WoW: Classic

Is it worth it in 2023, particularly for someone who never really played WoW in its heyday?

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  1. 2 years ago

    wait for Wotlk or for Classic+, I think there is a new pserver launching but I forget the name

  2. 2 years ago

    I don't get the South Park WoW episode. How could they just endlessly level in the forest killing wolves and boars? Once you get to a certain level wolves and boars and other low level enemies stop giving you XP at all when you kill them.
    Was this a later patch or something? Do wolves and boars etc. endlessly give you 2 XP in Classic?

    • 2 years ago

      it gets the point across

    • 2 years ago

      it was a joke you fricking autist

  3. 2 years ago

    vanilla classic was as good if not better than the original vanilla was for me, although I found a good guild and didn't have to worry about the minmax autists as bots as much. tbc was a big step down, wotlk will probably be somewhere between tbc and vanilla. You will have a very lonely and empty world to level in if you don't boost your character, everyone is at end game. If you find a good guild you will enjoy the game a lot.

    • 2 years ago

      >You will have a very lonely and empty world to level in
      I prefer that anyway, I always played WoW as an RPG and totally ignored the social elements.

      • 2 years ago

        Then the game will suck and you should play ffxiv. Old wow is supposed to be a living world where you stay on the same server with the same few thousand people, everyone knows the famous players, the crafters, the big guilds, the shitheads etc and you have to work with other people to accomplish your goals. That's what makes it an actual mmo

    • 2 years ago

      >anons unironically promote boosting now
      don't bother, OP
      game is dead
      if you really need to try it, play on some private server, dont give blizzard any money

      • 2 years ago

        classic fricking fell apart so fast haha

  4. 2 years ago

    Classic is gonna hit its second expansion soon and it's going to be a pretty good time for a new player to join in. There's also gonna be new realms that start from scratch so you'll get to experience leveling with everyone else at the same time if you so wish.

    • 2 years ago

      How do the expansions work for Classic, do you need to download them separately or are they just integrated into Classic like they were with the original game.

      • 2 years ago

        integrated, no need to buy anything but a sub to the game to get classic for free

      • 2 years ago

        Every realm progress into the next expansion automatically. There are few exceptions like the Season of Mastery realms, which were new vanilla realms but this time the game had multiple changes, mainly to the raid content. Not sure how those realms are doing and whether they're going to make another round for TBC. Looking at the realm demographic site, TBClassic had 300k characters raiding this past week, while SoM realms only had 4k in total. I think it's safe to assume that SoM won't continue.

  5. 2 years ago

    Jump into a pserver that offers a Blizzlike exp rate and have at it. Don't blow money on an old game you may not even enjoy when there are plenty of freebies around.

  6. 2 years ago

    >enjoy classic but feel bad for not picking warr/mage/priest
    >tbc is mostly too ugly to enjoy except nagrand, but classes are all closer in power at least

  7. 2 years ago

    If you wanted that living world and community feel, it really only existed on private servers and for the first few months of vanilla classic launch (and like the first 2 weeks of SoM).

    However, TBC killed that with flying mounts and full focus on max level content. You're too late for that living, breathing world MMO experience, but you're just in time for the golden age of endgame oriented content

  8. 2 years ago

    Despite its flaws WoW is an outstanding game in various ways (most notably the atmosphere) that definitely justify at least giving it a try, and it's a notorious and influential game so there's an argument to be made for trying it out on those grounds too just to see what all the fuzz was about 15 years ago. There are some things that have changed (most notably, standards of play are incomparably higher today, and that applies even to novices as you're likely to pick up good habits through cultural osmosis) but this mostly affects endgame and, well, the game got popular on back of players who weren't into endgame so if it was worth it in 2008 it would be worth it now.

    However, playing Classic (any version) is a bad idea. Classic servers are worse than private servers are where it counts, at this stage there's not going to be many people leveling so population advantage is a moot point (if you want to experience the kind of community feel people are talking about, wait for some FRESH server), and of course by playing on pservers you don't have to give money to neo-Blizzard and if it turns out you hate the game after a dozen hours then it's not like you spent any money on the game.

    • 2 years ago

      very well put

    • 2 years ago

      >there's not going to be many people leveling
      There's going to be NO ONE leveling outside of an instance with a mage pulling the entire thing.

      WoW classic is for min/maxers to relive (or redeem) their days of being god of video game land, the original experience is forever lost in the 2004 era when playing in an online world with thousands of other people was novel and exciting.

      • 2 years ago

        You were never playing retail vanilla with thousands of people because server population cap was sub-2k. And not all servers were full.

        Right, the exact numbers aside it is true that the world isn't going to feel very lively on Classic or on any non-FRESH private server because there's effectively no new players and all of the old ones have all their characters at max level by now so the world will indeed be for all intents and purposes deserted, but the experience most peoples had in vanilla would have been kinda like a FRESH server launching with 100 pop per faction (since historically the game was growing and most servers had a bunch of new players, although the majority had joined the game much earlier). That's the kind of population where you'll probably find a group of +-5 leveled peers for Zul'Farrak or Deadmines or STV group quests and will occasionally run into friend or foe in less populated areas, but an "authentic" WoW experience is absolutely nothing like the launch of 10k+ pop megaserver.

  9. 2 years ago

    I heard Diablo Immortal was mad shit but I love it.

    People shit on World of Warcraft alot to but I guess this is the "real game" so I am curious about it.

  10. 2 years ago

    nothing from acti-blizzard is worth it anymore. Stop giving them money.
    If you really itch for wow just play some private server.

  11. 2 years ago

    >remembering how classic, despite people being minmaxing dickheads, still felt like a living breathing world and how badly blizz killed it
    >no idea what server my character is on because Bigglesworth got shut down
    >no point to coming back but getting the itch to log in again just for the world
    >pservers are dead, official classic servers are dead

    Frick my life man, if only i played more at launch
    Just wanna roll a hunter again and explore with my pet

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