WoW dragonflight

WoW dragonflight

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POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    >so incredibly shit nobody even has the energy to shit on it anymore

    • 1 year ago

      Everyone already said anything there is to say. It's shit, and so disinteresting now that it's just boring to talk about. Even all the woke shit is just the kind of stuff you can see on Twitter after 2 minutes of scrolling.

      • 1 year ago

        I have no idea so can you tell me why people hate it?

        • 1 year ago

          Youre asking someone that doesnt play the game, so keep that in mind

        • 1 year ago

          >why do people hate it
          better ask yourself, why are people leaving ffs, surely its nothing, surely it's Ganker magic powers making shit up

    • 1 year ago

      The game is just so confusing now, I really don't know how it gets new players at all. You don't even have a story anymore. Whereas before this revamp of leveling you would normally do overworld stuff until at least 50 and then starts the BC at 60, Wrath at 70, so on and so forth until Legion.
      Now of course you get to level 20 or whatever you are fresh off tutorial island and talk to Chromi who just says
      >pick whatever expansion you like
      >what's the story of these expansions? who is Garrosh? who is Anduin? who are the dragon aspects? what's the Shattering?
      >who cares, just pick one, the only story that matters is Dragonflight. No one gives a shit about Cataclysm, its all been retconned anyway

      • 1 year ago

        The first time you level on a new account they put you through BfA but yeah

      • 1 year ago

        I think they gave up on having new and causal players years ago. It's basically impossible to enjoy this game as an mmo newbie. It's also why they started pandering to the top 2% raiders, speeding up the process of alienating casuals who pay for the game but don't get access to all the cool mounts and titles locked up behind CE, gladiator and glory achievements.

        • 1 year ago

          The game is just so confusing now, I really don't know how it gets new players at all. You don't even have a story anymore. Whereas before this revamp of leveling you would normally do overworld stuff until at least 50 and then starts the BC at 60, Wrath at 70, so on and so forth until Legion.
          Now of course you get to level 20 or whatever you are fresh off tutorial island and talk to Chromi who just says
          >pick whatever expansion you like
          >what's the story of these expansions? who is Garrosh? who is Anduin? who are the dragon aspects? what's the Shattering?
          >who cares, just pick one, the only story that matters is Dragonflight. No one gives a shit about Cataclysm, its all been retconned anyway

          The game is becoming alt friendly but not for new player who started from zero.
          Even ignoring problem on blizzard side, community side is equally hard for new player

      • 1 year ago

        I unironically have seen more actual new players on Classic in the past 2 months than I've seen on retail in years.

    • 1 year ago

      and yet you are here again. eternally seething since 2004.

  2. 1 year ago

    way overhated. it's probably in the top 5 expansions

    • 1 year ago

      >way overhated
      lmao even

      • 1 year ago

        how does this affect the gameplay?

        • 1 year ago


          >you're muh boogeyman if you don't like a complete tonal shift from all the previous expansions except shitterlands
          good try, moron

        • 1 year ago

          No need for the game to be an MMO if the lore, setting, world, and themes don't matter.
          Could be a lobby game like League of Legends at this point for less overhead.
          GG EZ
          Q.E.D. don't bother replying to me, the disingenuous Blizzcuck arguments are circuitous and pathetic.

          • 1 year ago

            Seriously you've only critiqued a cherrypicking of the writing so far. What do you have against the zone design, dungeons, classes, music etc.?

            • 1 year ago

              >Seriously you've only critiqued a cherrypicking of the writing so far
              lol being disingenuous is all Blizzdrones know. It's like the default troony mmo player state of mind; perpetual lying.

              • 1 year ago

                if you cared about gameplay only you wouldn't be playing a fricking tab target MMO

                So you have absolutely nothing but troonpix which broke your fragile mind

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                >the game is good is if you just ignore the WORLD in WORLD of Warcraft

                congrats, Foxxo! You went 20 posts this time before reverting to "BUT OTHER GAME"

              • 1 year ago

                I don't care about FF 14. Stay on topic, troon. We all know you play it anyways

              • 1 year ago

                barry is a sub 80iq abo, not a troony

              • 1 year ago

                I only play LOTR:O, WoW, and FFXIV for the ERP. I don't care if I'm beating it to a fat sweaty nerd's writing.

              • 1 year ago


            • 1 year ago

              The dungeon philosophy since BC has been linear hallway into loot pinata x3-4 and the only time they were fun was in early cata blues where you had to CC stuff, just an absolute disaster because they'd rather do the 10th "hunt rares" zone in a row instead of another actually immersive dungeon like Blackrock depths

              The only people left on the game are metagays who only want the most efficient possible pathway to loot, not a grand adventure and it really really shows in the complete abandonment of the immersive world

              • 1 year ago

                >Why are there no more dungeons like BRD????
                Because no one wants to spend 3+ hours in one dungeon.

              • 1 year ago

                You mean nobody *left* wants to press a queue and end up in some disconnected dungeon for 3 hours
                Clearing out a whole night to try and explore a dangerous area with people you met adventuring was peak WoW, all the metahomosexualry after that was shit

        • 1 year ago

          Why is the game called WORLD of Warcraft if the world doesn't matter?

          • 1 year ago

            >A handful of end of quest dialogues have ruined my entire experience
            Stop being stupid

            • 1 year ago

              answer my question, coward
              It's hilarious to me all you have to do to drive WoWtards into a corner is to post in-game stuff and watch as they start regurgitating the flash-card arguments every single time

              • 1 year ago

                Your question is ridiculous because it relates to literally 1% of the "world." You conveniently ignore every single other aspect of the game and get triggered by the esoteric.

              • 1 year ago

                >get triggered by the esoteric
                Disingenuous or doesn't know what the word 'esoteric' means.
                Anyone care to take bets which?

              • 1 year ago

                You continue with this charade. There's like 10 instances of this in the entirety of Dragonflight. Less than 1,000 lines of written text and you've delved into the realms of paranoia believing some tokenism is actually so ingrained that the other 100,000 lines must be the exact same thing. This shit is not systemic, you probably haven't even touched a single dungeon or raid or Dragonflight at all

              • 1 year ago

                >You continue with this charade. There's like 10 instances of this in the entirety of Dragonflight.
                >entire zones are filled with gay couples
                all the WoWgay has now is 'but other game!' and straight out lying

              • 1 year ago

                >entire zones are filled with gay couples
                lol post them then
                you're going to run dry in like a few examples but anyway
                did you actually dragonflight or not?

              • 1 year ago

                >you're going to run dry in like a few examples after I ignore everything in this thread already and say they don't count heh

              • 1 year ago

                A dragon in a fricking wooden wheelchair, couldn't it at least using hover crystals or something? Who the frick came up with this design? Did they animate how the thing wheels around?

              • 1 year ago

                It never moves, that's how

              • 1 year ago

                Didn't you know? Being disabled is an identity
                Forget character, moral fibre, thoughts, hobbies, skills, relationships
                That dragon wants to be seen as disabled, because it's all xhe has
                Now that's writing, and a compelling character 🙂

              • 1 year ago

                >There's like 10 instances of this in the entirety of Dragonflight
                That's 10 instances too much
                I will not be buying or playing your game.

              • 1 year ago

                >you're going to run dry in like a few examples after I ignore everything in this thread already and say they don't count heh

                you've already posted the same one twice
                this is embarrassing, lad

              • 1 year ago

                >Yes seven people died because our leader didn't have their interpreter on hand before the fire, our reaction was too slow
                >But she adds so much because of her diversity

        • 1 year ago

          if you cared about gameplay only you wouldn't be playing a fricking tab target MMO

        • 1 year ago

          id like to play in a world different from the gay agenda i get in this one.

        • 1 year ago

          It makes it a lame game that no one wants to play
          There are 100's of lame dead games that have good systems in them

          People will excuse bad systems in a non lame game, but they won't even play a lame game

        • 1 year ago

          It affects the experience

        • 1 year ago

          homosexuals make heterosexuals feel revulsion and disgust, so for the majority of the populace, this strongly makes us want to stop playing the game.

          • 1 year ago

            This. The >mUh GaMePlAy is all that matters is a disengenious leftoid gaslighting garbage. I played Warcraft because it was one of the most epic fantasy universes ever created, arguably up to BfA. I even tolerated Shadowlands because it STILL FELT like warcraft, even if vaguely. Now? This is some fricked up, degenerated Disney movie full of homosexual and troony creatures and "DIVERSITY" npcs like a mute centaur huntress who should also be deaf and would never be able to hunt. It's revolting.

            • 1 year ago

              Luckily they were nice enough to warn people away with those *awful* dreamworks trailers
              Shadowlands you had the hope it would be good from the badass bolivar fight cinematic

            • 1 year ago

              >I even tolerated Shadowlands because it STILL FELT like warcraft

              Odd. Shadowlands was the first time I felt it was completely disconnected from that feeling. It just felt like some shitty pocket dimension that had no bearing on the actual world, but some old faces popped up in some of zones occasionally.

          • 1 year ago

            Ion said in an interview they're literally working on a troony pronouns toggle for WoW, it's revolting what this game's become.

            • 1 year ago

              Are you moronic? Having pronouns in a game actually makes sense for WoW because you can play a female character and still be a guy. I don't play a female character because I want people to think I'm female.

              • 1 year ago

                You're moronic you degenerate lol, if you play a female char you're a woman IN THAT UNIVERSE, not a fricking transformer. If you want to self insert and be called a HE play a male, moron. This cancer exists only to cater to troons.

        • 1 year ago

          you're on Ganker where people don't play games and circlejerk over the exact same 5 screenshots of dragonflight quests

          • 1 year ago

            You don't play videogames you MMO playing little homosexual go get neglected by your WoW addicted mom

      • 1 year ago

        >you're muh boogeyman if you don't like a complete tonal shift from all the previous expansions except shitterlands
        good try, moron

        I have 5 characters at max level and never once did those quests

        • 1 year ago

          they're isolated side quests, completely unrelated to the main story
          one has to actively look for them to find them

        • 1 year ago

          What a good little drone you are.

        • 1 year ago

          There is a quest with two gays where you need to help them with gay shit and it's mandatory if you want to craft something

      • 1 year ago

        >lol why don’t you play dragon flight?
        >*reads this image*

      • 1 year ago

        i wish blizzard would learn from square how to do pozzing right
        this shitty text doesnt cut it
        when are we getting rendered cutscenes of homos kissing??

        • 1 year ago

          Those two are cute and handsome, and you can't have cute and handsome in Warcraft like that because something something gaze.

          • 1 year ago

            >Game is full of people making love.
            >One of these situations is gay.
            Ok what about it? The game opens on a women getting motorboated.

            Kys homosexuals

        • 1 year ago

          >Game is full of people making love.
          >One of these situations is gay.
          Ok what about it? The game opens on a women getting motorboated.

      • 1 year ago

        People making excuses for this are the subhumans who enabled the destruction of warcraft, if everyone banded together against the revolting woke pos known as dragonflight they would have no choice but to remove it. But no, mentally ill consoomers consoom it anyway, regardless of what a travesty it has become

        • 1 year ago

          >nooo you have to band together and rise up against the gay centaur!!!

          • 1 year ago

            >troony homosexual enabler

            many such cases, unfortunately. This is also why Warcraft is irrepairable at this point.

            • 1 year ago

              Yeah, it's not irreparable because of gameplay reasons - it's irreparable because of your twitter-tier culture war stuff. Thanks anon.

              • 1 year ago

                Look at what a little leftist gaslighting cuck you are, Nu Blizzard bring the twitter bullshit to WoW and pozz it up to a revolting extend and you have the cheek to blame players for fighting back against it and quitting, I sincerely wish you to suicide horribly you disgusting little midget.

              • 1 year ago

                Yes, everyone's "gaslighting" you and other twitter buzzwords. It's "pozzed". Good luck, and go back!

              • 1 year ago

                NTA but you're not fooling anyone, troony. Dilate and frick out of WoW, you and your shit don't belong there.

              • 1 year ago

                I'll get right on that. Have a great day anon - good luck rising up!

      • 1 year ago

        I will never forgive the gender confused freaks who false-fired all the men who actually cared about this game for being "rapists" (obviously false accusations) and turning Warcraft into their troony and homosexual furry californian paradise.

        • 1 year ago

          Not even the sexy furries either, I don't know any scalies attracted to the dracthyr out of the box

      • 1 year ago

        >feel the itch coming up a few weeks ago
        >reinstall it just to have a look at the classes and races
        >body type 1 and 2
        >uninstall wizard
        Thank you Blizzard.

        • 1 year ago

          you also didn't play elden ring, right?

          • 1 year ago

            I did not.

            >BT1/2 has been in the game for a long ass time
            >moron supposedly ignored it for a long as time because there's just no way he knew it was in WoW now
            >Gave money to blizzard even after all of this
            >Gets mad but still payed blizzard

            You can install and look at the character creator without buying it you massive moron. Guess that really is a portrait of you.

        • 1 year ago

          >BT1/2 has been in the game for a long ass time
          >moron supposedly ignored it for a long as time because there's just no way he knew it was in WoW now
          >Gave money to blizzard even after all of this
          >Gets mad but still payed blizzard

          • 1 year ago

            has been in the game for a long ass time
            It hasn't even been a year, dumbass

            • 1 year ago

              no point. im sure the homosexual preordered elden ring 1 year in advance and had no issues with choosing between body type A and B
              now its a problem

            • 1 year ago

              I did not.

              You can install and look at the character creator without buying it you massive moron. Guess that really is a portrait of you.

              moron lol

    • 1 year ago

      the criticism is usually /misc/tards sperging out
      a solid 8 out of 10 expac

      • 1 year ago

        >you're muh boogeyman if you don't like a complete tonal shift from all the previous expansions except shitterlands
        good try, moron

        • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago
      Anonymous my dreams. I'm trans btw, in case you were wondering.

    • 1 year ago

      the criticism is usually /misc/tards sperging out
      a solid 8 out of 10 expac

      i bought it and gave it a go and no, it's not good

      • 1 year ago

        what didn't you like about it
        compared to previous expansions

    • 1 year ago

      Maybe but I'm not ever coming back to find out unless blizzard apologizes for shadowlands and completely retcons it out of existence.

    • 1 year ago

      Considering there were only two good expansions and one okay one, that's not saying a lot.

    • 1 year ago

      i was just watching one of my friends playing rated bgs talking about how dead that and arena are currently, deader than end of shadowlands(last time I played). Seems like you're wrong bucko

  3. 1 year ago

    Sex with female dragons

    • 1 year ago

      >Orc sloppy seconds

    • 1 year ago

      >no one makes alexstraza in human form rule 34 anymore
      makes me sad

      • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      >alexstrasza audibly grinds her teeth

      • 1 year ago

        i wish she would grind on something else, if you catch my drift

  4. 1 year ago

    meh, it was alright i guess. got the boys together for a last hurrah at least. too much homosexual shit in the story i hear but i skipped 100% of all that trash. first time i ever tried out healing, wasnt really my cup of tea. dragon riding was cool for a few weeks, wish it was optional now. all in all better than the last 2 expansions but still wow, so still shit.

  5. 1 year ago

    WoW will never recover the masses losses from the past 4 years.

    • 1 year ago

      And yet it's still printing money

      • 1 year ago

        >And yet it's still printing money

        • 1 year ago

          How is that cope when it's completely verifiable with the financial reports?

          • 1 year ago

            post one and I'll explain to you what it means since you're a moron and Actiblizz doesn't relay financials like that on the call

            • 1 year ago

              It's going to be difficult to attribute to WoW directly but 740 million in profit just in q1 2023. Blizzard and Activision were lean on major releases around that time so it'd just be income streams such as WoW. And goddamn are they going to post some fricking massive gains from Diablo IV. This is not a dying company

              • 1 year ago

                anon are you moronic? Honest question.

              • 1 year ago

                (Amounts in millions)
                Three Months Ended March 31 2023
                Net income $ 740

                no, are you? they have 9.2 billion dollars in their bank account by the way. DYING COMPANY though lmao

              • 1 year ago

                >King, the majority of their money? Nah. CoD? Nah. Hearthstone, which still makes like 5x as much as WeW? Nah
                >it's all WoW

              • 1 year ago

                Uhhh they stopped reporting about Hearthstone a long time ago, anon. Notice how it's not even in that report? You're beyond moronic if you think that's their cash cow.

                I mean you didn't read the report obviously
                >Blizzard segment revenue increased 62% year-over-year in the first quarter, with each of Warcraft, Overwatch and Diablo contributing to growth

              • 1 year ago

                yes, because cry and scream as loudly as you want, Diablo Immortal makes more money in 1 week than WoW, which has been kicked out of Chink Land, makes in a year.

                you fricking moron

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah because Blizzard didn't print money before Diablo Immortal existed. Oh wait they had their most successful financial year ever before that time. This is humiliating. You have no fricking clue how the company works

              • 1 year ago

                >This is humiliating.
                that you keep mixing and matching Actiblizz on the investor report with just Blizzard at will to try to form some moronic narrative that makes zero sense to anyone with 2 brain cells?
                Yeah, it is.

              • 1 year ago

                Do people even realize that the category for Warcraft points to both WoW and Hearthstone?

              • 1 year ago

                No, they don't, because they are literally mentally ill muppets. When Arclight Rumble comes out and moronic phonegays make it popular for 1 month watch them claim "WOW is back BAYBEE" because of it

              • 1 year ago

                >Hearthstone makes money

              • 1 year ago

                Yes, the game that children watch Kripp plays likely makes more than the game that only poorgays, sad soccer moms, and troons play.

              • 1 year ago

                Hearthstone is trooncentral bud. Kripp the cuck is is one of the few exceptions

      • 1 year ago

        prove it

    • 1 year ago

      stop posting this picture. all he did was suck wows dick for the second half of the video.

      • 1 year ago

        damn, he took his time

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        He did not equate female bunnies to hitler. But he certainly is too mad about the stupid reply.

  6. 1 year ago


    >but other game
    the only 'defense' of WoW. Really sad.

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      To be fair wow has only ever been popular because nothing scratches the same itch.

  7. 1 year ago

    Dargontroon had failed

  8. 1 year ago

    >Chang is even in your cutscenes

  9. 1 year ago
  10. 1 year ago

    WoW in 2006 was based off of pic related. Warhammer flavored (because of the deal that fell through), dad rock inspired, basic fantasy.

    WoW in 2023 is based off of troons and gay pirates. KEK

    • 1 year ago

      Whoops, uploaded an embarrassing WEBM from nuWoW. Meant to put this, my mistake.

    • 1 year ago

      Whoops, uploaded an embarrassing WEBM from nuWoW. Meant to put this, my mistake.

      bro, vanilla WoW wasn't based off of the old lore either. It was based on everything that happened with Warcraft 3.
      Warcraft 2's art was amazing though and really painted quite a different picture of the world and especially the Horde.

      • 1 year ago

        now it's based off of 'Dudes pretending to be dudettes'

    • 1 year ago

      It's honestly incredible how bad Shadowlands was. I spent two years hating BFA and sticking through it and somehow still stupidly fell for the hype around SL. Dropped it three months in and never looked back. Dragonflight confirmed that I was completely right to drop the game.

  11. 1 year ago

    I wish there were good MMOs out right now. Serviceable combat, interesting lore, world that feels "real" (like it could actually exist), fun classes.

    • 1 year ago

      but bro, people in this very thread say DRAGONFLIGHT™ has amazing GAMEPLAY™

    • 1 year ago

      Its insane. This genre is completely bankrupt of any good games. Koreans went way to overboard with chink grinds but western devs went the opposite and made leveling a joke and its all about endgame aka raidlogging and sitting in town getting gear thats 1% better. I miss the FFXI days and all the MMOs from 2000-2004. Give me a long leveling grind that takes months to 6 months or a year but make it meaningful. Make level 35 mean something, make level 50 mean something. Make a max level like 100. I just want something like the animes depict. An immersive world where you see a level 67 and you go WOAH that dude is level 67. I dont have a lot of time these days but Id gladly play a couple hours a day and slowly level to max level even if it takes a long time. As long as the game is fun thats all I ask.

      • 1 year ago

        Vanilla wows pace of about a month or two average to max level (before meta homosexualry developed) was perfect

    • 1 year ago

      >Serviceable combat, interesting lore, world that feels "real" (like it could actually exist), fun classes.
      wow has all of that

  12. 1 year ago

    Dead game full of fricking weirdos.
    An ignoble end.

    • 1 year ago

      >Dead game
      >Still alive after 19 years
      >Still getting content every 2 months
      Hey man whatever mental gymnastics help you sleep better at night. Maybe around the 25 year mark you'll finally get lucky

      • 1 year ago

        Whatever, you fricking weirdo.
        Everyone outside of your echo chamber thinks you look like a fricking clown, by the way.
        And hrt makes your body odour smell even worse, you troons smell like an abandoned dairy farm.
        It's sad.

        • 1 year ago

          You're the only one in an echo chamber here chanting lalalala Blizzard is not making money lalala they will never merge with Microsoft while tears stream down your fat face and you lash out at everyone countering your shitty narrative as troons like that's never been done before. But post more of those examples you've already run out of if it makes you feel better

          • 1 year ago

            nobody said the company that owned King isn't making money you fricking disingenuous gibbering troon.
            They said WOW isn't making money, which is true and if you weren't too moronic to notice it's on maintenance mode, you'd see it too.

            • 1 year ago

              lol prove it. Why are they increasing their revenues then? Why are they still releasing content?

              • 1 year ago

                >haha it's making so much money that the expansion has zero content and is getting a dripfeed of new 'content' of mostly store mounts and costumes
                most mentally stable poster

              • 1 year ago

                >MOVE THE GOALPOSTS, QUICK
                Yeah we're done. I'm getting some coffee. Goodbye, troony.

              • 1 year ago

                Don't you mean you're getting some HRT, WoWbuck?

              • 1 year ago

                Does anyone find it funny that they made the transman wear a dress?

              • 1 year ago

                >I'm losing, better get out of here and go get 10 boar asses for my inclusive non-binary treant couple daily quest

  13. 1 year ago

    So if WoW does bad enough, will we actually have a chance at a WarCraft 4? That's really the only thing I want from Blizzard anymore, I sort of ignore everything else.
    I just miss good WarCraft.

    • 1 year ago

      >will we actually have a chance at a WarCraft 4?
      I doubt it. no studio wants to touch RTS anymore. also, all of blizzard's best talent is gone so there is no way in hell they could make a good WC4 even if they wanted to.

      • 1 year ago

        I know you're right, but I really want to hope.

  14. 1 year ago

    >go to the afterlife
    >game dies
    It's like pottery

    • 1 year ago

      my hate for Ion is like a tiny spark compared to the roaring forest fire of murder I feel for Danuser
      The IP is so thoroughly skullfricked it's worthless now

      • 1 year ago

        its like looking into a dark mirror....

      • 1 year ago

        its like looking into a dark mirror....

        • 1 year ago

          i do not understand how this fricking hack got such an important job

          • 1 year ago

            >How did this guy get his job.
            Cause the previous guy got fired for being a rapist.

          • 1 year ago

            even though hes a schizo for some zombie pussy it would have probably been even worse if they just grabbed some brown lady who never worked on a videogame in her life

            • 1 year ago

              are you talking about this brown prostitute? i cant find her stripper pole picture, but heres your narrative designer bro.

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                ugly women exist

          • 1 year ago

            failing upwards, happens in a lot of big corporations.

        • 1 year ago

          autists shouldn't be underestimated, reminds me of this

      • 1 year ago

        Genuinely impressive how this guy managed to completely ruin and trample all over the entire WoW setting in a single expansion. I could probably make a 2+ hour long video about it. I don't think even the Star Wars sequels did this much damage.

        • 1 year ago

          I don't know how someone hasn't already made a video on it. I guess because it would be considered 'targeting' or 'harassment' and would get demonetized instantly.
          Like I said, he skullfricked the IP into the dirt. You're right that not even Star Wars took that hard of a dive.

          • 1 year ago

            Its because most people that actually cared for the lore slowly eventually stopped playing or caring after Wrath.

            • 1 year ago

              It's so bad that Scrolls of Lore died

      • 1 year ago

        Hate this guy all you like but whoever was in charge of cata replacing entire zones with [insert popular movie here] instead of just updating and adding a few quests here and there did easily the most damage to WoW
        Compare catas numbers drop-off to WotlK

        • 1 year ago

          yeah that cata dropoff was unreal. I remember resubbing towards the end of cata and returning to my previously very lively server being completely dead in the span of 1 xpac.

  15. 1 year ago

    Is this the daily shit on wow thread/pseudo /mmog/ general, after /mmog/ died?

    • 1 year ago


  16. 1 year ago

    what is the most "incel" thing you ever did in WoW?

  17. 1 year ago

    1 troony expansion = troony game
    Kys polgays

    • 1 year ago

      uh.... I mean, yes. That is how it works? Are you a moron?
      And it's been TWO troony expansions now

      • 1 year ago

        Isn't world of warcraft that game that has that crippled dragon in a universe with magical healing? lmfao

    • 1 year ago

      there was some pretty weird troonshit in Shadowlands too.

    • 1 year ago

      I don't even need to tell you to have a nice day. There's a 50% chance of it happening no matter what I do or say.

  18. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      It is dead to me, which is all that matters.
      Which is shame, because I've spent so much time playing it and made many friends in the process, but not even that would be possible nowadays.

  19. 1 year ago

    >centaurs in the dragon isles when they've already been established in the mainland
    >I wonder how they're gonna explain this
    >"they were always there lol :^)"
    i dont know what i was expecting

  20. 1 year ago

    If wow is dead, how come I can still play it officially unlike Wildstar or Age of Reckoning?
    Checkmate gays.

  21. 1 year ago


  22. 1 year ago

    >the new Blizzdrone narrative is that WoW is making all of the money that King is making

  23. 1 year ago


    FF is weird and I have no idea why trannies chose it specifically. I played it up to level 25 before getting bored and I'm not a troony but my high school friend went all in on the game and is now on hormones and literally everyone in his guild is a troony or non binary or gay. He even went to a meet up and one of their gay/troony marriages in the Netherlands.
    >talking to my mom one day
    >hey anon i saw friend in the store, he was with a feminine looking boy, he had really long hair!
    >mfw trying to explain current year trannies to my blue collar boomer mom

    • 1 year ago

      That's really weird. My friend also started playing the the game now he is married and has two children. Maybe it's the poeple the your surround yourself with.

  24. 1 year ago

    So why exactly are you people so obsessed with a game you don't even play anymore?
    Talk about ex girlfriend syndrome.

    • 1 year ago

      there it is; the last of the copes after we got through
      >muh tabtarget gameplay is good
      >the world doesn't matter
      >MMOs don't need good world building
      >it makes money, please believe me misunderstanding these investor reports because I have never invested any money into anything ever

      • 1 year ago

        Well go on anon. Answer the question.

        • 1 year ago

          because you have never interacted with other human beings not on your troony Discord so you don't realize that
          >Oh I used to like X thing a lot but then X happened and I'm into as much anymore
          >Oh, me too! It was better when X and X was a thing
          is a very very very common human conversation between people who used to share an interest.
          Ergo, on the VIDEO GAME BOARD, it is not a big shock to find people who used to play the game who are not very happy with the modern version of the game.

          • 1 year ago

            Anon I'm pretty sure posting imagines and complaining about stuff that happened 3-5 years ago, counts as obsession.

            • 1 year ago

              >complaining about stuff that happened 3-5 years ago, counts as obsession
              ultimate zoomer post
              This child thinks 3 years is a long time because it's 15% of his lifespan

              • 1 year ago

                It does make sense why they are so pleased with nuWoW, though. They weren't alive when Vanilla came out so they have warped standards.

              • 1 year ago

                but vanilla sucks ass, and classic proved that repeatedly

              • 1 year ago

                Classic is not and will never be Vanilla. You missed it. You will never EVER experience it.

              • 1 year ago

                it is vanilla
                its a shallow, empty timesink with no challenge or value

              • 1 year ago

                >its a shallow, empty timesink with no challenge or value
                but enough about retail

              • 1 year ago

                post your cutting edge achievements

              • 1 year ago

                hahahahah it's mad
                it's mad as frick
                I don't play your troony ass game, homosexual. I played it when it was good, now seethe and go buy a store mount.

              • 1 year ago

                Both of you are right but for different reasons. The gaming landscape as a whole changed, playing vanilla classic was the most god awful experience I think i ever had. It was a completely solved game full of min maxers that ruined it. But the game obviously was much different back in the day when information wasnt widely available and you didnt have people who already knew you could power your way to 60 in 2 days by being a frost mage

              • 1 year ago

                This is what I keep saying to people as well.
                When blizzard said "you think you do, but you don't", they were actually unironically right. Whoever it was that actually said it knew exactly what the go was.

              • 1 year ago

                Except private servers proved that shit entirely wrong. Classic only suffered because it was a fricking mess with zero moderation since release

                More accurately, they were saying "we thought you didn't, but you did, and we couldn't do it for you"

              • 1 year ago

                Thats a cope, everlook was widely looked at and anticipated and was only popular for a day, private servers might also add in new content themselves to keep things fresh. Blizzard, if they actually had a fricking brain could have alleviated a lot of the problems that classic suffered by just having classic+ and adding in new raids and class fixes.

              • 1 year ago

                People wanted the experience, not the actual game itself.

              • 1 year ago

                >its a shallow, empty timesink with no challenge or value
                The content in an mmo is there to be an excuse for you to socialize with others. The moment you want "challenge" and "value" from a mmorpg, you have already lost.

                In more than one way, WoW vanilla could never happen again because players like you exist, who treat the game as a replacement for your lack of accomplishments or sense of self esteem irl.

                Vanilla was magical because it was full of "normies" back when people who interacted on the internet were people who were born in a time without it. That's why classic isn't it although it is the best it could have been given the. . quality of current day blizzard fans.

              • 1 year ago

                TurtleWoW is just Vanilla on a slow day with some cringe OC shit.

  25. 1 year ago

    >Be Ion
    >Give up prestigious coasting political lawyer job
    >For a scant few years piggybacked on the real devs
    >Only to end up with this mess
    Deserved imo

  26. 1 year ago


    It was obvious Pint was gonna troon out years ago.

    • 1 year ago

      yeah he was a fem gnome player

    • 1 year ago

      pint still sees himself as a man

  27. 1 year ago

    This expansion flopped so hard that Blizzard still hasn't released the sales numbers for it unlike literally every other xpac.

  28. 1 year ago

    I'm playing WoW for the first time via private servers. Vanilla and WotLK so I can play all of the pre-Cataclysm content.

    The Forsaken and Draenei intro are really good. The Blood Elf into is ok. The Human intro is so bad I would have deleted the game if I tried it first.

    • 1 year ago

      The human intro is fricking excellent what the frick?
      The entire point is starting off as an everyman helping the guards deal with local problems

      • 1 year ago

        Area design is awful by comparison, quests give even less context and flavor text than the others, does not even disguise its bear ass requests. It all comes down to repetitive nonsense no matter what, but at least try to present it well.

        • 1 year ago

          Terminal case of shit taste. Elwynn -> Westfall -> Redridge -> Duskwood is so much better than anything else it's not even funny.

          • 1 year ago

            I prefer stories that actually start with a conflict instead of "uhhh, the soldiers are gone so we're stretched thin so uhhhmmm... Go kill some Kobolds."

            • 1 year ago

              >I prefer marvel capeshit slop
              Holy terminal shit taste
              The classic human starting experience from levels 1-30 is one of the most immersive experiences in all of videogames and has a really fricking interesting overarching story for people that actually read the quests, you sound like you would unironically prefer retail with its bad guy of the week horseshit

              • 1 year ago

                >1-30 is one of the most immersive experiences in all of videogames
                >"I'm hungry, can you kill some wolves for me?"
                Truly genius.

                I know you're nostalgic for it, but you have to admit most of the other races do a better job at creating investment.

              • 1 year ago

                "Hey random guy you look good with a sword, can you help out with some of our issues here because we're shortstaffed?"
                "Oh shit you're actually not too bad at this, maybe you can help us out with some thugs that cut off the abbeys food supply?"
                "Wow you actually did it, you know ever since the army was shifted to foreign battlefields the kingdoms been shortstaffed, you could earn a decent living helping out"
                And then you get into the overarching story about why actually does elwynn have all of these foreign races taking over its supply lines and causing trouble, who benefits?
                And it slowly drags you into a full on political intrigue that has you journeying across the continent trying to find clues about what's going on and then ends with the reveal at lvl 60 leading straight into the games first raid
                No other race comes even close to the human starting zone and story because it's the alliances story and all wraps together perfectly in a big long campaign.

              • 1 year ago

                Understood: the big wienertease matters more to you.

              • 1 year ago

                The human campaign including the start zone is genuinely immersive like a custom D&D campaign in a way almost no other games can match because you're never on rails, you can decide to frick off at any point you want or get back on the trail and solve the mystery only to find its unraveled several more layers of mysteries

              • 1 year ago

                >No, you see, the terrible opening quests are a feature! It's great because you can just disengage entirely!
                Please play a good video game.

              • 1 year ago

                When the frick did I say disengage entirely you disingenuous homosexual, I said you have freedom to run off and do other things and come back to the main story whenever you want, most games force you on the main story with a handful of side quests, vanilla wow handed you the entire world

                nu-blizzard as a whole is to blame.

            • 1 year ago

              The human zones literally have one of the best stories in all of WoW. The overarching storyline of the Defias Brotherhood and Onyxia hasn't been topped even to this day.

              • 1 year ago

                Don't worry, Alex Afrasiabi who crafted the entire vanilla WoW world and storyline has been rightfully punished for being a sexual male and has been removed and replaced by 20-somethings with purple hair whose experience with storytelling is Adventure Time and Scott Pilgrim.

              • 1 year ago

                It's all so tiresome

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                ngl, the whole Cosbi suite had my support

              • 1 year ago

                What a shitshow

        • 1 year ago

          Name your top 3 starting zones.

          • 1 year ago

            >I'm playing WoW for the first time via private servers.
            >The Forsaken and Draenei intro are really good. The Blood Elf into is ok. The Human intro is so bad

            • 1 year ago

              Based boneboy enjoyer, Forsaken are the only ones who got through the Cata world revamp with still kino questlines.

              • 1 year ago

                >Soul has no titty
                >Body has milkers
                Silicone woman.

              • 1 year ago

                Shouldn't that be a whisp?

            • 1 year ago

              Literally one of the worst starting zones. Your taste is weird.

              • 1 year ago

                >Fantastic layout.
                >Good setup.
                >Strong atmosphere.
                >Quests that are actually written worth a damn.
                >Enemies are laid out logically but also do a good job creating tension when you're trying to get to objectives.
                >Bunch of good fishing spots.
                What do you play MMOs for, the gameplay?

              • 1 year ago

                >What do you play MMOs for, the gameplay?
                The gameplay and interacting with other players + NPCs, in a world that feels believable and persistent. Everything about the Draenei starting zone is COMPLETELY disconnected from the rest of the game and world in terms of style, substance, location, etc.

              • 1 year ago

                >The gameplay
                Oh my god, I'm so sorry for you, anon. Playing WoW must be miserable.

                >interacting with other players + NPCs, in a world that feels believable and persistent.
                Yeah, Azuremyst was great for that when I went through it. My only complaint is it isn't integrated into Azeroth proper.

              • 1 year ago

                I never made a draenei but Azuremyst Isle is one of my favorite zones. Used to afk at the lake near Exodar.

              • 1 year ago

                Exactly. It's a great place to just explore and chill, which makes it a great starting area because enemies can actually pose a threat.

          • 1 year ago

            >Eversong Woods
            >Eversong Woods
            >Eversong Woods
            Deal with it

    • 1 year ago

      >The Human intro is so bad I would have deleted the game if I tried it first.
      Elwynn Forest into Stormwind was probably one of the most KINO first experiences you could have in WoW back in the day. The only thing that would maybe surpass it would be the nelf starting zone.

    • 1 year ago

      >The Human intro is so bad I would have deleted the game if I tried it first.
      Elwynn Forest into Stormwind was probably one of the most KINO first experiences you could have in WoW back in the day. The only thing that would maybe surpass it would be the nelf starting zone.

      Dun Morogh (vanilla) shits on all other starting zones.

    • 1 year ago

      I prefer stories that actually start with a conflict instead of "uhhh, the soldiers are gone so we're stretched thin so uhhhmmm... Go kill some Kobolds."

      You'll probably like the Worgen starting zone then.
      It was fricking great.

      • 1 year ago

        Maybe. I'll try out the MoP server eventually. Doing Vanilla and TBC/WotLK is already a ton of content.

      • 1 year ago

        Worgen starting zone is good the first time, but on subsequent playthroughs it's like pulling teeth because you've already seen this movie
        Catas entire on-rails themepark quest design was really really bad

        • 1 year ago

          Why would you make a second wolf? What are you, a furry?

          • 1 year ago

            My characters are all exclusively worgen females and if a class can't be worgen I don't want it

            • 1 year ago

              Though a fempanda lock come 10.1.5 is tempting

            • 1 year ago

              >HMOFA Chad, pictured left

  29. 1 year ago

    All I could add is that I like the gear progression system, besides the vault there any many other tools to catch up which just require you to play the game normally

  30. 1 year ago

    >same usual shitposters
    >same images being posted
    Why is WoW causing so much butthurt?
    These unhinged homosexuals remind me of Barry or Eric. Same mentally ill behavior.
    Dragonflight is great, its ok to not like it, its ok to not play, but to actively obsess over it and refresh Ganker every 5 sec looking for threads related tonit just so you can dump your shitty folder and commence seething is pure mental illness
    Do something with your life

    • 1 year ago

      >dragonflight is great
      why isn't it bringing people back if it's so good?

      • 1 year ago

        But it did.

        • 1 year ago

          >it did
          doesn't look like it from watching my friends playing rated bgs/arena. participation looks like it's cratered

          • 1 year ago

            Thank Holinka for it.

            • 1 year ago

              nu-blizzard as a whole is to blame.

              • 1 year ago

                hello trarry

              • 1 year ago

                are you moronic? my files are clearly named, you can tell which ones are me easily. search the archive for this one

              • 1 year ago

                oops forgot my image

              • 1 year ago

                that you? damn

              • 1 year ago

                blizz isn't sending their best shills anymore

              • 1 year ago

                "shill" on Ganker means "you like something which I don't"
                the word lost all its meaning

              • 1 year ago

                all these posts and you never explained why you think dflight is an improvement over bfa or shitolands.

              • 1 year ago

                talent trees are better
                UI is better
                more frequent patches
                more frequent class/m+/raid tuning
                no shitty systems to maintain/grind for player power
                new upgrade system lets even the most casual of casuals upgrade their gear
                and so on
                DF shits on shadowlands in every possible way. it's up there with MOP

              • 1 year ago

                Too little, too late. WoW has a shrinking audience that'll never recover. No amount of black trans dragons in wheelchairs will change that.

              • 1 year ago

                still the most popular mmo and the fact that there aren't any good alternatives, people keep coming back
                maybe when riot's come out that will seal the deal
                around 2040 or something

              • 1 year ago

                now explain why arena is so dead if things have gotten better. talent trees didn't add anything new(I played prepatch), it largely shuffled in shit from previous xpacs.
                M+ raid boring who cares, they were complaining about some tier drop bullshit in stream. seems like you traded one moronic system for another. i wouldn't know i didn't come back for dflight
                doesn't look on par with mop, that's for damn sure.

              • 1 year ago

                >now explain why arena is so dead
                rating is fricked

              • 1 year ago

                rating is fricked and deflated because the playerbase isn't participating. did you play s4 of shadowlands? same shit, minus the blizzflation being added.

              • 1 year ago

                yeah, you have no idea what you're talking about

              • 1 year ago

                insightful opinion, moronic as usual.

                >now explain why <insert any activity here> is so dead
                Not that guy, but I think most people are just kinda over WoW at this point. It has been almost 20 years, and the game has remained largely the same. There hasn't ever been any kind of gigantic shakeup that fundamentally changed the way the game is played. It has all just been different iterations/versions/modifications of things that the game already had/did.

                10.0 for WoW had the opportunity to be a complete revamp of WoW as we know it in an attempt to really shake things up and revitalize the game, but instead they just played DF as safe as possible. A huge reason for this is probably that Blizzard knows that WoW is probably done. They have all hands and eyes on their upcoming survival MMO instead, which will be revealed at Blizzcon in November.

                I know people are over it that's why I didn't get dflight, tell that to the blizz shills in the thread. they can't revamp it, nu-blizz doesn't have the skills to pull something big off anymore. they'll keep it on life support

              • 1 year ago

                >I didn't get dflight
                yet it lives rent free inside your head

              • 1 year ago

                never a bad time to shit on perma 1500 blizz shills

              • 1 year ago

                you seem obsessed.
                i will rest well now knowing that this game has completely buckbroken you
                my last (You)

              • 1 year ago

                sure thing wow troon, go take your meds.

              • 1 year ago

                >now explain why <insert any activity here> is so dead
                Not that guy, but I think most people are just kinda over WoW at this point. It has been almost 20 years, and the game has remained largely the same. There hasn't ever been any kind of gigantic shakeup that fundamentally changed the way the game is played. It has all just been different iterations/versions/modifications of things that the game already had/did.

                10.0 for WoW had the opportunity to be a complete revamp of WoW as we know it in an attempt to really shake things up and revitalize the game, but instead they just played DF as safe as possible. A huge reason for this is probably that Blizzard knows that WoW is probably done. They have all hands and eyes on their upcoming survival MMO instead, which will be revealed at Blizzcon in November.

              • 1 year ago

                yeah, no, just pvpers have been cucked

              • 1 year ago

                >on their upcoming survival MMO instead, which will be revealed at Blizzcon in November.

              • 1 year ago

                >talent trees are better
                No, they're bad. All they did was take abilities you already had, removed them, and stuck them on a tree.
                >UI is better
                Irrelevant since all they did was copy things addons already did
                >more frequent patches
                Okay, but they have less content. In BFA/SL the mega dungeons came out with the raid. Now all they did was cut out the mega dungeon and release it in the .5 patch
                >more frequent class/m+/raid tuning
                Yet it's still garbage. They changed Zskarn from a 15 pull boss to a 120 pull boss after many guilds killed it and there are 2 pure DPS classes with all 3 specs in the bottom half
                >no shitty systems to maintain/grind for player power
                Having to find a crafter to make you a 5* gem every 2 weeks for months is way more annoying than doing torghast for 2 weeks at the start of a patch
                >new upgrade system lets even the most casual of casuals upgrade their gear
                The upgrade system makes 90% of raid irrelevant forcing you into running boring M+ until your brain melts, and they gave up even making new M+ content with seasonal affixes and decided to release old dungeons as new content
                >and so on
                >DF shits on shadowlands in every possible way. it's up there with MOP
                The dungeons and raids are clearly worse. Less raid bosses, shitty raid theming, and 75% of the bosses are mechanically shallow as well. There is no way you think either of the raids in DF raids are as good as Castle Nathria was.

              • 1 year ago

                Oops, meant 5* equipment. Also the crafting system is p2w, you can just buy a token and get a crafter to make you near BiS items. All you need to do is run M+ 17's which are an absolute joke.

              • 1 year ago

                shut up the talent trees are the best changes.

              • 1 year ago

                >talent trees
                i don't know why they bothered with this when all of their endgame content is designed around metagamers

              • 1 year ago

                The class side is pretty interesting where you choose different utility and there are actually interesting choices depending on what your specific group needs, but yea the spec side is pointless.

              • 1 year ago



                trees are better
                >"Hey let's make people have to talent into abilities that have been baseline for literally years!"
                >>>>UI is better
                >What if we make the UI uglier and make the iconic gryphon art on the action bars look like they belong in a cartoon?"
                Holy bait lmfao not reading the rest kys troon.

              • 1 year ago



                trees are better
                >"Hey let's make people have to talent into abilities that have been baseline for literally years!"

                I have a lot of gripes with their bullshit but lets stop pretending this one thing was not a major improvement. Most of those abilities have been getting pruned or homogenised since Cata and good talents and abilities locked out for 5 choices you have to take to be competitive

                Everyone keeps b***hing and whinging about the game being too hard or being too casual while ignoring that the devs just list from side to side making the game easier while making raids and mythic+ harder for the sake of it and the entire game appeals to fricking no one. The talent trees at least are move in the actual right fricking direction. The game should allow for people to participate with the ILLUSION of difficulty while being wholly accessible with margins of error allowed for morons to frick up and still progress - like the game was all of vanilla and the first 2 expacs

                Focus should be on player choice - actual choice based solely around time spent, but no artificial slowdowns like fricking dailies. When ICC launched and it was imperative to get exalted for the ring people CHOSE to farm the trash for the rep to get it early while others just waited for boss kills. People CHOSE to pug outside their raid team 10 or 25m because they wanted an edge. As soon as they brought in shared lockouts and "Bring the player not the class" the game's population declined and has never recovered

                Everything else is a symptom of the original problem. People called themselves hardcore and l33t in 2008 as well while doing content less intense than LFR today. That is when the game was at its peak. Keep the hard mode mythic diff but ffs stop trying to push raid comps outside of it and playstyles within spec and classes. Story means nothing if the core gameplay loop sucks or is boring

                Not defending it I hate the woke SJW shitshow, its not even half the problem though.

              • 1 year ago

                >Having to talent into remove corruption on Druid
                Frick off troony. The new talent trees are so fricking shit and are worse than the old talent trees and the MoP talent trees. Making me have to CHOOSE if I want an ability that was BASELINE SINCE VANILLA is fricking moronic.

              • 1 year ago

                Name one thing you fricking moron. We literally had HALF of the spell book we have now, available to us in Legion. In BFA they flat removed anything that was not direct combat orientated "to clean up clutter".
                I literally only came back to it due to close mates still playing since we are all mid 30's dads and mums with nothing to do on the weekends with young kids, you colossal c**t. Last night in raid we were literally paying out our GM for his queer c**t evoker model.

                "Worse than old talent trees and MoP"
                5 fricking rows is not a 'tree'.
                The old talent trees had moronic shit like Thunderstorm as Elemental's 45th point. You do not know what the frick you are talking about.
                >"hurr durr hybrid boomkin/bear/cat/healer specs"
                Ignoring that the new trees do not just allow for it but require you to invest into at least something outside your role as part of your class tree like holy priest having access to damage that exceeds even their pre Cata hybrid builds?


                Fricking moron.

              • 1 year ago

                Absolutely moronic Black person. Literally EVER SINGLE CLASS has to miss out on BASELINE ABILITIES with this new tree. Non-Resto druids can't even get fricking cleanse, hunters don't get misdirection, etc. It is fricking SHIT.

                >Thunderstorm le bad
                Oh you're just a TROLLING Black person.

              • 1 year ago

                >cleanse and misdirection are no longer baseline
                nta, but a shit decision like that had to be taken with metahomosexualry in mind

              • 1 year ago

                Are you literally implying my shaman does not have purify and cannot upgrade it to make it work on curses or swap the talent point when I know I wont need it for something else like say poison totem?

                Are you such a bullshitting, lying c**t you expect anyone to believe that all healers could dispell all debuffs and had 0 restrictions?
                >Hunters don't have misdirection
                They have it available in their fricking tree you lying Black person.
                My guildmate literally MD'd in a +17 one hour ago

                What you are actually saying, maybe, if you weren't such a lying snake and shit eating homosexual - is that you could possibly fail to spec into it to chase something else.
                >"That is what I said this was ALL baseline"
                No you fricking newbie. Before Cata you had to make hard and fast choices and more often than not shadow priests for example never even got their 45 talent tree point since they had to hybrid heal. After 4.0 mass pruning occurred and some abilties were slowly added back but we were ALWAYS in deficit and that increased exponentially by BFA with pruning of entire class flavour abilities.

                I remember when Shaman had 0 totems because "hurr durr its just pointless clutter so we removed them and made them passive buffs!". No, you fricking c**t, Thunderstorm being the 45th talent was not 'nothing' it fundamentally meant NO ONE wanted Ele for dps outside lust if you somehow did not have it and no matter how well you played YOU COULD NOT compete with other ranged specs. Even hybrids like boomkin easily topped them.

                Lying, shiftless Black personhomosexual.

              • 1 year ago

                >T-They have it available!
                Stupid fricking subhuman. The best talents for those classes DO NO TAKE THOSE TALENTS.

                >Spriest hybrid heal
                >in Cata
                Holy frick off yourself moron. Enjoy your shit talent trees that force you to have to talent into shit that used to be baseline.

              • 1 year ago

                Reading comprehension is a lost art apparently.
                hybrid heal
                Not related but proved you didn't play it as Shadow could do 20% of the raid heals in Cata
                >>in Cata
                I was talking pre Cata actually. Boomkins also were expected to be hybrid heals and dps and it was literally the basis for the hybrid tax blizz balanced the classes around.

                >Muh bear tank cant cleanse
                boo fricking hoo. You also have more than 3 buttons and 2 cd's when playing bear outside the once in a blue moon you would be required to dispel someone you absolute shitc**t.
                Noticed you stopped lying about hunters, when they can now - JUST LIKE PRE CATA - fail to spec right and miss out on crucial talents.
                Having things baseline and not tied into the talent tree/spec WAS PART OF THE HOMOGENISATION that killed the player base in Cata. I bet you think Ghostcrawler was good at his job too, fricking larping zoomer.

                Im out, you have no idea what you are talking about.

              • 1 year ago

                >Boomkins also were expected to be hybrid heals and dps
                No they weren't lmfao. Fricking jump into a woodchipper feet first, you subhuman Blizzard apologist.

                >Fail to spec right pre-Cata
                Literally impossible. Everyone looked up a guide.

              • 1 year ago

                >JUST LIKE PRE CATA - fail to spec right and miss out on crucial talents.
                Everyone who played content where talents mattered just read a guide. You are talking out of your ass.

              • 1 year ago

                >Boomkins also were expected to be hybrid heals and dps
                No they weren't lmfao. Fricking jump into a woodchipper feet first, you subhuman Blizzard apologist.

                >Fail to spec right pre-Cata
                Literally impossible. Everyone looked up a guide.

                >He doesn't know even elitist jerks in Wrath was not widely used.
                No you fricking zoomer. Vast majority of people playing literally winged it or just listened to whatever their friends told them which was mostly personal bullshit.
                Case in point Flash of Light spam with MP5 stacked pallies were the 'norm' in wotlk even though the best heal setup was crit stacking Holy Light nuke heals for free with every crit and a boomkin in the group for the free 5% raid crit buff.

                Most boomkin's was stacking haste like a moron to get back into eclipse since that was common 'knowledge' yet the best dps was a pure spellpower build since eclipse was random and you got more boosting all damage rather than chasing eclipses.

                These 'guides' were made by people literally spit balling and had 0 evidence they worked. Yet even then only 25m raiders bothered to look them up, and a lot of the time they were still wrong. There were people running around in ICC 25m teams on survival hunter without lock and load ffs. I pugged with mages stacking stamina due to 'guides' telling them to do so. There were hard and fast rules, like shield tanks needing 540 block rating to not die to a boss hit and bears stacking health to the moon etc. These are nothing like the precise min max guides we have today.

                What people got away with back then is laughable by todays standards. It was one of the driving reasons for Ghostcrawlers homogenisation and baseline versions of talents. Let people fricking fall over, the worst thing they ever did was to give everyone their tools by default and not have a chance to frick up. The original post about how shit trees are is a ridiculous whinge compared to to the previous 6 expansion with less total choices combined compared to now (legion and the legendries trees excluded - which were not really choices just colour in books).

              • 1 year ago

                >Case in point Flash of Light spam with MP5 stacked pallies were the 'norm' in wotlk
                Yeah, because the content didn't require to minmax. Your point?
                >These 'guides' were made by people literally spit balling and had 0 evidence they worked.
                Oh they worked, but nobody guaranteed that it was optimal. Now you have parses where you can see that you can push much harder. Back then the ultimate criterion was "did we clear". And as long as we did, nobody gave a shit.

              • 1 year ago

                >moron thinks Elitist Jerks was the only guide
                Lmao you are so clueless.

              • 1 year ago

                >People called themselves hardcore and l33t in 2008 as well while doing content less intense than LFR today
                The classic WoW players are proving everything from back then is completely trivial by today's standards. All you really need is competent players with good connections and everything pre-mythic raids and +dungeons is unbelievably easy.

                Remember when Firefighter (Mimiron hard mode) was like the toughest thing in the game? LFR Razageth requires so much more coordination and more details to remember for everyone in the raid, but then again getting geared for Mimiron took weeks of running Naxx whereas you could do 10 mins of DF world quests every day and have enough dps for Raz.

              • 1 year ago

                >Old content is easier

              • 1 year ago

                if its so good why are people still quitting, it sounds to me like the problem lies deeper in the game

              • 1 year ago

                Absolutely everything that DF does better on paper is overshadowed by how revoltingly pozzed the expansion is, with dozens of homosexual and troony NPCs who're more numerous than the normal straight ones. Only reason I quit the game and I even played through entirety of SL, miss me with that.

              • 1 year ago

                Not that guy, but Dragonflight is clearly an obvious improvement over Shadowlands in every way possible. Not that it's a hard thing, considering that SL might have been one of the worst expansions WoW has ever had.

              • 1 year ago

                Every way except aesthetically, it looks like the long-awaited sequel to Furcadia

              • 1 year ago

                valdrakken >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> oribos
                and out of SL, revendreth was the only cool zone
                also, i like that in DF they went back to huge open zones, instead of packed small ones like in previous expansions, cluttered with shit and minigames

              • 1 year ago

                What the frick, hate shadowlands all you want but ardeanweald was the prettiest and most magical feeling zone they've ever made

              • 1 year ago

                That's argus

              • 1 year ago

                I've never seen a more wrong post in my life, and if you want to count Mac'aree (yes I know they retconned the name) it's still not even top 3

              • 1 year ago

                >Every way except aesthetically
                I don't disagree with that at all. Shadowlands, for all its faults, actually had some pretty good aesthetics and themes. Maldraxxus, Ardenweald and Revendreth were all pretty cool zones with cool aesthetic themes.

              • 1 year ago

                Should have started with StarCraft II. Once I played it I truly knew old Blizzard was dead. I haven't bought a Blizzard game since then, even never played the last SCII expansion. What a shame.

              • 1 year ago

                Thanks. I'm posting this picture every time I see some moron say "its not the dev's fault, it's Bobby Kotick's". The entire company is diseased from the ground up and needs to be burned down.

  31. 1 year ago

    like it or not, its still the most popular mmo for a reason

  32. 1 year ago

    Blizzard could make the best expansion to ever exist in an mmorpg. The fact that they decided to censor their own game and push for lgbtq+ agenda means you will never be able to discuss the game on Ganker without the mention of homosexuals and trannies, you should know this by now.

    • 1 year ago

      lots of pozzed games get a pass.
      it's just that blizzard is probably the most hated company in video game history

      • 1 year ago

        No pozzed game gets a pass on Ganker tho, frankly I wouldn't mind these few cringe examples of Californian liberalism shown in Dragonflight, it's the 4 dogshit expansions and retroactive censorship from before DF that made me quit official servers at the end of BFA.

        • 1 year ago

          pretty sure they do.
          gays on Ganker like to shit on pozzed games as long as its not the ones theyre playing or the ones theyre looking forward to

          • 1 year ago

            They really don't. People b***h and trash games before they even come out because the trailer showed a mutt or black person, Fable & BG3 in recent memory.

  33. 1 year ago

    I hate M+, it was a fun and unique feature in Legion and it got rly stale by the time I hit BFA.
    Apparently things are even worse now as half the dungeons are from previous xpacs.
    You need to grind m+ to gear up and start raiding, thus I have 0 interest in playing PVE.
    PVP is completely dead because of solo shuffle according to /wowg/ - and solo shuffle is dead because everyone queues as dps so you can't find any healers.
    So both PVE & PVP are unplayable for me.
    WoW casual/former content is the worst out of all MMORPGS in existence, offering no real challenge, time gating you behind nerfed 1% drop rates for mounts, the recently added trader's tent is now getting a real cash currency so you are forced to pay money to obtain all items you missed on by not playing in previous expansions. In a game with a subscription fee.

    So tell me, why to frick would I ever want to return to this game?

  34. 1 year ago

    more like

  35. 1 year ago

    Gay centaurs and other degeneracy destroyed wow. Its a lgbt propaganda platform, not a game at this point.

    • 1 year ago

      Cataclysm destroyed wow, both literally and figuratively

      I unironically have seen more actual new players on Classic in the past 2 months than I've seen on retail in years.

      Vanilla is designed to be accessible to anybody while also uncompromising in its ruleset, it's a perfect balance

  36. 1 year ago

    Warcraft needs a reboot

    • 1 year ago

      so it can end up being worse than it already is?

  37. 1 year ago


    It was obvious Pint was gonna troon out years ago.

    Pint onlyfans when?? curious to see the size of her girlpenis...

  38. 1 year ago

    Hopefully the last expansion they make. Time to make WoW 2 and reboot the lore starting with the events of Warcraft 1

  39. 1 year ago

    >make a questline where you make sure alexstraza gets dicked down
    i haven't played wow in like 10 years but who the frick thought that this would actually fly by their pozzed as frick fanbase,even more so with all the moronic shit blizzard keeps getting itself into

  40. 1 year ago


    This is just what british men do before they turn 25.

  41. 1 year ago

    The expansion is unironically great, however there's a ridiculous amount of new characters that are gays, disabled or mentally ill, and the endgame has been castratated pretty bad, unless you like spamming m+ there is literally nothing to do once you hit 70.

  42. 1 year ago

    >people genuinely believing its pol that is making people quit when the game has been losing subs for years
    on the other hand, keep it that way. If it benefits the death of the game, its for the best

    • 1 year ago

      Pulling the plug would be the only solution at this point, but the integrity has been lost a long time ago. We will never get a good mmorpg again, since the damage is way too deep and what WoW fricked up is passed as a core philosophy to the genre.

      Don't worry, Alex Afrasiabi who crafted the entire vanilla WoW world and storyline has been rightfully punished for being a sexual male and has been removed and replaced by 20-somethings with purple hair whose experience with storytelling is Adventure Time and Scott Pilgrim.

      It was made in a way so you'll definitely have to explore different zones. There is a lighthouse filled with mobs who are gonna oneshot you despite you being equal to the whole zone's level. This creates tension as in there must be something extraordinary in that lighthouse. This already gives you a goal as in you don't even need an NPC to tell you this.

      The current developer doesn't understand this, as he just mimics this same exact mob placement around the lighthouse, while gives the player a patronizing, passive agressive quest tone, making sure the player is never doing his own thing, but is following a strict authority which tells them where exactly to go.
      People wouldn't even play without a quest helper now, and the sad part is the ones who preach about how good was vanilla were the turbotryhard sweaty mini-tigoles.

      • 1 year ago

        WiW damaged the genre beyond belief and I legitimately believe that the death of wow could benefit the genre, unless XIV takes over for good(in which case it will just be the same) or some AAA company takes over by offering something similar. MMORPGs as a genre is damaged beyond repair and although I dont see how its going to get fixed, I do think it'd be much easier with the death of WoW

        • 1 year ago

          >unless XIV takes over for good(in which case it will just be the same)
          XIV, for better of worse, is very resilient to changes to its core structure. It's basically WotLK+ in terms of gear progression, whereas WoW devs decided to reinvent the wheel every 2 years.
          I still think that M+ was the worst thing that has happened to WoW, but then again there are thousands of players who have the exact opposite opinion. So I don't think that WoW will die, but it is definitely no longer the "default" MMO recommendation.

          • 1 year ago

            WotLK+ isn't so bad for an eternal MMO Chrysalis.

        • 1 year ago

          WoW definitely needs to die out, to make it clear its just for addicted homosexuals whose opinions are clouded by their burned out braincells.
          XIV is like an anomaly. I think its popularity is because the genre and gaming overall set the bar so low it becomes good in comparison. It still has every illness modern MMOs have, but in a more presentable package. Its like topping a pile of shit with whipped cream.
          I have noticed a lot of people in these communities are completely solo too, and these games endorse solo content. I remember that guy with a mug who plays a lot of mmos made a video about this defending this extremely shit and self mutilating behavior, and how the comment section is now the core mmo playerbase. Then comes the another problem is that people are kind of fine with this shit, but then they complain about it. It's a never ending shitfest really.

          There are just so many issues here both dev and player wise that its better to nuke it and build from scratch. However if this happens there is a huge chance it'll fail, since the potential playerbase is lobotomitized and the developers have bidio gem degrees equal to toilet paper or boxtickers on ESG/blackrock's list. The campfire adventures with friends are forever lost.

          • 1 year ago

            Most XIV fans like it in spite of being an MMO. I left it for good after Endwalker's storyline. It would be much better if it was 10x shorter, but players cope by socializing through the busywork. Area design is complete ass and nobody is happy with it; they just accept it as a hangout zone.

            If it wants to not die out fast, it needs to start building better zones, quests and side activities. Most of its fans got their full JRPG and are now burned out.

        • 1 year ago

          MMOs will never be what you once had because online culture has changed. You don't need to play an MMO to instantly talk to people when you have shit like Discord and so on.

        • 1 year ago

          I think WoW and XIV will continue side-by-side (latter has already peaked over WoW repeatedly) until either the next generation of MMOs or the genre's death.

  43. 1 year ago

    classic is there and it's as good as it was, I don't know why people keep saying wow is dead lmao, some prefer retail and you have the 2 games for a single subscription

    • 1 year ago

      Because only mentally ill autists play the same expansion over and over for 18+ years.

      • 1 year ago

        just like only mentally ill autists play the same tabletop game or do the same activities, or rewatch the same series or movies over and over for all their life
        you're really stupid

    • 1 year ago

      >as good as it was
      eceleb watching zoomer hands typed this post

  44. 1 year ago

    PSO2 is way better than this shit

    • 1 year ago

      genuine question, but whats the state of global atm? Do pso2 gays still prefer JP?

      • 1 year ago

        i play on jp so i can't answer but 99.9% of English players are on global, they're the exact same game except for crossovers.

        • 1 year ago

          >most westgays still play Global
          really? Last thing I remember, people complained how bad global had it on release so they kept playing JP

          • 1 year ago

            anon you have to understand how niche pso2 was before global. all the western players saying jp is better totals to like 20 people. plus the translation speed for normies is at a glacial pace (sometimes 2 weeks for main content to be translated, 3+ months for sidetasks/items) that they couldn't play jp even if they wanted to. I live in JP and know jap so I don't use the tweaker but for everyone else there's no reason to play jp.

  45. 1 year ago

    Played super hardcore back in WoD/Legion (got all CEs), went full casual in BfA/SL.
    The game has very little content besides raid/m+/pvp. And even that "content" is just recycled. Raid bosses are very mediocre in terms of mechanics, the last cool boss was probably Halondrus. Only 4 new dungeons in M+, clearly spread thin over patches. PvP it's the same arenas and the same BGs with the same rules and the same CC stuff.
    I hyped up DF for my casual friends, we started 10.0 together, they finished the boring quests, and... That's it. Did LfR once, dabbed in normal. They hate M+ and PvP. Messed around with dragonflighting for a few hours. They unsubbed pretty much right after. There is just nothing else for them to do.

    I still have fuzzy feelings about WoW, mostly from WC3/WotLK era. But even BfA had some fun ideas like cool azerite power animations, some satisfying corruptions, fun bosses, etc. SL and now especially DF are just a complete skip unless you enjoy the holy triad of pvp/raids/m+.

  46. 1 year ago

    More like "WOW people still play this shit?".

  47. 1 year ago

    Tried it out, boring as frick story meant for children. I literally could not give a single frick that the aspects is going to get assraped by ted k wyverns. The last dragons I cared about, Chromie and Nozdormu, become either sidelined or evil, and or obvious as frick (Wrathion). Like I am just not interested in fighting such boring enemies when dungeons like the Motherlode exist. Trannies and gays have existed for years in WoW, but directly injecting them into the gameplay is also deplorable. I nearly did the centaur quest for the homosexuals but luckily I read the actual text to quest. Someone mentioned earlier the Worgen starting zone, I don't know why but that area between WoTLK and Pandaria was just so fricking peak for emotions and environment in WoW. I've actually gone and done old starting quests so many times because how good the story telling is. Yes I raided, yes I did mythic+, yes I did PVP when the expansion dropped and got raped by Warlock demonology like everyone else. Also remember Maraad and his laurels.

    • 1 year ago

      Cata was when the original team was still working on WoW but all dropping off due to burnout is why some parts were still decent, but there was a lot of garbage in cata as well and they ruined the quest flow of the whole map

      • 1 year ago

        What would you say is the point of no return, where they could never turn the game around?

        • 1 year ago

          wotlk, they were too far in with invalidating all content before the current patch that their only option in cataclysm was to straight up delete it. It didn't have the systems in place like xiv, gw2, FFXI, OSRS and other longstanding mmos to actually populate and have old content maintain relevancy in day to day play. So they instead tripled down after WoTLK and started having patches that invalidated patches and designed the game around a breakneck never ending gear treadmill, that if you fall off, is awful to get back on.

          • 1 year ago

            I noticed looking through patch changes that a ton of WotLK was just deleting Vanilla quests and content. Makes sense why they said "frick it" and binned most of the old game starting with Cataclysm.

            Makes me wonder how private servers for stuff after WotLK even work. Vanilla is Vanilla, and WotLK deleted a lot of Vanilla stuff but mostly left TBC unmolested while only pruning its own artificial grind walls at the end, but after that how do you get a "definitive" server up? Later expansions seem to not even be safe from their own patches removing chunks of their own content.

        • 1 year ago

          Literally Cataclysm launch was the point of no return, the map and all quests were permanently changed, a few of said changes were good but most fricking sucked and it's also when the story started going full moron with setting up a pointless horde/alliance conflict for MoP starring you the main character

        • 1 year ago

          Burning Crusade.
          >New areas not integrated into world map because lmao.
          >Focused on a shitty gimmick instead of the overall world.
          >Failed to fix systemic problems with Vanilla.
          >Patches focus on short term content, doesn't even consider ways to encourage people to replay this content later.

  48. 1 year ago

    wow endgame is just shit and always has been shit. All people want to do is gear up as fast as possible so they dont have to do the slog anymore which is why boosting is pretty much core game element now. The reason classic completely overshadowed retail is because it has rpg mechanics, leveling and world content. The single fact that people would rather spend hours collecting buffs for 1 button raid gameplay than do rotation dilation button mashing retail content is so telling.

    • 1 year ago

      >boosting is pretty much core game element now
      I was surprised to learn this, it is so common it's insane. WoW's "endgame" is just a joke nowadays.

  49. 1 year ago

    last time i played was in legion, i quit before the end of it and never logged in again because 'sacrificing' artifacts and losing them is B U L L S H I T

    yet i find myself curious to see how my class plays now, 3 expansions that i never played later

  50. 1 year ago

    >have been subbed to DF for a while because a friend got me into it and gifted the exp to me
    >dont really like wow at all anymore abd the friend quit
    >hardly play during the sub period
    Im just wasting my money, pity because WoW is a mildly decent solo experience but the sub is unjustifiable in this day and age.

    • 1 year ago

      If you skipped some expansions, then doing all zone quests on an alt is decent fun. Just wish there was more shit to do like Mage Tower, Brawler's Guild, class halls, etc.

      • 1 year ago

        it is but for 20 bucks a month, not really. Theres so many games that offer big open world rpg experiences. The world is just different to what WoW was like in 2003-2008

  51. 1 year ago

    a friend bought it for me and it"s mediocre and boring but I cannot pinpoint why, we all stopped after 2 weeks
    I even tried to spam solo queue pvp but they even managed to troll people with the mmr gain/loss
    >gain 4 out of 6 matches
    >lose 4 out of 6 matches

    the sheer amount of homosexualry is not a problem because I dont read shit, the dragons look like shit, and the class is boring

    • 1 year ago

      i played the pvp last season, i will never touch it again, it just rigged bullshit
      Ironically the only decent mp pvp game Blizzard made was HotS and they dropped it.

  52. 1 year ago

    >level alchemy
    >notice the alchemy trainer is male but sometimes is female
    >google it
    >wowhead comments: Blizz devs added the first Genderfluid character in WoW! YASS! Amazing, Thank you Blizzard!

    • 1 year ago

      Can you only learn dragonflight alchemy from it? Pretty sure the recipe for gender fluid was from the draenor expac.

    • 1 year ago

      >wowhead comments: This section has been locked.

    • 1 year ago

      This is the one case where it actually makes sense, there's been a potion that let's you r63 your character for an hour in the game for like a decade now and lord knows thr degeneracy that would happen if people had access to shit like that in real life

      • 1 year ago

        the people that clap for these kinds of changes dont actually play the game so they wouldnt have known that.

  53. 1 year ago


  54. 1 year ago

    WoW is a tragic game for me because the core of the game could be amazing but the only things blizzard puts effort on are sweaty activities for trannies like m+, raiding and pvp.
    Why would you play a shitty tab target hotbar game if all you want is combat content? What makes MMOs cool is the mix of that plus social aspects, life skills, open world activities and shit.

  55. 1 year ago

    They made a troony the ultimate arbiter of the afterlife, it is canon lore that if you didn't say trans rights in life you will be thrown in hell for eternity.

  56. 1 year ago
  57. 1 year ago

    Alright, if I wanted to play pre-Cata WoW, what all should I do that got removed later? Most quests, exploring the maps, and...?

    • 1 year ago

      idk just play it. why do you need a checklist of must see attractions like a moronic tourist?

      • 1 year ago

        Because I'm a tourist.
        I intend to "just play it", but I want to know what stuff got purged later.

        • 1 year ago

          the entirety of the progression and nearly every single vanilla zone.

          • 1 year ago

            Ok. But what do you mean by progression? Like quest chains or like character building stuff? I just wanna know what to look out for.

            • 1 year ago

              nearly every vanilla zone had all of their quests reworked to be completely linear

              • 1 year ago

                Oh, I see. Thanks, anon.

    • 1 year ago

      Cata fricked over every questline and zone in the game
      The highlights of pre-cata are all of the alliance starting zones, if you ever wanted to be just another everyman making your way in the world slowly becoming more and more important while getting dragged into political kino then play a human and pay attention to the quest text and what's happening around you

  58. 1 year ago


    >average male
    Is that what the bottom of the barrel think they are?

  59. 1 year ago

    I like how delusional leftists who thought they can keep getting away with pozzing up WoW don't ask themselves why has Dragonflight been on 5 (FIVE) sales so far, and is currently 50% off again LMFAO. Which has NEVER before happened to a WoW xpac. Dragonflight was already on sale a month and a half after it's release LOL.

  60. 1 year ago

    Furry/troony game

    • 1 year ago

      The furries are cute and can stay

  61. 1 year ago

    It took 2 expansions and 1 content patch for them to finally do Class Tier Sets again which weren't based around the theme of the raid

  62. 1 year ago

    I get an email from Blizzard every three weeks telling me that this expansion is 50% off.
    I'd play it if it wasn't for all the cringe stuff like censorship, Type A/B body, trans agenda shit crammed into the quests.
    I just want to have fun and not deal with all that lame nonsense, it pisses me off to think they waste time on it instead of actually making a good game.
    I don't know why I'm posting this because nobody cares though, and I'm aware, so I just don't play the game anymore.

    • 1 year ago

      You should tell them that

      • 1 year ago

        They don't want to hear it.

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