one wants to learn a new system.
                You say this, despite us having evidence that there's plenty of people who have learned other systems who still prefer D&D. It's almost like you're desperate to come up with reasons to avoid considering that its popularity isn't completely unfounded.

              • 3 months ago

                These numbers come from threads where autistic freaks like OP do everything in their power to interpret the completely meaningless results as if they're real data that authentically represents the board.

                The reality is indeed that the lowest common denominator subhuman types flock to DnD, but not for the reasons most people think. It's not about DnD being a certain way so much as it is about the people who play it being a certain way. Product people are completely disinterested from anything but consumption and social validation (mainly earned from 'correct consumption'), they're basically animals devoid of consciousness or a soul. They consume /whatever/ slop is foisted upon them, and happily pay premium prices for it, because their whole identity as a person revolves around some brand identifier. Marketing is worse today than it's ever been at actually convincing people to buy things, but still we have record rates of consumption. In fact, it's not just that advertisers are failing, but that businesses are failing - indeed, parent company of DnD holder WotC, Hasbro, is /very/ unlikely to even survive this year due to the billions it spent chasing some fabulist cosmopolitan media empire.

                Normal people pirate RPG books; I know that I have never given a single penny to WotC (or GW for that matter) despite running various games of DnD, and the same is true of the rest of my group. OP's aggressive mental illness (he's got at least 3 threads up on the board, including this one) is a reflection of his most basic personality trait, which is that of a brainless consumer whale who shrieks in terror and rage at his 'brand' ever being threatened, since to him that's essentially all there is to his personality. Without DnD, he's just 'Cosmopolitan Worker Unit BQ0712'.

              • 3 months ago

                Or he's just an Hasbro shill, you know.

              • 3 months ago

                Same difference.

              • 3 months ago

                The reality is that you're basically just a bitter troll, mad that the board doesn't hate the game that you do.
                No amount of your bullshitting and spamming can do anything to change that, and yet, here you are, still bullshitting desperately.

              • 3 months ago

                As an example this is a provocative/inflammatory post:

                I don't think it's a troll post. That dude is just angrily posting their opinion.

          • 3 months ago

            even if you add the negligible 4e/3e/etc players it's still less than half

            • 3 months ago

              The real question is why is 5e in particular so popular, is it just that it's the newest one? It's always been my least favorite version.

              • 3 months ago

                >is it just that it's the newest one?
                or more specifically, it's the most heavily advertised one. wotc is not trying to get anyone to buy 4e books

                Are you including pathfinder?

                >am i including games not called "dungeons and dragons" in "dungeons and dragons"
                obviously not

            • 3 months ago

              Are you including pathfinder?

              • 3 months ago

                >pathfinder is a version of D&D
                lmao I mean you're not wrong. The lesson to be learned here is statistics can mean whatever you want them to mean.

              • 3 months ago

                It's pretty hard to argue that any game comes close to the popularity that D&D has here, regardless of how you cook the books though.

  4. 3 months ago

    >37.6% of people who are willing to take a survey during a certain time period say D&D is their favorite
    >which means 63.4% of that group disagree
    >somehow this means D&D is the best

    God I wish they taught people how to read in schools.

    • 3 months ago

      >5e is the only D&D

      Wow, you're actually stupid? I mean, you'd have to be, but damn, you're really fricking dumb.

  5. 3 months ago

    This is an American website and Americans are physically incapable of playing anything else
    The moment you expose an American to a different system he hisses and disintegrates on the spot

    • 3 months ago

      And how many new RPGs were created in your home country of Israel? The RPGs themselves, not the Netflix adaptations.

      t. American who has considerable disdain for 5e

      • 3 months ago

        If you can afford them that is

    • 3 months ago

      Weird, because we actually have the full data of the 2021 Census, and it shows that most of the responders, including those that play D&D and continue to play D&D, have played plenty of other games.

      The myth of "the only people who play D&D only do so because they are incapable of playing anything else" really is a terrible myth. Shame on you for trying to pass if off.

  6. 3 months ago

    37% is actually a much better statistic than I'd have hoped. 63% of you are alright.

  7. 3 months ago

    Yeah, you too. I don't think OOTS would get any attention if we didn't all have some fond memories and get the in jokes.

  8. 3 months ago

    > used

  9. 3 months ago

    I love this post so much, and the way OP wrote it, continue being the masculine version of a becky, you fabulous creep.
    but yeah i am actually surprised at the dnd5e is being all time favourite for more than 100 people. I wonder if they tried any other games.

    • 3 months ago

      >I wonder if they tried any other games.
      Going by the 2021 stats

      Weird, because we actually have the full data of the 2021 Census, and it shows that most of the responders, including those that play D&D and continue to play D&D, have played plenty of other games.

      The myth of "the only people who play D&D only do so because they are incapable of playing anything else" really is a terrible myth. Shame on you for trying to pass if off.

      , very likely. Almost certainly.

      It's weird. It's almost like there's a whole negative mythology that people have been trying to push about D&D on this board, but the actual statistics run completely contrary to their assertions.

      D&D is well respected here. D&D players play more than just D&D. And so on and so on. Hell, looking at the numbers, it's actually kind of concerning how much effort people are going through in an attempt to try and make it seem like this place is hostile towards D&D, when it's clear only a minority would fall into that camp.

      • 3 months ago

        I checked out the doc, and only 45% of the people who’ve played 5e actually include it in their favourite games. That’s really weird, isn’t it? I’d have expected the brain rot of that system to make it far more ubiquitous. I guess the average elegan/tg/entleman has more discerning taste than the quarantined plebs.

        Conversely, 55% of the 5e GMs included it in their top games. That’s still not excellent odds, but given how actively malevolent tha’s system is towards GMs, it makes sense for a kind of stockholm syndrome to be present given the demand for those games.

        • 3 months ago

          >only 45%
          That's a huge percentage, you weirdo. It's nearly half.

          Do you actually have some sore of brain disease? How can you be faced with so much evidence, and still try to spin it so shamelessly?

          • 3 months ago

            I actually did have a brain disease, thanks for the concern. But I stopped playing 5e a few years ago.

            I’m just a bit confused, could you help me out? D&D is clearly the best game ever made (it says so on the tagline!), so one would expect that it would be quite popular here no? But then, half the people who’ve played it don’t even like it 🙁 Strange... It surely can’t be that the “world’s greatest” is actually just the “world’s most-known”, right? The data must be wrong. I hate science.

            • 3 months ago

              >half the people who’ve played it don’t even like it
              It not being someone's favorite is a far step away from them neccessarily not liking it. You do understand that, right? Or are you actually as stupid as you pretend to be?

              • 3 months ago

                Explain the difference between a list of favourite games (and the implied context therein of being a separate list from games “merely played”), and a favourite game. I’m sure someone as confident and wise as you wouldn’t be confused, or deliberately trying to conflate the two in order to move a goalpost. That would be ridiculous.

              • 3 months ago

                Do you actually need someone to explain there's more steps beyond something being among your favorites and you disliking something?

                Go on. Tell me you need me to explain that to you, and then try and pretend you're not a total moron. Go on.

              • 3 months ago

                >it’s the most popular game! Most people love it!
                >people have such a soft spot for it, even if half of them don’t put it as their single favourite!
                >it’s not that they don’t like it, they love it! Stop saying they HATE it!
                >They just don’t feel like including it in a non-limited list of games they enjoy! I mean favourites, exclusive limited favourites!
                I’m impressed. You should go olympic.

              • 3 months ago

                If not putting it as their favorite means they hate it, that makes D&D far and away the least hated game on /tg/.

              • 3 months ago

                >a-at least it’s not the most hated, right fellas?
                Even a blind quad-amputee could score now.

  10. 3 months ago

    I hate the culture war
    I hate the culture war
    I hate the culture war
    I hate the culture war
    I hate the culture war

  11. 3 months ago

    >CoC that low
    What happened? I am out of the loop but it used to be huge

  12. 3 months ago

    >I don't think there's ever been a time when there's ever been less than a full majority
    You mean plurality; your own post shows D&D with less than a majority. Still, it is a very, very comfortable majority.

    • 3 months ago

      >Still, it is a very, very comfortable majority.
      comfortable PLURALITY, shit, frick, damn, mea culpa, frick, I did NOT get enough sleep last night, holy shit.

    • 3 months ago

      Whether or not it's a full majority seems like it comes down to whether or not you include Pathfinder into D&D. But, considering that's ultimately only a 6% swing, it's almost a negligible point of contention.

  13. 3 months ago

    You love Fortnite too, surely, since it's so wildly popular, and Candy Crush, right? You aren't some contrarian chud who would say Fortnite is shit and some dead indie game with zero market share (Fallout New Vegas? Lmao it's not even the newest entry) is better? You care about market share, right?

    • 3 months ago

      >You love Fortnite too, surely, since it's so wildly popular, and Candy Crush, right?
      I mean I don't personally like them, but at the same time they must be doing SOMETHING right.

      • 3 months ago

        Sorry anon but if it’s not your topmost hated game of all time it means you love it.

        • 3 months ago

          The irony is we've actually had posters here arguing that if it's not your favorite game that means you dislike it.

          • 3 months ago

            No we haven’t.

            • 3 months ago

              I actually did have a brain disease, thanks for the concern. But I stopped playing 5e a few years ago.

              I’m just a bit confused, could you help me out? D&D is clearly the best game ever made (it says so on the tagline!), so one would expect that it would be quite popular here no? But then, half the people who’ve played it don’t even like it 🙁 Strange... It surely can’t be that the “world’s greatest” is actually just the “world’s most-known”, right? The data must be wrong. I hate science.

              >But then, half the people who’ve played it don’t even like it

              • 3 months ago

                LUL, yep because not liking something is definitely the same as disliking it.
                The real irony is, you took this

                Sorry anon but if it’s not your topmost hated game of all time it means you love it.

                post and thought it was supporting your moronic goalpost moving, instead of criticising such binary brained apology for thought

              • 3 months ago

                You are both very stupid and very confused.

              • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        marvel movies. mcdonalds. nike. drake. taylor swift. grey's anatomy. the big bang theory. pokemon. dungeons and dragons.
        these are the most popular "brands" in their industry. do you think all of them are the best in their industry? answer honestly.

        • 3 months ago

          Are any of them anywhere near as dominant as D&D is? Hell, nothing you listed is even close.

          • 3 months ago

            I mean, at some point Disney accounted for over 50% of the revenue all movies made in a given year so I'd say marvel movies definitely do, yeah.
            Not so much anymore tho. Which is a good thing.

            • 3 months ago

              Sounds like the Marvel movies that year might have been pretty good.

          • 3 months ago

            That's an indictment of state of TTRPGs tbh, not praise of D&D. One piece of content completely swallowing a genre and shutting everything else out is bad.

            • 3 months ago

              The weird thing to try to do is compare things with modest relative popularity with something with dominant, no close 2nd place popularity.

              Whether or not its an ideal state for the industry is a different topic.

          • 3 months ago

            Sounds like the Marvel movies that year might have been pretty good.

            >can't answer a simple yes or no question
            i accept your forfeit.
            the most popular brand in a given industry can be extremely low quality and still maintain its strangehold. this is partly because it is so strongly associated with the industry that people would rather stop purchasing that type of product altogether than look for alternatives.
            it is also because advertising - both literal commericals and word of mouth astroturfing - help bring in new people who would have otherwise purchased a higher quality product.
            d&d is the best ttrpg most people have ever heard of. it is not the best ttrpg period.

            • 3 months ago

              >i accept your forfeit.
              Man, I've never seen anyone post this when they weren't utterly destroyed, and today is no exception.

        • 3 months ago

          I think they're doing SOMETHING right. Some specific notes...

          >marvel movies
          In the sense of building a single cohesive universe across more than a dozen movies and shows? Yes I think Marvel is the best, by a long shot.

          >the big bang theory
 do recall that the final season of this aired 6 years ago, right? How is this show still haunting you?

          I think this is probably the most consistently good handheld game franchise, yes.

          >dungeons and dragons
          There is no game that is objectively better, just ones that are different - better in some areas, worse in others. I'd rather gouge my eyes out with rusty spoons than deal with Vampire: The Masquerade's combat, for example, while conversely VtM is much better at social interaction.

          I mean, at some point Disney accounted for over 50% of the revenue all movies made in a given year so I'd say marvel movies definitely do, yeah.
          Not so much anymore tho. Which is a good thing.

          I'm assuming Anon's referring to 2019, so the Marvel movies that year were Captain Marvel, Avengers: Endgame, and Spider-Man: Far From Home.

          Captain Marvel I can take or leave, but yeah, the other two are legitimately excellent movies within the context of action-adventure summer blockbusters. I'd rather watch them than any Transformers movie save Bumblebee, anyway.

          • 3 months ago

            Every week my girlfriend complains about how shitty the series has gotten and how low effort and phoned in the modern games are.

            • 3 months ago

              Your girlfriend is probably moronic. I mean, she'd kind of have to be.

              • 3 months ago

                You'd have to be blind to disagree. Game Freak hasn't tried on a mainline game that wasn't a remake in over a decade now. They've been shipping with less features and content each game.

              • 3 months ago

                Whoa, I was right. You both must be moronic.
                I'm actually kind of impressed, because I really don't think I've ever met someone who just decided "brainless contrarian" was what he was going to work his hardest to become.

                Ordinary brainless contrarians don't try anywhere near as hard as you do. You'd have to be intentionally making yourself several stages dumber to believe what you do, and that's impressive. Pitiable, but still, impressive.

                A+ for effort. F in everything else though.

              • 3 months ago

                >He thinks it's contrarianism and not the fandom's feeling at large
                Scarlet and Violet are the worst reviewed mainline games, ever. It's not by a little bit.

              • 3 months ago

                Have you been spending too much time in Ganker? I feel like you have.

                Hell, I feel like your entire soul is so fricking poisoned that you're gladly willing to complain about something you're clearly under-qualified in every conceivable category to even attempt to offer an opinion on.

                If you haven't been spending time on Ganker, that might actually be worse, because it'd mean the poison is coming from inside you.

              • 3 months ago

                Have you played the game?

              • 3 months ago

                >Game Freak hasn't tried on a mainline game that wasn't a remake in over a decade now.
                ...what are Scarlet and Violet remakes of? And, more to the point, could you elaborate in what way they are remakes?

              • 3 months ago

                >...what are Scarlet and Violet
                Low effort buggy garbage that was shoved out on a rushed schedule, performed like shit, and had the content of a Pokemon game from the Gameboy era.

              • 3 months ago

                Okay sure but what are they a remake of? That was your claim.

              • 3 months ago

                No it wasn't.

              • 3 months ago


                You'd have to be blind to disagree. Game Freak hasn't tried on a mainline game that wasn't a remake in over a decade now. They've been shipping with less features and content each game.

                >"Game Freak hasn't tried on a mainline game that wasn't a remake in over a decade now."

                If that wasn't you, then it was at least the Anon I directly responded to and quoted.

                So again I ask: what were Scarlet and Violet remakes of?

              • 3 months ago

                Work on your reading comprehension.

              • 3 months ago

                You're gonna have to walk me through this one because I cannot think of what else you could possibly be referring to when you say "Game Freak hasn't tried on a mainline game that wasn't a remake in over a decade now" other than claiming that every game for the past decade has been a remake of a game made over a decade ago.

                Is English not your first language? What does "tried on" mean in Kyrgyzstan or wherever you are?

              • 3 months ago

                Game Freak no longer applies themselves when making mainline games. They haven't since X and Y. Each game has less effort put into it than the last one... except for the remakes of older games, where they're forced to add more content because otherwise noone would buy them.

              • 3 months ago

                >They haven't since X and Y.
                Funny, Sun and Moon seemed like they were very well received, and certainly my friends enjoyed them more than X and Y (and MUCH more than Black and White). For that matter Sword and Shield seemed to be very well-received too amongst my friend group.

              • 3 months ago

                I'm going to educate you about something called scale.

                The current mainline pokemon games have 800+ monsters, all with unique 3D models and animations, including a full movement suite like running/jumping/swimming/flying (depending on the pokemon). That's a lot. That's an insane amount, really. And, that puts a lot of stress on development. The good news is that after S+S, which started with 400 and ended with 600+ with DLC, they have made a lot of progress towards creating a more full library, and S+V also has a ton of features and content that is a progression from S+S.

                They're trying, but the scale of these games is so stupidly big at this point that they're still playing catchup and haven't been able to have a game with all 1000+ pokemon (and all their alternate forms), because modeling and animating 1000 unique monsters (with the only recolors being the shiny variations) is a fricking ordeal.

                And, they didn't just port over the same models from S+S, but improved them, as well as adding animations. So, with every new game moving forward, they're struggling with trying to get the entire roster modeled and animated, while designing new pokemon and forms, and falling short because it's an ordeal unlike anything in any other series. The good news is that there's a decent chance the next Pokemon games will be able to fully tap into these giant model/animation libraries and focus more on the other aspects of the game.

                Also, for a comparison, Digimon Survive had 117 digimon. SMT V had 234 demons.

              • 3 months ago

                Scale is not an excuse for releasing the worst game in the series.

              • 3 months ago

                And it's not the worst game in the series.
                Look, I get it. You're a weird contrarian moron, but if you just keep saying things you don't understand, people are just going to keep calling you a moron.

              • 3 months ago

                By every metric but sales it is. Worst received by the community and reviewers by a mile, outsold by its direct predecessor by over 2M despite having more preorders and initial sales of any game on any Nintendo platform ever.

              • 3 months ago

                >outsold by its direct predecessor by over 2M
                Probably because S+S were the best selling Pokemon games to date other than the original Red and Blue. Even getting within 2M is pretty impressive.

                >Worst received by the community and reviewers by a mile
                Must be small miles where you live. Metacritic only has it a few points lower than S+S, and the general trend for games in a series is for critics to give subsequent entries lower scores.

                >By every metric
                I mean, we could actually talk about the game itself. But considering you haven't played it, it's kind of a wonder you're even trying to discuss it.

              • 3 months ago

                they have a separate company that models and animates the monsters

              • 3 months ago

                Creatures inc. is 1/3 of the Game Freak/Nintendo/Creatures inc group that forms the Pokemon Company, and they have more employees than Game Freak does and are continuing to grow because their Pokemon CG studio division isn't able to keep up with the workload.

              • 3 months ago

                Lol, you're dealing with a troll who's brain is buggy and performs like shit.

          • 3 months ago

            >In the sense of building a single cohesive universe
            it's not cohesive. it's also not a single universe. both of those things are irrelevant though because being a cohesive universe is irrelevant to quality. it is a huge brand and never stops dumping out content. marketing allows it to remain in the public consciousness despite having consistently low and dropping quality.
            >How is this show still haunting you?
            in the middle of the page you can see the 2023 neilsen report. grey's anatomy is the 4th most watched show and bbt is the 6th. 6 years after it stopped airing it is still absurdly popular. it has enduring cultural inertia.
            >I think this is probably the most consistently good handheld game franchise, yes.

            Every week my girlfriend complains about how shitty the series has gotten and how low effort and phoned in the modern games are.

            . it's shit.
            i can also tell you the most recent release is one of the biggest technical failures of a video game launch in 20 years, made even more embarrassing in that
            -it released on one hardware device that has been out for years and the developers have shipped multiple releases on it
            -the hardware developers are deeply financially invested in the game's success
            -it is literally the most profitable brand in the world; they could afford to make it function
            quality is irrelevant. brand awareness determines success
            >There is no game that is objectively better, just ones that are different - better in some areas, worse in others.
            pathfinder is 3e but better. plenty of games are sword and sorcery adventures with better everything

            popularity does not equal quality. it is correlated almost entirely with brand awareness.

            • 3 months ago

              >pathfinder is 3e but better
              Which is not objectively better than 5e. Neither edition of PF.

            • 3 months ago

              >4th and 6th
              Weird that you didn't talk about #1. Not sure it counts as cherry picking, because cherry picking is usually done to try and make a point and you still haven't done that yet.

              • 3 months ago

                >Weird that you didn't talk about #1
                weird that you didn't name #1, as if you lack basic reading comprehension and never checked my source
                i haven't watched The Number One Show and barely know anything about it. i picked 2 that i was familiar with
                >try and make a point
                Popularity is not quality. In any industry we have information on, we can see inferior products succeed based on their brand. Therefore, it is incoherent to claim that D&D must be of high quality because it's popular.
                you aren't intelligent enough to respond to the most basic spoonfed argument. you would flounder in a middle school debate class. i am done pretending you're worth engaging worth. enjoy this final undeserved (You)

              • 3 months ago

                >Popularity is not quality.
                Maybe it is, if we're talking about something that's not merely 4th or 6th on a list of relatively close entries, but something to the order of 1st by a long country mile.

                It's not mere popularity we're talking about. We're talking about utterly dominant popularity so total that it's not really comparable to anything else. Not to movies nor video games nor music, because none of those have anything even close to resembling just how popular D&D is as an RPG.

                You're trying to treat all popularity the same, and that's like trying to light a cigarette with a flamethrower and wondering why your house is on fire.

            • 3 months ago

              >pathfinder is 3e but better
              PF1 is 3e with bad houserules that mostly fail to address the pain points of the system, and often make them worse (martial feat taxes, for example).

    • 3 months ago

      I wonder what percentage of Ganker plays either of those games.

      Think it's 5%? 10%? Who knows, maybe even a whole 15%.

      Even with only that, I wonder who would argue that most people actively hate those games, as if hating things just because they're popular was some kind of normal behavior.

  14. 3 months ago

    People here only tend to get uppity about what someone plays either:
    >when they talk about homebrew (actual homebrew and not judt houseruling)
    >when they have an issue with D&D that can be solved by not playing D&D
    And the whole huffiness about homebrew really confuses me, because every single time I had a problem with D&D 5e as a player, the only responses I ever got here were "you can just rewrite what you don't like" at various flavors of snark and acerbicity.
    It's just strange how the narrative of "you can rewrite what you don't like, even as a player", switches on a dime when somesays they're making (or made) their own game. Not only did they write what they want, they also aren't saying anything bad about D&D any more, so it should be a win-win.
    It's also really strange how the passive-aggressive D&D fans can only ever talk about its popularity, and how nothing else has any games.
    It's just a convenient stance to take, when you can just deflect and call people nogames when they're doing something you don't like in spite of it being the most commonly expressed "solution".
    Just a little something for you to chew on, since you seem so blithely unaware of how conversations go here.
    So, if you're a newbie, step off when someone talks about homebrew and enjoy your D&D "games", and if you're being willfully obtuse, kindly quit being a c**t.

    • 3 months ago

      >>when they have an issue with D&D that can be solved by not playing D&D
      You're so fricking dumb it hurts.

      >People here only tend to get uppity about what someone plays either:
      The people who get the most uppity are really just the basic b***h trolls who shitspam whenever someone mentions D&D, and often when no one mentions the game and they just feel lonely and depressed.

      > every single time I had a problem with D&D 5e as a player, the only responses I ever got here were "you can just rewrite what you don't like" at various flavors of snark and acerbicity.

      Probably because you were b***hing about nothing, like you still continue to do. I'm surprised people constantly sending snark at you never made you consider that maybe you are, in fact, a moron. Because, by your post, it's pretty clear you are.

      • 3 months ago

        >be a c**t
        Okay, that's your prerogative.
        I'll just keep making and playing my games, shitstain.

        • 3 months ago

          If you can just do that without ever posting again, that would be great, thanks.

          • 3 months ago

            When the D&Dtards can stay in their containment, sure.
            Until then, I will continue to challenge falsehoods and ignorance with the facts. So go ahead and keep being a c**t.

            • 3 months ago

              Oh wow, you're THAT moron.

              lol, you're so fricking dumb.
              Man, I bet you think there's a single D&D general, you stupid moron.

              > I will continue to challenge falsehoods and ignorance
              Do us all a favor, and start with yourself. You're the biggest source of both.

      • 3 months ago

        If you can just do that without ever posting again, that would be great, thanks.

        troll posts

        Are you trying to say there's a difference?

        Here's the wikipedia definition of troll.
        >In slang, a troll is a person who posts deliberately offensive or provocative messages online[1] (such as in social media, a newsgroup, a forum, a chat room, an online video game) or who performs similar behaviors in real life. The methods and motivations of trolls can range from benign to sadistic. These messages can be inflammatory, insincere, digressive,[2] extraneous, or off-topic, and may have the intent of provoking others into displaying emotional responses,[3] or manipulating others' perception

        I'm going to have to say that some who posts deliberately provocative messages on Ganker, with the intent of manipulation others' perception, qualifies as a troll, regardless of how much they actually personally genuinely hate the game. If what made a troll was the question of whether their hate was genuine, I think we'd find that most people we would call trolls would no longer qualify, since it's kind of hard to start trolling about something if there isn't some measure of aligned belief.

  15. 3 months ago

    >Less people in 2017 played 4E than a 4E knockoff
    Fricking incredible. Years later professional contrarians here will try to tell you about how incredible that system was.

  16. 3 months ago

    Why is he so desperate to convince people to like D&D? It's fricking bizarre.

    • 3 months ago

      No one's saying that. Hell, it's entirely unnecessary here, because /tg/ already likes D&D well enough.

      One thing though is that this board does have some loud contrarians who could probably do with some shutting up, and hard facts tend to hurt them more than pissing about in areas of subjectivity. They can complain endlessly, but they can't inflate their actual numbers.

      What's bizarre is just how much different the actual /tg/ is from the way our trolls are trying to make it seem. They really put a lot of effort into shitposting, despite ultimately being small and inconsequential.

    • 3 months ago

      Same shit as the console wars. His brain only had enough currency for one system, so therefore it has to be the best or else he’s missing out.

      • 3 months ago

        Lol, nice try.
        It's funny what kind of mental gymnastics you need to perform to try and justify your trolling and shitspamming.

        You needing to imagine anyone tired of your bullshit must be devoted to the game as opposed to just tired of your bullshit is kind of laughable. Especially because you've been told repeatedly it's your shitposting that's the issue, and you're still trying to pretend you're some sort of freedom fighter spreading the truth when you're really nothing but a contrarian troll, the same basic b***h troll you can find on every board, complaining about whatever happens to be popular.

        • 3 months ago

          I have never shitposted in my life. And yet your thread is one long shitpost.

          • 3 months ago

            >"I have never shitposted in my life."
            >he says, as he shitposts yet again
            Hypocrisy is probably the worst kind of homosexualry.

  17. 3 months ago

    OP, why mods delete threads that ask /tg/ their real opinion on D&D 5e?

    • 3 months ago

      Probably because what you were trying to do was pretty obvious.

      I think the real tell was you using "HYT...", because I've never seen a non-troll use that passive aggressive forced meme.
      I mean that, and your question was "Is Dungeons & Dragons 5e THE WORLD’S GREATEST ROLE-PLAYING GAME a massive pile of dog shit?"
      Kind of hard to not figure out what you're gunning for with that.

      So, if we recognize you as a troll, it pretty's clear what your motivation for making the thread was. Create a fake poll that pretends /tg/ hates D&D, dump votes into it by rotating your IP, and the next time someone says something like "D&D is the most popular game here, there's hard numbers to prove that," you'd whip out the fake poll and go "ACKCHUALLY, /tg/ hates D&D! Look at these numbers!"

      It's kind of sad that you thought this was clever.

      • 3 months ago

        Just hiding the real obvioua /tg/ opinion by deleting it? I guess for a paid shill anything will do.

        • 3 months ago

          >the real obvioua
          No one's even mildly fooled. It's genuinely sad you went to such effort and lengths, and you didn't even get the result you wanted despite likely refreshing your IP to stuff the ballot.
          That's several levels of sad.

          • 3 months ago

            Not at all. I made this thread fully understanding that it will be delated by mods soon. Everyone with a brain know how /tg/ operstes this days. Spam and bot threads are cherished, threads that expose spamers, bots and shilling are deleted. Everyone can see what you are doing as clear as on a palm of their hand. Posts in this thread quickly call out your insanity too. You are like those Russian bots that have everything in their favor, but the moment they open their mouth, everyone just call out their silly childish lies.

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