WTF Kingdom Hearys?

>Make the best, deepest, saddest Kingdom Hearts story to date
>Put it in a Mobile Gacha game
>Make 99% of Kingdom Hearts 3's plot Filler Disneyslop

What the FRICK square?

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  1. 12 months ago

    I would honestly prefer a AAA version of KHUX to KH3

    • 12 months ago

      >Marluxia losing his sister
      >Darkness being not just a concept but a sentient, literal personification of Satan that possesses people and leads them by their base instincts to destroy each other
      >MoM is basically a gnosticist and intentionally destroys his timeline and dooms all his students to try and trap the darkness there

      It unironically was pure kino

      • 12 months ago

        I will admit, the ending where (You) outwit "Darkness" by pretending to be possessed was pretty great.
        Union Cross certainly deserved better than being a shitty fricking gacha, but I can't help but expect they named it that so they could release the inevitable "Re:Union". It just makes too much sense.

  2. 12 months ago

    Ughuuu the darkness so deep and emotional

  3. 12 months ago

    The only people that genuinely care about the bloated nonsensical story of Kingdom Hearts truly must be "Khux" so why exert more effort than a mobile game?

    • 12 months ago

      >Le bloated and nonsensical
      Its pretty easy to follow actually

      • 12 months ago

        The series is full of events that exist to create plotholes to be answered in later games that barely amount to anything. Why did we need a Data Sora? Why do we need Sora "falling into darkness" multiple times and going through a bunch of tests like in DDD when the scenes from KH1 would have sufficed? Why did shit like Xion need to exist? You can explain a bunch of these events but most of them do frickall to enhance the story and some of them have practically no payoff. Its filler tier compared to any FF or Disney property that appears in the game.

        • 12 months ago

          >Why did shit like Xion need to exist?
          Because she's a good character and made Roxas' time in the organization an interesting story beyond watching existing characters do slice of life shit with no payoff

        • 12 months ago

          Data-Sora wasn't even relevant. Re:coded is the equivalent of anime filler that gets mentioned offhand one time and never again. Quite literally in 3 Data-Sora is mentioned once by name and never brought up again. The point of most of the side-games is just to flesh out the world or introduce things they intend to expand on later. You can just go into 3 straight from 2 but DDD sets up all the time travel shenanigans that happen, caps off Riku's arc, and delevels Sora so he has a reason to go on another adventure.

          • 12 months ago

            BBS is kind of important anon

            • 12 months ago

              I never said it wasn't, but again, like I said, it both fleshes out the world and introduces things that will be expanded on later. Creating the χ-blade is of course the setup for the premise of DDD and 3, and Vanitas would later be connected to the 13 Darknesses they talked about in KHUX.

              >You can just go into 3 straight from 2
              Objectively untrue.
              You can skip Coded because Data Sora isn't real, you can skip Days because Xion objectively doesn't matter, you can skip the mobage because that one bit in KG is moronic but over quick enough.
              >BBS sets up the main villain and the B Plot during Disneyshit (Riku and Mouseman)
              >DDD sets up the main villain's entire fricking plan, it's the actual KH3 in all but name

              I feel like people often forget that 3 comes with built-in recaps in the main menu that tell you what happened in thw previous games. If you skipped DDD, the relevant information is in the recap, and the journal entries give you some more info as well. I would personally say the 1 and 2 recaps are there just for consistency, since obviously you should play through those for proper context.

          • 12 months ago

            >You can just go into 3 straight from 2
            Objectively untrue.
            You can skip Coded because Data Sora isn't real, you can skip Days because Xion objectively doesn't matter, you can skip the mobage because that one bit in KG is moronic but over quick enough.
            >BBS sets up the main villain and the B Plot during Disneyshit (Riku and Mouseman)
            >DDD sets up the main villain's entire fricking plan, it's the actual KH3 in all but name

        • 12 months ago

          >Why did we need a Data Sora?
          Re:Coded wasnt even msde by Nomura. Its basically just a filler DS game

          • 12 months ago

            And it was a filler phone game before that.

      • 12 months ago

        Explain to me why there's a second Riku in KH3. Is he a Nobody like Roxas or some Heartless or some third thing?

        • 12 months ago

          There are 3 Rikus in KH3
          Riku, edgy time travel Riku where they try to trick you into thinking he might not be KH1 Riku but then reveal it actually is KH1 Riku, and then the fake replica Riku from Chain of Memories

          • 12 months ago

            >where they try to trick you
            Nah, frick that. San Fransokyo Riku is either Ansem Riku or Coded Riku, he doesn't act like KG Riku at all who is obviously Unskippable Cutscene Riku from KH1.

            • 12 months ago

              >Ansem Riku
              I mean, that's still KH1 Riku

          • 12 months ago

            >where they try to trick you
            Nah, frick that. San Fransokyo Riku is either Ansem Riku or Coded Riku, he doesn't act like KG Riku at all who is obviously Unskippable Cutscene Riku from KH1.

            >Ansem Riku
            I mean, that's still KH1 Riku

            Amusingly, the ambiguous KH1 Riku is past Riku-Replica. Riku's Riku-Replica tulpa literally says "This guy... is me!"

            • 12 months ago

              Oh yeah, he does.
              Frick me, that actually makes sense.
              >has his introspective half present early on
              >gets his mind wiped (fricking again) and goes scorched earth
              I always forget that Riku's Tulpa exists.

          • 12 months ago

            >where they try to trick you
            Nah, frick that. San Fransokyo Riku is either Ansem Riku or Coded Riku, he doesn't act like KG Riku at all who is obviously Unskippable Cutscene Riku from KH1.

            Amusingly, the ambiguous KH1 Riku is past Riku-Replica. Riku's Riku-Replica tulpa literally says "This guy... is me!"

            Actually there's technically 4 Rikus. The actual Riku, San Fransokyo Dark Riku which is Re:Coded Dark Riku, KG Dark Riku which is past Repliku from during CoM, and present day Repliku which is the one floating around with actual Riku who pulls his past self out ("This guy... is me!"). Simple.

          • 12 months ago

            Also the only real "trick" moment is after you beat Dark Riku and he spouts some classic edgy Repliku stuff and actual Riku literally says "Wait, aren't you my past self from when Ansem possessed me?", which is when present Repliku elaborates on who it actually must be. Figuring out SF Dark Riku is someone else takes some attentiveness and putting 2 and 2 together (while not really mattering in the grand scheme of things) but the Repliku stuff is literally blatantly spelled out to you, so it just goes to show how massively ignorant some people can be when they do the usual complaining. There's a lot to it but that just means you should be paying attention as the anon said, shock horror a story should be paid attention to.

  4. 12 months ago


  5. 12 months ago

    >Best gameplay in the series are in the most convoluted and poorly paced entries
    >Best story in the series are in the shittiest experimental handheld games
    This is why the KH1 gays have a point, by being upper-mid at everything at once it's arguably the most complete package

  6. 12 months ago

    A reminder the series ended at KH2 and everything released afterwards is non-canon.

  7. 12 months ago

    >main villain's backstory that makes his character make sense is only in the loredump read only ending to a cancelled mobile gacha game

    • 12 months ago

      And it's only necessary because they fricking retconned his motivation like twice
      In BBS he just thought darkness was natural and cool and deserved recognition just like light did, which was also playing off of the thematic cap on the end of KH2's story where Sora recognized that light and darkness were both equally human

      • 12 months ago

        I thought in BBS it was just "Frick I'm old, I wish I wasn't old so I could continue living and cause a war. The (some call it Kai)-Blade would be nice to have, too."

        • 12 months ago

          Well yeah, that's his specific plot in that game, but that's not why he's evil in the first place, or his ultimate goal
          There's a reason his body snatching Terra and everything else with the KEEblade are literally unrelated schemes

      • 12 months ago

        That was just an obvious cope he was telling Terra. He claims light and dark are equals but spends the whole game using darkness and conspiring against light.

        • 12 months ago

          That's also what he tells Eraqus when he's trying to convince him that he's in the right

          • 12 months ago

            Well yeah he can't just say "I'm actually just trying to frick everything up because I wanna know what it would look like"

            • 12 months ago

              >character is willing to destroy everything and manipulate his brother just because he is curious
              It isn't very realistic in hindsight

      • 12 months ago

        His motive was only retconned once. His goal is still the same as in KH3, but we just know that his reason for wanting to remake the world is because he's hopelessly blackpilled from seeing/feeling the darkness in peoples hearts take control and ruin everything the second he met someone other than his mentor

  8. 12 months ago

    It is a fricking game that randomly puts in disney and final fantasy characters. How anyone older than 6 years old even got tricked into playing such a garbage franchise defies comprehension.

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        t. manchild

  9. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      Also neat, but it's something to have in the background while you do chores or something
      VA quality varies but the acting sounds noticeably better during the animated cutscenes

  10. 12 months ago

    This girl was responsible for my navel and midriff fetish.

  11. 12 months ago

    Why does KH’s world-building suck complete shit? If anything KH is a blatant example of how not to world-build.

  12. 12 months ago


  13. 12 months ago

    this is a game with micky mouse in it its not that deep

    • 12 months ago

      It's not, yet somehow thousands get filtered and claim it's "too complicated".

    • 12 months ago

      This is how you end up with people crying that they don't understand it
      It's very easy to follow as long as you don't trick yourself into thinking there's nothing to pay attention to at all

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