
Yes, you.

Post the last game you played and your thoughts on it so far, or else unfortunate events will occur to your mother in the following days.

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 11 months ago

    Marathon 2.
    I wish to hex all Bungie employees past, future and present to ensure they suffer slow and painful deaths.

  2. 11 months ago

    REmake 4
    I love collecting shiny objects

  3. 11 months ago

    Playing Horizon ffxi right now. It's very refreshing, and the market's prices are no longer inflated to the point of being the beginning and end of making money. I'm looking forward to enjoying something like the original FFXI experience.

  4. 11 months ago

    Gmod, I just dick around on maps in singleplayer. It's relaxing, been doing it for over a decade now.

  5. 11 months ago


  6. 11 months ago

    it made me realize how much i like numeric stat systems in RPGs over flat skill trees

  7. 11 months ago

    Demon's Souls. Runbacks are too obnoxious and grinding for the green herb is too annoying. Still having more fun than FF16 though.

    • 11 months ago

      yeah bro every level should just be a straight hallway to the boss with no enemies and you should have infinite healing

  8. 11 months ago

    Fallout 4. Still shit but it'll serve as a braindead diversion for a couple of days.

    • 11 months ago

      what mods?

  9. 11 months ago

    Wish I had a highlight item/container button. Surely there's a mod for it?

    • 11 months ago

      Hold shift

  10. 11 months ago

    Hollow knight
    It's nice but a tad bit too long

    • 11 months ago

      Really? I wished it were longer.

  11. 11 months ago

    EU4. It's alright I guess.

  12. 11 months ago

    Pikmin 1
    One of the only three good video games ever made.

    • 11 months ago

      FF7, it's been really enjoyable so far, I'm really close to the end and it does the whole "character becoming broken" thing really nicely

      I'll bite, what are the other two?

  13. 11 months ago

    last game i finished was morrowind, 9/10 shit was amazing. now i'm replaying a heavily modded skyrim, the only way it's worth playing. I'll try a run of morrowind rebirth once i get bored with skyrim again.

  14. 11 months ago

    I hate corruption and eclipse can go to hell

  15. 11 months ago

    does game i'm working on count?

  16. 11 months ago

    Could only bear shooting rats for so long

    • 11 months ago

      How far did you get? Game picks up around Shady Sands I'd say

  17. 11 months ago

    I just played Project+, which is a mod for Super Smash Bros. Brawl, for roughly three hours with another anon. It was fun. It's some of the most fun I have with a 'fighting' game. I'm trying to find more people to play with me. It sucks that it doesn't have rollback yet but it'll happen one day I am sure. It is incredibly balanced and pretty underground because Nintendo doesn't like it and it is pretty irrelevant outside of that.

    • 11 months ago

      etrian odyssey.
      it’s comfy

      gimr literally killed off the p;m scene for a couple of splatoon demos lmao.
      really fun game

      • 11 months ago

        >gimr literally killed off the p;m scene for a couple of splatoon demos lmao.

    • 11 months ago

      it has been confirmed that it is getting rollback with brawl, rejoice.

  18. 11 months ago

    Baba is You.

  19. 11 months ago

    Mary Skelter 2.
    It fricking sucks, way too drawn out, grindier than most modern DRPGs (other than maybe the Experience titles), half the dialogues are pointless even from the standpoint of CGDCT.
    I'm still going to finish it out of pure spite and sunken cost fallacy.

  20. 11 months ago

    Thoughts: I should pull my dick outta the internet and play this more

  21. 11 months ago

    Wasteland 3, it's my second time playing. One of the best rpgs to drop in a long time.

  22. 11 months ago

    Finished DMC1 on the DMC HD Collection about 20 minutes ago. Haven't played DMC1 since 2005. It holds up really well, I enjoyed. I might start Hard mode tomorrow

  23. 11 months ago

    Specifially the map "ad_b100_sock - The Tenacious Tentacle".
    I'm not sure if this was the prototype for Grendel's Blade, but if it was I can see it. Still a decent but very short map.

  24. 11 months ago

    Dark Souls 1
    I've already played it through like 10 times but now I'm finally doing the get all the weapons achievement. It's annoying. I will use dupe glitches on the boss souls and to buy titanite.

  25. 11 months ago

    Kino/10 as always

  26. 11 months ago

    NFS unbound, mid as hell. NFS heat is way better modern NFS. Not even mentioning the old ones. Pls remaster MW2005

  27. 11 months ago

    Sword of Hope 2, it alright for a gameboy game. Also why the frick is Frog/Mother posting not an instant ban from the mods?

  28. 11 months ago

    Trepang2 is a pretty fun game, I like how chaotic the fights can get.

  29. 11 months ago

    Dark Souls 1.
    Game is amazing, but it feels like the quality dips severely after O&S.

  30. 11 months ago

    It was hot shit when it came out but I can only play it modded now. We need the new elder scrolls already!!! The dawdric artifacts are kinda cool.

  31. 11 months ago

    FF 16. It's ok, but every time I think about playing it I get put off by knowing that within 5 minutes of booting it up I'm going to run into a bunch of cutscenes that probably lead into a locked in boss fight followed by even more cutscenes.

  32. 11 months ago

    Max Payne 3. second time replaying it on hard mode. Really good and fun. Y does it feel so underrated??i feel like noone talks abt this game anymore

  33. 11 months ago


    Conceptually very cool and zacthronics is based, but the lack of polish really killed my enjoyment. Think classic minecraft with building blocks and conventional hotkeys for blocks. You can rotate a block, but instead of making a block rotatable in along all axis, there are two types variants of the same block.

  34. 11 months ago

    Final Fantasy VI, last game of the pixel remasters (playing them all for the first time). Just got filtered by Kefka's last tier - just. I could probably beat him on a second fight but the game's dragging on me too much. Everything was fun and cohesive until the world of ruin. Then it was just a disjointed mess of objectives and minimal character interactions and story

  35. 11 months ago

    Kingdom Hearts 1. I love the environments and the story, but the combat is a snooze fest and I regret not putting it on easy.

  36. 11 months ago

    Ghost Trick. Amazing experience. I’m also devastated because I’m having trouble finding a game that scratches the same itch artistically, writing-wise, and gameplay-wise. I’ll probably wait a couple years before replaying it.

    • 11 months ago

      Great Ace Attorney was written by the same guy who wrote this.

  37. 11 months ago

    subnautica below zero, the first game was much better and I'm pretty disappointed so far also the story is gay and the protagonist talks too much

  38. 11 months ago

    Just started case of the Golden Idol, shit artstyle really compliments the atmosphere.

  39. 11 months ago

    Last game I played was OSRS, I'm just grinding shit while watching videos.

  40. 11 months ago

    I'm playing alpha protocol. I thought it'd be tougher for some reason, but I rather like the stealth and character dialogs it has, so I can overlook the fact that it's easier than expected. The thing about missing headshots even if you're aimed at their head? It's all true. But if you wait until your sights' outer circle tightens up on an enemy then there is more of a chance you can one shot them. I think a lot of morons didn't realize this and thought it would play more like a TPS. It requires a little more patience. I mostly however, just sneak up on people and use the knife. I think probably 90/100 of my kills are with the knife. Looking forward to winning it, then playing it again with a military type who shoots everyone LOUDLY with a rifle and a shotgun. Then another play though as a sniper with a submachine gun. Hopefully I figure out the different endings without getting them spoiled by some gamefaqs article or whatever. No, I'm not coming back to this thread lol.

  41. 11 months ago

    Lobotomy Corporation
    This game is autism and testicular torsion distilled
    I don't know why I'm enjoying it, but I am.

  42. 11 months ago

    NSF Unbound.
    I looked up the car you could get from the story and found out that there are only 4 weeks in the story.
    wtf? the game can't be that short, right? I got it on sale and I still feel robbed (if that's true.)

    • 11 months ago

      Anything except Most Wanted on PS2 was a sham

  43. 11 months ago

    current call of duty
    slop but I like it

  44. 11 months ago

    starcraft remastered campaign. i like making tanks

  45. 11 months ago

    Final Fantasy 16
    I enjoy it so far but it’s a little too dialogue/cutscene heavy

  46. 11 months ago

    Diablo 4
    Passable. There are obviously a shit ton of stuff that they can improve on/should already be in the game but as it is now, I'd say its an okay game.

    Is it worth its current price though? Not really.

  47. 11 months ago

    Elden Ring, specifically the Convergence mod. Feels very vanilla+ so far, but after how good the DS3 Convergence mod was, I have very high expectations.

  48. 11 months ago

    40k Mechanicus
    It's got a great aesthetic, atmosphere, and writing, but the gameplay was just servicable. It does a lot but by lategame, once you have decent base resists and "fill cognition" buttons out the ass, it gets too easy.
    Also, I can't finish it, because my continue takes me to a game crashing bug. So that's gay. I still got 25 hours of enjoyment out of it before that.

  49. 11 months ago

    dave the diver

    overrated reddit garbage

    • 11 months ago

      I torrented and this game is so boring, whenever one of these indies like Dredge or Battlebit get hyped up I know to just wait 3 months for people's actual opinions to start cropping up

  50. 11 months ago

    Live a Live. Really liked the caveman and cowboy worlds. The robot was fine but not as good. Doing china now and it seems promising.

    • 11 months ago

      Currently playing Yakuza. Never touched the series before.
      Having a great time. Feels good just beating up scores of guys (when Kiryu faces the right direction at least).

      Original or remake?
      I bought the remake but I found the art style and visuals extremely disagreeable so I didn't get very far. I'm going to get the original I think.

  51. 11 months ago

    Hitman 3: world of whatever
    played through the game after freelancer mode came out and now I just occasionally launch the game to throw wrenches at people before killing my target with a rigged explosive. pretty relaxing.

  52. 11 months ago

    music , visuals and gameplay are top notch.

  53. 11 months ago

    Thief 2. I enjoyed it a lot more than 1 because I thought 1's undead levels were a slight drag. I can see somebody not liking the mechanical enemies, but the level design felt much better to me.

  54. 11 months ago

    Rain Code - Some of the game is anime bullshit in a flavour I don't enjoy but it is fun and fairly compelling. I want to kill the vtuber ghost.

    Pikmin 2 I started for the first time also. I never played any but 1. Don't think I am in far enough to form a real opinion as I only just got the poisonmin. The new pikmin are very good and cute.

    • 11 months ago

      Pikmin 4 demo, it's piss easy so far, but i have a need for Dandori. I like that Olimar is taking the role of mentor/main antagonist, and i'm honestly really excited for the full game.

      The game really picks up after getting blues/repaying the debt.

      • 11 months ago

        Thank you anon. I was going to stick through it no matter what just to see what its like but it is motivating to see it gets better once the story is done (and that it keeps going after the debt is paid)

        • 11 months ago

          and by picks up i mean the last area is brutally hard for new players, and the caves there are designed to make you want to have a nice day. and you need 100 purples to get one of the treasures.

  55. 11 months ago

    Red Alert 1. Still a good game for its age, carried by the presentation and music. More serious than I remembered too, not goofy at all like RA2.

  56. 11 months ago

    Very fun game that doesn't really have a lot wrong with it and the things it does have wrong can be fixed with simple additions. Brings back memories of BF3 and the gunplay feels very nice. 127v127 with VOIP is also very fun, already been reported ~14 times, hopefully my account doesn't get banned.

  57. 11 months ago

    Stellaris. I successfully overthrew the imperium. Shit was cash

  58. 11 months ago

    Diablo 4
    It's like 7/10 tbh, better than i expected but not by much. Cinematic and sound teams still got it tho, wish they'd just start making movies at this point.

  59. 11 months ago

    God Hand
    Funny Spanish dude

    • 11 months ago

      Elvis cabron

  60. 11 months ago

    Eador:Genesis New Horizons

  61. 11 months ago

    danganronpa 2 it was okay

    • 11 months ago

      I wish characters in those games would have more than one (1) personality trait

  62. 11 months ago

    I finished playing Hellblade recently. Kind of beats you over the head with it's themes and message and the voices get pretty annoying when they're telling you to do the most obvious shit in the game. But I had fun with the puzzles and combat.

  63. 11 months ago

    I being playing Apex for a while, 3-5 matches when I have the chance.
    I don't have time to play for hours now a day's.

  64. 11 months ago

    Game is fun but the matchmaking is pretty poor

    • 11 months ago

      >Pretty fun

      Found the moron

  65. 11 months ago

    Batman: Arkham Knight. I've played that game almost non stop since it came out in 2015.

    Try to force me to play other games, but with some exceptions, I keep going back to it. So many games that are eternalized in my backlog because I can't stop replaying like 4 games over and over.

    Autism is one hell of a drug.

    • 11 months ago

      why that game out of all games? batman fan, I'm guessing.

  66. 11 months ago

    Cod shit

  67. 11 months ago

    R6 Siege.
    Just got Amaru and Thorn, I love blasting asses with the shotguns, it's so fun to shot people when they least expect it. If I don't feel like staying in the objective I go Cav, I usually get 2-3 kills per round with her.
    Solis and Iana were a letdown because I'm not tryhard enough to use them correctly.
    Ace, Nomad or Finka are my go-to when I really wanna win the match. Rook, Mira or Alibi when defending.

  68. 11 months ago

    Potion Permit is just a shittier Stardew Valley

  69. 11 months ago

    Max Payne 2

    Such an improvement over the original in every way, too bad rockstar games ruined the whole franchise and everything about it with the 3rd one

  70. 11 months ago

    It's got a ways to go but I've had a blast with it thus far

  71. 11 months ago

    Tower unite its good

    have a nice day

  72. 11 months ago

    Metal Gear Solid 3D
    The camera controls were pretty ass for like half of my playthrough but then I got used to it and it ended up being pretty alright. The graphics were weirdly both worse (resolution, can't see shit) and better (character models) at the same time. If you can stomach sub-15 fps or have the Circle Pad Pro then I wholly recommend it if you're thinking of replaying MGS3. the ending almost made me tear up again frick how does Kojima keep doing it

  73. 11 months ago

    Last Epoch

    Good ARPG. No full release yet so idk about what I should expect from endgame and there's not a lot of people playing it but for the price I paid I think it was worth it.

    • 11 months ago

      I wish the game would release into 1.0 but that's never gonna happen

  74. 11 months ago

    It sucks

    • 11 months ago

      It's just a connect 4 gacha shilled by chizoids who think it's deep to have everything be a metaphor, frick this "game"

      • 11 months ago

        It sucks

        Oh shit it's you, did you get banned from the general?

  75. 11 months ago

    Barely starting chapter 2, I feel this is going to be an amazing game

  76. 11 months ago

    Trepang, wasn't happy but I'd say for 5 or 10 bucks it's worth it. Just kinda getting real sick of how boring and uncreative a lot of modern level/map design is.
    Good pew pew bad sight seeing

  77. 11 months ago

    Playing through Fairune right now. it's kinda boring and samey and repetitive, though once in a while it does have a fun puzzle. It's like Hydlide but with even worse graphics.

  78. 11 months ago

    ffix. i'm enjoying it, but it's been a while since i last played it and even though it's simple i'm feeling dissuaded from coming back

  79. 11 months ago

    I’m playing TOTK. I beat the spirit temple (calling it a temple is generous) and now I’m wandering about before I decide to fight Ganondorf. It’s underwhelming. The story simply isn’t there. Plus it’s told out of order. The gameplay is engaging enough, but it becomes formulaic after awhile. Especially when you’re fighting the same few enemies over and over. I was massively underwhelmed by the dungeons repetitiveness and half baked designs. Really, you’re just doing the same stuff (caves, korok seeds, shrines, etc) on different parts of the map. The side quests are probably one of the better parts of the game. It’s one of the few times where the game lets you accomplish/do different types of tasks. I think you really need to be into killing enemies in unique ways or finding unique ways to travel in order to get the most out of TOTK, but I am not. Also goes without saying, opening the menus so often is a pain in the ass. Reminds me of the OOT water temple and switching the boots. Overall it’s massively overrated imo. I could go on forever in all the ways I think TOTK fails. When the next Zelda comes out, you’ll probably see people criticizing it more openly.

  80. 11 months ago

    Beyond All Reason.
    It's alright, there are plenty of game modes and I like co-op vs AI plus it's free. The AI could be improved with different play styles and personalities like AoE2 and the air units are lacking. I'm looking forward to the steam release.

  81. 11 months ago

    Played Fable for like half an hour, it's aight I guess

  82. 11 months ago

    Rounds, it’s a fun little thing to play with a friend, even if I’ve been banned from using healing field.

  83. 11 months ago

    Muse Dash. It's good fun and has a nice song collection. I missed playing rhythm games.

  84. 11 months ago

    Chivalry 2
    It's been game since launch, played 2000 hours so far and met my gf there last year

    • 11 months ago

      >It's been game since launch
      It's been my favorite game since launch, frick

    • 11 months ago

      >It's been game since launch
      It's been my favorite game since launch, frick

      I wish I was still a jobless NEET, chivalry 2 seemed like it could really be my shit but I don't have 1000 hours to git gud at a vidya anymore

      • 11 months ago

        No need to be a NEET, most modern mp games are garbage so it's not like there's much else to play

  85. 11 months ago

    Been playing the DMC collection starting with 1 and so far my first impressions is it's jank as frick with ok combat.

  86. 11 months ago


  87. 11 months ago

    Dying Light, Following DLC.
    Bretty Bood/10, one of the best feeling cars in non-racing games, wish they backported some of the stuff into the base game, like Hives and military caches with blueprints

  88. 11 months ago

    Trepang2. Only on the third main level but really good so far. The big enemies are pretty annoying and not really fun to fight; wish it was just going all in on copying FEAR and kept it to dudes with guns. The guns and slomo mechanics are really fun. Been playing on Hard so far but I'll probably up it later for some challenge. I don't know how much more they'll going to hit me with shit like the flesh golem so I don't want to get hardstuck on some level because a shitty enemy has 10x the HP it normally would.
    So far it's really good though. Obviously it's meant to be a spiritual successor to FEAR with the slomo, visceral gore and the first level being an office. Would recommend.

    • 11 months ago

      Very hard is best, extreme is meh and the other one is best left for cheats

  89. 11 months ago

    Started playing Xenogears for the first time. Comfy so far. FRICK the rock/paper/scissors homosexual.

  90. 11 months ago

    Phone? Skullgirls, the gacha game, kind of okay, a lot more forgiving around giving you free shit. Still like a normal gacha tons pf ,icrptransactions and you can feel stuck at some points. Luckily theres actual pvp so people dont care that much.
    I was playing Skyrim with a ton of mods.
    I made the horrid decision of activatimg the survival mode.
    It halfs you carry weight pretty hard. Got the bikini armor mod, some extra dragons, better g9re and better executions yada yada. The game is still as ai remember it a kind mess wich zim always going at turtle space from a to b because I refuse to leave all the armors and heavy trash out.
    Before that was Fortnite if I remember correctly. If not was Stellaris. First one is fun with friends, amd still can be a hell to play.
    Stellaris is a spreadsheet simulator, "fun"to pass the time ragequitted because certain AI that I had a protect each other deal didnt pop off when I got attacked for some reason, hopefulky I can savescum it.
    And on PC i only play 2 games. League and SS13.
    One I go thresh mid on ranked and in the other ai play on a furry erotic roleplay server as a human that has no sex whatsoever, and its incredibly autistic when working
    Also, frick you op

  91. 11 months ago

    Modding in my own custom starts to bypass the initial grinding stage. Trying to see if its possible to add them into the overhaul mods so I can give myself some starting gear from those.

    • 11 months ago

      Let us know how it goes anon, sounds promising

  92. 11 months ago

    it was this aquarium sim I've been updating
    My thoughts overall are that is is too zen, the relationships between creatures is unclear even with labels, and there's no end state.

  93. 11 months ago

    FFXVI. I beat Odin and decided to take a break before I finish it.

    It's at least an 8.5 for the right audience. I'd wish they let you start with a higher difficulty than the "action focused" one. The toughest fights for me have been two S rank hunts and the time trials because they force you to play more effectively. I like the story, I like the spectacle of it all. I enjoy the side quests because they flesh out the smaller characters and the world.
    It's a game that has several faults, but the good aspects of it outshine the bad. If it was a tad more challenging from the get go, I would have nothing to complain about. But seeing how ineffectively some streamers like Zepla play, my years of experience with From games may have prepared me a bit too well.

  94. 11 months ago


    Nice, I also started replaying it due to the recent announcements. Currently on ng+.
    It's my first time playing BBI and I really don't know why I didn't bother with it in my previous playthrough. It has quickly become my favorite part of the game.
    What you mentioned becomes really apparent here however. If your weapons aren't up to par stat-wise, it's near unplayable. It's something I hope they change in 2. Make damage percentage based like Dark Souls instead of just being a flat number.
    What kind of pawn do you have?

  95. 11 months ago

    ff16. It was great

  96. 11 months ago

    I'm playing Brawl Stars

  97. 11 months ago

    I dig the atmosphere and theme but honestly it is shit mechanically. Youtubers like to pretend that malaria and outpost respawns were >le supposed to be annoying, but what they actually do is highliting the artificiality of the world and taking away from the feeling of realism.

  98. 11 months ago

    Diablo III. First Diablo game I ever finished. Pretty cool, I like the lore and voice acting. Gameplay is addicting. Gonna play Diablo II Resurected now.

  99. 11 months ago


    Stellaris has 7 years anon, are ypu seriusly calling that modern?
    Second, I like the game and its called exagerating.
    Third, Im no coomer. And I play Skullgirls and Legends of Runeterra and only on my not playing actual videogames or outside.
    Good bait do homosexual.

    • 11 months ago

      Shut the frick up, Hispanic.

      • 11 months ago

        I mean, I domt care about your trash laguage, but I have to learn it because you cant learn any other because you are subhuman, but come on.


        The gacha is literally a time filler moron, plus I like the mechanics
        I played Skyrim because I wanted to make an argnian thay its addicted to skooma. The bikini armor mod gives you 2 books that give you 6000 gold instantly once you sell em.
        I got to the Erp furry servers to make bars and do 0 stuff related to sex. As I said before. Again, I understamd its hard to get you an image when you are a mentally ill moron that needs to get mad at something but come on, at least have some braincells moron.

        • 11 months ago

          He says, while posting on an english-language image board filled with predominantly english speakers. Shut the frick up, Hispanic.

          • 11 months ago

            You are delusional if you think im gonna top it moron.
            And yes, again, people learn english and not languages like Spanish or Chinese, the 2 lamguages with the most number of speakers, because Americans REFUSE to learn any other language. And yes I post here because I like playing videogames you moronic Black person. Hope you get shot in your thirdworld continent

            • 11 months ago

              >incoherent ESL seething

              • 11 months ago

                Last (you) baiter san.
                Just remember. The American Continent is a hell hole that should be cleansed with fire

  100. 11 months ago


    Annoying that DD2 is still so far away. I finished DDDA for the first time a few months ago after putting it off for years. There are so many great aspects about it that are just begging for an improved sequel.

  101. 11 months ago

    >last game i finished
    dino crisis 2
    kino fun soulful and entertaining game
    wont win any awards but it definitely achieves what 99% of AAA games fail at which is being entertaining and FUN
    >last game i played
    DMC 3
    just started it so i cant make up my mind yet but it seems to be your average hack n slash so far and i dont think it would dethrone godhand as the best action game ever made for me

    also for my ADHD brain this game fails at 2 things: not giving me clear feedback and not forcing me to play good rather than letting my shitty gameplay pass

  102. 11 months ago

    Chronicles of Myrtana: Archolos

    The best fangame I have ever played. The level of polish(lol wordplay) is so high, that I would say it's even more polished and professinally made then the base game Gothic 2.

  103. 11 months ago

    Project Zomboid.
    There's nothing to do once you've set up a base and the developers are braindead fricking morons for taking so long to implement basic features.

  104. 11 months ago

    SF6. Modern controls good.

  105. 11 months ago

    im replaying three houses
    could be better could be worse not looking forward to the mid game mission on maddening

  106. 11 months ago

    Was good timing too, because Diablo 4 bored me a lot faster than I was expecting.
    I'm very surprised by how much I'm loving 16 considering how skeptical I was about the combat moving away from a more traditional RPG system, even taking into account the weirdness of both 13 and 15.

  107. 11 months ago

    it's interesting so far

  108. 11 months ago

    Meg's Monster.
    Am playing it because it's short and inspired by Mother 3. Has overwhelmingly positive reviews too. I'm about 30 minutes into it and it seems to be more of a visual novel really, which I'm okay with since I enjoyed the To the Moon games. The main protagonist doesn't have much personality beyond being brash and hungry though. The fact that the main characters aren't resonating with me when this game is only a few hours long is a red flag. I'll try to persevere through it but so far it isn't looking too great.

  109. 11 months ago

    I'm playing FFXVI. The combat is fun, but the side content large sucks, and worse than that, a lot of the main story feels like the side content. I get wanting some slower sections of the game so you don't feel like it's just constantly trying to be over the top, but I feel like they surely could have come up with something more engaging than having you start a quest on one end of the hub area, have you walk to a couple of npcs throughout the hub area and talk to them, and then go back to the quest giver. The game is filled with shit where you do nothing but that and it's a real drag. The game is still fun when it actually tries to be fun at least.

  110. 11 months ago

    Playing Astlibra its pretty cool so far I'm around 3 hours in. Impossible difficulty is kicking my ass though.
    I'm looking for more jrpgs though before steam summer sale ends.

  111. 11 months ago

    Eh, I don't know. Feels like I'm just walking around and pressing buttons and pulling levers then watching completely arbitrary things happen, while I have no idea what it is I'm even trying to accomplish.

  112. 11 months ago


    For sure. I'm sure that having more good enemy variety is always easier said than done, but having a pack of smarter enemies would be appreciated.

  113. 11 months ago

    Prey, it's quite fun to fight enemies with changing gravity, although the weapons feel a little janky.

  114. 11 months ago

    2042. Bought it on release. Still love it. It was better before they added class restrictions and killed teamwork.
    Less revives, 0 ammo, 0 soflams, helis became 6x more powerful due to lack of AA. Why did they have to change the game to cater to people that don’t play… sucks.

  115. 11 months ago

    Halo 3 and Reach with mods. I still love the campaigns of both.

  116. 11 months ago

    Project Zomboid
    First 8 hours - frick this game is frustrating as shit, might delete.
    Post 8 hours - I am now addicted.

  117. 11 months ago

    jedi: fallen order
    aside from the story's second act being too sleepy and the enemy variety lacking in the lategame, it was surprisingly good
    i mostly liked it because star wars has been a mountain of shit for the past 18 years so it was refreshing to once again see normal characters and a sincere feeling to it
    i really liked the environments, reminded me of dark souls 1 a bit
    it's no goty but it's my second favorite 2019 behind sekiro

  118. 11 months ago

    re-playan dark cloud
    i am almost doen with the Black person village and its easy as shit even the shipwreck that i remembered it being hard as kid was very forgivin.
    companion are basically useless and grinding for good gems is just dumb/fishing is awful easy solution was to give them away when you 100% a village but noooo here have something shit as reward!

  119. 11 months ago

    The Longing
    I like it a lot. Alt tab and have the lil fella read some Nietzsche while I browse 4chins. Take him to get high on shrooms. It is very nice for a casual idling game

  120. 11 months ago

    Midnight Sun's. They should have let you frick the women.

  121. 11 months ago

    Been playing Devil May Cry for the first time. It shows its age, but in an appealing way. Also maybe I'm just bad, but hard as shit. Is DMC2 really that bad?

  122. 11 months ago

    A Plague Tale Requiem
    I like it, gameplay is decent enough. Hoping for a sequel

  123. 11 months ago


    ESLs literally cannot control themselves and always lash out in the exact same highly predictable manner every single time you call out their ESL status.

    • 11 months ago

      Why are you mad about ESLs, memer

      • 11 months ago

        puzzled that someone could speak more than 1 language
        people hate what they can't understand

  124. 11 months ago

    DOOM Eternal

    I hate it. There's too much going on. It's bloated with gameplay mechanics. You have to constantly micromanage weapon systems under intense enemy fire. I frequently felt like I was playing an RTS instead of an FPS. I gave that game three chances to win me over and it just couldn't carry my enthusiasm past the starting line. I uninstalled it several days ago and haven't looked back.

    • 11 months ago

      Also, the story is moronic and takes itself way too seriously. They really took a fat diarrhea dump in the ear of the first game's cliffhanger ending.

    • 11 months ago

      A reload button and a refill armor button did you in huh?

  125. 11 months ago

    Myst but the puzzles are just moving levers around , barely any story until the last 20 minutes.

  126. 11 months ago


    The sequel to FEAR everybody actually wanted.

  127. 11 months ago

    >Graveyard Keeper
    The feeling of progression is what gets me. It might not amount to a lot, but you always finish a session telling yourself you've achieved something, wether it's progressing in the story or improving your stuff. And the story is so fricking funny, lots of references and the jokes are all so good. It's one of the funniest games I've ever played.

  128. 11 months ago

    Wow mop expansion. Want to do pvp but the gearing process is so slow it reminds me why I quit this shit ass game.

  129. 11 months ago

    Hunt Showdown. It's shit, I'd compare to Valorant, where I just get instakilled the second an enemy has line of sight on me.
    I don't even like fps games, I just bought it because a couple of my friends won't get off my ass about it.

  130. 11 months ago

    Frick off froggay

  131. 11 months ago

    Persona 3
    need Elizabeth gf

    • 11 months ago

      playing this right now and yes please.
      the pacing in this game is fricking horrible though and tartarus is unbearably boring

  132. 11 months ago

    Should I play SS13, League, Or a game from the goypass?
    I also have Rimworld and Darkest Dungeon. I just cant have the push to finish or play any tbh

  133. 11 months ago

    One of my favourite games ever

  134. 11 months ago

    tomb raider, it's hard, I'm at the Cistern, the water level just died cuz I wasn't careful enough with my movement and got set back like 15 minutes. The good thing atleast is that now that I've figured out the level, I don't need to waste as much time aslong as I'm careful and efficient. Game constantly makes you consider levels from a different perspective and different layers.

    This level is a water level like the water temple in ocarina of time, except it came out before it, so you have to figure out how to get to certain areas by swimming or just running and jumping. On top of almost all the rooms being super interconnected, makes navigation very complicated and engaging, it feels like you're slowly unraveling a puzzle box every time you get a key to unlock some new way forward.

  135. 11 months ago

    Pikmin 1.
    Very fun, but I wish the time limit wasn't as stressful (I'm not good at time management in games, or at doing things quickly in general)

  136. 11 months ago

    The Wild at Heart: Lovely soundtrack and graphics, the story seems interesting and apparently it takes up to 10 hours to finish. I've been enjoying these short indie games.

  137. 11 months ago

    Diablo 4 isn't bad. Getting a little samey now that I'm WT3 level >50. At least it keeps you busy with the amount of dungeons it had. Unfortunate that they all feel the same. I really don't like how every god damn dungeon has a locked door somewhere. Just let me go down the tunnel god damnit.

  138. 11 months ago

    FF16 has pacing issues in the story and leaves the training wheels on too long but it's really solid. Worthy of $70, but can easily be beaten for GotY, does not enter the top tier of FF games.

    • 11 months ago

      Today is my mom's bday OP, and I'm sure she wouldn't appreciate being threatened like that
      Been playing picrel for almost 2 days straight, frick me if it's isn't disgustingly addicting; I appreciate it doesn't take itself too seriously and has a whole lot of jokes/hidden references, the dev clearly loves this genre and I can respect him for this
      Cleared stage 1 yesterday and hoping to clear stage 2 today, hopefully evolving the dagger and axe as I go because they seem to be the coolest weapons so far
      Honestly surprised I've never ever seen it mentioned it even once on this shitty board, but I guess the daily "western women bad" threads gain much more traction somehow

      Without starting a pointless flame war and only considering (you)r opinion, what's the top tier of FF games?

      • 11 months ago

        All FF games have ups and downs so the top tier is going to be what you prioritize and for the jobs are really big so 5 and 11 are at the front. Both have some standout tracks but broadly their music isn't a great draw. I think 7 is overrated by far and it's fans are based almost entirely on their age but I can't think of a game in the series that has a higher overall/average quality of music. The combat of Crystal Chronicles is boring baby shit but goddamn it does an excellent job of making the world feel bid and lived in and part of a really grand adventure. So it's less that there is a set "top tier" of FF, but I just don't feel that there's something 16 does so well as to change up anyone's list. The action combat is cool, but way to many abilities are "fish for a perfect dodge" for it to compete with the action game staples like DMC

        • 11 months ago

          Frick, I'm moronic and don't proofread. Meant to say that jobs are big to me and that the world of CC feels big.

        • 11 months ago

          Fair judgments in most cases, pretty good writeup anon


          >every run kinda becomes the same
          I've yet to find a single roguelike that doesn't eventually end up like this, Necrodancer is probably the only exception but that's only because the gameplay is more important than your item choices
          >best weapon
          I know it's probably not garlic but I'll still keep picking it every fricking run and there's nothing you can do to stop me

  139. 11 months ago

    old school RuneScape
    my account is better than yours

  140. 11 months ago

    this game's hard, man

    • 11 months ago

      hard games make hard men
      and bridget makes me hard

  141. 11 months ago

    X4. It's the biggest, most ambitious and maybe even the greatest space sim I've ever played in my life.

    It's also the buggiest, jankiest, fricked up mess I've ever played, I never had a game test my patience this hard. But hey, I still played 200 hours of it, it's one of those games that if you really like what it has to offer, then none of those issues matter because the game is just too damn good.

  142. 11 months ago

    Pathfinder Kingmaker
    One of the best RPGs of recent times with tons of unique ideas that are (mostly) adequately implemented.

  143. 11 months ago

    Sekiro, was easier than I remembered (granted memory of how the mechanics and boss fights works helps). The new boss gauntlets were a fun addition, I wonder why they haven’t added the ability to refight the bosses like that in any of their other titles

  144. 11 months ago

    It is okay.

  145. 11 months ago

    time limit early game is annoying
    constant rebels late game is annoying
    homosexual tropicans won't take job vacancies so they can move out of shanties
    didn't realize the game has a lot of mods
    radio chick turns me on
    overall it's not bad but I prefer 4

  146. 11 months ago

    It's good but I start to get burned out

  147. 11 months ago

    decent 5e simulator, but that's about it
    ok story, shit RPG though

  148. 11 months ago

    fear 2
    it's no fear 1 but it's alright. the sniper is satisfying to use

  149. 11 months ago

    Yakuza Kiwami
    >Tiger drop Black folk
    >Heat action Black folk
    >Suplex Black folk into concrete

  150. 11 months ago


    you create a party of 4 murderhobos with no backstories in the game (you can write it up on the character sheet but thats literally just goldshire OC donutsteal schizo shit)
    your characters are literal generic template adventurers whose point of existence is to go, kill, loot, get reward
    you would think atleast you get to create their personality via dialog choices? nah dialog in the game are just boxes to be checked

  151. 11 months ago

    Blue Sphere
    It's okay

  152. 11 months ago


    pretty much, combat is as 5e as it gets so that's really up to you if you like it or not

  153. 11 months ago

    looks like a solid 7/10 so far

  154. 11 months ago

    Been playing through ffx2 again for the nth time
    And as someone who enjoys Sentai, pripara and aikatsu, I absolutely love this game

  155. 11 months ago

    >Play 40k Rogue Trader while drunk
    >Get some weird cosmic horror type event
    >Just guess my way through it
    >Get the hell off the planet
    >Waaaay later I find I'm missing one of my main guys
    >I sacrificed him to the horror
    Well that's 3 jobs that nobody else can do but I guess I'll muddle along. Loving the game though, good 40k shit.

    • 11 months ago

      Is there some sort of early access for the game or how do you play it? Though the release was still some time away.

      • 11 months ago

        it's a beta version, not sure exactly how long it is as i haven't reached the end of it yet.

  156. 11 months ago

    Also, I shouldn't really stop looking at the enemy's posture bar. I keep getting distracted and get hit in the process.

  157. 11 months ago

    rain code.
    it's pretty okay so far and i'm done with chapter 2

  158. 11 months ago

    Battlebit Remastered
    I wouldn't really call it good because it has so many little problems like a lack of teamwork, atrocious balance and a ttk that can only be measured with laboratory equipment but it's fun as hell and manages to be a raw contender to Battlefield while looking like a shitty Roblox game.

  159. 11 months ago

    volcano princess, raised daughter 2 times with different outcomes, but ultimately both playthroughs felt sort of samey none the less
    overall fun little game, nothing special

  160. 11 months ago

    >The Good
    top notch atmopshere
    good sound design
    game has a more stylistic graphical team rather than full realism homo.
    difficult but but enjoyable, game provides ton of options to remain hidden or to set up chokepoint/killzone
    map becomes more difficult if you keep engaging the enemies, spawning big horde or really scary alien
    plenty of tools to get ahead in combat(setting up turrets, close quarter weapons that rip through aliens, setting up mines before engaging)
    as well stealth (silenced sniper rifles, mines, crouching behind cover, setting up motion sensor and trigger it at far end of the map to attract enemies)
    >The Bad
    can be quite RNG heavy on hard difficulty
    there is no traditional save system but instead "safe rooms" or vague checkpoints
    game tries to copy movies a bit hard (copies some of scenes with Ripley
    some of the voicelines are a bit cheesy from your soldiers
    stealth mechanic is a bit undercooked
    HEAVY reliance on stealth and avoiding combat
    game has "stress" mechanic, basically the more combat your soldiers get the more stressed they are, you can either weld down a safe room and rest, extract, take pills or abuse class ability, problem is it increases way too fricking fast
    >The Ugly
    game likes to break it's own rules sometimes with detection or enemy spawns, you will have situations where game tries to frick you over deliberately(spawning enemies right in front of you triggered a horde) or making sure you cannot hide or escape, every enemy conveniently going to same room as your marines despite having other areas to patrol
    story and narrative is a mess, again I blame them trying to copy movies a bit too much
    40 bucks =/= gametime
    still would recommend

  161. 11 months ago


    If you enjoyed BotW, this is just more of the same. Which I enjoyed BotW immensely. Otherwise, the building mechanics are cool, but I find how you can use all the new powers way more fun that putting together random machines. Being able to go up through ceilings, rewind time on objects, attach tons of different items to weapons for weird effects, it's all great. The world is surprisingly still interesting to explore despite it basically just being the same shit as BotW. The depths are lame though. Just a massive empty space with mini-bosses scattered about and chests to find. Not even koroks or shrines to fill it out a little.

    I think my only main issue is the story honestly. Ganon is extremely one-note and underutilized, Zelda is (again) sent into a near purgatory state for hundreds of years, every sage is the exact same shit of them hearing a voice then going SECRET STONE? IMPRISONING WAR? four times over, and so much of what is there is just...obvious. Obviously Rauru and the others lost, obviously he sacrificed himself, obviously after hearing about "draconification" you realize the new BLONDE-HAIRED DRAGON is Zelda. And yet so much of it is treated like a big revelation that is repeated over and over.

    Gameplay's fun, exploring the world is great, and I do love the remix of a land I once was familiar with. But even by LoZ's standards of relatively plain stories, this is really repetitive, poorly told, and just isn't making any effort to do anything new. BotW's story wasn't anything crazy, but entering into a post-post-apocalyptic world and figuring out what happened was neat. TotK no longer has that mystery, and the new "revelations" it tries to give the player are just so boring.

  162. 11 months ago

    Halo 5 campaign, about 3 missions in. I actually liked 4 a good bit. I'm still on the fence with 5's campaign gameplay, something seems off. Story seems dumb as shit but not the dumb you can ignore like in 4.

  163. 11 months ago

    >street fighter 6
    it's so good I love it

  164. 11 months ago

    It's a good one.
    I lost interest in doing all the side stuff even though there are items to make things like the Batting Cages and gambling easier.

  165. 11 months ago

    Rain Code.
    So far it's a good successor do Danganronpa

  166. 11 months ago

    I don't get the hate, it's a pretty cool game

  167. 11 months ago

    Alien Soldier
    So far I enjoy the i-frame and parry formula for the combat, pulling off phoenix force dashes is satisfying, but overall I don't see what the whole fuss is about.
    I really don't like how parries make you fly 10 feet backwards, it makes me not want to use them in most cases. Maybe I'll like the game more when I get better at it.

  168. 11 months ago

    Recently replayed System Shock 2.

    >Everything up to and including Recreation deck is a blast to explore and wander through
    >Graphics hold up surprisingly well
    >Progression is slow but builds up to a really satisfying result with how you can build your character
    >Never feels too easy due to the scarcity of resources
    >The Many are a great antagonist, in which the devs did a great job of giving them a solid unseen presence throughout while also making audio recordings define the horror clearly
    >Having Shodan as a pseudo-ally is fantastic and always keeps a level of tension since you know she's going to inevitably betray you

    >Everything past Recreation. Seriously, whoever designed some of the last few levels just wasn't even trying. Constant backtracking to complete busywork objectives (go back and forth through command 3 times, destroy 15 eggs, etc), enemies spawning in cheap places, turrets set up at the top of ladders, really unclear objectives at times, and a bunch of spots where you could actually get a little soft-locked depending on what resources you have.
    >The last bit with Shodan is such a bummer. I like the idea of her dragging you into a recreation of System Shock 1 "memories", but otherwise it's just a let down. Shodan completely turns on you the second you leave The Many, which makes sense but it happens so fast that you basically set one foot back on the ship and she's already monologuing at you. Not to mention, the final bit is extremely short and ends with (another) brain dead boss.
    >Audio log placement sucks. Tons of them are put right where Shodan will chime in or you'll have 2 or even 3 in the same room, making you have to sit there and listen to them before moving, otherwise they'll get interrupted.
    >Turrets shooting you in the mouth every time you turn a corner

    Still a good game, but it unironically would benefit from a remake or something to fix up the latter half. It really felt like the devs gave up towards the end.

    • 11 months ago

      >Everything past Recreation
      When I play games but outside the sphere of people who talk about them I have to ask myself at times if I'm the only person who has an issue with parts of them. I was glad when I figured it out it wasn't just me thinking the last 10% of System Shock 2 dipped in quality heavily.

  169. 11 months ago

    Rain code
    Only about 3 hours in but I'm enjoying the atmosphere with the constant rain and neon lights. The characters also seem alright.

  170. 11 months ago

    Prodigal was a very cute Link's Awakening clone that has surpassed it in the ways I wanted. Being able to somewhat care about the narrative and the characters in the northern town was nice and it's been a very replayable game. Tess is best girl.

  171. 11 months ago

    Final Fantasy XVI. Pretty fun story driven character action game, though very casual. Actually I played Stay Out of the House for about an hour last night. It was okay. I kind of wish there was a whole game built around the creepy gas station section though. I need an Overnight Gas Station Attendant Simulator.

  172. 11 months ago

    Games is still aight with mods. Waiting for cs:2 though

  173. 11 months ago

    >Diablo 4

    Seems pretty good but I still prefer Path of Exile

  174. 11 months ago

    Assassin's Creed 1.
    I don't enjoy how the early game reemoves your ability to catch ledges as it really limits your parkour ability but it is really cool otherwise, I didn't remember the music being this good.
    Not without flaws, granted, you're still a beast in combat and it's a very basic system

  175. 11 months ago

    I'm playing a bit of Teamfight Tactics, it's a nice set, at least much better than anything after set 6.

  176. 11 months ago

    Diablo 4
    It's aite

  177. 11 months ago

    shaolin monks

    so much fun lol, i didn't know that some moves have i-frames and that i can abuse them to rape the bosses

  178. 11 months ago

    ghost trick I emulated the DS version because why the frick does a port of DS game need EIGHT GIGABYTES
    rather short but enjoyable puzzle game. not gonna lie, some of the puzzles later on took me a while missile's swap mechanic complicates the puzzles noticeably
    play ghost trick

  179. 11 months ago

    Dragons dogma
    It's cool I like fighting goblins ogres chimeras and other fantasy creatures and finding stronger weapons and armor and becoming stronger

  180. 11 months ago

    Medic is fun

  181. 11 months ago

    Very good game probably the best gunplay in any game i played so far but unfortunately none of my friend wants to play this but still pretty good

    • 11 months ago

      Ready or not*

    • 11 months ago

      what's game name?

      • 11 months ago


        Ready or not*

        • 11 months ago


  182. 11 months ago

    I hate my mother so I kinda don't want to answer but eh
    Tetris for PSP
    Not much to say, the different modes are all uninteresting so I just play the default one
    Audiovisuals are fine, the controls are alright

    • 11 months ago

      Sounds like you live a sad life, buddy.

      • 11 months ago

        Not really, my father's a good person. He always supported and encouraged me. When I was a kid, we would spend a lot of time watching films or playing games together

        • 11 months ago

          Good for you, I'm happy for you. It's just hating your mother and playing Tetris on default mode on the PSP sounds like one of the saddest things in existence.
          Hope you'll fix your relationship with your mum. Also you can jailbreak your PSP and play all the games you want on it, hope you'll come to do that too.

  183. 11 months ago

    Elden ring. The complete disconnect of the open world difficulty and boss difficulty makes you feel like you're playing two completely different unfinished games

  184. 11 months ago

    Poor mans Sekiro with Bloodborne aestethics

  185. 11 months ago

    Baldur's gate 3 beta. Hated it cause they removed the genitals.

    • 11 months ago

      How much content is in beta, is it worth playing over final release?

  186. 11 months ago

    Yakuza Kiwami 2. Dragon engine was a lot of fun but the game was piss easy.

  187. 11 months ago

    Ghost Trick. Great game, some really interesting puzzles later on, but frick that prison escape level

  188. 11 months ago

    Ffxvi, it's ok. But i don't understand why the game doesn't have a hard mode.

  189. 11 months ago

    Diablo 4

    its okay, but it should not be always online

  190. 11 months ago

    best l4d2 clone ive played, has its weaknesses but its strenghts overweight any negative aspects
    great game, i can see myself putting at least 400 houts into my current char

  191. 11 months ago

    Sega Marine Fishing.
    Take me back to pre-9/11 when things were colourful and the world had optimism.

  192. 11 months ago

    FFXVI, enjoying it so far. Wish there was a little more to the gear system but otherwise loving it

  193. 11 months ago

    Divinity Dragon Commander. I quite like the core concept of the game, with it stitching together RTS and dragon gameplay, plus the off-battle politics and development of relations with your advisors and generals, but the implementation seems sloppy so far. Writing is cringe, my political matters include topics like legalizing weed, denying or supporting gubmint healthcare, gay marriage, or deporting foreign criminals. One of my generals is a 3rd wave radical feminist who talks about how inferior men are to women and how she always put only women in positions of power while me were relegated to menial work, and how I'm a shauvinist pig because of the gender pay gap on my ship. It's a Larian game, but it's also kinda old, so I'm not sure who wrote this, and if this is all a parody or it was played with a straight face because it's written by the same 7 man cuck squad.
    The balance doesn't seem particularly great either so far. The dragon mode is a massive advantage over the enemy forces and lets me steamroll most missions. Some of the loading screens suggest that I'll be fighting against enemy dragons at some point, so maybe it'll get better.
    TL;DR: Great ideas, clumsy execution.
    Right now I'm in the arranged marriage phase and can't decide between the available wives.

  194. 11 months ago

    Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2

    I'm currently 18 hours in, the game is enjoyable, although I think the process of building a character is a little bit repetitive
    It's one of those games where you have to know what kind of build, and what specific skills you want to go for, or you will waste time getting everything that sounds cool

    Also the map sucks, moving around is annoying and feels slower than the first game.

  195. 11 months ago

    Content drought is hell

    • 11 months ago

      I'm so glad I didn't get into Dauntless. I'd be very upset over the wasted time if at some point I was told that I'm either downloading EGS or not playing the game anymore. Rugpulling vermin is what those devs are.

  196. 11 months ago

    Etrian Odyssey 5.
    I'm halfway into the 2nd stratum and Its pretty good. I just think the FOEs in this part could be more interesting, aside from the Tengus.

    • 11 months ago

      good taste, EO is a kino series. Enjoy your playthrough, anon

  197. 11 months ago

    Vampire Survivors
    Seems kino kind of repetitive but lots of secrets. I kinda like this idea of a smhorde survival shmup game it is cool.

  198. 11 months ago

    FF16, it has its flaws but I’m liking it so far

  199. 11 months ago

    xenoblade 3
    its alright, but i enjoyed the previous one more

  200. 11 months ago

    i'm playing FFXII, just got to the mines part (three or four hours in). I think I might have bricked my game though, because Penelo is my only mage so far (red mage) while Vaan is samurai, balthier is machinst, and fran is an archer... No one can use MP, and no one can heal other than potions... Also, it's weird, Vaan's license board has a LOT of "spell power up+" nodes, but no discernable way to use spell power??? Do I get a second class at some point, or am I just moronic?

    love the art and the music so far though

  201. 11 months ago
  202. 11 months ago

    replayan sw kotor on my new pc
    in my top 10 games, this is my dozenth playthru since release but unfortunately on modern systems it's either widescreen and constant crashing when manual saving, or sticking to 1280 res
    still a fricking awesome adventure that I know like the back of my hand at this point, doing a israelite run where I maximize my profits in every opportunity, about to make the real big buxx with the kolto crisis and speculating to have about 500 grand usd by the time I have the last starmap
    might write an indepth guide for this, super fun to ultra minmax teh cashola

  203. 11 months ago

    Hi-Fi Rush
    It's really fun, but I wish there was a visual indicator for parries as sometimes the sound cue is hard to pick out. Peppermint cute.

  204. 11 months ago

    > Phoenotipia Awekening

  205. 11 months ago

    >Ys 2 Chronicles
    Its really fun. The combat system is nothing special, but the magic is nice and the character writing is really good all around.
    Ys 2 is more linear than the first game, one area leads to the next (instead of them being spread out across a large field like in Ys 1), and adds the ability to warp to different cities, massively cutting back on backtracking.
    Overall, the greatest improvement is the world design and combat. Both games are a solid 7/10, but I'd say 2 is slightly better

  206. 11 months ago

    sf6 is a nice quality product but i'm bad at it
    miles morales is also a nice quality product but it got too many cutscenes

  207. 11 months ago

    BattleBit. It's fun but having no parachutes is lame.

  208. 11 months ago


    not necessarily
    for tatooine it's worth spending 200 usd on vaporators to get the storyteller quest from the musulmans cause his weapon is worth more and you'd miss out on that if you slaughter them outright
    the mandalorian quest in lower shadowlands require you to heal the wounded wookiee to trigger, and they have some loot you'd miss out on
    but it's not just making decisions in dialog but minmaxing skills to aquire all stuff like mines and save on other shit as well like computer spikes, and trying to balance some lightside points in there where they don't influence my profit cause I rely on heals and never use consumables like medpacs cause I'll sell em all later

  209. 11 months ago

    Tropico 6.
    Bretty gud.

  210. 11 months ago

    League of Legends
    Shit game, glad I stopped

  211. 11 months ago

    Midnight Fight Express
    Every level and challenge unlocks a new move set. You are constantly being given new ways to do Gun-fu/Kung fu. It's The Matrix game I never got. The best part though is the music. Gets your head bobbin.

  212. 11 months ago

    Mega Man 9. It’s had some difficulty spikes but overall I think it’s a pretty solid game. I’m on Wily’s boss fight now and while apart of me regrets not stocking up on e-tanks, I’m pretty confident about beating him. I switched buttons for auto fire because it was holding me back from beating Wily.

  213. 11 months ago

    Last game I played? Diablo 4
    D3 is still the best in the series, but that game got countless updates so D4 will definitely be much different few years from now.

    What I really hate about this game is the story approach. In D3 the story was somewhat interesting, even though you don't play ARPG for story. In D4 they tried with more serious tone, but...why? IDGAF what happens to other characters, especially since nobody joins for for good (in D3 you help them, and after that they offer you their services; there is no such NPC here, at least for now), and it's funny seeing my necromancer acting like he's a member of a fricking emotional support group for a NPC that gives you 1 quest.
    The map is big, I ''wiped'' the whole first area, did 22 out of 23 dungeons (I have no idea where's the last one), but didn't find all boost shrines, and I just starter Act II - and am already level 50. Now I can't switch to next difficulty because I need to finish the campaign first, and until then I can suck my own dick because EXP barely goes up at level 50 / Tier II
    Frick. But other than that, it's a good game if you're an autist. Like me. 8/10

  214. 11 months ago

    Azur Lane

    My opinion of it is that Taihou is the best waifu, Akagi gets honorable mentions.

  215. 11 months ago

    Eileen 2, after finishing the first game.
    It's pretty cute and sweet, but haven't finished it yet.

  216. 11 months ago

    Etrian Odyssey III, dropped it when I got to the 3rd stratum.

    • 11 months ago

      what made you quit? EO3 is based and a very cozy summer game.

      • 11 months ago

        Just found it tedious to play through. The game is pretty fricking difficult especially going in blind so I frequently encountered walls in the 1st and 2nd Stratum which ended up draining a lot of my interest. Also the game has zero spectacle, I'm not ADD enough to want flashing colours 24/7 but watching images shake on screen with stock special effects for nearly 30 hours just isn't entertaining. Team building is also a pain in the ass as well because you're not given precise information.

        >chance for normal attacks to hit twice

        Yeah WHAT'S THE FRICKING PERCENTAGE. Not to mention classes like Buccaneer are borderline useless until you unlocked subclassing.

        • 11 months ago

          >you're not given precise information
          very true, wish they would improve that for sure. Obvs you could always just open the wiki to get the percentages, but I see what you're saying

  217. 11 months ago

    Been playing this
    Game is pretty fun, but I just did a god awful forced stealth segment parodying le metal gear and it took the wind out of my sails for a bit
    I fricking hate forced stealth segments in games

  218. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      Joke's on you, I hovered over the image.

      • 11 months ago

        a hover = an activation = a click
        thanks for clickin that shit, homie

        • 11 months ago

          >a hover = an activation = a click
          >a hover = a click
          zimbabwean education everyone

  219. 11 months ago

    I just finished a game called Fracter. It was a good puzzle game with gorgeous visuals, but I was not a fan of the storytelling (short poem at the beginning and end of each level), and the devs seemed to have given up on some levels by throwing a massive room with some enemies and collection characters at the beginning.
    It was a 7.5/10 game.

  220. 11 months ago

    Frick off reddirfrog.

  221. 11 months ago

    'uv monkey
    'ate bloons
    simple as

  222. 11 months ago

    Imperishable Night, never played this type of game before EoSD and I like it, very fun, even if Stage 4A is harder to master than 4B it's not that hard though. I plan to play the other games later, the next shmup I'm going to try is ZeroRanger I think.

  223. 11 months ago


    yeah - you're outnumbered quite often, most enemies have ranged attacks and you can't really outrun those that haven't either

  224. 11 months ago

    >have to actually reply to this because my mother is getting surgery and I don't want her to die underneath the scalpel
    yume 2kki
    not as good as yume nikki but it's okay I guess

  225. 11 months ago

    P4 Golden
    Bought it on sale. I'm a massive P3 contrarian gay so liking this has been hurting my pride. I like the life simulator part too because I'm a fricking loser with no life and all my friends are across the country. It fills in the void in a way that real life can't because I'm ugly inside and out. Honestly that makes it hurt more. Thank you for reading my blog.

  226. 11 months ago

    System Shock Remake. Did one and a half playthroughs. Loved it. Fantastic game. Has some small faults and the enemy AI can bug out pretty easily but it's probably one of the most true-to-the-original remakes ever. My GOTY is either this or Hi-Fi Rush.

  227. 11 months ago

    Meet Your Maker is really fun. Building bases satisfies my autism and desire to create things, but more than that, watching people fricking panic in the replays makes me fricking cum

  228. 11 months ago

    Rain code - i beat it yesterday
    individual cases are fine but plot overall is meh
    cast is very middling, shinigami is hot but very one note
    mystery palace is downgrade to class trial in every way
    pretty disappointed to be honest

  229. 11 months ago

    Overwatch. Still fun to learn different heroes. Making plays with the new gays abilities is pretty neat.

  230. 11 months ago

    Guilty Gear Strive. I enjoy it, even though I'm really bad at it.

  231. 11 months ago

    i hate hammer editor so much, i dont even fricking play gmod anymore so much as launch it to test maps and look for inevitable frickups

  232. 11 months ago

    Call of Pripyat, Its fun.

  233. 11 months ago

    I'll rape your mother in her sleep

  234. 11 months ago

    Sucked dick at the bossfights but still had a lot of fun with it.

    Mad at myself for fricking up and not getting the Barry ending though.

  235. 11 months ago

    Setting up this shit made me lost 20 years of my life and i loved the 1 hour i played it

  236. 11 months ago

    TOTK on Steam Deck and the wind temple is easier then thought

  237. 11 months ago

    played it before, I think it holds up pretty well, although the demaster fricked up a lot of things like the cutscene audio because lol modern devs, definitely a great game though.

  238. 11 months ago

    Cruelty Squad
    It is weird. but fun

  239. 11 months ago

    I enjoy it but don't like how much of my free time it consumes

  240. 11 months ago

    Xenogears. It's okay so far with some kino moments. 15 hours in, about to steal goliath.

  241. 11 months ago

    I played Kingdom Come a few weeks ago before going hiking and travelling. I even picked up a Bohemian beer to celebrate returning. I've lost the interest to play any video-games, and I'm worried that if I jump into one I'll go back to how it was. I might try some Dragon Quest 11 though.

  242. 11 months ago


    >go back
    i can't
    real life isn't just about travelling, unless you're a hot blonde chick who some arab wants to get blown by

  243. 11 months ago

    Heavy Rain. Getting an odd sense of nostalgia from back when I originally played it in high school. Going for all the trophies so hopefully it shouldn't be too tedious.

  244. 11 months ago

    I genuinly like the gameplay, the aesthetics and its world is fun.
    My gripes come in the form of the myriad of systems and subsystems put in place to timegate progression and obscurify it.
    I think the game has its issues but it is fun to just plop in, leave the market open to make passive premium currency(everything that matters in the game can be acquired f2p) andjust hop on a few missions.
    Also Zamboni was right adn i hope DE and rebbeca fix the core issues instead of making more shitty systems...but alas.
    Ivara best robutt alongside Nezha

  245. 11 months ago

    I was a Teenage Exocolonist, bought it off the summer sale because I love raising sims. This one isn't my favorite, but it's a lot better than I was expecting and I'm about to go in for a 3rd playthrough.

    >Was expecting a feelgood story about how all these gay looking space kids build new life on another planet with the power of friendship. In actuality it's an extremely fricking bleak game full of horrible events while everyone is just trying to get by. Even most of the endings for the cast is downers.
    >Cool mechanic where repeat playthroughs allow give you options to prevent events that happened in a previous "life", can't spam it too much though or else you become a schizo
    >Most of the characters are interesting and well written, but Vace is an absolute c**t, Cal is boring and Nomi was extremely annoying; don't think I'll ever max out their relationships.
    >Characters feel like they have their own lives, as you grow up some change, some don't and some find their own relationships
    >Tons of possible endings which is nice for multiple playthroughs
    >Card battle thing is just okay, most of the time I was just autopiloting through it
    >Making the exploration events block your path until you hit a high Perception level is bullshit
    >The way you raise stats (outside of the exploration path) is pretty dull, I got into a routine of clicking on what I wanted to raise then quickly running around camp to check if anybody wanted to talk (usually not) or tossing them a gift before returning to click on the raise stat button.
    >I went for the tomboy gf in my first playthrough and got cucked. Was able to break her up with the character she was seeing, then got married, had kids, then she died during an alien attack.

    8/10, would recommend if you like raising sims and can stomach the tumblr artstyle.

    • 11 months ago

      Looks fun, but it has no battler, right?

    • 11 months ago

      >second spoiler
      jfc are there any happy endings?

      • 11 months ago

        My second playthrough was a lot happier of an ending, still not without its downers.

        >Played as a nerd grill
        >Had her be the most shameless flirt imaginable, went after everyone to see what would happen
        >Ended up with her in a three way relationship with the stuck up black girl and a dog man
        >MC eventually became a professor, she broke up with the girl (who entered and exited the relationship a couple more times) but stayed with the dog man
        >Dog proceeded to knock up the MC a bunch of times, along with other women but MC was cool with that since she fricked other guys too and was dog's main girl
        >Eventually dog and MC settled down together for more breeding, dog man died first of old age due to his DNA giving him a slightly shorter lifespan than humans
        >MC and black girl stayed friends with benefits for life
        >MCs other best friend, a scientist, became mentally unstable after the death of her twin and was only able to somewhat recover due to working with the MC, she died of a heart disease in her 60s.
        >MC's dad never got over the death of mom and worked himself into the grave
        I call this the YJK ending.

    • 11 months ago

      My second playthrough was a lot happier of an ending, still not without its downers.

      >Played as a nerd grill
      >Had her be the most shameless flirt imaginable, went after everyone to see what would happen
      >Ended up with her in a three way relationship with the stuck up black girl and a dog man
      >MC eventually became a professor, she broke up with the girl (who entered and exited the relationship a couple more times) but stayed with the dog man
      >Dog proceeded to knock up the MC a bunch of times, along with other women but MC was cool with that since she fricked other guys too and was dog's main girl
      >Eventually dog and MC settled down together for more breeding, dog man died first of old age due to his DNA giving him a slightly shorter lifespan than humans
      >MC and black girl stayed friends with benefits for life
      >MCs other best friend, a scientist, became mentally unstable after the death of her twin and was only able to somewhat recover due to working with the MC, she died of a heart disease in her 60s.
      >MC's dad never got over the death of mom and worked himself into the grave
      I call this the YJK ending.

      >Romancing your childhood tomboy gf gets you a bad end
      >Becoming a cum dumpster for a furry give you a good end

      This game sounds based

  246. 11 months ago

    Assassin's Creed Rogue
    Its a 4/10. Everything is an asset flip from 3, 4, and Unity. The story is nonsense and characters are written like a children's cartoon. Setting is meh, 3 different zones that feel small and clustered compared to 4's relatively open ocean. Cities have 'gang hideouts' which work like forts from 4, but instead of these being British or French, they literally fly an assassin flag right out in the open and wear an assassin specific uniform. Did you know you play as a TEMPLAR??? Nothing interesting is done with this concept. Do not listen to anyone who says this is a hidden gem, it is completely mediocre garbage.

  247. 11 months ago

    Rain Code. Kind of mediocre so far to be honest

  248. 11 months ago

    last game i played was the d4 open beta. i had fun but ended up not buying it

  249. 11 months ago

    The walking zombie 2. Enjoying it worries me greatly about my future.

  250. 11 months ago

    Devil Survivor. I've really enjoyed the story and characters, especially compared to Nocturne which I've also played recently where you're alone and get story details somewhat infrequently.
    I've never been very good at these tile-based strategy games but it's not that difficult. Towards the end though like in SMT it expects you to make yourself and your demons tailor made to face a boss, but unlike those games where it's fairly quick to do so, here you have to do free battles over and over to get skill cracks and enough macca for auctions. It's annoying. I wish you could just negotiate with demons. And like I said it isn't really an issue until Belial I'd say, before that all your guys could cover each other's bases.
    Anyway went Law because it actually seemed viable for once in this franchise.

  251. 11 months ago

    pic related, finished it with a mage
    much better than the original

  252. 11 months ago

    opus magnum. shits great

    • 11 months ago

      great game, play spacechem or tis1000 next

    • 11 months ago

      based, I got filtered by Spacechem and TIS-1000, which is oddly what

      great game, play spacechem or tis1000 next

      recommended. I need to just break out the pen and paper for Spacechem one of these days.

      • 11 months ago

        spacechem is pretty straightforward once you start looking at it from the right perspective.. A lot of it is "at what rate is this factory producing this molecule," "at what rate is it producing waste," and then "at what rate is the next factory consuming the molecule."

        The hardest part is avoiding blockages/shortages, and that's all managing the factory line. That's why it's so fun

        for TIS1000 it's similar, just programming instead. I feel like they should use the games in school to teach logic.

  253. 11 months ago

    Afterimage. Pretty nice game but I stopped playing it because of Omori brain rot (not replaying it, just absorbing the autism of the fandom)
    Melvor Idle. Nice time waster but I'm very scared of permakilling the dude I invested so much time grinding

  254. 11 months ago

    Creeper World 3
    neat assymetrical rts/tower defense. Story is crazy and builds across each game

    • 11 months ago

      what in God's name do you think assymetrical means

      • 11 months ago

        in this context it means that the ppwers and abilities of both sides of the conflict are not analogous. To wit, symmetrical RTS design is something like Warcraft where each side, while containing some differences, have units fulfilling the same role
        in the creeper world series your side has guns, explosives, etc while the enemy is an endless tide of gray goo scenario

  255. 11 months ago

    Spyro Trilogy.
    I thought it was just ok.
    The jumping mechanics in the game pissed me off since it felt like almost every jump was made to use the full height/distance of the jump + hover, which means that if your timing was slightly off, you weren't making it across. At least the 2nd and 3rd game added the small hover after the glide, which helps with that a bit.

  256. 11 months ago

    Pokémon Clover.
    Far better than any mainline title from Pokémon, in my opinion, I'm hooked. Monsters are better balanced, difficulty is on the sweetspot between baby level and unfair, and the humor is good for a Gankerner such as myself - it's meme based but somehow doesn't feel dated at all. The whole lore with the memes and clovermon existence is brilliant too.

  257. 11 months ago

    Gacha rate bad

    • 11 months ago

      I wish the anon who was making the viewer didn't suddenly die or something.

  258. 11 months ago

    Bioshock infinite for the first time. Absolute garbage. No maps, just 2 weapons, muh racism, the muh racism part was maybe forgotten after half of the game. No villains like Suchong in first one. Oh wait he was in the dlcs that retconned the original masterpiece. Ken Levine is a israelite who didn't write the first one, he might have had some input on some things but other than that it showed he's a fraud

  259. 11 months ago

    Age of wonders 4
    I don't like that races are just cosmetic, that all technologies are available to everybody, that necromancy fricking sucks, and that there's no lore text on each unit preview

  260. 11 months ago

    Factorio's Nullius overhaul.
    It's just tedium, but I kinda like that.

  261. 11 months ago

    Monster hunter generations ultimate. It's cool and all but the junky controls kinda ruins it

  262. 11 months ago

    Half Life, just completed it yet again. I've lost count of how many times I've replayed it since release.
    11/10, but Xen sucks ass and my recent playthrough has not changed my mind in the slightest on this. I actively go out of my way during the final boss fight to avoid the teleport attack because I know it'll just jam me in an annoying platforming section with slippery floors and weird gravity.
    Everything else about the game is top notch though, I will always love the unbroken first person narrative and sense of adventure and scale. Now I'm on to the usual ritual of replaying Opposing Force and Blue Shift right after.

    • 11 months ago

      I thought the low gravity and longjump were the best shit ever

      • 11 months ago

        They were cool concepts, but introduced far too late into the game. The tutorial outright says you're getting a longjump module, but you only get it before the final hour of the game, and you don't really get any practice with it either. It isn't even that handy in Xen outside of the starting point and maybe dodging Nihilanth's energy vomit. It's one of the few things the fan remake did better.
        Anyway, playing Opposing Force now and I love it. I always associate OpFor with comfy lazy summer afternoons, because I put off playing it until a decade ago and I've replayed it every summer since.

        Otis is the best character in the entire franchise, and the fact that you only get to escort him for a short corridor while you have to deal with Alyx Vance for two whole expansions later on is a crime.

  263. 11 months ago

    dave the diver
    shits addicting
    really awesome way of adding new mechanics

  264. 11 months ago

    The Carribean Sail.

  265. 11 months ago

    I'm playing a ROMhack of fire emblem called dark lord and the Maiden of light, and honestly, despite some questionable character traits the game is better than any GBA fire emblem IMO

  266. 11 months ago

    Halo infinite, it's a broken mess of a game with no redeeming qualities yet people on the forums claim it's the best game ever, really bizarre

    • 11 months ago

      buyer's remorse, except instead of money exchanged it's time and affection.

  267. 11 months ago

    Twilight Princess might not be the best game in the franchise, but it's at least 2nd best.

  268. 11 months ago

    Arx Fatalis
    Cool game but the melee combat is complete ass and the ranged combat is non existent. Good thing the magic system is fantastic.

  269. 11 months ago

    Yakuza 6
    Its way better than Ganker led me to believe
    I'm actually having fun in comparison to Y5

    • 11 months ago

      Ganker just hates the Dragon Engine

  270. 11 months ago

    Tsukihime because I got curious about visual novels, pretty early on so I just got to the point where the MC spontaneously murders some woman in a fit of bloodlust. Seems... interesting?

    • 11 months ago

      You're in for kino, however fyi there's a remake

  271. 11 months ago

    The last game I played on my phone was Idle Research, fun little idle game that turns from a normal idle game into a more RPG-lite in the second half.
    The last PC game was City of Gangsters, a neat Prohibition take on the turn-based 4x trend.

  272. 11 months ago

    seems cool but i refunded it.
    i bought it and remembered im shit at fps gmaes.
    >kd was .25 haha

  273. 11 months ago

    Crusader Kings 3. Fun game, I wish instead of levies you were given a portion of your vassals’ regiments instead and knights are a dumb gimmick, and diplomacy makes the game static as it’s too easy to get alliances and the AI never refuses calls to arms. Overall though I think it’s an improvement over CK2.

  274. 11 months ago

    Just finished outer wilds' dlc immediately after finishing the base game, pure kino, hopefully the studio's next game will be just as good because I can't find anything else that can scratch that itch

  275. 11 months ago

    gets new free content and patches literally every single day. you can even make and mod your own content

  276. 11 months ago

    Less than a third of the way through but underwhelmed so far. I wish the game could have just had like designed levels like the ground zeroes mission you can complete rather than a tedious open world. it's very 2015. all the base and development stuff is useless filler like peace walker, I never use any weapons other than the suppressed assault rifle and tranq gun, and i try to avoid using them as much as possible, same as PW. MGS 1-4 were much more fun, in PW and PP the fun is diffused much more, like bit of fun then 45 minutes of filler then more fun. Plus the horse travel? if i wanted to play red dead i'd play red dead

  277. 11 months ago

    Street Fighter 6
    Fun online play, but World Tour post-game grind is repetitive

  278. 11 months ago

    Extremely wholesome and gave very sentimental yet relaxing feelings, 10/10

  279. 11 months ago

    LA Noire was alright. Ambitious game that wasn't perfect but it was alright.

  280. 11 months ago

    Final Fantasy XVI
    I've enjoyed all the way up until it was revealed that Ultima wasn't a construct of the Fallen that eventually destroyed them, but just an actual god. I am having a lot of fun with the combat.

  281. 11 months ago

    Pokemon crystal. Its fun. I'm on the 8th gym.

  282. 11 months ago

    Project zomboid. Fun game but online is still a bit of a messy experience. I wish they’d add AI survivors already.

  283. 11 months ago

    Shaiya. It's shit but I can't stop playing because it was my first MMO

  284. 11 months ago

    Technically, Budget Cuts is the last thing I played. It's ridiculously fun and very exhilarating. I can't say I've played a stealth game that comes nearly as close to the excitement of it. And I have to say, the arcade mode is a nice addition because the gameplay is, as I said, very fun and enjoyable. Good times for sure.

  285. 11 months ago

    da:o, pretty great. not finish yet just have been playing around 20hrs.

  286. 11 months ago

    bioshock infinite
    absolute mess of a story with mediocre gameplay

  287. 11 months ago

    Diablo 4
    Playing a minion necro. The game's OK but the minion-related shit is quite disappointing compared to both D2 and yes indeed even D3. The number of minions you can have is the lowest it's ever been and all the aspects are boring shit that don't really do anything interesting, or are so underpowered that they feel nearly useless. The minions have pretty bad damage unless they're all focusing on 1 single target, the golem damage is extra shit and the skellies are pretty damn fragile too. Overall it's just underwhelming to the point where I feel like playing a hybrid build with another source of damage output is a lot more viable.

  288. 11 months ago

    I really like the game but the story/character interaction moments are really spaced out in my opinion. Good thing I'm enjoying the combat and exploring. The kingdom management is fricking ass and I'm playing it on effortless.

  289. 11 months ago

    Shin Megami Tensei V
    I'm loving it. I was apprehensive after seeing its somewhat poor reception, but it's almost everything I want out of an SMT game.
    I particularly appreciate the unique interactions certain demons in your party will have with specific enemy encounters.

    • 11 months ago

      >I was apprehensive after seeing its somewhat poor reception
      From who?

  290. 11 months ago

    >natural selection 2

    fun, deep, unique. I wish the devs were more into RTS because on that front the game needed variety.

    worse than NS1, but hey, it's still better than playing the algorithmbrain games

    • 11 months ago

      > I wish the devs were more into RTS because on that front the game needed variety.
      what would you have them add?

      the problem is, if there are no proficient rts players available your team will really suffer..

  291. 11 months ago

    Dragon ball the breakers cause my dumb little Hispanic brains loves consooming anything db except heros

  292. 11 months ago

    Nioh 2 with big titty mods and an enemy randomizer
    Most fun I've had with vidya in a long time

  293. 11 months ago

    Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak.

    It's okay.

  294. 11 months ago

    Left 4 Dead 2
    It's good. Eat shit, butthole.

  295. 11 months ago

    >Legends of Runeterra
    fun little card game and generously f2p
    dead as frick on vg though

  296. 11 months ago

    ravenswatch, mostly alone since its unstable as frick in coop. me and my friends finnish like 1/3 games together without disconnect, so we dont play it together until they fix it.
    content is barren but the base game is fun, the most fun i had with a game since vermintide 2 wich i played to death. i have big hopes for it, but cant recommend it for everyone, generally.

  297. 11 months ago

    Skyrim with only one UI mod
    A great game. Very comfy and relaxing

  298. 11 months ago

    gran turismo 3 (emulated)
    very impressive for a 2001 game, I like the initial challenge of trying to get by with a shitbox and slowly upgrading it
    AI seems challenging enough, car physics are a little too floaty and while I couldn't expect wienerpit cam I would have at least liked a hood (not bumper) cam

  299. 11 months ago

    CarX Drift Racing
    i'm really enjoying it. some of the maps definitely have that cheap unity feel but its great otherwise. lots of cars with good customization options. if you liked drifting in nfs underground/carbon then you will like this game.

  300. 11 months ago

    brotato. it's fun. idk if it's better than vampire survivors but it's close

  301. 11 months ago

    Esp galuda 2. Not playing it too seriously to 1CC or smth, I just like the OST and just how nice it looks still. Not big on the bullet hell/Cave shmups I prefer the old school ones.

  302. 11 months ago

    Rouge Legacy 2. I think this game is really fun. I finally beat the 4th boss.

  303. 11 months ago

    Saw this small game posted here some days ago and loved it. Plays like a dnd campaing with darn perfect 1 vs 1 turn based combat and pretty nice writing that fits the dnd tone. Reminds me a lot of Ghiblis Princess Mononoke as well. Best indie i have played til now. I really love the beast tribe designs to be honest. Sadly furrys ruined that stuff for a lot of people.

  304. 11 months ago

    pretty good, didn't really get the game from the start but eventually I loved it
    I hated act 2 because it changed so many things, maybe it was the robot deck that I've chosen. I've barely gotten used to the energy and 3 stones thing and the act was already over
    started doing act 3 now with the po3 robot

    a little sad I missed the hype and discourse but it's a nice game
    are replays worth it?

  305. 11 months ago

    Spider-Man Remastered, memories of the PS2 game come flooding

  306. 11 months ago

    had to stop at one point to jerk off because the suddenly decided to make the cute shinigami 50ft tall

  307. 11 months ago

    I'm liking it. Pretty neat game. I'm a card game autist, so take it with a grain of salt.

  308. 11 months ago

    Ghost Trick. Enjoying it. Appreciating Missile a lot more now. Also

  309. 11 months ago

    I finished persona 4 golden just now and adachi did nothing wrong, also marie is a b***h and kanji best girl

  310. 11 months ago

    It's fun when you're playing with frens. I miss lobbies where if you talk shit in one game, you can come back and do it again in the next.

    I just wanna play mystery games like Obra Dinn. It's fine so far.

  311. 11 months ago

    >Brigador Up-Armored Edition
    Played the first 4 missions just to give it a spin. It's bretty gud, likely will try to beat this game next alongside one another game. What extra things I should be aware of that game doesn't tell? What fun mech and equipment combo I should try to go for first?

    • 11 months ago

      that game gets super fricking hard but it's good fun

  312. 11 months ago

    Vampire Survivors.

    Love it to bits, but after ~500 hours it's getting a tad stale. Wasn't particularly fond of Foscari, but I liked Moonspell. homosexuals b***hing about Babi-Onna, because they couldn't figure out how she works, was just icing on the cake.

  313. 11 months ago

    Deep Rock Galactic

    It's still fun, but season 4 is pretty lackluster and underwhelming compared to previous updates. Jet boots are nifty but other than that, stingtails suck when they just fling you into the sky and the new spitters feel like they either pose 0 threat or are the most annoying thing on the map at any given moment with no in between because of how relentless they are once they start shooting.

    Kinda wish they stopped with big themed episodic releases but having bursts of big content to come back to is kinda nice I guess.

  314. 11 months ago

    I mean I could have ignored this thread since Mum's dead and cremated at age 61 but okay

    Open-source cope over the death of Cube World, it's going to be very slow going but it's fun running around to find things, dying, then running back to get kills/resources until you die again.
    That said, Cube World's dev has just started remaking it from the ground up, specifically to be literally Cube World Alpha 2.0

  315. 11 months ago

    I'm "playing" The House in Fata Morgana. At first I liked it, the art and OST are beautiful, but it just does not fricking end. It just keeps going and going with the gimmick of replaying the same events from another character's perspective and holy shit I do not fricking care. It should have ended after Morgana's story.

  316. 11 months ago

    Nice game, I wish there were optional dungeons but it's fun and I like the options it gives you to move vertically.

  317. 11 months ago

    >Megaman Battle Network 4
    It's just filler arc, the game. I'm enjoying it because it's BN and I like the gameplay but goddamn the story is awful so far.

  318. 11 months ago

    Dragon's Dogma.
    I hate it so much I have it on Ps3, Ps4 and now PC.

    • 11 months ago

      I'm thinking of giving this another try. I got it on PS3 and played it a bit but never for fully into it.

      • 11 months ago

        Play it on PC and install some mods to make it less tedious, like removing the weight capacity limit or sprinting without losing so much stamina.
        The beginning can be tedious, mid game becomes fun and in late you'll become an unstoppable force no matter the vocation you choose.
        Fun gaem.
        Also e-girl pawns are shit. PURE SHIT.

  319. 11 months ago

    Presentation is good, especially the character and class designs which are way better than certain other recent entries in the series. The story has had some stupid moments and I can already tell it's only going to get worse but Mae and Boey's bants, Gray, Tobin and Berkut's rivalry and seething have made it tolerable. Maps and gameplay are awful but also enjoyable in an odd way and really satisfying to finally beat.

    • 11 months ago

      >Maps and gameplay are awful but also enjoyable in an odd way and really satisfying to finally beat.
      Always nice to see someone agree with such a strange take that you have.

  320. 11 months ago

    Forza Horizon 5. I've already played a bunch of it but I'm playing the new updates and expansion while I wait for my copy of SF6 in the post. I like it

  321. 11 months ago

    some janky mmx flash game, it fricking sucked. the music is decent and the full tracks are now lost media

    • 11 months ago

      If you have it downloaded (I'm presuming you do since Flash), would there be a way to 'decompile' it? I don't know how .swfs are put together in terms of assets

  322. 11 months ago

    raging loop

    pretty good vn, ending was okay, it seems as though they should have spent more time hashing it out

  323. 11 months ago

    League of Legends.
    It's ok on its own. Fun with friends. Terribly unfair and with lots of questionable game design choices behind it, but it's ok.

  324. 11 months ago

    I played Bloon TD6 and I like it. The combo with the ice monkey and the fire boomerang monkey brings me joy.

  325. 11 months ago

    Street fighter 6
    Characters and general art direction are more towards the soulless unreal engine side this time
    Fights themselves seem solid thus far, but I only play Guile

  326. 11 months ago

    Rengoku: Tower of Purgatory on ppsspp.
    It's really cool but many weapons are blatantly stronger than others, and there's no justification for using melee weapons when the burst fire spread guns can instantly kill enemies at point blank. It also seems like I've almost reached the end of the game even though I only started playing it last night.

  327. 11 months ago

    Street Fighter 6 is very fun. The Drive system is cool and its refreshing to actually have a game that I want to play and all my friends like as well.

  328. 11 months ago

    For now its pretty good

  329. 11 months ago

    Black person

  330. 11 months ago

    Been playing FF XVI,
    I like it, that's all I have to say

  331. 11 months ago

    binding of isaac, I reset my current save again and it's pretty nice when the item pools aren't bloated with mostly shit

  332. 11 months ago

    FFXVI. 1/4th of the way through now and it just got pretty fricking kino. Gameplay continues to blow me away

  333. 11 months ago

    It’s okay. You run out of stamina obnoxiously quickly, I hate Zelda’s English VA, and every time I bother to explore a place or fight a miniboss the rewards are paltry.

  334. 11 months ago

    Doom 2016
    it's awesome

  335. 11 months ago

    Loving the art style and general gameplay mechanics. Also interested to see where the story goes and what near environments I'll be able to fish in. I like that the eldritch horror stuff isn't shoved in your nose but is just there. You catch disfigured fish and sell them like any other. Also you can honk your foghorn, which is always fun

  336. 11 months ago

    Ultrakill, definitely the best shooter ever made

  337. 11 months ago

    Mega Man 5, easy but has some bullshit moments such as Crystals that drop in Crystal Man's Stage and the Power Muscler enemies.

  338. 11 months ago

    Conan Exiles.
    It's alright, the latest Age of War update helps with making my stygian kingdom more of a reality now. It's fun if you got your own server set up with mods.

  339. 11 months ago

    Guardian tales. Story is good, but the newest director is sending the game to EOS

  340. 11 months ago

    >or else unfortunate events will occur to your mother in the following days
    Frick you, OP. My mom isn't feeling well right now.
    I played Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu for a while because I'm planning on hacking its graphics. It's a fun hybrid between a beat em' up and a platform game. I really like how expressive the main character is. It's a little too easy, but still a lot of fun.

  341. 11 months ago

    Diablo 4. I like it.

  342. 11 months ago

    Deep Rock Galactic
    Started playing last November, recently bumped up to haz 5 and started playing with randos too. Used to only play with friends or solo but I realized quickly that playing with randos is tons of fun. Been obsessed with it since s4 started, I wish the season had more to it but it's good for what it is but yeah haz 5 and randos have really made me appreciate the game on another level.

  343. 11 months ago

    nice rare double fren
    I have been playing minecraft 1.16.3
    and I'm in the process of building a wither skull farm
    I've played this game since it's been out *pretty much
    I love it!
    *but microsoft keeps cucking it, so I refuse to update
    those are my thoughts
    farm base framework in process of construction in other tab rn
    pic related it one layer being considered for the final design
    I am considering many different avenues of design
    and I think I found a method which will work better than any other farm for the area (double fortress crossroads) I have selected
    I am going to break ALL the bedrock above the farm too
    so the ceiling height will start on the top layer of my farm instead of the "roof" of the nether
    and that equates to greater rates
    I hope you don't curse yourself by throwing potent curses at others.
    protect yourself, fren 🙁

  344. 11 months ago

    Finished Outer Wilds and the DLC.
    Base game is perfect, DLC would've been too but the last part is extremely frustrating and ruined the experience (but the ending is still great). Still a great game to play for anyone who want a pure exploration game

  345. 11 months ago

    My first run of Pikmin, lots of dead pikmins, I'm sorry pikmins...

    I liked it but the Pikmins are really dumb, they usually drown if I have more than 40 in my squad

  346. 11 months ago

    I just played rocket league day before yesterday. I think for a free games it is pretty good, although it fricking kept crashing on me because of my PC's current condition.

  347. 11 months ago

    La-Mulana. I only just started really, went to the giants area, died after half an hour without finding a single save point there. I guess it's this kind of game.

  348. 11 months ago

    Diablo III. Hadnt play It since launch and hated It. Now i kinda like it instead.

  349. 11 months ago

    Yu-Gi-Oh Cross Duel

    There was so much potential in the game. I am sad to see it die in less than 3 months

  350. 11 months ago

    >rolling is so much fun!

  351. 11 months ago

    dark souls 3
    I played it before when it came out and I wanted to go through all the old souls games after an Elden Ring playthrough
    It's fine I guess, the bosses are all kind of braindead and things only get difficult if an enemy has a model you can get stuck on and they kidnap you into shitty situations, basically everything is weak to you simply walking around it or under its legs
    The pivoting in Dark Souls 2 is still dogshit though

  352. 11 months ago

    >final fantasy 16

    fun combat, super epic boss fights that take 30 minutes to beat (this is a positive), really good story. only thing that is really bad is the fluff that they sprinkle in to pad out the game time is so boring and predictable.

  353. 11 months ago

    Final Fantasy 16. Best JRPG in the last 20 years.

    • 11 months ago

      play more jrpgs.

  354. 11 months ago

    Play jap super mario rpg cause i thought it looked shit when i was in hs in 2004.
    Its much better than i expected. Its not hard but it a fun time kill. Still think geno is cringe as frick and gay. Don't care jf he can to much 9999 dmg.
    His character's "coolness" is insanely try hard or "forced soul"

  355. 11 months ago

    FF16, doing a replay for 100% completion. I like it a lot.
    It feels weird not having anything major to look forward to next. In the past years there’s always been something I’ve been waiting for looming. Now it feels like a break finally.

  356. 11 months ago

    TotK. I want to finish scouring the world but I'm so burned out.

    • 11 months ago

      >TotK. I want to finish scouring the world but I'm so burned out
      Yeah, i thought i was hyped for this but damn i just can't bring my self to finishes it. Its literally just bote expansion pak. Waste of$70 yeesh.

  357. 11 months ago

    Dave the diver
    It's fine. Has more soul poured into than most games in the market currently.

  358. 11 months ago

    Yoshy story
    it`s good but nothing special, is a well made game with a lot of variety in its level design but what i don`t like is the way you complete levels by eating 30 fruits. i could go for a rant explaining how to enjoy the game you need to do selfimposed challenges that at the end are more annoying to complete than playing the game normaly, but im lazy, so what i did was only eat melons+lucky fruits and only eating the last fruit after doing 1 lap on the level.
    all around solid and enjoyable.
    Also requesting some yoshi reaction pic, i dont have any so here a comfy mario

    • 11 months ago
  359. 11 months ago

    Return of the Obra Dinn. I got 30/60 confirmed solved fates so far. It's very good and hard to put down once you're onto a lead.

  360. 11 months ago

    Assassin's Creed Black Flag.
    I hate tailing missions. I like the ship gameplay.

    • 11 months ago

      kek yeah when I played it I basically finished all the ship stuff as soon as it opened up, and then had to do 10 stupid trailing missions through bushes at the end of the game

  361. 11 months ago

    Like the story, like the setpieces but Not much game there

  362. 11 months ago

    Enjoying it a fair bit but wish the combat was more challenging. So far the only boss I found difficult was Atlas, though that was in part because I was 10 levels below him. Regardless, it was the best fight I’ve had in this game so far and I’m hoping there are more tough marks like him to take down.

  363. 11 months ago

    Splatoon mechanics were a mistake. I just wana play Street Fighter.

  364. 11 months ago

    It was pretty neat, one of those games that dont seem to show any aging, but fffrick some of the figments.

  365. 11 months ago

    Radical red
    Beated E4 and playing postgame
    It's fun

  366. 11 months ago

    Well, I just launched Death Stranding, but haven't /played/ it yet. The last game I /played/ was Ghostrunner.

    I think it's fun asf

  367. 11 months ago

    dave the diver

    it's fun

  368. 11 months ago

    Destiny 2. Soul-consuming cluster of glowing progress bars, but I kind of need a Skinner box FPS right now and the handling is fun. It is also surprisingly pretty and performs well on my rather aged rig

  369. 11 months ago

    Hollow Knight

    Recently beat the mantis lords and I'm really liking it so far. Can't believe I waited so long to play it.

  370. 11 months ago

    Kingdom hearts ddd
    This is my 2nd or 3rd playthorugh and I'm aiming to 100% it. The flowmotion + combat is pretty fun, I don't like how you can get stunlocked by some of the longer attacks though. everything about the dream eaters is alright, I only really enjoy the combat part of them but unlocking abilities is nice too. The ost is great, I don't care much for the plot but the in-game glossaries are an interesting read some times. I enjoy every one of the worlds you explore throughout the game.
    Overall it's a pretty nice game especially for the 3ds.

  371. 11 months ago

    Path of exile, I played d2 for 25 years and have always heard of this game but never tried it.
    It's pretty great but I think the level design in act 2 and 3 is boring, when act 1 was pretty unique and interesting. Then I looked up future acts and saw that acts 5-10 are just rehashs of 1-5 in the same locations and I lost interest.

  372. 11 months ago

    It's fine I guess, just here so mommy is safe.

  373. 11 months ago

    third strike, still really green and currently learning how to cancel a into a dp. I can't really say anything other than it feels a little fun, but I haven't really played the full game yet to have an opinion.

  374. 11 months ago

    An all around interesting and unique experience that unfortunately plays like a cheaply made indie game with a person lacking better ideas for gameplay. However, the story took interesting paths and I appreciate it putting more thought into using Christianity than "mmm church bad m'kay?". The biggest praise I can give it is that it's simplicity with graphics and gameplay is bafflingly contrasted with the crazy amounts of talent and skill put into the rest of the game. The rotoscoped cutscenes were also a really nice part of the game.
    However, someone said FAITH was a horror game and maybe I'm just jaded but I wasn't particularly scared throughout the game, but there were some great moments of tension. Despite the pixelshit graphics and gameplay that would be considered primitive on the SNES, I'm eagerly looking forward to what Airdorf puts out next.
    Overall, I'd give it a good 7/10.

  375. 11 months ago

    just started lost judgement, snake style is insanely fun

  376. 11 months ago

    guild wars 2
    it's my guilty pleasure mmo that I play for an hour or two a day and it's surprisingly alive and still getting updates

  377. 11 months ago

    Genshin impact. I'm excited for fontaine. It's good

    • 11 months ago

      OP asked for a game.

  378. 11 months ago

    yggdra union
    shit gets my blood pumping after every battlefield. psp version is easier than the original, but it's still no slouch either (especially since it doesn't have t*rn r*wind featured in the other releases after it)

  379. 11 months ago

    Gran Turismo 5
    damn this shit is better than 4 (some things are better in 4)

  380. 11 months ago

    it's just as broken as i remember
    frick konami

  381. 11 months ago

    Divinity Original Sin 2

    enjoying it so far, i've managed to do almost every quest and solve almost every riddle in act 1 on my own, but had to google a few things
    call me a zoomer, but it's my first game of this kind, used to play Sacred 1 as a kid, but it's not quite the same, and it was long time ago, and DOS2 is a breath of fresh air, it's much different from the usual games i've been playing every day, and i have hard time to close the game, because i have so much fun with it, it makes me want to do one more quest, one more fight, discover one more location
    i bought it on steam sale like year or so ago, but had no time to play it, now that i finished most of my backlog i finally installed it, and it's so fricking good
    i have to admit im savescumming every 30 seconds

  382. 11 months ago

    grim dawn
    interesting game tho now that i'm at the end of the main story and on dlc i can tell that the fun is gated by finding legendary items which is not so great.
    so i downloaded a mod that raises level cap from 100 to 300 so my purifier build can actually get strong from skills too

  383. 11 months ago

    Sims 4 and it's dumb but addicting
    But technically the real last vidya I tried to play was on itch, sin(e)s but couldn't get it to run.

  384. 11 months ago

    Nikke. I love this little dummy because she slaughters everything in her path.

  385. 11 months ago

    Restarted my save on Pokémon scarlet. I want to like it but the series clearly isn’t for me anymore it’s for young kids and it makes me feel old.

  386. 11 months ago

    Fallout New Vegas. Not much to say besides it's my favorite game of all time for close to a decade. I'm trying to get the rest of the achievements for it by doing an NCR run, so I guess that's refreshing.

  387. 11 months ago

    just finished ghost trick remaster
    kino kino kino kino

    • 11 months ago

      WHAT? When did that come out?

      • 11 months ago

        June 30

        • 11 months ago

          Well I know what I'm doing today.

  388. 11 months ago

    Touhou 11 Subterranean Animism
    I don't like the fact that it takes place on a gloomy cave but the music and the difficulty are fun. The cat kicks my ass and i can't 1cc the damn game yet

    • 11 months ago
  389. 11 months ago

    Pokémon Moon. It's fricking great,

    I don't mind the cutscenes that much and the "new" (for me) pokémon are amazing (albeit slow). Totem Pokémons were a great adition to the series.


  390. 11 months ago

    Torna the golden country.
    I feel so fricking bad for JIn and Lora.

  391. 11 months ago

    shatterline its a f2p PvE thing its just my first time playing it, it was ok, the graphics are nice and the story/world seemed sorta interesting but the gameplay was very bland. like destiny 2 which is already bland as frick, except jankier and laggier.

  392. 11 months ago

    Reminder that all video game and anime girls want to be with East Asian Men only.

  393. 11 months ago

    Limbus Company
    It's alright I just wish it was harder. Gimmicks are useless and frustrating to play with and brainless auto battle unga works better in every situation. It's a bit disheartening

  394. 11 months ago

    Virtue's Last Reward. I tried it a while ago and dropped it. But I thought i'd give it another shot since there are so few games in this genre. The mascot character is so fricking annoying I want to murder whoever came up with it.

  395. 11 months ago

    i've been playing runescape f2p for a couple days now and it's pleasant
    though to make a good comment about mmos i think you need to sink lots of hours into it to note how it impacts your daily life; and to be honest i'm not sure if i will be able to avoid getting bored soon.

  396. 11 months ago

    Wrath of the righteous. Decided to bite the bullet and give it a real try. Build autism is major bummer for me, but there are plenty of guides to help there. Love everything else though.
    Really looking forward to rogue trader, since from what little i played they toned down the autism, but kept everything else in

  397. 11 months ago

    Mega Man 9. Goddamn am I bad at this game, how the frick are you supposed to stop Plug Man's moving electric balls?
    We Love Katarmari Reroll: 1 MIRRION ROSES. Wow. It's just as fun as it seems.
    Mario Kart Tour. Been playing the new Tour on and off, excited to see a DK alt finally but the new track isn't great and Moonview Highway is better when you can actually race on it in an mainline MK game
    Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links. Unlocked Solomon Muto, disappointed that he has NOTHING related to Exodia support in his level up rewards (the pieces are STILL LOCKED to skills), hoping the next character will be more interesting. Box is neat (Armed Dragon Thunders/Monarchs), but it's gacha bullshit so it's a lot less easy to play a deck you want
    Excited to play Mario Wonder, MK8D Wave 5, RPG, Batman Arkham Collection (curious as hell about how Knight will run), Penny's Big Breakaway and Sonic Superstars, they all look fun

  398. 11 months ago

    I've been enjoying Duviri Paradox ever since I stopped playing before it came out. Thought it was going to be total dogshit but it's an enjoyable grind with the Decree buffs coming in and the Circuit giving the Incarnon attachments and Warframe blueprint from a pretty short tier track was a better idea instead of making them completely random. Wish some of the rounds were shorter though because frick dealing with the random 5 minute survival bits.

  399. 11 months ago

    >Xenoblade 3
    I need to not have months gaps when I'm playing it, I prefer the gameplay in 2 but it's fun so far
    >Cruelty Squad
    I feel like I'm missing something, am I supposed to go guns blazing in the first level?

  400. 11 months ago

    Master Detective Archive. It's ok but not as good as Dangan. Not Junko is nice too.

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