You are in charge of a new approach to World of Warcraft Classic.

You are in charge of a new approach to World of Warcraft Classic. Insteading of continuing to The Burning Crusade, you are tasked with creating new, unique expansions to continue releasing, with the base game being World of Warcraft Classic. What do you do to keep WoW Classic popular? Would you still release expansions that just up the level cap with new raids/dungeons, or would you take a different approach?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Center all your discussion on this one point.

  2. 2 years ago

    >you are tasked with creating new, unique expansions to continue releasing
    so then it's not classic anymore you frickin moron

    • 2 years ago

      no shit idiot, the other approach is to release the expansions as they were (TBC->WoTLK) like they're doing

  3. 2 years ago

    I think it doesn't necessarily need to involve constant levelling. Maybe a level cap of 100? but keep the numbers really low, not going into the fricking millions like they did down the line. Keep hp, dmg, etc reasonable. Nothing should be going higher than 9999 in my opinion unless it's a raid and even then should be reasonable numbers.

    Make professions worth something, like in UO so you can only focus on one thing and be known for it. Make weapons and shit for the server by being a master blacksmith. Trading post shit like the thing they made in OSRS before the grand exchange so you still need to meet the person, communicate, etc.

    Add to the empty parts of the world - stop adding new fricking continents.

    NO NERFS - buff the classes so everyone can feel good. Warrior is OP in classic? well make the other classes feel good too. there's no need to nerf shit. And if it really backfires and it's way too polarising then yeah tweak it SLIGHTLY.

    This is just to start.

    • 2 years ago

      Warrior was only op because of cancelling heroic strike a fricking bug

      • 2 years ago

        I had no idea. zamn.
        yeah I have been playing a lot of UO and MUDs and realise the potential of this game. It could be one of the greatest if they knew what the frick they were doing, but sadly they don't have anyone who has pasion working on their staff and they are too busy turning everything to shit.

        Another point:
        -They need to LISTEN and COMMUNICATE to the community on a regular basis. Look at OSRS, they had the polling system and the only time it went to shit (like what's happening now) is when they stopped caring about what the community think and make changes without the consent of the community.

    • 2 years ago

      >Trading post shit like the thing they made in OSRS before the grand exchange so you still need to meet the person, communicate, etc.
      This would take too much time. Characters should be able to explore while things are being sold.

  4. 2 years ago

    I'd simply stop listening to the casual normalhomosexuals who keep complaining because they feel entitled to see everything the game has to offer just because they're paying a monthly sub, because in the end they've been the downfall of the game.

  5. 2 years ago

    I'd simply add more cool content, new raids, more classes, more races, higher level caps, new jobs, et cetera. I liked the concept of Raids that don't require the full 40 player setup, I also think there should be more meaningful singleplayer/casual endgame content.
    Basically I'd try to stick what has been working, and add some more variety to accomodate different approaches to the game without completely bending over for the casual crowd like Blizzard has been doing with Wotlk and onward.

  6. 2 years ago

    Buff the shitty specs/classes like paladins and druids
    Add draenei/blood elves
    Add Death Knight

  7. 2 years ago

    Re-imagine the world to be fun and happy.

  8. 2 years ago

    zombie dragons

  9. 2 years ago

    Start by reversing all of the shitty changes Blizzard made like bowls of fruit and The Nicker

  10. 2 years ago

    literally just this but actually release class changes instead of using them as bait

  11. 2 years ago

    >remove layering/sharding
    >2 servers for each continent (pvp and roleplaying)
    >increase respawn rate based on the number of players around respawn points in the world for everything that isn't a world boss
    >new dungeons/raids/battlegrounds/open world stuff but never increasing the level , new gear/shit justs works different
    now frick off worthless dev

  12. 2 years ago

    I'd create a 10 hour campaign that people can do in its entirety as soon as it's released. Rope in the normies, and the aspies can post about loving trans people on the WoW forums while they raid to get a slight buff on their gear score (like upvotes on Ribbit.)

  13. 2 years ago

    Wouldn't add any instances or new areas. That's for damn sure.
    I would focus entirely on making the game's existing world and lore better, more wholesome and substantial.

    I would add more unique world bosses with unique but rare drops with cool looking equipment with cool looking effects.
    I would spread these unique world bosses across the amazing world that already exists in classic, but would randomize the locations they respawn at so people can't soullessly farm them by standing in the "spawn point" with their army of douche bags.
    I would create fun and immersive activities for when players aren't interested in battling.
    I would add PvP tournaments with rare items as the reward for the top winner and have the arena built with seating other players can come watch and cheer at.
    I would create more immersive sound effects.
    I would add many elements that encourage roleplaying.
    I would add unique respawning animations for every enemy so they don't just appear out of thin air when they respawn.
    I would add more unique animations and voice clips for every race.
    I would force limitations on scripts and addons so that people have a more unified and immersive experience instead of allowing the game to play itself.

    • 2 years ago

      something i liked about swg was the open dungeons
      too bad it was a pain when somebody showed up and stole your loot

  14. 2 years ago

    it's time to launch WoW 2 already, god damn move on

    • 2 years ago

      Do you HONESTLY believe that nuBlizz could WoW 2 good?

      • 2 years ago

        i'm in charge.
        nublizz has been wrong from the jump. WoW should have launched with no subscription fee, singleplayer and LAN modes, and ended at WotLK before they moved onto their other ips.
        -a starcraft mmo
        -a diablo rts
        -a warcraft arpg hack 'n slash
        and the starcraft mmo should have had FPS offerings

  15. 2 years ago

    Use Microsoft dolla to remake the game to the original mad brief that couldn't be done at the time due to technological and budget constraints.
    >but Goldshire doesn't need to be as big as Stormwind, the map would be too big
    Don't care.

  16. 2 years ago

    You give up and have a nice day because you realize you're working at Blizzard.

  17. 2 years ago

    Shill thread.
    Play FFXIV.

    • 2 years ago

      i wish but i got some expansion years ago and i'm not allowed to play even the f2p aspect
      so i just jump when its a free weekend and do some potd and some dungeons

  18. 2 years ago

    racial classes
    warden for nelves, homosexual for humans dwarves and gnomes.
    spirit walker for tauren
    necromancer for UD
    blademaster or some shit for orcs
    DH for nelves and belves I guess
    shadow hunter for trolls

  19. 2 years ago

    it is a bit of an impossible task since most people are very tired of the dungeons/raids gameplay format that WoW hinges itself upon. even if you could figure out how to make that good and fresh again, there is no guarantee people are going to want to play it.

  20. 2 years ago

    >no world buffs
    >parsing disabled (you can keep dps meters)
    >boosting bannable offense
    >gdkp bannable offense
    >gold buying bannable offense THE FIRST FRICKING TIME
    >chinks, hue's and any other 3rd worlders are banned from NA servers
    >zoomer cleave gives diminishing returns

  21. 2 years ago

    >all stats normalized for pvp
    >gear has almost no effect on pvp combat, only character level
    >only arena gear gives any real advantage in pvp
    >only one set of arena gear available that must be purchased with honor
    >doing bg's for a few weeks can get anyone a full set
    you might think this is some daft shit right now but here's the good part
    >respeccing is free and can be done at most vendors
    >every class has a new special pvp-only talent tree in addition to their normal talents
    >pvp talent points are earned each season by doing various pvp stuff

    Other than that just release wotlk but instead of having trial of the crusader as the final big raid just make something new.

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