You are given free reign over YGO 2. Your objective is make a product that is similar to YGO, but without committing the same mistakes that were committed in the original version.

How do you do it?

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  1. 4 months ago

    Assuming this is about fixing modern Yugioh and not updating classic Yugioh.

    I'd avoid universal staples by not printing them to start so decks don't share the same 25% of cards with each other. Instead of introducing new archetypes all the time I would keep the universal deck freedom concept but make type/attribute more similar to Magic where you can add and remove them as a designer as necessary. It's an extra vector to balance design around in case I ever need to stop supporting warriors and start supporting barbarians.

    The biggest design issue is that you'd have to support the extra deck style mechanics somehow and just adding all the extra deck types doesn't seem elegant to me. Maybe all extra deck monsters list their requirement directly on their card

    Also the game needs fricking keywords

    • 4 months ago

      pretty much this but emphasis on tinkering with the extra deck, having a toolbox thats always at your fingertips in a game like yugioh really fricked how the game functioned.

    • 4 months ago

      >I would turn it into MtG
      You guys are so predictable. MtG is already a game so go play it. The appeal of Yu-Gi-Oh is that it's unlike every other game on the market. Making it more like the other games won't "fix" it, it'll make it redundant.

      And stop with the key words shilling. MtG gets away with key words because it's a much simpler game. Taking a game with thousands of niche interactions and adding thousands of key words wouldn't make the game easier to play or understand, it would just add another layer of interpretation for new players to have to learn.

  2. 4 months ago

    extra deck size = the amount of normal monsters in the main deck

  3. 4 months ago

    I would use Speed Duels as the base. You start by equipping a skill card, these have game changing rules that mimic iconic anime duels. I would probably have around four spaces for monsters, and maybe unlimited spell spaces. Instead of field spells I would give some monsters the ability to manipulate field advantage. Ritual summoning would be the most powerful one in the game, they would go in your extra deck, and essentially have their own polymerization flavor/ritual magic card. I would lower the attack and defense values from 1000's to 100's. Probably no hand limit, but likewise monsters being the only thing that allow for an extra draw would be quite limited. Most monsters just need two sacrifices tops, complemented the four spaces to summon in probably. There could be god cards, and they probably need two sacrifices from the monsters with the most stars in the game, so you would probably end up sacrificing like six total times/monsters to play one.

  4. 4 months ago

    Remove negation as a mechanic and make it an explicit rule that nothing outright blocks an effect -- at most you can cancel something out, such as killing a target before things resolve. No Ash Blossoms, no Baronnes, not even Solemn Judgment. Proper use of the banlist can stop any OTK issues (and Konami's usually paranoid enough of them to do it regardless). The game works best as an explosive back and forth, so let's make sure it doesn't turn into "one player goes fast and blocks the other one from playing at all".

    No more missing-the-timing bullshit. Just write them all as "if", not "when".

    Give monsters some form of HP stat before they die to go with ATK/DEF, to make battle phase not a formality.

    • 4 months ago

      Negation isn't the problem, its omni-negates and non-once-per-turn negates that are issues. I'd rather errata most if not all negates to specify monster, spell, or trap, and all be hard once per turn effects to force them into niche. The exception being Solemn cards.

      • 4 months ago

        something like a negate should have a cost, not even a once per turn. that's not a cost. reducing the monster's power is a cost. it wont be negating long if it gets closer to being swung over fairly swiftly.

        • 4 months ago

          The problem is that most negates STARTED with costs. Discards, LP, tributes, or being trap cards in general. But inevitably they couldn't help themselves and powercrept to ones who either had no additional cost or flat out gave you benefits while fricking your opponent (like Dragoon's ATK boost). If you leave the door open, it WILL get to this point again.

          Negation isn't the problem, its omni-negates and non-once-per-turn negates that are issues. I'd rather errata most if not all negates to specify monster, spell, or trap, and all be hard once per turn effects to force them into niche. The exception being Solemn cards.

          And what if dumbfrick card designers make an archetype that makes setting Solemns quick and easy like those Labrynth fricks, or if all these interlocking negates cover for each-other by being easy to summon? I don't trust Konami to do anything healthy with negation because they'll always prioritize selling short term packs over long term health; at its core Yugioh is a game of extremes, and the only logical conclusion at the end of "block 1 activation" is "block all activation".

          For that matter, Floodgates might need to eat a dick too.

          • 4 months ago

            Alright, so we get rid of negates. Magic Cylinder, Threatening Roar, and Mirror Force can all go then. I guess Battle Fader and Swift Scarecrow gotta go too. In fact, I guess any battle trap or hand trap that stops an attack should just be tossed since they negate attacks, if we are just going to scorch earth it. No floodgates? Goodbye Swords of Revealing Light and Dark Sanctuary. Gonna be a fairly uneventful battle phase at this rate.

            • 4 months ago

              Yes. You either play defensively and play smart or you lose the game.

              • 4 months ago

                A bit hard to play defensively when the bulk of your defensive options in battle traps and hand traps have been taken away. Or do you think flip effects and high defense goons like Clayman and Big Shield Gardna are the pinnacle of defensive strategies?

              • 4 months ago

                Set a monster in Defense Mode to protect your life points if you can't summon a monster worth shit, homosexual.

                Hand traps are objectively a cancer upon the game and so are battle traps. Shit like Ash and impermenence have been a disease upon the game.

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah, setting Spirit Reaper and passing is the pinnacle of Yugioh. How could I not have realized?

                >negate effects is the same as negate attacks
                You disingenuous Black person.

                Read the moron replying to me, cause he took the bait and agreed.

            • 4 months ago

              It's all his fault.

            • 4 months ago

              >negate effects is the same as negate attacks
              You disingenuous Black person.

    • 4 months ago

      >Give monsters some form of HP stat before they die to go with ATK/DEF, to make battle phase not a formality.
      I actually like this idea a lot. Not being able to kill monsters in 1 hit feels like it would make board presence mean more than just "how much you swing for game",

      • 4 months ago

        Paying HP as cost could also help rein in effect spam. No point in blasting out effects when your monsters won't be alive for battle phase.
        Plus a lot of LP gain/loss mechanics could be adapted to HP pretty easily.

      • 4 months ago

        Paying HP as cost could also help rein in effect spam. No point in blasting out effects when your monsters won't be alive for battle phase.
        Plus a lot of LP gain/loss mechanics could be adapted to HP pretty easily.

        I like it, it's pretty much what I suggested

        something like a negate should have a cost, not even a once per turn. that's not a cost. reducing the monster's power is a cost. it wont be negating long if it gets closer to being swung over fairly swiftly.

        their abilities could have an actual penalty for usage.

  5. 4 months ago

    I would parse down a lot of the searching the game currently has. Can't scratch your ass in this game without having a card that says "search your deck for a "dingleberry" monster and add it to your hand" falling out.

  6. 4 months ago

    well, redesign the game to be without that

  7. 4 months ago

    I think the game's fine, but is "I'd add lands" the answer you're looking for?

    • 4 months ago

      To be fair, I haven't played since Eldlich format. I guess I'd tailor the banlist to encourage grind decks.

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      depends on what you mean by adding lands, OP likely wants to see how creative one can get in a system-wide overhaul in resources and back & forth interactions

  8. 4 months ago

    no hand traps, player going second can begin the game with the face-down spells and traps from their hand in play

  9. 4 months ago

    Just copy the meta from back when mixing deck engines was viable. I miss my Brilliant Predaplant HERO shitbrew so much. Mixing different aesthetics into a weird, somewhat functional soup of a deck was very satisfying.
    Alternatively, just copy GOAT format and don't powercreep anything. Not sure how the game would survive that, but oh well.

    • 4 months ago

      Isn't Dragon Link still doing pretty well?

      • 4 months ago

        I wouldn't know. I quit YGO years ago. Decks got too streamlined and same-y for me. Deckbuilding took a dosedive with every archetype basically building the deck for you, so I quit. Not sure what the meta is like now.

  10. 4 months ago

    use the rules from the battle city arc of the manga. you can only play one monster one spell and one trap per turn. no bullshit combos or negate boards on turn one. that stuff is pure ass cancer and the sole reason konami rebooted the game with rush. you are moronic if if you still play master rules. play rush or use homebrew rules. even forbidden memories on the playstation one is more balanced than modern ass junk.

  11. 4 months ago

    make special summons special again and not something you do 10 times each turn

  12. 4 months ago

    First and foremost, I add a Mana/Points system akin to the newer Digimon TCG. You have a finite amount of points on your turn, and any excess when you go over that limit are added to what your opponent gets, which encourages not summoning 30 monsters in one turn.

    Speaking of which, all Extra Deck monsters now require a specific Spell Card (not quick or continuous) to summon them, and Link monsters are canned all together. You basically have a polymerization you need for every single type of other Extra Deck monster (Fusion/Synchro/XYZ).This slows the game down and makes insane extra deck plays almost impossible to do in a single turn.

    Then, we cut out any sort of negates that aren't trap cards. No monster inherently has negates or protection; instead, field cards, continuous spells, and trap cards are your only protection. Furthermore, any Negate has a Once Per Turn clause which forces you to be careful about how you use it.

    In turn, destruction effects are similarly limited, and can only destroy one card at a time. Boardwipes are entirely removed (including things like feather duster). As much as I love the funny morphing jar shitpost, it's gone too.

    Search effects are also all one per turn, and any card that searches is baseline limited to one per deck and all of them have the "remove from play when used" text on them, meaning you can't recycle them from the grave. We want to cut consistency back in a major way.

    Finally, we remove any and all draw power. No more pot/jar cards. None of them. Nothing that lets you draw out of turn. You will get one (1) draw phase where you draw one (1) card. If you use a Search effect to add a card to your hand, all of them have an LP cost of 500 to 1000 LP. If you want to add a singular card of a specific type to your Deck, you pay 1000 LP. This further forces you to play the game instead of trying for OTKs (which should be made impossible). This isn't solitaire and shouldn't be.

  13. 4 months ago

    Maybe play around with tribute summoning as the 'currency' for buying bigger monsters - One monster a turn was a neat idea at first, but it was clearly too slow and lead to the devs being encouraged to just completely work around the rules instead of with the rules.

    Maybe there's no limits to normal summons, but stricter requirements for monsters to have to build up. A level 1 becomes a level 4 becomes a level 6, so the cards in your hand and the 'smaller' creatures all become the fuel for growth.

    The game's already associated with fast, 1-2 turn combos of death, so just slow it down to 2-3 turns and lean into dumping out a hand into a big monster or combo play one way or another, normal low-star monsters becoming fodder for higher-star effect monsters, or using a lot of single smaller monsters to link/fuse/etc. monsters as an alternate route.

  14. 4 months ago

    rush duel already exists they just refuse to let it leave japan for some reason

  15. 4 months ago

    Every single yugioh thread is just boomers crying that their frickin Bingo Machine, Go got ashed and the rest of their hand was bricking on their moronic level 8 normal monster.

    • 4 months ago

      Don't act like you don't surrender on the first turn when your hand doesn't contain any handtraps.

      • 4 months ago

        If my opening hand doesn't contain handtraps that probably means it has a bunch of starters and extenders.

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah, and 50/50 odds your opponent's gone first and set the board to kill your chokepoints unless you're running a meta deck that doesn't have any, and 75/25 odds they have their own handtraps in the wings. Yugioh's always been a bingo machine.

  16. 4 months ago

    Hand traps are not the problem, tg is moronic. Id make the win condition not rely on 12+ step combos, requiring the opponent to not only memorize their deck but every other convoluted combo in the meta. No more 15 minute turns where you can leave the table prepare lunch and come back and its still going. If you do this then you dont even need to get rid of hand traps. Id also adopt rush duel’s card layout for the star value and put a hard character count limit on the effect text.

  17. 4 months ago

    I'd just get rid of archetypes as a concept entirely (or at least return them to the vein of Amazons, Harpies, or Toons), turn yugioh back into a weird brewer shitshow where the entire meta is ruined by one card from 15 years prior. Like in Dragon Ruler format.

    Make Alignment type matter more (attack bonuses against rival alignments like in some early konami concepts).

  18. 4 months ago

    Just copy Duel Masters' mana system.

    • 4 months ago

      No (it was always gay)

  19. 4 months ago

    I systematically execute every pedo and furry in the company

  20. 4 months ago

    >mechanics/card design/card layout are exactly the same as ygo1
    >all rules and rulings are the exact same across tcg, ocg, and Master Duel
    >all cards in ygo1 playable in ygo2
    >ygo2 has day 0 ban list because of this
    >before ygo2 release, update ygo1 tcg, ocg, and md to have the exact same card pool
    >sets in ygo2 now release worldwide and Master Duel on same day
    >can play with any language cards in ygo2
    >art is now exactly the same for all releases
    >every other month one release, no more, no less
    >2 core sets per year, pack rarity ratios exact same as current ocg
    >2 side sets per year pack rarity ratios exact same as current ocg
    >2 structure decks per year
    >core sets are 100% new cards
    >side sets are 50% new cards 10-25% staple reprints and 25-35% reprints from last year's archetypes
    >structure decks now have one to three cards rarity upgraded to Secret Rare, Starlight Rare, or some new crazy rarity exclusive to the structure deck product line
    >md now treated like pkmn live, put digital pack codes in every physical pack & product for ygo2
    >cash prizes for all events not at the local level with huge esports incentives
    >ots packs roughly stay the same, but invent some new rarity exclusive to ots packs that makes everyone cum
    >ots pack-exclusive rarity cards never get reprint at that rarity again, backed by company promise

    Since I have been given free reign, I am gambling the entire company in confidence that the world will care more about the franchise with my changes and releases.
    We are here to serve the players and fans of the game and will count on the community to keep us in business.

  21. 4 months ago

    >no closed archetypes
    >attributes matter
    >monsters have life
    >monsters can attack together
    >tribute summon works by number of stars instead
    >no negates
    >no whens
    >multiple artists covering multiple styles of arts covering multiple topics and themes

  22. 4 months ago

    Well, making the cards easier to parse would help immensely. Rush Duels already provides a good example, they just lay out the cost and effects, no bullshitting about.

  23. 4 months ago

    >No Pendulum
    >No Link
    >No Negation
    >Reduce numbers to a 10s grade, rather than 1000s. Player Life is 100 to start.
    >Battle measures the Attacker's ATK versus the Defender's DEF. DEF is reduced for the Battle Phase as monsters are attacked and damaged. Attacking Monsters no longer die from initiating an Attack. Attacking players can still take damage from attacking a monster with a higher DEF than their monster's ATK (henceforth referred to in game as Parry Damage). The goal is to make DEF useful across the game outside of niche build concepts or tutor cards.
    >Monsters in Defense Mode have their DEF doubled.
    >Expand Element to matter. Thinking a Rock, Paper, Scissors chain like in Capsule Monster Colosseum. Might lead to new Elements.
    >Face down summons no longer exist.
    >Advanced summon is its own summon type, and does not count towards your Normal Summon limit. You may sacrifice Monsters from hand to Advance Summon, but the monsters sacrificed must now equal the Advanced Summoned monster's level or higher. One Advanced Summon a turn.
    >One Special Summon a turn
    >Fusion and Ritual don't require cards to perform anymore, but must normally be done from the field like Synchro and Xyz. However, Fusion, Ritual, Synchro and Xyz have cards that can make it possible to use cards in hand for the summon requirements.
    >Performing a summon of any type gives you 1 Power token. Power tokens are spent to use Spell cards (think Speed Spells)
    >Card syntax more like Rush Duel cards, with any requirements parsed from any effects.

  24. 4 months ago

    Rush Duel.

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