You change into a fully armored and armed custodian, after you finish reading this post.

You change into a fully armored and armed custodian, after you finish reading this post. Where does it happen and what will you do with your new gifts?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    destroy reddit
    reddit hq

  2. 9 months ago

    >At work
    >Use my newfound superintellect, photographic memory and ridiculous discipline to make some money in online business and start cramming studies in advanced science and technology
    >Become an inellectual tech-entrepreneur except with the actual mental ability to maintain moral fibre in the face of power
    >Go from there with the objective to improve Humanity

    You could honestly miss me with all the body augmentations, they're practically useless. The mental augmentations are the good shit.

    • 9 months ago

      It happens at home in front of my PC and I finally destroy my elderly chair by flattening it with cheer bulk.

      Obviously I first I get laid a lot and compensate for years of being social outcast, also using my charms and awareness to start up useful social networking.
      After I get the basics, I open up businesses and educate myself in governmental, social and economical sciences.
      Using all that, I take over my home country and start improving unhinged society and try to steer Humanity into actual progress.

      Since my state is now better in every way possible, I get useful brains, investments and leaders from all over the planet and use the advantage to bully the subhuman states into submission and eventually assimilate most of the places worth saving and compatible with mine.

      After ensuring I have trusted and capable people instead of vermin, lobbists and conspirators, I withdraw from command and basically get to this

      Occasionally stepping back if something goes to shit.
      Repeat until humans evolve to self-govern without breaking into corruption spirals.

      If it reliably keeps up for sufficient amount of time, I get my Grand Cruiser and frick off into space exploration.

    • 8 months ago

      This, but the body augmentations are worth keeping along with the mental augmentations just for self defense alone. History has shown that a lot of people would be willing to kill anyone that could even be capable of changing the status quo, and a Custodian in modern society is the kind of person that could make that kind of change.

  3. 9 months ago

    I get revenge.
    Trying to live as charitably and honestly as possible has done nothing for me at best, and screwed me over at worst. So I'll do what's rewarded in this fricked society and abuse my power, taking what I want and stepping on the weak.
    Frick this world.

  4. 9 months ago

    >On the toilet, taking a huge dump.

    Using my newfound super brain to make a better plan than I could come up with right now, because I am currently busy remembering whether or not Custodes had super-bowel-movements or at least pain resistance to chili when it burns the second time.

  5. 9 months ago

    political assassinations, alot of politicians between me and castro's son are going to find themselves without a head of state and everyone at gw is going to start panicking. so after the political assassinations I'm going to find some gw writers, thank them cryptically in person, look ADB in the eyes and say even you, then disappear for a while. I'll return, say the eldar where saved and deal with the mass panic of the world as they come to terms with the fact that 40k was visions of the future.

  6. 9 months ago

    I kill the Emperor then I kill you
    >but but but
    Shut up nerd, I kill the Emperor then I kill you

    • 9 months ago

      >I kill the Emperor then I kill you
      >but but but
      >Shut up nerd, I kill the Emperor then I kill you

      • 9 months ago

        Nerdpost, disregarded.

  7. 9 months ago

    It happens in Cottondale Alabama, and I'll march all the to the west coast to untan every white woman in California

  8. 9 months ago

    At home
    I wait until the vtuber I'm watching finishes her stream of the funny fruit tetris to go commit atrocities against any marginalized minority I can find.

  9. 8 months ago

    In my bed, causing it to explode into shrapnel and probably killing both of my schnauzers in the process. Once I buried them, I would probably try to lay low until I got a grasp of my newfound competence.

    • 8 months ago

      Cute. What size?

      • 8 months ago

        They're both miniature. One 14lb female, one 10lb male. The latter's scrawny but I love him all the same.

  10. 8 months ago

    I would use my new found giga smarts to write some top tier smut fics, while also starting a massive political campaign that I could probably win just from looks alone

  11. 8 months ago

    I would become the Emperor, but do it right this time. If he was real(this is clearly some warp frickery) he would be able to find me.

  12. 8 months ago

    Well my chair is most definitely fricked and my floor's probably cracked from the sudden addition of half a ton of metal. Afterwards I'd be off to start my own country, hopefully through minimally violent means.

    • 8 months ago

      There are no free lands to start one though, unless you're talking literal Sealand meme country.

      • 8 months ago

        If eminent domain works for the normal government it'd work for me, they can't stop me if I keep convincing everyone they send to join my side (or turn them into salami).

        • 8 months ago

          Then you might as well take over your state anyway.

          • 8 months ago

            Well that is what I meant, it's not like that they expressly need that land, I'm sure I can convince them to hand it over.

    • 8 months ago

      why not just take over another country

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