WTF Flags when recruiting players

Shit that made you stare at a potential player and made you wonder what the frick was going on
>insists they get to be able to make dick jokes
>table has a minimum girl requirement
>game needs to switch entirely to their schedule, in the middle of the week

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    where the frick are you recruiting from?

    • 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    they get to be able to make dick jokes
    If you can't make dick jokes at the gaming table, then you may as well start mourning the death of your culture.

    • 2 years ago

      If your culture consists of dick jokes then there's not actually anything to morn.

      • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        Dick jokes are the foundations of human civilization, the romans knew this, the greeks knew this too. If one loses them they lose their humanity.

        • 2 years ago

          Just because the Romans had dickjokes does not mean they founded their society on one, Anon.

          • 2 years ago

            And yet, he who has lost his zest for dick jokes has lost his zest for life.

            The willful suppression of the makers of dick jokes is just a manifestation of the ennui of those who fear the regenerative life-giving powers of dicks, probably because they are ill equipped in that amenity.

          • 2 years ago

            the greeks used phallic symbiology in almost every aspect of their lives. from trail markers to their art and greek plays. You're just a prude that cant handle the human form. whether its due to your brainwashing from Christian fundamentalisms, or the modern ironic body shaming of the male form from radical mainstream feminism. Go frick yourself, you are an uncultured boob.

        • 2 years ago

          >table has a minimum girl requirement
          i can sorta accept this since some women don't want to be the only girl in a group since for some reason being the sole female opens up the simp floodgates or something

          the greeks used phallic symbiology in almost every aspect of their lives. from trail markers to their art and greek plays. You're just a prude that cant handle the human form. whether its due to your brainwashing from Christian fundamentalisms, or the modern ironic body shaming of the male form from radical mainstream feminism. Go frick yourself, you are an uncultured boob.

          >tfw got away with naming my character after a dick joke because the setting was to be grecoroman historical fantasy
          the uranus jokes were everywhere

      • 2 years ago

        Dick jokes are the foundations of human civilization, the romans knew this, the greeks knew this too. If one loses them they lose their humanity.

        >Roman's understood the power of dick graffiti
        Apparently Secondinius was really disliked by his battle brothers.

      • 2 years ago

        Either you don’t got one and you’re jelly, or you do got one and you want it cut off. homosexual.

    • 2 years ago

      I dunno, anon. I love dick jokes as much as the next guy, but if someone came to me and insisted they be allowed to make them.

      If someone told me I wasn't allowed to do dick jokes, I'd be plenty pissed. But I'm not going to introduce myself to someone socially by insisting I be allowed to do dick jokes.

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        We have been making dick jokes since the ancient Greeks. If we cannot laugh over a wiener, we will fall.

      • 2 years ago
        I mean…

    • 2 years ago

      >your culture
      What you imagine the /tg/ culture as is very strange, Anon. What year do you think this is? Where do you think you are? Even this place isn't the same as it was in the mid 2000s.

  3. 2 years ago

    >recruiting players
    You already fricked up

  4. 2 years ago


    >table has a minimum girl requirement
    That's actually a thing? WTF?

    • 2 years ago

      run into it both joining games and trying to recruit.
      Some people will make sure that anyone with the word girl in their application is in the slot, and I had fellow talk about how much more diverse girl groups are and how he's got 2 separate groups filled with girls and they all love him
      Weird shit man
      best roleplay always comes from fat 40somethings who aren't afraid to be a dwarf or wizard around the other guys, and don't retreat into memes and whacky pop culture references

      • 2 years ago

        Maybe it's just my social circle, but I can't seem to stop finding female players. I'm running three games right now.
        >Group 1, four women
        >Group 2, one man, four women
        >group 3, three men, three women
        I can't say whether or not they're more or less diverse, but I've found that women players are more inclined to make male dwarves, half-orcs and tieflings, and play them pretty alright.
        Are fat 40 somethings really the pinnacle of roleplaying? I've been staying away from them because I just assumed they're socially inept.

        • 2 years ago

          >Are fat 40 something males the pinnacle of roleplaying?
          No. Women and gays are unironically the pinnacle of roleplaying for the same reason rhat they make up the majority of theatre actors. They love dressing up, acting, doing character voices, and even singing, and they aren't afraid to look silly doing so. They will even make crippling mechanical sacrifices when making their character for the sake of maintaining rhe concept of their character. They also tend to get emotionally invested in their characters fate/relationships to the point of crying when their character dies or achieves something great, rather than seeing their character as a soulless puppet that is going to be thrown into a meat grinder.

          Fat 40 year old grogs are the best at investing in the game mechanically and routinely showing up, but they hardly roleplay and emotionally invest in the way that gays and women do.

          And yeah there are some special people out there that do both roleplay and mechanics exceptionally well, but they are by far not the baseline for any particular demographic.

          • 2 years ago

            Being emotionally invested is not the same thing as good roleplaying. You can be invested in your "pastel cupcake maker tiefling," but it's not good roleplaying if the setting has neither tieflings nor cupcakes.

            • 2 years ago

              >His setting does not have cupcakes
              Trash game

            • 2 years ago

              You're conflating character creation with roleplaying. You can make a very interesting character that fits the setting and play them as flat as a board (i.e. not roleplay as your character at all).

              You can also make a horribly dissonant character and roleplay them well.

            • 2 years ago

              You're conflating character creation with roleplaying. You can make a very interesting character that fits the setting and play them as flat as a board (i.e. not roleplay as your character at all).

              You can also make a horribly dissonant character and roleplay them well.

              Forgot to mention that you can also roleplay a character someone else made (happens with pregens all the time). If you faithfully roleplay as a dissonant character that someone else made, does that make you a bad roleplayer, or them for making the character even though they did no roleplaying?

            • 2 years ago

              >Being emotionally invested is not the same thing as good roleplaying
              Wow it's almost like you skipped everything in the post up to the words 'emotionally invested' and are b***hing about something already answered. Good job, moron!

              • 2 years ago

                It's almost as if those 2 words triggered an automatic response from Anon back there, by passing all forms of higher reasoning.

              • 2 years ago

                It's almost as if those 2 words triggered an automatic response from Anon back there, by passing all forms of higher reasoning.

                not him but is it really that outlandish that that may have been the main/only part of that post he took issue with? If you want to address one point in a post, is it really necessary that you have to address every other point they made regardless of your thoughts on it, just so other anons can see you acknowledged them? Because that sounds fricking stupid.

          • 2 years ago

            >They love dressing up, acting, doing character voices, and even singing, and they aren't afraid to look silly doing so.
            I don't care about any of those things.
            >They will even make crippling mechanical sacrifices when making their character for the sake of maintaining rhe concept of their character.
            As long as they don't expect to get preferential treatment because they made a sacrifice that nobody asked them to make, I don't care about that either.
            >They also tend to get emotionally invested in their characters fate/relationships to the point of crying when their character dies or achieves something great
            Wasn't there a jack chick tract about the dangers of being too invested in the fantasy?
            >Fat 40 year old grogs are the best at investing in the game mechanically and routinely showing up
            Am I correctly reading this post as an ironic endorsement of the 40 year old grog?

            • 2 years ago

              >I don't care about any of those things.
              Then you like gaming but not roleplaying. Some people like roleplaying, some of your players might enjoy the game more if there was roleplaying.

              >As long as they don't expect to get preferential treatment because they made a sacrifice that nobody asked them to make, I don't care about that either.
              Being effective in combat isn't their main goal. In my experience they take being mediocre in combat in stride.

              >Wasn't there a jack chick tract about the dangers of being too invested in the fantasy?
              If someone can't separate fiction from reality then they've got bigger issues.

              >Am I correctly reading this post as an ironic endorsement of the 40 year old grog?
              Yes, grogs unironically do some things well.

              • 2 years ago

                >Then you like gaming but not roleplaying. Some people like roleplaying, some of your players might enjoy the game more if there was roleplaying.

                This is a lie concocted by exactly the women, homosexuals, and theatre kids you mention for the sole purpose of getting groups of actual proper roleplayers - ie people who play roleplaying games - to accept them into their groups, despite offering nothing of value or worth to the business of actual roleplaying - which is, again, playing roleplaying games.

                Poncing around the table putting on a fricking terrible half-faux-wienerney-half-Queen Elizabeth-impression mockery of an English accent like you're in the world's worst Shakespeare In The Park performance isn't roleplaying, it's just moronation.

              • 2 years ago

                >Then you like gaming but not roleplaying.
                This is your brain on critical role.

              • 2 years ago

                >grogs unironically do some things well
                On the whole they do more things well, in gaming and in life, than 90% of prancing theatre homosexuals and technicolor hambeasts ever will.

          • 2 years ago

            Acting and being a dramagay is not the same thing as roleplaying. Matt Colville has a good piece on this, but roleplaying is when your character does something different from what you the player would do.

            • 2 years ago

              It's true that there is a distinction between acting as a character and roleplaying them. But you can't act as a character without roleplaying them (even though the reverse is true).

              So while acting may be extra, you can't say that actors aren't roleplayers.

          • 2 years ago

            >They will even make crippling mechanical sacrifices when making their character for the sake of maintaining rhe concept of their character.
            Oh shit, am I a homosexual?

          • 2 years ago

            >only gays go shirtless
            They're about to get raped by a homosexual genie with "dick you eyes".

        • 2 years ago

          >Play online
          >At least one troon in every group
          Wtf I thought they were less than 1% of the population

          • 2 years ago

            Obviously fringe people will show up in fringe hobbies, as weirdos are drawn to places of other weirdos.

          • 2 years ago

            It's funny, I was having a conversation about this with my girlfriend last week while she was scrolling through random D&D associated characters on the website Artfight. The reason why trans, furries, liberals, feminists, or all four are so prevalent in D&D is because the creation of a persona and roleplaying as that character is the exact same as generating a character in Dungeons and Dragons. The game itself is basically a glorified OC maker. Just searching the tag "D&D" got me this assortment of characters.
            Go ahead, search yourself. the overlap is apparent. Or, if you don't feel like making an account, I can post some more.

            • 2 years ago

              I'll take your word for it. Weird thing is, they do it so much you'd think they're good at it but they often churn out the corniest cringiest mary sue without the slightest drop of self consciousness. idk, I guess a 'normal' hobbyist might do a better job at writing grounded characters because they can take a step back and understand that stacking achievements on top of victimhood and topping it with a bunch of neon colors rarely makes for an interesting character.

              • 2 years ago

                The really odd thing to me is how they tend to always choose races that might be discriminated against and seem to want that added victimhood on them.

              • 2 years ago

                Yep, always an orc or tiefling, goblin if they're feeling adventurous, kobolds for furs. Always looking for an excuse to spout 'we didn't choose to be born' and almost always doing dumb shit to reinforce the stereotype so they can spin it into something positive.
                I had this obese lard with an orc character and constantly stole shit. The player always went 'anyone want to oppose my check to see if they spot me'. No one ever did and the character fell flat. Probably would have done something corny like donate her dealings to an orphanage or someshit, but saddly, miss piggy doesnt check for traps before opening a door so she-orc fell into a pit of snakes and died before the group returned to town.

              • 2 years ago

                Why is that weird for people that see victimhood as inherently virtuous?

              • 2 years ago

                Because it's not?

              • 2 years ago

                These people were goths, emos, etc when they were kids, being an outsider is appealing to them.

              • 2 years ago

                0% of zoomers and millenials were goth
                maybe 2% of millenials were emo

              • 2 years ago

                I'm sure it has something to do with constant exposure/lack of ideas/positive reinforcement for bad ideas Kind of like how after watching porn for so long, you start to degen into something unrecognizable like floor tiles. When you first get into making OC's/D&D characters they're always cringey, sure, but eventually you mellow out. Sometimes you don't and continue doing what you do, but now with the positive reinforcement of others on the same path.
                Some of you frickers on here have actual dogshit character designs and i'm glad you get called out.

              • 2 years ago

                >stacking achievements and topping it with bright colors rarely makes for an interesting character.
                What, you've never made characters based on Masters of the Universe?

              • 2 years ago

                no, those are toys

            • 2 years ago

              0 women in that image lol

              • 2 years ago

                you wouldn't believe how many post top surgery transmen d&d characters there are on this website.

              • 2 years ago

                characters? a few
                women? 0

            • 2 years ago

              Daniel is pretty cute.

              • 2 years ago

                have a nice day

          • 2 years ago

            They are less than 1%, at least in the US. About 0.7% in fact. It’s just that most trannies are perpetually online and are also vastly overrepresented in tabletop rpgs.
            If you think about it, being a troony is basically like playing an rpg IRL, you’re pretending to be someone you’re not (in their case, the opposite sex).

            • 2 years ago

              Psh, try being autistic. Where's OUR consideration? Where's OUR accommodation? In fact, we're legally considered disabled, the law MANDATES that you do so.

          • 2 years ago

            I blame Critical Role for making them feel too welcome.

            • 2 years ago

              Don't be surprised if a lot of them aren't trans, either because they're faking it, or because they're just wrong about themselves. A lot of people regret getting a sex change later in life.

        • 2 years ago

          >Are fat 40 somethings really the pinnacle of roleplaying? I've been staying away from them because I just assumed they're socially inept.
          lol, stay with your troons

        • 2 years ago

          The only issues I've had lately have been with gay players. In fact that really is 100% of the player issues I've seen as of late, no lie. The straight players have been really chill, the gay players have been fricking toxic.
          >demand Pride Parades IN the setting
          >banned butt jokes as homophobic
          >declares straight players must EARN the right to be declared tolerant
          >when the RP isn't about their PC being gay, they stop paying attention to the RP entirely
          One of them was already kicked out once, the other went into a meltdown after Roe v Wade was overturned, even threatening violence against anyone that openly supported the overturning. "The is why we need Pride! To kill those who dare to oppose us!" Actual fricking words.

          • 2 years ago

            Crazy. People like that are why I'm still in the closet.

          • 2 years ago

            I can't believe I inhabit a reality where I don't even have a second thought about believing all of this. Getting all these priveledges at once has really shown the alphabet people's true colors.

            Crazy. People like that are why I'm still in the closet.

            I've unironically renounced my previous claims of bisexuality after realizing it was really just porn addict perversion and teenage desire to be simultaneously special and part of an accepting group.

          • 2 years ago

            My big ones I haven't seen mentioned yet:
            >Player ONLY has the one day off, meaning that if something in his private life needs attention, then he's going to give up that night and therefore never show up.
            >Male player has pronouns (Women are about 50/50 between "A genuinely caring person who is getting swept up in the memes that this is good for society" and "raging c**t." With men, it tends to be about 80% raging c**t, 20% predator.)
            >Ignores any prompts or rules given and creates a character with a deeply disconnected backstory from anything else. E.g. I say "Setting is all Elves, so you can make whatever but they have to be an elf", they say "I made a Dwarf, and I refuse to change it." Okay. You're out.
            >Relates the game/story/anything to the same exact topic more than 4 times in a single session. Indicates they have an obsession with it and will try to drag the game/setting into that obsession.
            >If online: Someone who doesn't give out even their first name. (I'm just simply done with schizo's. Nobody is after your credit card information, you would give that to me offline where I have a face to the name, and you're already showing poor signs of trust.)
            >They play Warhammer 40k, Magic the Gathering, or watch Dr. Who

            I've played at a table with a /leftypol/ DM, a furry, a brony, a "lycan" wiccan, Multiple-Personality Disorder daddy issues, and a troony. All at the same time. Easily the most disruptive one there was the troony. Because of that campaign, I refuse to sit at any table I can't control the player list of unless I know the DM is an unironic homophobe, specifically to never sit down with another troony again in my life.

            • 2 years ago

              I can't believe I inhabit a reality where I don't even have a second thought about believing all of this. Getting all these priveledges at once has really shown the alphabet people's true colors.
              I've unironically renounced my previous claims of bisexuality after realizing it was really just porn addict perversion and teenage desire to be simultaneously special and part of an accepting group.

              Crazy. People like that are why I'm still in the closet.

              Worst of all is the one that got kicked out is back, he's the one that banned butt jokes (a reference to the Upright Citizens Brigade skit about ass-pennies is what triggered him), and already when the player who made that joke talks IC, the gay player hard ignores him and one of the female players (she's okay, not great, but thus far still chill) has to relay what is being done when it's not his or the other gay guy's turn because the dude doesnt6care what the straight guys do in the RP. It's fricking obnoxious but last time he shot his own foot, and was gone for two months or so. I'm hoping he does it again, or just chills the frick out.

              • 2 years ago

                what does the GM say? can you try to convince him that these guys are at least disruptive, at worst dangerous?

              • 2 years ago

                Not exactly... it's complicated.

              • 2 years ago

                >it's complicated.
                It's always "complicated", otherwise we wouldn't have all this bullshit drama, just players banned from the table.

              • 2 years ago

                Well, first off, it's online. I have s few IRL friends that wanna start a new campaign but or DM has an opposing work schedule now.

                Also, the DMs in the online thing are lefties. I infiltrated a left wing RP server and have mostly kept my right wing opinions under wraps. In fact I've won out against the gays, one troony, and one socialist in their public eye, so I'm mostly seeing how far I can go without them finding out I'm everything they claim is wrong with the world.

              • 2 years ago

                >Also, the DMs in the online thing are lefties[...]
                I feel you bro. I live in a college town, and that's literally my life right now. My closest friends unironically and openly say shit to me like "Frick all white people, I hope they die" and "Everyone, even you, is a little gay, cause gender is a spectrum." I really couldn't imagine the shitfest that would get thrown if I were to unleash even 1% of my power levels on them.

              • 2 years ago

                >"Frick all white people, I hope they die"
                >"Everyone, even you, is a little gay, cause gender is a spectrum."
                Based and Traditionalist Pilled.

              • 2 years ago

                > Everyone, even you, is a little gay, cause gender is a spectrum
                This is the kind of shit I say to keep my powerlevel hidden, to check the trannies in their game (they hate it when you take their snowflake status from them) and to make chuds seethe, though.

              • 2 years ago

                >My closest friends unironically and openly say shit to me like "Frick all white people, I hope they die"

                Time to find some friends that haven’t been brainwashed with filthy israelite propaganda.
                That, or run a campaign that sees their characters survive a war of endless bloody slaughter to free slaves (yay!) only to be hunted down by both the freed slaves and those that had enslaved them as well.

              • 2 years ago

                Ask your friend if the israelites are white people. He replies yes then he is an anti-Semite because he says "Frick all the israelites, I hope they die". He replies no then he is a Nazi because he views the israelites as lesser people outside the glorious white race. Fight fire with fire.

              • 2 years ago

                >surely calling them out on their hypocrisy will stop them from wanting to exterminate me

            • 2 years ago

              What’s wrong with Dr Who? I have never seen it but what’s a red flag about it?

              • 2 years ago

                >What’s wrong with Dr Who?
                It glorifies undiagnosed autistic behavior you see from fedoras and lolsorandomXD quirky kids. For example: The character travels back in time and winds up in the throne room of King Ramses in Egypt, surrounded by all his guards, while being completely unarmed. He then irreverently tells King Ramses to essentially frick off and walks out of there. That's 99% of the show and behavior.
                >Sounds pretty chad! What's wrong?
                It's never earned nor deserved. The character wears a bow-tie and hardly ever actually even does anything. He just thinks he's hot shit because he got into the job. And that's OLD Dr. Who. Modern Dr. Who is, what, a black woman, even though there is canonical lore reasons for the Dr to be a man?

              • 2 years ago

                I view Dr Who as what the turbo scifi nerds self inserts as. The really smart, genre savvy super genius that has a super advanced ship that is also their cool mansion and holds all their rare collectables as they travel from one scifi setting to the next. Like popping into a Trek styled timeline one day, and then into an early 20th century horror movie the next. But they are so smart and advanced that they are never in any personal danger themelves since they are too smart and advanced for that and know everything before it happens.

                It just comes off looking like manchild playtime built into an actual tv show.

                What’s wrong with Dr Who? I have never seen it but what’s a red flag about it?

                It was really the forerunner of woke garbage tv before that was much of a thing which attracted a lot of those types a while ago. It was doing things like displaying everyone in London as black in the 1500s or making sure to display gay men making out for longer than any scene needed to back in the late 00s.

            • 2 years ago

              There was a time where I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Until I ran into a bunch of crazy troons playing online. I still gave their kind a chance when I became a GM but I was subjected to a different kind of insanity that still makes me sick to my stomach.
              Now I'm just like you, I only play under GMs that I know will be obedient to me or take the GM spot and aggressively root them out. Its a shame really, I always like unearthing new talent when I play with randos. But the high chance of my games getting polluted by their kind is still fairly high.

              • 2 years ago

                honestly, it could be less that they’re trans and more that youre playing an online game. i dont beleive ive ever really encountered a good player online before.

              • 2 years ago

                I've been playing online for 7 years and I've only met a handful of ones worth keeping in touch with. Maybe a dozen I'll tolerate enough to message if we're low on dudes and the rest, yeah, trash that are too stupid or too inadequate in other ways to be worth a slot. I still like to play with a group full of people I don't know every now and then, but I go in with the expectation that the group will be mediocre and almost always die in 4~5 sessions.

              • 2 years ago

                I've been playing online for 7 years and I've only met a handful of ones worth keeping in touch with. Maybe a dozen I'll tolerate enough to message if we're low on dudes and the rest, yeah, trash that are too stupid or too inadequate in other ways to be worth a slot. I still like to play with a group full of people I don't know every now and then, but I go in with the expectation that the group will be mediocre and almost always die in 4~5 sessions.

                I've only had one session ever not be online, and I can say with complete confidence you guys did it wrong. Either there wasn't enough of a filtering process, or the pool of potential players was so large the good ones were drowned out. I'm in three small online communities that play a dozen different games between them, and we have no problems with screeching autists or people who lose their shit over Current Year politics.

              • 2 years ago

                Or maybe your standards are just low. Someone who behaves acceptably is the bare minimum. The player needs also a level of competence, skill and consistency to come anywhere near the territory of 'good'.

          • 2 years ago

            I don't think you get it. Gay men are some incredibly angry, fight picking, insult spewing pieces of shit at all times no matter what group they find themselves in. They're just one really angry, chip on their shoulder toxic bastards as a people.

            While spending an overwhelming majority of their time trying to prod people into getting angry too or poking at them over and over and over again then calling the person they spent half an hour pissing off a hater or a bigot.

            I can't believe I inhabit a reality where I don't even have a second thought about believing all of this. Getting all these priveledges at once has really shown the alphabet people's true colors.
            I've unironically renounced my previous claims of bisexuality after realizing it was really just porn addict perversion and teenage desire to be simultaneously special and part of an accepting group.

            They themselves never seem to realize that they are the absolute height of upper class yuppie privilege. While always pretending that there is some group of rednecks waiting to kill them around every corner.

            • 2 years ago

              >Gay men are some incredibly angry, fight picking, insult spewing pieces of shit at all times no matter what group they find themselves in. They're just one really angry, chip on their shoulder toxic bastards as a people.
              Only the ugly/fat ones. Handsome+in shape gays and cute twinks are chill or just want other males to like them respectively. It's the ugly/weird/fat ones thst can't get what they want and become super bitter and aggressively gay becaue people treat them like freaks and don't fawn over them. What they refuse to realize is that people don't ignore them because they are gay, they ignore them because they are ugly or fat.

              I see this same phenomenon with all people though. Fat ugly black women are loud and mean, but the non-obese cute ones are very chill and confident. Fat/ugly nerds are incels, but handsome ones are chill with a cute nerdy wife (who is most likely asian). Fat/ugly perverts are creeps, but handsome perverts are heartbreakers/frickboys. TTRPG DMs are gross fat basement dwelling neckbeard losers, but Matt Mercer is a successful celebrity heart-throb.

              It seems to always bring us back to the golden rule
              >Don't be ugly/fat

              Or rather
              >Upkeep your physical shape and appearance or get treated like shit

              • 2 years ago

                /fit/cels are extremely unpleasant though

              • 2 years ago

                >Only the ugly/fat ones. Handsome+in shape gays and cute twinks are chill or just want other males to like them respectively.
                That has been the exact opposite case in all of my experiences. This comes off as propaganda.

              • 2 years ago

                >Only the ugly/fat ones.
                You mean the ones that can't get laid, and depending on where they live that could have nothing at all to do with how attractive they are.

              • 2 years ago

                >Don't be ugly/fat
                Only one of those is a choice, Anon. I can exercise all day but no amount of push ups will make me less hideous.

        • 2 years ago

          Man i wish I could get just one female player, if only to have a female character played by someone of the same gender. I just want to see what its like, I unironically want more diversity in my groups just because its fun to see what people bring to the table.

          • 2 years ago

            Females bring drama. Either they’re single and the bros will fill out over her, or she’ll be partnered. If she’s partnered get used to her BF hanging around which is bad news unless he’s organically part of the group anyway.
            Almost every group I’ve ever been in that has admitted a split-tail has been destroyed by it.

          • 2 years ago

            I have one, all her characters are very sexual with an exhibitionist streak. She's had her character in Star Wars games use portable holo transmitters for their "space onlyfans."

            • 2 years ago

              Jesus Christ Anon. I hope she ended up chained to a Hutt.

      • 2 years ago

        >All girl group
        >Everyone is a druid or ranger

      • 2 years ago

        This. Most DnD games I have seen are 3/4 girls. With overweight lesbians with blue hair being the most prominent role players that have totally replaced the overweight 40 something white guys,

        This is what I have seen. The fat 40 something guys have been replaced by even fatter 20 something gay women with rainbow hair.

      • 2 years ago

        >fat 40somethings
        >not retreating into memes and pop culture

        Don't know where you find neckbeards that won't launch into Monty Python bits at the drop of a hat, let alone Star Wars, Big Trouble in Little China, and any other movie that would have been playing at the theatre in the mid-80's to early 90's.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah but the things we reference are funny, not memes based on memes based on memes based on a screencap from Spongebob or some other equally moronic cartoon.

    • 2 years ago

      Savannah Georgia has a couple semi official DnD player clubs/bars. and there are things like this in their allowed gaming groups that use spaces there. Minimum girl and sometimes max white people per game rules. Sounds very /misc/ but it's real and stupid.

      • 2 years ago

        Sounds like discriminatory practices and a lawsuit waiting to happen.

        • 2 years ago

          I think it's allowed if it's a private club rather than a business, right? Like that's the loophole golf clubs use to maintain their demographics. Fair enough to them, honestly. They're separating themselves from non-weirdos. I wouldn't want to play with freaks like that and neither would you. Surprised to hear that Georgia is like that though, thought they were pretty conservative.

          >Are fat 40 something males the pinnacle of roleplaying?
          No. Women and gays are unironically the pinnacle of roleplaying for the same reason rhat they make up the majority of theatre actors. They love dressing up, acting, doing character voices, and even singing, and they aren't afraid to look silly doing so. They will even make crippling mechanical sacrifices when making their character for the sake of maintaining rhe concept of their character. They also tend to get emotionally invested in their characters fate/relationships to the point of crying when their character dies or achieves something great, rather than seeing their character as a soulless puppet that is going to be thrown into a meat grinder.

          Fat 40 year old grogs are the best at investing in the game mechanically and routinely showing up, but they hardly roleplay and emotionally invest in the way that gays and women do.

          And yeah there are some special people out there that do both roleplay and mechanics exceptionally well, but they are by far not the baseline for any particular demographic.

          Being emotionally invested is not the same thing as good roleplaying. You can be invested in your "pastel cupcake maker tiefling," but it's not good roleplaying if the setting has neither tieflings nor cupcakes.

          Right now I'm running an alt-history cowboy themed game for a table that's quite politically leftist - and half women - and it's actually going pretty great. I let people take roleplaying difficulties on character creation (vengeful, proud, whatever) and they're actually roleplaying their flaws accurately to their own character's detriments. They're also pretty cool about period-appropriate political incorrectness, such as one player being a confederate army veteran. I was a bit worried pitching the setting and themes to them in the first sessions but they've really taken to it. The really caustic pink-hair stereotypes, I think, comprise a fringe minority of these types. I like my group.

          • 2 years ago

            >Surprised to hear that Georgia is like that though, thought they were pretty conservative
            Cities in the south are an odd mix of demographics. If you want a good example this scene is pretty accurate.

            • 2 years ago

              Feels like hicks want to distance themselves from other hicks by adopting yankee ideals, not realizing it makes them even bigger hicks. Yankees hate you for your skin color and accent, southerners will hate you for being a self-hating hick.

          • 2 years ago

            >thought they were pretty conservative.
            If they were, they wouldn't have to pass voter suppression laws.

      • 2 years ago

        >and sometimes max white people per game rules
        If my LGS is anything to go by they are probably just mad most of the black people there ignore D&D and Magic and just play Yugioh with the weebs.

        • 2 years ago

          I was introduced to Ganker by a black weeb friend so long ago that everyone thought of it as an anime waifu board with no thought of /misc/.

          • 2 years ago

            I remember the /misc/ thread where the black guy was posting hebrew shit cause he wanted to “learn the language of our ~~*enemy*~~, everyone was like “hello fellow white man” kek

      • 2 years ago

        >MLK Jr. Blvd.

        • 2 years ago

          >You know what is sad, man?
          >Martin Luther King stood for non-violence.
          >Now what’s Martin Luther King?
          >A street!
          >And I don’t give a f*ck where you are in America, if you’re on a Martin Luther King Boulevard, there is some violence going down!
          >It ain’t the safest place to be.
          >You can’t call nobody telling them you’re lost on MLK
          >… “I’m lost, I’m on the Martin Luther King >…” “Run! Run! Run!” “The media’s there!” >Sad, sad, sad!
          Chris Rock "Bring the Pain" 1996

      • 2 years ago

        That’s cringe af

      • 2 years ago

        in GEORGIA?
        how fricked is the South? i thought they were old school?

        • 2 years ago

          Savannah is a yankee colony, and especially with the huge influence from SCAD, a large liberal arts college, its a pretty big blue bastion.
          t. went to SCAD for a few years

          • 2 years ago

            THIS, Savannah has been taken over by a gigantic liberal arts college. The whole town is mostly the SCAD campus.

        • 2 years ago

          Savannah is a yankee colony, and especially with the huge influence from SCAD, a large liberal arts college, its a pretty big blue bastion.
          t. went to SCAD for a few years

          And another thing, the modern day South is absolutely not the South of yesteryear. Apart from a few hot button issues we have become a lot more liberal than we used to be.

        • 2 years ago

          This is due to the “reverse great migration” of blacks to southern cities, especially in Georgia, Texas, and Virginia.
          If you avoid blacks even the big cities in the south are still quite conservative. Take out the 40ish % black population and Atlanta metro goes from solidly blue to strongly red. Not even joking.

        • 2 years ago

          >in GEORGIA?
          Yes. As it should be.

          • 2 years ago

            do it again, uncle billy!

          • 2 years ago

            Do it again, uncle Billy!

        • 2 years ago

          All of the gayest, weeaboo-est, gamerest people I've ever known were from North Carolina and Georgia.
          Hollywood paints a very skewed picture of the south, so most of the rest of the world has no idea.

          • 2 years ago

            Georgia is only liberal in the cities, and Hollywood doesnt depict the big metro areas as conservative.

            • 2 years ago

              >Georgia is only liberal in the cities
              Basically every state is like that.

              • 2 years ago

                Basically every red state is like that. In Washington, the old coots in the woods are liberals, but the trailer-trash is still conservative.

      • 2 years ago

        >sounds very /misc/
        >restrictions on men and white people
        Although to be fair, SJW types like these are basically just bizarro /misc/

      • 2 years ago

        >sounds very /misc/
        >restrictions on men and white people
        Although to be fair, SJW types like these are basically just bizarro /misc/

        >crying about /misc/ while complaining about something that is the very antithesis of /misc/
        Part of the problem. You guys would allow anything so long as it distances you from "the nazis". Completely spineless and insecure.

        • 2 years ago

          I think that anon means making complaints about woke crowd doing woke things sounds like /misc/ screeching when they invent situations to be mad about that are usually nothing like what they are describing. Not that the bar itself is some /misc/ hangout.

        • 2 years ago

          lefty/misc/ is still /misc/ and it's killing /tg/

      • 2 years ago

        >Max white people per game rules
        Is it sad that I find the state of the hobby so fricked this is genuinely believable?

      • 2 years ago

        >minimum girl/maximum whites rule
        >bar named after ultimate evil dragon
        >multicolor heads evokes multicolor hair
        Checks out.

      • 2 years ago

        well looking forward to my roleplaying group this whole weekend. All White, all Male, all Heterosexual. Perfection.

    • 2 years ago

      Is it even necessary? In my experience there are almost way more girls playing DnD than guys.

      • 2 years ago

        Fricking where? I want to meet a DnD gf.

        • 2 years ago

          75% are lesbians and/or troons the other 25% are already married or currently dating so don't even bother.

      • 2 years ago

        This. Most DnD games I have seen are 3/4 girls. With overweight lesbians with blue hair being the most prominent role players that have totally replaced the overweight 40 something white guys,

        • 2 years ago

          >Most DnD games I have seen IN PUBLIC 3/4 girls.
          You don't see females in lots of home games because most games (which are at home) don't have to virtue signal. Besides b***hes want to be seen/not possibly be raped by an autist all male group in some house.

          Playing with women is 9/10 times a mistake. Would love a dnd qt though.

      • 2 years ago

        Do you live in a progressive hellhole?

    • 2 years ago

      My I asked my local game store about tabletop events, they only have one normal game night, which happens to be only men, which I've no complaints about, due to the rest of their games being "girls' nights".
      I live in the south. How us this even a thing? I dunno. Obviously, I just run my own games ond only occasionally buy shit from their store since it's cheaper than ordering it online.

      • 2 years ago

        >cheaper than ordering online
        Lies. You buy there to support locals.

    • 2 years ago

      Only seen it happen once, with the guy hosting going overboard with making the world as punishing to players as possible. Still managed to last a few sessions, if counting session 0.
      Decent guy, but he has trouble holding back when it comes to games.

  5. 2 years ago

    Work on on your art.

    • 2 years ago

      Its centurichan. Some gayget who will never improve his art cuz of weebs praising his "historical waifus"

  6. 2 years ago

    >By yes, I never played anything and just wanted to post this image, how could you tel?
    Must be a lucky guess

    • 2 years ago

      Ah the lone rager who's never had a game. Still on your tod? No friends, no life? Good

  7. 2 years ago

    >First message is demanding i allow them to play a specific homebrew class, totally unrelated to the world
    >gloats about how adapt they are at cheating
    >"I want my character to be aware they are in a tabletop game, like deadpool!"
    >"I left my last game after my DM wouldn't rp my characters gold dragon wife"

    • 2 years ago

      >First message is demanding i allow them to play a specific homebrew class, totally unrelated to the world
      I always hate this shit, especially if it's something I explicitly something I mentioned as "This race does not exist in this setting, it is not an option."
      Usually followed with "Well what if I flavor it as being x race instead." and then they get angry when I suggest "Then play x race."

      • 2 years ago

        Some people don't join a game for the game, they join to get the specific experience they're after, they want to play the EXACT character they have in their head, and can get upset when they have to make changes. This is the core of HYTNPDND, the unwillingness to find a system that lets you play what you want without compromise, rather than trying to find a way to force the same game to accommodate what you're after.

  8. 2 years ago

    >I want to play a kitsune
    I'm not fully sure why but I've had three kitsune players over the years and each was god awful to deal with.

    • 2 years ago

      I have a Kitsune in my Pathfinder game. Strangely, she’s the most tolerable of the players at my table.

  9. 2 years ago

    One group I played with had "1 girl max" rule because every time 2+ girls were in a group, they started drama out of nowhere.

    • 2 years ago

      0 girl max is good

  10. 2 years ago


    >confused by non-American spelling
    >picture is a big deformed moron with a gun

    • 2 years ago

      not him and not american but "colour" sounds gay as frick

    • 2 years ago

      America codified the spelling of the English language before England did. The U in colour, armour, etc comes from French influence on British English in the 1800s

      • 2 years ago

        >French influence on British English in the 1800s
        >in the 1800s
        >not the literal centuries England spent with a French-speaking upper class

      • 2 years ago

        But that's false

  11. 2 years ago
    Andrew Ayala

    >table has a minimum girl requirement
    Drunk chicks are great at RPing, highly recommend

    • 2 years ago

      Hi there!

      You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Ganker are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

      Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

  12. 2 years ago

    >player has no social life outside of game night (meaning they will primarily use the game for socializing and game will come second)
    >player has no car and is not hosting and is not offering gas money (meaning they expect to be picked up and dropped off for every game for free)
    >for online games, player has no mic and has no intention of getting one, but still wants to play
    >instead of proposing a conversation with the group about boundaries and no-no topics, someone immediately busts out some "lines and veils" consent sheet and dropping bogus safety tool shit on the table (meaning they either assume that you also follow and believe the kind of homosexuals who make those things or that they already assume that you are shitlords and you all need to be leashed by some shitty nebulous social contract)

    • 2 years ago

      >assume that you are shitlords
      Which would be a safe assumption.

    • 2 years ago

      >player has no car and is not hosting and is not offering gas money (meaning they expect to be picked up and dropped off for every game for free)
      Only a red flag if they aren't pitching in resources in other ways or is on the route already of another player. We have a player that doesn't drive because he lives in the city so just buses everywhere but also 3d prints all the group's minis and terrain for the DM so he gets a free ride.
      >instead of proposing a conversation with the group about boundaries and no-no topics, someone immediately busts out some "lines and veils" consent sheet and dropping bogus safety tool shit on the table
      If you're recruiting then this is normal, lines and veils stuff is strictly for rando games where you don't know everyone at the table or may not be comfortable talking about stuff. It's not meant for home games with your friends.
      >assume that you are shitlords and you all need to be leashed by some shitty nebulous social contract
      As opposed to having a conversation and setting a nebulous social contract that way?

      • 2 years ago

        If you are engaging in a purely social hobby that requires hours of conversation and discussion and you can't have a sincere discussion with the people you are playing with, you have fricked up somewhere along the line and should consider correcting that issue with yourself next time it comes up. The various consent contracts and BDSM check lists are for people who don't belong in the hobby, same as the moronic autist DM who would decide to rape a player character or have a villain murder puppies specifically because he knows it will upset one or more players at the table.

    • 2 years ago

      of proposing a conversation with the group about boundaries and no-no topics, someone immediately busts out some "lines and veils" consent sheet and dropping bogus safety tool shit on the table (meaning they either assume that you also follow and believe the kind of homosexuals who make those things or that they already assume that you are shitlords and you all need to be leashed by some shitty nebulous social contract)
      This especially kills me if we're playing a horror game and someone draws a line at "I don't want to be made uncomfortable". You might be looking for a different game, friend.

      • 2 years ago

        If a player even things about bringing this shit to my table they get the boot

    • 2 years ago

      >player has no car and is not hosting and is not offering gas money (meaning they expect to be picked up and dropped off for every game for free)
      Not a problem if they still have legs and can take a bike or just walk.
      >for online games, player has no mic and has no intention of getting one, but still wants to play
      Not a problem if the game's being run as text-based.

      • 2 years ago

        >Not a problem if they still have legs and can take a bike or just walk.
        Americans don't comprehend these concepts

        >Not a problem if the game's being run as text-based.
        5e/Critical Role shitters don't comprehend this concept.

        • 2 years ago

          >Americans don't comprehend these concepts
          I thought it was the concept of Public transport like buses and Trains they didn't get

          • 2 years ago

            Nah, our towns are built in ways that make walking and biking impractical and unsafe too.

          • 2 years ago

            100 years ago, the US had one of the best public transport systems in the world. Then the auto industry lobbied hard enough to change the layout of the country and now it's all fricked

    • 2 years ago

      Shit. I have no non work social life outside my games… I’m a journalist so everyone I talk to in my town I’m usually subtly pumping for info. Gets exhausting… game night is the only time I turn off my phone and ignore my boss.

      • 2 years ago

        As long as you're there to actually enjoy the game and not just wait for your chance to start gossiping with anyone at the table who isn't busy at the moment, you're fine. I had too many people who were showing up to game night so they could mooch food, chatter with all the people they know who also came to game night.

  13. 2 years ago

    Mandatory dick inspection

    • 2 years ago

      Ugly dicklet detected. Seriously, you people are ruining gaming, trying to get rid of core cultural touchstones. You make me sick.

  14. 2 years ago


    I haven't heard fatty-cakes since bootcamp. Kek

  15. 2 years ago


    That is not how you spell colour in French burger boi

  16. 2 years ago

    At this point, I've been playing on roll20 longer than I have been on a physical table.
    >Profile made after 2015
    >Less than 3k hours played
    >Less than 200 Forum posts
    >"Can we change schedule to..." in application
    >Creates LFGM listings
    >Furry profile pic
    >LGBTBBQ profile pic
    >Heroforge profile pic
    >Profile pic is the same as their character application

    For GMs, same as above but I also add
    >New players are welcome - Yes
    >Minimal campaign information
    >Schedule will be decided after group has been assembled
    >Doesn't list chargen rules on listing
    >Doesn't create a dedicated application thread
    >Immediately accepts a player as soon as they apply

    • 2 years ago

      >Less than 200 Forum posts
      Who gives a frick about the roll20 forum? Literally all my ~20 posts are just telling sheet creators their math is fricked or something is broken.
      >New players are welcome - Yes
      What's wrong with getting new people into the hobby? You were a new player once you know.
      >Doesn't list chargen rules on listing
      Why do you need this? They'll probably just give you the rules when you all show up to make characters together.

      • 2 years ago

        >Who gives a frick about the roll20 forum?
        Posting in an LFG or your campaign's threads also ups this number. An account with a low post count implies that the player hasn't been to many games.
        >What's wrong with getting new people into the hobby? You were a new player once you know.
        Don't care, not my job to teach the fledgelings. I just don't like to wasting time on new players.
        >Why do you need this? They'll probably just give you the rules when you all show up to make characters together.
        Games worth playing will have multiple chargen rulesets. A GM that isn't transparent with this means he's either ignorant with the system or too stupid to know it's importance. It also avoids situations where he springs his 'gritty' homebrew rules to make the game 'play like dark souls'

        • 2 years ago

          >Games worth playing will have multiple chargen rulesets.
          What the frick do you mean by multiple rulesets?

          • 2 years ago

            I don't care if you're ignorant. Educating you isn't my job.

    • 2 years ago

      bet you're loads of fun at parties

      • 2 years ago

        >the original reddit response
        i bet you tip your fedora while packing your own fudge

  17. 2 years ago


    Not that guy, but I usually use Britishspelling because that's what I learnt in school in Germany.

    • 2 years ago

      >use brit speak because that's what I learned in school
      >still wearing the 'Yoke of Babylon'

    • 2 years ago

      I had a Kraut in my shadowrun group once. Always weird when he calls a bathroom a loo.

  18. 2 years ago

    >table has a minimum girl requirement
    I went to a lgs where one of the employees enforced this, so basically all of the women in the store where expected to join his games. Still not sure if it was his masterplan or not.

    • 2 years ago

      That guy seriously gives off rapist vibes.

  19. 2 years ago

    >Only girl of the group irl and in game.
    >Insist on playing a survivor with a horrible backstory full of the usual bad stuff. Esmeralda, but with severe trauma and betrayed by all former men in her life. (pretty much like in the book)
    >Insist on playing a oversexualized tabaxi bard.
    >Insist that she will only talk with-, help- and heal women, never men in an all-but-her male group.
    I did't know how to handle that.

    • 2 years ago

      You've never had to tell a player that their character doesn't actually fit in the group and they should remake it?

      • 2 years ago

        Tried, asked if she could play it a bit less strict, so that her character could atleast talk with the other in the group. Else it would make little sense, why she would be in the group in the first place.
        She felt I tried to impose my male views on her character. She questioned my motives of why I was so worried about it and why I make it so hard for her to just play what she wanted.
        In the end I just gave up and let the group disband, taking some of the guys with me to a new group.

        • 2 years ago

          Pussy, you should have kicked her out mid session after she pulled that bullshit.

          • 2 years ago

            I am too soft.

            That is so unbelievably moronic that I have no idea how the girl in question can even function on a day by day basis.

            To be fair, after seeing how she lived and "talked" with her parents (dad), I am pretty sure she doesn't really function well.

        • 2 years ago

          That is so unbelievably moronic that I have no idea how the girl in question can even function on a day by day basis.

        • 2 years ago

          >In the end I just gave up and let the group disband, taking some of the guys with me to a new group.
          This is passive aggressive bullshit. You should have EXPLICITLY told her to get lost.

        • 2 years ago

          If you haven't had a player rage quit because you made a GM decision--are you even trying?

    • 2 years ago

      I played with one who was a dwarf warrior with a sword called 'woman maker'. Basically her backstory was that she chops peoples dicks off for hitting on her. Player only showed up for a couple of sessions and was like 'hah, you lechers better not hit on me or woman maker will get you' and to no one's surprise, the group basically pretended she didn't exist until we rolled initiative. The player also can't contribute to any encounter and I remember it getting to the point where the only roleplay she offered the group was 'hah, see that man woman maker? We'll fix him if he hits on me'. Anyway, the player left after a few sessions and claim she was getting ignore bullied.

      • 2 years ago

        Sounds pretty autistic. Sad to ignore her, but to indulge would properly be worse for all parties.

        • 2 years ago

          >Sad to ignore her
          I get that a player wants attention. We are all divas in the end, else we'd just play video games. But playing a hostile and unhelpful character that constantly needs to be appeased is no different from bringing a paladin that's looking for an excuse to attack the group or a rogue that wants to rob or scam them. When you make a player character, its common courtesy to write them as a team player. No, this is not limiting. There are tons of ways you can pull this off while still roleplaying your choice of character archetype.
          As a player, you want to go into a dungeon or what have you with someone that can be trusted to watch your back. You would want the same as a GM because you want to challenge the group externally, instead of forcing them down the path with a liability that may or may not turn on them for extra attention.
          Really, I'd be suspicious of any GMs that tolerate this kind of nonsense and wake the troublemaker up by voicing in character that maybe the group shouldn't bring the crazy person along.

          • 2 years ago

            Totally agree with you, well said.
            DM'ed for too many crazy people back in the days. They are not worth it... like in public transport, just ignore them.

    • 2 years ago

      9nly thing I had similar was a girl at the start of a gane who intentionally made her character a huge prostitute. Got a nit confused when everyone else(including the other girl in the group) made serious characters. And got mad at the DM for saying pregnancy is a possibility.

    • 2 years ago

      In general:
      >Bring their own emotional trauma shit using the character they play as funnel to abuse the game and the group as personal therapy session.

      I got that a few times with borderliner "oh I'm such an goth/nerd" girls who made up 90% of the female nerd population here back in the day and it was always about sexuality. Since then I just outright ghost people who start that shit. No discussion.
      Its not just annoying it also means they will take over the whole game and fill every space available with their personality and if anyone dares to do something besides reflecting them they will go mental and manipulative. I also, for the sake of everyones mental health, dont want to be dragged into that deep personal territory of the players. Thats the possibly least fitting setting for therapy possible.

      • 2 years ago

        there are some real psychic vampires out there that will turn your group into their personal slaves, you included
        avoid at all costs

      • 2 years ago

        >Bring their own emotional trauma shit using the character they play as funnel to abuse the game and the group as personal therapy session.
        My friend suggesting that not only was this a good thing, but that therapy was Gygax's original intention for D&D, was what made me quit the first time.

    • 2 years ago

      your character concept is shit, come up with something better

    • 2 years ago

      i am astonished how many times i saw a player making its version of Esmeralda and all were very, very different from each other?

      • 2 years ago

        Esmeralda is basically the legbeard version of Guts.
        >So wronged
        >So strong
        >So gritty
        >If you only knew his/her past you'd feel embarrassed about criticizing hi/her inexcusable behavior.

  20. 2 years ago

    >table has a minimum girl requirement

    Have a couple around does really take the edge off certain male/gamer behaviors. EG they're good at negotiating and noticing little details.

    And it is sort of a red flag if you aren't friends with any women.

    • 2 years ago

      I have loads of female friends and it's just made me into more of a gay.

    • 2 years ago

      >And it is sort of a red flag if you aren't friends with any women.
      I'm not friends with any women because I hardly have any friends in general, my job is heavily male, and my hobbies are predominantly male.
      Because I don't pretend to be interested in stuff I'm not so I can pretend to be their friend is a red flag?

    • 2 years ago

      have a nice day

    • 2 years ago

      Having women around is a great way to weed out the undesirables of society which may have managed to stumble their way into the game. For instance,

      have a nice day

      is an autist who shouldn't be allowed in public spaces, let alone my house.

      • 2 years ago

        some people who would be perfectly normal players otherwise simply get way too self-conscious and nervous around women at the table. I wish they'd get over it.

        • 2 years ago

          I do too anon. there's a noticeable difference between someone dropping the spaghetti out of their pockets near a woman and someone visibly seething that a woman is present in their hobby space, though.

      • 2 years ago

        I hope your mom gets cancer you fricking wienersucker

    • 2 years ago

      >And it is sort of a red flag if you aren't friends with any women.
      I've been assaulted three times by "jealous boyfriends" over 20-year friendships. Any man who acts like that should have his balls cut off like we do with dogs.

      • 2 years ago

        Yes. And your problem is with how insecure men act, not with woman

    • 2 years ago

      You sound like a homosexual male feminist marxist simp who can’t handle basic shit like gamer banter

      • 2 years ago

        You sound like dumb homosexual no one wants to play with.

        • 2 years ago

          Do your leftist friends know you use words like “homosexual” online anon?

    • 2 years ago

      >if you don't have the right friends then you['re a problem.
      Fricking bigots, I swear.

  21. 2 years ago

    >will not stop bringing politics into game time, and will get militant about it
    >Starts argument with you in the process of application
    >wants to play a character massively over leveled compared to the party
    >wants to be the "BBEG"
    >Wants to play "Traitor Characters."
    >Wants to use banned options, and will vehemently argue about it, to the point of absurdity
    >Has any kind of political view outlined in their profile/application and is very defense/aggressive about it.

  22. 2 years ago

    My advice is to think about what kind of people you liked to hang out with in school and what sort of tells you look for to see if a new coworker is going to be trouble. I feel like people ignore these things in gaming because they want to be tolerant, it's "just a game", they really need a cleric, etc.

    Class clown type humor(will purposefully disrupt any serious moment in-game).

    Heart set on any option that's banned(defiant adult toddler).

    Any kind of backhanded compliments or small swipes, like insecure normies do to chip away at people(eg, if another player has painted a collection of heroes and monsters and he says something like "I wish I had time for that").

    Any kind of cagey behavior around communication or technology. They don't answer texts, won't install Discord, etc.

    Lateness to(or ditches) Session Zero. Some people are just too busy to commit to a game. Some people get off on people waiting around for them. Some people resent any kind of imposition on being spontaneous in their free time. Don't dig into it, just next them.

    • 2 years ago

      Making people install a particular app

      huge red flag tbh

      • 2 years ago

        You don't even need to install it on desktop any more than you don't have to install Ganker.

    • 2 years ago

      frick you, I do wish I had time for that.
      I want to do so many more things than I can do, and it's not my fault your neurotic ass takes this as a swipe.
      Do you know how LONG my backlog of shit to play is? To watch? To hear about? To do? To VISIT?
      Some of these things take hundreds of hours to reach a state of satisfaction and completion!
      I will DIE before these are over!
      FRICK you!

      • 2 years ago

        I agree with this guy, just not as harshly. If I were to tell someone "damn, I wish I had time for that," I mean it in the kindest, sinerest way. I WANT to have the time to get as good as they are at a hobby we both enjoy.
        I understand where you're coming from, but that particular example wasn't a very good one.

        Most non-socially inept people can tell the difference between someone being genuine and someone making a back handed insult.

        Keeping eye contact and saying "Damn man, these are really cool! You know I've always wanted to start a miniatures collection, but I can just never find the time to sit down, and paint Ya know?" Is a very genuine and enthusiastic thing to say and is a sign of someone who will be fun to play with.

        Looking at someone else while chuckling and saying, "Heh cool, I wish I had time to do all that" Is a sign of a very passive aggressive person who should be banned from games

        • 2 years ago

          we are talking about the gm, so plenty of social ineptitude

        • 2 years ago

          neither of these are aggressive at all, you raging sperg.

    • 2 years ago

      frick you, I do wish I had time for that.
      I want to do so many more things than I can do, and it's not my fault your neurotic ass takes this as a swipe.
      Do you know how LONG my backlog of shit to play is? To watch? To hear about? To do? To VISIT?
      Some of these things take hundreds of hours to reach a state of satisfaction and completion!
      I will DIE before these are over!
      FRICK you!

      I agree with this guy, just not as harshly. If I were to tell someone "damn, I wish I had time for that," I mean it in the kindest, sinerest way. I WANT to have the time to get as good as they are at a hobby we both enjoy.
      I understand where you're coming from, but that particular example wasn't a very good one.

    • 2 years ago

      >Heart set on any option that's banned(defiant adult toddler).

      If we are talking D&D then I agree with you. If we are talking something more RP focused like VtM I have seen a number of cases of GM handing out bans on core picks for reasons that do not make much sense. If I can't see the logical for the stuff they are banding I just walk.

      Mostly because it is to support a pet NPC or give favor to a PC with a odd clan pick. If they can come out and say that is what is going on I can work with it. If they can't that is a bad sign.

      • 2 years ago

        Well, yeah, because if you roll tremere, my super special tzimesce dmnpc will kill you on sight, so pick something else, gay

        • 2 years ago

          Correct. Also lets not forget that this is a Cam game and the players must start on humanity. In order to get off of it you must find a teacher and no you can just start with one via mentor.

      • 2 years ago

        >If we are talking something more RP focused like VtM I have seen a number of cases of GM handing out bans on core picks for reasons that do not make much sense.

        I was once told I wasn't experienced enough to properly portray a Tremere in a Vlarp. Which definitely annoyed me since I had played a few admittedly short VtM games in college and collected WoD books for fun(eg, I liked Changeling but never had anyone willing to play with me).

        • 2 years ago

          >I was once told I wasn't experienced enough to properly portray a Tremere in a Vlarp

          That is not the reason even though they said it. When Larp ST say that they are trying to get a single clan full of only hand picked players. IE playing favorites.

        • 2 years ago

          that probably meant there was some shittery going on with the tremere and another tremere would throw a monkey wrench on that part of the plot
          dont take those things personally on big larps

    • 2 years ago

      This is a good red flag depending on the ban and the justification given for the ban. It often demonstrates a lack of mechanical competence with the system, and worse, it demonstrates an arrogance and hubris in believing they understand a system's flaws so well that they know how to fix it.

      I have games so I can afford to be choosey. But if some dude is like "I banned warlocks in my 5e game because they're OP" I'll probably pass on that table, even if I didn't want to play a warlock. If they say "my setting doesn't really accommodate a warlock in theme so I'd rather you play something else" I'd be more amenable to that.

      • 2 years ago

        Banning is just a valid of a house rule as adding things. If a player thought I was arrogant for adjusting the game I would wonder what made them feel so entitled.

        • 2 years ago

          >dm "adjusts" the game
          Red flag.

          • 2 years ago

            Yes please be offended by the first rule of the game book.

            • 2 years ago

              rule zero, which is the unspoken, real, overarching rule of all tabletop games, is that because participation is not mandatory the collective actually has the final say with respect to decisions at the table, not *just* the DM. so yes, red flag.

              • 2 years ago

                Player hands types this post

              • 2 years ago

                Incorrect. The only game I am involved in right now, I am DMing. I can't just make decisions that would alienate my players, because for one, most of them are my friends and I wouldn't do that, but also because if I actively tried to make the game hostile for them, they would stop coming. It's a give and take even if it's not exactly symmetrical, just like all human interaction.

              • 2 years ago

                If participation is not mandatory then the players can frick off if they do not like something, therefore the collective has jack shit. If "the collective" had the final say you would objectively would not even have the DM

              • 2 years ago

                That works when all actors involved have the same i fluence on the game, which isn't the case for TTRPGs where one person has several times the workload of the others. Bad ruling would be changing it on the fly and never listening to players, but otherwise the DM has the right to change stuff if he thinks it could benefit the experience.

              • 2 years ago

                wow what a hot take... thinking anyone but the DM has a say. L O L I can tell this virgin would be asked to not come back to my sessions

              • 2 years ago

                >participation is not mandatory
                even as a player i feel the need to physically fetch the players who flake, even if it's not mandatory it's expected of you to show up every week on time unless you warned the GM or have a good reason.

                >player wants to be referred to as a they/them

                I’m not joking there was a 16 year old boy that wanted to join my game and insisted on this because he was non-binary (which I still don’t get the meaning of).

                it means he's getting mentally abused/groomed by someone, nothing more.

              • 2 years ago

                Okay shooter.

              • 2 years ago

                >it means he's getting mentally abused/groomed by someone, nothing more.
                More the reason to get rid of it asap. Weak willed troonkids inevitably do dumb shit and follow it up by pointing fingers to avoid responsibility. They'll probably blame you for grooming them because its harder to use online groups as an excuse.

              • 2 years ago

                >t. someone who has never been a GM nor will ever sit on the other wise of the screen.

    • 2 years ago

      >Any kind of cagey behavior around communication or technology. They don't answer texts, won't install Discord, etc.
      The mask slips so easily sometimes.

      • 2 years ago

        ok then give me your fricking home address so i can let you know through mail when Joe can't make it to the next session because he has to pick up his coworker's shift

        • 2 years ago

          There are postal based games, actually.

          • 2 years ago

            Yes and I can tell you for a fact it's not because some motherfricker is deathly afraid someone will blast their brain with MKultra sissy hypno if he joins a discord server

        • 2 years ago

          8654 Lyndale Ave, Minneapolis MN.

        • 2 years ago

          4405 Neese Ln Escatawpa Mississippi

          • 2 years ago

            hahaha nice one anon

    • 2 years ago

      people suddenly find time in the schedule for a game when they realize campaigns will go on without them

    • 2 years ago

      >Any kind of backhanded compliments or small swipes, like insecure normies do to chip away at people(eg, if another player has painted a collection of heroes and monsters and he says something like "I wish I had time for that").
      What the frick? How is a statement of envy suddenly a "backhanded compliment" or a "small swipe to chip away at people"? No, seriously, what the frick is wrong with you?
      >muh Session Zero
      No, but seriously, have a nice day.

      >player wants to be referred to as a they/them

      I’m not joking there was a 16 year old boy that wanted to join my game and insisted on this because he was non-binary (which I still don’t get the meaning of).

      *Anyone* that at *any time* mentions "their pronouns" *anywhere* is an immediate massive red flag, and should be filtered. Not because they are inherently or necessarily bad people, but because they are either mentally ill, attention-seekers/-grabbers, or plain unthinking in what they do and how they act.

      rule zero, which is the unspoken, real, overarching rule of all tabletop games, is that because participation is not mandatory the collective actually has the final say with respect to decisions at the table, not *just* the DM. so yes, red flag.

      Your logic does not track. As participation is not mandatory and by virtue of the GM being the one actually running the game, "the collective" actually has no say whatsoever, and the final call is ultimately whether the GM wants to run X game for Y people or not.
      Have you tried not playing D&D?

      • 2 years ago

        >No, seriously, what the frick is wrong with you?
        Nothing is wrong with him, but you genuinely have autism if you don't understand.

        • 2 years ago

          >Nothing is wrong with me, I just consider entirely neutral or positive comments DEEP INSULTS worthy of removing people from my life
          Actually and unironically get fricking help, you massive sperg.

      • 2 years ago

        >What the frick? How is a statement of envy suddenly a "backhanded compliment" or a "small swipe to chip away at people"? No, seriously, what the frick is wrong with you?
        -t. Autist

        >If another player has painted a collection of heroes and monsters and he says something like, "I wish I had time for that".
        NTA, but I suppose he was meaning that the backhanded compliment here was "You must not have a job or be as busy/important as me." Inflection and context words are important here. A bitter normie would add a little more venom like so "Wow...I wish *I* had that kind of time on my hands."

        To be fair, I don't think the example the anon gave was super illustrative. It could have been just as easily been meant as a self-deprecating comment (i.e. "My life sucks and I am very busy. I would never be able to do something so cool".)

    • 2 years ago

      You sound like a problem yourself. Taking every compliment as a potential insult, telling people to install malware like discord etc.

  23. 2 years ago

    >here's a brief synopsis of the setting
    >here's a brief synopsis of the races in the setting
    >here's a brief synopsis of the cultures and regions in the setting
    >while everyone else has clearly read it and made unique, but setting appropriate characters,
    >"ok I'm playing a half winged kobold/kitsune ninja psion that specialises in mentally seducing their foes. They have forced psionic sex, so technically they're a diplomat since they enjoy it!"
    I wish I just made this up to bait, I truly do.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >they have forced psionic sex, so technically they're a diplomat since they enjoy it!"

    • 2 years ago

      you wish you had half the balls of that player.

  24. 2 years ago

    These aren't flags. They're stop signs.

  25. 2 years ago

    It’s bizarre to see “REPUBLICANS FOR D&D” or stuff like that, but you realize game groups usually form opinions and become a cliche. Conversations outside of game topics happen and eventually you get to know the people at your table. You certainly wouldn’t want a democrat in your party if you knew your group well enough.
    Does it take 6 months of conversing before you should be allowed in a group? No. But you should have a good idea what their interests are before committing.

  26. 2 years ago

    i love playing dungeons and dragons 5th edition

  27. 2 years ago

    I don’t want to live in a world where I’m not allowed to make Seaman/semen jokes when looking for a crew

    • 2 years ago

      You're gonna fricking love this.

  28. 2 years ago

    >player wants to be referred to as a they/them

    I’m not joking there was a 16 year old boy that wanted to join my game and insisted on this because he was non-binary (which I still don’t get the meaning of).

    • 2 years ago

      All it means is that you don't identify as male or female or consider yourself outside those boundaries. Which is weird because the same people are trying to push that there's no definite traits to adhere to male and female gender. It's backwards logic where they're both pushing for the supression of gender roles/labels while also relying on them to define themselves.
      The 16yo was most likely jusy being a teenager and doing what he though whould give him atte tion, your average rebellious phase.

      Anyway, I don't tolerate pronouns at my table because all it tells me is that you have unsolved identity issues, self-loathing and politics that may leak at the table (and already are if you're telling me your pronouns).
      Worst part is that these stuff could be very easily fixed with some self-respect, introspection and giving time to know yourself. Nobody but your own worldviews are stopping you from being the way you are, but don't expect the world to vow and dance at your beat. The world already has a song that cannot be changed no matter how hard you try, but that doesn't mean you have to dance to it if you don't want.

      • 2 years ago

        >The world already has a song that cannot be changed no matter how hard you try, but that doesn't mean you have to dance to it if you don't want.
        I'm stealing this line, anon.

      • 2 years ago

        Anyone who insists they are non-binary is really saying "I want attention." An actual non-binary person would simply roll with whatever gender people assigned to them, because it doesn't matter to them.

        Agendered people, on the other hand, tend to be real about negating the gender aspects. That or mentally ill.

      • 2 years ago

        >All it means is that you don't identify as male or female or consider yourself outside those boundaries.
        On paper, yes. In practice, it means slight feminine male or slightly masculine female, because despite trying to escape the binary, their only options are to just kinda muck around inside it and pretend as if they are rebelling. It's usually a prelude to going full troony, also, because they don't get the validation they were seeking just from being non-binary. Going full troony usually means a greater outpouring of acceptance, at least for a little while, before reality sets in again and the suicide note writing starts.

        • 2 years ago

          >he thinks we're not suicidal before trooning
          Lol, lmao
          But anyways yeah 99/100 nonbinaries are attention prostitutes

    • 2 years ago

      >Any kind of backhanded compliments or small swipes, like insecure normies do to chip away at people(eg, if another player has painted a collection of heroes and monsters and he says something like "I wish I had time for that").
      What the frick? How is a statement of envy suddenly a "backhanded compliment" or a "small swipe to chip away at people"? No, seriously, what the frick is wrong with you?
      >muh Session Zero
      No, but seriously, have a nice day.

      *Anyone* that at *any time* mentions "their pronouns" *anywhere* is an immediate massive red flag, and should be filtered. Not because they are inherently or necessarily bad people, but because they are either mentally ill, attention-seekers/-grabbers, or plain unthinking in what they do and how they act.

      Your logic does not track. As participation is not mandatory and by virtue of the GM being the one actually running the game, "the collective" actually has no say whatsoever, and the final call is ultimately whether the GM wants to run X game for Y people or not.
      Have you tried not playing D&D?

      Idk anon. the she/they in my group is my best player by far. I won't deny that many people who frequently discuss pronouns have some underlying mental issues, but there's a good few that are just sensible people who happen to play the game very well. But you can really say that about any group of people.

  29. 2 years ago

    >Move to a new city
    >Oh sweet there's a LGS five minutes away from my apartment
    >Check online to see if they have any groups that need players
    >See a "Non-binary Folxs" night
    Folks is already a gender neutral term. What the frick are these people on about?

    • 2 years ago

      It's virtue signaling. I came across it about a year ago and I was equally confused. The alphabet mafia loves putting "x" in everything for a show of solidarity (somehow).

    • 2 years ago

      It's virtue signaling. I came across it about a year ago and I was equally confused. The alphabet mafia loves putting "x" in everything for a show of solidarity (somehow).

      It's worse. "Folx" is a call to arms.

  30. 2 years ago

    I don't want to shit on this guy too much, but I was with the DM when he got someone who asked
    "is it alright if I play a build based on a existing character? I didn't add homebrew or anything, I just multiclassed a bit, and I won't act like them all the time."
    He was playing some weird warforged build with a million attacks a turn, so it was either general grievous, or some weebshit mecha.
    We have since played a few short campaigns, some one shots, and have recently started a new one. Around 10-ish characters?

    HE HAS NEVER PLAYED A WHOLLY ORIGINAL CHARACTER. Last campaign was a judge dredd expy, the one before that was po, and the one before that was Jojo.

    Like, holy shit, what the hell?

    • 2 years ago

      it's an NPC trying to get out of the programming, show some pity

  31. 2 years ago

    Wanted a list of boundaries, this is fair enough. What made my eyebrows slick my hair back was him wanting justification for said boundaries. Like, frick off mate, that's my business.

  32. 2 years ago

    Tabletop roleplaying game culture is centered around players. They have splatbooks written only for players. They trick hundreds of thousands of gamemasters into entertaining players. They listen to RPG podcasts hosted by players. They pander to player entitlement. They let players play whatever freakshit races they want to play. They make moronic "fricking nat 20!" memes about players. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing a convention in honour of players rolling dice. They use player slang like "gish" and "build". When you say "Laura Bailey" they're not thinking of the hot voice actress. They're thinking of the player. Their tables are completely overrun with players. They wallow in their autistic community disproportionately filled with players and worship their totally fake and staged live-play RPG livestreams filled with players. The gamemasters sit around watching players ''''roleplay'''' while the game designers sit around designing games that cater to the braindead tastes of players. They worship groups of players like Critical Roll or the Adventure Zone while attacking the referees and designers who actually built their hobby before players took over. The adventures are piss-easy to appease players and the rules get dumbed down to try and attract more players. They watch hundreds of hours of livestreams of players and they celebrate when those players play because those players are true red blooded American players. Some of them will tell you how much they hate players and how the 'a bad game is better than no game' meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love players but the evidence speaks for itself in that TTRPGs have always been and will always be a hobby for player loving players.

  33. 2 years ago

    >insists they get to be able to make dick jokes
    Strange thing to insist, but I don't see why someone wants to have a type of political correctness within the group, and tell what type of jokes can or can not be made.

  34. 2 years ago

    I'll go for a twofer, except these are people I've known for a decade
    >Old friend is the GM
    >His long term girlfriend is one of the players
    >Everything is normal until, at random intervals, they get into extremely nasty arguments over completely inane issues
    >Later they act like nothing happened
    >Every game is a minefield where at any point they can start arguing and we have to just sit there in silence

    • 2 years ago

      You realize they're having sex later thinking about how awkward they made everything for all of you.

      • 2 years ago

        I hope not. Them murdering one another one night would be less upsetting than knowing that we're being used as their sex aid.

    • 2 years ago

      >Uni student
      >Meet 30ish~40ish yo grognard in LGS
      >Invites me to his home game
      >A bunch of older guys give me a weird look when I show up
      >His wife is in it and starts agressively flirting with me in character
      >Everyone just acts normally
      >6 months later I'm stuffing the wife into a latex vacuum bag in front of a webcam while her husband watches the other room over
      >Says shit like "Make her beg for it" and "A prostitute doesn't need air" through a speaker
      On the bright side, they helped me pay for my forgeworld army

      • 2 years ago

        >>6 months later I'm stuffing the wife into a latex vacuum bag in front of a webcam while her husband watches the other room over

      • 2 years ago

        i mean sounds pretty normal for my experiences

    • 2 years ago

      been there, done that. known the guy for around 5 years and the girl for 7. In my groups case it was almost always the boyfriend randomly flipping shit, or specifically targeting his girlfriend when he was the DM. I'll tell you how I solved it
      >Mention to the girl that the groups noticed she's being singled out
      >she talks about how much she dislikes the relationship, how she's scared he might hurt her or he'll commit neckrope if she leaves
      >let her know he's mentally ill, and any actions he takes against himself because of that isn't her fault
      >eventually she breaks up with him. Like expected, he throws a fit, but doesn't kill himself
      >spend time with her nearly every day because it makes her feel safe, but be there for the both of them as they go through their independent grieving processes
      >six months later i'm balls deep in her three times a week
      easy as that anon

      • 2 years ago

        This is the part where I say "and then everyone clapped".

        • 2 years ago

          Sorry you don't believe me anon.

        • 2 years ago

          Then everyone got the clap.

  35. 2 years ago

    Not in a game I was running, but one of the other players would only play if someone else made his character. Like, blatantly refused to learn how to make one but would also get upset if the character wasn't made the way he wanted.

  36. 2 years ago

    why is it that the lastttt idk.. 10 yrs? 15 yrs? there are SOOOOO MANY fricking LEGIT PSYCHO'S that want to roleplay as a fricking nymphomanic furry toaster and DEMAND you let them to act out their delusions in real life and that you accept it outright??

    and girl quota's? or minority quota's??

    WHAT THE FRICK happened to the days when a group of 4 nerds just wanted to roll some dice and roleplay your stereo typical Medieval Fantasy tropes like a elf ranger/ human knight/ dwarf barbarian/ and the old mage or wizard of yor??

    why does EVERYTHING in this day and age have to be in some way or shape associated with whatever sexual kink or fetish you partake in, or has to have "diversity hire" quotas, or want to be a special unique one of a kind snowflake of brilliance that has no place in the current RolePlaying World everyone is wanting to play in

    >what happened to the SIMPLE, Pure, Simple, Nerdy Fun like this?? No agendas, No control issues, No Social Justice Nonsense, No fetishes or kinks being forced.. just fun, friendship, and good story telling around the proverbial CampFire..

    • 2 years ago


  37. 2 years ago

    has a minimum girl requirement
    If someone actually brought this up at my group of five, I'd politely but obviously take that person aside and say "Look mate, one of my friends is doing some... soul searching right now if you catch my drift. I'm going to ask, politely but firmly, that you do not assume all of us consider ourselves men. Thank you."

    It would work.

  38. 2 years ago

    >Don't know player, friend of a friend
    >Wants to RP so frick it
    >Send him rules and limitations I have set
    >Setting I am DMing has no Warforged or Dragonborn for story reasons
    >Immediately sends me uncensored scaly porn asking if he can make a dragonborn druid girl
    >Didn't think people like this actually existed but alright
    >Tell him no and tell him not to send me porn out of the fricking blue
    >Sends me porn of XJ-9 and asks if he can play a warforged made by a horny wizard and imbued with magic
    >Message friend that invited this guy and tell him his friend is fricking sending me porn for character art
    > "Lol he's just trollin mate give him a chance"
    >Fine I'll give him a fricking chance but still no you can't play those two races
    >Fine I want to play a kenku warlock with a homebrew patron I'll bring character art to the table
    >brings fricking anthro bird porn to the god damn table
    > "hehe my friend is so random right DM?"
    Fricking booted the both of them.

    • 2 years ago

      Why didn't you? The rest of the table will see you as a weakling if you don't make an example of troublemakers every now and then.

      • 2 years ago

        I did. Guy was, and still is, weird. Keeps putting printed off hentai/rule 34 in my mailbox. Tempted to get a porch cam and involve police since he's been doing it for about 5 months now. Only thing impressive is it's all in colour. Other guy hasn't talked to me or anyone else at the table since. Replaced him with a guy from work who's been pretty chill. He brings doughnuts and lemonade.

        • 2 years ago

          >He brings doughnuts and lemonade.

          I havent had too many problem players, since the game i run is all old friends, however the game i play in with some online boomers people cycle in and out of cause the DM does paid DMing (i knew him before he started doing it so i play for free) and will bring in paid players to fill slots. Some have been fine, but there's this one dude who is just the full meme of technologically illiterate boomer and takes ages to do his turns cause he can never find his fricking spells or understand what all the tokens mean on the map and it drives me up the wall.

    • 2 years ago

      >I troll
      >u trollin me?
      >I trollin you
      >He trollin me?
      >Yea he trollin you but give him a chance
      >lol we still trollin you

  39. 2 years ago

    >Playing with a random group at my LGS during free RPG day
    >GMing one of the free modules they give out (I think it was delta green)
    >Young guy I've never seen before joins group of four other players
    >He has earbuds in but don't think anything of it, assumed he just walked in or something
    >Give out premade characters, explain the rules, blah blah blah
    >Earbuds guy is just staring down at his character sheet and writing random doodles on it
    >Have to repeat myself on several occasions because he can't hear me over whatever he's listening to
    >Everytime I do it he becomes more and more withdrawn and pays less and less attention
    >By the end of it it's getting really awkward because he might as well just not be playing
    >Say "Hey man are you okay?"
    >He gets up thanks me profusely and then immediately leaves the store
    >Never saw him again

    I donno if he had extreme social autism or what but it was crazy to see people who actually act like that in the wild

    • 2 years ago

      Defective NPCs in the simulation tbh. I've been noticing more of them in the past few years. EG an old man playing a round of golf in the middle of a cemetery. Or a clumps of people wearing summer clothes standing in the middle of the road at midnight in Minnesota in Winter.

      I mean sure they -could- be real people but what would they even do for a living?

    • 2 years ago

      He insulted your ability as a GM and now your reputation is permanently tainted. The right play was to grab him while he tried to leave and force him to explain why he was acting like a shithead. Afterwards you should have made him scream an apology at the top of his lungs before banishing him forever. Now the only thing you can do is live with the dishonor or start over in a different LGS.

    • 2 years ago

      See, this is why bullying in small/moderate amounts is a good thing.

      Young people need to learn situational awareness. Gain confidence by learning to fight. Find a group of friends for mutual protection. Figure out basic human psychology(eg being spaced out makes you come across as arrogant).

      You turn the world into a safe padded room, let kids eat nothing but chicken fingers and graham crackers, and hand them tablets and this is exactly what you get.

      • 2 years ago

        >90s bully
        Send one of those 80s bullies that'll just straight up attempt to murder you.

        • 2 years ago

          anon they were just on crack

          • 2 years ago

            Much healthier for you than HRT.

        • 2 years ago

          I vaguely remember that my 90s bully homeroom teacher managed to put me in hospital just fine

      • 2 years ago

        Thats not bullying though. Bullying by definition is excesive and beyond enforcing social norms/contracts. Apart from that yeah. Overprotective/controling parents lead to developmental issues

    • 2 years ago

      Probably hearing impaired with an aid wired to those buds. Still the right call to humiliate him just to keep up appearances. Can't have people thinking you're incapable of maintaining an attentive group.

    • 2 years ago

      im more surprised you didnt politely but firmly ask him to remove his earbuds so he can hear whats happening and the information and story telling being told otherwise kindly leave the table if you arent willing to participate or respect the game and participants..

  40. 2 years ago

    It’s easy, really. You rarely need to worry about red flags if you play with strangers. If you do, add in some dog whistles to filter out the trash like “old school dnd inspired” or “realistic campaign” (even if it isn’t).
    The usual red flags are shit like wanting to play an anime character, trying to be a fallen god in a non-planescapey scenario.

  41. 2 years ago

    Whenever someone brings up politics unnecessarily.

    • 2 years ago

      And unless it's a very specific genre of game, it's never necessary.

  42. 2 years ago

    >Another thread about shitting about transpersons

    Y'all are like ten for ten for today, don't you have anything else to do?

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Troons aren’t people though, they’re an assorted jumble of mental illness manifesting on the prime material plane as laughably ugly and utterly repellant weirdos.
      Oh and before you try to get me cancelled… go rope yourself you hideous freak, the only people who don’t openly hate or pity you are other troons, and even they don’t like you much.

    • 2 years ago

      wtf happened to the word troony?

      seems everyone and their mother constantly want to use "trans" like its some hip or cool or shorthand way to say it

      its like calling gay ppl "homz"

      also.. why is EVERYONE suddenly a troony all of a sudden?
      LITERALLY went from being like 1 or 2 in an entire city that was some 40 something yr old creep dressed in a shitty ill fitting thrift store dress that was like 2 decades out of fashion, with ripped stockings and legs and arm hair everywhere and a thick ass stubble and 5 oclock shadow smelling vaguely of liquor and cologne loitering at your local 7/11 at like 2am..

      how did it go from that, to LITERALLY every weirdo ugly radical leftist 16-30 yr old with a giant chip on the shoulder against the entire world??

      i ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to believe they are fricking genuinely transvestites, simply because you dont go from having a literal small "less than a handful" in your local city, to a couple decades later having that number increase by like 10,000% out of seemingly no where by mostly ppl that have barely finished puberty... seems more like a fad or trendy thing than a real phenomenon, i cant see this being sustainable fad or trend for very long, and as soon as it loses its shiny newness youll start seeing LOTS of xers and xims suddenly going back to being Marks and Michelles again..

      i cant see ppl of today maintaing this facade for the rest of their lives the same way the mentally deranged "removed from reality" Transvestites of yesteryear have..

      is it me? or have any of you noticed this or seen this? because theres NO fricking WAY there was THIS many "closeted troonys" that just decided to pop out of no where within the past 8 years, half of whom werent even alive a decade prior..

      • 2 years ago

        This like asking why there were less out gay people 30 years ago, it's not just one thing.
        That said, trying to discuss that just distracts from the specifics, you have things you're confused about, that's fine, but no one should make excuses about mistreating a sect of people whose vulnerable population particularly leans young. You're just introducing pain into a situation and asking other people to justify your beliefs for you before you even consider not hurting people.

      • 2 years ago

        it's a mix between grooming backed by big pharma and a trend (especially if you start including nonbinary shit in there) fragile teens/tweens want to fit in so older cultists push them in the butcher's den.

        the detransition wave is already starting, people who realize that they were fooled/abused and try to get back to some kind of normalcy.

        i'm sure people in a few years will look at the shit we do today like we look at lobotomy and other unethical "cures" of the past.

  43. 2 years ago

    They want to play d&d instead of any other system/ they only know how to play d&d

  44. 2 years ago

    So is there a courtesy for leaving online D&D games? I'm not having a good time and it's dragging on terribly.

    • 2 years ago

      Just tell the DM you need to drop the game.

  45. 2 years ago


    >You’ll forgive me if their attitude towards a cripple, a Black person or a linebacker in fishnets and a wig is somewhat less than you might like.
    You know what they say, it's the duck that quacks that gets shot.

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