XC2, yay or nay?

I've played XC1 & XC3 plus their expansions (Connected & Redeemed), enjoyed the crap out of both (XC3 especially).

Am I missing much if I skipped this one? Should I play it?

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  1. 4 months ago

    If you’re based you will enjoy it, if you are a moron you will hate it. XC2 is the ultimate filter.

    • 4 months ago

      >liked 3 best
      He’s obviously a moron

  2. 4 months ago

    Oh boy the Daily Xenoblade 2 General.
    This must be the game with the most daily new players in Ganker history.

    • 4 months ago

      /v/bros redpilled me on Xenoblade months ago and I got all 3 games. I even got the physical version of the second game in another country. I’m currently playing 3.

  3. 4 months ago

    Its nay

  4. 4 months ago

    no op it has anime cringe and a stupid cast that look like clowns
    thats the reply you wanted right

  5. 4 months ago

    Story is kino as frick. Side content ranges from cringe, but endearing to annoying as hell. It's up to whether you can push through the cringe, or ignore it outright. You'll have the most fun by simply going through the story. Wouldn't recommend side content too much.

  6. 4 months ago

    Going from DE and 3's QOL features and general polish back to 2's jank and slog of a menu system will be the biggest hurdle back otherwise it's a serious contender for the best game in the series in spite of it's numerous glaring flaws

    • 4 months ago

      >3's QOL features and general polish
      3 has the same problem with menus as 2 does

      • 4 months ago

        You're fricking out of your goddamn mind. XB2 is objectively worse just for the fact since it takes 5 secs to load.

      • 4 months ago

        3 has a lot of menus but 2 has just some fairly unintuitive menus and a lot of features that are hidden in some without it being clear that they're there.
        3 manages a lot of 2's QoL issues like with menu navigation being smoother, with tutorials being reviewable
        2's QoL issues don't' majorly detract from the experience but they were a sticking point even for people who liked it

      • 4 months ago

        3 is more streamlined but thats one of the reasons why its worse imo, it lost a lot of soul

  7. 4 months ago

    The story is a never ending rollercoaster after chapter 6 and gets pretty fricking crazy by the final chapter.

  8. 4 months ago

    It takes 20-30 hours to get good, around the end of chapter 3.

  9. 4 months ago

    I've always wanted to like XC2 because I think the first game is fantastic. But the generic anime style puts me off every time I sit down and play. It just doesn't feel right to me for some reason. Never played 3.

    • 4 months ago

      I doubt you would like how the games looks before XC2 came out. Literally every Xeno game after Xenoblade 2 benefited from teams struggles and experiments with XC2. People complaining XC2 style now don't know how much a big step-up visually it was for Xenoblade when it came down to character models. The original Xenoblade models for the characters don't look so good now and Xenoblade X had people emoting and looking like dolls.

      • 4 months ago

        >Literally every Xeno game after Xenoblade 2

        There is only one

  10. 4 months ago

    2 is Gankercore

  11. 4 months ago

    1 and 3 are great but 2 is just coomer bait garbage

  12. 4 months ago

    Pacing is shit, the first 30 or so hours are dreadful
    Story is shit until you reach Morytha, then it goes batshit insane
    The gacha mechanic for blades is atrocious, I hope you enjoy farming cores to get KOS-MOS
    Battle system is bloated with too much shit polluting the screen, some things are never properly explained
    The game is borderline unplayable in portable mode thanks to constant resolution drops
    English dub is awful, Rex's VA in particular feels like he's just reading the script, even the fricking screams
    Good coombait
    Some areas are beautiful
    I like the minge cat
    Zeke is cool too
    If you can deal with the issues, it's an okay experience. Worth playing if only to get the full context for 3 and Torna.

  13. 4 months ago

    You'll like it if you can stomach the terrible main cast.

  14. 4 months ago

    Its the best in the series. Best music, story, combat, areas and characters

  15. 4 months ago

    Listen to the OST. I hated every character and stopped playing at the last boss. Couldn't even finish it.

  16. 4 months ago

    It’s a decent game with massive flaws
    - coomer waifu shit in a series that usually has too much dignity for that
    - main character is a dumbass 12 year old in a story that’d be great if he were 21
    - there’s only two real jrpg boss fights in the whole game. The rest are all reused content where you fight humans
    - you fight the final boss like eight times throughout the game and always win
    - menu system will give you cancer

    • 4 months ago

      - every single mob is a hp sponge so you have to use your super ultimate max combos just to kill a small chicken. 100 hour game btw
      - gacha system
      - building a party is hell and you’ll have more fun ignoring half of it
      - storyline is like a bad anime, villains are a team rocket that gets launched away over and over

    • 4 months ago

      >coomer waifu shit in a series that usually has too much dignity for that

  17. 4 months ago

    I hate 2 so much.

  18. 4 months ago

    XB2 is a bit rough around the edges but it's fun.
    It also arguably has the lion's share of references and callbacks in XB3 and Future Redeemed.
    I'd say go for it. I also liked 3 the most but I think 2 is pretty great and was my favorite before 3

  19. 4 months ago

    homie why are you keeping a XC thread up 24/7? Did you get kicked out of /vg/ again?

    Its alright if XC2 is your favorite, but its not healthy to be on this crusade trying to prove anons your favorite game is anything more than a goomer game.

  20. 4 months ago

    how the frick did you skip XC2 to play 3 what the frick

    • 4 months ago

      2 is so bad that no one should play them in order. Do 1 and 3, then 2 if you really want

      • 4 months ago

        But 3 is the worst one. It's a soulless husk without identity.

        • 4 months ago

          Opinion disregarded

          • 4 months ago

            >game is literally just 1 world and 2 world mashed up by the lamest villain in the series to set up continuing Takahashi's legacy shit while telling the fans to move on
            It's shit.

            • 4 months ago

              >by the lamest villain
              tl;dr also you're a z hater lmao

              • 4 months ago

                >Bro, he represents the shortcomings of humanity
                Doesn't make him a good villain.

              • 4 months ago

                him being a funny guy who makes you watch your absolute worst moments in a compilation video in his home movie theater is what makes him a good villain

              • 4 months ago

                He's so shit, that I feel I judged Luxaar's "REEEE Humans!" motive to harshly.

              • 4 months ago

                That's not even it, it's just that he's the Lowest Common Denominator of mankind and his impulse is to make people watch their personal fail-compilations to break their spirit and get them to start perpetuating the system that they may have chafed or even rebelled against.
                I'm surprised so many people disliked Moebius, I thought they were pretty entertaining

              • 4 months ago

                Coming off 1 and 2 it felt really fricking lame for what was supposed to be 'SUPER SRS BZNS' Xenoblade entry.

              • 4 months ago

                But that's what I kinda like about Moebius.
                They're not that intimidating, and they're not even that powerful but they have this IMMENSE leverage through the colonies and the flame clocks that is the REAL power
                They're a faction of basically middle-managers or courtiers that are trying to stay entertained and amused for their infinitely long lifespans and end up doing some genuinely goofy or stupid shit as a result.
                XB3's world is pretty grim but that's on the protagonist's end. The actual orchestrators of that world aren't super masterminds but buttholes who got plucked and dropped into positions of power. I think that's pretty interesting narratively
                I also like how Moebius does have a variety of personality types. Even if half are villain-of-the-week goofy buttholes, the other half range from actively threatening to sympathetic to occasionally honorable

              • 4 months ago

                >They're not that intimidating, and they're not even that powerful but they have this IMMENSE leverage through the colonies and the flame clocks that is the REAL power
                Yeah, really fricking lame for a villain that usurped the two worlds we just saved in the previous games. It's shit.

              • 4 months ago

                >Yeah, really fricking lame for a villain that usurped the two worlds we just saved in the previous games
                They didn't usurp the two worlds, they ARE the two worlds. It isn't that Z is just so unbelievably powerful that nobody could ever beat him, it's that it's not clear how you even WOULD beat him since, once you peel back his human form, he and the rest of Moebius are the feelings of mankind itself. As N and M put it, you can't affect a feeling manifest.
                Unlike in XB1 and XB2, Moebius actually speaks for the majority. They aren't a small group of terrorists or zealots trying to impose their will on everyone else, but rather the majority imposing their will on the minority

              • 4 months ago

                >1 and 2 both end with worlds united to seize their future
                >Worlds now actually scared because we need conflict
                >Villain is a heckin' symbol so he doesn't have to be interesting or have character
                >The villain is uber powerful, but also an ansolute shitdick jobber who lets himself get foiled because 'muh amusement' and 'wanna see what happens'
                It's shit.
                You're shit.

              • 4 months ago

                >1 and 2 both end with worlds united to seize their future
                We know things are better in those worlds than when the villains were fricking shit up but they're not bereft of conflict or fault. We know that from Future Connected, at least, that XB1's world is still developing and working through shit even if the outstanding conflict between Machina and Homs/Entia and between Zanza and everyone else are finished.
                >Worlds now actually scared because we need conflict
                Yes, even in a post-JRPG-story world, the prospect of annihilation and doomsday would scare people.
                Not sure what your point here is, that the populations of 1 and 2 should be so at peace after the events of their stories that they approach potential omnicide in a state or nirvana?
                >Villain is a heckin' symbol so he doesn't have to be interesting or have character
                That's not why Z is good. Z is the satanic temptation that makes the real human characters their worst selves. Z's the common thread between the actual Moebius members but when you look at someone like N or M or even Irma or Triton, you see that what Z embodies is what pulled each of them to become Moebius and work towards protecting AIonios and its status quo
                >The villain is uber powerful, but also an ansolute shitdick jobber who lets himself get foiled because 'muh amusement' and 'wanna see what happens'
                Z did it because he was confident that, when push came to shove, Ouroboros wouldn't actually be able to change anything. He knew that they possessed some of the fear of the future that he embodied in themselves. It's why, after N and M rejoin with Moebius, there's actually a moment where Nia and Melia ask Ouroboros if they want to prevent the worlds from splitting. Lanz even literally scoffs at the proposition of becoming MOebius

              • 4 months ago

                >the prospect of annihilation and doomsday
                Which turned out to not actually not be that at all because 'muh feels'.

                >Z is the satanic temptation
                Just like being symbol doesn't make him a good character. Being a satan analogue doesn't make him a good character. Hard to believe this Black personhomosexual was ever powerful when most of the world seems plenty ready to lick the party's ass at the slightest hint of bucking the system,

                >Z did it because he was confident
                Stop. If your excuse for how this tyrant who has ruled for fricking eons was so easily foiled is because he had hubris, and humanity didn't want to change but actually did at the slightest hint that they could, maybe the writing is just fricking bad.

              • 4 months ago

                >Which turned out to not actually not be that at all because 'muh feels'.
                Right but the whole point is that nobody knew for sure if Origin would work. That ambiguity created fear in people.
                I'm confused, are you saying the people shouldn't have been afraid because events that hadn't happened yet would happen, even though the people at the time couldn't have known for sure they'd happen?
                >Just like being symbol doesn't make him a good character
                I do not think you need to be a good character to be a good villain. Mumkhar is not a particularly good character but he's a great villain for the role he serves in the story.
                Being a good character is about the how well realized they are as a person. Being a good villain is about how well they execute the role they serve in the story.
                >was ever powerful when most of the world seems plenty ready to lick the party's ass at the slightest hint of bucking the system,
                Because the Soldiers aren't the only people in Aionios. When you hear the murmurs in Z's theater, that's the majority of humanity that was brought over from the two worlds. When he summons a shit-ton of Consuls, more than there are letters in the alphabet, that's the majority of humanity
                As Noah says when you first get to Origin, Everything in Origin is Moebius, that they aren't humanoid looking isn't important.
                > If your excuse for how this tyrant who has ruled for fricking eons was so easily foiled is because he had hubris, and humanity didn't want to change but actually did at the slightest hint that they could
                But they didn't
                They didn't until N and M, with their hope re-ignited by Noah and Mio, were able to rejoin with the rest of Moebius and functionally 'hotfix' hope back into the collective unconscious of humanity. The basic issue is that a normal person or even Ouroboros can't affect the underlying desire that mankind gives to empower Moebius. Only another Moebius, an entity born of that same desire, can.
                did you play the game?

              • 4 months ago

                >There were a bunch of people too afraid, they just don't actually exist in the game's world where you are actively trying to change minds to break 'le fear of impending doom'.

              • 4 months ago

                I don't really know what to tell you, I'm sorry you were looking at your phone when the game's story was going on

              • 4 months ago

                I’m sorry that you eat dogshit solely because of the label printed on it.
                I’m sorry that you’re such a smoothbrain that you think a story is good solely because of themes, regardless of how it’s told.
                I’m sorry that you’re such a knuckledragger that you think symbolism in itself can make a villain work.

              • 4 months ago
              • 4 months ago

                Hey man, if you can't into subtext, even if it's basically obvious, I get it

              • 4 months ago

                >u dun get muh feems
                Spoken like every homosexual who thinks this garbage was deep solely because they can understand what a theme is and not seeing how trite and self-fellating it is.

              • 4 months ago

                Black person, I've not been talking about the themes, I've been talking about the plot elements and events that build the image of Z and Moebius we get in-game.
                I don't really know how to explain in more ways how the individual consuls were the human side of Moebius and their unifying fear of the future. N is the most sympathetic face of Moebius we see, but his corruption was at the hands of Z.
                It might even be reasonable to say that the Consuls are to Z/Moebius as Pyra and Mythra are to Pneuma or Malos is to Logos.
                A human facet or avatar for a more impassioned and abstract entity.

              • 4 months ago

                >N is the most sympathetic
                lol, lmao even

              • 4 months ago

                who is the most sympathetic villain in 3 then, in your opinion?

              • 4 months ago

                shania? i think her name was i forget

              • 4 months ago

                >the school shooter
                Shania a shit

              • 4 months ago
              • 4 months ago

                None of them, they're all pieces of shit. N in particular is a huge drama queen and a homosexual which garners no sympathy from me.

              • 4 months ago

                i don't really see how someone can think xb1 or 2 have good villains and then also say N is a bad villain

              • 4 months ago

                N doesn't have any characterization beyond being an edgy simp

              • 4 months ago

                Malos and Zanza are at the very least entertaining, N is an edgy cuck.

              • 4 months ago

                Consol J is the closest but he is still a c**t.

              • 4 months ago

                >he's still getting filtered
                im getting 'malos is shit because he's evil for the sake of being evil' flashbacks

              • 4 months ago

                Absolutely bothered.

              • 4 months ago

                >needs to prop up a good villain from a different game to defend XC3

              • 4 months ago

                my point is people were screeching that he was worse than egil and zanza and mumkhar from xb1 because they thought he was less developed and had less going on than them as characters.
                and for Moebius/Z, it's funny to see the same basic complaints leveraged against him. Not even saying all complaints about bad villains are wrong but that it's funny that you see basically the same complaint crop up with each new game. people b***hed about the villains in X and now people appreciate lao. people b***hed about the villains in 2 and now people appreciate malos, jin and amalthus. could it be that maybe the people who wrote those villains and wrote the villains in 3 might actually be consistently good writers and that the villains in 3 might actually be better than most people give them credit for?

              • 4 months ago

                >but when you look at someone like N
                That's just who Noah is though, he's a self-centered piece of shit. Even in one of his previous lives before becoming Moebius he abandoned his friends to die in a snowstorm. And then at the end of the game he abandons them again showing that he didn't learn anything.

              • 4 months ago

                >1 and 2 both end with worlds united to seize their future
                We know things are better in those worlds than when the villains were fricking shit up but they're not bereft of conflict or fault. We know that from Future Connected, at least, that XB1's world is still developing and working through shit even if the outstanding conflict between Machina and Homs/Entia and between Zanza and everyone else are finished.
                >Worlds now actually scared because we need conflict
                Yes, even in a post-JRPG-story world, the prospect of annihilation and doomsday would scare people.
                Not sure what your point here is, that the populations of 1 and 2 should be so at peace after the events of their stories that they approach potential omnicide in a state or nirvana?
                >Villain is a heckin' symbol so he doesn't have to be interesting or have character
                That's not why Z is good. Z is the satanic temptation that makes the real human characters their worst selves. Z's the common thread between the actual Moebius members but when you look at someone like N or M or even Irma or Triton, you see that what Z embodies is what pulled each of them to become Moebius and work towards protecting AIonios and its status quo
                >The villain is uber powerful, but also an ansolute shitdick jobber who lets himself get foiled because 'muh amusement' and 'wanna see what happens'
                Z did it because he was confident that, when push came to shove, Ouroboros wouldn't actually be able to change anything. He knew that they possessed some of the fear of the future that he embodied in themselves. It's why, after N and M rejoin with Moebius, there's actually a moment where Nia and Melia ask Ouroboros if they want to prevent the worlds from splitting. Lanz even literally scoffs at the proposition of becoming MOebius

                long and short, you got filtered, the same way people got filtered by Torna back in 2017/2018

              • 4 months ago

                Unless FR salvaged him (haven't gotten to it yet) he is probably the weakest villain. Only equally boring would be Zanza but at least he was a little more inspired. Z has a real cool idea behind him but he is just boring. Its a little anti-climactic because Xenoblade has a lot of interesting villains and usually the two dimensional ones are at least fun like Metal Face.

              • 4 months ago

                >Unless FR salvaged him
                It didnt, hes not even in it outside of few lines

      • 4 months ago

        what the frick? Absolute moron

    • 4 months ago

      Same way people skip DQ1 and 2 and just play 3.
      The games are self-contained enough that they don't require each other to be enjoyable. I've known a couple of people who played 3 first and consider it one of the best JRPGs they've played, same with a lot of people who played 2 without playing 1 or X

  21. 4 months ago

    It's the most "anime" of the three anime games
    If you like lighthearted scenes, careless fanservice and can have fun with things without constantly worrying about cringe, it will be a fun game
    Hope you won't mind the Blades gacha

  22. 4 months ago

    >played 3 before 2

    Holy moron. You fricked up. congrats.

  23. 4 months ago

    People still coping and pretending that XC3 didn't flop 2 years later is hilarious

  24. 4 months ago

    I'm emulating a bunch of random switch games on Yuzu, would I like XB2/XB3 if I thought the first one was kinda garbage? and/or don't really care about open world games

    • 4 months ago

      Probably not. 1 is the best foot forward as far as storytelling goes. The combat is more complex in 2/3, but if you didn't like it in 1, I doubt the sequels will change your mind.

      • 4 months ago

        Probably not.
        The combat is always pretty different but built on the same fundamental ideas. If you got through 1 and didn't like it I really doubt you would like 2 unless you REALLY like anime breasts.

        I hated the combat in 1 because it felt like the game played itself, what makes the combat in 2 different?

        • 4 months ago

          Quicktime events and more status things to manage during the fight.

        • 4 months ago

          If “game playing itself” bugs you, try ff13-1. That kind of combat can still be skill based and beat the shit out of you

    • 4 months ago

      Probably not.
      The combat is always pretty different but built on the same fundamental ideas. If you got through 1 and didn't like it I really doubt you would like 2 unless you REALLY like anime breasts.

    • 4 months ago

      Yes. I can’t stand 1 and never finished it. I have played and enjoyed X, 2, and 3 (with DLCs) multiple times.

  25. 4 months ago

    Xc2 is the most "unpolished" game. With gacha shit, bad tutorials and art style from thousands of artists but it's the Xenoblade with the most cringekino scenes and anime. It's worth to play at least once. All the 3 games give you different experiences. XC1 is revenge kino, XC2 is more an adventure and XC3 is like a nightmare and suffering porn. All 3 games kinda have a different feeling to experience in my opinion.

  26. 4 months ago

    I don’t understand the audience of people who love playing 200 hour anime jrpgs but feel that XC2 crossed some type of line by being a 200 hour anime jrpg. How can you enjoy 1 and 3, but 2 is too far? Are you moronic?

    • 4 months ago

      Its not a 200 hour game unless your a completionist, and there's plenty of games like that now.

      • 4 months ago

        You get the point though moron

        • 4 months ago

          That you don't have a meaningful point. Yeah, moron.

          • 4 months ago

            The point is XC2 haters are dumb. Not very complicated.

  27. 4 months ago

    XC3 is the Chrono Cross of Xenoblade

  28. 4 months ago

    >Am I missing much if I skipped this one? Should I play it?
    Yes. It's ok. It's my least favorite game, but the gameplay is still fun, and parts of the story are very good.

  29. 4 months ago

    I've played this game seven times because I love the story, the characters, the themes, etc.

  30. 4 months ago


  31. 4 months ago

    It's a good game

  32. 4 months ago


  33. 4 months ago

    how do you manage to get filtered by the basic plot of xenoblade games lmao

  34. 4 months ago


  35. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      X2 > X > future redeemed > X3 = X1 >Torna

  36. 4 months ago

    I didn't enjoy the second game very much

  37. 4 months ago

    Xenogears=Xenosaga Episode III=Xenoblade DE>Xenoblade 2>Xenoblade 3>Xenoblade X>Xenosaga Episode I>Xenosaga Episode II

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