>Xbox humiliated themselves, their fans and destroyed their brand to sell 40 copies of a game.

>Xbox humiliated themselves, their fans and destroyed their brand to sell 40 copies of a game.

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 3 months ago

    Boiling frog approach

    • 3 months ago

      moron, Frogs jump out when the water gets too hot. The slow boiling a frog myth is literally a modern day meme. Stop repeating shit you read online or hear from morons.

  2. 3 months ago

    Quick QRD run down?

    • 3 months ago

      Sony fans spent weeks shitposting about how they were going to get Halo and Gears and Starfield and Indiana Jones and Xbox was going to die forever.
      And then we got a glorified email of a press release podcast talking about some low-cost projects going multiplat and there's a new Xbox model coming, so now they have to walk back all the shitposting.

      • 3 months ago

        >*frog boils slowly
        bro, it's all happening.

      • 3 months ago

        I got Pentiment and would get Hi-Fi rush.
        Couldnt care less about betheslop or Falo

        • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        All hail Microsoft! They literally invented liberal corporate policies, what would the world be like without them?

        • 3 months ago

          You know the saddest thing about the people in this photo? They are such boring, soulless and cookie-cutter humans that the most interesting thing they can come up with about themselves is "I frick the wrong hole!"

      • 3 months ago

        I still think it's hilarious that people deluded themselves into thinking that Microsoft was going full third party, spending years shouting that Microsoft has no good games, salivating that they might be able to play Starfield (of all things), then getting pissy that it's not coming.

        • 3 months ago

          Phil also claimed that not every Xbox game would come to PC, and guess what, they ended up releasing every Xbox game on PC.
          Just because they're not cannibalizing their entire library by releasing it all at once doesn't mean they won't port the rest of it later.

          • 3 months ago

            But everyone said Starfield, Indian Jones, Halo, Forza and Gears were all coming this year. Starfield, before Phil literally said it wasn't one of the games, was one of the games being touted as going to PlayStation. Indiana Jones was supposed to be on PlayStation 3 months after the Xbox release.

            It's moving the goal post at its finest. If Starfield hits the PlayStation in 2029, that doesn't count as "SEE! LOOK! WE WERE RIGHT!" The claim and double down was 2024. It's not happening in 2024.

    • 3 months ago

      -Xbox decides to become multiplat after Satya Nutella not being happy with welfarepass subs and 100 billion dollars he spent on game companies
      -They made a damage control podcast last week just for that
      -4 games that's going to be multiplat(not just also on PC, but also on PS and Nintendo) for now are Pentiment, Hi Fi Rush, Grounded and Sea of Thieves
      -Phil still says big games like Starflop and Indiana Jones won't be on PS
      -Phil said the exact same thing about PC 8 years ago

      Literally death of Xbox. It was a console once, then turned into an app, then turned into an intro screen you press skip when you want to play a game on your PS.

      So what happened to all the shills and ecelebs who jumped ship before the announcement? Did they crawl back or are they done with the brand for good?

      I doubt they will "abandon" it as in crushing their console with hammers and shit, but I doubt they will ever spend a single dime on Xbox platform lol. I personally wouldn't if Sony decided to become multiplatform and ported Uncharted to Xbox and Gravity Rush to Switch.

      • 3 months ago

        Haven't spent a dime on PlayStation since they cucked out to PC, but Microsoft are simply going full moron here. Imagine buying the biggest publisher in the industry, only to pull this shit immediately after.

      • 3 months ago

        >My only personality is the console I buy
        Consolegays are absolutely pathetic.

  3. 3 months ago

    worth it for pentiment

    • 3 months ago

      If you somehow don't have a way to play it on PC then it's worth it. Not at that price though, wait for a sale.

  4. 3 months ago

    Sony fanbase has always been the lowest engaged fan base in terms of playing non-CoD/FIFA/Madden games, this shouldn't surprise you

    • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        What are you trying to say with this picture?

        • 3 months ago

          that steam drones, and by extension normies, are subhumans.

  5. 3 months ago

    And Sony destroyed theirs, and eroded their hardcore loyalist fanbase to sell under 4 million.

    • 3 months ago

      >Hardcore loyalist fanbase
      Not a thing. Nobody cares if God of war is on PC. Literally nobody. They lost exactly 0 customers.

      • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        >Nobody cares if God of war is on PC.
        Ah but that's where you're wrong! The 30+ year old man children still stuck in the plastic box console war mentality that they've been in since the PS2 and PS3 care! Especially the ones with lots of Twitter followers and YouTube views and make a living being a free, unpaid employee for PlayStation. These are people anon. How DARE you anon.

      • 3 months ago

        >They lost exactly 0 customers.
        speak for yourself, they're never seeing another dime from me

      • 3 months ago

        They most definitely lost one, at least. I'm never buying another PlayStation "exclusive".

        • 3 months ago

          You're not going anywhere. You can lie all day long on the anonymous board, but you aren't going to stop buying PlayStation exclusives, timed or otherwise, just because they are also going to the PC, mobile or in the cloud.
          >I could just get them on my PC
          If you're anything like the large majority of people who hang out here, your PC couldn't run Ragnarok at 30 without it being set to custom medium settings, at best. Otherwise you wouldn't even care if a game goes to the PC and you probably wouldn't even have/keep your PlayStation in the first place.

          • 3 months ago

            >but you aren't going to stop buying PlayStation exclusives*
            You're right, I'm not going to, I already have.
            >timed or otherwise
            They're all timed. Only thing the PoS5 will have by the time this pathetic gen ends, is fricking Destruction AllStars.

            • 3 months ago

              >I'm not going to, I already have
              Bullshit, but keep try to make yourself look like something you aren't to a few people on Ganker who will forget you even existed the second this thread is archived. You have a PS5, you'll buy the exclusives because you can play them there first without needing to wait for months or years before it comes to PC (potentially in a broken form) and you'll get to play it when people even care to discuss it. You'll do this for FF7:Rebirth, Stellar Blade, and other PlayStation exclusive games.

              Nah, this poster[...] is right. Example: Forbidden West, SM2, Ragnarok has half the sales of their predecessors. Those games are both on PS4 and PS5, with the exception of SM2. You would expect those games to sell better in 170M install base compared to 85M install base of PS4(2018 data) but that's not the case. Sony also started their own welfarepass though. So I guess that can also be a reason why sales are low compared to before, you will just get them for free on PS+ in time.

              Are you insinuating that the second those games had PC versions announced or available, that people with PS5s decided to not buy the games just so they could buy them on their walmart laptops and potato PCs still running a 1060 at best? It couldn't just be that the people who played the first games didn't care to buy the sequel because they just didn't like the first game? As in, they tried the game, learned it wasn't for them, and weren't going to throw down another $70 minimum on a game they didn't think was worth the money the first go around?

              • 3 months ago

                >You'll do this for FF7:Rebirth, Stellar Blade, and other PlayStation exclusive* games.
                I would, if they didn't eventually become available on PC. My consoomer days are gone.

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                >you can play them there first without needing to wait for months or years before it comes to PC (potentially in a broken form) and you'll get to play it when people even care to discuss it.
                Nobody gives a frick about this, FOMOgay. I'll simply pirate them after they get cucked out.

              • 3 months ago

                >I'll simply pirate them
                No you won't. Denuvo seems to be too strong now and games with them don't get cracked even a fraction of as much as they used to. Better hope Empress likes the game enough before he (she?) considers MAYBE cracking it for you.

              • 3 months ago

                None of the snoy ports have denuvo.

              • 3 months ago

                >Piracy is such a non issue that even Sony is OK with putting all their games on PC
                Yeah, sure. You're going to pirate the 100+ GB PlayStation game that may or may not even run right. I certainly believe you anon

              • 3 months ago

                I have gigabit internet. I pirate 100GB games for fun, and delete them 30 mins later.

              • 3 months ago

                don't frick with this guy he's too powerful

              • 3 months ago

                Lol. You don't, but it's funny to think that the person/people you pretend to be would be in any way, big enough in number to make any dent to overall sales of PS games on PC or elsewhere. The "I'll just pirate then" threat hasn't worked in over a decade and companies/studios finally realized that pirates are in such small number compared to people who'll preorder, buy new, or buy on sale (all on PC) that anyone who would consider piracy literally don't even matter.

          • 3 months ago

            Nah, this poster

            And Sony destroyed theirs, and eroded their hardcore loyalist fanbase to sell under 4 million.

            is right. Example: Forbidden West, SM2, Ragnarok has half the sales of their predecessors. Those games are both on PS4 and PS5, with the exception of SM2. You would expect those games to sell better in 170M install base compared to 85M install base of PS4(2018 data) but that's not the case. Sony also started their own welfarepass though. So I guess that can also be a reason why sales are low compared to before, you will just get them for free on PS+ in time.

            • 3 months ago

              real talk

  6. 3 months ago

    Pentiment was a budget title designed for game pass

  7. 3 months ago

    28640 people played Pentiment according to TrueAchievements. But you have to register in order for the TrueAchievements and TrueTrophies websites for them to track players. So we still don't know how many people in total played the game.

    • 3 months ago

      It could've been 28641 if Sawyer wasn't so loud about his intention to make a game to own the chuds with.

  8. 3 months ago

    Cope Snoy

  9. 3 months ago

    that website only tracks users who added their accounts there, the numbers mean little

    i pre ordered hi fi rush myself (which was pretty fricking cheap at €27), no interest in obsidianslop

  10. 3 months ago

    >two of the monks are homosexuals
    >this is never brought up again except to show the gays are living together in another monastery likely being gays still
    >no option to have their sins used to punish them
    Shit game. They even managed to get BLACKED and feminist bullshit in there too, despicable pozzed trash.

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