Xbox total victory. How a trillion dollar company convinced you it was the "underdog" and won.

Sup Ganker, I'll take you for a ride that'll make your head spin.
So you all know that in 2013, Microsoft completely shat on the floor of E3. How is that even a thing? The company knew everything it needed for a console to compete, coming from the 360, how could it frick up this badly?

In this schizo ride, I will tell you why they did this on purpose, and if this is true, this ride will show you how they *had* to shoot themselves on the foot as early as they did in order for them to win in the end. Ready?

So let's start with how the world works, you see, you cannot be successful forever, you're going to fail, you're going to hit a wall eventually in anything that you want to dominate. The question is whether you want push through and if you have the means to push through the wall you're facing. If you have the time/resources/etc.
So the idea was simple. In 2013, the world was peaceful, everything was going well, so there was no better time to "fail" then at that time. Any plane needs to land eventually, refuel, replan, and take off once more. Microsoft crashed its Xbox plane in 2013. This "forced" them to rethink their whole strategy on how to win their audience back. Meanwhile, however, they had the "underdog" placement going. It was the time to fail, so they needed to fail as badly, and as hard as they could so when they take off eventually they'd have everybody cornered.
It started with backwards compatibility. Sweet.
The real play though was gamepass, and for gamepass to work, Microsoft *NEEDED* to fail. More on this on the next post.

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 6 months ago

    You guys know how Gamepass works for developers right? Microsoft pays a fee for them to have their games on gamepass for a period of time. Sweet right? But what does that have anything to do with failing to beat Playstation or Nintendo? Simple! It makes it cheaper to have great titles available on the platform right on release date! Hahahaha. Isn't that great? Developers calculate how much money they can make off any single platform, and although Xbox was not the most successful, it had enough of a user base that no developer could ignore. Porting their games to Xbox was ever so easy, it was bad business to ignore, HOWEVER, gamepass would allow the devs to have a "floor" (a minimum) amount of revenue. Given how, although porting to Xbox was easy, and cheap, the expected revenue was never as high as playstation. It was, after all, the losing console! So Microsoft could give them an offer for a minimum to keep the game on gamepass for a certain period of time, and guess what? They would glady accept it! They *guarantee* an amount of revenue they thought was superior to their projections. Consider that Sony could not do the same! Let's say, for example, Persona 5, or Persona 3 Reloaded. How much more than Microsoft do you think Sony needs to offer Atlus for these games to be available on its gamepass equivalent? 10 times more than Xbox? 20 times more? Keep pushing those numbers up and you'll eventually see why Sony, by being the most popular console, simply cannot have as an appealing "gamepass equivalent" library as Microsoft. At the same time, Sony, by being the most popular console, handed over a massive game pass success to Microsoft in ways you people cannot even imagine.

    • 6 months ago

      Microsoft has deep pockets, but it needed this "underdog" placement in the race in order to "lure" devs with the "guaranteed minimum" And what is gamepass? A tiny, little snowball...that becomes bigger and BIGGER. Go ahead and ask your peeps about it. "It's like a drug that I cannot live without", "It has changed the way I enjoy my games". You all know about it. There will come a time where gamepass will be the *only* way people will enjoy games simply because they will be unwilling to pay $70 for a game, but would be willing to pay for a service of which those games are a part of. Gamepass is the whole bread and butter for Microsoft. They could give less of a shit about Starfield as a game to sell consoles...but it was enough of a game to sell you the service! To get you IN! To get you HOOKED. And eventually...developers also become "accostumed" to the idea of a minimum guaranteed revenue...both sides are totally HOOKED, and the snowball is unstoppable!

      And will you look at that...nearly every game Microsoft released past decade was a failure, or luke-warm...then it was..."eventually" "fixed". They had a lot of challenges to take over Halo and other franchises they inherited from other studios, but they knew they needed to fail as much as possible right then and there! After they failed...once they were able to master the engine and ideas behind these games with their own studios...just pay attention to what happened to Halo Infinte. Right as the acquisition with Activision ended, and loads of players are being lured into Xbox, it is..."Fixed". They are looking to completely, totally, corner and annihilate their competition when said competition find itself at its WEAKEST.

      Then there is Sony...oh the poor little thing... It really thought it was smart by winning in 2013. Microsoft simply understood there was no better time to fail than that year. Sony as a plane just kept going and going, thinking it would never stop, thinking the laws of entropy would never catch up to it. Well, what happened? Since 2013, Sony kept making mistake after mistake. Some more important than others, but let's focus on the interesting ones yeah? So Sony knew it was leading, but as the "king", it needed to put its competition down to make sure this continues to be the case. Sony never took Microsoft for granted and would always sabotage it whenever it could. This culminated in its exclusivity deals, which got to a point Microsoft was "cornered" into acquiring studios. Mind you, this would never happen if Sony did not "push" Microsoft into that corner. Sony was playing with fire through and through. It's greatest mistake, however, was none other than its fail to make an agreement with Microsoft over Call of Duty when it acquired Activision. Again, Sony just making its own bed, and these mistakes (and others) kept piling up and finally, BANG, the big crash. The inevitable fall of the plane. It's bet over Live Service games.

      Sony is now on a massive downward trajectory, and you all need to know how fricking terrible this is. If there was a time to fail, NOW is not the time. NOW could not be the worst time to fail. The world is undergoing a post-pandemic recovery which could still get shaky, There is instability everywhere due to a perceived lack of US deterrence and leadership (which is why you folks keep seeing countries getting invaded everyday), your competitor is about to put the whole Activision Blizzard library on gamepass, and wil not stop until they fricking destroy Sony. The question for Sony is how unmerciful will Microsoft be? Will they put all CODs on gamepass with all the DLC? Will they add WoW subscription to gamepass and add console support? Microsoft has the DEEPEST pockets, and will stop at nothing to have Sony's head on the guillotine. How lucky do you think Sony is feeling right now? They only have 10 years of COD on their platform...will they even make it that far?

      As a Sony console owner/fan, you really need to take these things seriously and decide what you need to do right now. If you were to port all your game library from PS to Xbox, now would be the best time...because "Xbox" is still considered the "underdog" console, the games are usually cheaper on its platform...regardless, once Sony throws the towel (and they will) you will have no choice going forward. The smartest amongst you will probably jump ship, if you prefer the console play. I'd probably cease the smug talk and try and salvage your platform investment as soon as possible before others catch up to this. Once Microsoft takes the lead, it will be pretty expensive to change platforms, and given how unstable world events are, Sony may find itself in a sinking ship without the means (or time) to save it.

      Whether this is cope, or an accurate description of reality is up to you!!
      Good luck! 😉

    • 6 months ago

      Microsoft has deep pockets, but it needed this "underdog" placement in the race in order to "lure" devs with the "guaranteed minimum" And what is gamepass? A tiny, little snowball...that becomes bigger and BIGGER. Go ahead and ask your peeps about it. "It's like a drug that I cannot live without", "It has changed the way I enjoy my games". You all know about it. There will come a time where gamepass will be the *only* way people will enjoy games simply because they will be unwilling to pay $70 for a game, but would be willing to pay for a service of which those games are a part of. Gamepass is the whole bread and butter for Microsoft. They could give less of a shit about Starfield as a game to sell consoles...but it was enough of a game to sell you the service! To get you IN! To get you HOOKED. And eventually...developers also become "accostumed" to the idea of a minimum guaranteed revenue...both sides are totally HOOKED, and the snowball is unstoppable!

      And will you look at that...nearly every game Microsoft released past decade was a failure, or luke-warm...then it was..."eventually" "fixed". They had a lot of challenges to take over Halo and other franchises they inherited from other studios, but they knew they needed to fail as much as possible right then and there! After they failed...once they were able to master the engine and ideas behind these games with their own studios...just pay attention to what happened to Halo Infinte. Right as the acquisition with Activision ended, and loads of players are being lured into Xbox, it is..."Fixed". They are looking to completely, totally, corner and annihilate their competition when said competition find itself at its WEAKEST.

      Then there is Sony...oh the poor little thing... It really thought it was smart by winning in 2013. Microsoft simply understood there was no better time to fail than that year. Sony as a plane just kept going and going, thinking it would never stop, thinking the laws of entropy would never catch up to it. Well, what happened? Since 2013, Sony kept making mistake after mistake. Some more important than others, but let's focus on the interesting ones yeah? So Sony knew it was leading, but as the "king", it needed to put its competition down to make sure this continues to be the case. Sony never took Microsoft for granted and would always sabotage it whenever it could. This culminated in its exclusivity deals, which got to a point Microsoft was "cornered" into acquiring studios. Mind you, this would never happen if Sony did not "push" Microsoft into that corner. Sony was playing with fire through and through. It's greatest mistake, however, was none other than its fail to make an agreement with Microsoft over Call of Duty when it acquired Activision. Again, Sony just making its own bed, and these mistakes (and others) kept piling up and finally, BANG, the big crash. The inevitable fall of the plane. It's bet over Live Service games.

      Sony is now on a massive downward trajectory, and you all need to know how fricking terrible this is. If there was a time to fail, NOW is not the time. NOW could not be the worst time to fail. The world is undergoing a post-pandemic recovery which could still get shaky, There is instability everywhere due to a perceived lack of US deterrence and leadership (which is why you folks keep seeing countries getting invaded everyday), your competitor is about to put the whole Activision Blizzard library on gamepass, and wil not stop until they fricking destroy Sony. The question for Sony is how unmerciful will Microsoft be? Will they put all CODs on gamepass with all the DLC? Will they add WoW subscription to gamepass and add console support? Microsoft has the DEEPEST pockets, and will stop at nothing to have Sony's head on the guillotine. How lucky do you think Sony is feeling right now? They only have 10 years of COD on their platform...will they even make it that far?

      As a Sony console owner/fan, you really need to take these things seriously and decide what you need to do right now. If you were to port all your game library from PS to Xbox, now would be the best time...because "Xbox" is still considered the "underdog" console, the games are usually cheaper on its platform...regardless, once Sony throws the towel (and they will) you will have no choice going forward. The smartest amongst you will probably jump ship, if you prefer the console play. I'd probably cease the smug talk and try and salvage your platform investment as soon as possible before others catch up to this. Once Microsoft takes the lead, it will be pretty expensive to change platforms, and given how unstable world events are, Sony may find itself in a sinking ship without the means (or time) to save it.

      Whether this is cope, or an accurate description of reality is up to you!!
      Good luck! 😉

      This. They even cancelled the factions game.....wait that's not them....
      They just fired a lot of people from Bungie some time ago and.......wait that's also not them....
      They definitely shut down the people involved with FF XVI after a couple of month of the gam......wait....

      Go back to Xboxera

  2. 6 months ago

    Microsoft has deep pockets, but it needed this "underdog" placement in the race in order to "lure" devs with the "guaranteed minimum" And what is gamepass? A tiny, little snowball...that becomes bigger and BIGGER. Go ahead and ask your peeps about it. "It's like a drug that I cannot live without", "It has changed the way I enjoy my games". You all know about it. There will come a time where gamepass will be the *only* way people will enjoy games simply because they will be unwilling to pay $70 for a game, but would be willing to pay for a service of which those games are a part of. Gamepass is the whole bread and butter for Microsoft. They could give less of a shit about Starfield as a game to sell consoles...but it was enough of a game to sell you the service! To get you IN! To get you HOOKED. And eventually...developers also become "accostumed" to the idea of a minimum guaranteed revenue...both sides are totally HOOKED, and the snowball is unstoppable!

    And will you look at that...nearly every game Microsoft released past decade was a failure, or luke-warm...then it was..."eventually" "fixed". They had a lot of challenges to take over Halo and other franchises they inherited from other studios, but they knew they needed to fail as much as possible right then and there! After they failed...once they were able to master the engine and ideas behind these games with their own studios...just pay attention to what happened to Halo Infinte. Right as the acquisition with Activision ended, and loads of players are being lured into Xbox, it is..."Fixed". They are looking to completely, totally, corner and annihilate their competition when said competition find itself at its WEAKEST.

  3. 6 months ago

    >this ride will show you how they *had* to shoot themselves on the foot as early as they did in order for them to win in the end.
    stopped reading here. the xbox brand is hated everywhere in the world but the US and somewhat UK. it's at its lowest point right now since its inception. the sales trajectory is set to be lower than xbone. if this strategy was on purpose then it was a failure.

    • 6 months ago

      This. They even cancelled the factions game.....wait that's not them....
      They just fired a lot of people from Bungie some time ago and.......wait that's also not them....
      They definitely shut down the people involved with FF XVI after a couple of month of the gam......wait....

      • 6 months ago

        End that fraud

  4. 6 months ago

    cope jeet

  5. 6 months ago

    Then there is Sony...oh the poor little thing... It really thought it was smart by winning in 2013. Microsoft simply understood there was no better time to fail than that year. Sony as a plane just kept going and going, thinking it would never stop, thinking the laws of entropy would never catch up to it. Well, what happened? Since 2013, Sony kept making mistake after mistake. Some more important than others, but let's focus on the interesting ones yeah? So Sony knew it was leading, but as the "king", it needed to put its competition down to make sure this continues to be the case. Sony never took Microsoft for granted and would always sabotage it whenever it could. This culminated in its exclusivity deals, which got to a point Microsoft was "cornered" into acquiring studios. Mind you, this would never happen if Sony did not "push" Microsoft into that corner. Sony was playing with fire through and through. It's greatest mistake, however, was none other than its fail to make an agreement with Microsoft over Call of Duty when it acquired Activision. Again, Sony just making its own bed, and these mistakes (and others) kept piling up and finally, BANG, the big crash. The inevitable fall of the plane. It's bet over Live Service games.

  6. 6 months ago

    The Lord's strongest coper.

  7. 6 months ago

    Sony is now on a massive downward trajectory, and you all need to know how fricking terrible this is. If there was a time to fail, NOW is not the time. NOW could not be the worst time to fail. The world is undergoing a post-pandemic recovery which could still get shaky, There is instability everywhere due to a perceived lack of US deterrence and leadership (which is why you folks keep seeing countries getting invaded everyday), your competitor is about to put the whole Activision Blizzard library on gamepass, and wil not stop until they fricking destroy Sony. The question for Sony is how unmerciful will Microsoft be? Will they put all CODs on gamepass with all the DLC? Will they add WoW subscription to gamepass and add console support? Microsoft has the DEEPEST pockets, and will stop at nothing to have Sony's head on the guillotine. How lucky do you think Sony is feeling right now? They only have 10 years of COD on their platform...will they even make it that far?

  8. 6 months ago

    As a Sony console owner/fan, you really need to take these things seriously and decide what you need to do right now. If you were to port all your game library from PS to Xbox, now would be the best time...because "Xbox" is still considered the "underdog" console, the games are usually cheaper on its platform...regardless, once Sony throws the towel (and they will) you will have no choice going forward. The smartest amongst you will probably jump ship, if you prefer the console play. I'd probably cease the smug talk and try and salvage your platform investment as soon as possible before others catch up to this. Once Microsoft takes the lead, it will be pretty expensive to change platforms, and given how unstable world events are, Sony may find itself in a sinking ship without the means (or time) to save it.

    Whether this is cope, or an accurate description of reality is up to you!!
    Good luck! 😉

  9. 6 months ago

    Game Pass is a good deal for me
    When it stops being a good deal for me I'll stop renewing it
    No allegiances, no fanboyism, I'm only loyal to myself

    • 6 months ago

      the snow ball goes downwards and only gets bigger! consider the addiction goes both ways, not just the consumer side
      Microsoft is still playing for that "digital only" world, perhaps game pass is a way to do that?
      Lol at the "brown hands" posts, I see Microsoft is still defending its "underdog" perception from consumers.
      Aren't we past that folks? 😉

  10. 6 months ago

    Brown hands typed this post

    • 6 months ago

      We are reaching dangerous levels of cope

      This is just a ChatGPT essay

  11. 6 months ago

    We are reaching dangerous levels of cope

  12. 6 months ago

    that's a cool story and all but i'm gonna go with hanlon's razor for this one because gp and xbox are still failing pretty hard.

  13. 6 months ago

    No one thinks they're underdogs. We think they're incompetent losers.

    • 6 months ago

      yeah brother, they're just "incompetent"
      that's how they won, by being "incompetent losers"

      • 6 months ago

        Being distant third behind a console with no games and a 7th gen nintendo toy is "winning"?

        • 6 months ago

          well anon, you'd be correct...
          if the world were to stay the way it is...
          I am seeing Microsoft pursuing a state of strength with his acquisitions right as the world is getting shaky
          And I am seeing Sony getting slopy right at this moment.
          Could things not "change" at one point? You really think Sony shares the same opinion over the state of affairs you do?
          Maybe they should hire you as the optimistic analyst eh?

        • 6 months ago

          The biggest magic trick Xbox pulled this gen is making people think they're in last place and losing when they are the biggest console publisher in the video games market now.

  14. 6 months ago

    Schizo thread?

  15. 6 months ago

    Is this some shit you got off Reddit, because it’s just basic info put into long gay paragraphs with a bit of fanfic on top

  16. 6 months ago

    won what? nobody gives a shit about xbox

    • 6 months ago

      lucky you're anon here, imagine if these comments were to come back to haunt ya? 😉

  17. 6 months ago

    Ganker is totally floored rn

  18. 6 months ago

    >the devil convinced Ganker it didn't exist
    >Ganker stays smug for 10 years until it caught up to them the devil was real and had taken over their hobby

  19. 6 months ago

    I agree that Microsoft has been making more sensibile business decisions than Sony since around 2016 but hasn't born much fruit yet. Sony are a lot better at PR and a lot of people have a cultic attachment to the Playstation brand.

    • 6 months ago

      You remember when Sony went for Microsoft's throat in 2013?
      Consider Microsoft is doing the same to Sony, but 10 times worse.
      Keep these posts in mind going forward. These next few years are going to be FUN.

  20. 6 months ago

    This is all because of PS moved their hq to commiefornia. If they hadn't done that, they would still be at the top. They committed a critical mistake: Let the company in the hands of israelites.

  21. 6 months ago

    Consider what is going on right now is the "encircling" of a sinking ship by Sharks.

    You can cope as much as you want, the inevitable is for anyone to see.
    The real blood will be 2024 forwards. Don't you think Microsoft forgot what Sony did ten years ago.
    If you have no beef in this fight, you can still just have fun watching it!

  22. 6 months ago

    >the company everyone hates will have the last laugh
    exactly what we deserve tbh

  23. 6 months ago

    They shot themselves in the foot too much I am afraid.
    Xbox is on the verge to become just GayPass.
    Not even a console competitor anymore, their consoles don't sell for shit. Even if PS5 is in life support quantity and quality-wise, it still sells units. (At a loss though).
    Is GamePass even that enticing for the goyim nowadays? Since the 1 dollar deal was over, I am feeling they kind of dropped the mic there. Even if that was a marketing strategy to lure you into the "fix", it doesn't seem like that much of a steal anymore.

    • 6 months ago

      anon, you need to look at the wider context
      Microsoft chose the right time to shoot itself in the foot...and is pursuing a position of massive strength right as the world finds itself marred with uncertainty.

      The competitor is slowly drifting the worst possible timing!
      Right as Activision Blizzard games come to gamepass! Why do you think Microsoft is holding off on putting these game on gamepass, when previous acquisitions had them up immediately?

      They're waiting for the right time to deliver the massive blow. The killing blow.
      And oh will Sony feel it 100x harder than the blow they dealt 10 years ago.
      In 2013 the perception that PS was better than Xbox was settled pretty much overnight.

      Consider the game can flip just as easy in the mind of the "goyim"!

  24. 6 months ago

    >convinced you
    Uh, I only game on Linux.

  25. 6 months ago

    You call it cope, I call it inevitable!
    Entropy catches up to Sony at the worst possible moment.
    And after much preparation, Microsoft's readies its take off.
    This is going to be fun! If you're not a Playstation owner of course!

  26. 6 months ago

    Pony Fanboyism should be a diagnosis in the DSM now

  27. 6 months ago

    Schizo aside, it does make you wonder how Playstation still doesn't have their Game Pass equivalent, as strong as Game Pass. Because PS4 and PS5 are "winning" by such a leap, they can't seem to afford the game agreements like Xbox can.

    • 6 months ago

      I see your neurons are firing eh anon 😉
      Is it really schizo, if you see Gamepass as Xbox's end game plan, and the only way for it to work to its advantage is if it's "losing"?

      Where is the schizo in what I told ya?

  28. 6 months ago

    consider Microsoft's "underdog" strategy to be a way for Sony to be unable to afford ever competing with its main spear (gamepass).
    And Microsoft could give 2 shits about console sales...they're as diversified as it gets...a part of the magnificent 7, gayMAN whatever groups investors jerk off to, they never run out of money or contracts.

    The importance for its perception as a "losing" console is to harm its competitor more on the long term, which is, as Phil says, coherent to the "long game" they're playing.

    Any of you read those SEC leaks yet? 😉

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