>Yeah bro space marines can cross dozens of feet in the blink of an eye, they can move faster than human eyes can see.

>Yeah bro space marines can cross dozens of feet in the blink of an eye, they can move faster than human eyes can see.
>Yeah bro Eldar move like blurs and can dodge bolter bullets after theyve been fired
Meanwhile every time Warhammer 40K is depicted in a visual medium they never move even half as fast as fanboys claim. These feats are just flowery words common in literature, which is where they're taken from. Warhammer fans are pretty annoying in battleboarding. I don't play tabletop games btw except for chess if anyone is curious.

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  1. 7 months ago

    Stay in your general please

    • 7 months ago

      theres no battleboarding general

      • 6 months ago

        Explain to me the game of "battleboarding" it sounds like a form of torture

    • 7 months ago

      this mindset killed this board
      generals have trashed this site

    • 7 months ago

      General threads ruined tg

    • 6 months ago

      /tg/ is the warhammer general board, nogaems worldbuilder.

  2. 7 months ago

    40k gays think marines are these unstoppable juggernauts when even in their own setting they are quite stoppable.

    • 7 months ago

      40kgays (Marine gays only, really) desperately attach their own ego to their fantasy spacemen. They are psychologically defective, physically pathetic losers (almost always obese), so they need to live through their pathetic power fantasies. This is why they are so hostile to corrections telling them that no, 40k Marines *aren't* invincible demigods, just really good soldiers with nice equipment.

      The fact that Marines are basically personalityless slave-eunuchs is an important part of the appeal, because IRL they've coped with being absolute social failure rejects by believing that having a social life (with people who aren't other fat losers), girlfriends, status, etc. is actually just bullshit for "stupid people (heh, not like me, I'm smart!)," and that all they need is to indulge in violent fantasies. They see their spacemen and think "I'm just like them!"

      No, you're just one more sad episode of gay nerd losers slobbering over musclemen.

      • 7 months ago

        Space marines are autistic virgins. You seem like a good candidate fot geneseed implantation.

      • 7 months ago

        Who the frick hurt you?

        • 7 months ago
      • 7 months ago

        but enough about yourself, let’s talk about actual 40kgays

      • 6 months ago

        Let me guess, imperial guard player?

    • 7 months ago

      MY DUDE are like that YOURS can be sissies.

    • 7 months ago

      Lol yeah, I painted my sister's old dildo imperial fists colors and suck it at least once a week to channel my inner marine, but it's always sobering seeing how much shit almost kills PRIMARCHS in the lore lol. Really highlight how space marines are just humanity's entry into galactic conflicts

    • 6 months ago


      >Yeah bro space marines can cross dozens of feet in the blink of an eye, they can move faster than human eyes can see.
      >Yeah bro Eldar move like blurs and can dodge bolter bullets after theyve been fired
      Meanwhile every time Warhammer 40K is depicted in a visual medium they never move even half as fast as fanboys claim. These feats are just flowery words common in literature, which is where they're taken from. Warhammer fans are pretty annoying in battleboarding. I don't play tabletop games btw except for chess if anyone is curious.

      This is the consequence of Black Library not having consistent standards for its writers

      The average space marine would get rekt by a single HIMARS system all by themselves. People hear this shit from morons like MajorKill or Arch on YouTube.

      Marines are powerful specifically as a combined arms force that acts as the point of the sword of a major assault.

      • 6 months ago

        >that acts as the point of the sword of a major assault
        that is usually how they are presented

        though they are also basically invulnerable against low tech opponents and can kills thousands singlehandedly if given enough time

        • 6 months ago

          >Brother Captain, the Planetary Governor is requesting assistance on one of our stone-age recruiting worlds.
          >Orks? Tyranids? Traitor Brothers?
          >No, Brother. The primitives are waging a war with spears, slings, and riding mammoths. The governor has requested we put it to an end.
          >Send a Drop Pod with 3 Brothers. That should be sufficient.

          • 6 months ago

            >that acts as the point of the sword of a major assault
            that is usually how they are presented

            though they are also basically invulnerable against low tech opponents and can kills thousands singlehandedly if given enough time

            Reminder that space marines canonically lost to bronze age conan expies who worshipped chaos

            • 6 months ago

              I am guessing the chaos bit played a big part

    • 6 months ago

      40kgays (Marine gays only, really) desperately attach their own ego to their fantasy spacemen. They are psychologically defective, physically pathetic losers (almost always obese), so they need to live through their pathetic power fantasies. This is why they are so hostile to corrections telling them that no, 40k Marines *aren't* invincible demigods, just really good soldiers with nice equipment.

      The fact that Marines are basically personalityless slave-eunuchs is an important part of the appeal, because IRL they've coped with being absolute social failure rejects by believing that having a social life (with people who aren't other fat losers), girlfriends, status, etc. is actually just bullshit for "stupid people (heh, not like me, I'm smart!)," and that all they need is to indulge in violent fantasies. They see their spacemen and think "I'm just like them!"

      No, you're just one more sad episode of gay nerd losers slobbering over musclemen.

      Main problem with marines is power level and GW not knowing anything about numbers or tactcic.
      One time space marines are most powerfull thing in entire galaxy kill 1000 enemies then go to pray and then kill some 1000 more enemies, or they get killed by cultists with autogun who got lucky shoot at eyes of his helmet.
      Numbers, GW is bad at numbers all numbers should be multiplied by 10, chapter is 10 000 marines in 10 companies 1000 each, squads stay 10 man tho. Don't even start at equipment and support staff like techmarines, apothecaries and librarians, they should have frickton of dropships and vehicles, because when codex gives numbers it's super low and it only got worse with introduction of brick flyers that are piloted by techmarines :), one of worse example is 5th ed Blood Angels codex, it gave BA Land Raiders(they had a lot of those) deep strike as BA use Thunderhawk Transporter to drop them on battlefield it's common tactic, only to give total of 3 tunderhawk transporters TO THE ENTIRE CHAPTER, they also drop rhinos and other stuff and BA got 3.
      Third tactics, sometimes GW do it right most of the times they don't. Marines are often portrayed as guard but better when they should be shock troopers who attack enemy strategic objectives and frick off somewhere else. Good example was in Vraks book where Dark Angels deployed, took out space port and left planet, years later red scorpions were asked to take breach that guard couldn't they did their job and left, and later multiple marine chapters were asked to support finall assault on main fortress, for entire 20 years long siege marines were deployed couple times to take vital objective and then left.
      They should be treated as space special forces instead of "your basic space soldiers that aren't guard", but GW is bad with numbers so there is only 1000 per chapter, each one of them takes years to train from limited recruit pool, they are all super expensive but they also are everywhere and die a lot.

      Is that entire thread a 40k hater parody? Are you making fun of people who b***h at 40k?

      This site is so flooded by summer posters I can't even tell anymore

  3. 7 months ago

    Hmmm, well well well. Perhaps in cinematic mediums their speed is considerably reduced for the sake of showcasing the action better to our human eyes. Don't you think it will be silly if the ultrasmurfs blitz around like sonic? Although I'd really like if they were capable enough to pull that off.
    It's similar to how in Dragon Ball all the brawls look very similar across the whole series, although it's very clear that the characters fighting around the later episodes are millions of times more powerful than at the beginning.

    • 7 months ago

      but you can see from how things fall, the gravity still affects things the same way they do in real time. it is clearly not slowed down for our benefit.

  4. 7 months ago

    A space marine dodges a missile in Astartes. Anyways the abilities of space marines change depending on how cool it would make a scene. Like how a supervillian will punch apart a planet then have a length back-and-forth with spiderman.

    • 7 months ago

      What's superhuman, here, is that he perceives it and reacts quickly, and that he judges his movement sufficient to miss the missile's correction, not so much that he moves quickly. This is a good representation and I wish 40K editors gave a shit.

      • 7 months ago

        Thats how everyone blocks or dodges anything in 40k. Eldar aren't actually moving at fricking mach 1 when dodging bullets, they wouldn't use vehicles if that were the case.

        • 7 months ago

          >Eldar aren't actually moving at fricking mach 1 when dodging bullets,
          Eldar are bio-engineered weapons crafted by the old ones to win a sixty million year old war, they are absolutely that fricking fast, eldar in battle literally move so fast that human eyesight cannot keep up with it, they are faster than human kinetic vision is capable of tracking.

          The vehicles are armored and have fricking antigrav and also go really fast. but eldar literally dodging bullets on reaction-speed alone is 100% legit, the reason eldar are so unnerving and uncanny to people is their movements and biokinetics are utterly alien. staying still they can pass for pointy eared people but the moment they start moving anyone observing can instinctually tell "this is not a human being" since they're inhumanly fluid and graceful

          • 7 months ago

            A helpful reminder that power-wanking loregays are dumb and annoying regardless of who is being discussed.

          • 7 months ago

            They don't move at 700+ mph you fricking moron lmao. There are far too many examples of them fighting and losing in melee for that ever to be the case. You don't need to be as fast as a bullet to dodge it on reaction either.
            >They move too fast to follow
            Just means humans see them as blurs and can't pick out specific movements. Much in the same way you potentially would be unable to pick out the punch of a professional fighter up close.

          • 7 months ago

            They don't move at 700+ mph you fricking moron lmao. There are far too many examples of them fighting and losing in melee for that ever to be the case. You don't need to be as fast as a bullet to dodge it on reaction either.
            >They move too fast to follow
            Just means humans see them as blurs and can't pick out specific movements. Much in the same way you potentially would be unable to pick out the punch of a professional fighter up close.

            woah look at this Warp Spider moving at mach 1 with inhumane grace and fluidity. Oh wait he isn't doing any of that. Actual visuals>flowery words from books https://youtu.be/OTjyO_FncE4?t=76

            • 6 months ago

              Looks to me like he dodged those bullets.

              • 6 months ago

                you can see how those bullets dont move very fast and the warp spider is running at the same speed as normal humans

              • 6 months ago

                >th-those are special slow bullets OKAY

    • 7 months ago

      This is the only piece of 40k media I respect. Including the games.

  5. 7 months ago

    I enjoy the UM movie, the visuals are a downside but it's a good basic SM story.

  6. 7 months ago

    Main problem with marines is power level and GW not knowing anything about numbers or tactcic.
    One time space marines are most powerfull thing in entire galaxy kill 1000 enemies then go to pray and then kill some 1000 more enemies, or they get killed by cultists with autogun who got lucky shoot at eyes of his helmet.
    Numbers, GW is bad at numbers all numbers should be multiplied by 10, chapter is 10 000 marines in 10 companies 1000 each, squads stay 10 man tho. Don't even start at equipment and support staff like techmarines, apothecaries and librarians, they should have frickton of dropships and vehicles, because when codex gives numbers it's super low and it only got worse with introduction of brick flyers that are piloted by techmarines :), one of worse example is 5th ed Blood Angels codex, it gave BA Land Raiders(they had a lot of those) deep strike as BA use Thunderhawk Transporter to drop them on battlefield it's common tactic, only to give total of 3 tunderhawk transporters TO THE ENTIRE CHAPTER, they also drop rhinos and other stuff and BA got 3.
    Third tactics, sometimes GW do it right most of the times they don't. Marines are often portrayed as guard but better when they should be shock troopers who attack enemy strategic objectives and frick off somewhere else. Good example was in Vraks book where Dark Angels deployed, took out space port and left planet, years later red scorpions were asked to take breach that guard couldn't they did their job and left, and later multiple marine chapters were asked to support finall assault on main fortress, for entire 20 years long siege marines were deployed couple times to take vital objective and then left.
    They should be treated as space special forces instead of "your basic space soldiers that aren't guard", but GW is bad with numbers so there is only 1000 per chapter, each one of them takes years to train from limited recruit pool, they are all super expensive but they also are everywhere and die a lot.

    • 7 months ago

      The numbers are the way they are because once they would represent the scarcity, back when they used to fight to death over damaged equipment like special weapon like plasma, or rare vehicles like Land Speeders.

      But yeah, since that part apparently doesn't exist anymore, it just look bad in that way.

  7. 7 months ago

    >uhm your heavy metal fantasy art is unrealistic because they would sink into loamy soil

  8. 7 months ago

    What? The term is "tabletop wargame".

    • 7 months ago

      It's a b8 thread you dip. You probably didn't even type sage into the options field

      • 7 months ago

        True, because I have Gankerx set to do it by default.

  9. 7 months ago

    do people even want space marines to be that superhuman? video game cinematics and movies never depict space marines (or any other warhammer warriors/solders) as ridiculously powerful as the books but theyre still badass.

    • 7 months ago

      Some do. It's weird. I can't comprehend why anyone would want "protagonists" who are stronger than any of their adversaries.
      >noooo they need to be teh bestest, noooooo nothing can challenge them there should be no danger they're not allowed to get hurt!!!

      Pic related is so much better.

      • 7 months ago

        They shouldn't be protagonists tbh. I've always liked astartes as human artillery - something that shows up in the nick of time to save the day while posing as much of a danger to their allies in the field as to the enemy through the sheer scale of destruction they cause.

        • 7 months ago

          Note my quotation marks.

      • 7 months ago

        What chapter is that?

        • 7 months ago

          Crimson Fists

        • 6 months ago

          El Fistos des Rojas

      • 7 months ago

        >most iconic space marine pic
        That picture is the essence of space marines to me. Even though I hate the current state of 40k lore. I can always go back to that picture and smile.

        • 6 months ago

          I had no idea there were more editions of 40k until 2000. My friend and I had his older brother's RTB01 boxed set and fought the Battle of the Farm a few times, but mostly we pored over the sweet illustrations in the rule book and made pew pew noises with the models. Good times. I guess my point is that you don't have to accept any of the new shit, and you can have a perfectly good time using the setting as a SETTING, not a bible, as originally intended, farting around with ur dudes some buddies.

    • 7 months ago

      I do. But I play the TTRPG these days so hyper-rare hyper-powerful fits my purposes better than a Codex Movie Marines would for the mini game

  10. 7 months ago

    Space Marines are only amazing by the standards of the Imperial Guard, which is a pretty low bar. You put Space Marines up against Fire Warriors and it would be a mostly even fight.

  11. 7 months ago

    40k lore does not have reliable narrators. Glad to see you're just starting to realize this.

  12. 7 months ago

    people just don't understand that us marinegays dont need any other faction other than ourselves. we're the main characters and the story should revolve around us. Even if there was no aliens, people still have marines vs marines and love it. you are all weak.

    • 7 months ago

      It's a fact that people will inevitably build some degree of a marine force if they stay in the hobby long enough.

      t. Necrons player who started a Chaos Guard force and eventually added some Chaos Marines to it to better reflect the written lore of the force.

      • 7 months ago

        I like your style.

      • 7 months ago

        You're just weak.

  13. 7 months ago

    This is a game where chainsaw swords are a thing...

  14. 7 months ago

    >deathbattle homosexual
    Which of your favorite settings got bodied by 40k?

  15. 7 months ago

    marines being sonic the hedgehog is extra useless in-universe since terminators are explicitly vastly superior to regular marines despite being super slow and cumbersome, yet every marine cums their pants at the thought of termie armor and it's the greatest honor imaginable to be awarded the crux terminatus.
    feels like some gays at Black Libraryread the Halo books and didn't want muhrines to be shown up by Spartans so they decided to start emphasizing "MUH SUPERHUMAN SPEED!!" even though marines are not particularly fast on the tabletop and in fact being slow-ish footsloggers has been their army identity for decades. the fast ones have bikes and jet packs.

    • 7 months ago

      >it was a Gaylobabb seething
      Every time. Why does 40k make zoomer shooter kids feel so insecure?

      • 7 months ago

        Ironically Halo feels like patient zero of
        >game where you move like an 80 year olds bowel movement and are basically just a guy with a energy shield
        >book where they move faster than light and can pluck bullets out of the air, repack them, and fire them back at their foes

    • 7 months ago

      >feels like some gays at Black Libraryread the Halo books and didn't want muhrines to be shown up by Spartans so they decided to start emphasizing
      Its quite literally the exact opposite. Halo 'lore' (which nobody reads) constantly seethes at the games contradicting the latest spartan powerup - of which there have been like a half dozen. Every second book has spartans getting stronger or doing something impossible.

      I can still remember the fricking asspain when this cinematic came out:


      • 7 months ago

        >I can still remember the fricking asspain when this cinematic came out:
        not enough people cared about the "epic lore" of the books to actually say the trailer was bad because of this
        it was just a dogshit trailer for a bad game
        also game cinematics now have super barren and poor choreography, with the exception of stuff like DMC5

      • 7 months ago

        >Halo 'lore' (which nobody reads) constantly seethes at the games contradicting the latest spartan powerup - of which there have been like a half dozen. Every second book has spartans getting stronger or doing something impossible.
        Maybe post-Bungie, but Fall of Reach through First Contact and even Ghosts of Onyx were all completely consistent and fairly grounded in capabilities, all things considered.

    • 7 months ago

      Marines are initiative 4, the only things faster are Eldar, Genestealers and other Marines coked up on Warp dust.

  16. 7 months ago

    I like the scene in the Horus Heresy books where a few Space Marines have to walk through a crowd on a ship and basically effortlessly trample and squish dozens of people. That's kind of how I imagine fighting a Space Marine would really be like, just a multi ton suit, traveling at 30-40 mph squishing people.

  17. 7 months ago

    1 space marine is equal to 1 ork or 1 main regular guy from the other armies.
    It's blatantly obvious and I cannot imagine why anyone would think otherwise, or even want to entertain the notion that it could be different than that.

    • 6 months ago

      >1 space marine is equal to 1 ork or 1 main regular guy from the other armies.
      So one Space Marine is equal to one Imperial Guardsman?

      • 6 months ago

        Anon has corrected too far in the other direction. As a soldier, a Spess Marine is on the same tier as Aspect Warriors, Ork Nobz, Necron Immortals, etc.

        Within the tier, Aspect Warriors are higher up: physically not nearly as strong/tough, but better gear and athletically superior, plus an edge in skills and intellect. Ork Nobz beat Marines physically, but Marines' gear more than compensates, plus better skills and being way smarter, so they're higher up than Nobz. Immortals should probably be considered equal or slightly above. Difficult to judge, though, because on one hand they have perfect discipline and calculator brains, but on the other they severely lack individual initiative and adaptability.

  18. 7 months ago

    >>Yeah bro space marines can cross dozens of feet in the blink of an eye, they can move faster than human eyes can see.
    They've never actually been able to do this in any form of actual canon, ever. newbie secondaries are moronic.

    • 6 months ago

      he is exaggerating to stir up skub and/or because he is salty not enough people share his headcanon

      the power levels of marines and other 40k units vary greatly by source, though marines tend to be on the high end of the scale since they are the main protagonists and also it is the only way they can live for centuries and be relevant on a galactic scale when there is only a million or so of them

  19. 6 months ago

    I always imagined that space marine would be as fast as hella fit big dude, and if you seen fit dudes in military, they can run really fast. Ofc they need to portray them as superhuman In books somehow so they add flowery words and exaggerate a bit. And if talk how fast are marines portrayed, you should read how stupidly fast officio assassin's and elders are portrayed in books. ( Black library writters are hacks anyway you slice it)

  20. 6 months ago

    This is why 40k will never work in a non-video game visual medium. The setting is just too stupid for storytelling and the aesthetics - while nice looking in high quality art - look ridiculous with movement added. SM make zero sense as an effective military force: even with the most indestructible armor in the world, a 1000 soldiers are not going to win against a million, which is the average size of a 40k skirmish army, let alone the tens and hundreds of millions the lore says most battles consist of. The physics just don't make sense, 1000 men is nothing in terms of scale, you can fit that into a high school gym. How can a SM chapter fight a global battle with such a pathetically small force no matter how OP their equipment is? If SM landed here today and were trying to clear out cities it would take weeks for a full fledged chapter to clear out just New York or LA, and they'd have no means of holding it. It'd take decades for 1000 marines to sweep every major urban center. And that's a full chapter, according to most 40k lore SM chapters are rarely deployed en masse so usually a major battle jas anywhere from 100-400 SM in it, which is a totally ineffectual number in a setting where a million men dying in an hour is considered normal.

    You just can't translate that moronation to moving images, and you can't make non-autismos care about a character in such a nonsensical setting.

    • 6 months ago

      >1000 soldiers are not going to win against a million
      You're right. And they don't. Space Marines are Navy Seals equivalents. When your planetary defense is so fricked that you risk losing the entire planet, you call in the local Space Marine chapter to show up and either turn the tide at a specific battle with massive firepower or "cut the head off the snake."

      The Horus Heresy depiction of 63-19 is basically perfect for this.They don't bother with taking out cities and supply lines. They drop directly into the False Emperor's palace, remove him from power, and claim the planet as their own. The rest is clean up and transition.

    • 6 months ago

      >It'd take decades for 1000 marines to sweep every major urban center
      Depending on who's writting
      They either do it in matter of weeks with single company, or if writter is semi competent marines in 2-3 companies will take out military and civilian command, water and electricy supply, deploy from orbit do their job return to orbit and redeploy again, also orbital bombardment is still an option.

  21. 6 months ago

    The problem is that you believe that you are viewing the action from an absolute instead of a differential perspective. Space Marines and Eldar both move at inhuman speeds, but compared to one another, the Eldar are only a tiny bit faster. Baseline your perspective from the temporal perspective of a Space Marine.

  22. 6 months ago

    Why is Marneus Calgar brown in that pic?

  23. 6 months ago

    >TrAnShUmAn ShOcK
    Daily reminder that Movie Marines are simply light tanks inducing tank shock in conscripts like its day 1 of WW2. Their 'superhuman speed' isn't bullet time. It's going faster than a crippled ogryn.

    Being 95% bulletproof is great for massacring normal infantry in CQB. Marines are top of the food chain at that, but they're the bottom of the food chain against tanks and tank-level weapons. The redditization of 40k has obscured the original pseudo-realism of space fantasy satire.

    • 6 months ago

      >Marines are top of the food chain at that, but they're the bottom of the food chain against tanks and tank-level weapons.
      One of the advantages Marines have is they are relatively rare so many factions aren't prepared to face them

      Not to many base garrisons, or ship crews keep a big pile of plasma guns just in case they show up

      • 6 months ago

        >Not to many base garrisons, or ship crews keep a big pile of plasma guns just in case they show up
        That's probably why they tend to lose against the Tau too, since literally every single Fire Warrior is armed with a plasma weapon as their basic infantry rifle at minimum.

        • 6 months ago

          but it is a weak plasma weapon

          also lower weapon skill and initiative (back when initiative was a thing) than a basic guardsman or cultist

          if some space marines snuck into a base guarded mostly by fire warriors, my money would definitely be on the marines

          • 6 months ago

            >but it is a weak plasma weapon
            It's still more powerful than a Space Marine bolter. The carbine version is basically just a straight upgrade over the bolter, while the rifle version sacrifices some fire rate but has better range than the bolter. And that's just what the common Fire Warrior carries, we're not even getting into railguns yet.

            • 6 months ago

              Sure, but plasma weapons basically invalidate armour, even when they're handheld pistols. Bolters and pulse weapons don't. Sometimes marines can tank them, and terminators always wade through that shit like light rain.

            • 6 months ago

              >we're not even getting into railguns yet.
              breachers would be a better example, but either way, your typical tau garrison force would mostly be basic fire warriors and drones, they wouldn't have lots of breachers unless they knew marines were likely, and probably not many pathfinders at all unless they were garrisoning a large rural area with active opposition

    • 6 months ago

      >Their 'superhuman speed' isn't bullet time. It's going faster than a crippled ogryn.
      That still beats the hell out of Master Chief's asthmatic sprint-meter having ass.

  24. 6 months ago

    >Warhammer fans are pretty annoying in battleboarding
    that's because battleboarding is for homosexuals and therefore anyone who does it is quite likely to be annoying. anyway frick off with this shit thread

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