
About to jump back into the greatest game ever made. Thinking I'm gonna do a custom start in Avarice where I'm running a ragtag mercenary corp of 5 S ships and see where it goes from there. Kuertee's bounty hunting mod will get a lot of use initially. How are your games going, anons? You are using Sensible Demographics to remove the space Black folks right?

CRIME Shirt $21.68

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CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    Is this game better than starsector?

    • 7 months ago

      Depend what you mean by "better"

      • 7 months ago
      • 7 months ago

        >Split Vendetta soundtrack
        Best of Alexei imo

    • 7 months ago

      If anything they are both a radical different flavor of bad, they do converge on the fact the endgame for both is not even piloting your own ships and let the game play itself

      • 7 months ago

        The frick are you talking about? Actually piloting a ship is huge buff in starsector at every point in the game.

    • 7 months ago

      They scratch different itches.

      The frick are you talking about? Actually piloting a ship is huge buff in starsector at every point in the game.

      >Same in X4, but it doesn't make him wrong. Both games are ultimately Empire Management at heart. That doesn't mean that you have to, need to, or should stop playing the 'ship pilot' aspect.

      >Is this game better than Everspace 2?
      That's a space arpg. Their only similarities are that they're space games.
      >Is this game even a "strategy" game? Because it seems more like an open-world RPG with a bit of an economy.
      Your impression is backwards. It's an empire building game with very light RPG elements. Mount & Blade in space isn't a perfect description, but close enough.

      I would say X4 is closer to "Wing Commander meets Port Royale"

    • 7 months ago

      X4 is better for trade empire building and has 3d space combat. Starsector is better for customizing and optimizing ship builds and has 2d space combat.

    • 2 months ago

      X4 is a much better spreadsheet simulator and idle management game, but the combat mechanics are really shallow.
      Starsector is a much combat and fleet commander game, but the simulation and management aspects are really shallow, really being mostly an excuse to get into more combat.

  2. 7 months ago

    Thought about going back in since the new DLC dropped. Looking forward to see Borons.
    I stopped last time after 3 weeks of playing since the game becomes basically a spreadsheet simulator with you doing nothing except the occasional quest personally. Early and mid game is always fantastic though. Any advice for future runs?

  3. 7 months ago

    >greatest game ever made
    Oh? so they fixed it?

    • 7 months ago

      X4 was always good, though rather lacking in content when it released. It sucks that it had to be patched and DLC'd into a good state, but I think it surpasses X3 now.

      • 5 months ago

        >X4 was always good
        Everything after X3:AP was dogshit. Egosoft is dead.

        • 5 months ago

          The biggest change I enjoy from older games is station complexes not being aids anymore.

          • 5 months ago

            Rebirth was meant to do stations really well but I never played it. It was also meant to have a capital ships as actually big and dangerous too.

            • 5 months ago

              Do not ever believe Egosoft promises regarding anything with AI.

            • 5 months ago

              I just had flashbacks to the rampant fanboyism on Egosoft's forums around Rebirth's release. Lots of people got banned for criticising it but none of the cultists got banned for attacking others or even admitting they'd pirated the game, in one case. That clusterfrick is what led to me pretty much retiring my forum account.

          • 5 months ago

            And then they fricking ruined it by enforcing one builder per station cap, so you cannot make frickhuge complexes anymore without mods. Which fricks with the balance because the game was made with the cap in mind, fricking moronic german autists.

            • 5 months ago

              You are meant to explore and just build in the background
              Like that mod in the forums says. He has played 1000 hours in a save and never even felt the need to use it.

              Kingdom's End dlc is 35% off, should I grab it?

              The ships and stations look nice and are unique enough but it has to be the worst bit of content in the game. Once you do the piss easy unlock mission you basically ignore boron space and borons never do anything. The way the game is set up means you rarely even see them outside of boron space.

              • 5 months ago

                >You are meant to explore and just build in the background
                Oh yes, nothing says "sandbox' better than not being able to focus on your favorite aspect of the game because some german autists are huffing their own farts and think their empty soulless space is so amazing to explore. I absolutely cannot wait to solve yet another data vault puzzle and get 2 lines of meaningless lore blurb as a reward, such mystery!

              • 5 months ago

                You might also get 10,000 credits.

    • 7 months ago

      Yes. It has been good since the first DLC. Now it's great.

    • 7 months ago

      Depends. We got a nice new physics engine, the most recent ships are beautiful, but it still has bugs and bad performance. The AI is moronic. And I would say that for newcomers, having autism is a requirement in order to have the patience to figure out what you can do in the game, learn the arcane UI, and test out all the controls enough to the point you can map them into something you can actually work with.

      All that said, I have like 600 hours and don't regret it.

      • 7 months ago

        >And I would say that for newcomers, having autism is a requirement in order to have the patience to figure out what you can do in the game, learn the arcane UI, and test out all the controls enough to the point you can map them into something you can actually work with.
        eh there are some really good youtube tutorials that eliminate the autism requirement

  4. 7 months ago

    how do I stop my fans spinning up to 100% every 5 minutes?
    this doesn't happen with any other game

    • 7 months ago

      Limit your fps to whatever your screen refresh rate is.
      >it's still loud
      Try 60 max
      You're fricked

      • 7 months ago


  5. 7 months ago

    I've been playing the star wars mod since it recently updated and I am desperate for a good star wars game.

    • 7 months ago

      how's the new update? i've been itching to play it, but trying to hold off for 1.0

      • 7 months ago

        Its pretty fun, id say most problems i have with it are X4 things.

  6. 7 months ago

    Funny, I'm thinking of doing the same, but as a resurgent militant Church faction purging the xenos from the galaxy.

    • 7 months ago

      Terran ofc

  7. 7 months ago

    Is this game better than Everspace 2?
    Is this game even a "strategy" game? Because it seems more like an open-world RPG with a bit of an economy.

    • 7 months ago

      >Is this game better than Everspace 2?
      That's a space arpg. Their only similarities are that they're space games.
      >Is this game even a "strategy" game? Because it seems more like an open-world RPG with a bit of an economy.
      Your impression is backwards. It's an empire building game with very light RPG elements. Mount & Blade in space isn't a perfect description, but close enough.

      • 7 months ago

        >It's an empire building game with very light RPG elements
        okay, that is good to hear
        but do i fly ships with WASD or is it more high level? I don't want to be a fighter pilot.

        • 7 months ago

          You can use mouse+kb or a joystick. Personally I use stick for small (and sometimes medium) ships and mouse+kb for anything bigger. As you progress through the game you spend more time sitting in your office or the bridge of a capital ship managing your empire/fleets from the map. Of course you can still opt to get into a fighter and dogfight if you want some action.

  8. 7 months ago

    Any graphics/minor tweak mods?

    • 7 months ago

      Fire and smoke is an S tier graphics mod. My favorite QOL mod is the one that instantly 100% scans stations when you discover them because I hate that time suck mechanic.

  9. 7 months ago

    Started playing the Star Wars mod. It is really well done.

  10. 7 months ago

    But... I assumed X series was about piloting spaceships and dogfights...

    • 7 months ago

      It's not about that, but it's part of it. The beauty of the game is you can pretty much do whatever you want. The flight model is a bit basic, but I enjoy the combat, especially with mods to spice it up. VRO is the big one. I prefer a lesser known mod called Classic Mode, but I strip the economy changes from it.

    • 7 months ago

      It's always been about economics newbie

    • 7 months ago

      Gods, no

      • 7 months ago


  11. 7 months ago

    can we discuss x3 also?

  12. 7 months ago


  13. 7 months ago

    how do i get started

    • 7 months ago
      • 7 months ago

        mine says x3
        what next

  14. 7 months ago

    I was having fun with X4 until I dumped all of my money into a factory and a trading station and was earning far less cash than I was from having my mining ships on basic automine.

    • 7 months ago

      >manufactured goods < raw materials
      what, value added chain no worky in this game?

    • 7 months ago

      What kind of factory? I never use trading stations myself. Mining is a little too good of a money printer imo. I made a little mod that halves the prices of mined wares except nividium.

  15. 7 months ago

    How much depth does the games piloting and combat have? I know the game lets you build custom space stations but how does ship customization work, how extensive are my options for combat? Is there any skill beyond just having large firepower?

    • 7 months ago

      It's basically a simpler Elite: Dangerous. Like Elite, you can either be a full on sim nerd with a HOTAS and trackir or do just as well with a mouse and keyboard. You can toggle flight assist on and off, but no engine/weapons/shields pips. Ship customization is fairly robust, especially once you get into ship mods. If you use VRO (total combat overhaul + new ships and weapons) there are a ton of weapons that are viable depending on the role you're trying to fill. VRO makes fleet engagements more exciting by greatly increasing weapon range and projectile speeds. Vanilla is painfully slow. It also greatly pronounces the differences between ship classes. In vanilla you can kill large ships in a single fighter because their turrets are unable to hit you. In VRO you'd get swatted like a fly, so if you're using fighters in fleet engagements you need a lot of them. imo the only reason to play vanilla is if you really want that space cowboy feel where you can take on the biggest ships solo in your single seat fighter.

    • 7 months ago

      >How much depth does the games piloting and combat have?
      The flight model isn't super arcadey and there's things like subsystem targeting but it's not like you can redirect power to guns, shields, etc.

      >how does ship customization work
      Ship customization comes in the form of a slot system as in a given ship has certain amount and size of gun, shield, engine, turret slots and there are different manufacturers and different tiers of everything from a given manufacturer.

      >how extensive are my options for combat?
      Not very, there are different types of guns, missiles, engines etc. Some things are better at one kind of job than others so there's choices to be made.

      Over all this isn't the game for you if you want an extensive ship customization system and deep fast paced dog fighting. The combat is really the worst part of this game imo it isn't bad but it's basic the joy really comes from empire building and engaging in huge fleet battles.

  16. 7 months ago

    I tried playing but my CPU is so old that it seems to run at like 20 fps near a jumpgate or whatever with a few ships around.

    • 5 months ago

      When it came out I had a R5 3600. I upgraded to a 5800X3D and doubled my fps. The game is heavy on CPU so Intel house fires are gonna be a problem. You def want an x3d CPU to max this game especially with mods. GPU helps too but that CPU man. Game also loves to eat up around 10 to 15gb of ram. If you don't have at least 32gb you're gonna need to crank it down as with lower cpus. I have hundreds of hours in x3 rebirth and x4.

  17. 7 months ago

    Been playing around with some alternatives to VRO and I've got it pretty dialed in to my tastes now. I took Simple Combat Overhaul as the base, added Classic Mode's M turret tracking buffs and engine changes (bigger ship class = faster travel drive is genius), and patched Weapon Pack (work in progress) and Weapon Variation Expansion. Feels like a perfect middle ground between VRO and vanilla.

    • 7 months ago

      Ok so Simple Combat Overhaul + Vanilla Turret Boost (with the L turret range/damage changes removed because SCO handles that better) is pretty nice. You get something approaching the long range flashy engagements and more defined ship classes of VRO while maintaining a vanilla feel and nerfing fighters without making them worthless.

  18. 7 months ago

    Main problem I have with the game is that it feels static. Wish there were more dynamic events with pirates or rival traders launching organized raids against you. The wars between factions feel quite limited with eternal stalemates. The only active faction are the Xenon and it gets boring only fighting them after a while. Game would probably be more fun with lots of small factions trying to wage war on each other and expand instead of large established mostly peaceful nations. Would a pirate playthrough where you are at war with most other factions solve this?

    • 7 months ago

      Dynamic Wars mod

  19. 7 months ago

    Newbie here. Is there really no way to have S mining ships grab ore from L mining ships and sell it repeatedly?

    • 7 months ago

      but why?

    • 7 months ago

      >place L miner in roid field
      >have it mine continuously
      >small ships keep dropping by and ferrying off resouces

      • 7 months ago


        but why?

      • 7 months ago

        No you can't do that. Not automatically anyway

    • 7 months ago

      no, use cargo ships instead you dingus

  20. 7 months ago

    I'm too smoothbrain for this
    Is Starpoint Warlords a good alternative for me?

  21. 6 months ago

    Anyone done the Yaki plot by sending Xenon to the Terrans? I had them activated but forgot they would go through Savage Spur 2, where my helium collection station is (Terrans took that sector over from the Xenon in like 10 hours after gamestart).
    There's like 3 I's, 10 K's and a whole swarm of s/m ships gathering. Will they just attack Terrans while going to Earth or will they also target my station that is not in their path?

  22. 6 months ago

    i downloaded the star wars mod. I have no idea what to do or where to go to find fights.

    • 6 months ago

      Is the Star wars mod good? Ive about 20 hours in now, just started to get my hull part factory up and running and the game has at this point lost my interest.

      The basic battles is the problem for me I think. Sound like ill need some battle mods

      • 6 months ago

        So far I noticed
        >good vfx
        >the vro balance they insist on adding does make fights better to look at and look more like star wars canon, unlike vanilla where it just makes destroyers OP
        >all the cancerous rpg mods like immigration seem to be included
        >also emergent missions which, while great in concept, is almost unplayable the way it was implemented
        And I'm not sure of focw or anything will work for it.

  23. 6 months ago

    it's 50% off right now should I buy it? I played about 100 hrs of x3 but I lost interest due to shit UI and repetitive gameplay. The premise seemed really cool though. Is x4 a more polished/casual version or what? I could dig that

    • 6 months ago

      I could never get into X3, but I have hundreds of hours in X4. You should buy it

    • 6 months ago

      It's great until the bad AI and bad faction war makes you quit in the late game. They promise to fix it but at this point I really doubt it.

      • 6 months ago

        >bad AI
        Yes, this is unfortunately the truth about all egosoft games. They simply can't deliver on that front and I believe they never will. A conclusion I have sadly come to after playing all X games so far. They all share that fate.
        Anyone taking some time to watch what the NPCs/AI do/does, would be screaming at the screen non-stop in frustration at how bad it really is. Endlessly turning on the spot, taking absolutely insanely long detours for simple tasks, nearly ramming other ships in combat - although weapons should be used at maximum range, ignoring marked danger zones, merchants making 10 jumps long trips to deliver <5% of cargo hold capacity, S ships suiciding against larger ships instead of waiting for backup, not reacting to actual threats like the Xenon getting a hold in vital systems, stations not helping nearby fights against at least L sizes ships. The list goes on, but that's just from memory and things I've personally experienced. Yes, there are mods that soften some of these flaws, but none fix the core stupidity of the AI.
        >bad faction war
        At least there's the faction warfare mod for that. It's a bit weird in auto mode with some really quick mood swings and no ceasefire if the Xenon come steamrolling factions, but if you just use it to manually set wars, it's much better than the (almost) static base game relations.

        What mostly makes me quit playing is that the player is the only driving force in the whole galaxy. I've had quite some X4 runs where the Xenon are absolutely rampant and not even the Terrans are able to put a halt to it. It's like they're on overdrive in some games, but nearly disabled in others. The worst offenders are Tharka -> Hatikvah's or Savage -> Getsu -> Asteroid, which breaks Terrans in half and kills them. Or the laughably weak Split, which had their main sectors carved out by the Xenons by the time I had a station complex running.
        I so want to like this game, but damn the AI sucks so bad it's frustrating.

        • 5 months ago

          Wish I didn't find this thread. I think I'm about to have 3000 hours of my life stolen in the next year.

          Nevermind. It won't take my soul for now.

        • 2 months ago

          >nearly ramming other ships in combat
          Christ I remember this being an issue even back in X2 in 2003

          • 2 months ago

            I remember there was a forum post that put something like 200 fighters up against an unarmed M2 and it would always result in 200 destroyed fighters.

  24. 6 months ago

    It's the most fun fleet carrier sim since highfleet

    • 6 months ago

      Funnily enough I tried interworlds and it didn't really work out for that. Game really suffers with vro balancing and lack of story missions.

    • 6 months ago

      I fricking love space carriers bros

    • 6 months ago

      > since highfleet
      I loved that game.
      While your clip looks very cool . Gameplay wise is there much to do ? You just continously shoot all your weapons randomly toward the enemy ship that move slowly? Or there is some skill involved in targeting/managing or movement like highfleet?

      • 6 months ago

        targeting, managing limited ammo/missles or movement*

    • 5 months ago

      I really hope we'll get a game like this one day, but with realistic ship damage, instead of health bars, and with full interiors that you can walk around and that can be damaged and destroyed in battle.
      I want the whole package.

    • 4 months ago

      whats that ship infront of you? Dont remember seeing one like that

    • 3 months ago

      >That performance
      Why can't Egosoft into FPS

      • 3 months ago

        like anyone else can these days, its all unoptimized shit, at least here the resources do something i.e. galaxy background simulation

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah it's understandable and I'm not really holding it against the game, it was the same with X3 and probably X2, it's like the staple of the series at this point, I wonder if you'd be able to run X3 at full speed with modern hardware during intensive scenes

          • 3 months ago

            afaik that engine is completely 1 core but 5ghz intel maybe should play it fine, but I think there is still a limit
            needing a powerful cpu for x games is another thing nailing it in the niche market, biggest imo is learning curve with shit UI, plus jank but thats what gives it soul

          • 3 months ago

            That makes me think of how funny Phased Shockwave Generators are in X2 on current hardware. Since they do damage every frame they end up doing gamebreaking amounts of DPS on computers that can render them without stuttering, like two-shotting a K with a Paranid Perseus levels of DPS. It's probably the same in X3 if you have a NASA-tier computer.

  25. 6 months ago

    is there a video playthrough of people going through the in-game tutorials so I can learn from them without having to do them myself

  26. 6 months ago

    I still haven't started on X4. I still play X3 every few years, though I always run out of steam when I start base building and equipping capital ships, because the UI makes it feel more like a job, and the game unfortunately lacks any late game purpose. What, just buy capital ships and do... what?
    Frick, I miss my first playthrough of that game, though. I loved the sense of being in a living world, given that NPC ships are simulated across every sector in the universe, and actually patrol and transport goods, while the factories actually produce things.
    I also love the comfy visuals, soothing soundtrack and sense of exploration as you move further away from your starting area. Of course, you lose all that when you get used to the game and can see through the illusion, but man, few games have been able to create the same level of ambiance and atmosphere that X3 did.

    • 6 months ago

      >What, just buy capital ships and do... what?
      The most practical thing to do with capitals is to blockade Xenon gates and patrol sectors so your factories don't get nuked by a random Q.
      If you fly them yourself they're good for very high ranking combat missions where the game will spawn multiple destroyers and 30+ fighters that are otherwise a pain in the ass to deal with. Can also go fly swatting in Khaak space, Xenon sectors or unfocussed jump drive sectors for rank.

  27. 6 months ago

    How the actual frick am I supposed to get both the Moreya and the ship I came in on out of the asteroid base? the AI's moronic so that's not helping.

  28. 6 months ago

    Steam comment says that AI shits the bed if player is inside the sector when it comes to big fleet battles and staying in the same sector player’s structures’s at.
    How bad is it?

    • 6 months ago

      Destroyers are unable to attack stations on thier own. If you send one with a simple attack order it will be stuck in the eternal spinning cycle and won't attack the target. You have to manualy possition them to be effective.

      • 6 months ago

        so I fly the destroyers into range of their batteries and when I leave they'll open fire without moving, that's how it works right? Getting a little tired of soloing stations with the rattlesnake

      • 6 months ago

        >Destroyers are unable to attack stations on thier own.
        Destroyers are almost unable to function on their own. They are not good at actually attacking anything. One xenon K could probably take out 3 of your osakas in sector.

        • 6 months ago

          Is there a mod that fixes it? Wouldn't they just have to copy paste the AI from something else?

  29. 6 months ago

    5 year anniversary soon. Egosoft updating Teladi and Argon capital ships to the E version in 7.00, making them look less shit

  30. 6 months ago

    >playing light modding
    >just uncharted skies and faction enhancer, mainly
    >start to get that odd stutter that doesn't hit fps but you just kinda notice

  31. 6 months ago

    does VRO affect gameplay mechanics or is it just a content expansion? (ships, weapons, skins)

    • 6 months ago

      vros main effect is a few things, despite what idiots think
      >change weapons mainly making them more accurate and longer range
      >make destroyers "logical" by giving them the ability to insta kill any small ship that goes near them using said long range and accuracy.
      It has new ships, but he just lifted them from other mods.

  32. 6 months ago

    I'm waiting for the next patch/DLC and getting a new PC, my ancient i7 3770k struggles with X4 and I fricked up my 244 hour Terran save by making a mess of my industry, I think I'll go for a Split start next. I'm not sure what the next DLC will be, they said it won't be like the others so I think it will be based around new features rather than new race and plot.

    • 6 months ago

      Actually by now we should have gotten a trailer.

      • 6 months ago

        It didn't sound like it was that close in their recent video but we'll see.

        • 6 months ago

          They've been very consistent in December trailer than march or april release.

          • 6 months ago

            You were right


            a trailer for a new expansion in 20 hours

            I expect new features and improvements rather than race and story. Possibly revamped ships for a faction like they did with the Paranids.

  33. 6 months ago

    I'm 26 hours into uncharted skies with faction enhancer and starting to think that the vanilla ship limits mean almost nothing happens in the universe. I wonder how much is the mod and how much is the job limits just not being good at ship allocation.

  34. 6 months ago

    So... is there literally zero reason to build any illegal goods stations? From what I've read, npcs don't actually buy from you and you have to sell all that shit manually, which is incredibly gay.

  35. 6 months ago

    ded game
    ded thred

    • 6 months ago

      Sir this is /vst/

      • 6 months ago

        and dedder than ded

  36. 6 months ago

    a trailer for a new expansion in 20 hours

    • 6 months ago

      You were right
      I expect new features and improvements rather than race and story. Possibly revamped ships for a faction like they did with the Paranids.

      I'd be happy if all they did was make your ship ai a little less moronic.

    • 5 months ago

      >A DLC about revisiting iconic moments from the old games as a way to introduce new players to the universe and the gameplay while giving veterans a nostalgia trip and rewards for the main game, all done in the X4 engine.


      • 5 months ago

        Might give them an excuse to re-make/add back in ships and stuff from X3 and XR, the most popular mod does just that.

        Might be interesting but I was hoping for something that added more mechanics on the existing map like rival trade companies or something like that.

        Not sure how I feel about it tbh, might be kind of interesting but I'd rather new stuff in the actual game.

        I would have hoped so, the game needs diplomacy and more ways to play the game on a meta scale. It becomes increasingly annoying as you scale up and how soulless looking at the map screen can be.

        • 5 months ago

          >It becomes increasingly annoying as you scale up and how soulless looking at the map screen can be.
          There comes a point for everyone where you just explore and realize there's nothing.
          >hatikvah will probably have some xenon in it
          >ai will just kind of ignore problems
          >nothing really happens
          >nothing really changes

          >gimmick mini-campaign mode
          >in a game where hundreds of hours on single saves are the norm

          I have reached the conclusion that egosoft are completely unable to deliver anything but overly easy introductory missions and fail to integrate anything into the actual sandbox. Boron might have pretty ships but the faction does nothing and doesn't even have missions outside the emissary ones.
          And why would you ever play the opening the gates missions over and over? It's so easy it can play itself as long as you fly to the right points and wait for the AI to destroy khaak. At least tides made vig hostile but vig itself was so badly implemented it just made it feel weird.
          At least they are hinting that new dlc will focus on expanding the game instead of the no mans sky route of lots of stuff with no depth.

    • 5 months ago

      >A DLC about revisiting iconic moments from the old games as a way to introduce new players to the universe and the gameplay while giving veterans a nostalgia trip and rewards for the main game, all done in the X4 engine.


      Might be interesting but I was hoping for something that added more mechanics on the existing map like rival trade companies or something like that.

      • 5 months ago

        Not sure how I feel about it tbh, might be kind of interesting but I'd rather new stuff in the actual game.

        Might give them an excuse to re-make/add back in ships and stuff from X3 and XR, the most popular mod does just that.


        I would have hoped so, the game needs diplomacy and more ways to play the game on a meta scale. It becomes increasingly annoying as you scale up and how soulless looking at the map screen can be.

        >gimmick mini-campaign mode
        >in a game where hundreds of hours on single saves are the norm

        Completing the campaign missions will unlock new stuff for use in the main Sandbox game, anyways, the Free 7.00 update is adding updated models for Teladi and Argon ships, new sectors, new ships for Xenon, more game engine improvements, improved 3rd person camera and an optional Endgame Crisis mode

        • 5 months ago


          • 5 months ago

            The update is free, but all the new ships and station parts shown are paid. Fricking Springblossom. Gimme, and take my money damn Krauts!

        • 5 months ago

          Enhanced button remapping and better 3rd person camera finally. PLEASE let me play like X3 again.

        • 5 months ago

          >adding updated models for Teladi and Argon ships
          Oh shit, they are finally going to fix the awful early X4 models. Those were one of the ugliest space ships I have ever seen in any game.

    • 5 months ago

      Not sure how I feel about it tbh, might be kind of interesting but I'd rather new stuff in the actual game.

    • 5 months ago

      >gimmick mini-campaign mode
      >in a game where hundreds of hours on single saves are the norm

  37. 5 months ago

    my notebook can only handle x3

    I only barely tried it

    so is X3 worth trying again, space cowboys?

    • 5 months ago

      x3 albion prelude with mods was PEAK x before X4 so yes

      • 5 months ago

        yeah, I am going to give it another chance, I remember I got pissed of because autopilot fricking up a I felt lost and purposely trading, I am going to pay more attention next time

        I have the gog download.

      • 5 months ago

        Really? I spent all my time in X3 Reunion and then a little more in Terran Conflict back in the day, I never really got into Albion Prelude. I think I still have the original disks somewhere.

      • 5 months ago

        what mods?

  38. 5 months ago

    I am very underwhelmed for the content of this dlc.

    • 5 months ago

      I feel it pays for the 7.0 update which has more MEAT for me than the actual DLC. Hopefully the unlockables are worth.

  39. 5 months ago

    I played a lot of X3 but X4 just felt so bland. Like it's the same basic loop as X3 but everything's a little bit clunkier and slightly more hassle.

    • 5 months ago

      >X4 just felt so bland
      X4 in general is very soulless, even if it's now a good X game. The whole grand gate reboot I know that happened with Rebirth but let's forget about that abortion of a game and cutting off X1-X3 era was a big mistake.

  40. 5 months ago

    It would be nice if AI could somehow respond to the xenon attacks. Right now AI just sends one fighter to fight with xenon destroyers.

  41. 5 months ago

    Atleast 6 new sectors coming in 7.00

    • 5 months ago

      The game is already filled with sectors I never go to. The boron dlc ones are especially brutal.

    • 5 months ago

      As long as they're resource sectors for sweet ore and silicon.

  42. 5 months ago

    Kingdom's End dlc is 35% off, should I grab it?

  43. 5 months ago

    Is there any sense of mystery and awe to this game? Something more than just "Look at my Excell spreadsheets" vibes? I'd like to explore the game's setting, find shit out there that's not spoonfed to you.

    • 5 months ago

      Best I can do is data vaults, take it or leave it.

      • 5 months ago

        I'll pass. Thanks for letting me know, anon.

    • 5 months ago

      Absolutely none. It's actually extremely static. And not just in the way you think. Factions don't react to enemies at all so they'll send civilian ships to die in neutral and enemy zones no problem. At least if they were smart enough to react you might get something rare like the boron sending a fleet to patrol the void when it gets attacked by loads of xenon.

    • 5 months ago

      not really, you might encounter sectors that look cool or mysterious, but then you unlock an encyclopedia entry that explains everything or just goes "shits weird, idk what to tell you" and youre forever confused.

      • 5 months ago

        It was a brave design decision to make xenon zones you'll almost never enter the most visually interesting.

  44. 5 months ago

    I'm sure this thread gets this question a lot. Is it good yet? Haven't played since X3TC but I like the series.

    • 5 months ago

      wait for a sale and try it out, I enjoy it

    • 5 months ago

      yeah its good, and if there is anything you dont like, you can just mod it out because everything runs on XML

  45. 5 months ago

    Wish I didn't find this thread. I think I'm about to have 3000 hours of my life stolen in the next year.

  46. 5 months ago

    it's been hard for me to jump from litcube to x4, fleet management seems completely fricked in comparison

    • 5 months ago

      litcube is pretty much the ultimate X experience and was made late into X3's life, it will take years (if ever) for X4 to get something comparable

      • 5 months ago

        >bad AI
        Yes, this is unfortunately the truth about all egosoft games. They simply can't deliver on that front and I believe they never will. A conclusion I have sadly come to after playing all X games so far. They all share that fate.
        Anyone taking some time to watch what the NPCs/AI do/does, would be screaming at the screen non-stop in frustration at how bad it really is. Endlessly turning on the spot, taking absolutely insanely long detours for simple tasks, nearly ramming other ships in combat - although weapons should be used at maximum range, ignoring marked danger zones, merchants making 10 jumps long trips to deliver <5% of cargo hold capacity, S ships suiciding against larger ships instead of waiting for backup, not reacting to actual threats like the Xenon getting a hold in vital systems, stations not helping nearby fights against at least L sizes ships. The list goes on, but that's just from memory and things I've personally experienced. Yes, there are mods that soften some of these flaws, but none fix the core stupidity of the AI.
        >bad faction war
        At least there's the faction warfare mod for that. It's a bit weird in auto mode with some really quick mood swings and no ceasefire if the Xenon come steamrolling factions, but if you just use it to manually set wars, it's much better than the (almost) static base game relations.

        What mostly makes me quit playing is that the player is the only driving force in the whole galaxy. I've had quite some X4 runs where the Xenon are absolutely rampant and not even the Terrans are able to put a halt to it. It's like they're on overdrive in some games, but nearly disabled in others. The worst offenders are Tharka -> Hatikvah's or Savage -> Getsu -> Asteroid, which breaks Terrans in half and kills them. Or the laughably weak Split, which had their main sectors carved out by the Xenons by the time I had a station complex running.
        I so want to like this game, but damn the AI sucks so bad it's frustrating.

        Are these problems prominent in litcube/X3? I really want to get into this game, but moronic AI is just such a deal breaker for me.

        • 5 months ago

          I haven't played Litcube so this is just vanilla X3 perspective:
          X3's AI mostly isn't that bad imo with the exception of small ships against capital ships. They like to fly full speed towards the capital ship, guns blazing, and then try to turn around at the last second except they can't decelerate fast enough and slam into the hull. There's a mod that fixes it but I hate how necessary that is. There's also a sector with a huge asteroid in the middle that's got a moronic collision volume where autopilot is pretty much unusable sectorwide, but there's not really anything worthwhile in that sector anyway besides a shipyard with some gimmick ships. All the other pathing is generally pretty decent, and I've never really gotten pissed off by the way my capital ships move.
          The universe is definitely static though. Sometimes the factions raid adjacent sectors of one another but the damage is all cosmetic and they never actually try to wipe one another out. Still can generate some pretty good loot from their casualties if you're at the stage of the game where that matters though.

        • 5 months ago

          Litcube makes heavy use of scripting so you have stuff like a rival corporation that adapts to your actions, but the basics like ship navigation are generally the same.

          It's also not nearly as much of a big deal as that anon makes it to be, often you let battles play out OOS (Out Of Sector) with you being elsewhere, so that their simulation is ran on simplified 2D rules and avoid the janky ship AI issues.

        • 5 months ago

          Then don't play any X games. The AI in them is so bad it does affect the gameplay as you will have to babysit things way more than you would like

          What is your most recent playthrough like? What faction are you maining, who did you start with?

          Just did the Emergence start and enjoying the Boron stuff. Their ships and sectors look amazing, and the music got way better in Kingdoms End too, its just peak comfy.

          Do you play with a joystick? I'm kind of tired of flight simulators so I'm looking for other things to do with mine.

          I personally do as it makes flying way more fun, but can see why many prefer to just use mouse and keyboard as the later game you will basically be playing empire management and won't really do that much flying yourself since its just not as efficient as ordering around 50 ships to do stuff for you.

          • 5 months ago

            I didn't buy the Boron expansion, how true is the 'cut off from everyone' argument for their sectors?

            • 5 months ago

              Without sector mods they are pretty much only accessible thru argon space. If I remember my x lore the way they implemented boron sectors is incorrect as split paranid almost wiped them out hence ancients changed the gates to make boron areas accessible via teladi. The other thing they get wrong is that somehow finding boron lead to understanding the gate networks. This is again incorrect as the terrans could build gates as could paranid. Anyways could be wrong on some stuff it's been eons. Boron story makes little sense. The whole highway building thing should be Terran paranid thing already since they know gate tech and are the most advanced.

              • 5 months ago

                If it takes place after the gate shutdown all the links could be different. The gates have been shuffled before in lore.

              • 5 months ago

                Yes which is why boron were saved by ancients changing it from split to teladi. It doesn't change the fact paranid and terrans can do whatever they want with the gates btw regardless.

            • 5 months ago

              Oh btw the dlc not to buy is avarice as it's complete garbage. Kingdoms end is almost mandatory so you have the main races. Avarice is such an abomination.

    • 5 months ago

      litcube is pretty much the ultimate X experience and was made late into X3's life, it will take years (if ever) for X4 to get something comparable

      I never really did get heavy into Litcube's, I think I had it installed but that was already after I put a thousand hours into X3 so I burned out.

  47. 5 months ago

    >some neat ship mods are only available through nexus

    • 5 months ago

      Of course, where else are they supposed to be? Egosoft forums aren't that great for hosting mods

      • 5 months ago

        Steam's workshop at least, most of them are here too but for some reason there are a few actually good looking kitbash that are exclusively on nexus

  48. 5 months ago

    What is your most recent playthrough like? What faction are you maining, who did you start with?

  49. 5 months ago

    Is this game better than Stellaris or is it just an autism simulator

    • 5 months ago

      It's a station building simulator.

  50. 5 months ago

    Do you play with a joystick? I'm kind of tired of flight simulators so I'm looking for other things to do with mine.

  51. 5 months ago

    Is this a ded game?

    • 5 months ago

      It just had a new DLC announced a couple of weeks ago

    • 5 months ago

      if rebirth couldn't kill the franchise nothing can

      • 5 months ago

        I actually enjoyed rebirth. Gorgeous game with x like components. Rebirth still does certain things better than x3 or x4. It's not really an x game though more of a side story affiliated franchise game. Arcade attempt I suppose like an ever space.

  52. 5 months ago

    Just installed X4 with all DLC, are there any mods that are recommended? Starting vanilla game now.
    Also are carriers good/fun in this? I love carriers

    • 5 months ago

      You'll want split raptors. Run mostly flak.

  53. 5 months ago

    >boron gate is reconnected
    >notice fleets of boron going through heretic's end
    >track them through my sat network
    >they begin systematically slaughtering every split trader in Haktiva's choice
    yo I thought these homies were about peace and shit

    • 5 months ago

      Boron haet split

  54. 5 months ago

    So what's the point of the next dlc? Just separate campaigns you do completely disconnected from each other, just so unlock new stuff in the sandbox? What kind of new stuff do they even have planned?

    • 5 months ago

      For the DLC, mainly a storyline separate from the sandbox which let you replay abridged versions of old X games i guess

      For the patch, overhauled argon and teladi capital designs, new sectors, new xenon ships and endgame crisis thing where a faction hate your guts and try to wipe you out.

      • 5 months ago

        Yea supposedly they are adding an endgame type of big bad. Suppose we'll see. Ossian raider I think is the mod that adds an endgame crisis faction. Ego might be slow sometimes but they do pickup good ideas from mod authors here and there. They added some features to rebirth due to mods albeit not as good.

        • 5 months ago

          It's worth remembering that ossian raider doesn't fix problems with factions not acknowledging big issues like xenon taking over hatikvahs gate area which then becomes a kill zone. I am not even sure if the game needs a big endgame faction so much as it needs the faction sandbox to just function better. Like look at how much shit the game simulates so that terran can build an asgard every now and again and throw it at some xenon station without the player even noticing it happened. Or boron and vig who are basically pointless resources hogs, especially vigor who ego claim are able to act like pirates again and attack stuff but are overall really bad at it.
          Not to mention back when tides came out vigor most often just fought xenon at hatikvah. Which was good because the argon sure weren't doing a good job of it and could use the backup.

          • 5 months ago

            Sounds like it's just not possible, performance wise, because their code is such a resource hog.

          • 5 months ago

            Yea agreed. I was so upset by how bad avarice was I disabled it and dropped the game for a while. Factions have always been spartan since it's using the same they had in rebirth. What is even the point of player control?

            Sounds like it's just not possible, performance wise, because their code is such a resource hog.

            Might be that. Factions have been set this way since rebirth so over a decade. They did nothing with it that I can see in game. Spacebourne 2 a solo indie dev does factions stations better. The ai control is very basic but it does work well enough with the player actually there.

      • 5 months ago

        Ohh, new sectors and xenon ships plus an endgame crisis actually sounds pretty huge. I hope it's actually a crisis and wipes out other factions, instead of just laser focusing the player.

        I can already see irritation where you fight them in another race's sector and then they become hostile because you're fighting in their territory.

        My hope is the new sectors will revitalize the game for enough people to pick up more interest again. Do we have any idea how MANY more sectors? I really hope it's not just gonna be two or three.

        • 4 months ago

          The issue with adding sectors is mid to late game slowdowns happen much sooner. The more you explore the more tax on your system overall. Mods just up the ante even more especially if they're job fixes or edits. I like a bunch of the sector mods however it really drags the game down performance wise. It would be nice if they could figure that all out so it wasn't such a slog once you start to build up.

    • 5 months ago

      Ohh, new sectors and xenon ships plus an endgame crisis actually sounds pretty huge. I hope it's actually a crisis and wipes out other factions, instead of just laser focusing the player.

      I can already see irritation where you fight them in another race's sector and then they become hostile because you're fighting in their territory.

  55. 5 months ago

    It's on sale for 20 bucks
    however that 60% discount is applied to a game sold at a base 50 USD even though it was released six years ago

  56. 5 months ago

    i just bought this game and i'm 12 hours in, i love it so far it's awesome, very comfy


    • 5 months ago

      it's rlly pretty too

  57. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      You have to do criminal missions on station to unlock black markets which unlocks demand for illegal goods there. Do it at enough stations and you'll have lots of places to sell your space-cocaine at.

      • 5 months ago

        But do traders buy from your space-cocaine complex? Or do you have to run the drugs yourself?

  58. 5 months ago

    dead game

    dead thread

  59. 5 months ago

    I can't seem to be able to get into this game, Are there any good tutorial videos that aren't like, 40 minutes +?

  60. 5 months ago

    How many of you are still playing the game

    • 5 months ago

      i just picked up the base game and all the DLC from steam for like, $40. so im jumping in, doing the 'terran cadet' start

      • 5 months ago

        Very nice. Terrans are the easiest to get into thanks to their simplified economy. Just know Terran stations are resource hogs.

  61. 5 months ago

    Anybody ever tried doing a Split start and playthrough? I heard it's nightmare mode.

    • 5 months ago

      I tried to complete the split questline as a Boron. But I got softlocked as I need to have a 20 rep with a different Split fraction. So now I'm looking for the most efficient way to grind those points.

      • 5 months ago

        Depending on rep you either have to kill criminals around one of their stations till you can do trades or missions for em. The bounty mod might help there as well.

  62. 5 months ago

    First impressions of x4 after playing x3 to death over a decade ago
    >great music
    >flight tutorial is great they really stepped up their game
    >space australia guy never calls me a daft c**t immersion ruined.

    • 5 months ago

      Which X3? It was Reunion for me.

      • 5 months ago

        I never got into reunion on account of my computer being too shit at the time.
        I got back into it for TC and then did another play when AP came out.

  63. 5 months ago

    >doing the station tutorial
    >darth revan ass chorus kicks in as I'm placing a storage module
    Yes, perfect.

  64. 5 months ago

    Think the new dlc will revitalize X4 at all? New ships and sectors is good content, new sectors is always good especially.

    • 5 months ago

      X3 and by extension x4 have always been sort of niche. The whole series really. Rebirth was a big departure from x3 so was also panned heavily despite how gorgeous it was as a whole. Dlc will likely just get old dogs back into it again for a time. There are new players off and on but nothing of note afaik. The game does require a beefy CPU primarily an x3d if you want to run mods or have a long playthrough. Anything not x3d is gonna feel the pain train as your save grows. GPU helps but not as much as a CPU here. Doubled my fps when I upgraded from a 3600 to a 5800x3d.

      • 5 months ago

        My 9700k does pretty well tbh

        • 5 months ago

          Yea it'll do fine. My point is an x3d is apparently perfect for this game.

          Looks like X4 had a pretty good peak this month of nearly 5k players. That's not bad for such a niche game.

          Oh no doubt. I love the series even put hundreds of hours into rebirth. It's just not a mainstream type for the masses like a souls qte game like tlou etc.

      • 5 months ago

        Looks like X4 had a pretty good peak this month of nearly 5k players. That's not bad for such a niche game.

  65. 5 months ago

    What does ka'ak taste like?

    • 5 months ago


  66. 5 months ago

    On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being mind numbingly boring, how fun is starting as Boron?

  67. 4 months ago

    What the frick guys I made a really huge station that produces everything in a really busy sector but Im still barely making much money. Only like 20mil in an hour please help I just want that huge terran ship.

    • 4 months ago

      Just steal it bro

      • 4 months ago

        You can also just steal the ship with fly by boarding like this guy says [...] just pick a ship. Oh and if you do it for profit make sure to sell the ship piece by piece of you don't revert the ego nerfs.

        wouldnt terrans hate me

        • 4 months ago

          Not if you manage to him them with a driveby.

          • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      The print money of station building was ship building and selling which they nerfed. You made a vertical chain for ship building for profit and to replenish your doom fleets. There should be a mod still that removes the change ego made to ship prices. If you don't go that route you hyper focus on key money making products claytronics used to be good or you just mine raw and sell it.

    • 4 months ago

      You can also just steal the ship with fly by boarding like this guy says

      Just steal it bro

      just pick a ship. Oh and if you do it for profit make sure to sell the ship piece by piece of you don't revert the ego nerfs.

  68. 4 months ago

    Can I make a big dreadnought ship?
    Perhaps a super star destroyer?

    • 4 months ago

      You mean... modded? Check out Star Wars Interworlds.

  69. 4 months ago

    Kinda tired of my current playthrought vanilla. Is VRO worth playing? Any other mods worth trying? Also is there a mod that makes the galaxy more "dynamic" and making a shipbuilder station actually worth it?

    • 4 months ago

      I like this guy's stuff.


      And this one


    • 4 months ago

      the star wars mod is unironically fantastic

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah it is, haven't played but looked up some vids and they put a lot of work into it. Very fantastic models and sounds, cool overhaul.

  70. 4 months ago

    does the game have a story or is it a sandbox

    • 4 months ago

      Your vanilla starts + the split starts are sandbox. The split starts give you a long term objective though.
      All the others push you into a main storyline that you can pursue but the full sandbox is still there and you can generally duck out and do sandbox things whenever. What's cool is that most of the starts have very different ways of linking you into the player HQ quest line.

      • 4 months ago

        so whats the best start if i never played x before

        • 4 months ago

          Do the tutorials.
          Young gun or untested explorer are probably the closest to a vanilla start and are the most X like. But some others like terran cadet or stranded are kind of like an advanced tutorial and guide you along more advanced concepts.
          I wouldn't do a split or boron start your first time.

          • 4 months ago

            thanks man
            one more
            which dlcs are mandatory

            • 4 months ago

              not that anon but while none are really mandatory they are all okay if you like the ships. Dlc is really fricking wierd in the game since it's a scale of how much content it adds to the story, the sandbox, and whether the ships are good.
              Cradle is the best by a large margin and gives lots of story, ships, and the terrans really feel like they do something in the world.
              Boron is the worst and unless you like the ships they might as well not exist and have no story stuff to them.
              But it's really just a choice of which ships you want.

              • 4 months ago

                >Boron is the worst
                Worse than Avarice?

              • 4 months ago

                In theory the capital scrapping ship might get some use and the pirate ships look cool. You also get a story of the usual intro level and I guess the astrid is a nice to have even though you can see the game clearly looking worse in the interiors and you still can't do shit there. It's really a tossup in my eyes, they are about equal because piracy fricking sucks in x4.
                I dunno. After tides I was just soured in general by egosoft dancing around what needs fixing(AI, actual game threats, and end game)

            • 4 months ago

              All dlc but tides of avarice. Reason being they flesh out most of the major races from prior titles. Corporations are a huge missing spot which is surprising.

  71. 4 months ago

    Interworlds is great but I joined the IMPs and they're getting fricking steamrolled by the New Republic. I'm trying to thin out their fleets by doing quick raids but the AI makes it almost impossible because of how dogshit it is at following orders. They really need to make a simplified order system so I can at least micro my units out of danger.

    >Holy shit my capital is taking severe damage from that massive fleet that I underestimated
    >Immediately order it to retreat with a move order because flee is dogshit
    >"Yeah sure right after I engage this fleet you ordered me to fight" 🙂

    • 4 months ago

      I think you have to clear its order first, then give it a new one.

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah absolutely. It's just annoying and difficult especially with carrier fleets.
        >zoom in all the way and click your ship through the order lines of 100+ fighters, try to navigate to the order that its following, which is impossible to click half the time due to the amount of other orders on screen
        >end up setting a new order somewhere you can see so you can actually cancel it and create the new order that you need to escape which takes a few critical seconds
        >carrier fighters/bombers will continue on their default behavior so you need to select all of them and unassign them from a ship so they actually follow the new orders you place without killing themselves in doomed combat (flee actually kinda works for an emergency escape for small ships but they'll just fly back to combat after awhile if you don't change their behavior)
        >even still a few carrier fighters will fight to the death because they keep aggroing on an enemy chasing them
        >Also I'm not allowed to pilot my capital ships in combat ever because fighters will immediately start clipping into my ship and pushing me out of combat, leaving me to cheat teleport away or load a save

        Maybe you guys know a better way of doing this, but the AI in general needs a huge rework which will probably never happen.

        • 4 months ago

          It's micro intensive as frick, but can't you also pause the game and issue and remove orders?

  72. 4 months ago

    The worst part of the boron dlc is that sanctuary of darkness chugs hard. I don't know if it's the fog or just all the ships for that kha'ak mission. I want to say it was the fog because it hammered by gpu like the game just turned on ultimate raytracing but it persisted even inside ships so it's probably just a frickload of unoptimized shit gobbling resources.

    • 4 months ago

      apparently msaa and fog/volumetric on destroys the fps. but I noticed a hit no matter what.

    • 4 months ago

      Roids are big hit as is fog dust etc. CPU takes a huge hit in turn GPU. Granted even with all that off you will still get chuggies in later game when you've explore half or more sectors and have credits galore.

  73. 4 months ago

    does anyone have any nice screenshots of the game or anything

    im beginning to feel like no one even plays it anymore

    • 4 months ago

      I go through spurts sometimes months at a time. I do the same with Vicky 2 ck2 bunch of other titles. I was messing with spacebourne 2 and executive assault till the new year. Star valor for the last month. Still have starsector installed but it's been months same as x4.

    • 4 months ago

      I will play when the dlc comes out again and probably quit again once the endgame fails to hit home.

      • 4 months ago

        I don't know, end game might be different this time. End game you might get slapped by the new crisis, or not, since it's still Egosoft AI.

        • 4 months ago

          If they added just enough functionality to the game that AI could make ships without suiciding them into something I would probably play very little but x4. It's been five years and argon still aren't smart enough to divert fleets to protect hatikvah.

          • 4 months ago

            It doesn't help that the simulation craps on itself the longer your save. I can understand why they don't tweak it as much considering how much of a hit you take on CPU and ram usage. Applying jobs and other tweaks can easily tank you by 50 percent versus vanilla.

          • 4 months ago

            It doesn't help that the simulation craps on itself the longer your save. I can understand why they don't tweak it as much considering how much of a hit you take on CPU and ram usage. Applying jobs and other tweaks can easily tank you by 50 percent versus vanilla.

            I guess Ego's vision is just simply too big for current hardware. Can't do everything they want without making drastic cuts.

            • 4 months ago

              If the game didn't have teleport they should be able to reduce the tick rate of any sector more than a jump away to the point that it would be a minor performance hit without the player ever noticing.

              • 4 months ago

                oh? what about sats? would've thought that would be a concern not teleport tbh.

              • 4 months ago

                Depends if you want real time stuff or not. I don't actually think the game benefits much from real time updates to the exact location and speed of my ships in space.

              • 4 months ago

                Teleport's kind of lame. It feels like a contrivance holdover from before you had a character model and could just jump between ships and they're trying to ground it in this new universe when you just don't need it any more.

  74. 4 months ago

    Rate my L ship foundry

    • 4 months ago

      More Boron-themed logistics stations.

      Claytronics factory. Went along with the nautical Boron theme and tried to design them to look like organic sea critters as much as possible.

      It's looking pretty rad, but I'm sitting here wondering why you put it in the middle of an asteroid field. Ship AI is moronic enough as is without added obstacles.

    • 4 months ago

      I've been working on this bad boy for the past few months. Fully self sufficient and calculated at 1 Asgard per hour + 1 commonwelath BB per hour (if there were one that is).

      • 4 months ago

        >fps: 3

        • 4 months ago

          Mid 30s or so. The power of an X3D.

          • 4 months ago

            I moved when I play towards modded modules instead to keep compact station sizes. Takes longer to setup since you can't just build one and expand since you're technically building 10 to 1.

  75. 4 months ago

    More Boron-themed logistics stations.

  76. 4 months ago

    Claytronics factory. Went along with the nautical Boron theme and tried to design them to look like organic sea critters as much as possible.

    • 4 months ago

      I'm getting flashbacks to X3 spaghetti complexes

  77. 4 months ago

    So I'm doing the terran cadet game and no one is sending my player hq energy cells to build the dock. Do I need to up my relations with the argon just to get energy cells even though there's a teladi power plant in this same system?

    • 4 months ago

      Sometimes it depends on what sector and what your relations you have with anyone within a few jumps. Did you check your build storage all that plus have ample credits earmarked for the buy?

  78. 4 months ago

    removing teleport would not do anything for performance, some of you don't seem to understand how the game works, outside 200km from you its all mostly low attention

    the AI is braindead and autotraders looks like is not working bc they all have little performance costs and its why the only limit for the engine is your hardware

    good thing is x3d cpus that x4 loves a lot, later ones will probably give this game a huge boost

    the whole simulation is on one core bc real multithreading is not that easy and you always will have delays for one core to do something so the other can continue with something else

    its cpu heavy since its a "real" economy so all ship always have to do something and run checks and shit all the time, then on top of that run everything in high attention where if its busy with stuff will kill your fps

    only thing that would improve fps would be to kill "real" economy and spawn all ships to just look like something is happening

    and that's not something ego will do, they are very proud and happy they achieved this

    the engine is actually fricking awesome for what it does with only one load screen

    if only they would hire some capable UI dev and rework that fricking thing

    • 4 months ago

      Yea watching ships your own even fly in and out of stations in real time is cool. Part of the charm is that it's not some pos console port with pop in and fake everything. The x3d cpus really shine on a game like this big time. Engine wise I don't know if it's the same as rebirth. Visuals were better in that game across the board plus the UI while not ideal was much faster due to keyboard controls through the menus. Game feels sluggish with mouse no matter what for me anyways.

      • 4 months ago

        it is the same engine, part of why rebirth was such a shit show on release was bc they built that engine from scratch. Rebirth still holds visually today, even better in most parts then x4 but that's about it, UI was made with consoles in mind

    • 4 months ago

      >the AI is braindead

      t. People who don't bother changing turret settings.

      • 4 months ago

        there is this weird limit they put that L/XL ships always need to align with the Y plane before shooting in 3d fricking space kek, this alone fricks with many things, even a dev agreed but its a design choice he cant remove

        • 4 months ago

          What is the reason for that?

      • 3 months ago

        there is this weird limit they put that L/XL ships always need to align with the Y plane before shooting in 3d fricking space kek, this alone fricks with many things, even a dev agreed but its a design choice he cant remove

        I thought the AI had problems besides turrets in X4, namely carrier and fighters docking & dispatch and all around combat (compared to X3). Then again, I haven't played X4 in a long time.

        Gonna sound like an oldgay: I wish X3 had the map and UI improvements of X4. I feel like
        combat in X3 was better overall, along with the
        ship designs and vast quantity of ships, with how weapons are equipped. Ship classes in X4 are weird versus the old (letter)[size] system in X3.

        X4 I stopped playing b4 Tides of Averice. Worth trying X4 again?

        • 3 months ago

          Yea I like the designs from x3 even x2. Rebirth had some good designs and gorgeous AF stations with gorgeous backdrops. Rebirth and x3 gave you a sense of really how big the various classes were. Everything feels smaller in x4. I'm hesitant to comment on combat as that's a huge stretch of time where I'm older or younger and would be in that context. I used to play fps alot but now I hardly touch them or give them a thought. Avarice dlc sucks boron is okayish. Ship designs for them look good but they're tiny.

        • 3 months ago

          The ship classifications in X3 are so good. I know they pissed Egosoft off because of how arbitrary they are but they're still a good way of immediately knowing what sort of ship you're looking at. M1s, M2s and TLs are all around the same size, but one of them will come with its own fleet, one of them will frick you up directly and one of them is a sitting duck designed for utility. You miss that sort of info when the ship classes got changed to be about size only.

          • 3 months ago

            > The ship classifications in X3 are so good.
            I don't know why they changed this. Especially when we got sub-classes like M7M (missile frigate), M7D (drone frigate/pocket carrier), M8 (bombers), and the M[3,6,n]+ system with Prototype, Advanced, Heavy sub-types.

            RE: how X4 has modular fixed weapons and they aren't actual items like in X3, I can only guess this is because they thought people would be annoyed to try and find the correct military outpost / weapon factory. It also complicates the in-game economy but I liked building a self-sustaining missile complex or drone facility in X3. It's weird that Split Mamba only has 2 weapon slots in X4 instead of 8 in X3. Also in X4 the ships with decent weapon amounts are classified as "corvettes" and are M size. Not a fan of the travel mode, they should have added limitation to it in X4. Make it cost energy cells or have a longer warm up?

            I'm aware from hanging out on Egosoft's Discord awhile back (that's how they interact with their fans) that they said fewer ships in X4 because they have to model wienerpits for each ship, since when docked you can walk inside the ship... Lots of modders on their Discord.

            Regardless X4 is still good, I recommend trying X4 and if you don't enjoy that try X3:AP (I haven't tried Farnham's Legacy).

          • 3 months ago

            > The ship classifications in X3 are so good.
            I don't know why they changed this. Especially when we got sub-classes like M7M (missile frigate), M7D (drone frigate/pocket carrier), M8 (bombers), and the M[3,6,n]+ system with Prototype, Advanced, Heavy sub-types.

            RE: how X4 has modular fixed weapons and they aren't actual items like in X3, I can only guess this is because they thought people would be annoyed to try and find the correct military outpost / weapon factory. It also complicates the in-game economy but I liked building a self-sustaining missile complex or drone facility in X3. It's weird that Split Mamba only has 2 weapon slots in X4 instead of 8 in X3. Also in X4 the ships with decent weapon amounts are classified as "corvettes" and are M size. Not a fan of the travel mode, they should have added limitation to it in X4. Make it cost energy cells or have a longer warm up?

            I'm aware from hanging out on Egosoft's Discord awhile back (that's how they interact with their fans) that they said fewer ships in X4 because they have to model wienerpits for each ship, since when docked you can walk inside the ship... Lots of modders on their Discord.

            Regardless X4 is still good, I recommend trying X4 and if you don't enjoy that try X3:AP (I haven't tried Farnham's Legacy).

            The ship naming only made sense in X2 because it was made for it. In X3 they started adding new ship classes that fricked up all classification. It was basically sizes from big to small just like in X4, but then medium ships were added in the end which made it unusable. And even in X2 it was stupid because of small arbitrary distance between M3-4-5 and then a HUEG size and power gap between M2 and M3.

            • 3 months ago

              >e-girl graphic on an argon enjoyers ship
              Makes sense

              • 3 months ago

                Argon are getting new capitals, right? It's gonne be great. Although I've been thinking about it and I'm alarmed about their talk about an endgame threat like that's an issue. X4 has endgame threats in the form of both regular factions if you declare war on one and the xenon, even the khaak if you squint.
                However where it all falls apart is the AI is completely unable to make and allocate fleets properly. You probably noticed that yourself if you try to save zyarth and watch it piss away any ships you sell because the faction AI doesn't understand not sending traders to die or understanding why a single rattlesnake can't fight an I. Argon do it too since they'll eventually grind their economy to a halt just because xenon take over hatikvahs choice.

              • 3 months ago

                Yea the threat and how to deal with it are lacking. That's why I always turned to mods to tune fleets for each faction that seemed to make more sense. Reactionary fleets as well. Space is huge so tactically they would have reserves or standby in certain areas marked as a high threat. Lot of stuff doesn't work as it should. Mods help smooth stuff over some but come at a cost. Only souch you can do really.

            • 3 months ago

              Even X2 has M6s which are small capital ships coming after the tiniest M5s in classification. It's never been a perfect system, but it was a useful one and it added flavour to the setting.

              • 3 months ago

                Anon if you do this delivery for me over to solar power plant alpha in ocean of fantasy I will give you 1 million credits BUT you have to do it in six mizuras.

              • 3 months ago

                Right, forgot that it started in x2 with the corvettes. So only X1 had a legit system, huh

    • 4 months ago

      Yea watching ships your own even fly in and out of stations in real time is cool. Part of the charm is that it's not some pos console port with pop in and fake everything. The x3d cpus really shine on a game like this big time. Engine wise I don't know if it's the same as rebirth. Visuals were better in that game across the board plus the UI while not ideal was much faster due to keyboard controls through the menus. Game feels sluggish with mouse no matter what for me anyways.

      A shame I'm running intel.

      • 4 months ago

        high end intels are on par with x3d even better high fps, its those lows that x3d is great with

      • 4 months ago

        high end intels are on par with x3d even better high fps, its those lows that x3d is great with

        Yea kinda glad AMD has been solid with the ryzen series. Imagine if all exploits and security patches with no cheating by intel were done at sandy bridge launch. The Ryzen series 1 and 2 would have been much more compelling since the intels run like hot garbage when fixed. The new stuff plus socket hopping as per usual intel also doesn't help matters. I upgraded three machines with 3600 5600 cpus to higher end ryzen parts giving them top tier performance. I really can't see going back to Intel as the company clearly has a competency crisis going on there.

        • 4 months ago

          I'm just glad the alternative to intel and nvidia is actually good, with this fricking prices nvidia and intel are just wrong unless its for work, even radeon and ryzen are kinda expensive too, its a shitshow allaround

          • 4 months ago

            agreed. i got a couple kiddos 6600xts back in 2022 and they work fairly well. i just retired a hd 7950 series card and tossed in a cheap/free rx480 I had laying around into another for a quick upgrade for another kiddo. I've got six pc gaming devil spawn in my house so the GPU pricing is horrific. thankfully I'm not opposed to used or a mix of used and new. i do still have i7 6700 paired with that 480 that seems to run fine. market prices are total bs atm. i bought a 2tb solidigm nvme drive in September for 67 and watch it jump to 83 in November to 107 in December. crazy town.

    • 4 months ago

      >outside 200km from you its all mostly low attention
      It still hitches anon. Load up a load of new sector and job mods and you'll notice the hit. I have no idea how optimized it actually is but I am pretty sure it's not free to have 1000 more faction ships in low attention

      • 4 months ago

        in relation to removing teleport, of course it hitches when you mod in more sectors and ships, the whole galaxy simulation is running all the time in the background, its why late game is also slower. comparing 1.0 version and 6.2 its way better optimized

        • 4 months ago

          Yes. Because low attention still hitches. If they could create an even lower attention mode that was basically turning off the half of the galaxy you are not in it would probably run even better.

          • 4 months ago

            as I said only thing is to remove the real economy and spawn in everything, you cant turn off half the galaxy, how would you see your ships doing stuff? just remove the map? this makes no sense

  79. 4 months ago

    There's just something about split alligators that I keep coming back to. When starting out it's just nice having fast ships that fill up quickly and can deliver steady and rapid influxes of credits when you're restricted to local mining.
    The tuatara isn't a bad nividium miner either when you probably have to go a jump or two to sell it.

  80. 4 months ago

    Do you guys play it with hotas and headtracker?

    • 4 months ago

      sup egosoft employee, better AI when?

    • 4 months ago

      Oh God no. Why would you? I can see an actual simulator like euro truck or Ms flight sim where that would be more ideal though. Elite dangerous and something more arcade like everspace 2 are even kinda a meh reason too. Lot of games are kinda dumbed down for controllers or hand waved away for improper keyboard mouse implementation.

      • 4 months ago

        Because some people already have $2000 setups for games like dcs? Why not.

  81. 4 months ago

    Are boron compatible with humans? I'd like to optimize a cultural exchange with that queen if you know what I mean

    • 4 months ago

      all I know is that yaki females are compatible

    • 4 months ago

      I remember enough about Boron lore to say probably not. They have three sexes: Male, Female and Lar. iirc they don't strictly need a Lar to reproduce, but it does something to make the process easier/healthier/whatever (i don't think Egosoft ever specified exactly). Unless their reproductive organs are totally strange you could probably still plow the queen, but you wouldn't get a baby out of it.

      • 4 months ago

        They're like 200 billion on their home world, they likely lay eggs.

        • 4 months ago

          Wonder what Boron eggs would taste like.

          • 4 months ago

            Delicious. Split almost wiped them out they were that good.

            • 4 months ago

              Time to join the Split families!

  82. 4 months ago

    new timelines updoot when

    • 4 months ago

      summer probably, spring is when beta for patch will be released

  83. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      It do be like that when the Asgard prints

  84. 4 months ago

    >building massive production stations
    absolute tranquility
    it took a few hundred hours but I have a complete vertically integrated XL ship manufacturing capability

    yeah, building huge stations takes a while.
    no, you should be making single do-it-all mega complexes
    don't worry about it - you've got time.

    • 4 months ago

      I dunno bro, I value having more than ten fps in sectors with my infrastructure set up.

      • 4 months ago

        Just spend 2k bro it's okay

      • 4 months ago

        I get acceptable FPS even in-sector, but I also set my infrastructure up in systems that are out of the way. Both because they tend to be better for resource harvesting and because it makes them safer from Xenon.

        Dunno why you have to be so salty about it.

    • 4 months ago

      I dunno bro, I value having more than ten fps in sectors with my infrastructure set up.

      Reminds me of X3 days (Reunion iirc) where the German section of the Egosoft forum had a sticky something along the lines of "Tutorial: Building stations at 1 FPS"

      • 4 months ago

        Sounds like a practice described by a long german compound word

      • 3 months ago

        >ctrl+f performance
        >8 matches
        I guess the game is still not playable.

        Oh I remember the lag in X3.
        Nothing ever changes.

        • 3 months ago

          depends on your CPU? but yea the game is hungry

  85. 4 months ago

    mmm borons

    • 4 months ago

      Faction camera has to be the most double edged sword in the game
      >don't use it and have AI nearly function
      >use it and lose
      On top of that it unlocks at really high ranks for AI factions so you can't even use it to track down where fun skirmishes are happening.

  86. 4 months ago

    I like the Takoba. That is all.

    • 4 months ago

      with split mk3 engine

    • 4 months ago

      Ye the tacobell is pretty cool.

  87. 4 months ago

    How do you guys like it? Feels like just one XL fabrication bay is a bit limiting, maybe i'll rework the bottom section of this abomination.

    Next: Getting into terraforming. I have no idea what awaits me, i suspect few have done this and written about it.

    • 4 months ago

      Nobody tell him

  88. 4 months ago

    How do you guys do large fleet engagements without it being a complete clusterfrick? The AI in this game is so awful.

    • 4 months ago

      >Puts turrets on defence
      >Sends ships into battle
      >Ship gets 1 point of damage
      >M type turret with 2 km range be like: Drive me closer, i want to hit them with my sword!
      >Gets raped by graviton turrets
      >Complains on /vst

      95 % of all problems

      • 4 months ago

        >sends ur fleet carrier in first to facetank a xenon swarm while the rest of ur fleet slowboats in behind at half speed
        nothin personnell

  89. 4 months ago

    This game needs more terraforming missions. I want MORE planets, with MORE benefits given to the sector it's completed in.

    • 3 months ago

      Yea terraforming was a good idea on paper that ego never fleshed out nor will. Terran > split > boron. They did really good making boron unique but that's also a negative since you can't without mods use commonwealth gear on the ships or stations. This for a commonwealth race. Cool designs and style though. Split dlc banger music and designs. Terran the cream of the crop when they semi fleshed out starting tutorials or game starts. Good design unique economy. They should have done a pass over commonwealth production chains to simplify them as well instead of the salvage bandaid. Old saves be damned. Teladi argon and minor pirate factions could've used a better update. Instead of toa add corporations and some kit bashed or unique designs which dovetails into piracy black markets better.

      • 3 months ago

        They fricked up with the boron by not having a boron start that tells the story of reactivating the gates from their side, or coping with limited resources in their cut off systems.

        • 3 months ago

          The odd part is exactly how they fricked it up because you still have this kind of half quest where the provinces adrift exist but nothing really happens with them.

  90. 3 months ago

    Bros... how the frick do you feed a computronic substrate factory? I only have four factories on the thing and it's plowing through all the ore and silicon I can feed it and stalling constantly. I think I have something like, ten bolos and two hokkaidos shipping ore and silicon.

    • 3 months ago

      one needs 26k ore and silicon per hour so do the math, I have a 17 module one,
      and you need like 150 L miners to fill it enough
      a ton of piers and storage

      • 3 months ago

        How's the lag? Actually, how's the raw resources? 150 L miners sounds like enough to drain a sector.

        • 3 months ago

          Depends on CPU but yea 150 of anything is gonna give you a hit. That's why despite anything you do mid to late game once you uncover more or all sectors more ships more stations more jobs all eat it up. No escape heh.

          • 3 months ago

            That's a pity. I'm beginning to miss mining stations from X3, having a steady supply that can't just dry up was nice.

            • 3 months ago

              There are resource station mods where you add them to a station to generate base resources. I think they take e cells. I've messed around with them somewhat since I also used mods that multiply station modules by say x10 to keep station sizes minimal for a long game. The ai won't or can't build them and they're generally balanced around increased costs to build if at all. They did seem to help when building stations making it more playable for longer while at 4k res for me. I saw a double in my performance when I upgraded to a 5800X3D on a 2060. I also upgraded eventually to a 6800XT used late last year that was a steal of a deal in my area. I run 32gb of ram the game still eats upwards of 15gb while running. CPU was the big one for me though coming from a 3600 last year. Very playable nowadays but it still crushes me if I go overboard with moving adding ai jobs and of course stations and ships.

        • 3 months ago

          asteroid belt has enough to even mine more, not even near depletion, but 150 L miners in my case is not all on mining, have 3 mining depots in Asteroid Belt for all resources and 50 or 60 mine in that sector, rest are on trading duty to haul resources to Mercury where all my terran stations are, with 5800X3D lag is not really an issue, Asteroid Belt was fine until I put all the commonwealth wares stations there so with all the traders and miners there and a shit ton of terran ships its now on 10 to 20 fps and thats all with FOCW mod that adds many more ships to the game. I just do go there anyway, every other sector has above 60 fps or more, depends how much stuff is there and if huge battles are happening

          • 3 months ago

            I thought Asteroid Belt had a ton of resources, but its replenishment rate was low so you'd eventually eat through it all and output would slow to a crawl.

            • 3 months ago

              the field is huge and miners just go further if the center is getting low

              • 3 months ago

                Oh, neat. I guess that solves my immediate concerns then.

          • 3 months ago

            Yea I love the focw mod plus the corporations addon. It tore my rig a new one till I got the x3d upgrade. It really spruces the game up. I'm not a big star wars fan so wish the big conversion mods were for star trek babylon 5 or Warhammer 40k. That would really cement this game as goat in the series for me. Sins of a solar empire has the star trek Armada mod and it still has no equal.

  91. 3 months ago

    Is using Sector Satellites considered cheating?

    • 3 months ago

      Some autists consider any mods cheating.
      I think sector satellites is just a blunt solution to a problem that should be solved by a collection of modifications or dev changes to the game but these mostly don't exist so sector satellites is an alright option.

      • 3 months ago

        Yea that sums up quite a few mods for the game. Quality of life changes. I had similar issues in x3 rebirth as well where all of a sudden after getting used to the game I have twenty to a hundred mods to shore what I felt were weaknesses in the game big or small.

  92. 3 months ago

    Post the starts your current playthrough is on. Don't tell me everyone is running Terran?

  93. 3 months ago

    What's the best turret weapons for Terran ships? I've been putting bolts on them all.

    • 3 months ago

      all terran pulse if the choice is only terran eq, if not best M turret is argon flak, for L turrets it depends vs what, paranid plasma has longest range, argon turrets always have highest rotation rate

      • 3 months ago

        Shit, guess I'll start outfitting pulses then from now on. Too many ships to bother refitting.

  94. 3 months ago

    Does this game have customizable capital ships?
    That's all I am asking for.

    • 3 months ago

      Customizable in what ways, specifically? You can select the weapon loadouts, what strength shields to use and if you really want to get autistic about it you can hand pick the crew for it.

      • 3 months ago

        I am sold.
        What DLCs would I need to grab first?
        >inb4 all of 'em and stop being a poorgay

        • 3 months ago

          steam sale everything is 60% off now

        • 3 months ago

          I think Terran dlc is the best one to date

          • 3 months ago

            Tides and boron have been so bad that I'm not optimistic for the next. They just don't seem to get what makes the game fun.

            • 3 months ago

              You just don't understand muh vision

              • 3 months ago

                >get into XL frieghter
                >buy energy cells
                >fly from argon space to teladi encountering no danger or mystery
                >sell them for a hefty 25k profit
                Please... Ego...

              • 3 months ago

                Get into the ore and silicon trade my son

              • 3 months ago

                I will never space truck. You can't make me.

              • 3 months ago

                personal space trucking is gone in x4, with ware reservations its just not viable and you cant personally reserve it

              • 3 months ago

                I just go around with a full cargohold of ore or silicon and sell it to half a dozen different stations depending on prices.

                Or I just micro one of my pilots to do it for me.

              • 3 months ago

                Yea straight mining is fairly efficient for building credits and rep via trades.

                Yeah it's understandable and I'm not really holding it against the game, it was the same with X3 and probably X2, it's like the staple of the series at this point, I wonder if you'd be able to run X3 at full speed with modern hardware during intensive scenes

                X2 came out I think I was running an athlon 64 which was epic at the time. I don't recall if I had some Intel celerons over locked around then which was Intel's best around that time. The ghz wars were on still. AMD saved Intel with xp64 eventually. Think I also had POS Pentium 4 as a voice server for guild stuff in mmos running redhat or mandrake Idfk now. X2 was pretty simple. X3 is where ego started the go big or go home and Terran conflict was the big addition imo that made x3 decent.

              • 3 months ago

                Energy cells are low margin bulk goods in a saturated market where everyone can mass produce it cheaply, terrible for trading. Better to haul hull parts, weapon components, advanced electronics which are expensive high margin goods that are in high demand due to insufficient production.

              • 3 months ago

                unless you sell ecells to terrans

              • 3 months ago

                Even then, just go for computronic substrate. Although protein paste and mre's do pretty well too.

          • 3 months ago

            Terran by far did the biggest leap of value and adding to the game. Split is another good one. Solid economy good ships. Good Terran designs as they are the pinnacle of the universe besides ancients and arguably paranid lore wise.

            Tides and boron have been so bad that I'm not optimistic for the next. They just don't seem to get what makes the game fun.

            Tides of avarice is total garbage and makes the game worse. Boron dlc the designs are neat but again not compatible with commonwealth without a mod. They look janky and small next to the rest of the x4 designs. They look fine though just small af. The story elements if you can call it story don't vibe well with established games and lore. The gates and sector placement also seems off. They should be teladi adjacent not argon or split even. Split almost wiped them out until sector travel via gates was moved to teladi to save them. The tidbits of gate story make little sense as well. Common knowledge terrans can create and alter gates as can paranid. The story sorta makes no sense building highways or gate stuff with a Terran or paranid plot involved. Teladi take a Terran crew of engineers into abandoned borons space and help them reconnect whatever would make more sense. Terrans in an act of good faith for Intel and security reasons extend small branches of partnership until they get the lay of the land.

  95. 3 months ago

    >getting low and cash and stations aren't making enough money fast enough
    Welp, time to hijack some construction vessels to strip and sell for an easy 70 mil.

  96. 3 months ago

    >currently have 200 million worth of computronic substrate sitting in my factory
    Nice. Didn't realize how much of a money printer this would be after all the setup and expense.

    • 3 months ago

      Terran economy is basically a cheat. But all economy stuff is a cheat since you can do it with no real input after you get the first few miners done. Economic stuff is very safe.

  97. 3 months ago

    I saw it and all the dlc was on sale for 50$ but the sale was ending in an hour so I panicked and bought it
    I hope it was worth it

    • 3 months ago

      It is imo. My buddy got a 6900xt used for 375 burger bucks off FB market. He's playing at 4k60 on a 32 inch Samsung monitor. Kinda jelly since I haven't had time lately.

      • 3 months ago

        The game is heavily cpu bound. 4k60 is even possible on a 6700XT with fsr quality. 4k fsr quality with no AA even looks substantially better than 1080p or 1440p with msaa 4x.

        • 3 months ago

          He got the GPU used and used the bulk or half his cash on new am5 mobo and 7800X3D and ddr5. Yea 4k even on his 4k60 monitor couple few years old now looks so good even without any aa etc. I'm still on am4 but got a 5800X3D last year which doubled the games performance. I've been eyeballing the 7900gre recently though not sure if I'll bite but I need a GPU upgrade soon.

  98. 3 months ago

    I've had it with this fricking kha'ak insects, bros. They've pissed me off for the last time... now it's time for them to get pissed off.

  99. 3 months ago

    Been having too much fun slaughtering station traffic, it's like a game of duck hunt.

  100. 3 months ago

    Haven't played since Tides of Avarice, I'll be getting a new PC soon in time for the new expansion. My i7 3770k is not enough for X4.

    • 3 months ago

      I pray that your wallet isn't raped. Prices do seem to slowly inching down though.

      • 3 months ago

        It will be raped, I'm not getting a GPU because they're absurd, but the rest of the PC will cost £1,400 ish, for an i7 14700k, DDR5 and other stuff.

        The framerate when I was attacking Xenon stations with destroyers, carriers and fighters was disgusting so I hope a 5.6GHz CPU will help.

        • 3 months ago

          Oh nice. Yea it will help. GPU wise I'm starting to see people ask 400 Petro dollar or less for used 3080s. I hear Aussies are still bent over a barrel price wise. Europe no idea. Assume it's still bad there.

        • 2 months ago

          Oh nice. Yea it will help. GPU wise I'm starting to see people ask 400 Petro dollar or less for used 3080s. I hear Aussies are still bent over a barrel price wise. Europe no idea. Assume it's still bad there.

          >ordered the PC
          >most of the parts have arrived
          >still no announcement on the release date

          • 2 months ago

            It's exceptionally late now for what looked like an exceptionally unexciting dlc.

            • 2 months ago

              I was expecting a March release honestly, as you say it doesn't look like the biggest expansion. Maybe they're working overtime on 7.0.

  101. 3 months ago

    They are really late in talking about timelines. I don't expect much but I'd still like to hear if they fixed stuff.

    • 3 months ago

      they said spring so not late, and patch will fix things not the timelines DLC

  102. 3 months ago

    what's your favorite fighter? I love the dolphin

    • 3 months ago

      Nemesis since day 1

      Timelines. I need it. I don't wanna play without it.


  103. 3 months ago

    Timelines. I need it. I don't wanna play without it.

  104. 3 months ago

    Game is on sale, keep reading about shitty AI. Is this still true?

    • 3 months ago

      It's an Egosoft game, shitty AI will always be true.

    • 2 months ago

      every games AI is shitty

      • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      Personally I think it's less about the AI and more about the selection of orders you can give them. If you could tell units to attack stations but keep to a certain distance it would stop them getting minced if they get too close.

  105. 2 months ago

    >just bought my first miner and scout
    >decide to set my main ship to explore hatikvah's choice while i go to take a shower
    >come back

    • 2 months ago

      Free one in Grand Exchange
      Free one in Silent Witness
      Free one in Void
      Free one with the first HAT mission that takes 5 minutes

      You're wellcome.

      • 2 months ago

        to be honest i'm considering just restarting and going with the terran scenario

        • 2 months ago

          Terran scenarios are the most fun and guided you can have at the start and instantly put you in a good position with the protagonists of the game. You can also do a custom scenario and give yourself a boost to not be at rock bottom. I imagine most vets use it to skip the frankly appalling missions ego keep making too.

          • 2 months ago

            i know there's also some cheese you can do with looting battlefields to skip the tedium, but i think that's a bit too broken to someone just learning the game like me

            • 2 months ago

              No the biggest cheese you can do is abusing ship boarding. There are so many ways to abuse ship piracy in x4 but hilariously regular pirating of cargo is nearly worthless and hard to do.

  106. 2 months ago

    Kinda hoping they released this month instead of April so any mods I need are updated. I mean who runs vanilla besides a newbie? I can't do it and wouldn't. That's crazy talk.

    • 2 months ago

      I have less than 30 hours in and I've already installed Sector Explorer because drawing the hexagon orders was driving me insane. Are there any other really essential mods out there?

      • 2 months ago

        What mods are you using?

        I generally have that one dead air wars dynamic whatever plus foundations of conquest and war plus the corporations addon a bunch of those. I also generally build smaller stations over mega since Terran dlc so I use the modded production 10x or similar so I can keep a small footprint. There is another guy that has some nice job changes and more sector add-ons on workshop that worked well. Sector stuff I was mostly about split and general faction lore consistency.

    • 2 months ago

      What mods are you using?

  107. 2 months ago

    What mods are considered must haves? I've played thousands of hours of X3 over the years, I'm used to dealing with jank, but x4 seems to be a whole slew of awful design choices. Crew leveling is rng based and excruciatingly slow, coupled with autotrading being level locked. We had lvl locked traders in x3, but it wasn't rng based and decently quick.

    Auto-exploration is awful, the default explore order takes too long because the pilot is drunk, and no ability to auto-deploy a sat network. My comp is really old now so I'm not even sure if it can handle sats on every factory, but I reallly don't want to have queue up hundreds of sat drops.

    Revisit known stations doesn't seem to work, you get 5 hrs to update but the pilot is even drunker than on explore, and I'm not sure if they ever leave the sector even if they have a repeat order telling them to revisit multiple sectors. Never saw my pegasus leave to another sector atleast.

    Autopilot seems to be a step down, and your own ship autopilot can't even land unless you get up and tell your copilot to do it.

    All in all what improvements actually happened since release? I got it on release and shelved it figuring egosoft might salvage a good game after a few more years of cook time, but it still seems to be as tedious as I remember. Does the empire building part get really good lategame or something? Playing this just makes me think I should just go back to litcube's universe.

    • 2 months ago

      Most of my mods I would say are quality of life or feature changes I disliked since rebirth. Learn all the things mod I adjusted it to auto level guys to five star. I don't bother with that mechanic which was even worse in rebirth with specialty hireable for stations. There a couple explore order type mods that work well or did last I played. Waiting on update. I also have full scan mod to avoid station scanning mechanic which is a holdover from rebirth. There a good mods for sat dropping etc that add order I think Jan panthers and some others have a sore of those. I also do fly by looting longer ranges all that for the minor things. The one sat mod I think you can drop one per sector and it'll keep all up to date.

      • 2 months ago

        Station scanning was another dumb "feature", i really doubt anyone who played the game actually enjoyed that mechanic. The game tells you the station's storage in the trade window, why it refuses to tell you in info unless you scan is just another example of bad design. I will also never understand why Egosoft is so enamored with the idea of highways in space, or why we have both TOAs and Superhighways when the former are just plain superior gameplay wise, being both instant and easier on autopilot. We have a half baked crew mechanic but no wages. Anyways thanks for the suggestions, i'll look for em.

  108. 2 months ago

    auto explore is slow but works and leves the pilot nicely, revisit stations is just explore script kek but just get trade subscription, not that cheap but worth it in the long run, autotrading is totally not needed since you can build very cheap mining depots and use miners as traders, they use managers level for range and managers level up very quickly, same for normal wares, energy cell station in terran space is really profitable and cheap to build
    economy side is actually working great, you can always get deadtetar mod for better autotraders

  109. 2 months ago

    All I care about is the economic simulation and automated trading.
    Is X3 or X4 better for this? I only care about the final result so mods are fine but specify if and which are needed. Thanks.

    • 2 months ago

      The game excels as an economic simulator since the entire economy is "real" except it's entirely centered around ship building and ships themselves are self sustaining. On top of that the way ship parts are made is arbitrarily located so as a player you're punished and have to deal with janky AI if you do anything but place all your stuff in one sector, possibly even one factory.
      >find resource field
      >place miners
      >in the worst case scenario you will have to travel a sector over to mine gases
      >then place everything you need to make ships
      This is what you will do every time. The AI factories are spaced out around their territory for no real reason and it gives the illusion of a vibrant economy though. They really missed out by not taking something like distant worlds system of planet resource consumption to have something actually worth hauling from one half of the universe to the other.

      • 2 months ago

        NTA but which sectors work best for this? I assume a lot of sectors with solid mining don't have enough resources to sustain real industry

        • 2 months ago

          lots of sectors have all resources, savage spur, asteroid belt, grand exchange cluster, those as I remember have lots of them, there are more but with less density and with maybe some resources are 1 gate distance, boron ones too and are actually totally safe from any enemy as well as terran

  110. 2 months ago

    We have achievements. The day approaches.

    • 2 months ago

      Reckon it'll be an April or May release then?

      • 2 months ago

        first beta needs to release then at least a month to fix all the broken stuff we find then a release, may probably earliest but i think its going to be longer

        • 2 months ago

          I expect the beta very soon. Probably even tomorrow.

  111. 2 months ago

    Mods or vanilla?

    Do the DLCs add anything really dealbreaking of substance?

    • 2 months ago

      Tides of avarice can be ignored or disabled it adds nothing to the game and is a waste of space and money.

      X4 is a much better spreadsheet simulator and idle management game, but the combat mechanics are really shallow.
      Starsector is a much combat and fleet commander game, but the simulation and management aspects are really shallow, really being mostly an excuse to get into more combat.

      Starsector was fun with mods for a bit. Star valor was another that was interesting. Sins of a solar empire I still keep around with mods. I've yet to run into anything as good besides homeworld or moo2. I'd even go as far to say its better since narrative and story are what set homeworld apart. Once you've been there done that it isn't as great or epic. Dust fleet is okayish.

  112. 2 months ago

    How does one deal with Khaak attacks on miners, on a 5 mil budget with no dlc. I've lost 3 M miners in the span of a minute in grand exchange and second contact, everyone is set to flee and drop towers, and all have mk2 combat engines, but that only sometimes saves them from dieing. I have an Osprey that's supposed to be protecting them but so far just slowly flown around. Do you just give up on S/M miners at some point and switch to all L miners with escort?

    • 2 months ago

      I have khaak disabled as well as random encounters.

    • 2 months ago

      Disable them because they keep coming back because Egosoft misundertood people wanting a mid game threat and instead added unavoidable uninterceptable raiders that spawn on top of your miners. On top of that a single destroyer can take out the base each time but you have to spend ages finding it. They took the concept of a raiding party for smaller fights and did the worst implementation possible.

      • 2 months ago

        Sigh. I guess i'll play with them on for a bit before i get fed up and look for the mod to do that then. Egosoft really shoots itself in the foot with these awful design decisions. On other sites the shills just tell you to have a billion credit empire that can throw whole fleets at the problem. There is always zero consideration for the first 100hrs in a playthrough.

        • 2 months ago

          It used to be more friendly that way but realize the game has been out since 2018. Most of the x series guys already dumped hundreds or more hours. We all have our routines and habits. I think folks get tired of making the same post in answer to the same post ad nauseum. I would also think a good chunk go through spurts like I do where you don't play or are active for awhile till an update or the itch strikes ya. I always have the game installed but I go months without touching it. This thread is a good example too. It's slow burning but always around.

          • 2 months ago

            >It's slow burning but always around.
            I'll start playing again when the beta comes out. If it has the crisis it will be the meat of the update anyway.

  113. 2 months ago

    How much money can local autotrade lose me? I've been trying to manually set up a shitty but fast little trade route to have a trader running on repeat orders to fix my reputation with Antigone, but any margin I find evaporates before my ships can even move.

    Meanwhile I've had a ship selling stimulants to the Pioneers for triple price for 12+ hours completely uninterrupted.

  114. 2 months ago

    >good weather
    >can't see shit playing spacegames

  115. 2 months ago

    >played X3 religiously back in the day
    >played X4 a lot back in 2022, even got to have my own capital fleet
    >pick it back up again today
    >completely brainscrubbed myself of the early grindfest for credits
    >start hunting for crystals to get my first few miners up and running
    >can't find shit except the whites (even cheating with making them glow)
    Fellas, I need your dirtiest get-rich-quick schemes and I need them now

    • 2 months ago

      Mine raw resources over near Terran space. Build up any ship with some Marines and start boarding vessels. Keep what you want sell the rest. You could also steal miners to add to passive credit gen too. There are some nice bounty mods as well that make killing criminals rats enemies around factions more lucrative as well.

    • 2 months ago

      hang out in second contact 2 or hatikvah's choice and loot battlefields

    • 2 months ago

      borrow freelancer katanas in segaris pioneer space

  116. 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      When the beta comes out I think I will play a pure split start. Nothing like holding out with AI allies that can't keep a single ship alive.

    • 2 months ago
      Anonymous Mogul

      I want to get hit by it even though it would probably rape my shields. Just think of all those tiny impacts.

  117. 2 months ago

    do you prefer slow traders that can carry a lot or fast traders that can carry less?

    • 2 months ago

      The only real time this ever comes up is when you are manually making factories and in that case the big trader that can buy a lot at once is almost always better.

  118. 2 months ago

    >watching a K casually eat every Pioneer and Argonian trader coming through The Void while an interventionist Asgard is jerking off less than 100km away

    • 2 months ago

      Thanks for the reminder on how awful this games AI is.

      • 2 months ago

        I'm sure the minor oversight of defensive fleets not reacting to anything happening in the sector they defend will be fixed in 7.0.

        • 2 months ago

          Hah. yeah. Not that ego will read this, or care if they did, but I won't be buying any dlc for this game until it's fun without mods. Which is never going to happen. Hasn't happened for any of their earlier games, isn't about to happen now. The only thing stopping me from reviewing this poorly is mods making it good enough.

          • 2 months ago

            whats so wrong with mods? they got you the game and engine to mod, the whole x popularity after x3 is bc of mods, something fun for you is not fun for somebody else, lots of players like vanilla pace and stability, mods are so diverse you just pick your playstyle

            • 2 months ago

              There's nothing wrong with mods, but I'm not paying Ego for modders to fix their problems for them. If that's the game they wanna make, they lose me as a further customer, simple as that. I don't care about further content if mechanics aren't up to snuff. If base game needs mods to be fun fine, but i'm not buying dlc unless that's not the case.

  119. 2 months ago

    >have to do quests to start wars
    >Egosoft quests
    Holy shit, now this is tedium.

    • 2 months ago

      Rebirth was their story and arcade game likely meant for cross platform too since it had a lot of 360 junk mixed in for Xbox. It was panned by the community. You have new people to the series make off the wall suggestions like we need more story or quests. They just don't know any better. Tides of avarice they got off rails and tried to do something there and it's a pos. The players wanted more fleshed out piracy and factions. What we got was salvaging and 3 useless sectors with more garbage quests.

      • 2 months ago

        >You have new people to the series make off the wall suggestions like we need more story or quests.
        They got more story mixed up with more boring intro stuff. Imagine if all the resources that tides of avarice intro story added was used to make a late game plot about cracking down on vigor piracy.
        But of course that would require tides to not be a half assed implementation of a pirate dlc. Story wise they really peaked with the terran outpost defence. Also they listened to god knows what morons and apparently put huge resources into making additional rooms to never use in the ships.

        Of course I mean between factions. I need the fricking Terrans to get uppity and lose ships so I can keep feeding off of their economy like the MIC-upstart I am.

        dynamic wars is better than those stupid quests and everyone knows it but they don't want to implement actual dynamic wars in the game and never explained why.

        • 2 months ago

          those morons are sadly who buys the game so of course they will do it, dynamic wars need also deadairs fill, the best is to use all his mods bc they are meant to be used in combo

          im doing a deadair run and the galaxy is constantly fighting, like non stop

          they don't want to do dynamics wars bc again moron story needs stable universe and they want a stable galaxy for economy players and long run saves ,economies/factions die very easily with dynamic wars

          • 2 months ago

            >deadairs fill
            Just play x3 at this point.

            • 2 months ago

              too old, I can't switch back anymore, and some things are just way better in x4

    • 2 months ago

      you mean war between factions? true but if you want to declare war there is a setting for it also NEW UPDATE WHEN

      • 2 months ago

        Of course I mean between factions. I need the fricking Terrans to get uppity and lose ships so I can keep feeding off of their economy like the MIC-upstart I am.

  120. 2 months ago

    It is baffling to me how much better Workers and Resources logistics are then X4.
    Why isn't there a "wait until loaded/unloaded" option for example? I would suck someone off for the distribution office UI over X4's too.

    • 2 months ago

      >I would suck someone off for the distribution office UI over X4's too
      Send Egosoft an email saying this

  121. 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      >Please join the 7.00 Public Beta and accompany us on our way to its full release later this year

    • 2 months ago

      This trailer reminds me that anti aliasing is practically non functional in x4 if you want decent performance.

      • 2 months ago

        >New Feature: TAA support

        • 2 months ago

          Egosoft always promise the world but reality disappointing while also feeling like an earnest effort.

          • 2 months ago

            >New Feature: Disappointment

      • 2 months ago

        DLAA can fix it for free, but apparently their engine is too fricked up to implement it.

        • 2 months ago

          Yea kinda surprised and not surprised they haven't even done any fsr or dlss. I mean the biggest boost was a CPU upgrade for me anyways at 4k. Game looks okay at 4k res but it really needs help at 1080 which doesn't exist.

          • 2 months ago

            fsr is in the game, 2.0 I think, cant put 3.0 and dlss bc they need big engine changes they say, maybe later 8.0

      • 2 months ago

        >New Feature: TAA support

        Just render internally at 4k and use fsr performance. The downside is it fricks multimonitor setups but the upside you you get a better AA solution with no AA performance hit.

        • 2 months ago

          But that's just supersamling or DSR downsampling. If you are on nvidia there is a DLDSR option now, the same thing improved by ai, which is the best current AA option for X4. It's a bit more efficient than plain SS

    • 2 months ago

      >khaak corvettes are back
      wonder if they also brought the capitals

      • 2 months ago

        They got khaak sectors now. New sectors in beta too. It's a pretty big update.

    • 2 months ago

      that endgame crisis is going to be kha'ak isn't it?

      • 2 months ago

        One of the achievements says xenon crisis.

        We have achievements. The day approaches.

        Imagine an endgame crisis of those piddly khaak ships they insist on using for mining escort missions that are unable to even hurt an M ship but are basically a stat check to smaller ships.

  122. 2 months ago

    >New Feature: Improved AI.

    • 2 months ago

      The only AI related specific changes there are
      >Improved AI flight by not interrupting travel mode due to small course changes.
      >Improved AI flight while moving to jump gates.
      >Fixed AI-controlled ships with player passenger sometimes appearing in wrong position after gate transition.
      I'm not sure if that's just highlighting aspects they've improved or if that's it.
      >Added crew bailing out of player-owned ships that are destroyed.
      Wow that's something I never thought about before

      • 2 months ago

        I think those changes are separate from the "new feature" but I also highly doubt that they've suddenly fixed the AI. The AI flight changes are nice though

        • 2 months ago

          I don't see any changes to how the AI engage stations at distance but one can hope that falls under 'Improved AI'

        • 2 months ago

          Given that it says
          >New Feature: New accessibility options.
          and then later lists
          >Added colour-blind options to accessibility settings.
          >Added Reduced Speed Mode accessibility option.
          I think there isn't anything unlisted. There are a frickload of changes in there that won't show up with ctrl-F AI though
          >Improved mission guidance and NPC pathfinding in large walkable areas.
          >Improved flee behavior of S or M ships under attack by capital ships or stations.
          >Improved flight behaviour of guided missiles.
          >Improved capital ship movement when approaching and exiting gates, accelerators and highways.
          >Improved undocking behaviour of S/M ships on stations such as Teladi Trading Station.
          >Improved combat behavior of missile-armed fighters attacking large targets.
          >Improved combat approach for capital ships attacking very large, very slow or immobile targets.
          >Improved boost usage of ships in fleets that are traversing jump gate to attack.
          >Improved capital ships approaching gates prior to sector transition.
          >Improved fleet gate traversal to sectors with hazardous regions.
          >Improved long-distance movement to moving objects.
          >Improved ships with mining orders avoiding asteroids they are not currently targeting.
          >Improved free traders finding trades when operating over multiple sectors.
          >Improved miner decision-making involving mining in distant sectors which are contested by hostile factions.
          >Improved reliability of capital ships getting supplies.
          >Improved reliability of construction ships building stations in owned faction space.
          >Improved repair and resupply for ships with repeating orders.
          >Improved fighter pursuit of very fast, large targets.
          >Improved fighter pursuit of targets when player not nearby.
          >Improved Flee order, particularly when fleeing from ships attacking head-on.
          >Improved behaviour of NPC ships regaining lost subordinates.
          >Improved reliability of carrier-based fleet subordinates.
          etc etc. That's most of them but I hit character limit.

          • 2 months ago

            Fingers crossed that picrel won't happen again with large ship gate improvements. For context i got off the chair and told the captain to dock next sector over, that's what the captain got up to. The NPC ships starting ramming mine until the superhighway judged them in enough to pass through.

          • 2 months ago

            ships are strafing now, thats good enough after 5 years kek

            • 2 months ago

              Any other big changes? Honestly if destroyers can fight without going full moron I'd consider the game as good as it needs to be. Modders can take care of faction AI.

              • 2 months ago

                after the weekend I will see how big of changes they really are, also wonder those trade script and storage changes/allocation, how they effect the game

                people do say it is better like really better but after so long you got used to AI moronation so anything small looks bigger then it is

              • 2 months ago

                I mean historically what you say is true. Everytime. I would go as far to say the only time I remove mods are when ego changes things and it's in an abandoned state.

              • 2 months ago

                Yeah this destroyers always go full moron in X4. Good to see flee is being reworked because that was useless.

  123. 2 months ago

    The Argon and Teladi capital ship redesigns are good, They finally look like proper ships

  124. 2 months ago

    I have no idea what game start to pick.

  125. 2 months ago

    Well where the frick is it

    • 2 months ago

      oh, despite trying to carefully read the post for a release date or whatever, there was a link to the forums where there's a password for it

    • 2 months ago

      gotta put in the code from their forums it's like ibackedupmysaves

  126. 2 months ago

    Do you think the xenon are gonna get their carriers back? They really need a J, and a Q(which i guess would be an L destroyer), and an LX and PX back. They also need to get an ai that works well enough, I've been watching a K plus fighter cloud fail to engage a station in The Void for over an hr, in low attention. They just keep flying back and forth between a point near the station and failing to engage.

    • 2 months ago

      >ve been watching a K plus fighter cloud fail to engage a station in The Void for over an hr,
      The more things change the more they stay the same.

  127. 2 months ago

    Stuff is looking pretty blown out.

  128. 2 months ago

    Why does vigor have so many ships but so few enemies.

    • 2 months ago

      Because vanilla X4 is one big hug box of diversity where everyone gets along despite lore and prior titles in the series.

    • 2 months ago

      FWIW real reason is because it would break the mission system. There a dumdums who have and would whine and complain about not being able to do said missions due to conflicts that vary with each save. There are people who want max save compatibility as well since they run the same one since launch. It puts them in a corner where big changes rarely can occur. Instead of long long game such as nerfing ship selling they should have amped it up to make new saves more of a thing focusing on replaying.

      • 2 months ago

        >make economic simulation and relatively dynamic war system
        >deliberately nerf it to make sure the universe stays almost completely static

        • 2 months ago

          I've seen a lot if people complain about factions being quickly annihilated because of chaotic nature of sandbox. Same goes for mountain blade. You cannot please all autists.

          • 2 months ago

            I was in that boat until I realized that even if a faction gets completely wiped the player can always revive them because they'll try to spawn new stations out of thin air.

            I've never done a single X story mission, why would anyone want to? I heard they give you free ships constantly. Why would anyone want that?

            The stories have nice little bits of lore dumps and are generally enjoyable to do once. They tend to be incredibly tedious after the first though.

            >Tides of Avarice is 6 dollars
            >Kangdomz End is 10
            Worth? I kinda want to cut up capital ships for scrap (even though I'm on the Terran economy) and Boron ships are just plain cute, but I don't give a shit for Egosoft """"""""""""stories""""""""""""

            Kingdoms end adds more ships and station parts but the boron sectors are the ultimate example of places you will never, ever bother to go. I think if every sector/planet had a resource demand you had to fill it would spice things up. Modders will probably get around to that someday.

  129. 2 months ago

    I have noticed that the AI sends significantly more fighters into nops fortune. It's not super effective at stopping my piracy cheese but it's more than before.

    • 2 months ago

      The reason the factions send units into nopileos is solely based on claiming them and attacking hat stations. If you're vanilla the only reason they will stay unclaimed are due to flags on those and certain sectors for the player.

      • 2 months ago

        I don't know the reasons I just know piracy is slightly less cheesy now because min have fighters all over it.

  130. 2 months ago

    >Tides of Avarice is 6 dollars
    >Kangdomz End is 10
    Worth? I kinda want to cut up capital ships for scrap (even though I'm on the Terran economy) and Boron ships are just plain cute, but I don't give a shit for Egosoft """"""""""""stories""""""""""""

    • 2 months ago

      I'd say tides is worth it at that price only if you want some new starts to spice things up.
      Kingdom end is good but individual mileage may vary based on how good your pc is.

    • 2 months ago

      I've never done a single X story mission, why would anyone want to? I heard they give you free ships constantly. Why would anyone want that?

      • 2 months ago

        Often in previous games they lock sectors/tech behind plot completions, like Terran station construction in X3:TC being locked behind the Aldrin plot, or the Khaak sectors in X2 being locked behind most of the main plot.

        • 2 months ago

          I remember doing the otas missions specifically so I could have my own personal venti with squadrons of solanos.

    • 2 months ago

      I would buy it for completion and mods. Boron I snatched mostly to have all the major factions. Terran dlc and split are still the best period IMO. The quality dropoff from those two is huge. Banger soundtracks like split with great ships and designs in both dlc. I like how when they did change the economy in Terran it kind of made sense due to how advanced and cutoff they were.

      • 2 months ago

        I respect ego not enough to just pirate all their shit but tides really is a universally terrible dlc and they don't even have the decency to go back and give vigor a piracy themed war missions set. In fact except for in the original release I rarely see vigor out of their sectors at all except very minor skirmishes. I remember at launch They patrolled everywhere and had a big habit of helping defend hatikvah.
        I wouldn't call it ideal behavior, but at least it was emergent gameplay.

        • 2 months ago

          Yea I really can't wrap my head around the useless tide mechanic with the rip faction and useless sectors in the middle. You have what three unstoppable cutscenes that interrupt you? First at entrance in argon space then casino then in rip space for the teladi fellow. Make that four because you also have the rip station that drones on and on. That's four different cutscenes in three sectors part of the same dlc and not very pirate or Black market. Vigor seems to be relegated to this little corner as well which makes little sense now. Hey guys we are a black market faction of sorts and we've intentionally clumped up everything into this space so if you want to wipe us out you can easily. I mean you aren't wrong it's all sort of lame and undercooked. Why even have it in the game at all? It would've been far better to have faction corps in the game building all over and fighting each other instead.

  131. 2 months ago

    So when is that patch coming out of beta?

  132. 2 months ago

    So I don't know what kind of black magic they enacted but the beta is running like a completely different game. It's amazing.

    • 2 months ago

      >looks better
      >runs better
      >ships seem at least a teensy bit smarter
      But I'm still stealing teladi construction ships in neutral sectors with no drawbacks or difficulty and doing awkward war missions. I know it's on me for doing it but the risk/reward gameplay is pretty slanted.

  133. 2 months ago

    Fellas, why are the terrans randomly going hostile against my shit even while OOS? I'm making some stimulants, are my traders taking off with them, getting scanned, shot down, the station retaliates and so on, or what?

    • 2 months ago

      Okay what the frick, now the Terrans are just blowing up random traders in Saturn.

      What the frick is going on? Why are they saying "Unauthorized kill"? I have a single defense fleet orbiting my Asteroid Belt factory, that's it, I'm ordering no other combat to happen.

  134. 2 months ago

    Wait, so they actually added TAA? That almost fixes all the aliasing problems.

    • 2 months ago

      It's pretty good too. Vastly better than msaa or ssaa for me with only a couple minor downsides.
      >some shimmering on small distant objects like railings on far away landing pads when you're standing still.
      >ghosting that I've only noticed on the landing UI.
      The first is a minor annoyance when you're in a station but a price worth paying for functioning AA.
      The second becomes a non issue the instant you buy a docking computer.
      The ghosting might also be due to the glow they added.

  135. 2 months ago

    How do game updates work? Is my savegame going to be compatible? Do mods break?
    t. only been playing for a few weeks

    • 2 months ago

      Egosoft savegames are all compatible because the intended way to play the game is a single save you never change.
      Also I'm reading up on the new endgame crisis and it looks like they managed to screw it up spectacularly.
      >it occurred to nobody to give xenon an allied branch F of almost all attack fleets
      >they decided the most fun mechanic they ever made was khaak raids
      At least the new khaak capital is apparently a good endgame ship to fight. I guess we expected too much for them to copy ossian raider or litcube.

      • 2 months ago

        Yea kinda funny how Ossian raider has added an endgame crisis eons ago that will likely prove better than whatever comes in this update.

  136. 2 months ago

    So it takes 7 major version updates to add a fov slider. Crazy.

    • 2 months ago

      How do you unlock the zoom goggles?

      • 2 months ago

        Don't need to buy them anymore, just press Y and shift+Y

  137. 2 months ago

    >Load beta
    >Advanced savegame
    >See this

    What do? The ravager main gun has 2/3 more sustained output than the ATF main battery.

  138. 2 months ago

    Ok, Egosoft must be trolling, spawns the crisis right on top of my mega shipyard.

    • 2 months ago

      >hire two modders
      >don't copy any mods for the crisis
      Why bother to simulate an economy than not use it.

  139. 2 months ago

    Vigor, the defenders of the gate network. Honorary Terrans, they are.

  140. 2 months ago

    I have a factory in eighteen billion that makes hull parts, claytronics, scanning arrays, shield components, advanced composites, engine parts, and most of the intermediate products so that my inputs are raw materials and microchips. My goal is to produce my own ships, but I need tens of millions more credits before I can afford the blueprints. Other than producing more of what shipyards consume how can I scale my income higher? I am currently making 1.5~ million credits per hour. I was told that shipyards were final consumers but I guess since I am not supplying them with everything I haven't appreciably increased consumption.
    Also, I've lost a lot of small and medium freighters and miners and started mining exclusively with larges due to this. How do I effectively patrol for pirates and kha'ak? Do I just need to blanket places in "attack targets in range" fleets?

    • 2 months ago

      A complex in every factions home territory producing the shortage goods. Usually hull parts, claytronics, turret components, advanced electronics and weapons components. I also have crew + food production on all factories for that massive productivity gain. A computronic substrate factory in terran space is also filthily profitable.

      You can improve your income by hunting SCA L class ships and boarding and then selling them. Sell the equipment first, then the hull, also try different shipyards for the best price. Easy 8 million credits for 15 minutes of work. Just git gud with an S sized ship and have some M ship with a few marines around to take out the captain.

      • 2 months ago

        >A complex in every factions home territory
        I really wish this wasn't the optimal way to play but I tried make smaller factories once and it's really awkward.
        >your traders are bad at funneling goods
        >it's not easy to manually restrict stuff to your faction
        >the map gets buggy and hard to navigate the more factories you make
        >very difficult to tell how much you are actually making at this point
        And for all that the only thing you gain is ships that blow up and a fun crash course on jump limits for managers.

        • 2 months ago

          The smaller factory angle never worked well for me unless I used mod that amped up the production modules 10x or the like. They cost more to build more than 10 vanilla modules but that was the only way I felt the small stations were worth it. The game can't handle you having hundreds of ships and stations anyways and will chug to death. The dead air dynamic wars or whatever mod lets you view what resources and products each faction has more or less of so good to have. I wouldn't bother with small stations period unless you do run mods to counter performance issues. Regardless of what you do though besides halting all trading that sector will be something you avoid due to traffic alone even with small modded stations. The jump limits on managers are a problem as there should not be a cap but a player set limit or even a whitelist or blacklist of what sectors it can trade with on top of factions. The rub there is you will have friendly stations in enemy space or territory so the tools kind of suck at that.

          • 2 months ago

            There are so many ways Ego could've improved large factory buildings, 10x production mods have been a thing for past games aswell, for good reason. We could've had a system where production get upgraded in stages, the original module cost could've left room for additional factory lines, extra shifts etc etc. Instead Ego always does these things in ways that really oughta know scale poorly, are tedious on the player end, and not performant on the technical end. It's not like they weren't aware of 10x mods, litcube's saturn complexes or the bonus pack integrated auto complex building of hapheastus. Yet they do the same thing yet again. Also really not sure why Ego made managers even worse than the old buy/sell traders.

            • 2 months ago

              Just wait until they universally negative feedback about spawning in ships make them conclude that players don't want a crisis.

  141. 2 months ago

    Alright, I've descended into all-out war with the cops. I don't know why. I destroyed my stimulant production, all my traders are supposed to comply and illegal wares are banned.

    Is there a cheat mod out there that has a flip like "reset police" or something? A mod that pacifies them, or even just a cheat mod that lets me individually delete the aggressed units?

    • 2 months ago

      One time i had a whole terran fleet turn hostile on me for no reason that i could think of. I just blasted them to pieces and repaired the reputation.

      Even if you're at -30, just blow up a K in Getsu Fune and it will be good again.

      • 2 months ago

        The problem is that I had just finished building my megastation, it's basically defenceless. I have the Syn you get from a mission and two Osakas as main defence. I guess I could flee all my civilian ships to Antigone space, empty all the station wallets and just buy as many Osakas as I can afford.

        This is going to suck so bad.

        • 2 months ago

          Destroying enemy capitals OOS is better than IS, every surface element counts towards reputation in system. It's not like they'll send an uninterrupted stream of ships to your now hostile station, you have plenty of time to blow up everything red and go to Getsu or Savage Spur to repair reputation.

  142. 2 months ago

    I wish they'd do a rebalance pass on the tides starts. Smuggler's paradise is the one start besides unworthy entrepreneur where you start with a freighter but you have zero map information so your first hour is just flying around in a slow ass ship trying to find trade routes.

  143. 2 months ago

    >The longer I play it, the more and more this crisis feels absolutely non-existential, absolutely not about the xenon, and really more like 'the standard kha'ak mechanic which was already annoying, but turned up to 11 and with no end in sight'
    At least feedback for this is so negative they'll surely change it but the honeymoon period was still short.

    • 2 months ago

      Yea no clue why they are just spawning things out of thin air again. It pisses people off. The economy was like that with all x games till x4 and was a major complaint. Where is the player agency? Imagine if the xenon had a nice chunk of sectors like terrans or boron. The player if they want to avoid total universe death better have a plan by x time or the xenon threat is unleashed. Chunk of khaak sectors same thing. Like a real faction...

      • 2 months ago

        I expected slightly bigger fleets and for fleets that don't always attack the nearest sector. Crazy what they did instead. I know performance is an issue but some people just have to admit that their ryzen 2600 was never going to last.
        It's an endgame thing too and for all my complaints about factions being unable to fight a xenon I most of the time the endgame crisis is a fine time for them to just get overwhelmed without direct support. I hope by the time I get the crisis they hot fix it so it just opens up a few new sectors(hopefully at random) with souped up fleets pouring out.

  144. 2 months ago

    i hate the cops i hate the cops i hate the cops i hate the cops i hate the cops i hate the cops

    Also, autosalvaging doesn't seem to work at all. Very cool, egosoft.

  145. 2 months ago

    This is just plain unfun.

    Sector police is fricking unplayably bad.

    • 2 months ago

      What's with all the xenon? Also seeing xenon in asteroid belt reminds me that Terran not only have special war missions for when they are losing but if you lose the solborn militia outpost there is even recorded voice lines about falling back.

      • 2 months ago

        Those are Kha'ak.

  146. 2 months ago

    Is there a station turret counter anywhere? I had 24 turrets on a station for a contract that required 28 and didn't realize it for ages.

    • 2 months ago

      info panel, that wrench tab should have number of turrets, shields....

  147. 2 months ago

    How do I keep station miners from filling their holds with ores/gasses not in demand, demanding I manually empty them periodically?

  148. 2 months ago

    >start crisis
    >picks tharka crusade
    >they go away eventually
    This crisis leaves a lot to be desired.

  149. 2 months ago

    Is there a way to quickly figure out which of my traders are carrying illegal wares? Going through 100 traders is killing me and I'm tempted to just sell them all and rebuy them

    • 2 months ago

      I'm sure there's a global command to have illegal wares dumped

  150. 2 months ago

    The argon economy in my current game is the weirdest I've ever seen.
    Only 4 stations have buy orders for hydrogen or methane and there are no stations ordering ore or silicon.

    • 2 months ago

      Apparently the economy is pretty bugged right now. Impressive it held together as long as it did in my game. A good 24 hours before zyarth started collapsing.

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